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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5833798 No.5833798 [Reply] [Original]

What does the average 21 year old male like to eat for dinner?

I always cook dinner for my boyfriend when he gets home from work but I never know what to make. He never knows what he wants but doesn't like anything I suggest.

I usually make tuna helper with corn bread, heat up some corn dogs, spaghetti bread (loaf of bread with spaghetti baked inside it), or we have leftovers his mom sends us home with.

My skills (and time) are limited but I'm willing to learn.

>> No.5833805

>I usually make tuna helper with corn bread, heat up some corn dogs, spaghetti bread (loaf of bread with spaghetti baked inside it)
The fuck dude.

>> No.5833811

Roast some meat, make some chilli or a ragu. Maybe a shepherd's pie. Those are my go to meals.

>> No.5833827

oh god all that food sounds fucking disgusting

well aside from corn dogs, I'm a sucker for corn dogs

anyway peoples preferences vary greatly; I had friends at that age whose favorite food was sushi, and friends who wouldn't eat anything but fast food and hated every vegetable aside from lima beans.

A meat and potato dish is safe as the other dude said, everyone loves shepherd's pie and it's not very difficult to make. Although it seems like you have no idea how to cook so maybe you'll find some way to fuck up the beef.

>> No.5833837


Lamb. And this is the GOAT shepherd's pie recipe:


>> No.5833838

Make good salads, make Bangers and Mash, make Sausage and Kraut, make Tonkatsu, or Tonkatsudon. Shit, make an awesome sandwich, or some homemade pizza's. Fry some chicken, roast some chicken, make Yakitori.

When in doubt; Chilidogs or Porkchops and Applesauce.

>> No.5833841

>I usually make tuna helper with corn bread, heat up some corn dogs, spaghetti bread
No wonder he doesn't like what you suggest.

Learn how to cook meat decently, roasts, steaks and stews with chicken, beef and pork. And then learn how to make decent side dishes based around potatoes/roots, rice, beans and various vegetables. It's usually as simple as picking 2-3 ingredients and just cooking them. Then you should learn how to make some simple sauces and condiments.

Oh, and don't forget about fish as I always do, no clue how to cook it but it can be pretty good and very healthy.

>> No.5833844


yeah yeah lamb I know, most people use beef for it though even though it's not traditional because it is much cheaper and more available in the states

what's a shepherd's pie called again when it's made with beef? I know it's a different name entirely. Is it a cottage pie?

>> No.5833857

I know. I'm very cooking challenged.

I'll have to find a recipe for shepherds pie. I don't think he's ever tried it but it'd be worth a shot.

>you'll find some way to fuck up the beef

Oh I will. I always turn the oven or stove too high and don't let it cook thoroughly so the outside looks good but the inside is still gooey. But he likes beef and potatoes so with some patience I think I can handle it.

I know, but it's all he ever eats of mine. I can make anything and if he doesn't like it he just won't eat it - which really upsets me because I hate wasting ingredients.

>> No.5833866



>> No.5833868


just brown it and shove it in a crockpot with some onions and beef broth, or just in a large pot on low heat. Let it cook for a long ass time until it's tender.

>> No.5833869

Start simple, and learn time management. One of my favorite simple dishes to do is a fire and forget roast. Get a beef roast that's about 1 1/2-2lbs, and put it in a cast iron skillet, season with; Garlic, Onion, Pinch of salt, black pepper, cayenne or chili, and some Worcestershire sauce. (I generally mix all of the seasonings and sauce together in a measuring cup, with 1/2 cup water added.

Toss in skillet with diced or quartered; Potatoes, Carrots, Onions, Squash, and Cellery (You can use pumpkin too, comes out pretty fucking delicious.)

Toss in the oven on 500*F for 15 mins per lbs (1/2 lbs going for 7-8 minutes, your discretion), and then kill the oven. Turn it all off, and let it roast in it's own juices.

>> No.5833872

Can you follow a recipe?

Well then buy a cook book, make him point at something he likes, and cook it.

Alternatively, cook whatever the fuck you want to eat and let him eat it if he wants as well.

>> No.5833884
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>spaghetti bread (loaf of bread with spaghetti baked inside it)

>> No.5833920

Shepherd's Pie
bangers and mash
a shitload of breaded chicken strips with mashed potatoes
stuffed pork chops with applesauce
a variety of shredded meats baked into a loaf of bread
chicken thighs covered in barbecue sauce with corn

Pretty much what I eat.

>> No.5833982
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>spaghetti bread (loaf of bread with spaghetti baked inside it)

>> No.5834047
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>> No.5834048

Your mothers ass

>> No.5834064

Meat (steak, fish, chicken breast), leafy green (kale, mustard greens, spinach), grain (rice, quinoa, couscous)

Just a random combo of these things

>> No.5834080

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone!!

I know it's as simple as getting meat and sides and putting them together, but I just can't decide what goes together and what doesn't. I'm going to try the bangers and mash tonight and hope it goes well. He loves mashed potatoes so I know he'll like some part of the meal.

This is the recipe I mentioned in the OP! Glad to see someone else knows what I'm talking about. I think it tastes good....

>> No.5834087

I just googled it honey... I just want to know what you ralk about...

hey ! maybe I come over and give you some privat cooking lessons ...

>> No.5834108



>> No.5834111

dump tomatoes onion garlic carrots basil in crock pot cook for 10 hours then blend and add milk and salt pair with boner and grilled cheese

>> No.5834115

why are 40 year old women on /ck/

>> No.5834544

I just turned 21 tho

>> No.5834572

Define average. Average USAer? Meat and potatoes.

>> No.5834616
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>tuna helper with corn bread, heat up some corn dogs, spaghetti bread (loaf of bread with spaghetti baked inside it

>> No.5834619
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22 year old male here

here's my dinner

>> No.5834623

>I usually make tuna helper with corn bread, heat up some corn dogs, spaghetti bread (loaf of bread with spaghetti baked inside it), or we have leftovers his mom sends us home with.

Dear God, please be trolling.

>> No.5834627
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where da meat?
>Doctor Pop

>> No.5834718
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So here's my attempt at bangers and mash.

I gave him too much sausage but he said he really liked it! Still have a lot of mashed potatoes available for later meals. It was simple and had more waiting than actual prep - which I prefer.

>> No.5834729


>premade sausage with dry mashed potatoes with dried herbs over the top (wtf?)

uh, at least you tried

>> No.5834733


I drink Dr Pop

Less than half the price of Dr Pepper and twice as delicious. Their bitter shandy is also awesome.

>> No.5834738


Needs onion gravy and veg (and better sausages)

Caramelise some onions and add them to stock with some Worcestershire sauce and a splash of red wine.

>> No.5834745
File: 331 KB, 1600x1327, Bangers and Mash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck sort of sausages are they? I haven't ever seen ones like that before. They look processed to all fuck. Also, where is the onion gravy?

>> No.5834759

Everyone starts somewhere guys.

I wonder how many novice cooks see responses like this to their post and get scared away from cooking forever.

>> No.5834893

Should've thrown onion in the pan while you were frying the sausages, and boiled/steamed broccoli to go with it.

>> No.5834899

Also, lower the temperature a bit and give make sure you give them time to get hot all the way through, it'll be worth it. Not a bad place to start with cooking, people have started way worse and become pretty damn good. Just keep at it and keep posting on /ck/ so we can help and/or laugh at you, alright?

>> No.5835217

>onion gravy

I felt like something was missing. I just went off the first recipe I found online. It only instructed me on how to cook sausages and what to put in the mashed potatoes. Didn't feel any special to me.

It's a hillshire farm sausage cut in half. The only other sausages I could were the breakfast link ones.

That's encouraging! Thanks! I'm sure I'd get more laughs than help though.

Can anyone recommend a good bangers and mash recipe? Apparently the one I used was really on just how to make mashed potatoes.

>> No.5835233

This is a troll thread right?

>> No.5835241


I heard there is a website you can go to when you need to find new information.

I heard the company that created said website is now one of the most valuable companies in the world and is a household name.

If only I could remember said companies name.

>> No.5835619

>It's a hillshire farm sausage cut in half.

Is there a religious reason or something you're not using pork?

>The only other sausages I could were the breakfast link ones.

Those are the ones you want. Look on the label, and try to get a high percentage of meat. It means less filler, which is often bad for you. Ensure it is made from decent cuts of meat and not gristle (it will say).

It's worth spending a little extra for decent meat.

Look on google for an onion gravy recipe, it isn't difficult. Saute some onions over a medium heat until they are golden, put a lid on to prevent them drying out. Then just add some stock, beef/chicken/turkey/vegetable. A splash of Worcestershire sauce, some mustard (or powder) and a splash of red wine or a dark beer. If it's too thin, thicken with a little flour.

>> No.5835646

>What does the average 21 year old male like to eat for dinner?

Frozen shit and ramen.

>> No.5835663

I should point out that sausages require a certain degree of [OTHER STUFF]. 100% meat sausages cook terribly and taste awful.

OP, try your hand at steaks. Slab of meat in a frying pan, some mashed potato, some peppercorn sauce and some steamed / boiled veg.

>> No.5835669

cook a bunch of different shit and explore your creativity. afterwords ask him what he liked or didn't like. If you need to be told what to make ever day you're looking for a boss or a master, not a boyfriend.

>> No.5835673

>>What does the average 21 year old male like to eat for dinner?


>> No.5836095


>> No.5836156

Well went I searched that companies website it gave me this


Ah. I wasn't sure if breakfast sausages tasted different, but I guess I chose the wrong taste anyway. No religious reason for hillshire, I've just never bought sausages before and those looked okay. So basically onion gravy is just onions and stock? And I pour it over the entire plate?

Is steak really that easy to cook though? Is there a certain cut I need to look for?

>If you need to be told what to make ever day you're looking for a boss or a master, not a boyfriend

I know what I want to make myself for dinner, but he never knows what he wants to eat. I get home a few hours before him so it's logical I make dinner for the both of us but he rarely ever wants to eat what I do.

>> No.5836163


Things with ground meat. Bolognese, lasagna, Sloppy Joes. You can add ground meat to pretty much any dish.
Make some vegetable things, like vegetable casseroles, soups, whatever. Stir fries.
There's countless things you can make.

If you don't know what to make, walk around a store, look at the frozen meals, ready meals and so on and look what looks good. Then buy the ingredients and make it yourself

>> No.5836358

Beef stew.
Chicken Parmesan with pasta.
Mac n cheese with sausage or ham.
A deli sandwich and soup.
Burritos and tacos.
Grilled steak and sides like sweet potatoes, green beans, beets etc
Shepherd's pie like someone mentioned earlier or chicken pot pie.

>> No.5836393

>or we have leftovers his mom sends us home with.
such as....what? Make what he is happy with his mom making.

This spaghetti bread sounds horrible. Make something better. Improve your sauce, make it meatier, make meatballs, bake some cheese on top, use vodka sauce. Stuffed shells are easy and freeze well. Lasagna next, maybe some ravioli. I like a pumpkin italian sausage farfalle this time of year. You can use roasted tomatoes versus regular in your recipe for sauce too.

Tuna helper means he likes casseroles. Change it up. Turkey tetrazini. Chicken a la king. Classics to choose from. But, you can also make a big pot pie, and one dish classics. Introduce weird stuff after a few more comfort food favorites get praised. Move to thai or indian slowly.

>> No.5836493

I think he'd like all of those! I actually do make chicken pot pie occasionally, but I refuse to buy pre-made crust so I usually save it for nights when I don't work so I can make the crust and everything. I really will have to find a recipe for shepher's pie. Again - I'll have to save it for a night I have time to make crust.

>such as....what?
LOTS of Mexican food: refried beans, steak, pastas, vegetable stews, etc. I end up eating most of it though since he doesn't really eat leftovers after a few days.

>vodka sauce
Now that sounds good. He loves vodka so I'm sure he'd enjoy that.

The thing with tuna helper though is that's the only kind of casserole he really likes. He doesn't like hamburger helper (maybe I buy bad flavors idk) and I've made a macaroni casserole before and he didn't really like it. I will venture out and find some actual casseroles he may like. If he ends up not liking them, they're easy to reheat and I'll finish it off.

>> No.5839021

That actually doesnt look so bad.
It sounds ridiculous, but i would definitely try it

>> No.5839073


This looks surprisingly very very good. Like some kind of calzone

>> No.5839100


>tuna helper with corn bread, heat up some corn dogs, spaghetti bread (loaf of bread with spaghetti baked inside it)

The level of this board is as high as the stars.

>> No.5839130

Throw a butt cut of beef in a crock pot, pour one can of coke into a crock pot, with BBQ and let it go all day until it pulls apart. Walah, fucking a delicious pulled pork. Get some buns, pulled pork sammiches. Make smashed potatoes-- pintrest that shit. It's so easy!!
I work from 5am to 8pm in the winter time and I still make my own meals or my roommate is nice enough to cook for me once in awhile.

I get the Velveeta chicken alfredo boxes sometimes, but I season my chicken to make the chicken not taste so bland and it taste pretty good for an easy meal.

If you take out a steak from the fridge, pound it if you want, throw some salt ( NOT A FUCKING LOT ) but sprinkle it on the steak both sides and let it sit for awhile then cook it. I marinade mine in worcestershire sauce, some red pepper flakes, some salt and pepper and let it sit for a couple hours in the fridge or all day.

I wouldn't make just corndogs and spaghetti bread, that's southern obese shit seriously, you fuckin' Honeybooboo or something? You want to make him some nice meals? You should make a vegetable, salad or fresh non canned shit like nice green beans, with starch to go with it like corn or potatoes.

Make him a nice salad, cut some apples up into it, make him normal spaghetti with meat balls and garlic bread. Some bacon cheese burgers with pickles or whatever the fuck he likes on it. You can make easy broccoli bites that are fucking delicious. If your learning to cook, try pinterest. Stay away from nasty shit and go towards healthy shit.

>> No.5839139 [DELETED] 

>some idiot in this thread complained about "pre made sausages"

nobody here makes their own fucking sausages. i am not coming back to this board after this post.

all the best, OP.

>> No.5839140

look how he doesnt even taste the food like henrt from henry's kitchen

>> No.5839146

>I usually make tuna helper with corn bread, heat up some corn dogs, spaghetti bread (loaf of bread with spaghetti baked inside it).

How about making some normal food? That sounds disgusting. Learn how to make a decent bolognese.

>> No.5839333





Right on the money.

>> No.5839346


You have really missed out on a funny thread

>> No.5839391


except it wasn't funny at all

>> No.5839392

pls go to hell

>> No.5839408


Am I not already there

>> No.5839421

something good and unpretentious

i'm 22 and you could feed me dry ass chicken and i will devour that fucker like there's no tomorrow and be satisfied and happy.

>> No.5839423

lel, i noticed that too. whoever said that is an assho'.

op, your meal doesn't look bad. try to find uncured or naturally-cured sausages, and add a vegetable. then you can work on gravies, seasonings, etc. good luck.

>> No.5839439


You are almost as fucking stupid, it's voilà, not voliá.

>> No.5839446
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>mfw no sous vide-recipies in this thread
>mfw no tempura fried spotted prawns
>mfw no korean shredded beef sallad
>mfw no uova da raviolo

>> No.5839482
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>3/5 stars


>> No.5839487

it's violen, not voilà, you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.5839510

Wa La!

>> No.5839514

Op if you wanna make your boyfriend really happy when he comes back home from work tell him this, "welcome home do you want dinner, a bath, or me?"

>> No.5839545

that's a good idea actually.

i'm not OP, but thanks.

>> No.5839558

>It's a hillshire farm sausage
Let's just google tha...what the fuck am I looking at?

>> No.5839564

Why do American sausages always look so weird?

>> No.5839568


they don't always look, those sausages look weird but I almost never see sausages that look like that

>> No.5839573

They always look like hotdogs, that rubbery looking texture and the skin always looks like plastic.

>> No.5840582

honey, you must be great in bed

>> No.5840654

> Bangers
Those aren't American
> Barefoot in London
A lot of sausage is covered in plastic. Yummy edible plastic.