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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5707662 No.5707662[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>but healthy food tastes bad

>> No.5707666
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>> No.5707667
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>> No.5707670



makes perfect sense when its laid out like that

>> No.5707674

Thats also the areas with the highest concentration of Coloreds. So...

>> No.5707677

it does if you're an idiot and/or can't cook because it seems like a lot of people think that the only "healthy" thing you can eat is goddamn chopped iceberg lettuce with fat free dressing, topped with a boneless skinless chicken breast that they probably overcooked by about 20 minutes

>> No.5707680

When I connected through Memphis I was astounded at how fat everyone was

They were all like that. Black and white.

>> No.5707684

great anecdotal evidence yankee

>> No.5707697
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>> No.5707719

>but muh food makes me happy

>> No.5707726

wheat bran does taste good, anon. but you don't eat it by itself. it's more of an ingredient than a food

>> No.5707729
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>tfw I just had a smoothie with almond milk, cocoa powder, flax seed, and a frozen banana
>tasted like a chocolate milk shake

>> No.5707773
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>Water has no flavor, why would you drink it by itself

>> No.5707799

10 bananas + juice or water
15 dates + water

>> No.5707800

I-I... I understand YOU.

>> No.5707814

this is what I do
>take my powerful coffee grinder than can handle stuff
>buzz some chia seeds and flax seeds (buy em whole at store)
>organic almond/soy/oat/hemp/cashew milk etc. either or.
>into the pot
>mix mix mix
>cacao powder
>carob powder
>low heat mixing mix mix mix
>with a whisk
>whisk whisk whisk
>special pucci smooth chocolate pudding.

>> No.5707822

that sounds fucking revolting

>> No.5707826

>how to give yourself diabetes

>> No.5707828
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>> No.5707922

bake it into a muffin faggot

>> No.5707937

sounds good. do you eat it warm or cold?

>> No.5707939

>highest concentration of nignogs

>> No.5707945

>ftw your state is one of the most unhappy


>> No.5708202

shill alert

thanks anon, both, either or.

>> No.5708215

>jumps on superfood bandwagons
>misuses buzzwords

>> No.5708522

9/10 times it tastes better. Really like no comparison.

>> No.5708653

List some foods that you think are healthy. The phrase "healthy food" is kind of misleading. Really there are no healthy or unhealthy foods, just healthy or unhealthy diets and eating habits. The greasiest, most calorific quadruple bacon cheeseburger would save your life if you were starving. In that sense, it is healthy. Eating that same calorie bomb twice every day for a month, however, would probably put you in the hospital. If something that you put in your mouth was truly bad for you, it could hardly be considered food at all (e.g. gravel, moth balls, gasoline).

>> No.5708664

It sounds like a horrible combination. I'm all for eating healthy but that is just like raping a dessert for no reason

also you don't have any idea what shill means, please look it up

>> No.5708671


>how to show people you don't know what diabetes is or how someone gets it

>> No.5709486

no it didn't

>> No.5709502

oh god, WOAT

>> No.5709835

>I'm on a diet so I'll take a DIET coke

>> No.5710615

>stop liking what I don't like!
anon there are no superfoods. superfoods are real food, everything else may be considered less than normal.

>> No.5711090

>not top 10 Obese or Lazy but still top 10 Unhappy
>Ohio confirmed for perfectionist capital of USA

>> No.5711490

iceberg isn't even one of the healthier lettuces
but I guess people who don't know much about food think it's the only lettuce that exists

>> No.5711523
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>i don't know how long to cook fish
>when are onions translucent?
>what is finely chopped? what is roughly chopped?
How do people exist? seriously?

>> No.5711612

Sounds fucking disgusting.

>> No.5711620

I don't know the first two.

>> No.5711629

It's a shame that's censored because that girl is adorable.

>> No.5711710

Charlotte Stokely.

>> No.5711723


its about taste. It develops and gets skewed in certain directions depending on the persons main diet. If all they eat is sugar laden foods or heavy dairy and meat products all the time they will be unable to go near raw vegetable foods because their mind and body recognize it as foreign, which is a good chance of food poisoning or something like that, hence the aversion to 'healthy foods'.

>> No.5711759

The more healthy food you eat (and the less unhealthy food you eat) the more you enjoy healthy food (and the less you enjoy unhealthy food). The taste scientists are winning you over right now because you're weak. You're too susceptible to their formulas, and you fall for them every time. Purge your fridge and pantry, get rid of all of your unhealthy food, and never buy it again. Eat only healthy food from that point on. It will be extremely difficult and disgusting at first, but after a few months you'll learn to like it, and after a year you'll never want to touch a bag of chips again.

Water tastes like life.

>> No.5711765

She's... far from adorable.

>> No.5711786

How much milled flax seed tea spoons is too much?

>> No.5711787

Enough to amount to about 1/4 your total body weight.

>> No.5711796

protip: if you are using more that a few teaspoons use something larger to measure with

>> No.5711887

his recipe was literally
>Binder/thickening agent
It's a fucking pudding recipe. If you ain't into the cocoa, cinnamon, vanilla, carob flavor combination then you can change the flavoring, but it's not an unusual recipe.
Unless you think your icecream is somehow more natural or better for you or not filled with algae derived bullshit, then I dunno man, you stupid.
You are an idiot. Healthy food is never necessarily disgusting. 'Unhealthy' food is also not necessarily a bad thing. Me and my girlfriend will eat a bag of chips and a dip between us when we watch a movie maybe once a fortnight. It's a reward and a rare pleasure for us. And rewarding yourself with little treats for being a good human being is a pretty good way of keeping doing that.
I have a weakness though. Like 9/10 times I'm good, keep up my training, eat healthy, fuck strong and long, but that fucking KFC hot and spicy recipe...
It's awful, it makes me feel like shit, but damn those food scientists have me twisted around their little finger.

>> No.5711940
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>Vanilla has no flavor
>Vanilla tastes like milk

>> No.5711964
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>m-m-muh negroes ;_;

One march wasn't enough.

>> No.5711966

>he thinks the civil war was about slavery

>> No.5711995
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>> No.5712000

wow a made up image, great! go take a us history course then we'll talk

>> No.5712005

I've taken several in university.
That's why I know you're full of shit.

>> No.5712007

But a tomato is a fruit.

>> No.5712009

maybe it was partly about slavery
all those new democrat voters

>> No.5712010

If you've taken a history course then, you'll know that it's pretty fucking disingenuous to say
>the civil war had nothing to do with slavery
it's a meaningless distinction. In botany there are a fucking thousand 'vegetables' that are technically fruits. In cuisine, tomato is a vegetable, and it's useless to call it a fruit in the greatest number of cases.

>> No.5712023

my internet is awful so you can scroll through it

>> No.5712029
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really? in what ways was the civil war mainly about slavery?

why dont you check the bottom quote in the pic and then add to that the fact that at its peak only 1.6% of people in the US owned slaves and that the emancipation proclamation ONLY freed slaves in places in CSA that the USA had taken and did not free any existing slaves in the north.

>in university
oh youre a brit, that explains it

>> No.5712033
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>describe healthy food to someone
>"oh, but I like to add ____ and ____ and _____ too, just a little bit won't hurt"
>but that kind of detracts from the healthiness of the food, don't you think?
>"it's fine to eat ____ and _____ and _____ in moderation, you don't have to be a damn MONK"

Motherfucker, it ain't moderation when you eat it every day with every meal. Why can't people just eat simple food? Most things taste good enough as they are. The point of ditching junk food for healthy food isn't to turn the healthy food into more junk food.

>> No.5712034

not a brit.
just hang out too often on this website and pick up weird slang...

>> No.5712083

Hardly anyone ears the shit you didn't even name everyday moron.

>> No.5712102

you mean correct terminology?

>> No.5712115

>start cooking
>hell ya! this is going to be delicious and I'm going to eat even healthier
>now just to get some recipes
>"add one kilo butter, to a liter or heavy cream
>mix in sugar and cream cheese
>then proceed to fry until forms one solid mass
>serves half a person"

>> No.5712123

>nothing to do with slavery
>declaration of secession
>Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery — the greatest material interest of the world … a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization.

>> No.5712125

She's adorable in the desperate junkie that'll do anything for another hit sort of way.

>> No.5712126

>Tons of carbs translating to calories

You are part of the problem. Dear God, mixing up bananas with juice? You could pig out at McDonald's for that caloric price.

>> No.5712151

>drinking sugar, so you don't let your saliva start the digestion process

There's a reason juices are terrible, sugar needs to stay in your mouth a little while.

>> No.5712160


>> No.5712181

> TFW Yankee raised by Southern family in Ohio
> I will never be a true Tennessee native

>> No.5712969
