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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5599404 No.5599404[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What food can cure you of a hangover within an hour? I've already got the water and electric lights down.

>> No.5599435

Drink water before bed, stop drinking an hour before.
Failing that lots of vitamin c, nice greasy breakfast and maybe weed if you have any.

>> No.5599443
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>electric lights

>> No.5599449

more booze
what is this, amateur hour?

>> No.5599472

not being a fucking lush, that's what

>> No.5599530

Lots of water and a bacon sandwich. You'll replace lost nutrients, rehydrate, and help flush out everything.

Next time, drink the same amount of water as you do alcohol and eat something to snack on. You'll not get a hangover then.

>> No.5599649

Alcohol is a diuretic so you'll just end up pissing it out anyway, and eating something could worsen the dehydration.

>> No.5599673

>muh bro science is better than experience

>> No.5599674

Mix plain yogurt and mineral water
Have some fatty nuts
After you shit and piss go out for a bike ride/jog

>> No.5599680

>muh anecdotes are better than facts

>> No.5599692

>After you shit and piss go out for a bike ride/jog

Exercise is the hardest thing to do when hungover, but will make you feel right as rain in no time.

I've also had luck with ice cold showers, but thats just me.

>> No.5599709

The real question is why did you stop drinking in the first place? That's never a good idea.

>> No.5599714

>bro science

>> No.5600764

>being a professional alcohol

>> No.5600823

Alas, no such miracle exists. Next time, drink more water while boozifying.

In the meanwhile, drink lots of water, and eat some salty and greasy shit. Gotta replenish those electrolytes. Not sure why the fat helps, but it does.

>> No.5600852

Gatorade and run. You might puke it out, but it works.
Source: 10 years in the Army.

>> No.5600947

My buddy swears by coconut water.
He's also only drank like twice in his life though.

I've wondered about putting a bunch of B vitamins in mixed drinks to replace some of what you piss away. But I'm guessing that'd probably be negligible.

>> No.5600988
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I like a slim fast in the morning. It helps me ease into real food. biscuits and gravy and tumms take care of the rest. I still feel like shit and constantly think of all my past mistakes that put me in this situation. I often ask myself why I didn't pay more attention in high school. A few marijuanas and a red bull later I feel I can start the day.


>> No.5601017
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>a few marijuanas

>> No.5601026

Masturbate in the shower then eat some toast

>> No.5601040

The only way to truly feel better is a beer or some more alcohol in the morning. It's the cowards way out but it works.

Pot will make you feel better but only if you plan on staying in bed.

>> No.5601065

Tall glass of water and two aspirin/ibuprofen right before going to sleep and the same a few hours later when you wake up.

>> No.5601314
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best cure for a hangover is to cover your balls with bengay, super quick and works every time

>> No.5601816

You're hungover because you're still intoxicated. Takes time for the alcohol to leave your system. Just drink water.

>> No.5602293

Sex is the best hangover cure

>> No.5602326

I find that my headache increases when I blow my load. Up until then it's good though.

>> No.5602350
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no that's wrong

>> No.5602919


>> No.5602940

I like wendy's chili for a hangover

>> No.5603507

Brian, get the fuck off 4chan

>> No.5603550


Honey, milk and ginger.

>> No.5603589
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I don't know if you guys experience hangovers the same way I do, but I have two variations: full body ache hangover and expelling from every orifice hangover.

For the former, a BLT with very sweet black coffee (sometimes with half a shot of whiskey,depending on the severity) usually does the trick within an hour. For the latter, ginger ale for 12 hours followed by saltines for dessert.