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5858651 No.5858651 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to be a 40 connoisseur or am I simply a victim?

>> No.5858658

when you're in highschool

>> No.5858659

depends .... whats your drink of choice
(when price isn't a factor)

>> No.5858696

Bottom shelf, plastic-bottle, third of a handle every night, vodka connoisseur reporting in.

No. There is no such thing as a 40 connoisseur.

>> No.5858740

steel reserve

>> No.5858743

What's your favorite 40 ?

>> No.5858745

In the sense that you can be a coniseur of trashy B movies.
You know that malt liquor is literally the sausage of beer?

>> No.5858748

Yeah but sausage is good. No homo

>> No.5858750


I get 40s of Mickey's a lot.
I'm so fancy.

>> No.5858751

That pain in those eyes...damn

I can identify with that. I like Mickeys or get Steel Reserve when life really sucks.

>> No.5858758

OE in the new plastic bottle. It's shatter proof!

>> No.5858764

Plastic bottles a shit.
>tfw you will have a glass 8ball again
> tfw you disappointed eazy e sempai

>> No.5858767

>simply a victim

>> No.5858772

Eazy-E caught aids in a car crash tho

>> No.5858773


you're doing just fine

>> No.5858817

so long as you can see the fine points of each 40 and could tell me the subtle differences between some

>> No.5858820
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>> No.5858824


>> No.5858933

olde english 800 for life

>> No.5859219

thats my go-to cheap beer as well.

>> No.5859354

>am I simply a victim?

That's your own fault, own up to it.

>> No.5859490

There are different levels of 40s but I wish I had been drinking diet sodas and vodkas in college instead

>> No.5859538


>> No.5859550


obviously because now shes fat and her woman parts have been used like a pin cushion by nignogs leaving her in a state of depression with constant vaginal and anal dilation

>> No.5859551

Olde English >= Colt 45 > piss > Steel Reserve

>> No.5859562

Steel Reserve is the choice alcoholic beverage of a true sir

It seriously is a solid beer

>> No.5859594

40s are completely unnecessary calories. I gained like 25 pounds after turning 21. Luckily I've been able to lose most that since going overseas but I could be in much better shape if i wasnt drinking 2 40s every few days in college

>> No.5859601

I don't know what it is about Olde English specifically, but it makes me want to fight a motherfucker or two every time.

It's a super-fool potion.

>> No.5859603

Because, per chance, you're a dumb nigger?

>> No.5859607

Sir, I am in no way shape or form involved in any niggerdom.

>> No.5859613

aside from the drinking 40s and wanting to fight people

>> No.5859646

I fucking knew it.
you're in the clear, its a good choice.

>> No.5859651


Do you also find yourself craving big boned "wite wemmen" with low self-esteem?

>> No.5859656

Shit maybe I should go look in a mirror.

>> No.5859658


>2 forties every few days


>> No.5859682

>Being happy that it takes you more money to get drunk and that you're getting fatter at a faster rate

>> No.5859999
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> 40 conoisseur

>> No.5860015
File: 44 KB, 200x486, Faxe_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impossible to get Malt Liquor in Europe, but I'm actually drinking picrelated right now, I wonder if it's similar.

>> No.5860025

Only people who genuinely dislike these are snobs and children

>> No.5860096
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Is it possible to be a white cider connoisseur or am i fucked?

>> No.5860172

I dont understand why you would drink something so fucking disgusting willingly. If you just want to get shitfaced quickly and cheaply get some cheap vodka or rum. I really don't get it. If I have to drink a lot of it to get drunk it's going to be something i at least like the taste of a bit.

>> No.5860174

God damn that shit tastes like a wet dog

>> No.5860190

I know, but it does the job.

>> No.5860195

he was a faggot

>> No.5860214

Sometimes it's fun to wallow in the degenerate pleasure of enjoying something you know is terrible. Plenty of folks who know good food still enjoy McDonald's or Taco Bell every now and then, the same way plenty of people who drink good beer may also enjoy cheap swill once in a while.

And if your budget doesn't allow for a taste of good stuff very often you can indeed develop a taste for shit. How do you think chain restaurants stay in business? No different with cheap beer.

>> No.5860217

Europoor here, what's the deal with malt liquor? Is it like beer or is it just watered-down whiskey?

>> No.5860228
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This link is pretty interesting:

>> No.5860237

>what's the deal with malt liquor?
Cheap beer made extra strong either by using more malt or (more likely) adding corn sugar to the wort. Sold to poor people for a cheap buzz. Similar brews exist in Eastern Europe.

>> No.5860247


Ah, alright. I never saw stuff like that where I live.

>> No.5860276

Really? Literally? It literally is the "sausage"?

No it's not. There's no sausage to be had here. That's figuratively. Why don't you literally shoot yourself.

>> No.5860308

Take Budweiser, add more corn, more rice, more malt (maybe?). You get a result that's more alcoholic and a bit sweeter.

It's basically an Imperial Budweiser. If you want to be fancy you can call your 40 of OE "Imperial American Light Lager".

>> No.5861152

a buddy of mine from norway fucking loves olde english because he says it reminds him of his favorite beer back home. i have no idea what the fuck he could be talking about 530

>> No.5861163
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mickeys master race

>> No.5861198

so does drug store-brand gin, only that does it faster

>> No.5861216


Rectified spirits does it even better, if it's legal where you live. If we're going for cost-efficiency that's surely the best option.

>> No.5861235


Mah nigga.

>> No.5861240
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>> No.5861292

You're far from an alcoholic, bitch.

>> No.5861509

...I know what I'm doing this weekend.

>> No.5861510


>> No.5861538

Getting shitfaced with grandma

>> No.5861569

Letting out my inner Mudbone.

>> No.5861583
File: 271 KB, 649x700, KING_COBRA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no mention of our Lord and Saviour

For shame, /ck/.

Also, OE faggot can fuck himself with a rake. Shit's vile, on par with Colt.

>> No.5862738

>tastes like shit
>expensive: conoisseur
>cheap: victim

>> No.5864917

we don't have malt liquor in europe because apparently malt liquor is only a name given to strong beer in the US because there are some laws and regulations specifically targetting beer above a certain alcoholic content, so to avoid that, the manufacturers just call it malt liquor
in europe they don't need to do this so it's just called strong beer here
and we have a fuckton of strong beers that are just as shitty as real 40oz including faxe and some stuff sold in plastic bottles

>> No.5864939


You know you can make any 40z awesome by pouring a bunch of vanilla extract in it?

>> No.5864947

relevant song for this thread from some musical alcoholics (sorry, only acoustic version.. fuck youtube)
>Alkaline Trio - Olde English 800

>> No.5864949

I just got two of these today for $3.
very easy to drink, and slightly stronger than my other stuff which costs $4.

Will be my main for a while, I've never seen them before I moved here.

>> No.5864963

well it is made from the by-products of brewing and reassemble it into something good

>> No.5864966
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That's apparently partly true, some US states have or had laws regarding the labeling of beer. But 'American Malt Liquor' is also a style of beer that is labeled as such for marketing purposes rather than being required to.

Actually, state law in Texas apparently used to require that Malt Liquors be labeled as ales instead (even though they're lagers).

>> No.5865010
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I might try that with some european strong beer
last i had was "baltischer büffel", sold in some russian stores here in germany

>> No.5865047

colt 45 master race reporting in

you are not a connoisseur

>> No.5865051

What the fuck man.

>> No.5865138

OE is the GOAT 40, end of discussion

>> No.5865170

oh god, this is like trailer park boys but real

>> No.5868209


2 40s of Hurricane fuck me right up.

>> No.5868253
File: 33 KB, 620x349, 2232153-e1368551588627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats your drink of choice

well what have you got? I don't go broke, but I booze up alot.....

>> No.5868334

People with shit ideas don't get to rule the world. Look at Pol Pot and Hitler. Take your shit opinion elsewhere.

>> No.5868591

sure he did, just like I got crabs from the toilet seat

>> No.5870803
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I like your reference, anon.

>> No.5870867

No, he caught AIDS from F. Mercury.

>> No.5871089

>mfw people who buy 40s typically do so to be cool instead of the value of the drink

>mfw someone buys a $3.50 40 of Mickey's in front of me in line while I'm behind them buying a 6 pack of natty ice for cheaper

>> No.5871099

I can get a 40 oz Mickeys for $2.25 and natty ice is like water.

>> No.5871107

natty ice also has a higher alcohol content.

>> No.5871129

steel reserve bitch

>> No.5871142

I love yuengling

cheap and good

don't need 40s unless I'm feeling to lazy to open more bottles and cans

>> No.5871975

im surprised so many anons like steel reserve. was boozing that up in my early 20's and everyone looked at me like i was a junkie wino creep. in socal everyone is either an IPA elitist or muh wine.

>> No.5874111

Colt 45 is the best

>prove me wrong
>you can't

>> No.5874143

In the town that I go to college in 24/25oz cans of cheap beer are $0.99 so I'll pick up 3 at a time. I get a lot of Olde E, Hurricane and Natural Ice. It's ridiculous because when I go home tall cans are over $1.75.

I haven't been drinking 40s a lot but Olde E is my favorite. I prefer Hurricane over Steele Reserve.