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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.73 MB, 2592x1944, Englishbreakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5703379 No.5703379[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We post our ideal breakfast and comment on each other's choices

>pic related, I can't comprehend how someone could include tomatoes, baked beans, and fucking mushrooms in their breakfast

>> No.5703386

Leftover pizza.

>> No.5703390


>> No.5703393
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>cold little caesars

Mana from heaven in the morning, especially for a bad hangover.

>> No.5703544
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>> No.5703548

he said pizza, not cardboard.

>> No.5703553

Unfortunately I don't have a picture of the breakfast, but my favorite is the Ultimate Benedict from a diner in my town. It's eggs Benedict on an everything bagel with cream cheese and lox, served with hash browns and fresh fruit. Every time I order it I finish the whole thing and go into a food coma, but it's still the best tasting breakfast I've ever had.

>> No.5703597

> crispy hot hashbrowns with onion and garlic
> two runny sunny side up eggs on top
> two fresh biscuits set on top of the eggs
> creamy milky sausage gravy poured abundantly over the top
> oj and a small side bowl of fresh fruit to nibble on between every other spoonful or so of the eggybiscuithash.

>> No.5703656
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Maybe not my ideal breakfast, but really fucking tasty.

>> No.5703693
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>not a breakfast food

hold up

tomatoes are an anytime food.

Anyway my ideal breakfast is probably just:
fried eggs
grainy toast
sliced tomatoes
salt & pepper & hot sauce on everything


>> No.5703719

Huevos a la Mexican masterrace.

or breakfast tacos from the late great Tamale Hut in Austin, TX.

or migas in Austin too, actually.

mfw i live in NYC and mexican food here is shit

>> No.5703730

What all is going on here? Gyro meat, fries, onion rings and... ???

>> No.5703732
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Two buttermilk biscuits topped with sawmill gravy, sausage, ham, and cheddar cheese. I use plenty of sriracha sauce on mine.

>> No.5703744

This is relevant to my interests.

>> No.5703746

Remove your name and I'll tell you.

>> No.5703756
File: 53 KB, 500x333, chorizo egg and cheese tacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remove your name and I'll tell you.

No way, Jose. Just tell em.

>> No.5703759

>Remove your name and I'll tell you.
ayyy lmao

>> No.5703767

My ideal breakfast is also my choice for last meal, interestingly enough.

Chicken fried steak with plenty of peppered white gravy, biscuits, hash browns, an omlette (with tomato, onion, bell pepper, and a little sausage), assorted fresh fruit, coffee, sweet tea, and yogurt (preferably strawberry). Cream, sugar, salt, and pepper for what needs it of course. If I'm in the mood for something sweet, a doughnut or single cookie to dunk in the coffee is a nice touch.

>> No.5703783

Those are wings, probably buffalo
It's a munchie box

>> No.5703789
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>> No.5703824

scrambled eggs, rice, and spam


bandeja paisa


full irish

>> No.5703825
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I like the breakfast beer

>> No.5703830

Are you Filipino?

>> No.5703833

Huevos Rancheros or Spanish Omelet.

But seriously, this is 2014. Who the fuck has time to eat breakfast? If you can afford breakfast, you're probably employed, which means you're probably wolfing down a shake and rushing off to your job to look valuable so you don't get fired.

>> No.5703836

>not going on a coffee run AFTER you punch in

>> No.5703843

Azeri/Russian-American, but damned if those othercountrypeople don't have some good eats. I guess for loyalty I should make my own ultimate breakfast mashup: small bowl of semolina porridge with a pat of butter, strong black tea, and some qatiq with fresh, ripe figs

>> No.5703846

>being so lazy you have to sleep in until the last minute

>> No.5703849
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>> No.5703864

How long does it take you to get ready? Takes me 10 minutes

>> No.5703868


guy who posted earlier. 30 minutes, 20 minute commute. I have to be into work by 7am. Boss is in the front office, no other entrances to work, he monitors everyone going in and out.

The only convenience store nearby has 40 person pileups from 6:30-8:30am

>> No.5703869
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>> No.5703876

I am at work between 8-9 most days. I get up ~2 hours before I have to be there so I can get ready, make breakfast, feed my animals, enjoy my coffee and breakfast, maybe get something going for dinner etc. Then I work about 12 hours and come home and usually make or finish dinner if I didnt make something at work to take home

Sounds like you are just a lazy cunt

>> No.5703898


>Make something at work

Sounds more like you have an easy as shit job if you can fucking cook while on the job.

>> No.5703900

Sounds to me like you settled down.

>> No.5703908
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What I had for years until I stopped smoking.

>> No.5703914
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>bandeja paisa
Fucking yes.

>> No.5703916

I just cook something when I'm getting ready to leave. I work 6- 6&1/2 days a week and ~12hrs a day and bust my ass, its hardly easy, What makes you think it would be?


>> No.5703921
File: 30 KB, 544x405, Shaken-Milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A milkshake and some bacon sounds great to me.

>> No.5703941

what is that crispy thing on the upper right hand side?

>> No.5703947

Looks like chicharron to me

>> No.5703948


That looks like one big, contiguous chicharron strip, with the skin and fatback still attached, sliced up and displayed very nicely.

>> No.5703955

it is.

>> No.5703956

It's the belly of a pig. DELICIOUS

>> No.5703962

>English Breakfast
>white pudding

Nah, mate.

>> No.5703963
File: 1.14 MB, 1500x1125, oatmeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. Quick, easy and filling.

>> No.5703966


I remember when I was a destitute college student, I survived a semester just shoveling dry oatmeal into my mouth.

It was the first time I ever lost weight.

>> No.5704586
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>> No.5704606

I've never had a traditional english breakfast but I wake up sometimes and crave one.

>> No.5704611


>> No.5704625

Gotta be huevos rancheros.

Nothing like a runny egg over salsa, peppers, and a cheese quesadilla.

>> No.5704627
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morel mushrooms over whole grain toast

I'd eat this on death row were I only offered one meal before I die

>> No.5704631

Ideal breakfast for me is two fried eggs, sunny side up, with corned beef hash and rye toast. And orange juice and coffee.

>> No.5704634

>sawmill gravy
>never heard that term before

>> No.5704640

its just butter flour roux then milk and salt and pepper sometimes you use sausage drippings if you are making biscuits and gravy etc

>> No.5704649

Bro do you even Sunset Park

>> No.5704657

Fruity. Pebbles.

>> No.5704681

My breakfast is usually my dinner because i get out of work at 9am. Feta and spinach omelette, hashbrowns and bacon.

>> No.5704696

being half britbong i do love a full eng breck fast, but rather heavy. eggs&tomatoes on toast, maybe a bit of bacon (usa bacon is ok. canada is like lean ham, but some britt bacon (bacon butties) is better.As tarded amerifat Iike grits, link sausage tea or coffee..very seldom. usually just oatmeal or peanutbutter on bread out the door. a good idea. thanks europe.. my mom was from England and we never had "supper" earlier than 6 pm

>> No.5704716
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I can't decide on the best so I'll give my favourite two:
>Fried eggs and bacon
>Toast (french bread) with a mix of shredded tomato and olive oil topped with jamón serrano. If you grate garlic against the toast it's called pan tumaca.

Both with black coffee and fresh orange juice.

>> No.5704722

How do people cook this? That seems like a whole lot of dishes just for breakfast

>> No.5704730
File: 78 KB, 300x400, ohbrother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your life sounds like shit, you sound unhappy and it's depressing to read. Keep that in mind when you try to compare it to other people or even bring it up for that matter.

>> No.5704736

My life is great, I really enjoy my work and am pretty happy overall

>> No.5704742
File: 66 KB, 800x599, In-der-Woche-dauert-das-Fruehstueck-im-Schnitt-nur-15-Minuten-daher-gibt-es-vielerorts-Muesli-und-Cornflakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my god.. nothing here posted was breakfast more like "junkfood in the morning".

>> No.5704751

that looks both british... and delicious... can it be?

>> No.5704756

Sure sounds like it, you "work 12 hours a day" in what I have to assume is the restaraunt industry, and then you come home and hover over the food board on 4chan. You responded in under a minute in a half, sounds like you have many fun and important things going on. You have to get up in 6 hours to feed your animals and yourself before starting the cycle over again, that sounds depressing as fuck son.

>> No.5704759

Sugary cereal.

Toast and jam/honey

leftover food. Anything really.

Not a fan of sausages/bacon/baked beans in the morning though. Too oily.

>> No.5704760

Cook all your meats first then sautee the mushrooms and sear the tomatoes in it. Baked beans can go to hell.

>> No.5704770

I just happened to be on right now. I keep /ck/ up when Im online doing research and shit. Yeah I work 12 hours a day but im not killing it on the line the whole time. I just like to be there for pretty much every service.

I really enjoy my job, i make good money, have creative freedom, and have a great hand picked crew who im close with.

Its really not bad at all

>> No.5704771


> eggs
> butter bread
> some form of pig

Literally the same as everyone else posted except it looks ordnung and german.

>> No.5704772

When do you cook the eggs, and do you do it in the same pan? Also, what about the hash brown on the top left

>> No.5704777

Yeah sounds splendid.

>> No.5704779

i dont understand what u think is so terrible about it

>> No.5704781

Fucking NEETs and the superiority complexes.

>> No.5704783

Meat > save fat in a separate container > eggs in small amount of fat > wipe down pan > mushrooms with a little more added fat > tomatoes

The hashbrowns look a little too perfect, they're probably frozen and should be done in the oven. Honestly I'd leave out the hashbrown too, or go with it + one vegetable.

>> No.5704785

A few thick slices of scrapple, some overeasy eggs, and buttered toast is always good. Combined as a sandwich or separate.

>> No.5704795

Ive worked every day since I was 15, not even pretending to be superior to anyone on this board, he's a judgy prick.>>5704779

Never said it sounds terrible, doesn't sound like a blast though.

>> No.5704806

thanks m8. I'm going off to college soon, so it's nice to know how to make good/quick breakfasts.

This seems really simple, you would only wash ~4 things, the pan, the fat container, the spatula, and w/e the meat is stored in.

>> No.5704820
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I dont really get it, I'm 25, make 55k per year and own my own home on 7 acres(the other 43 of which is an old family farm owned by my neighbors who I bought mine from) I have a nice garden, raise chickens and rabbits and have a pet dog and pig (I raised 2 pigs but after seeing how big it got I decided to slaughter one and keep the one I liked the best my dog and him get along great and he keeps my dog from being lonely while im at work)

here is a run down of work and "off days" (i get on and a half or two 1/2 days off a week usually) tell me whats so shit about it b/c im curious

wake up, put on some water for coffee, let my dog and pig out, feed my chickens and check on the rabbits, cook breakfast and sit and eat and drink coffee then get ready to go to work.

I run by the 4 places I sous at and pick up any orders or anything I need to, then I go to my restaurant and set up for lunch, do lunch service then run errands or do orders, scheduling, menu development etc then I do dinner service, help clean and get ready to go home, this is when I make something to eat for dinner if I dont have going or in mind for when I get home

go home and let the animals out and water the garden, come back in and eat or take a shower and then make dinner. Then I watch tv or do research on the comp and browse /ck/ sometimes I do laundry

On off days or half days Ill work around the house, work outside, run errands, have people over for dinner, maybe play disc golf, sometimes go out to eat etc. I like to sit on the porch outside a lot.

First monday of the month we close and we cook a meal for a local nursing home then go do something as a team like sports, paintball etc

I like a simple life and am pretty happy. I dont mind work and might as well bust my ass when im young so maybe I wont have to when I get older though my great aunt lived to 93 and worked on her farm everyday. She died about a month after her husband of 70 something years passed.

pic is my house

>> No.5704826

Yeah always be minimalist in the kitchen, you don't need more than one pan for breakfasts like this unless you're OCD and you don't like foods touching each other

>> No.5704830

Strong black coffee. Yogurt and fruit or oatmeal and fruit.

>> No.5704831

>rolled oats
Son I am disappoint.

>> No.5704834

Yeah. I like to cook everything in a single pan if i'm cooking for myself. But I use different ones if i'm cooking for others, since it's faster, and all the food cooks at once so none of it gets cold (especially if i'm making a lot of food). Using different pans is also nice for cooking for people that don't eat things like pork and don't want it to mix with their food.

>> No.5704845

Do you have any personal relationships with... anyone?

>> No.5704851

Not that poster, but why are you being so hostile?

>> No.5704855

My ultimate breakfast wouldn't require you to eat anything the rest of the day, and maybe not the day after that, either.

Biscuits and gravy is the key. It can't be an ultimate breakfast without it. I want it heavy on the black pepper, too.

Add to that your classic pork trio. Thick-cut ham steak, grilled. Peppery pork sausage. Bacon, cooked until it *just* starts getting crispy and crunchy.

Eggs, fried hard with the yolks broken.

Hash browns, maybe with just a little bit of onion thrown in.

Toast. A good, hearty, whole-wheat bread, toasted to fairly dark brown, with strawberry jam (with seeds still in it).

French toast, with real thick slices, and genuine maple syrup.

Fruit, it's not super important what kind. Maybe even a fruit salad.

All washed down with a big glass of pulpy orange juice.

>> No.5704857

You honestly believe a common question like that is hostile?

>> No.5704859
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Yeah I have friends, mostly people Ive met through work in the past i also have one good friend from HS and college that lives out of town and my best friend who ive known since 6th grade.

I see my best friend a good bit some times he'll stay over for a few days.

I also have people over or hang out with people on my day or half days off Plus like i said Im good friends with all my BOH staff.

No current full time GF b/c its I cant find one that fits the bill

pics my dog no pics of pig since these are old and dont have a camera anymore

>> No.5704863

How long would it take to make something like this? Like, from startup to finishing cleaning dishes

>> No.5704864

>being this insecure

I'm the person you think you're replying to but the guy you quoted is not me. I frivolously pick out a poster who is being an ass and try to pinpoint their unhappiness. If you trace the shit posting back to the beginning you'll find the guy living by himself in a snowy depression started with the hostility. This guy >>5704845 hit it on the nose.

>> No.5704866

When do you find time to workout? Other than that It's good to see you enjoy that life, and I do see the appeal of it in it's simplicity

>> No.5704870

eating breakfast right now. Left over carrot and ginger soup, bread, OJ and coffee. How´d i do, /ck/?

>> No.5704883

where do you live? almost 2 am here

>> No.5704885

OJ before or after the coffee?

>> No.5704892

Eggs Benedict with peameal bacon or smoked salmon. My favourite ever breakfast.

>> No.5704897

i get a lot of exercise at work, running around, up and down stairs carrying 50lb bags lifting heavy pots etc plus working in the garden and i go on walks on in the woods on my property while my dog runs around quite often mostly at night or on my off days during the day. Its actually pretty funny b.c ginger(my dog) will run off and bacon(my pig) will try to keep up so ginger will loop back around so Bacon isnt left behind. plus disc golf and whatever activity we do on 1st mondays which is usually pretty physical.

I wasnt being a dick, all i said was just get up a little earlier and you can cook breakfast instead of getting up 10 min before you have to leave

>living by himself in a snowy depression
Actually I live in the South it was just a good snow we had a couple of years ago which we dont have a lot so I took pictures. I enjoy living by myself, fuck roommates the last thing I want to come home to after a long day is roommates having a party or some bullshit.

>> No.5704902

The one time I've been able to pull that off was essentially a brunch potluck. If you have half a dozen people working on it at the same time, it goes a lot faster. The trouble was stove space, so I made the sawmill gravy on the grill outside.

>> No.5704903


My pops smoked pack a day while impaling nips with his bayonet, I guess he was one of those proto-hipsters.

>> No.5704904

Norway. 8 am here
Coffee first, then OJ with the soup.

>> No.5704906

Yeah this. That's why I called you out for being hostile, I never thought the guy was initally being a dick or anything, but only saying that it works well to get up earlier

>> No.5704909

Sounds good.

>> No.5704914

>I never thought the guy was initally being a dick
But he was, he called the other guy lazy for not having enough time to make breakfast, and then he proceeded to call him a "lazy cunt" without knowing anything about his life

>> No.5704915

oh kek, i missed that small part

>> No.5704916

>fruit salad.
I was with you until here

>> No.5704920

Ideal breakfast, off the top of my head.

>2 slices of thick-cut peppered bacon.
>2 eggs, scrambled. Cooked in the bacon grease. Add some chopped jalapenos, ham while they're cooking.
>Slice of whole grain toast, with strawberry preserves
>Glass of fresh-squeezed orange juice
>One American Spirit, full-flavored organic cigarette
>Glass of black coffee, enjoyed with the cigarette on my balcony after the meal

>> No.5704921

m8 what's wrong with a bunch of fruits put together

>> No.5704924

Bed of toast topped with fried cubed potato topped with scrambled egg topped with a nice thick pepper milk gravy containing a nice amount ground pork sausage.

On the side 2 sausage links and a cup of bold black coffee.

>> No.5704925
File: 489 KB, 1152x768, Oslo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well guys, I'm off to work.
Have a picture of Oslo.
Good morning/night, everyone.

>> No.5704927

Looks beautiful. Have a good day at work.

>> No.5704929

i called him a lazy cunt because he said people who work dont have time to cook breakfast and he is ready to leave the house in 10 min after getting up but refuses to get up earlier to make breakfast. which is pretty lazy

>> No.5704930

fuck off cancer

>> No.5704932

I don't know, just seems out of place in a meal like that. A single piece of fruit and a tall glass of orange juice should work best, but a whole fruit salad? Fuck that, I'm not going to ruin the rest of the meal with that

>> No.5704937

Yes, and therefore you attacked him first. I would consider calling a stranger a "lazy cunt" as being a dick, even though you deny being a dick in this post >>5704897. I'm not disputing whether he actually is lazy or just manages his time poorly (I believe he does mismanage his time, instead of posting on 4chan he could be sleeping earlier or something), I'm just saying that you fired the first shots. His first post could hardly be considered an attack on anyone, he was just wondering how working people can manage to have time to cook in the morning.

>> No.5704939

Really? It could be eaten after the meal along with the orange juice. But I think that poster's point is for the meal to be super filling, so I can see the fruit salad fitting in there

>> No.5704941

Heh, reminds me of what a friend was telling me the other day, how some parts of the world use the word cunt casually, when others find it extremely offensive. Could be the case here

>> No.5704943

>It could be eaten after the meal
Oh yea, I didn't think about that actually. If that's the case, then it'd be fine for me. And if you want to eat it throughout the meal, that's your choice ;)

>> No.5704948
File: 143 KB, 2048x1200, sogud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that would be like the best breakfast 'dessert' other than cinnamon rolls or something

>> No.5704949

Sounds like a decent comfy life. Enjoy it!
Also post more pictures from your house. Preferrably comfy ones.

>> No.5704953

this. he works in the industry. Cunts just a synonym for person. You are just being touchy, especially when he wasn't even talking to you. In this instance you attacked him first

>> No.5704968

Well, I wasn't talking to you either. You're just being touchy.

>> No.5705103
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6 eggs omlette with sausage, onion, tomatoes and cheese. burned the bottom a little because the damn cheese wouldnt melt

>> No.5705105

Homemade blintzes with equally homemade strawberry jam. Nowhere near my current diet, but I can dream.

>> No.5705113

>6 eggs

Holy fuck

>> No.5705117

pallid sausages bruh

looks like poor quality sausage

why would you not even use water

go and buy it at a pub/cafe

>> No.5705120

a man's gotta eat

>> No.5705123

Omlet: onions, green bell pepper, bacon and sausage topped with salsa with a side of fried potatos.

>> No.5705134

I've been having rice chex cereal mixed with activia yogurt for a while now
so tastey and satisfying, especially with some blueberries thrown in
keeping my IBS belly happy, too

>> No.5705143

Dad pls get off of 4chan. You're ruining everyone's good time.

>> No.5705164
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my brekkie atm

>> No.5705166

would eat

>> No.5705184
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>> No.5705187

That's a snack

>> No.5705189

Potato pancakes with a salmon patty
Like that next level copper river red salmon, I live in south Alaska so you literally all you have to do is go into a shallow stream and pick one up when a state trooper isn't looking

>> No.5705190
File: 66 KB, 610x407, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grew up in Hong Kong. This shit right here. This is Hong Kong style french toast, sometimes made with an entire stick of butter. This and cold milk tea is god tier breakfast.

Also spent some summers in Hawaii and got super fond of rice eggs and spam.

>> No.5705229

A bowl of oat cereal and a piece of toast with Braunschweiger spread on it. So good.

>> No.5705318

That sure is pizza

>> No.5705338

Did you consider that maybe they cook for a living?

>> No.5705344

followed by much baguette before lunch

>> No.5705351
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>> No.5705366

before bed: half fill a bowl with rolled oats, add frozen berries and juice.
Morning: Add greek yoghurt. eat.
Coffee at 9:30 and on the shitter by 10am. great start to the day

>> No.5705496

you sound like a chef

>> No.5705510

whatcha dippin?

>> No.5705544


how the fuck do you make 55k doing that

>> No.5705578

>seared salmon
>some spicy black beans
>a handful of almonds
Maybe some rice or bread too, if I'm really hungry.

>> No.5705584

>tomatoes, baked beans, and fucking mushrooms in their breakfast
Literally nothing wrong with any of that.
Baked beans, I'd argue are naturally suited to breakfast, east to eat, lots of protein, quick

>> No.5705585

>I busted my ass

Translation: I had advantages early in life

>> No.5705616
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>Mfw took me a couple of tries to make the sauce.

>> No.5705744
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kidneys or mushrooms in a cream brandy sauce with toast anyone?

>> No.5705754

I remember when breakfast tacos were a thing in my life...

I'm in New Zealand for a few months. Decided to make some bean and cheese tacos and my Kiwi flatmate watched me eat it, saying that she had never tasted refried beans and that they looked weird to her.

I miss Austin food so much.

>> No.5705760

Bad Breath Combo™

>> No.5705762
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>pic upside down

Are you from Australia?

>> No.5705785

something about its appearance pleases me

>> No.5705788
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>> No.5705820

7.5/10, would destroy
>captcha: kuplem artery

>> No.5705836

black coffee and cigarette. How do you fuck expect to be /fa/ when you are bear fat fucks.

>> No.5705858
File: 390 KB, 1600x1195, taquitos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to prefer the usual waffles, bacon, eggs etc.

Then I moved to Texas about 6 years ago, and the usual stuff is so boring to me now. A sweet, sugary breakfast is fine sometimes, but give me cheese and peppers and meat any other day.

Pic related is random from google so don't pick it apart. My typical breakfast is just a mess of eggs, bacon, sausage, various cheeses, random spicy and bell peppers, sometimes onions, brisket if I have it. I'll either wrap it up in a tortilla, or put it on toast if I made bread recently.

Lots of homemade salsa of course.

>> No.5705863
File: 41 KB, 700x255, NO HAM OMELETTES IM ON MY CONGLOMERATE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cant eat big ol omelettes everyday

>> No.5705866

Those look amazing

>> No.5705905

Texan here.

What tortillas are those and how the hell did you get them to look so good?

Making taquitos are my thing too, but I can't find a good tortilla.

>> No.5705921

>that filename

also Germans cannot into Semmeln

>> No.5705950

Oh and use fresh roma for salsa instead of canned. Only a can of diced rotel after blending and before simmering for color and texture. A good salsa goes a long way with taquitos.

>> No.5705968

What the fuck are you doing cooking your salsa? The reason fresh salsa is so much better than jarred is that the ingredients are raw.

>> No.5705980

Reducing. Getting rid of excess water caused by the onion and fresh roma.

The main reason fresh salsa is better than jarred is because jarred uses vinegar.

>> No.5706037

2nd shift like me? Having the morning to dump is great.

>> No.5706078

Black coffee
Orange juice
Breakfast burrito/omelette

P excited to get back to this next week since I'll be back at school

Excellent choices


Szia! I spent January in Budapest and I gotta say that I do miss the breakfasts. There's nothing quite like meat, cheese, and tomatoes on toast to go along with ridiculously black coffee.

>> No.5706148

tortilla de patatas for breakfast? guiris be crazyy

>> No.5706151

what is this and where do they serve it?

>> No.5706165

this sounds amazing.

>> No.5706170

>pan tumaca

this is how ignorant non-catalan spanish people spell it. the correct spelling is "pa amb tomaquet" which literally means bread with tomato. The garlic thing is optional. Some people even have theirs without the tomato and only with garlic (which is my perfect breakfast) in which case it's not considered pa amb tomaquet

>> No.5706205

that sounds like the perfect morning

>> No.5706226

French breakfast.

>> No.5706243
File: 7 KB, 250x194, 10173469_10201547538042513_1468595774_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not showering an brushing your teeth after breakfast

>> No.5706252

my breakfast today was a sugar free ripit and a few cigarettes

>> No.5706303

Hm... maybe I should consider braving the Austin roadwork, then.
>live in SA, where there's cheap tacos on almost every corner
>move to San Marcos
>only found two spots, both with terrible breakfast tacos that are overpriced

I haven't had decent breakfast tacos in almost a year. I could make my own, but it's just not quite the same. Maybe I'll make a special trip.

>> No.5706337
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ITT: fatasses

>> No.5706343

> ideal
> existing only in the imagination; desirable or perfect but not likely to become a reality.

>> No.5706390

you shower your teeth?

>> No.5706398
File: 1.42 MB, 2592x1944, 1408311766074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit. How fat is the person that eats that for breakfast? How big is there stomach? DAMN

I divided that up into portions I'd eat; one per meal. For me, that'd make at least 10 meals not just one; maybe 11 meals for me.

>> No.5706401
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>> No.5706406

That's like a meal you eat when you're extremely hungover.

>> No.5706417

>ideal breakfast
>OMG these fatties must eat this stuff every single day!
If you have ever desired a large meal, ever, you're a fatass.

>> No.5706419

Why would you do that? All you need is a snack/sandwich and lots of water for a hangover. Totally bashing your body with megatons of carbs and fat isn't going to help much.

>> No.5706426

so you eat every hour.
>good for you

>> No.5706427

>desiring large meals
>a completely westernized ideology

>> No.5706431

No, 3 times a day max. 7am, noon, and 5pm. No snacks or anything in between and only water to drink.

Do you eat every hour? Must suck being such a lard ass.

>> No.5706437

carbs absorb left over alcohol, fat lubricates everything further reducing absorption.

Replacing lost vitamins/minerals etc etc.

Alcohol also completely wrecks your blood/glucose levels. Also being full makes a hangover a lot calmer. This last one isn't science, just experience.

>> No.5706438

Blueberry pancakes with maple syrup, bacon, and a large glass of milk is all I need.
Little Caesars stops being pizza after it gets cold.

>> No.5706443

You don't need enough food to feed ten people though. Have a single sandwich and water. That's all you need. You are taking a little bit of correct science and making it seem like you need to shovel food in your mouth.


>> No.5706449


You sound quite boring

>> No.5706451



You do know you're on the food and cooking board, right?

>> No.5706459

Considering we are talking about food and cooking, yeah. You on the wrong board?

I eat to live. I don't live to eat. You should try that, if you can put your cheeseburger down long enough to ponder it.

>> No.5706462
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>> No.5706464

not even close

>> No.5706467

I brush my teeth in the shower.

>> No.5706471

same here
my showers are already 20 minutes, why not multitask

>> No.5706475

I'm /fit/, you can fuck right off with your hungry skeleton bullshit and 3rd world country meals. If I want to shovel food in my mouth after a night of drinking, then that's on me. If you get your calories from using a cucumber as an anal dildo, that's on you.

I agree with the other person

Full english is /ck/, a bologna sandwich isn't.

>> No.5706485

>I can't comprehend how someone could include tomatoes, baked beans, and fucking mushrooms in their breakfast

>> No.5706488
File: 68 KB, 640x626, aG9Pd7w_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like you really hate fat people. im guessing mommy loved her pizza more than she loved you. or daddy was an overbearing military man, which was it?

>> No.5706490

>not being the clone of a hermaphroparental unit who had an overbearing love of military food

>> No.5706495

so daddy then

>> No.5706500

does it make your peepee hard when you act online in a way you never could in real life?

>> No.5706506
File: 24 KB, 499x375, 1326568612959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i would tell you your a idiot in whatever scenario im talking to you in. be it online or socially. im an honest kind of fella

>> No.5706517

yeah. i doubt that. maybe one day though, once your testicles have descended

>> No.5706520

By the way, each of those meals top out at 150kcal.

If a female were to eat 3 times a day then she would eat a 400-500kcal meal to stay at a healthy weight.

A male would eat 500-800kcal.

Basically I'm guessing you weigh 115-120 depending on your height.

>> No.5706530
File: 25 KB, 400x311, 1333389283465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

judging by the amount you say you eat i would guess you are a small but semi-muscular man. like steak on a twig. you couldn't intimidate a fly, im guessing thats why you need to put down fat people to make yourself feel better. don't get me wrong, im no fan of the obese, im just secure enough in my masculinity not to have to shame them

>> No.5706532

lel im not sure who you're talking to but i think you're mistaken

>> No.5706538

A fruit platter and a serving of carbs

>> No.5706569

>all dis projection

Life must have been hard for you. Like this person >>5706475 who has to get piss drunk and eat mounds of food to make himself feel better.

>> No.5706662

>who HAS to get piss drunk

and you were just talking about projection.

>> No.5706822

What Chinese slavehouse do you work in?

>> No.5706828

Peppers, mushrooms, onions and bacon sauted together, topped with some kind of cheese. Flavor with some paprika, peppercorns, thyme, salt/pepper and a little balsamic.

To follow, french toast [eggs, vanilla, icing sugar, cinnamon, fry in butter] with a thin spread of peanut butter and a thin spread of merenda [like nutella but I enjoy it more] on top of the pb .

All consumed with some strong irish coffee.

The above is not recommended more than twice a year, as it will ruin your day - you'll certainly need a multi-hour nap to get over it.

>> No.5706832

Looks like belly pork sliced into strips while leaving the crackling intact.

>> No.5706839
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>> No.5706855

>just butter flour roux then milk
That's a bechamel.

>> No.5706861

dude im 25

What do you mean?

What advantages? I grew up in a poor farming family, everything I have I worked for nothing was handed to me

I work for a small independent restaurant group

>> No.5706883

A bechamel has onion thyme and nutmeg(and traditionally veal) added before being simmered and strained

>not even close
What exactly do you think sawmill/white gravy is?

>> No.5706902

You wouldn't get so much water if you chopped instead of using a food processor.

>> No.5706915

Ill see if I have anymore when I get home from work.

>> No.5707485
File: 7 KB, 224x224, breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wait for the day when someone makes me this for breakfast

>> No.5707523
File: 1.72 MB, 3168x4752, Mo'fu'EggsFlorentine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Egg's Florentine, with a little bit of smoked salmon hidden away as well.

I still remember the first time I had it, was on my trip to Thailand, we had breakfast provided and the range was insane.

This is still my ideal breakfast today, although im quite partial to soft boiled egg and soldiers as well, any egg with a runny yolk I'm down for. If I want something a little bit lighter, fresh bircher muesli spiked with orange is hard to beat

>> No.5707984


YFW these two assholes are actually the same depressed person from iadaho with male pattern baldness sharing their mundane life and trying to garner some idiotic form of attention.

>> No.5708139

>One belgian waffle with blueberry compote
>Two buttermilk biscuits with sausage gravy
>Two eggs over easy
>Wheat toast with butter
>Two strips of bacon
>Two maple sausage links
>2 cups of Irish Breakfast Tea

>> No.5708148

Fucking NO.

>> No.5708149

>Beer with breakfast
I mean I love beer, but come now

>> No.5708154

then what is it autist

>> No.5708155

lol I said the picture isn't mine, ask google.

I make my own salsas, or use salsa made by friends. Haven't used canned/jarred salsa since I was a tasteless kid.

>> No.5708161


>sawmill gravy

>calls the liquid of SOS sawmill gravy

>SOS = shit on a shingle.

>the shingle is biscuits.

>> No.5708163

Anon are you looking for a housekeeper? I'll do all the household chores for you for room & board

>> No.5708168

>Eggs over hard, yolks broken
>Jam on toast when you're having eggs
>Orange Juice

What in the fuck is wrong with you.

>Eggs over easy or sunny side up
>Toast only butter to sop up eggs
>Replace orange juice with coffee, tea, or milk

>> No.5708177

>Cream gravy (sawmill gravy in Southern U.S. cuisine) is the gravy typically used in biscuits and gravy and chicken fried steak. It is essentially a Béchamel sauce, with the roux being made of meat drippings and flour. Milk is added and thickened by the roux; once prepared, black pepper and bits of mild sausage or chicken liver are sometimes added. Besides white and sawmill gravy, common names include country gravy, white gravy, milk gravy, and sausage gravy.

>> No.5708185

Where do you live? It will take some trial and error, but just go around to all the taco trucks, taco stands and smaller Mexican places and buy a stack of tortillas.

Eventually you'll end up like me, and befriending a few local Mexicans who's mother makes them from scratch and will sell you a huge pile for a few bucks.

>> No.5708191

>Meal of one egg and two slices of toast
>Meal of one egg and one hash brown
>Meal of half a tomato and some fried ham steak
>Two Meals of 1 white pudding and half a black pudding
>Meal of a few mushrooms and some fried ham steak
>Meal of a few mushrooms and a sausage
>Three meals of a few spoonfuls of baked beans and a third of a sausage

Are you a fucking garden gnome?

>> No.5708198

>Three meals clocking in at less than 400 kcal per meal
>Only ever drinking water, no juice or milk or tea or coffee

What do you do? Go to sleep between each meal? I can't imagine you have very much energy not eating shit. Where do you live, Auschwitz?

>> No.5708200

No one calls that shit sawmill gravy down here. If they do, it's in one of the Yankee "southern" states.

>> No.5708204


>meat drippings
This, morons. Not butter, you use the oil/grease from the meat drippings to create the roux. Otherwise it isn't sawmill/country/sausage gravy

>> No.5708207

Just someone who was shamed about eating food.

>> No.5708214

Migas, beans, fried potatoes, tortillas, and any type of salsa.

>> No.5708217

thanks for the blog post

>> No.5708233

There's nothing shameful about fulfilling the base requirement of being a living creature. We need energy to survive. The typical human male requires between 2500 - 3000 calories or more to sustain adequate biological functions with energy to expend on daily tasks.

>> No.5708234

sawmill/white/country gravy doesnt always have sausage in it though.

What if you are having chicken fried steak or chicken? there arent any drippings

using butter is 100% common and acceptable.

>> No.5708278

haha, only if you are a grill that doesnt mind working outside, raising animals for food, and are willing to home school any children, being able to run a FOH service is a plus. A relationship would be the only way I'd take on a roommate.

>> No.5708315


>> No.5708506
File: 89 KB, 634x715, 1408264090539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no problem with anything in an english breakfast, but so many times the portions are ridiculously, sickeningly huge.

Also tomatoes are a pretty normal breakfast thing just about anywhere op.

>> No.5708510

Those eggs look like absolute shit.

>> No.5708520

Not even that guy but seriously?
>it's depressing to read
Keep crying you fucking faggot.

>> No.5708548

>being a woman

>> No.5708552

ok, ignorant amerifag here.

What exactly is the black...thing...in the bottom left of OP's pic?

>> No.5708565

no shit retard?!? bechamel?

please, enlighten us with your superior knowledge, what makes gravy different than bechamel? Or did you not realize that all flour bound sauces are essentially variations of....flour bound fucking sauces.

>> No.5708574

government provides subsidies to farmers/ranchers in america

>> No.5708575
File: 77 KB, 824x1000, ezrabrooks..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideally, a tumbler of this shit and some pussy for desert. In reality, It's usually coffee, toast, milk with whey powder, and a cigarette.

>> No.5708581

black pudding...the less said about it, the better.

>> No.5708614


This attitude is why you will be foreveralone, not many grills are going to jump at that glorious opportunity.

>> No.5708689

If you read he isnt a fucking farmer his works in a restaurant

>> No.5708696

I like to work outside and raise animals for food why is wanting a spouse that likes the same too much to ask for?

>> No.5708703

Good luck anon, were you homeschooled yourself?

>> No.5708705

Two cups of very strong coffee and a cigarette.

>> No.5708707


>> No.5708732

I would drop that part out of your life mate requirements then. Homeschooled children end up being socially awkward freaks and occasionally murder their parents out of spite. Not even trying to give you shit but should you actually have kids don't take some of the best experiences of their lives from them.

>> No.5708818

I can testify to this being awesome. Fuck I miss Cafe de Coral and Tsui Wah

>> No.5708832
File: 23 KB, 503x334, wahimgonnacryilostagame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insecure post
>small penis

>> No.5708837

would eat

>> No.5708842


how the fuck does he make 55k doing that

>> No.5708846


>on brioche

that would be so fucking disappointing

>> No.5708864

I'm trying to make some nice scrambled eggs.

What do you guys think of Ramsay's recipe? Got any tips of your own?

>> No.5708869

Sardines on wholegrain toast with butter and avocado
Loose leaf tea with milk

>> No.5708986


Dash of chilli powder... Not enough to change flavour but enough to help taste buds expand. Quarter teaspoon every two eggs. Use high fat milk xx

>> No.5708992

>using milk

Why do I hear the opposite of this nearly everywhere?

>> No.5709053

I am, thank you for noticing.

>> No.5709063

I love sardines but breakfast is not the right time of day to be shoveling little fish down your gullet.

>> No.5709200

Canned salsas are vastly inferior to freshly prepared salsas but cooked salsas are still way better than raw.

>> No.5709274

>cigarette and a beer as I wake up
>a couple of cups of coffee with more smokes
>wait a couple of hours for stomach to wake up
>Fry 3-4 eggs and 3-4 slices of bacon
>eggs scrambled, bacon crispy
>slice of bread for every egg
>another beer with breakfast
>go to work

>> No.5709330

What ideology would make you want to turn any potential children of yours into friendless social retards?

>> No.5709341

grits with butter, crispy bacon, and some hash browns. oh and coffee.
If Im more hungry than usual, some toast and jam too.
I think pancakes and waffles are a filler waste of time bullshit food, which sucks because if you wind up at a Dennys or IHOP early in the morning, that is on every damn plate except like 3. Pancakes and waffles are so spongy, bland, and shitty that you have to dump butter and syurp on them for it to even be edible. gross. Id eat grits and toast plain if I had to, nobody eats pancakes or waffles plain though. Nobody.

>> No.5709343


>> No.5709487

Homeschooled kid here.

My parents homeschooling me was easily the best decision they ever made about my life; public schools are little more than indoctrination centers.

>> No.5709571


>3 bacons
>3 sausages
>2 fried eggs
>2 buttered toasts
>bowl of honey nut Cheerios
>cup of coffee

>> No.5709670

If public schools count as "indoctrination" then the only reason you believe that is that you were indoctrinated to believe that.
Everything is indoctrination. The only reaon you don't like that public schools indoctrinate is that you happen to disagree with modern beliefs and philosophies (i.e. the ones taught in a school).

>> No.5709685

What should I make for breakfast today, /ck/?

>> No.5709725

christ, the unrendered fat on that bacon. never cook again

>> No.5709749

>being this stupid

fuck yes. you cant even buy these, you have to hunt them.

bunch of cold shit slopped on plates. continental breakfast much?

spam forever


texfag reporting. wtf are these supposed to be, mexican egg rolls? but yes, fuck sugar, eat salsa.

farther you get from mexico, crappier the tacos get. it happens faster than you'd think. SA tacos are god-tier. plugging best tacos in the city: Agave on pleasonton road. Dem cow brains

>> No.5709762

I hated being homeschooled. It was only after graduating high school and looking back at the last six years of my education (I started public school in 7th grade) that my opinion changed.

>> No.5709764

Kippers on toast

>> No.5709765

all that canned salsa juice. i hate breakfast in a puddle. britfags cannot food, so i forgive you

i confess ive always wondered what this tastes like. looks good

>toast on the plate.
>dips asparagus

mentally tasting booze pussy and cigarettes. Fuck you anon.

>> No.5709766

>3 eggs scrambled with pancetta
>2 pieces of sourdough toast with butter, avocado slices and seasoning salt
>cup of cottage cheese
>glass of fresh OJ
>cup of coffee

literal bliss

>> No.5710053

are you serious?

>> No.5710117


rolled oats and milk
100g leberwurst
1 banana

>> No.5710121
File: 112 KB, 205x210, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw get up at 6am for work at 7
>too lazy to cook breakfast
>not enough time to stop and get mcdonalds
>rely on coffee at work + banana for some energy


>> No.5710208

Are you seriously so deluded as to believe 6 eggs(480 calories) plus fillings is a meal for a fat man?

Really? Are people this stupid?

>> No.5710223

>2 x sausage
>2 x bacon
>1 x egg
>1 x slice of black pudding
>1 x fried tomato
>1 x slice of fried bread
>1 x spoon of baked beans
>2 x slices of toast


>> No.5710257

Precook and reheat.

>> No.5710281

>cold little caesars
Are you delusional, or a starving child in Africa? You'd have to be one or the other to eat little caesars when its warm, much less when its cold.

>> No.5710288

Those are "Spicy Sausage Breakfast Taquitos"


>> No.5710303

>6 eggs
How fucking fat are you?

>> No.5710307

looks like a frittata

>> No.5710309

>300 calories max per meal
>3 times a day
>only water in between
You can't live on 900 calories a day, retard.

>> No.5710344
File: 164 KB, 1200x900, 14725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5710346

>Only 5 results


>> No.5710354

>Homeschooled children end up being socially awkward freaks and occasionally murder their parents out of spite

That's quite possibly the stupidest thing I've read all week.

>> No.5710364
File: 11 KB, 211x246, 1400772448339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>britbongs use menuholders to hold their toast

>> No.5710394

>A toast rack or toastrack is a serving piece having vertical partitions (usually from five to eight in number) connected to a flat base, used for holding slices of toast. It often has a central ring handle for carrying and passing round the table.


>> No.5710397

>socially awkward homeschooled person detected


>> No.5710437

6 eggs is 480 calories you dumb fuck. Not only that, but eggs have some of the best macronutrient divisions of all food. 7g protein per 80 calories?

And you think that's fatass? /ck/ might know how to cook but damn are they fucking retarded with nutrition.

>> No.5711093

I make something me and my friends lovingly call "shit bowls" when we're super hungover.

It's basically a frtiatta, but with the potatoes cooked slowly in bacon grease to the point where they almost fall apart. With peppers, onions, whatever meat we've got, spices, minced garlic, eggs and topped with cheese and broiled for a minute for a nice crust.

The result is basically like a fritatta cake. Probably the most unhealthy thing in the world, but fuck are they good.

Other than that, eggs florentine is my go to hang over breakfast.

>> No.5711136

How the fuck do you expect to be /fa/ when your breath stinks like a homeless person's jacket?

>> No.5712186

I never eat breakfast, coffee is all I need in the morning.