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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 12 KB, 215x250, 2005_12_20-rice-cooker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5691917 No.5691917[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Essential cook gear thread

>> No.5691918
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>> No.5691919
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>> No.5691923
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>Essential cook gear thread

>> No.5691927
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>> No.5691928
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>> No.5691938
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>> No.5691967

What's the point of rice cookers?
I've always rinsed my rice and I always just use a regular pot for cooking rice and it always comes out with every grain being distinct. Are some people just too stupid to know how to use a stove?

>> No.5691969


Beat me to it.
I was wondering the same thing.

>> No.5691971

I used my first rice cooker last year and now I can't imagine life without one. How the hell do people live without these things? They're so cheap and wonderful.

>> No.5691987

>what's the point of internet, I have a library where I can read every book known to man
This is what you sound like
Can you program your stove and pot to cook a batch of perfect rice for you while you are on your way home? If so, which setting? I only have 1-6.

>> No.5691989

Set it and forget it. No need to set a timer and watch the stove. You can turn it on and go take a shower or something.

Keeps rice hot throughout the evening.

It's nice to have since you cook rice at least once a day.

>> No.5691991
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>> No.5691994

Can you press 'on' and then leave the house for a couple of hours and come home to a perfect batch of rice with a stove and a pot?

>> No.5691996

>An incredibly specialized tool only good for one thing.
>the only thing it's good for can be accomplished with a knife and maybe a spoon if you want to scrape the ribbing out.


>> No.5691997


Well, a legitimate rice cooker creates a unique cooking environment that is hard to replicate on your stove. They all come with a rubber gasket and the lid locks into place, creating a pressure cooker that cooks very slowly. As a result, you get a gorgeous mass of rice, with every kernel exactly the same consistency from top to bottom. It's hard to describe just how perfect the rice is if you've never actually had it. Plus, you can set it and forget it. Press the button, your rice song plays, and an hour or two or four later you'll come back to hot, steamy rice.

I was skeptical until I worked in a restaurant with one, and now I understand why EVERY ASIAN FAMILY EVER owns one.

>> No.5692001

>guaranteed replies

>> No.5692004


Thats the thing though- thats what my pots already do.
I never have to hover over my rice to make sure its done, or that its kept warm. My pots do an excellent job of retaining heat.

For time, I just glance at the wall clocks in my house. Its barely necessary to have something external.

Are you just making very large batches of rice regulary?
I cant see myself buying extra equiment to automate the process, even so.

>> No.5692008
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>> No.5692009


If you're making rice every day it is stupid not to have a rice cooker.

You are obviously white.

>> No.5692011

i hope you aren't implying a rice cooker is essential

>> No.5692014


Im pretty brown, actually. And brown rice tends to be a staple for me.
But whatever justifies your hardware.

>> No.5692016


What kind of brown? The african kind, the abbo kind, or the amerindian kind?

>> No.5692022
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>> No.5692029



Seriously though, a lot of it is medium-long grain generic brown rice.
Occasionally some weirder basmati.

>> No.5692031


Long grain brown rice is gross. Medium to short grain is best.

>> No.5692033

Rice cooker is far from essential

>> No.5692061
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>> No.5692104

>rice song

>> No.5692111

The 'rice is done' jingle or noise

>> No.5692234

Rice cookers are way more useful than toasters and toaster ovens since you have the steamer function.

Steaming your leftovers when you reheat it kills bacteria before it has time to produce bad shit. Then when it's the 3rd or 4th day, you don't have to worry about it being that bad.

Also u can steam delicious dumplings, dimsum, etc.

** unless you have no oven

>> No.5692237
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>> No.5692254
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>another rice cooker troll thread

>> No.5692470


>> No.5692618

egg poacher cup, i keep ruining the egg whenever I try it with spinning water

>> No.5692646

I have one of these, and it's awesome.

>> No.5692650
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This thing makes life way easier.

>> No.5692659

I have one so I can have rice ready when I come home from work.

>> No.5693307

dat filename

>> No.5693316

I honestly don't get how people fuck up poaching

1. Put egg in a ramekin/bowl
2. Microwave

As long as you don't fuck up the times it comes out fine

>> No.5693322

4/10 you got me

>> No.5693323

As an asian who owns a rice cooker my whole life and then going camping and cooking rice in a fucking pot, you have no fucking idea.

>> No.5693340

You mean amaryllis by Louis Armstrong

>> No.5693755
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>> No.5693792

implying microwaving wouldn't kill bacteria.

>> No.5693822
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>> No.5693876
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Garlic press starts a fight every time but I seriously love mine and it doesn't take up much space either. Even if you're very fast at mincing garlic (I am not) this thing is still far quicker and pretty fast to clean once you get the hang of it. Only issue that I have and have heard from others is that it kind pulps the garlic clove rather than dice it. Still works great for how often I have to cut up garlic.

>> No.5693910

isn't pulp better than dice? you get all the juices out, easier to incorporate into the meal

>> No.5693926


Yeah I often wonder if that's the case, it probably is. The issue I have is that because it becomes so wet, the little pieces tend to stick to each other so you have to mix it well to get them to separate evenly. Dicing doesn't seem to have the issue quite as bad.

>> No.5693937

i just mince it then smash it with the flat of the knife

>> No.5694132


are garlic presses contentious? like it's a useful thing

>> No.5694141

what else to press with them? it seems like a too specialized tool to be an essential, even though I fucking love mine and find chopping tiny garlic cloves tedious

>> No.5694171

Are rice cookers essential for non-asians? I eat rice about once or maybe twice a week and not sure whether it would be worth it considering I have low income and little space. I also normally use shit-tier rice, which is probably bad no matter how it's cooked.

>> No.5694174

>Are rice cookers essential for non-asians?


>> No.5694177

I agree. I also find it works amazingly with fresh ginger, as it squeezes out the juices and leaves behind those nasty strands of fiber.

>> No.5694180


If you're low-income, you might consider eating rice more than twice a week.

>> No.5694185

>gas stove
>utility knife
>knife sharpener
>small pot
>large pot
>frying pan
>deep oven dish
>shallow oven dish
>potato masher
>garlic press
pizza cutter

Probably about it.

>> No.5694188

relatively low-income (in a rich country).
How much do rice cookers cost?

>> No.5694189


I have a slightly larger one that I use to crush steamed potatos.

>> No.5694190


anywhere from $15-250
you get what you pay for really.
I have a black & decker one that I got for $50 I think thats treated me well for about a year and a half

>> No.5694231

this looks like a troll thread cause most of what's posted is shit

>> No.5694236


I've used mine to juice limes before but it doesn't work as well as a juicer and juicers are like $1 piece of plastic. Plus limes and lemons are not that difficult to juice by hand.

>> No.5694815

100% guaranteed perfect rice every time, keeps it warm all day for you without overcooking it, no attention required. Cook rice while you make something to out over it without needing to tend a pot of rice.

>> No.5694833
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>> No.5694837

just wow

>> No.5694848

how does this even work?

>> No.5694850


>> No.5694853

does it really? Because I really hate the exhausting parts of baking.

>> No.5694861


>see lots of tacky bullshit in thread
>see this
>looks like tacky bullshit
>realize how fucking annoying pineapples are otherwise

You know... I'm okay with this. Most of the other stuff (Save for rice cooker and maybe salt block - god tier tools) is fucking infomercial trash.

>> No.5694864


If you had something that mangle-fucked the interior maybe...

>> No.5694868
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>> No.5694871
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>> No.5694873

>Any of these things
A cast iron pan, a large a good chef's knife, a cutting board, some mixing bowls, a decent sized pot with a lid, a cooktop, an oven and some measuring cups are all you really need for 90% of dishes. All the things ITT are just for convenience.

>> No.5694878
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>> No.5694882

but you can't set it down on anything because it's not really a seal. And you're just preemptively mangling your limes because you going to have to squeeze out the 75% of the lime juice.

>> No.5694889
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>> No.5694912

>a cast iron pan
If you said stainless lined aluminum I might not think you were joking

>> No.5695115
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>> No.5695171

I eat rice on a daily basis, and use my stove to cook my rice. It's not that I feel like one is superior to the other, but rice cookers (For me anyways) tend to eventually leave my rice all mushy, and what's the point of a rice cooker if you can't leave your rice or else it'll get all soft and pasty, why not use a pot, and cook it there

>> No.5695174


If you're leaving your rice in the rice cooker for more than a couple of hours you really should get a decent one, not one of those $35 black and deckers

>> No.5695186

Nice Rice Cooker :)

>> No.5695187

Idiot enabling through technology is becoming a thing these days, if something is too hard then some magic machine will come out to ensure nobody needs to put any effort forth.

>> No.5695225
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I got a rock

>> No.5695241
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>tfw you use too much water or too little water

>> No.5695294

measure with implements you buffoon

>> No.5696303

>keeps it warm all day
food poisoning

>> No.5696313

The only essential things you need are a skillet, a pot, a spatula, and a knife. If you can't make something like that, you don't deserve to be called a "cook".

>> No.5696425
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a good mixer is essential

pic related it's mine

>> No.5696430
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I have a fancy rice cooker, but it doesn't cook rice as well as a simple stovetop rice steamer.

I grant that the fancy rice cooker is more consistent, but the consistency is not as good as the steamer.

>> No.5696432

lol'd at pic

>> No.5696434


this. a really good chefs knife really does make LIFE easier.

>> No.5698054

>a george foreman electric grill with non-stick coating ghat peels off after a month or two of use


>> No.5698081

stand mixers are GOAT even though they are expensive as shit

I bought a Kitchen Aid with meat grinder and pasta press attachments on payments from QVC and holy fuck life is awesome

>> No.5698097

Garlic press is one of the only "uni-taskers" i can agree with.

It fucks up that garlic and makes it delicious, and it is damn fast, and takes up almost no space in a kitchen. And if you are cooking correctly, you are adding garlic to a lot of dishes all the time... So it can save you time pretty frequently. A nice heavy metal one will last forever, easy to clean...

Why not?

Almost all other unitaskers can diaf.

>> No.5698172
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>> No.5698176
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>> No.5698179
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>> No.5698213
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>> No.5698259

i don't even

>> No.5698272

Can it even be considered a tool if there is no problem this is designed to fix?

>> No.5698285

We could ask the same about your dad.

>> No.5698293

It's for people who can't lift things.

>> No.5698297

Then how the container get into there in the first place, dummy?

>> No.5698322

It's not like they wouldn't be able to lift things at all. It would just be hard for them. Lifting it once to put it in would be far easier than doing it every single time. Even if they couldn't really manage putting it in, they'd only have to seek help with lifting it in once rather than every time they wanted a drink.

>> No.5698338

Autism speaks

>> No.5698376

I read over my post and yours many times, and I still can't make sense of it.

The best I can do with your pathetic attempt at cleverness is to assume that you're a creationist, and you think my dad's not a tool because the great Intelligent Designer in the sky didn't have any problem in mind when he designed him?

Even then I don't see what's funny about it. It's funny that my dad's not a tool? I see that you tried to work in that insult but you really had to do some mental gymnastics to even get there.

This is why there are no good evangelical comedians.

>> No.5698395

Lol wut

>> No.5698434

i have almost that exact same mixer at work. how much did it cost? seems a bit overkill to have something that big and heavy in your home unless you're frequentlybaking in big batches

>> No.5698439

This guy strikes me as a douche bag.

>> No.5698445
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>> No.5698459

He strikes me as pretty reasonable. I have never once had difficulty making rice using anything but a simple pot. You don't need a machine to make rice. Rice is easy.

>> No.5698469
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>> No.5698487

I know right? I think people should have to cook over and open fire that they started by rubbing sticks together or striking flint. Stoves are for lazy idiots.

>> No.5698491

Maybe if you have full blown AIDS or something.

>> No.5698495

Epic rant, bro.

>> No.5698498

You don't need a microwave if you have a stove. And you also don't need a toaster if you have an oven.

>> No.5698526

>rice cookers are so ADVANCED
You still need to put water and rice into the thing. That's exactly the same thing you need to do to cook rice in a pot. The only difference is that you need to reduce the heat once it's boiling and then go wank or take a shit for 20 minutes, or post about how hard it is to not have to watch a pot of rice for 20 minutes on /ck/. You're wasting money and kitchen space so that you don't have to turn the stove off after 20 minutes? How do you manage to cook anything else without a special device?

>> No.5698549

I hope this is a joke... OP asked for essentials not playdough tools...

>> No.5698557

If a rice cooker could make rice in 2 minutes or less, you'd have a point. You don't have a point.

>> No.5698561

the thread is an ambiguous trollfest

>> No.5698588

How? Rice is a very forgiving grain, you have to really fuck up to make it mushy or too hard. Once you've made a few pots of rice in your life, you don't even really need to measure.

>> No.5698962

No, you can put the rice in there before you go to work and have it ready as soon as you get home. The rice will never get burnt or stuck to the bottom. It also cooks it better in general.

>> No.5699076

Not with Japonica. Japonica can be fucked up easily.

>> No.5699110

i paid $1100 for the mixer 20qt, table, ss bowl, whip, bread hook, and the pelican (slicer/shredder). and a couple of other things i can't think of right now.

i bought it because someone was going to work for me in my coffee shop, but they were going to bake and decorate cakes for themselves and cut me in on the money. that fell thru and i took it home instead. i make like 3 lbs of pasta dough a week in it and on the occasion 8 loaves of bread at a crack. i could sell it, i've had offers, but i could never buy another one like that for that price

>> No.5699185
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Can a rice cooker make tahdig though?

>> No.5699196

No it really isn't. If you've cooked it 20 minutes and it has to much water there's nothing you can do to get the excess water out besides cook it longer and that just turns it to mush.

>> No.5699221

seriously, how high are you?

>> No.5699403


lol i have that exact same set of scales. Ebay special

>> No.5699786

Essential: fridge, table, burner, pan, pot, knife, cutting board, bowl, plate, cup, fork, spoon, tray.

>> No.5699798

burnt rice?

>> No.5699802

Dump it into a sieve, drain then and pour kettle of boiling water over the rice to wash off the excess starch.

>> No.5699807

I cook all my rice on the stove, everything from basmati to brown to wild to short grain. I don't understand how it is difficult. I just put some rice into the pot, cover it with water so it looks about a 2:1 ratio and put it on the stove until it's done. If I'm gonna mix it in a sauce (like if I'm cooking indian or a stir-fry or something) then I put in less water, it will be a little hard and then throw it in the dish to finish.

It only takes like 12 min to make a pot of rice on the stove, and you only have to stir it once.

>> No.5699812

Wow, thanks. I never knew what this was called but it's my favourite part of any dish involving rice. Paella, curry, stir-fry--no matter what I always cook it so I get that nice crisp bottom crust. It's fucking delicious. Takes a long time to get a good one without burning though.

>> No.5700624


my mother having bought one years ago, I can confirm the usefulness of this tool.

>> No.5700626


actually great, although not essentail

>> No.5700660

I feel like a sieve would be an kitchen essential for you

kek, it never actually occured to me to measure water and cook it until perfectly waterless, I always just drain the excess like with pasta.

>> No.5700668


you couldn't tell the texture was mushy from the extra water?

>> No.5700699

the rice wasn't overcooked and the remaining minuscule hot water between the grains evaporates from the rice, I think the result is bretty gud

btw this is just with a pot, not a rice cooker

>> No.5701157

>using a knife is so hard

Goddamn lazy idiots

>> No.5701279

what can you cook in the rice cooker aside from the obvious rice?

I saw the bread recipe once but it takes wayyy to long.

anyone care to share some tips?

>> No.5701627

I have made entire pots of rice just to have this. Best part of the pot.

>> No.5701633

actually a corn remover comes in handy especially when doing a lot of corn and its super quick.

>> No.5701651

use your anus and a pastry cutter

>> No.5701736

Anyone recommend a good waffle/sandwich grill?

>> No.5701773

>not making your own waffle griddle

Pleb faggot.

>> No.5701795
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Thanks anon

>> No.5701803

Just use your chef's knife.

>> No.5701805

that's actually really useful for people with weak hands. arthritis is a fucker

>> No.5701808
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> $230


>> No.5702374


You gotta be shitting me. How fucking lame must one be to need something like this?

>> No.5702378
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>> No.5702409

i genuinely dont understand why people use pizza cutters instead of a knife or if you're completely cackhanded then scissors

>> No.5702438

A microwave is a little more multifunctional than a rice cooker, I think. Toasters are purely for convenience.

>> No.5702442

Could you please what maker this is?

>> No.5702451

You should use less water in the first place, or simply leave the rice covered off the heat for another ten minutes.

>> No.5702470
File: 672 KB, 1632x1224, photoJPG_3d28brhy7j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blender. A good old-fashioned everlasting tank like this one.

>> No.5702474

>Wow, thanks. I never knew what this was called but it's my favourite part of any dish involving rice. Paella, curry, stir-fry--no matter what I always cook it so I get that nice crisp bottom crust. It's fucking delicious. Takes a long time to get a good one without burning though.
To be fair, it's a little more than just crisped bottom. I think it's rich with loads of extra butter to assist browning.

>> No.5702485

A rice cooker is purely for convenience.

>> No.5702487

Mix vegetables in with the rice.

>> No.5702507

Why does pineapple need coring?

>> No.5702519

I just have no idea what this thing is.

>> No.5702520


My parents had that exact model passed on to us from my gps, as well as a hand mixer. Both were built like brick shit houses.

>> No.5702541


>> No.5702618


The center is tough and fibrous. It's not completely inedible like the pit in some fruit, but it is an unpleasant texture.

>> No.5702627

He asked for essentials and then posted something that isn't.
Prompting a response of jokes.

>> No.5702629

And therefore not essential.

>> No.5702653

Careful, anon, your new is showing.

>> No.5702658

Due to severe arthritis in my hands, i have one of these. makes it easier to pour milk and water and such.

>> No.5702708

You have two options here:
1) Learn how to cook
2) Eat camping-friendly food when you go camping

>> No.5702766

seems like infomercial bullshit and not god tier like >>5694861

What about a pizza stone? Just as nice right?

>> No.5702772

rice is very camping friendly.
great for backpacking

>> No.5702785

But...how would the open the cap? Would they just leave it uncapped?

>> No.5702792
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>> No.5702809
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>> No.5702819
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I love apples but I have false front teeth so the only way for me to safely eat one is to cut it up. I love my apple slicer.

>> No.5702820

I started cooking rice in a pot, switched to a $20 aroma cooker, and recently upgraded to a $250 zojirushi. There was definitely an improvement from 1 to 2, and a vast improvement from 2 to 3. It also makes it easy to germinate brown rice before cooking.

>> No.5702850

Actually really useful if you do a lot of baking and need to prep lots of fruit.

>> No.5702859
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>> No.5702897

>"Remember kids, come inside right away whenever you see that fat guy with the stained t-shirt from down the street sharpening his knives on the sidewalk"

>> No.5702926

That has to be the most overcomplicated looking device I have ever seen, does anyone have any experience with it?

>> No.5702929

there are tools to help with that too

>> No.5703141
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A steamer of some sort is pretty handy.

>> No.5703496


>> No.5703555

Or..or...or you could just use a paring knife.

>> No.5703632
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Mighty fuck those people were awkward to watch

>> No.5703952


Holy shit, who did you steal a fucking hobart from?

>> No.5703960


What a newfag.

I still remember the Himalayan Pink Saltpocalypse like it was yesterday.

>> No.5703979

So did mine. It eventually broke, but I loved that blender.

>> No.5703980
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not being sarcastic like some other unitasker reppers ITT... about three to five times a year, I bake cookies that require these tweezers for decorative patterns on the dough. Just gues to show how different everyone's arsenals are.

>> No.5703994

A toaster is valuable because the increased efficiency is well worth the miniscule price of a decent toaster. You don't need to heat a whole oven to make toast in a toaster. A rice cooker does not make this trade off. Oh, they may be ever so slightly energy efficient, depending on how good your stove and cookware is. But the tradeoff is not significant. The only thing the rice cooker does is allow you to skip the step of turning your fucking stove off. Holy shit, that's worth the money!

>> No.5703995

You need a microwave to sanitize your sponges retard

>> No.5704020

You could just boil them.

>> No.5704021

>even owning sponges
And this is why women should never be allowed in the kitchen.

>> No.5704025

>first time cooking rice
>follow direction on back of package exactly
>rice still comes out hard and burnt on the bottom

>> No.5704034

Something tells me you didn't follow the directions as "exactly" as you think you did.

>> No.5704040

you're right, I added a little bit more water than it asked for

>> No.5704046


>not stirring

Look, if you suck at rice, you can always brown and then fry.

Tex-Mex method, good as a base for Spanish Rice, but can be used for simple fried rice dishes if you're too impatient to do it the authentic way.

Put a little oil in a saucepan. Put rice in pan. Turn up heat to medium, move rice around until you get a good, even brown color. Add water, onions, whatever else you wanna add. I recommend bacon, onions, maybe a little garlic or cumin or turmeric. Cover with glass. Add water as necessary until rice is desired consistency.

>> No.5704061

>>not stirring
It only told me to stir the rice into the water initially, and then cover it. Am I supposed to stir it the whole time?

>> No.5704066


>> No.5704080

Are you insane? That's exactly how you get shitty, mushy rice. If you're making Spanish rice, you stir it as little as possible. If you're making white rice, you don't stir it at all.

>> No.5704198

Definitive method for perfect rice everytime

1 part rice
2 parts water
Butter (optional)

Bring to a boil, as soon as it boils stir it up, put a lid on and turn the rice down to level 1, or very low or whatever, just really really low. Wait 15 mintes, turn off the element, wait ten minutes, lift the lid.

Ta da,

>> No.5704208

that depends on the kind of rice you stupid fuck

>> No.5704224

How on earth do you clean the cooking tile?

>> No.5704380


Is this actually true? I've never seen a whisk like that.

>> No.5704385

yes it does, just google dough whisk

>> No.5704386

For baking and leisure.

>> No.5704438
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>ctrl + f
>no results

you disappoint, /ck/

>> No.5704453
File: 131 KB, 620x413, 091313_slow_cooker_hamilton_beach_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mine's a Breadman. Second only to my crockpot.

>> No.5704462


Holy fuck. I'd like to see your lawn mower.

>> No.5704489


I make coffee in this way and it tastes really good...

2 tbsps coffee per cup of water
Bring water to a boil in a pot
Add coffee and immediately remove from heat
Wait 5-6 minutes for the grounds to sink

>> No.5704661

Can anyone else vouch for this product? I'm in the market for a sharpener. The youtube demo seems legit.

>> No.5704665

they work decently well, not great for long knives. Id honestly recommend the edge pro over it by a lot. If thats too expensive the asian knockoff edge pro work pretty damn good.

If you replace the stones with ones from Congress Tools you can have the fake edgepro with a full grit progression for ~50

>> No.5704676

Sadly it's a real thing. I remember a poor college student trying to sell me one at the super market.

Seriously essential cooking gear? A potatoe peeler. You can live without one, but it makes it so much easier to peel potatoes or cucumbers. Also it only takes up comparatively small space.

>> No.5704677


I actually have a bread machine but I stopped using it because I perfer doing it by hand. Also fuck cleaning the thing.

>> No.5704689

Essential items that just make sense to have

Cutting board
Can opener
Veggie peeler (unless you are really good and fast with a small knife, I am not)
Cast iron cookware

>> No.5704706

What about a heat source? A lot of good all that shit will do you if you haven't got heat.

>> No.5704773

i must have shitty avocados because when i try to take the pit out, the pit breaks into pieces

>> No.5704789

my process is:
>2 tbsp coffee
>1 cup water
>16 oz cup
>1 cup ice

makes perfect iced coffee, replace ice with hot water for regular coffee

>> No.5704815
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Gas range, good knives, cutting board, whisk, masher, and uh, slow cooker.

I saw this yesterday in the store. Do they really work? I almost bought one.

>> No.5704817


Use a colander.

>> No.5704823

I love steaming.

>> No.5704869

The holes on the one at work is too big.
Maybe a box cheese grater will work.

>> No.5704888

This makes four of us. My parents still have theirs.

>> No.5704905


It's great for mixing dry ingredients together and for when you mix your wet and dry. Everything mixes really fast. It's really awesome for mixing wet and dry for bread.

And you don't have to get one from King Arthur Flour. Amazon has 14" dough whisks for $8. Just treat the handle with mineral oil every once in a while to prevent it from splintering.

>> No.5705210

My mom gave me that. Still doing well, nothing I do will break it.

>> No.5707040


Why not just grasp it in your hand and pull the other way?

>> No.5707444

I think i have compiled a list of the minimum you need to be able to do(almost) everything
>is there anything i wouldn't be able to do?

chefs knife
pairing knife
bread knife
some means of sharpening& honing knives
2 chopping boards

skillet or similar
large shallow steel/copper pan with lid
deep pan for boiling crabs with lid and a steamer

baking tray 25mm* or 50mm* lip

other items:
steel/glass bowl(larger then pan for ban marie)
wooden spatula & spoon
rolling pin
sieve (can be used for baking and as a colander)

(for baking, and to make like easier)l:
2 cake tins
pie/flan tin/dish
thermometer(if oven thermostat isn't good)
peeler(you can peel with a paring knife but its not worth the wasted vegetables)
2nd* baking tray
measuring scales

>> No.5707458

inb4 open a can

>> No.5709507
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I find a blowtorch to be pretty useful.

>> No.5709509

those blow

>> No.5709531

Good for putting an edge back on. Good enough for reprofiling an edge, if you have the time.

>> No.5709780

what a rice cooker more useful than a toaster? Let me guess, you're not white?

>> No.5709785

Rice is generally more expensive than potatoes|bread|flour or oats though

>> No.5709896

>232 posts
>not one mention of a panini press or a cast iron skillet press

>> No.5710101

How do you clean plates then?

>> No.5710119

with your hands, that way you can feel everything and know which region of the plate to focus on

>> No.5710123

I do use a sponge, but I always use my hands once I'm done to make sure everything is smooth and clean.

>> No.5710125

how fat are you that your plates have regions?

>> No.5710126

I do that all the time though

>> No.5710144

Also, you can use the pineapple shell to serve food out of and people will go ooh and aaah

>> No.5710164

5'6" 327 lbs
my plates are about 2 feet in diameter

>> No.5710679

I like mixing bowls since I cook quite a lot of things during weekends.

>> No.5711073

>not eating off of plates which span townships

>> No.5711662

a mandolin can help cut down on prep time. But it's not super essential.

>> No.5711685
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