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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.18 MB, 2592x1936, garc-burger-cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5658024 No.5658024[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>there are people that think this is undercooked
Get out.

>> No.5658031

If you aren't using extremely fresh meat that you ground yourself, it is.

>> No.5658038

>he thinks there's less bacteria if you do a certain process yourself and not letting another person do it

>> No.5658039

>using ground meat from multiple cuts of beef into 1 burger.
it's like you want diarrhea.

>> No.5658044

>implying it matters as long as you get it to 160 degrees

>> No.5658051

>he doesn't want diarrhea
Enjoy your non-watery shits asshole

>> No.5658081
File: 846 KB, 1232x694, please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5658171

Enjoy your parasites.

>> No.5658204
File: 173 KB, 250x227, RonPaulPredictedThisExactScenarioUnfolding.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5658255

>not cooking everything you eat medium rare

>> No.5658276

enjoy your e.coli

>> No.5658282

i hate paranoid people so fucking much and it is very unlikely that you will get sick from eating a burger that is rare but there is a much higher possibility than eating anything else that is cooked rare due to the fact that it is very difficult to properly clean a meat grinder

that said it's still very unlikely that you will get sick

>> No.5658284

Why do people do this? Ground meat has a fucking awful texture when raw. Not at all as pleasant as a rare steak. The rarest you should ever order a burger is medium. This is a fucking burger, not a steak. You queers are like the people who want to measure dicks by the hot sauce they use. It's all posturing.

>> No.5658297

>poor people trying to act fancy

Mince is fucking mince. It's $6 for half a kg. Stop trying to act like you have superior taste because you like your meat slimy. It has a awful texture raw. It's not a steak.

>> No.5658329

>One kid dies from e. coli.
>People that don't know how to cook are mortified.

>> No.5658338

>Cooking food to your own personal taste and laughing at nanny state faggots telling you what's good or bad for you.

>> No.5658350

You know how hard it is to clean a meat grinder? It's as hard as taking it apart and washing and drying it by hand and then storing the pieces in oil. Simple fucking Simon. The kitchen I work in grinds our own cuts for the burgers. I eat it raw, fresh out of the grinder. I only shit poop soup once a week. It can't be all that bad.

>> No.5658389

This so hard.

Rare steak texture = lovely
Rare burger texture = oh god it's like a grainy mushy turd

>> No.5658391

>Not mincing your own fresh beef
Get a load of this faggot.

>> No.5658397

Eating meat that I paid someone for that wasn't near a heat source as long makes me stronger and tougher than you

>> No.5658400

I'd probably eat it if it were made in a cvap or sous vide.

>> No.5658536

enjoy your suspenseful farts

>> No.5658583

Maybe you should get that checked by a doctor, you are really throwing out really weird counter argument there, something seems to be wrong with you. colon cancer already?

>> No.5658585

Burger cooked like that is not a burger but is now called mushy beef on bread

>> No.5658598

>be kid
>sitting at the table
>dads happy because mom made best burgers
>bite into it
>juicy shit in my mouth
>something is trickling down my throat
>eyes are watering
>spit it out
>wipe my face
>blood on napkin
>sobbing like a cunt
The feeling was fucking disgusting.
I can never eat anything that is pink in the slightest
Sorry :"(

>> No.5658606

I prefer if there is a thin pink line right in the middle that will indicate me it was not cooked any more than it needs to but eating raw ground meat in unacceptable to me. As a person who eats eggs, steak, even chicken kind of undercooked, raw GROUND meat is actually dangerous for your health

>> No.5658607

Is tartar not minced?

>> No.5658619

>tartar not considered garbage

>> No.5658638
File: 3.37 MB, 320x180, pink-floyd-meat-grinder-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tartar is ACTUALLY minced, like, with a knife. groundmeat is ground with a meat grinder. Akin to the pic related.

>> No.5658641

If it's freshly ground, there's no issue with uncooked ground beef, as long your grinder is properly maintained.

>> No.5658647

>as long your grinder is properly maintained

i don't own a meat grinder. what do you take me for? a ground meat enthusiast?

>> No.5658661

>tartar is ACTUALLY minced
no. It's still ground, just with blades that gives bigger bits.

>> No.5659505

>just with blades that gives bigger bits
i wish I could have blades that would gives bigger tits

>> No.5659528

If the bread is red you'll soon be dead.

>> No.5659775

I usually eat mine well done, every time I go somewhere and order medium, the bun seems to get soaked in the juices from the meat. just like your pic OP.

>> No.5659955

>not making sausage
It's like you want me to hate you.

>> No.5661092

That burger hasn't even been in the same building as 160 degrees.

>> No.5661101

You know nothing.

>> No.5661106

I don't like my burgers rare, usually gets too soggy.

Some places do a rare burger that's really good, but often it's just a mess.

>> No.5661111

>that fucking girl who doesnt move her hands forward
what a trooper

>> No.5661207

it is, unless its grass fed/grass finished.

do you even watch food inc?

>> No.5661219
File: 993 KB, 290x198, 90937[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch Malcolm. fucking beast, especially at such a young age.

>> No.5661221

You faggots will argue about anything. Minced is not ground. Medium is not rare. Good god i don't even know where to start with you fucktards.

>> No.5661235

I was talking to a friend about my steaks and how I prefer them rare, or at least medium rare. He said that simply mentioning beef not being fully cooked made him nauseous and I asked him why.

Long story short, he said that while he was out camping as a boy scout his Scout Leader made burgers and his was grossly undercooked. He bit into it and apparently there were bugs inside his burger and despite knowing that he ate it anyways, because he was embarrassed or some other retarded emotion you'd have as a kid eating fucking bugs at boy scouts, and then had his stomach pumped because of it.

It was probably one of the stupidest stories I've ever heard and ever since I've stereotyped the kinds of people who like their steaks cooked well done as blubbering idiots.

sage for blogshit

>> No.5661878

Some of us like to cook our food. Shut your mouth, Savage.

>> No.5661907


Eating a burger like this is a desperate cry for attention. The only people I see who want a burger like this are those that have no real fucking idea about food, and think it makes them look sophisticated to eat a burger that raw.

Yes, we all understand that a steak probably does taste best if its about medium rare, but this isnt steak, its a burger. And it tastes and feels like shit when its cooked like that.

>> No.5661910

>blubbering idiots.

Yeah, sorta like eating food containing live bugs even after you've seen them.

>> No.5661911

Thick fuck

>> No.5661930

Steaks can go more on the raw side, even blue for some. Ground meat tastes like shit undercooked like that.

>> No.5661937

Medium is the absolutely minimum for hamburgers. Anything below that just falls all apart. I prefer my steaks medium

>> No.5661949

yeah undercooked...