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5566615 No.5566615 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not vegan, but I enjoy making some vegan sweet just to see how they taste, and i want to make some vegan chocolate bars, but i don't want them to be "dry" as other vegan chocolate i've tasted.

How can I make some creamy/smooth vegan chocolate bars from cocoa?

>> No.5566618

You honestly fucking think 4chan is the right venue for this question?

>> No.5566623

i don't know i've never used this board. and other Interests and Creative boards have been helpful in the past

>> No.5566624

Coconut oil?

>> No.5566626

...chocolate generally is vegan anyway.

>> No.5566629

that's what most recipes call for, but i've never done chocolate bars in my life, what if i add some soy milk, is that dumb?

>> No.5566632

not all the time go to any 7/11 and look up the ingredients of a chocolate mar, most of them contain milk

>> No.5566654

Just follow a recipe, see how it goes, tweak if necessary, try other recipes, etc

>> No.5566657

>buying chocolate from 7/11

Now I've heard if everything

>> No.5566664

what you've never eaten a kit kat you bought at 7/11?

>> No.5566673

no, i only eat raw chocolate from whole foods

>> No.5566676

They don't have 7-11 in Angola, stupid 3rd worlders.

>> No.5566724

Buy chocolate that is just cocoa and cocoa butter + emulsifier.

>> No.5566763

Coconut oil and maybe some vanilla extract and/or stevia or honey. If dark chocolate isn't your thing, consider adding coconut milk. Google for similar recipes for the proper ratio of ingredients. Mix and cool in fridge/freezer for 1/2 hour.

>> No.5567006

>thinks milk chocolate is the only chocolate

>> No.5567041

Something about you people and your almighty self-righteousness just pisses me off.

>> No.5567062


It probably has to do with the way they're better than you and make you feel inadequate. I'd be pissed too if I was as shitty as you and other people were so much better than me

>> No.5567084

Dude just grind cocoa nibs with cocoa butter (no not the lotion that hard stuff that's food grade ) and add a sweetener like dried date powder and your set its super easy and not dry

>> No.5567086

Making vegan chocolate is fucking easy as hell man

>> No.5567124

I'm going to go ahead and make the assumption that you're a horrid shriveled up little vegan like the person I replied to.

Because you eat differently than I do, you are not better than me. Because you somehow feed yourself the delusion that something is green it does not die does not make you better than me. Because you willingly throw yourself into martyrdom does not make you better than me.

You are alive, something has to die. You are still human and unfortunately you horrid little gremlins are the same as me. It is the way things are. You are no better, you are no worse but you still piss me off.

>> No.5567131


>you are not better than me

I actually, literally am though. Sorry to break it to you, man. Didn't mean to rain on your parade, but that's just how life is sometimes. Sometimes you're just a shitty person and other people just outdo you in some or every aspect of life. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll have your peace

>> No.5567139
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>went from "I eat raw chocolate from a grocery store called whole foods" to "FUCKING VEGANS!"

did I miss a few posts or do only vegans eat chocolate or shop at whole foods now?

>> No.5567141

not them but what criteria are you basing this on

>> No.5567149
File: 20 KB, 197x254, Johnwaynegacymug[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You're not better than me just because I eat people and you don't. Animals are living and thinking beings too. Don't judge me, non-cannibal

>> No.5567155

Its disgusting.
Its dry as fuck and it doesnt melt in your mouth.
Worst chocolate ever, even worse than nestle

>> No.5567160

No, you're really not.

>> No.5567162

why do vegans always bring up cannibalism

>> No.5567168

>I'm not vegan, but I enjoy making some vegan

>> No.5567190

Because they're secretly all plants jealous of us not cannibalizing ourselves too.

>> No.5567227


I already checked, I literally am. It says so. Don't shoot the messenger.

>> No.5567329

yeah i had steak for dinner, and decided to make some vegan chocolate seeing i have a lot of cocoa, i know that you can make chocolate bars from cocoa powder, i don't really use it much and enjoy the challenge of making things like this taste good.

>> No.5567331

what are you basing that on

>> No.5567363



>> No.5567367

I'm gonna throw this out here again; it can be as simple or complicated as you like but its super easy just look up "raw vegan chocolate" a few years ago some friends made tons of money off it because of ease and markup when raw was the wave to ride but honestly its just fun to make :3

>> No.5567368


>> No.5567385

sugar and lots of it....also crisco and lots of that too

>> No.5567400
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whats wrong with canabalism you prudish shrew i will have you know that it is a staple of good wendigo cooking....but i wouldn't worry about...

>> No.5567412

My mom made these and they were pretty fucking dank. Moist as shit actually. Don't know if you're into sweet potatoes though.


>> No.5567438


Vegan and paleo are different things

>> No.5567450

They are, but that recipe is vegan except for the eggs, so I thought it was worth a shot.

>> No.5567455

Not all things vegan are paleo not all thing paleo are vegan but you can be vegan and paleo at the same time

No grains, no legumes, etc.... All still apply

>> No.5567468

Here is a nice paleo vegan brown recipe that does not include eggs like >>5567412


>> No.5567488


They usually call those people fruitarians

>> No.5567492

No its not frutarians for the most part vegan paleos I know are more roots and plantain/breadfruit oriented and less sweet fruits because most fruits we get a extremely sweet varieties that are rather new to cultivation.

>> No.5567701
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>Whole foods

>> No.5567703

crisco sounds gross, and i think agave syrup would make it smoother

>> No.5567732

>never had real British chocolate made with hooves and lard

>> No.5567735

Because they are sexual deviants who are into that sort of thing?

>> No.5567862