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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5841121 No.5841121[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so do cows /ck/.

so. do. cows.

give a cow a chance :(

>> No.5841130

I always give cows a chance.

A chance to be delicious.

>> No.5841211

This is what happens when you tolerate vegan threads people.
Take a good long look.
Just a few seemingly innocent threads slip by and then you get this garbage shitpoasting.
This is what you deserve for not shouting down any and all vegan activity on this board.

>> No.5841214

Great job bumping it

>> No.5841215

Anything that can give you unconditional love shouldn't be killed.

Thankfully poultry and meat doesn't fall into that category.

>> No.5841237

Great job bumping it

>> No.5841243


>> No.5841250

How did you do that?
I though we could no longer sage.

>> No.5841259

why shouldnt they be killed?

>> No.5841266

you put it in the option field, its just no longer visible. and you cant sage and roll dice at the same time or sum such which is failtastic.

>> No.5842059

Thanks for the tip!

>> No.5842062


>> No.5842068
File: 129 KB, 950x651, Mad_Cow-u-s-authorities-reported-countrys-first-case-mad-cow-disease-six-years-tuesday-swiftly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mad cow love you long time

>> No.5842074

Cows exist to be milked and eaten.
Dogs exist to be our pets.
Big difference.

>> No.5842079

Everything exists to exist. Any other purpose we ascribe to them is arbitrary and inherently biased to a human-centric worldview. The universe exists without meaning, and humans are the only thing that give it one.

>> No.5842087

By this, I mean that morality and logic are in opposition to each other. A logical person would have no morality, as it is based entirely on emotion. Therefore, trying to use logic to prove moral claims is pointless. Morality is internal and specific, and when it becomes external, it is no longer morality, it's law.

>> No.5842088

Yes buy we did create cows and dogs thought selective breeding.

>> No.5842094

We didn't create anything. We merely guided their evolution. The animals themselves created more animals, vis-a-vis sucking/fucking

>> No.5842099

We bent them to our needs.
That is enough for me.
They would not exist but for our intervention.

>> No.5842105

You think pretty highly of humans. Why?

>> No.5842118

Amazing, you just used all those words to say absolutely fucking nothing. Your posts are meaningless gibberish. Go and live in the fucking woods, maybe you'll find a retarded donkey who'll fuck you in the ass so you can enjoy a 'donkey-centric worldview. Faggot.

>> No.5842125

Humans are awesome mate.
If you dislike them, kill yourself and there will be one less.

>> No.5842144

Why so angry?
>humans are awesome
[citation needed]

>> No.5842151

My point is that if you're okay with killing one animal, then, logically speaking, you should be okay with killing any animal, including humans. Which is why logic and morality are mutually exclusive.

>> No.5842174

>using human-made technology to discuss things in a human-made forum
How are humans not awesome?
I mean... I'm a dog (in the internet, nobody knows you're a dog) and I think humans are pretty great. They brush my coat and give me food and rub my belly. I am still trying to figure out how they make my poo disappear. Fucking magic, man.

>> No.5842179

If it wasn't against the law, I'd kill humans.

>> No.5842190

Humans have made some neat distractions, and we've managed to make death come a little less quickly and painfully for a lot of people, but I think humans have done far more bad than good for the world. We're chimps with nuclear weapons.
>If it wasn't against the law
You mean "if it weren't"

>> No.5842196

Science shows that cows have best friends, and separating them causes stress. Have a heart, buy both steaks. :)

>> No.5842197

Emoticons are shitposting.

>> No.5842200

You're absolutely correct. I've been hanging around too many ghetto speaking retards lately.

>> No.5842202

>My point is that if you're okay with killing one animal, then, logically speaking, you should be okay with killing any animal, including humans.
I don't consider humans as animals, so fuck off.
Animals are food or pets for us, pretending that they are more than that is just retarded good feel bullshit.

>> No.5842204

That's okay. Gimme a scratch behind my ear and I'll still love you! :-)
It's so hard to reach!!

>> No.5842208

>I don't consider humans as animals
So you're admitting you have no knowledge of biology?

>> No.5842213

You must not be a Southern dog. They shoot you animals in the street for fun.

>> No.5842216

Texan here, confirming this.

>> No.5842219

I'm sure you have your reasons. Are they trying to get your Kibbles 'n Bits?
I'll strangle a bitch that gets near my Kibbles 'n Bits. If I had awesome opposable thumbs to strangle a bitch with, that is! Biting a bitch's neck works, too!

>> No.5842228

No. Cletus and Jethro sit on their porch, chewing tobacco and cursing minorities, and they see and a nice dog walking down the street, perhaps a family dog that happened to get out that day. Cletus turns to Jethro, and Jethro nods, aims his .22 rifle at the dog's throat, and shoots. They laugh as the dog bleeds out.

>> No.5842229

>give a cow a chance.
"Don't kid yourself, Jimmy. If a cow ever got the chance, he'd eat you and everyone you care about."

>> No.5842238

Do they have rabies? Jethro and Cletus, I mean?
I was always told that rabies make you do crazy and violent things like that but I don't know what rabies are or look like so I don't know how to avoid them. I don't want to get even one raby!

>> No.5842243

No. They're just your average human.

>> No.5842252


>> No.5842255

>still trying to sound smart
Seriously just fuck off or better: kill yourself. Hopefully other people like you will follow your brave example and commit suicide as well.
This might actually be your chance to improve the world.

>> No.5842258

I'm not trying to sound smart. However, it would appear that you are trying to sound dumb. Anyone with the most basic knowledge of biology, as in elementary school level biology, knows that humans are animals. We evolved from another species just like every other animal on the planet. There is nothing that makes us special. You're so arrogant that it's pathetic.

>> No.5842260


>> No.5842261

who gets this angry on a korean photo house?

>> No.5842279

That's just semantics.
The fact is human is the animal that you are. Nearly every species on the planet gives preferential treatment to their own.
You are the one going against nature with your self loathing.

>> No.5842283

A lack of self-loathing usually means a lack of self-awareness.

>> No.5842287

And no animal other than human beings loathes itself, so therefore, by your argument, they're not self-aware and are fair game for food-making purposes.

>> No.5842296

My first fucking point is that logic and morality are incompatible. Thanks for proving it.

>> No.5842300


>> No.5842303

nice samefag

>> No.5842306

om nom nom beef

>> No.5842312

You seem to think that I'm some kind of vegan or vegetarian. I am not. I eat meat just like everyone else. You seem to be misunderstanding my point.

>> No.5842313

>tfw no cow gf

>> No.5842318

Beef is tasty?

>> No.5842325

That trying to be logical about morality is dumb, so having argument about morality is dumb. Doing what is morally right to you feels good, and doing what is morally wrong to you feels bad. It all boils down to emotion. So you can make as many logical arguments as you want about why it's okay to eat this animal but bad to eat this other animal, but it's still just an emotion based decision.

>> No.5842326

No. You've got it all wrong. You were arguing that beef is tasty. You win. Beef is tasty. Trust me. I'm an expert on arguments.

>> No.5842328
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I could sure use a burger right about now.

>> No.5842332

Beef is tasty, and morality is subjective.

>> No.5842339

That's like breaking news for me. Thanks Professor, your wisdom has been proven once again. But guess what? I still don't consider humans as animals.
Animals are food or pets, we are above them, they are below us and that's about it.
You can try to come up with as many logical(read: fucking retarded) points as you want, you won't change my(or anyone elses) worldview with a few shit-tier posts.

Get gassed faggot.

You are right, you must be an expert on this.

You are half right.

>> No.5842342

The nice thing about facts is that they don't change whether or not you believe in them.

>> No.5842344

>he thinks morality is universal

>> No.5842352

morality isn't personal values or feelings, it's societies overarching values of right and wrong
also, you're an idiot.
"tomatoes are fruit"
>>I KNOW, GENIUS, I just don't wanna call them that bc imo tomatoes are above the other fruit :^)
if you think you're "above" animals because, what, you're higher on the food chain? wow, you're more primitive than the garden variety retarded human. have fun beating your chest and screaming into the sky like the shitcaked animal you are

>> No.5842357

I disagree. I feel that while someone's personal morality may be derived from the morality of his society, morality is an inherently personal thing that differs among each of us. A society gets it morality when a bunch of people have personal views that align, not the other way around.

>> No.5842404

You are both wrong.
Morality is just DNA programing.
Its all of the emotional feelings that have made self replicating entities successful.
Species that kill each other on sight do not tend to flourish therefore same species murder feels viscerally evil.

>> No.5842409

That doesn't disprove my argument, but merely supplements it. I contend that what we call morality is just what makes us feel good or bad. You contend that those emotions are caused by genetic programming. I hadn't thought of that, but I'm adding it to my view.

>> No.5842412
File: 59 KB, 1553x384, some badass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not just being like this guy

>> No.5842418

I would if I could.

>> No.5842420


You can, anon. You can.

Just man up.

>> No.5842424

I don't own a gun, nor would I want to. It's not responsible for the mentally ill to own firearms. How can I hunt without a weapon?

>> No.5842428

Almost forgot this thread

I don't deny the facts, I just believe that the sum of all our abilites makes us to more than just animals.

>getting this analdamaged because someone says how it is
Humans ain't just some species with a high spot on the food chain, we broke it and then turned it into a food web with us in the centre.
This planet is ours, we can do whatever we want and no one can stop us and I don't mean to sound edgy, it's just how it is.
Like, the united dolphin nations ain't gonna send us a formal complaint about the use of dangerous ship screws.
We are the only species that can exterminate any other species just for shits and giggles.
We are the only species that can save another species from extinction.
We are the only species that has the potential to leave this tiny rock one day.
We are the only species that has the potential to change its own evolution.
Without us nothing has a value.
Without us this planet might as well be another dead rock.

And this is why humans are above animals, you cum guzzling retard.

>> No.5842429

Use your bare hands and smear blood on your face after every kill.

>> No.5842432


Since when have you needed a gun to kill another living thing, anon?

>> No.5842435


How do you feel about bows? Bowhunting is an art.

>> No.5842437

none of that is true though lol. or at least provable.

>> No.5842438

>How can I hunt without a weapon?
go fishing, or set traps.

>> No.5842448

You know, it's funny. I do think that one thing sets us apart from the other animals, but you didn't come close to mentioning it. Humans create art, and through that give meaning to the meaningless. However, you don't seem like the kind of person who would appreciate that particular human quality, so of course you wouldn't think of it.

>> No.5842456

I'm not that hardcore.
Yeah, but the learning curve is a lot steeper than with firearms.
This seems like it would be the best option.

>> No.5842467

Actually I didn't list it because I was 100% sure someone would go "but some animals select their mate based on the prettiness of the nest it build IE ART" or the more pathetic "BUT SOME ANIMALS CAN DRAW IF YOU PUT A BRUSH INTO THEIR HANDS"

>> No.5842469

>doesn't list literally the only thing that humans do that makes life worth living

>> No.5842475

Art may loom large in your teenage existence, but one may be a well rounded wonderful human being with other interests.

>> No.5842490

good christ you're a faggot

>> No.5842502

is there any scientific proof that any animal other than a human can perceive and produce emotions? i'm not talking about stress reactions, which can occur without consciousness, but legitimate sense of withdrawal or desire from an environment. i don't think even dolphins or gorillas have shown that criteria, albeit closer to it than a cow. sapience is one of the rarest things we've developed. i don't even understand how it came into being. life itself is super rare, but sapient life? hot damn

>> No.5842505

Cat lover!!

>> No.5842509

Sapience is a much higher bar than just emotions.
Animals certainly have emotions.
What they lack is ego and awareness of their own mortality.

>> No.5842515


For most people the bar is sentience. Most animals do not reach even that.
I know humans who may not have reached it.

>> No.5842523

ITT: People who belong to the meat-eating cult

>> No.5842541

A cult would be a small, select group of people. Nearly everyone eats meat. Only the mentally ill avoid meat.

>> No.5842807

It's not his fault you're a fucking moron

>> No.5842815

>source: new york times

>> No.5842888

If we didn't eat beef there wouldn't be any cattle. Vegetarians are the ones who won't give a cow a chance.

>> No.5842898

What if I told you that they idea of a cow being a smart, personable animal makes me want to eat it more?

>> No.5843001

There are several clues that indicate that humans were not meant to be carnivores.

To start with, humans get easily sick if they eat raw meat, a sign that neither their stomach nor their immune system are designed for meat. Real carnivores have stronger stomachs that also "eat" the parasites, bacteria and worms of rotting meat.

Humans cannot digest meat well: mostly they have to cook it. Carnivores don't cook. Humans began eating meat on a large scale after the invention of cooking.
Humans are the only primates that eat meat (any animal can eat meat in small quantities, but no primate eats meat on a regular basis).

Humans who eat a lot of meat get heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and all sorts of degenerative diseases. Carnivore animals who eat a lot of meat live healthy lives.
When they don't abuse of meat, humans live very long lives by the standards of the animal kingdom.

Humans need to sleep about the same amount of time as other herbivores, who sleep a lot less than carnivores.

Human "canine" teeths are shared with horses, not with carnivores. There is no carnivore that has teeth like our canines. Horses have them. Whatever their function, it is not to eat meat.

Humans are the only carnivore that enjoys putting "sauces" on meat. In fact, very few humans would eat meat cooked with no sauces. What sauces do is to hide the taste of meat.

If a vegetarian diet were dangerous, half the population of India would be dead or very sick. On the other hand, in the places where the diet is mainly carnivorous, people do get sick and die by the thousands of all sorts of diseases.
It is fairly easy for a meat-eater to become a vegetarian; it is difficult for a vegetarian to eat meat. This is a sign that the human digestive system has to be trained from childhood to digest meat, otherwise it wouldn't.

>> No.5843005

>To start with, humans get easily sick if they eat raw meat

Not this human

>> No.5843010

>Humans began eating meat on a large scale after the invention of cooking.

And that was over a million years ago anon, before we were even homo sapiens.

>> No.5843014

>Humans who eat a lot of meat get heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and all sorts of degenerative diseases.

Post hoc ergo proptor hoc.

Look that one up.

>> No.5843019

I would be happy to list counter-arguments that meat is a natural diet for humans. So far i haven't found one. Many people send me links to "scientific" studies but either the studies were done by meat companies (...) or they end up proving the opposite. For example, the often repeated story that chimps eat meat too: in fact, chimps "hunt" but it does not seem that the reason they hunt animals is nutritional, and in any case meat represents at most 5% of their diet. There seems to be consensus that chimps (our closest relatives) use meat as status symbol to win sexual favors and establish power structures (so there are also theories that humans started hunting for the same reason, and only later meat became a staple of the human diet). (This article correctly points out that "In the early 1960's...it was thought that chimpanzees were strictly vegetarian." This was not only the opinion of western experts who check out a chimp for a few minutes, but the opinion of all the African natives who had lived with chimps for millennia. How could something so visible have escaped thousands of generations of African observers? is it possible that chimps started eating meat only since the 1960s? is it possible that chimps learned it from their cousins?)

>> No.5843031

I doubt there is any link to scientific evidence that you would not use your confirmation bias to ignore.
Veganism is a religion and no amount of evidence will sway you.
But take a look at this anyway.


>> No.5843035

>my giny got hurt

>> No.5843052
File: 7 KB, 209x204, 1388651431270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you've just been Skaroofed

>> No.5843063

What does that mean?

>> No.5843069

>Not knowing who Scaruffi, the greatest mind of the 21st century is

>> No.5843070



>> No.5843121

I read up on this person and I still have no idea what you are on about.

>> No.5843141
File: 30 KB, 295x295, 1369511227673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you grew up and lived you whole life in the city, didn't you OP? and let me be clear, by city i mean 10,000+ population

>not growing up in farming/logging town of 2,000

>> No.5843161
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>not believing in the divine right of humans to rule the universe

>> No.5843179
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if you don't think animals should be food, why are you posting about them on /ck/?

vegan recipe threads make sense here, vegan nutrition threads arguably makes sense here, but non-human animal rights threads don't make sense here imo.

>> No.5843181

>vegan recipe threads make sense here,

This is why these fucks think they can shitpoast all goddamn day long.
We need a zero tolerance vegan policy.
Zero vegans on /ck/ 2015

>> No.5843200

yeah, ban everyone who posts a vegan recipe

>> No.5843201

>all those lies and deception
Holy shit whoever wrote this must have been a jew.
What's really sad is that there are people who will believe this.

>> No.5843206

I wish we could anon but the fact is the mod who spends the most time here is vegan himself. No way we can get vegans banned.
We need to run them off ourselves .
Its a lot of work but if everyone does their part we can make /ck/ a nicer place.

>> No.5843232

I was being sarcastic, you're a shithead

>> No.5843234


>fight shitposting with more shit posting

For fucks sake just hide it, ignore it and don't reply to it that's all that needs to happen. If the thread is against the rules then report it, but don't sit in a thread you don't like bitching about it.
>don't feed the trolls

>> No.5843237

art, music, film, drama, literature, comedy, television, radio. everyone has art in their lives, and if they don't, that doesn't seem like a life worth living

>> No.5843247

Too bad your life seems to revolve around being entertained anon.
That is no life for me.

>> No.5843252

Hiding your head in the sand does not make our community a better place.
Don't hide vegan threads.
Do your bit.