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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5703828 No.5703828[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, which is it /ck/?

>> No.5703832

coke all the way but if its cherry its gotta be wild cherry pepsi

>> No.5703850

Coke for most things.

>> No.5703907

Pepsi is obviously the superior brand!

>> No.5703913

beer, drinking soda is for children

>> No.5703920


>> No.5703923

>Drinking a girly 4-5% alcohol beverage
Beer and soda are the same. Picky children like sweet things and picky adults like savory/bitter things. People who can't enjoy both are just pitiful

>> No.5703924

>drinking soda

>> No.5703927


>> No.5703928

whatever helps you justify being a babby kek

>> No.5703933

>2014 liking beer shiny diego

>> No.5703935
File: 2.00 MB, 1940x1490, rccoco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coke for most things
>pepsi is obviously superior

Are you both flaming faggot birds? Clearly RC cola wins, cunts.

Pic is your momma.

>inb4 you dingleberries tell me otherwise, RC stands for Royal Cola. It's royal shit. You can't win.

>> No.5703944

>2014 not even Photoshop
TL;DR RC sux

>> No.5703950

not Double Cola

>> No.5704008

Cola is the best. You can taste the hard 'spic labor in a coke. Pepsi taste like manufactured shit

>> No.5704036


>> No.5704037


>> No.5704054

>2014 -i

>> No.5704059


>> No.5704067

Of the two, Coke is obviously superior. Pepsi is too sweet, and lacks the "bite" of Coca Cola.


>> No.5704078
File: 898 KB, 1408x1056, pepsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody remember the Pepsi Challenge? I went to a BBQ festival when I was 12 and before you even entered the venue Pepsi had a Challenge booth. I drank both and could immediately tell the difference. When they asked me "which one do you like better?" I pointed to the Pepsi and said "Well, this one is the Pepsi."

>> No.5704081

Pepsi when I want something more vanilla tasting and Coke when I want something more caramel tasting

>> No.5704102

>Pepsi was able to use racism as a selling point, attacking Coke's reluctance to hire blacks and support by the chairman of Coke for segregationist Governor of Georgia Herman Talmadge. As a result, Pepsi's market share as compared to Coke's shot up dramatically. After the sales team visited Chicago, Pepsi's share in the city overtook that of Coke for the first time.

>> No.5704115

What's your point?

inb4 /pol/ comes out of the woodworks

>> No.5704118

I thought Pepsi reduces your sperm count? That's why I drink Coca Cola

>> No.5704170

Pepsi doesn't mix well with Jack Daniel's so I'm gonna have to go with Coke on this one

>> No.5704175
File: 782 KB, 1500x1000, Fentimans-Cola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fentiman's > mexi-coke > normal coke > RC > fermented yak jizz > pepsi

>> No.5704186

if that matters to you then you should be sterilized.

>> No.5704190


>> No.5704199

just a fun fact, no point

>> No.5704207

Pepsi is the drink of feminism. Dismantle the patriarchy.

>> No.5704215

zima is the drink of feminism. it's discontinued now.

>> No.5704218

When talking about the European non-HFCS variants I prefer Pepsi. Coke is too sour.

>> No.5704506

>Not Vernor's
What the fuck guys?

>> No.5704511

does verners make a cola?

>> No.5704533

I prefer pepsi products in general to coke products in almost everything except colas
also orange fanta is better

but seriously who the fuck actually drinks sprite?

>> No.5704581

Not that I know of, but who needs cola anyway.

>> No.5704589

Pepsi is too sweet. Also, America so it's HFC.

>> No.5704639

dr pepper

>> No.5704672
File: 133 KB, 769x1440, nilla coke bitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't have to choose

>> No.5704976


>> No.5704982

Coca Cola everyday.

>> No.5705000

coke. pepsi tastes like an industrial solvent with a bunch of sugar. i'm a texfag, so we have dr pepper, but it's too sweet for me. so, coke all the way.

>> No.5705015

>only like soda but hate beer etc
I never felt shitty til now

>> No.5705029
File: 82 KB, 650x509, american_accents_wind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are grown men who care about what brand is preferable in kids' drinks

>> No.5705031

Every single coke I've had in the US so far has made me feel terrible stomach pains, made me feel dizzy and sick and has made me fart a lot.
What the fuck do they put in it over here? I've made the decision not to bother with coke anymore as I'm now a permanent US resident. My teeth are now much whiter. Conclusion: Fuck Cola

>> No.5705052
File: 306 KB, 1175x880, Pepsi_Blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5705067

I recently went from Pepsi to Coke, no regrets
I got a case of Mexicoke and that made me realize.
I think I'd still get Pepsi throwback over regular Coke though

>> No.5705069

Who the fuck makes these maps because they're wrong?

>> No.5705076


>> No.5705098

Funny story.

The reason Coke made NEW Coke was because they kept losing the taste tests.

However, coke won the take home tests. People prefer that initial sweeter taste, but actually prefer to finish and keep drinking coke.

Anyway,I use to drink Pepsi but now prefer diet Pepsi and can no longer rotate the flavor of sugared sodas.

>> No.5705102
File: 276 KB, 808x1280, mexicanpepsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexican Pepsi > all other sodas.

HFCS a shit.

>> No.5705124

mah nigga

>> No.5705127

Bullshit they did it to secretly change from cane sugar to HFCS

>> No.5705146


>> No.5705158
File: 23 KB, 580x494, pointing1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigga

>> No.5705194

I live in Houston and never once have I heard some one say wind negro

>> No.5705208

pepsi person reporting in

>> No.5705249
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Ahem... Gentlemen.

>> No.5705290

Are they ever going to reboot this shit?

>> No.5705300

I prefer coke.

Pepsi has a kind of citrus taste to it that I don't like.

>> No.5705314

Ah, no.

Go read blink.

>> No.5705370
File: 4 KB, 176x206, afrilogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit right here.

>> No.5705426

Never actually had Crystal Pepsi. Does it just taste like normal Pepsi, except it's clear?

>> No.5705709
File: 1.06 MB, 175x131, 1c8e6839-4192-436e-a2af-317d9fd4c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wind negro

>> No.5705710

What about every other non-water, non-alcoholic drink that people enjoy, faggot?

>> No.5705716

Nice try. Coke had already been using HFCS for about a year in most of the country before New Coke was introduced. Nobody noticed or gave a shit. It's glass bottles that make Coke taste better. Pour HFCS Coke and cane sugar Coke into plastic cups and you'll only have a 50-50 chance of guessing which is which.

>> No.5705718

Someone just made it up as a joke, none of those terms exist anywhere.

>> No.5705735

> Never actually had Crystal Pepsi.
> Does it just taste like normal
> Pepsi, except it's clear?

They haven't made it in years and years, it was a total flop as I recall, just a quick attempt to cash in at a time when the current moronic health nazi fad was "clear must be better for you than stuff with added colored goop" (kinda like HFCS vs cane sugar today, eh?).

But the thing was, that colored goop is kinda REQUIRED to make a cola a cola. So no, it didn't taste like normal Pepsi. It was close, but it was just off somehow (going on 20-year-old memories here obviously) ... it was more watery, less thick, which just didn't feel right in your mouth. And for whatever reason it always tasted a bit on the flat side to me, like a regular Pepsi that had been left with the top off for six hours or so.

tl;dr You didn't miss much.

>> No.5705748

Thanks for sharing, oldbro

>> No.5705759

Fun New Coke Fact: The guy that was president of Coke at the time and 100% responsible for the entire New Coke fiasco, managed to actually come out of the whole debacle with the company having a bigger market share and making higher profits. But he literally went to his grave believing that New Coke was truly the superior product, and was never able to let go. In fact, he never drank a Coke Classic again for the rest of his life, except when he had to in public for PR reasons. Even after he'd long since retired, and long after New Coke had been pulled off the shelves everywhere in the world, Coke's laboratories had a standing order to whip up a small batch of New Coke, bottle it and send it to his house, where he drank it religiously till his last day on earth.

Total Citizen Kane case.

>> No.5705774

No prob. The more I think about it, I kinda remember that it also was missing some of the "caramel-ness" of regular Pepsi, even though there was still caramel in it, in some form or another. (I seem to recall them going out of their way at the time to make clear - ahem - that the brown color was not REQUIRED to make it a regular-tasting soda, so leaving that part out shouldn't affect the taste at all. But obviously, nobody believed them.)

In the end, it just seemed like a 3/4 Pepsi, something that had gotten most of the way down the assembly line but never quite finished.

(Insert SNL "Crystal Gravy" ad here, which perfectly summed up the whole bullshit fad.)