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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 12 KB, 240x192, chocolate240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5817026 No.5817026 [Reply] [Original]

Sugar free milk chocolate?

Ok, I don't give a shit about lactose free, I'm a diabetic, and that store bought stuff is fucking expensive.

I've looked for a recipe on google, but could only find semi-sweet or baking recipes. Anybody know of a really good sugar free MILK chocolate recipe?

>> No.5817028

maybe if you could stop eating chocolate for five minutes you wouldn't have become diabetic

>> No.5817029

Can you eat stevia?

>> No.5817040

Also, it's important that it stays solid at room temp.

>> No.5817046

I won't lie, it is my fault. But it was due to me drinking like a fish for 6 months (and probably genetics) that my pancreas gave way. After my pancreatitus, it was too shot to resume normal function. I'm not fat, just stupid.

Yea, I bought some for cookies.

>> No.5817051

I find it absolutely pathetic that even when people are diagnosed with DIABETES, all they can think about is how they're going to continue eating like a fucking subhuman.

>> No.5817079
File: 39 KB, 720x540, sup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No one gives a shit what you think, anon.

>> No.5817096

You can't seriously think you won't EVER eat chocolate again... but it definitely would burn you if you had to pay about 250% more because of it.

Essentially, you're a fag

>> No.5817105
File: 273 KB, 1714x1050, sfmc_recipes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's two results from some googling. Original comment was filtered because of too many links, check image.

these both seem gross but whatever.

>> No.5817107


not everyone with diabetes is a fatty, it's called type 1 diabetes

>> No.5817108

also to be clear, the second recipe is for dark chocolate, a commentor asked her for a milkier adaptation, that's what the smaller text box is.

There has got to be some site or cookbook that does this with more precision than experimental domestic cooks, OP.

>> No.5817114

Yea, that's all I got so far. Shit looking recipes and dark chocolate junk.

Damn... anyone else?

>> No.5817124

Lardasses detected. Not even same guy.

>> No.5817138

My favourite sweet food is natural yoghurt with honey, and toasted almonds. I sometimes crush a biscuit on top. Fucking USA spell check. I can't even write "colour" or "honour". Fuck you and your warped version of English. I'm German and stand with the Brits on this. Fuck.

>> No.5817139
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>Not even same guy.

Then no one gives a shit what you think, either.

Imagine that!

>> No.5817145

people with type 1 know how to deal with it because they have almost always had it since infancy/childhood. They rarely go as far off normal blood sugar as the fatties with type 2

>> No.5817165

>You can't seriously think you won't EVER eat chocolate again...
If it was for a serious health issue? Yea, probably. It's not exactly a staple or anything

>> No.5817246
File: 40 KB, 418x333, Mayan_people_and_chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP it sounds like you aren't meant to eat chocolate, sorry.

Maybe if you were more responsible in your youth, the gods wouldn't have punished you by never again allowing you to enjoy the sacred xocolātl

>> No.5818319
File: 83 KB, 614x819, cancan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, fuck all the cunts who are all
>Amerifat / cunt / fatty

I'm a fucking diabetic in search of a cheaper option of getting a damn sweet that is WAY overpriced.

For god sakes, read my fucking posts.

Also, it's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it; not necessarily in a diabetic comatose state.

>> No.5818332

>Also, it's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it

Why is it that it's always the fat fucks that say this?

>> No.5818343

Milk chocolate? No.

Be a man and drink xocolātl like the Aztecs did. No sugar, lukewarm, frothy, and with spicy peppers. Cocoa beans are easy to get these days and grinding them is no big deal, just pulse them with a coffee grinder and mortar & pestle the rest.

>> No.5818348


I said I wasn't fat. I'm 1.88 meters(187cm) and 81.6 kg.

Otherwise, 6"2' and 180 lbs. Would you consider me 'fat?

>> No.5818353

Look up any "raw vegan chocolate" recipe and add cream or milk to it

Ignore the agave and substitute with either stevia or like my old co-worker use "dried and ground dates" (it might be hard to find outside of hippie co-ops)

I will say raw vegan chocolates can be very good, not the same mouth feel but adding animal fats (I had raw cow milk cream) did the job.

>> No.5818356
File: 82 KB, 491x283, bmi-calculator-for-men-chart-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5818379

Honey is a great (and cheap) substitute for agave. They have almost the same molecular composition too.

>> No.5818382

Condensed milk also works great if you can find it unsweetened.

>> No.5818385

For Diabetics Sucralose with water will work though.

>> No.5818394

>dried and ground dates
>not candied dates

Fucking hippies. Candied dates are the best sweet thing in the world.

>> No.5818466

Diagnosed at 24, come at me

>> No.5818506

Honey and Candied Dates are refined sugars.

You both are fucking idiots, fyi

>> No.5818513

U know a choco recipe that I'm asking for then? Otherwise I can't come at you cause I'm in you're same position... just saying.

>> No.5818516

Nah, quit all that shit when I was diagnosed, you know you could just give yourself a little too much insulin and wait for that drop, then you have a reason to eat chocolate.

Not that I'm a saint, I still drink 12 beers a night, it's been a decade since I've been diagnosed and I'm not dead yet nor have any major health complications, other than the beetus

>> No.5818521

buy coco butter and coco powder and make it yourself. you could ever sweeten artificially if you wanted

>> No.5818540

thanks for the great 'recipe' I never knew!

>> No.5818544

They may have not known man, I suggest dried dates in part because the sugars release slower thanks to the fiber but even then it should only be eaten in moderation

This isn't an important thread, its all about learning

>> No.5818548

its not hard to figure out how to mix coco butter and coco powder to make chocolate. Google has a ton of recipes and info on the subject

>> No.5818562
File: 55 KB, 446x357, 1374275989787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea, but if you read my thread all I could find was shit recipes and semi-sweet shit.
Obviously you have no interest, so please stop posting.

>> No.5818565

Then you didnt look hard enough. Its easy to find. most Ive seen list how to make it and then say sweeten to taste with sugar. At that point you just omit the sugar or add a substitute.

Are you actually this retarded?

>> No.5818578

blua bu bua

Seriously? you must be some fat fucking ass intent on bullshitting my thread vs. giving me relevant info.
I already said I found sources, just not a good milk chocolate. I know your retarded, I don't even have to ask.

>> No.5818594

>cant look up simple recipes
>calls other people retarded
nice ad hominem

>> No.5818600
File: 1.00 MB, 218x228, 1398574967792.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice shitpost retard

Fuck I love 4chan. srsly.

>> No.5818609

OP is a subhuman :^)

>> No.5818614

here you go retard, found it damn quick

The steps are to:
Add the cocoa butter to the double boiler or alternative setup.
Wait until the cocoa butter melts.
Add the cocoa powder and stir to mix. For our first batch we used a half cup of cocoa butter and a half cup of cocoa powder in a 1:1 ratio. You can play with this ratio and see what tastes best to you.
Add any other additives you want (like sugar, spices, salt, milk powder, etc.) After stirring to mix, you can take out a small spoonful of the mixture, let it cool a bit, and taste it and continually add things until you get the taste just right.
Pour the chocolate into a mold.
Optional : Add a small piece of fruit or candy and put it into the middle of the mold. For example, you could put a blueberry inside the chocolate, so that when people bite into the chocolate, they'd arrive at a blueberry and get blueberry juice bursting into their mouth, delivering a textural contrast to the taste of chocolate.
Let it sit for an hour or so.
Refrigerate for another hour or more.
Remove from the refrigerator and eat.

Once you get the hang of this, you can produce chocolate that suits your taste with a few minutes of work and some patience, waiting for it to cool and harden

Your chocolate can include the following things:
Cocoa Butter
Cocoa Powder

Milk powder
You can also use goat milk powder, which I bought here :
Theoretically any type of other milk powder may work.
If you do add milk powder, we found that milk powder should be the last additive to reduce the risk of curdling; also it can make sense to turn off the stove when adding the milk powder to further reduce that risk.

Spices/seasoning, e.g.:
chili pepper, pepper

anything you want :)

Oils, e.g.:
coconut oil
palm oil / vegetable oil (many commercial chocolate bars use vegetable oil because it can be cheaper than only cocoa butter.)

brown sugar
maple syrup
birch syrup

>> No.5818871
File: 23 KB, 436x432, 1408743770266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I find it absolutely pathetic that people dont even bother reading. All they can think about is being stupid like fucking subhumans.

>> No.5818903

Protip: Cooking chocolate is sugar free.

>> No.5818930


lol plenty of people get diagnosed later in life, it's by far the minority of people with type 1 but it's still not uncommon

>> No.5818937 [DELETED] 

Piggy backing on the diabetes thing and the slight idiocy going on in the thread, what actually causes it? I have heard eating sweet things excessively, but I have also heard fat people being linked to it mostly.

I am a really big guy (inb4 baneposts) but I have rarely touched candy since I was 11 or so, when I was still skinny. Just kind of worried.

>> No.5818940

Piggy backing on the diabetes thing and the slight idiocy going on in the thread, what actually causes it? I have heard eating sweet things excessively, but I have also heard fat people being linked to it mostly.

I am a big guy (inb4 baneposts) for my height (270 & 5'7, inb4 fatty inb4 manlet) but I have rarely touched candy since I was 11 or so, when I was still skinny. Just kind of worried.

>> No.5818960

type 2 is caused by being a fatshit

i got it because i drank 6 cans of pepsi a day from age 15 to 22 when i was diagnosed with it.

i lost my type 2 status when i stopped drinking 6 cans a day

>> No.5819426

OP here,

I was really fucking wasted last night and would like to apologize to everyone I shitfaced upon.

Also, that sounds like a semi-sweet recipe that doesn't use cream or whatever. Like I said before, I found those recipes, which I don't want.

>> No.5819525


My housemate buys blocks of cooking chocolate to eat, it's almost always cheaper than normal chocolate.

>> No.5819804

I can't have chocolate with regular sugar tho

>> No.5819860

>i got it because i drank 6 cans of pepsi a day from age 15 to 22 when i was diagnosed with it.
holy shit
i thought have one soda a day and two on weekends was a lot