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5711395 No.5711395[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on parmesan cheese? I love it so much. I often eat it straight out the package with a spoon its so good.

>> No.5711420

Actual parmesean reggiano or the shit in the green bottle?

Because they are not the same thing

>> No.5711423

if you think that's good, maybe you should grate some yourself and eat some that isn't shit

>> No.5711430



>> No.5713181

never ever buy grated parmesan.. ever...

>> No.5713185

It's impossible to eat the shit straight from the green bottle.

>> No.5713207

Whole wedge parmesan ain't bad. Green canister parmesan-style cheese food is bad.

I can understand that if you don't have a mechanical/crank grater that grating cheese is a pain, but the same weight of American-made parmsean costs a bit less than the green canister parmesan-style cheese food.
When I can, I buy parmigiano, since it's only a dollar or two more for a comparable weight (200g v 227g/8oz of the canister) otherwise, wedge parmesan isn't awful and costs about half as much as parmigiano and only 66% or so the price of parmesan-style green canister cheese food.

>> No.5713222


I was about to post the exact same thing.

>> No.5713284
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I use Belgioioso, it's not "muh italian imports" but it's still a fantastic cheese.

>> No.5713302

I usually buy the parmesan that they grate or shred fresh at the supermarket.

>> No.5713387

Grana Padano is slightly milder but very similar, more refined. And half the price.

The real Parma cheese, the legend, is unavailable to the common public. Not in the US, not in Europe, not in Italy, unless you have connections and/or lots of money. There's absolutely no reason to pay more for a factory/mass produced item simply because of the name.

>> No.5713414

>regularly buy cheese that has 'parmigiano reggiano DOP' branded onto the rind
Parmigiano ships very, very well. There's no reason that it wouldn't be the genuine article. Are you the same idiot that tries to suggest that Italian organised crime has its tentacles in the olive oil business in all countries throughout the Mediterranean and it is therefore impossible to get proper olive oil anywhere, ever?

>> No.5713415

There is no such thing. I've lived in italy since I was born, there's no conspiracy to keep what is essentially rotten milk (albeit delicious) from uncultured plebeians.

>> No.5713434

But the olive oil thing is real

>> No.5713462

>implying olive oil produced in Algeria and Egypt has anything to do with Italian organised crime

>> No.5713471

If the Jews can pull off 9/11, Italians can control an olive market

>> No.5713487

>not eating the superior green bottle verity
>it comes pre ground you fuckwit
>leaving you time to properly prepare not only the rest of your meal, but to microwave it perfectly
I know this is you fatty.

>> No.5713792

I like to shred some in a frying pan and fry it and eat the shreds

>> No.5713796



when i was 13 i told myself i would never fuck anyone called verity, or hermione, or octavia

>> No.5713807

Not even Hermione Gingold and Hermione Baddeley?

>> No.5716054

Wrong. My dad will literally shake about a mouthful straight into his gullet and eat it.

I tried once.

It's fucking disgusting.

>> No.5716093

Good parmesan smell like puke, but yep it's really good ^^

>> No.5716237

why not octavia?

>> No.5716242


Ah, I remember eating chef boyardee ravioli with green bottle parmesan cheese and plain wonder white bread with butter.

Poorfag child life.

>> No.5716254

No it's not. The reason the imported shit is better is that it's production legally required to conform to certain standards which make a better, by comparison with the shitty U.S. 'parmesan', cheese.

It's not about being pretentious; American made, pre-shredded 'parmesan' is just shitty.

>> No.5716262
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You're an idiot.

>> No.5716272



>> No.5716312


BelGioso is often well regarded in comparison with its European counterparts, as do many Wisconsin cheeses. While it may not satisfy your irrational need for it to come from a certain country, it's far from shitty.

>> No.5716332
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Do Americans really buy the parmesan cheese that comes pregrated in unrefridgerated cans?

>> No.5716334

in blind taste tests it is impossible to distinguish between the tastes of parmesan cheese and vomit

>> No.5716343


Goddamn right we do. There's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

>> No.5716347

gourmet recipe all up in this thread

>> No.5716382


>Not naming that file "Momsspaghetti"
>Having 1 job

Pick one.

>> No.5716387

You wouldn't find it difficult to show us where you might have read or heard that Bel Gioioso is often well regarded in comparison with its European counterparts, would you? I mean, if Bel Gioioso is often well regarded in comparison with its European counterparts, surely it's been written about somewhere, no? There are many writings about how to the average person, cheaper, new world wines are generally indistinguishable from their more expensive, old world counterparts, so why not for the claim that Bel Gioioso is often well regarded in comparison with its European counterparts?

Personally? I like Bel Gioioso. It's not bad. It's certainly better than green canister cheese-food product. But it's incomparable to proper parmigiano. And that's fine. It doesn't need to be. Just like the Americans defending Hershey's the other day, saying it doesn't need to be good because it's cheap, accessible, everyday chocolate, Bel Gioioso also doesn't need to be good because it's cheap, accessible everyday cheese. Or does this explanation not hold up here in the same way?

>> No.5716391
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> I often eat it straight out the package with a spoon its so good

>> No.5716395

I don't wish to do anything about it but I marvel at how American corporations can make Americans literally buy anything, even the worst quality.

>> No.5716478


But anon we do that here in Britannia too

>> No.5716496


>potted meats
>slimy Tesco brand cold cuts and shit bakery products.
>Just Americans


>> No.5716520

>this American

>> No.5716567

How can you eat such a hard cheese with a spoon?

>> No.5716585

You have to activate it first

>> No.5716825

So there are actually people who sell parmesan imitation ? I mean, come on, that shit is cheap, an if you cant afford it grana padano is as tasty for half the price

>> No.5716875

What's wrong with ready grated parmesan? It seems like such a taboo on here. I don't use it myself, I always buy the block stuff and grate it myself but I've never actually tried the ready grated stuff.

>> No.5716892

Nothing really, just the green canister "parmesan" is bad and many other "parmesans" are, too. Grated grana or parmigiano wouldn't be bad so far as I can guess but those two are rarely sold pre-grated. I've never bought them that way, in any case.
Oddly enough, I often see Roman sheep's cheese already grated as well as Mexican cotija, which tastes like a very, very salty grana but very, very rarely proper parmigiano or grana, ever.
Dunno why that's the case. Does it lose flavour with prolonged exposure to air and being grated creates far greater surface area thereby quickening the process? That's my only guess.

>> No.5717273


the green parmesan cheese stuff. I grew up on it but living on my own, my italian gf showed me what real parmesan cheese is and i've never ate it again. my family still uses it but you know old people, set in their ways

>> No.5717623


>being this much in denial

face it homie, we the best

>> No.5717638

Anyone who doesn't recognize things like powdered parmesan or american cheese having their place in the culinary world are just trying to distance themselves from being considered pleb.

>> No.5717681

Or someone who didn't grow up with either and has little idea what they are or used for. Remember: not everyone is American and not every American had the same foods growing up as you did.

>> No.5719508

>straight out of the package with a spoon
>with a spoon
>buying grated parmesan
>buying any grated cheese
>it's probably not even parmesan

>> No.5719770

sounds like something my dad would do. he used to walk to the kitchen late at night wearing nothing but his tighty whities even when I had friends over. he'd proceed to rip ass profusely and ask me what kind of nigger shit we were watching on TV as he ate either half a brick of cheddar.

>> No.5719786

calm your tits assburger before you have an aneurism.

>> No.5719799

its low tier and lazy when you can buy grana padano for less $ per weight. that being said I'll use it if its there. cheap parmesan is better than no parmesan. people blow shit out of proportion on here, I'm sure everyone here has happily eaten a plate of spaghetti with green can cheese.

>> No.5719802
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My nigga

Their mozzarella is the only mozzarella I can eat

>> No.5719824


>chef boyardee
>wonder bread

you were not poor. just spoiled.

>> No.5719833


american here. no we pretty much suck.

>> No.5719935
File: 133 KB, 292x500, parmesan_cheese_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is utter bullshit. You can buy Parmigiano Reggiano pretty much anywhere in Italy. Yes, it is costly, even there.

A lot of the "Parmesan" sold in Europe are cheaper Dutch copies, but they are labeled as such. Often side by side with the real thing.

You can easily find real Parmesan in the U.S. It's imported in substantial quantities.

Of course if you do your shopping at Lidl/Walmart, or some other discount chain, they may not carry it. It's above the price range of budget-conscious people.

>> No.5719947

>having a based as fuck grocery store with high quality properly sourced ingredients

feels good mayne

The parm reg here is like $16/lb regularly but I think they had it on sale for 10-12 the other week.

I picked up some pecorino romano recently cuz it was a bit cheaper and that was good too

>> No.5719989

Italian here, what the fuck is this green can parmigiano you keep talking about? Fuck i will never be able to call it parmesan it sounds disgusting

>> No.5721796

Building a factory in Parma doesn't make it "The real Parma cheese, the legend" as >>5713387 was talking about.

>> No.5722958


But carrying the Parmigiano Reggiano name does, it's a protected name that only those who produce the cheese in that region and according to the standards set by their consortium can use.

Sadly the English word Parmesan is not protected, hence the large number of, usually wildly inferior, imitations.