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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 146 KB, 1600x1200, kitchen pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5627362 No.5627362[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have an /industry/ general?

Anyone from dishwashers to michelin starred chefs welcome. FOH staff allowed as long as they clean off the plates before they throw them in the bus tub

>tfw watching the alcohol burn off a reduction sauce

>> No.5627421

Holy shit, the place where my mom works has almost the exact same setup as that pic. same vents and counters, same grills, pots, same floor, same island on the other side.

Except its a bit shorter, and instead of 2 grills at the end there's a massive sauce pot that you could probably hide a child inside.

>> No.5627497

any tips on how to clean years of built up. burnt on carbon on stainless steel pans?

dishwasher here and I want to clean up the saute pans

>> No.5627506

> tfw when first day off after 7 10-12h shifts in a row because sone summer festival events
> feels good

>> No.5627508

Boil water+vinegar in em and rubb hard.

>> No.5627513

is this a joke?

>scrubbing pans in boiling water

>> No.5627520

No what happens is that the acid breaks down the carbon so you can take it off

>> No.5627532

FOH here. I have no face when people ask for birthday candles and want me to sing the song.

>> No.5627544

no place i've ever worked at makes people sing birthday songs, but then again i've never worked in a chain restaurant. it's a stupid thng to ask for anyways. you shouldn't have to ask strangers to sing birthday for you or your friend because you guys don't have any real friends

most of the carbon is on the bottom pan

>> No.5627548

Fucking dumbass you drain thw boiling water or let it cool first.

>> No.5627554

Holy fuck i know why your working the dishpit now. Youre such an idiot.

Just let the pan sit in boilig water and vinegar then. Arr you incapable of any initiative? Jeez

>> No.5627563

next chef's knife you hand me to wash i'll shank u with

wash your back

>> No.5627568

Rofl im actualy cool with my dishwashers at work cuz they arent tards like you.

Also cooks and chefs clean their own chef knives

>> No.5627582

>tfw fucking the 17 y/o waitresses
>tfw their dads come in telling me what a great job I do cooking

>> No.5627609

I bus tables, am I in da industry????

>> No.5627622

dish boy.

I'm sick of hearing my boss bitch at the waitress for taking to long to get the food out.

I'm considering talking to my boss about getting a pager system going

. I don't care if I have to nigger rig a setup by using a 50 dollar tablet to use a program that sends a text message through the internet to their cellphones.

30 minutes is BS.

Has anyone here ever used a paging system?

>> No.5627649

I bus tables too, but I'm bros with the cooks, the dishwashers, and the owner and managers of the restaurant.
How's everybody's restaurants doing financially? Mine's owned by a Montreal Jew who's deep in debt, bankrupt, and gambles all his extra money away, while still getting free meals for his whole cabal of friends, who take up an entire section every single day. Oh and our basement flooded the other day because the building's a hundred years old, we keep losing our liquor licence, so all the franchised locations across the country serve alcohol except the one the owner actually runs. Also did I mention the restaurant is haunted?

>> No.5627651

Sounds to me like the servers need to stop going for smoke breaks and start paying attention to when their food is up.

>> No.5627662

I am so fucking sick of the smokers. Spending a quarter of your shift outside nursing your addiction is fucking pathetic. Most of the kitchens and dishwashers have quit, it's just a couple of servers and a bartender that fucking waste our time.

>ring in a nice steak entree, side salad up first
>go for a smoke before sending the salad up

>> No.5627672

That's not the fault of the smokers, that's the fault of the individual server. I use my smoking habit as a reward system, like, "if all of the tables are clean and no tables will be done eating for a while, and all my stations are clean, then and only then can I go enjoy a smoke."

>> No.5627685

>what is a brush with a handle

>> No.5627959
File: 23 KB, 640x414, 496ad0af_yo-dawg-xzibit-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine mfw a pregnant woman asked our waitresses to sing happy birthday to her unborn child

It was something like this

>> No.5627961

how the fuck could it be its birthday

>> No.5627976

hell if I know, people are crazy man.

>> No.5628024
File: 335 KB, 417x515, 1403555209910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a line cook at outback. I don't like it but $14/hr with nothing more than a G.E.D and i basically survive off all the free food. Before that i was a short order cook at a waffle house.

>> No.5628156

>Paid 60 thousand for a Culinary Arts degree
>Work for Wolfgang Puck at a fine dining steakhouse, bust my ass every day
>Only make 12/hour
I think I did it the dumb way /ck/

>> No.5628238

hey there OP. worked in a bistro restauranr here in Holland as a sous-chef
>dat feel when customer come in 2 minutes before closing time
>dfw making the new guy go get corona glasses, green paprika powder or split ice cubes
>dat insanely accomplished feeling after the busiest period in the kitchen regarding tickets

i got a shitload of stories man, ive been a waiter and cocktail bartender as well

>> No.5628255

lel stay mad rookie faggot. ive been doing this for years now. and believe me when I tell you that a happy cook that is able to satisfy his need for cigarettes is one that will be much quicker and efficient in the kitchen than one who is forbidden to smoke

>> No.5628266

Seems like culinary degrees and college priced training is the wrong way to get into a trade.

>> No.5628297

>tfw barback at high volume nightclub pulling $60k a year

>> No.5628298

Holy shit, they cost that much? I think if schooling is your thing, go to a community college that has some culinary courses.

>> No.5628326

Le Cordon Bleu cost 46K back when I went. 46K for an associates in applied science.

>> No.5628338

We have this thing at work called CarbonOff. It's deadly though. Whoever uses it needs to wear this Hazmat looking gear.

>> No.5628475
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>sous-chef screaming at waiter to get some cans dehydrated water from the shed
>mfw when they come back looking scared because they couldn't find it
he also got a few people to believe we had a pet pig outback. Sometimes its better when the head chef isn't around, othertimes its just pure toxic hell

>> No.5628544

Are you seriously whiteknighting for servers?

The kitchen's job is to get those orders up, and their job is to make sure those orders are going out in a timely matter.
If they're the reason those bills aren't going to the tables, they deserve to be yelled at.
And it isn't your fucking place as a dishboy to tell your boss how to pamper the servers.
>sends a text message to their phones

>> No.5628568
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>what are food runners
>what are expediters

>> No.5628646

My restaurant only has two locations in the US, Friday and Saturday nights it turns into a pseudo-nightclub. Kitchen staff is very cool and so are the bartenders, main manager is a bit of a hard ass but @ $10 an hour (+$50 tip out a night on average) I'm okay with his yelling.

>> No.5628653

at least they make good pasta

>> No.5628709

>Be a dishwasher as a kid
>Waitresses complain to me in the dish pit about how hard their job is even though fucking washing dishes is harder and that's easy as shit
>Be a prep cook
>Even easier than washing dishes and being a waitress/waiter is STILL EASIER
>Be an executive chef
>Able to tell the waitresses to fuck off with no consequences
I waited for the day I could do that. Every restaurant I've worked at waitresses have been the biggest faggots I've met.

>> No.5628722

But washing dishes isn't hard.

Serving isn't hard but you have to deal with shitty people (at least I did since the restaurant was in a shitty area).

>> No.5628729

>washing dishes is harder and that's easy as shit

>> No.5628735

I've had to do both and dishes aren't bad, would rather do that actually.

Every dishwasher we've had has been a faggot who complains about how hard their job is.

Stop being a faggot m800

>> No.5628766

>tfw when finish washing dishes before waiters are finished
>tfw the owner just tells the waiters to wash dishes they make after i finish because they're slowfucks
those were good years man, both night dishwashers have to be gone on the 2nd so gonna gloriously return

but yeah, its ez to wash dishes, its hard to wash dishes quickly and well, especially because waiters are 100% too retarded to stack shit

>> No.5628777

catering/deliveryfag here. also every other job in the place but mainly delivery. outside upper management I think it's the most stressful and under-appreciated job in the store.

>a few months ago, catering order of $5000 or so
>they don't tip because it's a school so big manager and catering manager take it
>they take forever loading the van, moving so slow
>already running late when they leave, customer is calling and asking
>they get completely lost. TWICE. can't into maps and directions, follow GPS voice instead
>show up pretty late, I'm sure they took as long unloading the van as they took loading
>at the mercy of 400 pissed and hungry people and one really fuming person who placed the order which was promised to be perfect.
>also they forgot some important shit and got their ass handed to them
>had to comp lots of shit, in the end the restaurant didn't really make much money on the order.
>they walk in more stressed and on edge than I've ever seen them


I've worked every position other than management in the store and nothing compares to an insane day on back line, not even close. I don't get much respect until somebody else has to take a big order thats 45 minutes late and gets their ass chewed out by rich tycoons in suits. then they know why I'm always shoving them out of the way and not joking around like everyone else.

>> No.5628808

literally anyone can scrub plates and chop veggies. you don't even have to speak english and you can look like the yeti. it's easy if you can move a little.

I say waiting tables is harder. you have to know how to deal with the shittiest people even when they are mad, keep smiling while you do it, remember lots of shit, multitask, and be presentable. I'm not going to say its harder than being a cook or a chef, it isn't. but washing dishes and prepping is not hard work.

>> No.5628829

No I think its the opposite, hes tired of hearing his boss having to yell at the waitstaff and he is in agreement that 30 mins is way too long to send out dishes and is willing to go to the extremem measure of texting their phones to get them to work

>> No.5628840

Buy a bell you fucking idiot, ring it when food is up

>> No.5628856


you make way more money as a server though, at least in any country where tipping is standard

I'd rather get a job washing dishes and hopefully work my way up to actually cooking on the line but the pay is worse

>> No.5628905

That depends on a lot of things, though.
I hear the waiters at Saltgrass have to take care of their penguin suits themselves. Wash, iron, etc just to go to work and make $30

>> No.5628973

I started off as a dish washer. I talked my way into cooking. Within about 4-6 months I was off of dishes and doing preps and doing sides/plating. About a year into it or so I was running lunch by myself or closing (closing fucking sucks). By two years I was having to handle dinner just about by myself because of other unreliable employees. It was me and one other guy. He had the culinary degree and he trained me. I was also studying on my own when I wasn't at work. We split the shifts and both were working almost 60 hrs a week, with him pulling a little more since he was the trained chef. I learned a lot but eventually that place broke me. I just got tired of the management and they wouldn't listen to us and they kept building the menu far past what we could handle. We were having to stuff shit in corners in the fridge and freezer. The place had no benefits, no OT or insurance or anything. One of the partners that opened it walked away and left one manager alone. I felt bad for them but the place became a nightmare to work. We started to slip on quality because we were stretched too thin. People quit and were replaced by min wage dishwashers who were also expected to help cook. So I had to start training people to help me. The saddest thing in the world is being 20-something guy trying to instruct a 40 year old fuck-up how to cook simple things. So eventually I got tired of it and quit. The guy who trained me couldn't, due to his situation of having kids and all that, so he's still there today. Last I talked to him he was pulling 100 hours a week after I left. The only thing he was doing was working about 15 hrs a day, showering, sleeping and going back to work. 7 days a week. Running Lunch and Dinner. That guy is one of the hardest working guys I've ever met in my life.

I did briefly work at another restaurant that just opened. But as I learned their recipes I noticed they used a lot of canned/bagged/premade shit and was selling as "fresh."

>> No.5628984

I don't understand how they aren't being fired.

>> No.5628991
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>slow business, finishing everything fast since I was trained in prep
>tfw sent home early for the second time this week

I just don't want to take initiative get out the toxic shit and scrub down the ovens and other places that could use a little love.
Does that make me a bad employee?

>> No.5628992

What do you guys think about this


>restaurants are getting an increasingly bad reputation because customers spend more time playing with their phones and it's causing bottlenecks in service and their food gets cold so they complain more

>> No.5628996


It depends, how big is the place you work? If they're going to pay your for your time, doing it will only look good on you. Someone has to do it. But if there's like a dozen other people who could do it, I'd be pissed. Management needs to divy up the work.

>> No.5629008

>those customers had a problem with the wifi and demanded the waiters try to help them
>26/45 taking photos of the food

Spoiled pigs.

>> No.5629013

They didn't ask me to, Anon. It was a slow afternoon and we ran out of stuff to do other than that. Boss said I could go home.

It's all getting done at the end of the night, or should be getting done.
I still feel shitty leaving early and not taking more initiative.

>> No.5629032

How hard is it to get a job as a barback or busser? I want to eventually work up to bartending or serving. Anything that gets tips.

Only previous experience was dishwashing/cooking at a shitty restaurant years ago. I now work at a Chipotle-style fast food pizza place.

>> No.5629066

It's a lot easier to get in if you know someone who works for that type of establishment.

>> No.5629233

Worked in a couple of 3 Michelin stars and others Michelin stars..
Come at me bro,
22 years experience

>> No.5629245

>tfw not in industry anymore

I almost miss it. Almost. I only worked short-order frycook bullshit, but busting my ass through a rush honestly was pretty satisfying. Management was incompetent though. That's why I finally got out.

>> No.5629277

>22 years FOH
you've been come to already

>> No.5629279

Wheres the ketchup?

>> No.5629300

>working 22 years as a waiter


stem masterrace 300k starting salary here

>> No.5629305


We only served truffle ketchup and saffron aiollie..

>> No.5629307

very easy. getting a bus job is easier than getting a barback job. but they are both entry level jobs and restaurants hire young people with no experience for those positons all the time.

my last job was as a busser, and i also did some barbacking. now i work as a line cook in a different place. but i made more money bussing tables than i do now cooking gourmet food

>> No.5629311


What do to you do?

>> No.5629321

just started my first year studying nuclear micro astro phyisics

>> No.5629338
File: 23 KB, 242x206, 1393980661130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had shitty night and was told I'd only have one more table for the night before I was cut
>Group of 6 fat black people and one fat white woman (the mom)
>Every single person asks for special things for their food
>As soon as the food comes out, the mom tells me she asked for the large and not the small
>I try to nicely correct her that she asked for small, even her son tells her she got the small
>I say I'll be right back and get the missing food
>Once I get back she asks for my name and the companies number so she can report me for racism (she's white) and get me fired

I felt bad for her kids; they were so uncomfortable with how she acted and they tried to be as nice as possible.

But yea serving sucks. It's decent pay and easy but you end up hating everyone.

>> No.5629345

Imagine how much it fucking sucked for the kitchen staff.

>> No.5629348

oh wow
your job sounds so hard
much struggle

>> No.5629373

How? They got orders wrong and I get reported.

Just sharing a restaurant story m900.

>> No.5629376

Yeah I'm sorry about that one. But the cooks get heat from retarded-ass customers too.

I've got a full list of problem customers that said or did the most retarded shit. It's gotten to the point where security is eager to throw customers out because we've all seen so many worthless pieces of shit making work hell.

>> No.5629381

>I've got a full list of problem customers that said or did the most retarded shit. It's gotten to the point where security is eager to throw customers out because we've all seen so many worthless pieces of shit making work hell.

What are some of the dumbest complaints you've gotten?

>> No.5629382

How long you been there and what station? What state do you live

>> No.5629383

>6 customized dishes

Missing food could also have specified an error on your part.

>> No.5629398

The orders weren't to their satisfaction. The french fries they wanted extra crispy weren't crispy enough, there was too much mayo on the burger they wanted extra mayo on. Just stupid shit.

>> No.5629405

The gluten-free pasta tastes too much like real pasta.

I was just in Texas yesterday and this ain't no New York Strip.

This turkey isn't dry enough.

Why ain't this char-broiled burger fried like at McDonalds?

I need a zero sodium meal because I can't have sodium. Add extra bacon.

I'm on a diet so I'll have the caesar. Extra bacon. There isn't nearly enough dressing. *send out 4 oz more dressing* You're trying to rip me off. *send out 4 oz more* *they lick the plate*

I'll take the ribeye blue-rare. OMG TOO MUCH FAT!

God I want to kill some customers.

>> No.5629406

I've developed a bad habit of referring to customers as pigs mentally.
One of these days it's going to slip out.

>> No.5629420

Oh wait no, I forgot my favorite one.

So I'm in Minnesota.
"Is the Atlantic salmon local?"
Fucking hell you dumb bitch. I'll always love the server that dealt with her for this. She pointed eastward and responded, "Yep, the Atlantic salmon is fresh out of the Mississippi."

>> No.5629484

Culinary school seems very expensive. If I'm trying to actually learn the trade, is it better to just start low, like a dishwasher, and work my way up to prep cook and higher?

>> No.5629523

it is expensive
at least work in the industry long enough to where you can form your own conclusion as to whether or not it's worth it
I would say at least 3 places for a year each if you have no idea at all

>> No.5629532

Become an electrician instead you mong.

>> No.5629533


You can but getting hired in a real kitchen takes longer that way. You'll have to start in a casual dining place rather than something fancier. I'd recommend getting American Culinary whatever certified. You can get it with two years of work in a non-fast food kitchen. You have to go take a test but it will go great with your resume to show that you took the time to do it. It will give your experience more credibility. You'll have to suck shit from culinary grads for a while.

>> No.5629534

Some places really do get them flown out nightly though. But if you have to ask it's probably not fresh.

>> No.5629537


Oh and keep in mind there is no money in being a chef unless you either own your own place or work for one of the top restaurants in the country.

>> No.5629540

True words from someone who's never had to wash dishes for a living before.
Spend 8 hours hunched over a sink and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.5629548

She didn't ask if it was fresh. We get our salmon flown in on ice. She asked if the ATLANTIC salmon was local IN THE MIDWEST.

To add insult to injury, we had a GM ask why our salmon wasn't locally fished.

>> No.5629549

What do you mean?

>> No.5629551


Isn't Salmon from the west coast anyway? What is Atlantic Salmon?

>> No.5629557



>> No.5629559


>> No.5629576

Salmon are located in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Atlantic salmon can be found in parts of the Pacific though they're natural to the Atlantic ocean.

A simple google search can tell you more about the differences between types of salmon. Regardless, pacific salmon aren't native to MINNESOTA as the name might suggest.

>> No.5629584

You never know, fish farms show up in the weirdest places

>> No.5629589

>head chef: "Hey man the steam tables are low"
>me: "Oh man we better get a can of steam from the back"
>head chef: "Yeah you're right, hey *insert new guy* go get a can of steam from the walk-in"
We've done that to about 10 guys now.

>me: "Hey *any waitress* I'm really busy can you run to the back and grab me the hotel pan that says A-I-R on it"

We practically encourage that kind of dickery

>> No.5629631


My new executive chef thought I was fucking with him when I told him there was a pool directly above the kitchen (Lobby/Ground floor, 1st floor (us), the pool is on the 2nd.

Love working in a hotel sometimes.

*fire evacuation alarm goes off*
Should we leave? Nah. Should we shut off the equipment? Nah. Should we call the operator and see if they forgot to tell us about a test? Just a second.

>> No.5629640


Salmon live in Lake Superior, you dumb fucks. Recreational fisherman catch them often. They may not be Atlantic salmon but it doesn't seem like an unreasonable question to me.

How the fuck can you be so ignorant about your own state? Shit I live in New York City and I even know this.

>> No.5629643


Actually I just googled it and apparently there are Atlantic salmon in the lake too.

No wonder you people can only get a job in foodservice.

>> No.5629645 [DELETED] 

>How the fuck can you be so ignorant about your own state? Shit I live in New York City and I even know this.
You know that ATLANTIC salmon are likely to come from a landlocked state? You can catch a lot of different salmon in Minnesota, one of which are from any ocean.

It is an unreasonable question, no matter how you try to justify wasting my time.

>> No.5629646


>> No.5629651

>You know that ATLANTIC salmon are likely to come from a landlocked state? You can catch a lot of different salmon in Minnesota, one of which are from any ocean.


>> No.5629653

deleted fast as fuark

>> No.5629659

How do you regulate the heat on those hot plates?
Or don't you?

>> No.5629669

Deleted for a typo.

*none of which are from any ocean.

I still want to know how any idiot thinks farm raised fish that spend part of their time in the ocean are "local" in the midwest.

>> No.5629703


They're not farmed. They were introduced into the lake decades ago as a sport fish and they don't spend any time in the ocean.

If you are going to argue that non-native fish species aren't "local" then I wonder what else you have on your menu that is erroneously labeled as "local" even though the species was brought to your state by European settlers.

>> No.5629734


>cooks and chefs clean their own chef knives

Fucking this.

I work at a place where we don't need to bring our own knives in, but we sure as fuck aren't going to throw them in with the rest of the dishes for the dishwasher to clean.

>> No.5629749

Actually nothing is labeled as local. Thanks for caring though.

But yeah, come in and ask if the beef was caught wild so we can get a good laugh.

>> No.5629755

Awwwww Yiss, too bad all i think about is how Winterlicous is around the corner

>> No.5629761


If I have a choice in the matter I won't go near your restaurant. Laughing at a customer who knows more about food than you do isn't a good sign.

This kind of shit is why Samuelsson and Vongerichten both ran screaming for the coasts after an abortive attempt at bringing culture to your dining scene.

>> No.5629767


Cook here.

If an entire ticket has been sitting in the window and hasn't gone out for 30 minutes it's the fucking servers' own fault, and their tip that's going to suffer. Also the fucking expediter should be sure there are runners on hand.

How the fuck are the servers the one's not getting the food out? That's their only job.

>tfw pushing my way, running past servers standing around bullshiting while scrambling to back up my station, and then listening to them bitch about food not being ready

>> No.5629772

Go, leave then. I'd be more than happy to fleece you, but if you intend on asking me why there isn't much local seafood in Minnesota, then you deserve to go back to your crime-ridden coastal hellhole.

>> No.5629773


p-penguin suits?

$30 in tips? (unless you mean that it's located somewhere in which there isn't tips, which was what was referring to specifically)

where in the world is that?

>> No.5629776


>but you end up hating everyone

that's not different from any other customer service job really, and you make better money

working in food service honestly made me prejudiced against white people, and I'm fucking white

>> No.5629781


If the cooks go out for 20 minute smoke breaks when there are tickets coming in the problem is with management.

I'll take a smoke break every time I don't have tickets in the window or need to back up my station, but I'll sure as fuck ask the guy next to me, who knows my station, if he's cool covering me for five minutes (and I do the same for him).

>> No.5629786

Meat station, im at the grill 95% of the time. I've been there for 4 years now and i live in atlanta.

I assume your asking because you worked there once?

>> No.5629790

Asians by far have been our best customers. They either stick the menu, or are upfront about wanting specific, and understanding if we don't understand what they desire. They also tip well, despite it not usually being part of their culture, and if they visit the bar they drink the nicer liquors and are very friendly.

American white and black customers both have the same flaw, they often want processed shit made exactly like their favorite fast-food establishment or boxed meal. The actual Africans can be really cool though. Overly sociable to the point where no one can pull away from them, or they want to tour the kitchen while busy just for the sake of it, but very understanding and upbeat.

>> No.5629801
File: 1.11 MB, 1840x3264, 20f746c1-abb0-4925-adcb-4d31796f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love what I do. I just try not to think of the money.

>> No.5629809

Im an AKM, I work in florida. Been with OSI/Bloomin Brands for 7 and a half years. I assume you mean you mostly work grill and possibly makeup on occasion. I was curious as I make 18 an hour, prob not gonna make more unless I want to KM, but I really dont.

>> No.5629819


>imagine how much it fucking sucked for the kitchen staff

Typical server scum, having no regard for the kitchen staff that busts their ass to get you paid.

Unless you have a record of shitty service no manager is going to give you shit for one table claiming you got their order wrong.

>boo hoo, i should have gotten more than the cooks make an hour from a single table

>> No.5629835


>that one ticket that asks for "extra crispy fries" on a busy night where there are 3 fry baskets cooking at all times

>> No.5629856


Not the anon you're responding to, but washing dishes is pretty much the least stressful job in a restaurant.

Try working the line on a busy night, and being a dishwasher will seem like taking a vacation.

>> No.5629862

I always wondered why kitchen workers and cooks call trimming or cutting a steak from a roast that is already shaped "butchering". When I watch TV shows and a chef is complimented for his or her "butchering" of a piece of meat, I'm often at a loss for the large amount of credit they're given for merely cutting straight down on a piece of meat to separate it from a larger piece.

Can someone from the cooking side of the market explain this to me? When I was younger it was considered butchering when you worked with large pieces of an animal and separated everything out yourself from the primals into individual subprimals or even if you worked as a meat cutter from boxed subprimals and trimmed off excess fat from a muscle clod and shaped it to look like what you expect it to at a store. It seems to me that the chefs take the furthest broken down materials, cook it, and when they cut it they're credited with "butchering". Can you guys help me out with this mode of thought?

>> No.5629864


You pretty much have to resort to any level of stupid amusement in order to not go insane in the kitchen.

My favorite thing is when we get something in with bubble wrap, and someone puts the bubble wrap under a floor mat on the FOH side of the kitchen, so every time a server/manager/whoever walks through it goes POP POP POP!

It's sad, but it never gets old.

>> No.5629870

Any Sous chef's or above around? How much have do you make / have you made from cooking? Line cooks also welcome to tell me your shit wage, i'm just curious

>> No.5629895

Former line cook/current waiter here

>serving a group of four
>one lady orders a steelhead trout filet
>drop meals off, no questions or complaints
>I return to quality check the table
>lady tells me something is wrong with her meal
>tells me there is some kind of fish on her plate
>At first I'm positive she's fucking with me
>Nope, she wants her dish taken back
>As politely as I can manage, I explain that steelhead trout is, in fact, a fish
>"Yeah, well how was I supposed to know that?! You're the waiter, you should have told me!"
>they complain, manager comps their meals (over $100), I die a little inside

>> No.5629897

Looks tasty m8

>> No.5629903


The sous chef at the place I work (downtown brew pub in a State capital USA) was making something like 38K starting. Our chef left and he just got promoted, and is asking mid to high 40K.

I'll have been there a year next month as a line cook, and started at 10$/hour with no experience. I'll be getting a raise of 1.50-2$ next week.

Working in a kitchen is pretty much the worst career choice I can imagine. Most of the back of house staff are either illegals or felons, and being a sous chef/chef with a salary means working minimum 60 hours per week and dealing with three times the stress of anyone else there.

>> No.5629906

Odds are the cunt just wanted a free meal m80.
Not like it was your fault.

>> No.5629910
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It's not that bad really.
You make enough to pay for accommodation and some luxury. You should be able to get more than half of your food from the kitchen and a drink or two if you work until late.

>> No.5629911

It's the least stressful, but it can be physically demanding. I spent most of my breaks lying on the ground outside. Absolute murder on my back.

>> No.5629920


Buy some decent shoes.

>> No.5629921

I make 55k plus free phone and free gas but I work 6-7 days a week and am there for almost every service. I work for a small independent restaurant group (5 places) Im the sous for 4 and CdC for one. Also get reevaluated for a raise every year or if we open a new restaurant and I get to keep whatever $ is leftover from labor(which i give to the cooks)

>> No.5629924

Yeah, I remember being physically exhausted while the chefs were more generally tired or maybe mentally tired.
Dishwashing isn't that hard but being a good dishwasher that tends to each chefs/waitresses needs and works efficiently is difficult.

>> No.5629937

Yours is supposedly haunted too huh? The restaurant I'm working at is a slow-ish sports bar where I'm a line cook. It used to be a front for an Italian gambling ring - there are a bunch of architectural discrepancies which seem to confirm that a bunch of shady shit went down there. The old owner was only charged for the gambling ring but there seems to have been a bit more going on.

I kinda wish that the pipes under the dishstation would get fucked up just so they'd have to excavate (the pipes running under there are under a layer of cement running THROUGH a supposedly solid chunk of unnecessary foundation - there's a hole in the wall in the basement that's filled with concrete which was hand carved into the foundation and has an unaccessible hatch above it so we figure there used to be a hollow to access the pipes and do shady shit in the area which accounts for about 16 sq ft between the foundation on the outside of the restaurant which ends past the kitchen walls and the basement where the walls only go to the servers' station) and figure out what's down there.

Our best guesses are bodies in the cement. The hatch is definitely a way out of the restaurant as there's a large concrete... I don't know what the fuck you'd call it, something like a bollard, sitting right above at least 3 feet of earth where the hatch would logically let out. On a particularly slow day I did a bit of digging next to the bollard-thing to confirm but then orders came in so I quickly filled the hole in.

One of the servers has worked there for 15 years part-time and probably knows a thing or two about what actually went on down there but I always forget to ask.

Exactly. It's an incentive to get shit down and a way to mentally prepare yourself before a rush.
It should be used to help, not hinder, your work if you're going to do it.

>> No.5629943

>used to be dishwasher
>one man department so no ones got my back
>heat and humidity like crazy
>servers and kitchen staff are all equally cunts
>when im slow and they are busy chef makes me do prep or other bullshit
>retarded nigger cooks and servers wait till the 11th hour before dropping off shit for me to clean
>lowest paid job in the entire place even though its the most physically demanding job in the entire place

>> No.5629966

>Dishwasher/sandwich maker in Famous Chicago shop

We're talking 30x7 ft work area that fits a cashier, a guy who calls out the orders, two sandwich makers for colds, two for hots, and a dishwasher.. Do you guys have any advice for an anon working in ultra cramped conditions?

>> No.5629967

>used to wash dishes at a resort that catered huge weddings
>working a 6pm to "close" shift, only dishwasher on past midnight
>banquet staff wait to drop off dishes until they've cleaned the ballroom
>leave six full carts of dishes at 2:30 am on their way out the door
>function at 10:00am, all dishes needed to be cleaned, no choice but to get them done
>sun was up when I got to work, sun was up when I left work


>> No.5630021

In OP's pic the cooktop with the 2 pots on it. Is that induction? I see them in every industrial kitchen and surely they can't be electric?

>> No.5630025


>> No.5630035

my place also had a hall for special occasions
>party of 200 on top of the regular 150 odd people that the restaurant holds
>extra servers and kitchen staff on hand
>they start derping once the food is out while i am getting fucked
>8 hours of hell because there was a fuckload of extra cookware that needed manual cleaning
>exec chef leaves early at like 10pm
>12am finishing up the last few dishes
>nigger waiter rolls in a cart with a fuckload of plates from the party hall
>comes back with overloaded garbage bag
>the now off duty kitchen staff still have the gall to sit in the restaurant side and have beer
>i tell manager i am fucked and i could use a hand
>2am i finally finish the plates on my own
>another trolley rolls in
>fuck this
>manager asks me what i am doing
>tell her i quit
>begs me to stay
>haha nope
>nigger mc retard gets sent to do the dishes
>chef texts me at 4am telling me im fired

what pissed me off is that staff like to hang out at the place when they get off duty. i think they should either clock in and help out if we are getting fucked or go drink somewhere else.

>> No.5630039
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>be grill and salad cook at decent chain steakhouse
>order comes in for 12oz filet, well, no butterfly
>cooking it for near 20 minutes
>customer complains about it taking too long
>cook it a little more and sell it
>two minutes later server comes back and tells me the customer still sees a little pink and wants it cooked longer

>> No.5630058

this is bullshit im >>5629921 and there have been a lot of situation like this where ive been there all day and get ready to leave and see shit like this and Ill stay and get on dish myself to help out

I also check to make sure everyone closing clocks out at the same time and anyone working volume does their share before they leave, any cook who thinks they are too good to get on dish and help out can fuck right off

I tell my guys if you get busy or need me just call and Ill drive right down and help. Hell ive got calls at 9-10pm about shit being wrecked and Ill come down and help do dishes and clean up.

Does really happen that much as I have a pretty good hand picked team now.

>> No.5630066

chefs calls to say youre fired when you quit haha and at 4 am too hahahahah
GJ anon

>> No.5630072


no butterfly? you can order it like that? wtf man ppl are retards. basic science class before ordering shit plz

>> No.5630074


I was gonna start a new thread, but this seems an appropriate place.

What is /ck/'s opinion on tipping servers and waitresses?

>> No.5630078


Cool cool, 40-55k seems like a livable wage for me and it seems that the perks are a godsend. I actually just started working at a restaurant/pub like place and everyone back of house shares the work ie cooking, prepping, dishwashing. Hoping to work my way up.

>> No.5630081

yeah fuck them. i mean they are making money at that party which is why they brought in extra servers and cooks but they cheaped out and just expected me to work like a dog to save them money.

>> No.5630087


>put down anything well done as soon as the ticket comes in
>waitstaff/expediter still barks about it taking too long, every fucking time

>> No.5630120


The place I work used to have a chef like that.

Anything less and you're left with a fucking mess.

Getting on dish, as a cook, is fucking par for the course when necessary. Shit, doing whatever you need to to is necessary, from being an electrician to general handy man. I've run food covered in sweat stained chef whites on multiple occasions, simply because we we're so busy the window got backed up and we had nowhere to put food.

I get you man. Having a solid team means everything. One guy you can't count on can fuck up the entire operation.

I really need to find a better job. I love food and cooking (most nights), but I'll drink and smoke myself to death far too early if I stick around in restaurants.

>> No.5630132

You did it backwards friend. I started working in kitchens when I was 14, worked my way up to Michelin starred kitchens by the time I was 21, then went bank to school at 24 for a degree in food science. Now I develop products, make bank, and work ~40 hours a week. No weekends. It's glorious.

After the backbreaking labor that was Michelin starred kitchens, my job now is a walk in the park.

>> No.5630133

I feel you man. I work at a gastropub, used to cook, now I serve. Nothing pisses me off more than seeing staff, both FOH and BOH, rushing off work to get to the bar and hang out and drink. Meanwhile, the dishwashers and bussers and closing servers and cooks are still cleaning shit up, dealing with late walk-ins, restocking/prepping, etc.

It's always the same thing with the waitstaff too. "Well I tip them out so they can clean up my mess" or "I'll throw $10 at this dumb 15 year old and have him/her do my job for me, I worked a strenuous 5 hour shift tonight."

>> No.5630139

yeah I dont give a fuck to do anything, Ill go clean the bathroom if i need to or if someone walks out or needs to leave or something Ill come back in and close.

but yeah having a good team makes all the difference. As soon as I got moved up to my own place I went a pulled a bunch of the best guys id worked with in town and offered them more money to come work for me. It actually is cheaper as they stay happy, know their shit and work hard so I dont need near as many people on the line.

i also try to treat my guys well and we all get along good. Instituted family meals and once a month we close down and all get together and go cook for a local nursing home and then go do something together as a group like football or paintball etc

>> No.5630163

Recently fired line cook fag here. 2 years line experience, all stations, and if you really wanna know, I got fired because I was overheard making a sexual remark and someone ratted to HR (I worked at a casino.)

What's the best way for me to get a stage? Should I just show up inbetween the lunch and dinner shift and ask the chef if I can work? I have experience in a steakhouse environment; is it possible for me to get a job at an Italian/Mexican/Thai place?

>> No.5630168

snail mail out resume and cover letter saying you want to stage at the restaurants youd like to work at.

IME you wont get on a mex or thai places if you are white unless the exec chef is also white

>> No.5630171

FOH here

>last saturday, our modest sized restaurant does almost 400 covers for dinner
>FOH staff consists of 6 servers, 1 busser, 2 bartenders, and a pile of untrained hostesses
>predictably, everyone is run off their feet
>my section gets sat five times at once
>kitchen buried under a mountain of chits despite efforts to space out orders
>busser quit the next day
>after shift, management and head chef patting themselves on back for saving labour costs and making record revenue

And then earlier this week

>staff quitting left and right
>line cooks have PTSD
>"why is everyone quitting?!"
>"we need to hire more reliable staff"

>> No.5630184

lord they have got to be the most useless member of any restaurants staff.

that sounds like a fuckload of work for 6 servers.

>> No.5630186


>Carbon off.

Leave over night.

>> No.5630198


>MFW I use carbon off all the time, only need rubber gloves.

Stop being faggots and man up.

>> No.5630212

Probably one of those kitchens that makes you use cutting gloves, too. I have no idea how you could accurately cut anything wearing fucking chainmail

>> No.5630213


>Mfw worst complaint I've ever gotten
>Bitch order a nacho
>no cheese
> no chips
>Warm Fucking vegetables
>complained that it was horrible
>manager made them pay and told them to get the fuck out and order something from the menu next time
>Mfw me and other cooks rolling on the floor laughing.

I was super Pissed when it first went down though.

>> No.5630221



Fuck I forgot those exsisted.

I was once using carbon off in the oven to deep clean it one day.

>it dropped into my ear

MY GOD still one of the top worst pains I've ever felt.
Learned my lesson though.

Now I make someone else clean. The oven.

>> No.5630239

>ill have a house salad no lettuce
just tomatoes, onion, cheese, bacon, croutons, maybe cucs i dont remember and, you guessed it, ranch

>> No.5630246

>Prepping out some potatoes for gratin
>Grab the mandolin
>Looking for the cut glove, can't find it.
>"Fuck it, I don't need it"
>Start slicing potatoes
>It slips
>Palm goes DEEP into blade
>Everyone laughs at me because this is the third time this month I have cut myself on something

I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to handle sharp objects on a daily basis. But I sure as fuck do love to cook, and I work hard enough that Chef keeps me around.

>> No.5630255

new guy at work, says hes cooked and closed before
go out for smoke tell him to finish doing something and cut the fryer off
half way through hear screaming
he pulled the release valve instead of turning it off
take him to hospital never see him again

he was pretty fucked up

>> No.5630284


Definitely. I've washed dishes at everything from more or less fast food places with three sink systems to higher scale places with multiple nice proper dishwashers, and every time I got a prep knife in the back, I wanted to punch someone. At the very least you NEED to TELL THE DISHWASHER that you are putting a knife there. Every time some idiot at the fast food place THREW a knife into a SINK FULL OF SOAPY WATER I had to go fucking yell at that person for trying to cut my goddamned hands.

I'm a cook now, I clean my own goddamned knives, and if you don't you're doing it wrong anyway.

>> No.5630302


I work at a restaurant too small for either of those. The servers do a good job of getting food out generally, but sometimes I gotta be insistent about it. I work my ass off to get the orders together quickly and get them out hot and together. If it's sitting around because they're not being efficient, it reflects poorly on the kitchen. And fuck that.

>> No.5630320


Now let's be clear. Literally just washing dishes? No fucks given. Being a GOOD dishwasher is a whole other ballpark. I work as a cook now, but I've been dishwashing at a couple places, kind of on opposite ends of the classy spectrum. In both, the job wasn't just washing dishes. The entire back area was my responsibility to keep clean and organized, and general maintenance was on me too. Not to mention, where I was both times, there was sufficient downtime to pitch in very significantly with a variety of prep work, which made me more valuable.

I worked my ass off, and it payed off, because I'm not washing dishes anymore. Moral of the story, yeah washing dishes is easy, but that's not being a good dishwasher. The people that just washed the dishes are still doing that, working off child support payments because they're too goddamned lazy to scrub the sinks now and then. It may not be super skilled, but there is a wide fucking chasm of responsibility and work ethic between being a good dishwasher and everyone else, and it can feel like shit being under-appreciated when you ARE doing so much more.

>> No.5630325


I'm not always great about this, but I could be worse. The key is just pick a job every day, or other day, and make damned sure you can get it done. Those jobs aren't every day things, they're things that only need to get done properly once every week, or few weeks, but dude, if you don't do them, and it builds up to as bad as it can get, you will fucking regret it when you have to.

It's easier just to do that stuff once in a while than deal with how bad it CAN get.

>> No.5630331


Yesterday I got a request for WELL DONE COPPER RIVER SALMON (we usually serve medium rare, it's fairly lean BUT DELICIOUS if cooked right), and they wanted the Teriyaki Marinated Black Cod... but blackened.

I was so sad. But I had to murder that incredibly expensive waste of beautiful food.

>> No.5630337

Not that guy, but I called immigration on the last dishwasher who rouched my tools.

>> No.5630345
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Oh god I miss the waitresses and their tight skirts and shirts.
Bringing me a pint at the end of a night, unbuttoning their shirt to relax when the customers had left.
Pity I was too much of a faggot to try anything.

>> No.5630346


Line cook PTSD is a real problem, managers. (I don't men legit PTSD obviously, but shit sucks) When I was starting out I literally woke up sweating and trying to pull food out of my dresser drawers to throw on the grill because I thought there was an order up that had to be dealt with. I've got shit on lock now, but for a long while that basically replaced the good ol' forgot my homework nightmare, and then some. It gets really fucking stressful on the line when, for whatever reason, things aren't running smoothly. Every problem just compounds into more problems and before you know it you are goddamned buried for hours with not even a chance to take a goddamned drink.

Number one tip to new cooks: Stopping for five seconds to guzzle some water IS IMPORTANT. If you get shaky or nauseous you are useless.

>> No.5630347


Thanks for the nightmare bro. I never even considered that horrible fucking screw up the ten thousand times I've done the fryers.

>> No.5630381


Solid advice.

I keep a quart take out container of water in the reach-in at my station, and two when I know it's going to be busy.

I also wake up in the middle of my nights off to the sound of the ticket machine going off in my nightmares.

>> No.5630421
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Who /bartender/ here?

>> No.5630442

where's my water fuckhead?
You have any clue how much we've been sweating in here?

>> No.5630461

I just accepted the position of sous chef. I'm scared out of my mind.

>> No.5630471

I never pour water for BOH. Fuckers do it themselves. I do try to help out when I can. I have a better relationship with the chef and the BOH than I do with our chickenshit servers and manager. Having these servers barking at me left and right to make them 20 mojitos and them being pissy when it takes too long, I can only deal with this too long. I drink on a job too much.

>> No.5630552


>> No.5630582

>I have a better relationship with the chef and the BOH than I do with our chickenshit servers and manager
This is too often true and tragic.

>> No.5630828

The other night we had a grouper steak come back, according to the waitress the lady said it tasted like fish and not steak.

So I told her I'd send a swordfish steak instead (since it actually tastes kinda like steak and is damn good)

Sent it out and the woman thought it was the bee's tits, I even got a share of the tip.

>never gonna happen again

>> No.5630834

>people try shit like this
>I throw it in the deep fryer for 10 minutes and pat off the oil
>"lol best steak ever where's the ketchup"

>> No.5630849

Only time I've ever been mugged was in the Midwest. It's funny when flyover land gets its ideas about reality from Charles Bronson films. No wonder you're afraid to go outside without a gun.

>> No.5630968

Anyone here work in a bakery? I work in one in a supermarket (yes, I know it's not the same thing at all) but I'd like to know what actual bakery life is like.

>> No.5630977

Is it les 3 brasseurs because it sounds like a 3 brasseurs type of buisness.

>> No.5630979

wait shit you said accross the country, its probably like houston or some shit then.

>> No.5631002

Yeah, you should be wearing gloves when handling that.


It's mostly the same shit they use to dissolve roadkill. Then there's this delightful lady:

... and the Mexican drug cartels that use it to dissolve their victims. For when just cutting off their heads and stringing the bodies up from overpasses isn't enough.

The only differences are dose and exposure time, but frankly, if you're using it in low enough concentrations that it's not doing anything to your hands, your pans ain't that dirty.

>> No.5631090

It is because each step in the process from taking it from the whole animal to the steak that will be cooked falls under butchering. Which step is most important is a debating point, but it is agreed upon that each step needs to be done correctly for a truly beautiful steak

>> No.5631112
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>tfw just landed a bartending job, no experience
>tfw theyre training me around my current work schedule

i love knowing bartenders

>> No.5631434

Because they put out

>> No.5631531

anybody work in a darden restaurant? How do you feel about darden? I started at longhorn steakhouse about a month ago. busy as fuck but I love it, 2 free sides a shift, health and vision and dental benefits and it's nice

>> No.5631533
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>side salads at the restaurant I work at come with 3-5 croutons
>this dude comes in and asks for extra croutons
>put like 15 on his salad
>"where are my extra croutons, anon?"

>> No.5631875

Minimize your movements and try to cross the work area as little as possible.

>> No.5631884

Staff are allowed to hang out with eachother after work.

It's not their problem your management is fucking garbage enough to not staff another dishboy on a crazy night.

>> No.5631896

For a five hour shift it's fine to grouse, but I sure hope you aren't giving any daytime cook shit for leaving at the end of their shift.
Closers are in no way entitled to the help of someone who's been there for hours before them.

>> No.5631920
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Work nightmares are the worst nightmares.
I get nightmares about tickets with a thousand modifications and single dishes split into 5.

>> No.5631922

I want to be a bartender so bad.
But I'm not even at a year for the back of the restaurant. I can wait.

>> No.5631927

>tfw there's an expeditor who actually counts the croutons before sending shit out

>> No.5631934

I'm a baker with some low paying work in a trendy gourmet donut shop. The kitchen is too small for my dick, and the stoners they have working there don't know how to keep the kitchen clean, but my boss gives me bonuses in weed and generally lets me make all the decisions during my shift considering he doesn't really know what he's doing. Pretty cool gig.

>> No.5631935

>wash your back

fucking moron

>> No.5631974

How about you quit smoking, you entitled little cunt. It shouldn't be the restaurant's responsibility to foot the blame because you can't stop breathing in tarry smoke during your shift. Either work, or stay at home.

>> No.5631986

Waaaah. You had a bad customer.

When servers have problems, their problems walk out the door ~1 hour later. When BOH staff have problems, they have problems for days.

>> No.5632007

Management being shit doesn't mean it's not possible for someone to have the common decency to help out when they're sitting there watching the entire on-duty restaurant staff slowly dive into the fucking weeds.

>> No.5632041


>> No.5632044

I usually go home, but no amount of 'common decency' is going to get me back in the kitchen after a full shift. Someone will have to ask.

There's nothing entitling you to have them jump back on because you're having a shit time of it. Especially if they've just gotten away from it. They've served their hours, you can fucking serve yours without them holding your hand through it.

captcha: offireq exhausted

>> No.5632062

I never said anything about being entitled to help. I said it requires basic fucking decency to help someone who's dedicating hours past their OWN shift to work while you apes moan and groan about having to work at all.

>> No.5632070

Basic fucking decency seems to be a lot more for you than me.
If you're having such a hard fucking time ask someone to help instead of whining about it on the internet instead of shitting on a practice that builds up employee relationships.

>> No.5632092

>I never said anything about being entitled to help

>they can help me or go somewhere else to drink
>you're not allowed to drink here because I have dishes to wash
>you should help me with my work after you've done your work instead of sitting there

>no entitlement here

Like the guy said, management needs to give you more help. It's not a chefs job to come wash dishes with you after his shift. There's nothing indecent about him having a drink or going home. As a matter of fact, you're fine with them going home, you just hate them to stay there. But what's the real difference there? Why is it indecent when they sit at the bar but okay if they go home?

>> No.5632094

>they can help me or go somewhere else to drink
Never said that.

>you're not allowed to drink here because I have dishes to wash
Never said that

>you should help me with my work after you've done your work instead of sitting there
Bullshit, it's everybody's work, and this happened because people began clocking out the minute their shift ended, rather than when their work was done.

>> No.5632098


Go get me a copy of your job description from your boss with theirs and the we can continue.

>> No.5632100

If you had to Google it that means you didnt know better either.

>> No.5632111

Why is he a moron? You don't want to get an infection after you get stabbed in the back, do you?

>> No.5632123

>this happened because people began clocking out the minute their shift ended, rather than when their work was done

Sounds like you've just got a shitty workplace then. Here, people finish their work before leaving or they get fired.
And dishes are not the fucking cook's job when there's a dishboy. It's not like the dishboy is jumping on line while the cooks are getting swamped.

>> No.5632125


For something a little less caustic (than Carbon Off) you might try brake cleaner. I use that shit on some utensils and it blasts carbon right off, like it was made of tissue paper. Takes a whole can to do a few pans sometimes, but whatever.

>> No.5632815

I am the dude who wrote this...
I was the only person on dish despite there being extra kitchen and service staff. After the food was out the kitchen guys (and girls) dicked around while I was left to deal with all the extra cookware in my station.

No one cared to help me cause apparently they dont get paid 13$ an hour to do the work that I get 10$ for even though they had lots of extra hands.

They ended up derping arond the bar. I told the manager I was getting into trouble and she could have tried to fetch a volunteer for me but she didnt. On top of that the servers were more focused on clearing 2 trolleys worth of plates at the same time when they could have taken 2 minutes to roll me the first one which was probably sitting full of shit in the hall for over an hour.

TLDR fuck dishwashing... Its a shitty thankless job where you are expected to help the whole fucking restaurant out but no one is expected to help you even though they get paid more for their own jobs which they keep claiming are "sooo hard". If my job was so easy you would think these guys making 13$ would love to lend me a hand since they were all vikings in their previous jobs.

>> No.5632825

At my workplace people are helping clear dishpit and washing their shit when they get a chance. And they don't have worthless cunts like your manager seems to be in charge.

You might just want to find a new place, especially one where you can be trained to cook within a few months of getting there.

>> No.5632827
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Are you retarded?

When servers have problems with a table, their pay goes down because they don't get tipped. When kitchen staff has problems, their pay stays the same.

I know servers are all whiny faggots but I never knew most of the kitchen was just as pathetic until I came to /ck/.

Everyone here needs real jobs.

>> No.5632832

I think he's referring to problems in the kitchen.
Like being understocked on shit or things being broken.

>> No.5632834

Become friends with your bartenders, thats how i became a bartender. Guy bartenders are usually cooler than stuck up bitch girl bartenders.

Was a bus boy, bartender put his two weeks, wanted me to take his place. Trained me and the rest is history.

>> No.5632842
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>tfw no longer work in the food industry

>> No.5632846

To be fair, being understocked on things can be just as bad for servers.

>"Sorry mam but we are actually out of the salmon right now."
>"But that's the only reason we came here..."

And then they get a bad tip.

While sort of on the subject why don't they just pay servers a decent wage and have tipping for the cooks? It seems like it would make more sense or am I just stupid?

>> No.5632851

>While sort of on the subject why don't they just pay servers a decent wage and have tipping for the cooks? It seems like it would make more sense or am I just stupid?
Because too many servers are talentless beggars.

>> No.5632852

Kitchen staff gets a share of tips where I work.
It isn't as good for money as serving, but it's something.

>> No.5632859
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>one guy who's really shit at his job
>mfw he came in two hours early to work today and ordered food
>mfw people had to stop and cook his food for him
>mfw prepfag lost his work space two hours earlier
>mfw the guy he was working with finished early and lost hours

He's so bad he's becoming a hindrance to others. I guess he's at least trying.

>> No.5632864

You shouldve read my original story
>I walked off the job and one of the retard servers ended up having to work dish

>> No.5632869
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Then hopefully your next place is better.
Or you could just get out of the food industry.

>> No.5632885


If he's paying for his food then who fucking cares. He's just another customer.

>> No.5632894

I quit that place over a year ago but goddamn the kitchen and servers are such fucking brats.

Ohh another good story about when I made this server cry...

>working the busy dish pit
>cunt server comes up to me
>"i spilled water around this table can you go and mop it"
>i go to the janitor closet and leave a mop nearby
>cunt comes back and tells me the water is still there
>"im a little busy but there is the mop" i say
>"you are the dishwasher, thats your job" she says
>"well its your fucking job to not spill shit you dumbfuck!!!" i say
>bitch cries
>she tells the chef
>chef warns me but we have a laugh about it cause the servers there were brats and it wasnt even a busy day for them.

>> No.5632930
File: 1.86 MB, 3264x2448, c592e84f-9ebe-4bab-9b94-770184a8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished a guest chef dinner. five chefs from country clubs from south Florida came through our club tonight and here are some pics.

>> No.5632934
File: 876 KB, 640x960, 045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw starting to not use pen and papers anymore while waitering

tfw remembered a party of 6 orderds all in your head with how the steak is cooked their sides and their salads

feels autistic man

>> No.5632936

you sound like a fucking faggot


>> No.5632939


Looks like classy horseshit all right.

I don't understand chefs and their boner for stacking the foods on top of each other at all. And in the same breath they'll say "No don't just spread your food all over the plate like that, it looks like a buffet." Fuck you, stacking a bunch of shit on top of each other is what looks like a buffet.

>> No.5632942


Looks tasty. The fuck is it?

>> No.5632943

learn how to sage you summer nigger

>> No.5632947

>not knowing sage doesn't show up in the e-mail field anymore
>being this new


>> No.5632948

what is stacked on this plate? is there something up the pork? do often eat alone at Denny's?

>> No.5632956
File: 1.90 MB, 3264x2448, ad72dc04-8bd1-4fe7-9036-e0e6395fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one was pork terrein, peach salad, chopped summer truffles. citrus aioli. here is tomato salad.

>> No.5632972

>saging someone who isnt OP
what is the sense it that you shitlicker?

>> No.5633537
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>tfw floor drains are fucked
>Management refuses to get them professionally cleaned

>> No.5633662

I used to work at a place that had floor drains raised above the ground, rendering them unusable. what in the actual fuck

>> No.5633854

Catering/deliveryfag here. In the lobby of a high security office waiting for the bitch to come down, been waiting 45 minutes and she wont even answer the phone. This bitch, every single time she doesnt answer so i have to leave it and come back for my ticket with a worthless tip on it. were slow today so im having a break.

>> No.5633870

its terrine and that is definitely not a terrine, looks more like a paupiette or roulade.

>> No.5633891

I used to work as a delivery boy for a caterer. Spend a lot of time in downtown skyscrapers wondering around looking for our clients. Not a bad job, plus every now and then I'd get called to the sears tower or hancock place and get to take the freight elevator some 80 floors up.

But I didn't put up with customers who didn't have anyone to receive the order. I'd just leave it with whatever receptionist I could find. I also rarely got tips. Customers didn't have to sign the receipts, so that didn't help either

>> No.5633907

Its a fun job imo, 95% of my orders go to high rise offices. Tips are usually good, breaking over $100 isnt uncommon. Also all dem bored and lonely qt secretaries.

Im still chilling in the lobby on ck, told my place to call if anything comes in.

>> No.5636131

Jesus christ. Even the thought of this gives me the willies.

We once had a guy who decided to clean the fryer when the grease was piping hot. Had like 2-3 pots full of hot grease sitting on the floor. Goes to step over one, steps right in. Melts his shoes and shit right to his leg.

Never saw him again either.

>> No.5636140

lived in a slum building in Seattle that had a bunch of other cooks
drove a chick cook to the hospital once because she fucked up her foot cleaning out the fryer and let it fester for a week before knocked on my door at 4 am, opened to see her in tears
If I remember right, she tried dousing it in alcohol and then iodine for days afterward
you get a bad burn, don't try treating it yourself, you'll fuck it up worse

>> No.5637384
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Well it's almost time for the Saturday dinner rush.
I hope you're ready, dinnerbros and dishkids alike.

>> No.5638927

>being able to post on a Saturday afternoon

Must not be industry

>> No.5638950
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How hard is it to not get kicked out of a restaurant in a 4 star hotel in yurop?

They'll give me a 1 month trial period with the same pay and I start soon.

I will have already memorized the menu before I begin my training and will practice basic plate and service shit to compensate for my clumsiness.

I'll go destitute if I don't keep this job.

>> No.5639022

>work in high dollar place most of my career
>pricks and high egos lead me to change jobs
>take 8.75 an hour job on a whim because it's right around the corner
>happier than i have ever been
>people chill as fuck
>barely scraping by with pay

>> No.5639032
File: 16 KB, 450x386, darealmvp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work shitty waiting job in high school
>join navy
>get sent on 5 week galley stint
>work 38 consecutive days in one of the ship's kitchens
>sixteen hour shifts
>feed thousands of people a meal
>bust my ass
>full time navy cooks do this shit on the regular
>people in line still complain about food constantly
>never again
>never forget
>mfw navy cooks go a meal without stabbing someone