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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 208 KB, 500x376, 6121444695_187024cf43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5718118 No.5718118[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What country has the best sweet bread?

>> No.5718159

America is officially in charge of sugar. You should know this.

>> No.5718178

I'm fond of Colombian cheese bread, not the sweet you might be looking for but it tastes amazing.

>> No.5718185


>> No.5718188


>> No.5718200
File: 198 KB, 416x374, 234213234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did somebody say sweet roll?

>> No.5718202

Mexico, obviously.

>> No.5718204

well of course this makes sense now.

guards like sweet rolls.

>guards = cops
>cops like donuts.

I don't think any country is the best, it depends on how good the individual person can make it. anyone might secretly be a master sweet bread baker.

>> No.5718210
File: 77 KB, 961x982, 65452534425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was stolen!

>> No.5718229


>> No.5718248

Challah is a sweet bread?

Even the raisin variety I've never found particularly sweet.

>> No.5718252

Tastes hella sweet to me, but then again all white bread does because I eat whole wheat so much.

>> No.5718257
File: 1.65 MB, 325x323, a7K50Bq_460sa_v1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deal with it

>> No.5718260

Must be the egg then, because challah doesn't have noticeably more sugar than your average variety of bread.

>> No.5718328
File: 138 KB, 720x481, 9_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say Austria is up there.

>> No.5718332
File: 106 KB, 1024x623, Striezel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Striezel. While it may look like Challah it's actually sweet and made with Brioche dough. It's a common present on all Saint's day.

>> No.5718339
File: 29 KB, 448x252, christstollen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christstollen. Commonly eaten during Christmastime.

The Germans also make that one.

>> No.5718348
File: 81 KB, 525x350, josie-047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sprinkle bread

>> No.5718351

thats straya m8

>> No.5718352
File: 237 KB, 1024x685, 019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buchteln. Yeast dough filled with jam.

You often eat those with vanilla sauce.

>> No.5718354

Also called stomach sweetbread. the pancreas of an animal, especially a calf or a lamb, used for food.

Also called neck sweetbread, throat sweetbread. the thymus gland of such an animal, used for food.

>> No.5718359

Thank you, Austrian person. I just had a flashback to when we were kids and our Oma made these.

Fix, I muas amoi wieda auf Österreich fohrn.

>> No.5718360

Buchteln sind jetzt nicht so schwer selbst zu machen. Powidl kann man mit Marillenmarmelade ersetzen.

>> No.5718369
File: 144 KB, 900x600, baklava.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

middle east

>> No.5718370

thats not bread

>> No.5718373

Does this count as bread, though? OP was kinda unspecific.

>> No.5718406

>implying this is american

nigga even amerifats think this is fucking weird

>> No.5718433

what is this? bottom one looks hella good

>> No.5718439
File: 2.86 MB, 2816x2112, Bejgli2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


poppy seed roll on top, nut roll on the bottom. I like em with more filling, pic related.

>> No.5718467
File: 173 KB, 1024x768, Fotor1111114848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like lots of filling you should try Mohnzelten.

These are ideally a huge amount of poppy filling covered by a thin layer of dough.

>> No.5718471

middle east? baklava is standard balkan food

>> No.5718495

>originates from Greece

>> No.5718501

i love taiwanese taro bread. I'm not a huge fan of super sweet stuff, so i like the subtle sweetness of the taro.

>> No.5718524

2 is really delicious with morchellas

>> No.5718529

It's funny because a lot of those pics look semi-nice to nice but I know that anything French will be of better quality just because of the raw products and general good taste

>> No.5718559

>anything French will be of better quality just because of the raw products and general good taste
Not saying French bread isn't great, but this is a rather arrogant stance to take.

>> No.5718599

Well to be fair everybody ITT is saying that their shit tastes better.

>> No.5718612


>> No.5719191

Better hope there's no random drug test at work the day after you eat those.

>> No.5719198

>Not saying French bread isn't great, but this is a rather French stance to take.

fixed that for you

>> No.5719203

Panettone is pretty great.

>> No.5719210

The best sweet bread I've had is the dinner rolls at Red, Hot, & Blue

>> No.5719268

Italian here.
I vote Mexico or Slovenia.

>> No.5719282


I didn't know the French had a monopoly on these rare raw products and general good taste. Good to know.

>> No.5719287
File: 456 KB, 2048x1536, 347670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present you

The Kouignamann

>> No.5719292


Tell me more about this pancake/honeybun type thing

>> No.5719304
File: 19 KB, 257x256, Bretagne-Position.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happens when you add a lot of sugar to a lot of butter and it's the sweetest thing you could ever taste in your life.

It comes from Britanny

>> No.5719306

I have had this before they are like an orgasm

>> No.5719311

The best part is in the middle

I didn't find english version but here's how japaneses see the thing

>> No.5719320
File: 246 KB, 1350x900, monkey-bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monkey bread

>> No.5719526

Anyplace with deer. Venison sweetbreads are the best.

>> No.5719560

I'm not really sure how it compares in sweetness to everything else but I think Lekach is pretty sweet.

>> No.5719670

This is what /ck/ dreams of each night

>> No.5719701

This looks like Greek Tsoureki. The smell, the softness, dat taste, all those possible fillings. Great treat during the Easter.

>> No.5719771
File: 329 KB, 1600x1067, Povitica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Not choosing Croatia/Povitica

>> No.5720130

This looks like heaven

Is a dream that can comes true really a dream ?

>> No.5720260


>> No.5720263
File: 36 KB, 400x300, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damnit, I want real sweetbreads

>> No.5721380



>> No.5721484

sorry niggas you are wrong try again

>> No.5721602
File: 428 KB, 640x480, Soboro_Bosco_Cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wouldnt know about the best, but this korean place really knows how to make their fucking bread right. soboro bread is whats its called, 10/10 would recommend you guys try it

>> No.5721731

no. stop putting chiles and bugs in sweets, and we'll talk.

>> No.5721736

this stuff is amazing, thanks for giving it a name.

>> No.5721740
File: 41 KB, 295x340, hannibal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said sweet bread, but your pic is of baked goods.

>> No.5721776

Japan has melonpan, case closed.

>> No.5721797

Melonpan is a derivative of Mexican concha which is superior.

I've had both (as in I have eaten it in both countries, not ordered it on Amazon like some sad weeaboo) and I have to say the Mexican variety is superior.

>> No.5721815

>Melonpan is a derivative of Mexican concha
They're similar, but that's highly false.

>> No.5721823


Because "pan" is clearly a native japanese word. Just like the Cajuns brought Pho to the Middle East or whatever you were trying to claim last night.

>> No.5721824

>implying slovenia isn't better in every non-fish-related way up to and including pastries, cakes and bread
Don't be laughable. Croatia's got dem fish, though.

>> No.5721847

Melon isn't Japanese either, does that mean it's from a British food?

>> No.5721851


Just give up.

>> No.5721861

Melonpan has nothing to do with the Mexican concha. You have yet to make any argument to the contrary.
>Because "pan" is clearly a native japanese word.
Doesn't even make sense since pan just means bread and I doubt you're claiming all bread in Japan comes from Mexico.

>> No.5721867


Bread is not a native Japanese food, weeaboo.

>> No.5721870

That doesn't mean melonpan isn't a Japanese invention, cretin.

>> No.5721876

>a recipe predates the Japanese version by hundreds of years
>the Japanese version has a clear foreign etymology
>the foreign etymology is directly attributable to the Spanish empire
>clearly the grorious nipponese must have independently invented it and then assigned it a foreign sounding name as a form of mockery over their genetic inferiors

This is what weeaboos ACTUALLY believe

>> No.5721878

Are you retarded or just pretending?

>> No.5721881


No U

>> No.5721901

I once got into an argument with a Chamorro (basically, Flips from the Marianas). He argued that titiya, a Chamorro flat bread used to make taco-like foods, is spontaneously Chamorro in origin and has no connection to tortillas. Nevermind that titiyas come in two varieties: titiyas arina (wheat flour ones) and titiyas maiyes (corn flour ones) which are very, very fucking similar sounding to tortillas de harina and tortillas de mais. Never mind that both wheat and corn were both brought to the Marianas by the Spanish empire. Never mind that the seat of the Spanish empire was in Mexico City at the time. Nope. It's Chamorro through-and-through.

Trying to correct someone on their perceptions of their own culture or a culture which they hold in extremely high regard will always be a losing battle, Anon. No matter how right you might be. I have no idea if melon pan is descended of concha. It's not as clear cut to me as the case with titiyas and tortillas. Have you any documented proof of your claim? They could be both descended of the same origin, like Japanese curry and Country Captain, but have evolved separately with such little contact between them that the two are each rather distinct from one another. Or one could be descended of the other, sure, but changed so drastically as to render the daughter food entirely unrelated in taste and texture, as in the case of horchata and orzata (horchata is descended of orzata but has nothing in common with it other than etymology).

Beeteedubs, the main (only?) difference between titiyas and tortillas is that titiyas are made with coconut cream rather than a mixture of water and lard or oil.

>> No.5721915

As far as I know, they didn't even have bread until us filthy gaijins introduced it to them, which was fairly recently.

>> No.5721949

Define "recently." The nips have had trade with Mexico since 1597 and Portugal since 15...73, i think? I'm sure it was 1597 for Mexico, 100%. Anyway, I mention this because I'm more than sure that during such trade, the knowledge of bread-baking was passed on. While I can't pinpoint any specific date, year or even particular era, I'd be very, very surprised if the information wasn't passed off to the Japanese before the end of the mid 17th century.

That's why while I'm not discounting your claim of its descent from concha, it's just as possible that both concha and melon pan descend from some other, older and since forgotten food.

>> No.5722240


>> No.5722259

French standard for food are usually higher so while your home made stuff is probably good, supermarket items will invariably be better in France, it's a fact.

>> No.5722263

yakittate japan fuck yeah.
>you will never taste tsukino flavoured buns

>> No.5722268

If you like Japan so much why don't you move there already, weeblord?

>> No.5722269

"pan" comes from Portuguese colonialist, just like Tempura.

>> No.5722272

>le epic japan hate maymay
millenial pls, this isn't facebook, your dad will not notice how cool you are there.

>> No.5722276

I know. What's your point?

>> No.5722461
File: 39 KB, 310x450, usagi4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tsukino buns

>> No.5722470


>> No.5722998

more like shitty artificial sweeteners

>> No.5724578

not what i wasd looking for

>> No.5724592
File: 36 KB, 301x226, vanocka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

czech republic - vanocka

>> No.5724728

Holy fuck, never noticed that but then i took an dick to the knee

>> No.5725970

baklava is like gyro or shwarma or kebap or hummus. A lot of different attributions for origins

>> No.5726145

USA as with all things.
>Banana bread
>Lemon poppy-seed bread
>Blueberry bread

>> No.5726191

But those are cakes.

>> No.5726213

Define bread.

>> No.5726239

Translating into English:
A food made by cooking a dough of cereal flour, water, salt and yeast in an oven.

A food made by cooking a sweet liquid batter in a form in an oven.

A food made by cooking a sweet solid batter in an oven.

English isn't very specific with its food terms and many can be used in quite the slapdash manner but other languages are fairly cut and dry about them.

>> No.5726517

>tsukino flavoured buns
Is there a recipe?

>> No.5727467

o.0 what

>> No.5727511
File: 96 KB, 799x499, _pan-dulce-lowrider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pan dulce tantos tipos de pan dulce



>> No.5727524
File: 808 KB, 1000x750, poppycakeslice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lemon poppy-seed bread
I've had lemon poppy-seed muffins in California. You're going a bit too easy on the poppy-seeds in my opinion. It also wouldn't hurt if you ground the poppy seeds before adding them.

>> No.5727867

done in a careless or hurried manner

>> No.5728187

That car

>> No.5728989

Are you an idiot?

>> No.5730449

just wow

>> No.5730481
File: 52 KB, 604x402, Classic_roll[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5730511
File: 162 KB, 500x499, Zimtschnecke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cinnamon rolls I had in the US weren't very good.

>> No.5730985
File: 68 KB, 476x363, cultfeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mexico, obviously.
this a thousand times

>> No.5731018

I love German/Austrian sweets. I would kill a man if I didn't get to eat my stollen at Christmas.

Mexican sweetbreads are shit. I work with a lot of Mexicans, and one lady brought in some for breakfast so I ate a few. they look really good because they're fun shapes and crazy colors, but the taste like ass. absolutely no flavor and have horrible texture.

>> No.5731214

tfw no mexican pastry shop near me

>> No.5732958


>> No.5732999

cocnha masterace

>> No.5733016

Depends on the kind of mexican sweetbreads, my favorite ones are the donuts sold by my lokal Vimark.

Also, the chocolate sweetbread i had last night and i even added some chocolate syrup

>> No.5733035

agreed. ive tried various mexican pan shops around where i live and their ability to make bread is horrible. shit is just so dry youd think it was left out in the open for a week, and this is fresh out of the oven mind you.

>> No.5733040

also note not to say that all mexican pan bakerys cant make bread or that all mexican bread sucks, its just the ones that ive tried where i live that suck and couldnt make decent bread to save their lives.

>> No.5733256

Those are goat.

>> No.5734084
File: 387 KB, 1117x841, tsoureki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsoureki is amazing. I made it for Easter this year following my grandma's recipe. It turned out a bit burnt on one side thanks to my oven, and I would've liked it to be softer but dad got me to leave it in a bit longer since he likes it crusty.

You could smell the masticha and mahlep in it when you were in the same room, and it tasted amazing too.

>> No.5734543

>sprinkle bread
It's fairy bread you fuck

>> No.5734644

looks great
save me some!! next time