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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5557943 No.5557943 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sure that, since the plurality of the people here are adults, many of us have had the experience of being forced to stop eating absolutely everything that appeals to us. For some of us, and probably the majority of us who have had the aforementioned experience, it probably happened due to a sudden awareness of the nutritional qualities of food. For others, it was due to a rejection of life's simple pleasures in favor of more refined foods.
I know that I, personally have had this experience, and I am experiencing a great deal of nostalgia for the time before when I stopped eating things just because I liked them.
I'm not presuming that this is the case for all of you, but to those for whom this is true: what is a food that you have given up that was particularly significant? Can you describe your memories of it?
I'll start:
For the longest time, my family frequented a seafood dive. We would go there frequently, and I would always have a plate (or what would be a plate if we actually ate there) of fried shrimp and catfish with french fries, ketchup or cocktail sauce, and a Dr. Pepper. I remember vividly always getting it to go, and eating it while playing whatever handheld video game system was vogue at the time (this was something that we did from the time that I was in middle school to the time I graduated high school, so this varied quite a bit). The fried shrimp and catfish, french fries, and Dr. Pepper combination now feels like a symbol of the simplicity of life before college. The world was much smaller, but in that little microcosm was security and simple joy.
Pic related, it's the exact dish, sans the styrofoam to-go box I would always eat it out of.

>> No.5557954

Anything McDonalds. I loved it as a kid. As I grew older, I realized it was tepid, made me feel bad, and gave me indigestion. I still occasionally get a craving.

Same issue with KFC. (Bojangles is superior).

Interestingly enough, when I was younger I HATED spicy food. Now I put hot sauce on everything and love it. In generally my tastes/food palate has expanded, not shrunk, except for simple junky things like fast food.

Also, american cheese melted onto saltines. I used to love that shit.

>> No.5557976

>giving up food

not even once. eat less food lard golem. split your meal with somebody or save half for another meal. I don't see why anybody should have to give up anything if there aren't allergens involved, just know when to put down the fucking fork.

>> No.5558020

>love mushrooms when I was little (like 6 or 7).
>ate so many that I threw up.
>never been able to eat any kind of mushroom since.
That being said, as long as the bits of mushroom aren't identifiable as mushroom, I'm fine, which tells me it's entirely psychological. I try them every few months to see if my tastes have changed yet.

But I've gained so much more that I never liked before!
>Black pepper

IKTF about dive seafood places though, OP. My ghetto neighborhood had one run by an old black guy who could make fish like nobodies business.

>> No.5558027

I haven't given anything up, whenever I eat them I just eat smaller portions alongside a large portion of vegetables

>> No.5558039

I was maybe 6 at the time. I was at a family friends Christmas party. I remember eating my body weight in chocolate covered pretzels. I threw up for days after that. To this day if I smell that sweet/salty combination I instantly gag. I forced myself to try one a while back ago thinking it was all I'm my head. I had to spit it out and won't go back. Regular pretzels kick much ass tho. Add chocolate and fuck you lol. Not sure if I was on topic, but it made me reminisce.

>> No.5558044

>eat less food
Yea and learn to make your own versions also. I have been making my own personal size pizzas for about a year now. They taste way better than delivery shit. I have been losing weight also while eating pizza like 2-3 times a week i just count calories.

>> No.5558054

Oh god, Christmas junk food.

My mom used to make these no bake cookies that were literally just melted chocolate almond bark and salted peanuts mixed together and left to dry on a sheet of wax paper. I hate to think how many calories was in each one of those 4 inch motherfuckers

I swear to God I probably used to eat 15 of those cookies at a time and think nothing of it. I still have no idea how I don't have diabetes today with the way I used to eat

>> No.5558083

>tfw there is a JJ Fish in every shit neighborhood I drive through
Their chicken batter is shit, but their soggy ass fries and hot sauce make it irresistible.

>> No.5558091

I had that experience, so I stopped eating expensive shitty takeout and now I cook my own food. It costs less, it's healthier and it tastes far better

>> No.5558131

Junk food, fast food, and sweets in general. Most likely attributed to the fact that I didn't really grow up with the stuff. I only started indulging in college, then eventually grew out of it. I don't even miss junk food or fast food anymore. Still love potato crisps/chips though, in moderation.

The only thing that bothers me though is nowadays anything sweet in particular makes me cringe (sweets, chocolate, cookies, cakes, jam; sometimes even fruit) and it sometimes makes me feel like I'm missing out. I'd look longingly at cake displays and dessert menus because there's so much interesting stuff and everyone seems to be enjoying it but I know I'll regret it after one bite.

>> No.5558148

This is adorable. I, too, miss those simpler times, OP.

>> No.5558158

Man, that brings back some feels.

It all changed for me about my junior year of hs when I started to care about being fit and eating stuff that isn't literal garbage. I still enjoy those things in moderation, but it just isn't the same when you actually care about something other than the way it tastes

>> No.5558219


i agree with the sentiment that giving up food is silly. however, i still want to eat a LOT. so i found a self-destructive middle ground and simply vomit everything i eat.

it takes a toll on my life for sure, but this is the only way to feel like you can truly eat WHATEVER the hell you want, and HOWEVER the hell much you want. and then cleanse yourself of it, in the end.

>> No.5558251

>the experience of being forced to stop eating absolutely everything that appeals to us.
That's what it seemed like at first.But I found a way around that nonsense.

I hit 40 nearly 60lbs overweight, with both high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Started lifting, which was hell at first, then became routine. Started eating more sensibly, which wasn't so hard. Two years later I'd lost 40lbs, but still couldn't go off the cholesterol meds.

So I said fuck it, and went vegan for three months. Went off the cholesterol meds with the doctor's blessing.

Now I just eat vegan six days a week. Which means I don't miss anything. If I'm pining for some food that's not so good for my middle aged ass I have it. Then I just eat a vegetable based diet for the next six days.

Had to re-learn how to cook to make vegetable based meals delicious, but it wasn't that hard. Most of my peers are fatasses, and take pills. I don't.

If I wanted OP's basket of fried seafood I could eat it tomorrow.

>> No.5558304

>Most likely attributed to the fact that I didn't really grow up with the stuff.

Yes, this. My parents actually raised me to eat really well, but that didn't stop me from going crazy on McDonalds as soon as I had some spending money and a car. It slowed down in college because I was pretty broke, but it picked back up once I had an income again. Gained like 40 lbs the year after I dropped out.

>> No.5558321

Inb4 fatass

I struggle with ice-cream. I have a real problem. Every two months or so I buy a pint and eat it alone. I'm not fat, but I'm not skinny either; but the fact that I sit and eat and eat and eat an entire pint makes me feel like a sack of shit. I love ice cream. It's my feelings food. I hate myself for this craving.

>> No.5558442

A pint of ice cream isn't the worst thing on Earth, honestly. You could do a lot worse than ~600 calories for an emotional meal.

>> No.5558981

>this is the only way to feel like you can truly eat WHATEVER the hell you want, and HOWEVER the hell much you want.
What are you? A fucking goldfish?

>> No.5560210


I will trade you ice cream problems for cake and doughnut problems.

>> No.5560239

What the fuck are you doin typing like a damn perfesser fuckin idiot this is a board for COOKING not grammar fuckhead

>> No.5561141

>a pint
lel. there's no reason to worry about that.

an entire gallon? there's some emotional eating.