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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5561782 No.5561782[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>on lunch with coworker
>he pulls a whole bottle of ranch dressing out of his lunchbox
>I thought it was odd but whatever, he probably has a salad or something
>pulls out a white bread, bologna, and american cheese sandwich
>takes off both pieces of bread one at a time and puts huge gobs of ranch in between them

What's the most disgusting thing you've ever seen someone eat?

>> No.5561992

Some people never learned to cook.

>> No.5562002 [DELETED] 

>What's the most disgusting thing you've ever seen someone eat?
Your mom's diseased gash.
It was me eating it, btw.

>> No.5562024

>Know it's bad
>Eat it out anyways

Nice job beta faggot

>> No.5562037

Ranch is simply mayo kicked up a notch.

People hate bologna as cheap or processed, yet love mortadella. Hrm. But, there's no excuse for shit cheese that has no value outside of a grilled cheese sandwich.

>> No.5562490

>at lunch
>see coworker with a package of hot dogs.
>he heats up the entire package in the microwave, 8 hotdogs in all.
>no bun, no chips. he eats 8 hotdogs with ketchup for his lunch.

>> No.5563237

You don't work at an art supplies store do you? My friend was super poor, has no idea how to cook and he would do this every day with cheap hot dogs, except I know he didn't use ketchup and I highly doubt he even heated them up. And they were the s bar brand or what ever for $1. He has recently upgrade to eating at subway for every meal every day. He is the most depressing friend i have feels bad.

>> No.5564322

You think only one amerifat has ever eaten a packet of hotdogs for lunch? /ck/ mainly discusses Pizza, Burgers and Hotdogs.

>> No.5564341
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I once saw a landwhale eat like 15 packs of straight ketchup.
>insert whole packet in mouth
>Suck and scrape packet between teeth
>Throw down packet husk
>Repeat ad infinitum
I was pretty grossed out.

>> No.5564358

My brother used to eat the little butter cups that come with restaurant bread.
The waiter would have to bring a new bowl of butter and put it on the opposite end of the table from him.
Otherwise my roommate pours 3 cans of 99 cent canned chili into Kraft dinner. Smells like dog food.

>> No.5564572

>My brother used to eat the little butter cups that come with restaurant bread.
He must've shit reeeeal smooth after that.

>> No.5564575

>eaten a packet of hotdogs
Why does no one have portion control anymore?

>> No.5564583

>white bread
>american cheese
>white bread

>> No.5564588

that some parasite shit my friend

>> No.5564591

>friend cooks a steak
>puts it in a pan with oil
>little weird but okay
>doesn't even cook it 10 minutes
>cuts off the first bite
>it's completely pink and red inside
>blood going all over his plate

>> No.5564598


>> No.5564599
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>> No.5564601

>cuts off the first bite
>its pink and red and not a dry hockey puck
>delicious meat juices goes all over his plate

>> No.5564602

>My brother used to eat the little butter cups that come with restaurant bread.

and your parents let him

>> No.5564606


>> No.5564608

>go on 4chan
>mayo is actually good, it helps sandwiches not be completely soggy
>go to average 6/10 burger joint
>about to ask for no mayo but remember the sage wisdom of 4chan
>order it regularly
>receive my order and sit down
>take a bite
>giant gob of mayo in the middle of the sandwich

Mayo is absolutely disgusting and has no real benefits
if a sandwich is soggy then mayo is not going to prevent anything
it's absolutely useless garbage and I feel strong anger towards anyone who says other wise

>> No.5564632

I don't know why you ever though mayo would prevent a sandwich from getting soggy. If you want to try it on a burger or sandwich, spread it thin on the bread.

>> No.5564651

Hey, you need to slow down your blind fury against delicious mayonnaise there, friend!

It sounds like you just had too much mayo in there! It is possible to have too much of a good thing!

It would be obvious if you weren't seething with anger against a condiment made up of eggs and oil, you impulsive anus dough.

>> No.5564658

because mayo does prevent sogginess
its a fat, so water from tomato and other stuff have a harder time getting through the bread

>> No.5564661


mayo is fucking disgusting, both in taste and texture

>> No.5564669

In your opinion.

>> No.5564676

I hate mayo so fucking much, the only thing I put it on is blt and it's only a little bit I put on and sometimes I just use the bacon mayo when I can.

>> No.5564682
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my brother use to eat everything with bagoong (filipino fish paste) pizza, burgers and some other stuff, also with alot of fruit.

>> No.5564686

my friend got high and made a pb&j sandwich, only pb wasnt pb but mustard.
he ate it anyway

>> No.5564689

shrimp i mean

>> No.5564701

>bacon mayo
Oh God that's so bad what's wrong with your taste buds? Don't worry, I'm coming to help, buddy!

>> No.5564712

I bought that baconaise thing out of pure curiosity.

Absolutely disgusting, it didn't taste like bacon or mayo. It was more akin to a glob of vanilla pudding that tasted like a beggin strip and coated the back of your throat.

>> No.5564715

>not using bacon grease instead of oil when making mayo or aioli

>> No.5564753

I am bulimic. I binged and purged white bread covered in syrup and milk. Then cake batter cause there wasn't eggs to bake it. I did this cause that's all there was in the house.

>> No.5564776

>spoonfuls of mayo
>pancakes dipped in bacon grease
>well done meat

>> No.5564796

i like american cheese on my egg muffins and eggs in a basket too. everything else gets real cheese

>> No.5564798


>> No.5564853

girlfriends ex used to eat peanut butter and ketsup sandwiches.

>> No.5565160


Tangina may panlasa paba kapatid mo? Ano trip niya bat lahat nalang nilalagyan niya ng bagoomg?

>> No.5565162

pick one

>> No.5565164

Two german exchange students
About a kilo of overcooked plain pasta
And a bottle of ketchup.

I wish I were joking

>> No.5565169

It was when I was living at home:
>mom decides to make 'pulled pork'
>slams a pork butt into a crock pot
>adds a variety of bottled sauces
>in lieu of some water, adds straight vinegar
>I'd estimate more than six cups of vinegar
>vinegar meat
>it smells like ammonia and rot pig in the house
>the pork is saturated with vinegar
>I attempt a bite but can't get it down
>stomach was nope
>mom manages to keep it down
>finally realizes it's horrible and throws it out

>> No.5565175
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>be white trash, with a little bit of taste
>never tried ranch before
>visit white trash friend's house, their parents were baking some frozen fried shrimp
>"hey anon, have you ever tried bacon ranch? it's really good with shrimp!"
>minutes later, ding! shrimp are done
>friend was busy gaming, asks if i can go get the shrimp and ranch
>go into kitchen and see bacon ranch bottle and shrimp already laid out, grab it and start heading back to friend's room
>his parents say, "Anon, did you get Dustin's bottle of ranch?"
>he has his own fucking bottle aside from the one I have in hand
>get back to his room with two bottles and the shrimp
>never had ranch before, ever, so I am curious to see how much he uses and if he double dips or something
>so disgusted I didn't know what to do
>try a smidgeon of bacon ranch on one piece of shrimp, it tastes like a salty turd
>"oh, it's all right, I think I'll just eat mine plain hehe"
I never went back to that shithole.

I still hate bacon ranch to this day, but now the only thing I will eat buttermilk (and only buttermilk) ranch on are some hot wings. And I just use a little bit. Ranch is pretty disgusting and I usually only eat a little bit with hot wings when I'm drunk.

>pic is some homemade hot wings

>> No.5565185


Replace blood with myoglobin.

>> No.5565188

A raw potato, fucking ham planet ate it like an apple.

>> No.5565226

Raw potatoes can be pretty good if you cut them up. Just eating it like an apple? Kind of bizarre and if there's dirt on the skin you could get sick.

>> No.5565231

Isn't that honey booboo recipe?

>> No.5565235


I do that at Chinese takeout places but with duck sauce while I'm waiting for my food. I've sucked down like 30 in one sitting. Those gooks just stare at me and make a bunch of clicking noises at each other. They're most likely impressed as fuck.

>> No.5565243

My brother used to put that shitty craft singles cheese on saltine crackers and put it in the microwave. He would do this to a whole sleeve of saltines in one sitting. It stink up the whole house too

>> No.5565589


>being this oblivious

>> No.5565965

>deleting your post on an anonymous board

>> No.5565974
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That reminds me, this /co/mrade making sketti made me feel ill.

>> No.5565991
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I've been to the beach with my cousin once when I was 9 and she was 14

she had an icecream cone and intentionally put sand on it and ate it like that

I've personally eaten a fat-ass night crawler worm on a dare and I still find what she did and apparently still does to be the most disgusting thing I've ever seen

>> No.5565992

Probably more like
>disgusting white piggu
>wasting arr ah sauce
>now we orda mo sauce

>> No.5566023

>They're most likely impressed as fuck.
Oh lord, I like you anon......ruaft

>> No.5566041

there needs to be regulations on how much sauce people can put on sandwiches in restaurants, and an official guide for how much "a little", "some" and "lots" is

I'm so glad the subway I buy lunch at has a girl that knows exactly what I mean by "a little bit of mayonnaise", because I've been to other stores that give me a pile of mayonaise wrapped in sandwich when I ask for a little

>> No.5566052

>middle school
>kid eating pizza
>puts an entire packet of mustard on the pizza, spreads it with his finger, licks it off
>repeats with mayo
I couldn't watch him eat it

>> No.5566056


I bought those yesterday and tried them today. Those were the worst fucking things I've ever put in my mouth, yes I was spoiled on beef hotdogs and I can see why. I ate 2 and the other 6 are going to the dogs.

>> No.5566061

she has pica sadly

>> No.5566071


That is actually scary

>> No.5566087

>be elementary kid
>kid always eats mustard
>shit you not the kid would bring a whole bottle of mustard to school
>he says he would eat mustard with anything because he loves it so much
>be me
>"even a banana?"
>kid gets up and asks another kid for a banana
>puts mustard on banana
>proceeds to eat mustard banana

He dropped out of middle school. I haven't seen him since.

>> No.5566153

Are you guys black? I heard white people love mayo and blacks hate it.

>> No.5566166

Knew a kid in high school that would eat the shitty school salad every day (iceberg lettuce, bits of carrots, some cabbage) with ketchup. He would just sit there, pick up the lettuce piece by piece, and dunk it into ketchup.

>> No.5566183

I'm white as fuck and mayo makes me gag

>> No.5566247


Mayo is actually much bigger in Asia than it is in the west. I saw some Japanese exchange students in college, and they all poured mayo on their pizza.

That said, there is good mayo and bad mayo. Bad mayo comes from Walmart/Best Value brand, good mayo comes from the Asian market or you make it yourself.

>> No.5568573

>9th grade, first day of school
>End up sitting at a table that is quickly populated with other kids
>We're all eating our food, minding our own business
>Short fatass kid sits down near the middle of the table
>this fucking kid, looks like a white Kirby
>Sits a gallon jar of nacho cheese on the table
>Proceeds to dip his hand into it and lick it off
>Entire table is staring at this kid
>People from 2 tables over staring
>Kid keeps licking his nacho cheese hand
>Nobody finished lunch because they were to busy staring at the train wreck happening before them

After the first few days, he began buying little 50 cent cups of nacho cheese from the cafeteria instead of bringing his own. There would always be 3 or 4 empty tables around this kid to.

>> No.5568601

>work at a 3-start hotel/convention center
>most meals are pretty damn decent(for conventions, at least)
>we make most dressings from scratch
>except for ranch
>because more often than not, we simply could not make the quantity needed
>see salad plates just drowned in ranch come back to the dish pit

I haven't eaten ranch dressing since I started working there.

>> No.5568624

>dunk it into ketchup.
Lots of sugar in ketchup.

>> No.5568636

One of my colleagues douses pretty much anything in mustard.

Guy's a fucking PhD and just covers shit in mustard. Has a sign in the lounge asking people to leave him unused packets.

>> No.5568646

>at deli
>ask for a sandwich with mayo
>chick proceeds to cover an entire slice of bread with thick squeeze bottle lines of mayo
>like, seriously, half an inch thick
>then she does this to the second slice of bread
>I ask her to scrape some...actually, almost all of that shit off
>she looks at me all offended and just throws out one of the slices
>doesn't even spread out the other layer
>I ask her again to scrape some of that shit off
>still end up with too much fucking mayo

And she was indian too, fuck. I can see some obese amerilard thinking that's acceptable, but foreigners almost never do that shit.

>> No.5568652

>Has a sign in the lounge asking people to leave him unused packets.
lol awesome, he sounds like a pretty funny guy

>> No.5568672

you are really weird OP. y u not let him eat what he wants?

>> No.5568708
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>taking the bus downtown
>fat lady across the aisle pulls out a jar of herb flavored mayonnaise and starts eating it straight with a spoon

>> No.5568711

>herb flavored
It could have been worse

>> No.5568725

Reminds me of a nigger-rigged Gyro I once ate
>be at a festival with family
>Dad loves the shit out of gyros and other foods
>Fucker was raised on bear and southern foods
>Once saw him eat rotten food without cringing
>This fucking Gyro though, processed cuts of pork on a cold tortilla smothered in ranch and raw onion
>First bite has the rage of a million poor, assfucked Greeks
>Onions burn my throat and fuck up my eyes
>Spit it out as fast as I can
>Dad swallows like a school girl giving head
>Throws the shit sandwiches in the trash ASAP and prey to the food gods to help the Nig Nogs cook
>Get Catfish and rejoice at the delicious cooked flesh
I haven't gotten another gyro since, my ass can't take that level of poison

>> No.5568747

>processed pork on a cold tortilla smothered in ranch with raw onion

Nigger no that's satan's log

>> No.5568794

Tasted like someone had stuck a tap into some ass and I was drinking their anal cocktail

>> No.5568815

>>This fucking Gyro though, processed cuts of pork on a cold tortilla smothered in ranch and raw onion
It should be pork-lamb, but grilled with a crispy side. It should have raw onion, but I've had that carnival bullshit ranchy-mayo fake tzatziki. I know what you mean. Utter crap.

>> No.5568863

the only person that loved mayo i ever knew was black, my white as hell family hates it.

>> No.5569408

Bass? It worked.

>> No.5569417

>the only person that loved mayo i ever knew was black, my white as hell family hates it.
Naw. Your anecdotal evidence is crap. Everyone loves mayo.

>> No.5569434

I only like that lite hellmans crap because it doesn't taste like greasy shit

>> No.5569456

I went to a dinner party once and watched the host scrape store bought tarter sauce (with bits of salmon in it) her plate and back into the jar, I wanted the throw up, the whole dining room smelled rancid, which led me to believe she had done it before.

>> No.5569468

>in lieu of some water, adds straight vinegar

>> No.5569539
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I'm sure fat fucks have done that IRL, but there's also this.

>> No.5569554
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>be in high school long ago
>samooa girls eat lunch near the becnh where my little gang of nerds does
>they always have tons of food, usually one runs to get macDs for them all
>the biggest one would sometimes bring crisco in the jar
>ate that shit up with a spoon

>> No.5569560

I work at a sandwich shop, and the opposite is true. Always put mayo on both sides of the bread if a black person asks for it. Always

>> No.5569578

>be in elementary school
>sit down for lunch with some kids
>look around the lunchroom
>see chubby white kid sitting by himself with huge ass lunchbox
>go back to eating lunch but notice kids looking at something
>turn around to see the fatty empty ketchup packets in a cup and proceed to dip strawberries in it
>"wtf is wrong with these people?"

To this day I've never seen someone do anything like this.

>> No.5569579

I think that used to be the case. As it stands now, if a condiment isn't packed full of sucrose, white kids just won't eat it, blacks won't either. I think these are the same people who won't eat tofu and gag on eggs that aren't scrambled.

>> No.5569614

>blood everywhere
>just the way /ckunts like it

>> No.5569624


>> No.5569625
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>last week
>sitting on the bus looking out of the window
>strange bf goes to his gf sitting next to me giving her a bag full of canned olives
>girls takes out of her bag a Philadelphia cream cheese out
>peels it off
>starts to eat it out of the package like it was a sandwich
>offers her bf, eats it
>the smell is coming to me
>feeling sick, about to puke
>run out of the bus and puke on the bus station

worst thing i have seen in my life, the way she bites that clunky cream cheese, that smell coming to me. I will never eat cream cheese again. I already want to puke remembering that moment

>> No.5569641
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Fuck, this is giving me flashbacks of my senior cooking class.
>Chinese kid in my group
>Fucking annoying as hell always wanted to do something, always managed to fuck it up
>the day we tried to make new york cheesecake
>I'm the only one in our group who knows anything about baking, but was busy making the crust, trusting the other member of my group to be able to make the filling, in spite of the fact that both of the competent members of our group were out that day, leaving a daydrinker, some kid taking roids who would literally stare at his reflection half the time, basically fucking caricatures rather than actual people, so the chinese kid has carte blanche. This was admittedly my fault.
>Look over at what china did
>"Oh my god what on earth did you do to that?"
>Ask him how much sour cream was in there
>"Like two pounds or something"
>Go to the teacher after getting pissed off at him for not being able to read, no, he;s not ESL, for the record, ask her if we can start over because I know the school was tight on supplies.
>She actually agrees, found it funny as fuck and wants to see what it looks like out of morbid curiosity
>We go back to the kitchen and the day drinker is eating it, china and riods and looking on with horror. Apparently they tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen because he's hammered.
>He's eating 2 lbs of sour cream and like 4 raw eggs, I'm pretty sure China added too much vanilla extract too because of how strong it smelled.
>after shoveling a few handfulls in his mouth, he vomits in the bowl.
>I have to hold back my bile as I laugh my ass off.
>Teacher has to hold off both as she helps him to the nurse's office
>He got expelled.
This wasn't even china's biggest fuckup, just the one that brought the entire class to a mixture of laughter and disgust.

>> No.5569652

>This wasn't even China's biggest fuckup
You know what you have to do now, Anon

>> No.5569666

das racis

>> No.5569907

...for you

>> No.5569997

once my bro little shit brother took a piece of white bread and carefully dress it with vinegar and add some spice. Then he proceeded to eat it. I politelly pointed at my bro how fucking discusting it was and he was just like "why tho".
Then he ate the same morbidly repulsive creation too!.
Some people deserve to starve

>> No.5570013

when i worked retail there was this enormous fat bitch with the fattest arms ive ever seen. She would pour a huge glass of homo milk and then take an ENTIRE loaf of white bread and dunk each piece in the milk so she could swallow it quickly. She would go through an entire loaf everyday like that, it was legitimately one of the most depressing things ive seen in my life

>> No.5570021

My fat-ass coworker makes delicious meals on the weekend and nukes them for lunch.

Considering I voluntarily work until 1:00, the office makes my mouth water at 11:55.

>> No.5570035

I went into the break room once to refill my coffee and saw one of my coworkers with a quart bucket (like you'd get soup in from a chinese restaurant) of hummus in one hand, a brick of cheese in the other, and a plate of costco chimichangas. He was dipping the brick of cheese into the hummus and taking bites out of it.

>> No.5570085

... so like salt & vinegar chips, but on white bread? Not seeing the utter revulsion factor here, Anon.

>> No.5570181

your friend Dustin sounds autistic. Parents seem off, too

>> No.5570242
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care telling the biggest fuckup pls?

>> No.5570267

You can't impress a robot.

>> No.5570270

I hope you called him out for cooking his meat.

>> No.5570297

Probably myself eating. I've seen other people put mayo on tons of inappropriate shit, but I've eaten bad food just because I was starving and in the Navy.
>Walk onto the mess decks with lunch of "cornbread" that is soggy and bland, or bread with mold on it (just pick the mold off, man), shit on a shingle (chipped beef on toast), canned fruit which is the only decent thing, and maybe some wilted lettuce as a salad or vegetable soup. Sit down at my normal seat and immediately put hot sauce on everything to drown out the shitty cooking/shitty prison grade food. Oh I need silverware, nope there is none there. So I eat it with my hands and drink the soup out of the bowl. Wipe my hands with a handfull of napkins, throw the tray back in the scullery window like a frisbee, and go back to work. Absolutely disgusting.
Oh and there was little roaches that came in the vegetables almost everytime. Filthy Japanese roaches.

>> No.5570553

so what happened to the olive in this story?

>> No.5570588

My stepdad eats french rolls with mayo spread on the sliced pieces, I can't stand to watch him eat it, the even the scent of it is putrid.

>> No.5570598

It sounds like it could be eatable, for a small amount, with a little bit of butter.

>> No.5570617
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>go back in time to the 7th grade
>be me
>eating my poutine
>look over at this autistic kid who was making weird noises when eating
>look at what hes eating and start gagging
>plastic tubaware container, in the middle of it sat a ketchup and mustard soaked hotdog bun, no hotdog to be seen, a shitload of grapes smeared in soggy bun pieces and the condiments, carrots, and what looked like fruit juice sitting in the bottom of all of it

Seriously, definitely the most disgusting fucking thing I've seen a person eat.

>> No.5570620

I just reminded myself when my real dad took me to work one day.
>be about two years ago
>dad introduces his sandnigger bro to me
>lunch time
>"hey anon, do you want to split my sandwich?"
>dad sometimes gets food from jihadman and vice versa
>shit had some kind of baguette like bread, ketchup, cold cooked ham, mayo, lettuce, pickled jalapenos, and salt and vinegar lays
>smells horrible but i take a bite to not appear rude
>it gave me a burning feel and a really bad after taste
>"i'm not that hungry right now dad"
>dad proceeds to take my portion and eats it will delight after his.
>jihadman does the same but adds more chips

i honestly didn't feel like smelling food of any kind that day.

>> No.5570625


>sandnigger eating a shit sandwhich

Jesus christ. Go grab yourself a shawarma.

>> No.5570629

for some reason it's popular with kids here. Never tried it myself and never will.

>> No.5570632

My sister literally eats a bowl of mayonnaise and olives every time she's sad.
She's sad a lot.

>> No.5570635
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I hate vinegar ever since that, but my gf loves that shit.
>she buys pickle jars when she buys the groceries
>doesn't eat the pickles, drinks the juice
>sister is with us one day
>see my gf dipping her finger in a vinegar jar
>"you know that doesn't work for burns you know"
>"i know"
>"i'm eating the vinegar you shithead"

not sure if it's a Rican thing, but that shit is disgusting.

>> No.5570661

Fuck man, why are festival gyros so bad? It always sounds like it'll hit the spot but they're always lukewarm and disgusting. While all the pizza and doughnut stands still manage to be excellent.

>> No.5570683

I just ate a box of Stove Top stuffing.

>> No.5570707

Oh God that's depressing

>> No.5570715

is she fat? if so does her fat make her sad? do you even want to stop her?

>> No.5570728

She's a little chubby.
I would love to help her stop, but she says "It's comfort food, leave me alone."
I tried to ween her on to ice cream, but she was not interested.

>> No.5570729
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There is a place in Norway, where people eat hollowed out white bread with chips inside for lunch. Pic related.

>> No.5570730


how is drinking vinegar disgusting? there's nothing disgusting about it. drinking sewage, that's disgusting.

i love drinking vinegar, pickle/pepper brine, etc. i can't imagine a world without vinegar. i put it in everything.

>> No.5570734

It baffles me how people can stomach that foul odor and taste, having it in food is one thing, consuming it from the source is another.

>> No.5570753

You a funny motherfuckler

>> No.5570756

Have you tried gelato? It's way better. Or some fruit concoction that she'll enjoy, still sugar, but beats all that crap she's eating.

>> No.5570776

This is screenshotted for the next time someone calls me an Amerifat.

>> No.5570777

You are if you eat anything similar to that.

>> No.5570783
File: 286 KB, 600x338, rrasvpC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s.o's parents mix almond butter with an otherwise normal egg/mayo/tomato/mustard/chese sandwhich

>organize potlucks and picnics for my friends
>starting to get annoyed and pissed off at my one friend who I'm sure is an Autist; everyone else brings actual food and he's always cheaping out and never brings actual food even though he can definitely afford $10 to make some god damn salad for 5 people
>him: what should i bring, should i bring my rice krispies again?!
>me: probably best to bring actual food/no desserts since we don't want to end up without any real food
>him today: I'll bring Cheese Puffs!
I know it's over reacting, but he says all of these little things that annoy me.

but I can't not invite him.
Even for my birthday and shit, all of my city friends don't mind/like him but my town friends and my s.o really dislikes him because he's always saying aspie asshole shit he shouldn't. I tried to be understanding about it and defended him because he's pretty reliable, obviously isn't very "worldly", and is nice enough to give rides to people who ask, but god damn. My patience is wearing thin.

>> No.5570788



>> No.5570813
File: 98 KB, 400x311, my sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dad swallows like a school girl giving head

>> No.5570817
File: 104 KB, 665x598, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crisco in the jar

>> No.5571581

it was just strange to see the bag full of different conserved olives

>> No.5571886

I saw your post on /cgl/, I never realised there were other seagulls on /ck/..

>> No.5572055

considering it's mostly women who like to do cutesy stuff on /cgl/, it shouldn't be. There's probably a lot of cross over at /a/ and /diy/ to

>> No.5572470

When my little brother was a kid he ate butter out of the tub like it was ice cream.
Also put ketchup on pancakes.

When I was a kid I put ketchup on everything. Now the only thing I put it on is Mac N Cheese