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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5698161 No.5698161[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lets talk about the most important part of cooking: Doing the Dishes!

That's right, clean as you cook. Do you choose your cooking implements based on how hard they are to clean? How long do you soak things for? Gloves or no gloves? What to put in the dishwasher vs what to handwash? Lets discuss them all.

Also, >"I don't need to do dishes: my S.O. does them / my dishwasher does them / my mom does them / I have hired help to do them."
>implying you aren't a shit

>> No.5698170



>> No.5698178

If you do the dishes right away there is no need to let them soak. Soaking dishes is the lazy way of not doing the dishes, you leave them in there soaking until your housemate starts to smell the stench of the foul food and soap soup and cleans them with grit teeth.

>> No.5698209

I clean as I cook to preserve counter space. glasses, bowls, silverware & plates go in the dishwasher, other stuff sits in the drying rank.

>> No.5698234

>clean as you cook
The only way to be.
>Do you choose your cooking implements based on how hard they are to clean?
Often times I will cook on cast iron simply because I know the cleanup will be a cinch.
>How long do you soak things for?
Until I'm done eating; usually that's enough.
>Gloves or no gloves?
Who the fuck uses gloves at home?
>What to put in the dishwasher vs what to handwash?
Everything that is dishwasher safe/as many things as I can fit in the dishwasher. Fuck hand-washing shit.

>> No.5698247

I clean things as soon as I am finish using them. Or atleast wipe off the food and shit off them. Toss them in the dishwasher, run when its full finally after a week or so. Unload, rinse repeat.

The exception is pots and pans, which I just immediately clean and put away after dinner. Don't really need to soak things unless you leave them there for god knows how long.

>> No.5698257

I clean as soon as possible. Keeps stuff from sticking.

>> No.5698268


>how hard?
Yes, entirely. I try to plan my food so I use the least amount of utensils as I can, and I almost never use those difficult to clean things unless I have company

rarely, as soon as I'm done I scrub it until it's mostly clean. it saves me time later.

too hot

rinse off every dish first, careful to get cup rims, and put it through the washer

I've been doing these faggots since I could reach the sink knobs and I finally found out it's much more enjoyable to cook/clean (any chore, really) if I have music on.

>> No.5698271

Only thing I'll hand wash are forks, knives and cups since they're so easy.

>> No.5698279

The fuck are you on about? That's what women are for.

>> No.5698287

So you admit you are a pussy who cannot take care of himself, and require a woman to survive.

>> No.5698295

I'm a huge neat freak at work but I wear myself out and come home to my untidy apartment and sometimes leave the dishes for the morning. And I hate myself every time I witness that sink full of dirty dishes.

Don't be like me. I'm the scum of the earth.

I never soak anything unless it's got something really hard to remove on it (e.g. dried cheese sauce). That problem is avoided by washing off anything like that right away. I've never encountered anything that didn't come off after a minute of soaking.

My roommate uses the dishwasher and I fucking hate it. Those things are the opposite of convenient. Washing dishes by hand is so much better and gives me actual peace of mind. If you wash it properly the first time, you don't need to do it again like you do when you trust a shitty gadget.

One time my roommate used my knives and put them in the dishwasher. I nearly murdered my roommate. Don't put that shit in the dishwasher. If you do I'll hunt you down.

The only people who should wear gloves while washing dishes are people with AIDS and other bloodborne diseases. Fuck your hands, they only stay wrinkly for a short while. You're not going to get trenchfoot on your hands if they touch water for a few minutes.

Also fuck sponges. Sponges are not for washing dishes, they're for absorbing liquids. Use a goddamned rag. And wash your rags.

>> No.5698303

You're right, men would be much better off if we cut out women completely. Fancy some buttsex?

>> No.5698308

I admit nothing except that I'd rather do the cooking and let the chick do the dishes.

Clearly you're admiting that you're a touchy, feely homosexual.

>> No.5698313

>Who the fuck uses gloves at home?

Unless you're using some sort of green Earth hippy dish soap then chances are you're soaking your digits in formaldehyde on a daily basis. Look up the Material Safety Data Sheet for your preferred brand of soap and you'll likely see Quaternium-15 on the list of chemicals. This shit turns into formaldehyde when it comes in contact with water.

10 years ago it took coroners more formaldehyde to process a human body than it does today. Why? Because we're full of that shit.

>> No.5698342

if i expose my hands to hot water, or water in general for a little too long, they dry the fuck up and itch like crazy. eczema is a bitch. i always dread doing dishes. i should really get myself a nice pair of big ass rubber gloves because the plastic vinyl ones don't protect me much...

>> No.5698351

I feel for you. I have the same condition. I develop weepy sores and blisters on my hands and wrists.

It doesnt help that the wife doesnt pull her weight on dish duty...

>> No.5698355

I have eczema too. Invest in nice gloves. Also, rubbing honey onto your skin does WONDERS for dry eczema. Not wet, though.

>> No.5698368
File: 72 KB, 709x765, 1407252714262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sink is filled with rotting dishes that have been there for months. It smells bad like sulfur. I don't know what I'm doing with my life.

>> No.5698369

Is it because she can't pull her weight in any way?

>> No.5698373

This image is why I believe Kurt was murdered by Courtney or someone and it wasn't a suicide.

>> No.5698381


honey, really? how long do you need to leave it on there? seems like it would be annoying as hell.

i've been using an oatmeal based lotion for a couple weeks now and it's also been incredible. fucking 80$ tube of steroid cream couldn't handle my most recent break-out, and i'm not doing the pills. fuck that.

>> No.5698400

>not having kids
>not making your kids do the dishes in exchange for cooking for them

>> No.5698404

No she makes a shit ton of money and rides dick like a fucking banshee.

>> No.5698409

>not making your kids cook
Fuck you. Your crotchspawn is going to be spamming this board with ramen threads as soon as they go off to college and realize they don't know how to take care of themselves.

>> No.5698415

Throw them all out and just clean the sink. Start anew and make sure you get into washing shit as you use it. EVERY TIME

That's what I'd do. Or pay someone to clean it first time instead of chucking shit out and just cleaning the sink if I had the money.

>> No.5698432

>Do you choose your cooking implements based on how hard they are to clean?
>How long do you soak things for?
way too long
>Gloves or no gloves?
yes, I hate it but otherwise my hands hurt
>What to put in the dishwasher vs what to handwash?
I try not to buy things that can't stand up to the dishwasher. I hand wash delicate plastic and wood things, of which I don't have too many. And the cast iron pan. Seriously fuck doing dishes, the dishwasher is better in every way.

>> No.5698448
File: 183 KB, 1275x603, Screen shot 2014-08-16 at 1.04.42 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I've got nothing to worry about.

>> No.5698480

You don't understand greentext, do you?

>> No.5698497

maybe use something less harmful?

>> No.5698511

>10 years ago it took coroners more formaldehyde to process a human body than it does today. Why? Because we're full of that shit.
This sounds like bullshit. Why? Because [citation needed].

>> No.5698525

What? The MSDS says there's nothing harmful about Ajax dish soap. The only way it could hurt you is if you drank it, inhaled it, or squirted it in your eyes.
