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5822959 No.5822959 [Reply] [Original]

Is there like a program to make me more alcohol tolerant? I'm like a flyweight when it comes to drinking. A single beer makes me tipsy, my family has absolutely no history of drinking. I just want to be able to drink heavier things without passing out.

>> No.5822965

Practice makes perfect. Enjoy the ride, OP

>> No.5822969

Drinking more frequently creates tolerance.

So start today with your one beer. Then tomorrow. And the day after that. After a little while you'll find that one beer isn't making you tipsy anymore, so now start drinking two. Repeat.

>> No.5822973

You can down one of those small yeast packets


>> No.5822975

This isn't somehing to pride yourself on.
Plus, it saves money.

>> No.5822976

Fuck off, teetotaling, faggot

>> No.5822991


yeah, i'm a lightweight and it's great

>> No.5823003

like no califag

>> No.5823020


I wish I could get drunk on a couple of beers.

>> No.5823056

Drink a lot. Drink some more. Just a bit more. Probably die from being a natural lightweight.

>> No.5823060


Are you a chink or jap or other random zipperhead? They have trouble metabolising booze sometimes, according to some guy I was talking to once.

>> No.5823066

Eat stuff before drinking

>> No.5823102

>stop drinking entirely for two years
>finally start having a beer after work
>one beer gets me slightly past tipsy
>buy a sixer every other day
>eventually is every day
>start back up on scotch around December of last year
>2-3oz of scotch whisky get me well past tipsy
>drink every other day after work, rarely get blitzed
>shit happens
>start drinking every night to get fairly drunk
>roughly 10 months later
>beer doesn't get me drunk anymore
>driving and motor skills unaffected by ~8oz of whiskey
>can finish a fifth of 100 proof rye whiskey in a night and not get blackout drunk

I'm not trying to brag, but that's how you create an alcoholic-tier tolerance.

>> No.5823130

>driving and motor skills unaffected by ~8oz of whiskey
Thats what you think, but in reality you're probably gonna end up killing yourself or some stranger because you can't react in time.
If you're gonna be a drunk, a least be a responsible drunk.

>> No.5823143


Who cares?

I wish I didn't need to run through a 12 pack to get drunk.

I would much rather be in your situation where a small amount of alcohol gets me drunk.

>> No.5823249

This, and if you want to speed it up a bit start drinking Iced beers.

>> No.5823294

get on wellbutrin, dont know why it works on me but intake almost doubled

>> No.5823644

>Iced beers.

>> No.5823687



>> No.5823693

How about fuck you. I'd love nothing more than to be able to get drunk off a beer instead of half a handle of vodka.

>> No.5823699

I'm the opposite; I need an entire glass of vodka just to get a slight buzz.
Fucking dents the wallet. Consider yourself lucky.

>> No.5823703

Why want to become alcoholic??
For the glory of Satan of course!

>> No.5823741

Dont trust this niggers op.
what you really have to do is.
Start drinking
Get a good buzz going on but still be functional
Keep yourself on that state as long as posible.
Dont go over that threshold.
Rinse and repeat.


This happens yes.
But what actually happens is that the brain kinda learns to function on that state.
Protip. After a while to get the buzz going on youll need to drink more (the brain adjusted to function on that level of alcohol).
After a while if you pass that threshold youre gonna get blind drunk/i cant recall the last 7 hours of my life/im still able to walk and talk but im other person and THIS is fucking dangerous

>> No.5823795


I wish I could get drunk on a couple of fifths