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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5552222 No.5552222 [Reply] [Original]

What's your excuse for not eating cooked meat?

>> No.5552225

your mother wouldn't like it if I tried to cook her vag

>> No.5552227
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>> No.5552229

>lel i trol u

>> No.5552232

What's your excuse for posting such low quality bait?

>> No.5552233

those are some shitty steaks. 1-3 is completely raw in the middle. 4-6 are shoe leather.

i'm pretty sure those steaks were cooked while super cold or even frozen.

>> No.5552269
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>go to a fancy steakhouse with a group of people
>person next to me orders the steak well done
>$30 steak ruined

I had a piece of it. Mine was wonderful, that steak became completely average.

>> No.5552420

medium well master race

>> No.5552430

awwww yeah

>> No.5552466

You fucking steak eaters are such goddamned pussies, constantly worried about what other people eat.

>> No.5552470


They save the shit meat for the morons. You not only get horribly cooked meat, but you get the idiot tax of bad meat cuts.

>> No.5552476

>They save the shit meat for the morons.

>> No.5552497


Is that you in denial, or do you just not read about the culinary industry?

>> No.5552501

Have you been to a good restaurant or is this just your assumption? No one cares how you like your meat cooked, unless you are talking about Applebee's or Outback Steakhouse "chefs".

>> No.5552558


reminder steak is overrated

>> No.5552570

wrong everywere ive worked(all independent) we hat gettin well done orders and always butterfly it, give the the shittiest one we have, and burn the fuck out of it

thats the closest ive ever come to fucking with someones food though.

>> No.5552575

OP sweetie, I like medium rare, because too raw and I do not enjoy the texture, but I love how tender it is when it is medium rare not rare

>> No.5552598

>btw i'm a girl

>> No.5552604

haha that one wasnt even me

+ 1 black night bro

>> No.5552607

my excuse i don't live in mexico and buy the most expensive cuts.

>> No.5552614

>the most expensive cuts.
Still coming from shitty factory farmed beef raised on socialist subsidized corn and treated with non-therapeutic antibiotics, ammonia, growth hormones etc

>> No.5552617

Is there any bigger type of snob than a steak snob? They're even worse than coffee snobs.

>muh perfect cut
>muh perfect cooking temperature
>muh perfect done-ness
>muh one degree off or one minute too long and it's destroyed!

>> No.5552746

I had one at a high end steak place that looked like second from the top and it was one of the best things I've ever tasted. If I wan't caramelized well done beef I'll order ribs.

>> No.5552755

1 and 2 are the only two options when consuming high quality cuts. When I get food poisoning I might think differently, but until then, you're a faggot.

>> No.5552757


>> No.5552765

reverse sear(using grill), remote digital thermometer for the oven phase. It's the cheap, lazy mans version of sous vide. I get perfect steaks every time with half the work I used to do

>> No.5552807

all right, i love myself a nice well-done cut of meat (prefer medium wel steakl, i love well-done roast beef though) but frankly that is like saying

Traveling in a plane
>possible crash and death
Traveling in a car
>possible crash and death
>possible assault and death
Staying home, never going anywhere

What's your excuse for not being a basement dwelling paranoid, neurotic mess?

>> No.5553166


Well done meat is a product of the eastern poverty culture in north america. The people just off the boat taught their kids to cook the living shit out of meat so they didn't die. The same thing happens in india and other non refrigeration cultures with salt, spice etc. They torture meat with some ph shift, or salt to keep rotten meat from killing its people.

Its the same reason the bible hates pork. God hates people who die from trichinosis.

So anyway. You fucking people should be cooking meats less today because you're not living on a subsistence income.

>> No.5553191
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>> No.5553203


It's creepy how accurate that is, minus the obama shit. Nouveau Riche are totally hipsters who always overdo it.

>> No.5553269

agreed...tho sometimes I order mine rare, depends on the cut and how I feel that day and if I don't trust the meat fully or its a really fatty cut up to medium it goes.

>> No.5553270
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>> No.5553271

>tfw like medium and am new money

Shit image

>> No.5553298
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Do you think there are people on /ck/ who ACTUALLY like their steaks cooked well done, or are ALL of them trolls?

>> No.5553302

well there are a lot of old people here so i dunno

>medium masterrace

>> No.5553313


If you go to an actually high-end restaurant, as in one with some michelin stars or at least aspiring to it, they don't ask you how you want your meat cooked. It's unlikely to be straight up steak in the normal sense, but if they use one of the typical steak-cuts you'll be receiving it rare or medium rare. The most you might get is the waiter telling you it's served that way when you order, and recommending you order something else if you have a problem with that.

>> No.5553319

Why would you cook a steak whole when you could cut it up in bite size pieces cook it on a high heat and get lots of seared surface area with ultra tender medium rare center?

>> No.5553326

Nigga, do you even know what you're talking about?

>muh perfect cut
The cut of beef makes a huge difference to the flavour. I'd have given you a pass on this a few months ago, but if you can't have an opinion on/tell the difference between sirloin vs rib-eye, you need to educate yourself.
>Muh perfect cooking temperature
Do you oven cook foods at 50 degrees left? Shut up.
>Muh perfect done-ness
Look, I get it. You like your steaks well done. You enjoy not tasting the full flavours of the meat in one of the few cuts where it's safe to not overcook it. I used to hate steaks because I'd only ever had them well done. Having them done medium was a revelation for me.
>muh one degree off or one minute too long and it's destroyed!
Not destroyed, but impaired. The perfect steak is far from easy to attain, especially if you're not the one cooking it.

The best way to explain this is nachos. Suppose you enjoy them with just cheese, no sauces. Then when your order arrives, they have cheese, guacamole, salsa and sour cream drenched all over them. You anticipated cheesy nachos but got something else. You can try to salvage the meal in your own mind, you can scrape off the extra sauces, but the chips are still soggy and taste a bit odd.

Now imagine that nachos aren't pleb food and cost top dollar, but the sauces are dirt cheap. Would you, as a nacho enthusiast, not at least take note if a friend ordered his nachos drowned in sauce but still insisted it's the flavour of the chips he enjoys? Even if he'd only ever had nachos with heaps of sauce on them and never tried them any other way?

>> No.5553327


You tend to get an overdone interior by the time you get a good enough sear on the outside of smaller pieces. Personally though I don't like massively thick steaks, I think they get the balance wrong. I'd recommend trying hanger steak. It's a long, relatively thin, strip of meat with the most amazing depth of flavour. Searing it on maximum heat for about four minutes total gives you bite-sized slices which are seared around, but meltingly tender and rare in the middle. My mouth waters at the very thought of it.

>> No.5553330

Anywhere from raw to four on OP's chart is god tier.

>> No.5553377

Flip it more

>> No.5553413

Isnt it only unsafe in america? I eat raw fish heaps, and have steak med rare

>> No.5553415

I eat meat AND vegetables.

I don't need an excuse.

Only faggot and deficient vegetarians do, because they deliberately exclude a normal part of the human diet and nutritional requirements from their "lifestyle" of sucking cocks for protein.

>> No.5553420


look, i do not give a fuck. i like the taste of well-done meat.

>Well done meat is a product of the eastern poverty culture in north america

"God" hates? is that so?

pull your head out of your ass.

>> No.5553421

why do mexicans always get their steak well done?

>> No.5553422

check out Florentine Steak.
the real links from Florence.

they've been doing thick steaks with simple seasoning for hundreds of years.

even better, go there for a food trip. the city has absolutely legendary unknown to outsiders italian cuisine.

>> No.5553423

>> taste

pick one.
you can't have both.

rare is where you have juices sluicing between your teeth as you take a bite.

don't talk about taste, if you like chewing on shoe-leather.

>> No.5553511


I flip my steak every 15 seconds. I'm just saying that I feel that 2 inch thick steaks don't get the right balance between the mallard flavours in the seared exterior and the juicy beefy tenderness of the interior. Try a decent bit of hanger steak and cum buckets.


That's just a T-bone steak, but cooked by an Italian. Food all over italy is pretty good stuff, but nothing would likely persuade me to waste my time ordering a steak there, there are much more interesting foodstuffs to be had that I couldn't just cook at home.

>> No.5553617
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>Now imagine that nachos aren't pleb food
You killed your entire argument with that statement. Nice job.

>> No.5553635


>> No.5553829

I can't get steak wrong.

Seriously, for the longest time I thought that Steak was shit because my family were all about cooking it through, so I preferred lamb (if only since Lamb Leather tastes better than steak leather).

Then, when I learned how to cook myself, I started picking up steaks and making them rarer and I've found that no matter what I do, they always turn out fucking delicious, Golden brown caramel inside with a red and juicy inside.

Its probably because I spend time picking out good cuts from the butcher, rather than just going to the supermarket, and because any chump knows that you douse those fuckers in cracked pepper because that shit is the most delicious stuff on the planet and makes a perfect counterpoint to the low, warm tenderness of the meat.

>> No.5553840

>>That's just a T-bone steak, but cooked by an Italian.
>> much more interesting foodstuffs to be had that I couldn't just cook at home.

and that is one of them, fucking moron.

florentine steak in florence, is nothing compared to your shit-tier steakhouse t-bone or whatever cocksucking fail faggotry you get up to in your own so called "kitchen".

>> No.5553856

Nice quads, but those were probably cooked straight out of the freezer, 1-3 still look frozen in the middle.

>> No.5553870

you can eat steak pretty raw and not worry about food poisoning. bacteria only grows on the surface. sear that shit and you are fine.

>> No.5553885


Keep gobbling wop-cock, it's just a seasoned flame-grilled T-bone, and Yankee tourists like yourself fall hard for that kind of shit. "Legendary unknown to outsiders Italian cuisine," hilarious. The taste is primarily down to the quality of meat, and I have access to 28 day aged rare breed 100% grass-fed beef from the butcher's five minutes from my front door. If I really wanted an authentic Florentine steak then I'd have to order up a piece of meat from that particular breed, but then I doubt that many of the restaurants in Florence use it anyway.

>> No.5553906

I like mine well done, and I ask the waiter to cut it up for me.

>> No.5553910

it's unsafe in shitty places like Applebees because they use cheap ass tenderized steaks which push outside contamination into the middle of the steak and you can get food poisoning from it.

>> No.5553917

Can someone explain to me how this is? I've googled it a ton of times and even gave a college-level speech on it and I'm still not 100% convinced. I always order my steaks medium/medium-rare but I still find myself chewing with my cheeks full of air so I don't taste it every now and again. All I ever find on the sites I google are "the meats too tough for the bacteria to go through it!" or some other half-assed explanation. Give it to me straight please?

>> No.5553924

bacteria needs oxygen, not enough oxygen inside tissue, i think.

>> No.5553933

/ck/ steak snobs = /g/ headphone shills

>> No.5553931

Meat processing plant cast a spell of no bacterial contamination on the inside of steaks.

>> No.5553935

Beef is denser and tougher then chicken or fish. This just means bacteria take longer to penetrate the meat in a sexy way, and it takes longer for the inside to become contaminated. With the way the American meat industry works, it's the safest meat to eat that isn't fully cooked.

It won't stop bacteria forever, especially if it's kept wet. People also eat rare/raw chicken, I've seen it eaten in Japan. It just has to be fresh.

>> No.5553939


>> No.5553941

Lets settle this once and for all. Next poster to get dubs determines the proper degree a steak made by /ck/ should be cooked to for maximum flavorosity.

>> No.5553942

what is anaerobic bacteria

>> No.5553945

0 degrees kelvin

>> No.5553950

yeah, but e. coli and salmonella prefer to be aerobic, i think.

>> No.5553987


>> No.5553988

-1 degrees kelvin

>> No.5553990

we have a wiener

>> No.5553991

isn't there still free oxygen available inside dead flesh

i mean how do you explain people rotting after they die

>> No.5554027

dubs = truth

>> No.5554030

If I have a 1 lb steak, lets assume it is a cube for purposes of this, 1 inch by 1 inch by 1 inch, how many joules/second would I need to get the steak to -1 degrees Kelvin and how many seconds would that require? Please show your work.

>> No.5554032

All we need is some kind of rubidium steak that can be cooled down into a bose-einstein condensate.

>> No.5554130

They look like shit. The color needs to be even. The medium rare one is blue in the middle and well done around.

>> No.5554145

>possible food poisoning
you might as well drink salmonella juice

>> No.5554156

>well there are a lot of old people here
I'm 46 and I think anything over Medium Rare and you're wrecking a good cut of meat.

>> No.5554166

>cocksucking fail faggotry you get up to in your own so called "kitchen".
What you really need for a good homemade steak Florentine (aside from the cut, of course) is a good wood burning fireplace large enough to use a grate with coals pulled underneath.

>> No.5554350

You are soo fucking wrong

I work at the top rated restraunt in my city and whenever a dude bitches about something being too "rare" we all heckle his shit in the kitchen and basically reheat his shit or give him a worse cut that was done poorly and basically melt it

albeit its still a nice restraunt so the chefs dont try to fuck it up but we all ridicule the person behind his back and openly come out sometimes and ask what was really wrong

>> No.5554357

implying nice restraunts dont buy from startup farms

the one I work at does atleast

>> No.5554365

eaten the 2nd rarest every saterday night for the last 10+ years pretty much and never once had food poisoning. though i did have a much better tasting steak then the bottom 4

>> No.5554428

does /g/ like headphones again? I haven't been there in over a year.

>> No.5554757

I would like to know if this is real

>> No.5555327



don't tell me what to do faggot, juices in between your teeth has more to do with texture than flavor. well-done meat has flavor, and i like it. go be insecure about your food preferences somewhere off my nuts

>> No.5555339


not in any restaurant I've worked in, although I have seen a chef who would occasionally cook the fuck out of steak if they are ordered well done (thus cooking them past well done).

>> No.5555371

Whisky snobs are worse. At least steak snobs eat their fucking steak instead of just putting it in a display cabinet.

>> No.5555390

I had a physics lecturer who would ask questions like this and then just sit there looking smug while the class argued.

What a dickhead.

>> No.5555399

all of them are trolls

just like that guy who kept posting ketchup with steak a long while back

>> No.5555422

LISTEN. Take a steak, get it to room temp, over salt it, pepper it, place it on a rack and place it in an oven heated to 280 degrees. place a digital remote thermometer inside the center of the biggest steak. wait for that steak to reach 125 degrees F. Preheat either an iron pan or grill to 600 degrees and transfer that steak onto that surface for searing(add butter or oil to generate a small fire). Sear it so that it reaches 135 degrees.

That will create a sous vide style steak with medium rare characteristics. Adjust this math for your doneness.

>> No.5555431


Rest it for 10 minutes. THIS is how you create a perfect steak, every single time you cook steak.

>> No.5555566


This is how you cook steak. Have any of you done it? It's the only way.

>> No.5555576

no its not its fucking retarded stop samefagging

>> No.5555592


how do you do it, loser?

>> No.5555601

several ways, you can grill it or cook it in a pan basting with butter. If you want to sous vide rare you heat a water bath @ 129 and heat the steak til it comes to temp and sear quickly. You dont put it in an oven at 280 with DRY heat then sear and call it "sous vide style"

>> No.5555602


Sorry I told people how to cook a steak properly. I didn't mean to criticise your dull existence. I'm sure you've figured something better out..

>> No.5555607


you've never really cooked a thing in your life, have you? you're that stupid asshole anthony bourdain has to deal with..

>> No.5555624

I cook for a living, what about that post implies ive never cooked in my life?

>>thats not how to cook a steak properly, you dont even know what sous vide is but use the term like you do.

>> No.5555679
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What's your excuse for ruining steaks?

>> No.5555684

Why do two of them have tan lines

>> No.5555705

Blue = best. Everything after that is whores.

>> No.5556454

Steaks are such a fucking waste. You can get like four nice thin pieces of meat out of one and cook it properly in a fraction of the time.

>> No.5557100


I like my food poisoning like the third one from the bottom. You?

>> No.5557146

I prefer to stay healthy, thanks.

>> No.5557171

>not wanting glorious 100% white waifu

>> No.5557961

do you have ANY fucking idea how disrespectful and inflammatory it is to call someone "sweetie" when you dont know them? get the fuck out

>> No.5558021

>thinks he's healthy
>body can't even handle exposure to bacteria
Time to check yourself, m8.

>> No.5558033

It's only negative when it's obviously sarcastic or condescending, which it isn't always and wasn't in the case of that persons post.

>> No.5558285

Who the HELL are you supposed to be?

>> No.5558314

The only meat you should cook well done is anything grind.

Otherwise the meat that never touches or makes contact with the air is fine to eat rawer than the surface.

>> No.5558319

>difference between sirloin vs rib-eye, you need to educate yourself.

Not that it's actually difficult considering most parts of the cow are trimmed in a specific way.

I'd bitch at you for not being able to fabricate a whole cow however.

>> No.5558350

medium rare is the only correct answer.

>> No.5558383
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I prefer my hamburgers medium and a little warm in the center, and my steaks medium rare been eating that way for as long as I can remember, not sick once this whole food poisoning from undercook meat is bullshit if you buy your meat from a credible butcher. Meat only gets tainted by tainted hands.

>have fun playing hockey with your steak OP

>> No.5558387

I posted a bait thread and got banned for 48 hours and this guy posts one and it is still here for over 48 hours. What?

>> No.5558392
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It's because you are a massive faggot.

>> No.5558405

>there are plebs on /ck/ right now who eat chicken above rare

>> No.5558416

you trying to get people sick

>> No.5558419

>he thinks the raw chicken is what makes people sick and cant be sanitized and prepared raw.

>> No.5558448


fuckwit is this you?:


Stop writing "he" at the beginning of green texts. It's redundant, you illiterate fuck.

>> No.5558451

nothing wrong with raw chicken if its handled properly and of good quality. If youre worried about it sanitize it. Much like steak all the bacteria is on the outside. Never heard of chicken tartare?

>> No.5558453


Another illiterate fuck. Did you even read my post? I wasn't talking about food at all, I was berating him for putting "he" at the beginning of green texts. Jesus, is the internet this flat out dumb now?

>> No.5558518


What's your excuse for being a whiny little bitch?

>> No.5558601

I know, dont feed the trolls, but please return to b. here is your sippy cup of enfamile and your teething ring. and an extra nappy. you might get lost on the way. I am not a raw steak guy. in fact I think it's dumb but medium rare or rare ( not blue rare) let it rest a bit. you are paying you get what you want. long iago in a place like xxxxx the steaks ( ribeye or t bone iif you went dirt cheap and ordered sirloin god help you . or the "tips".it came with regrets and an electric chain saw) were good usda choice but, thin it was not a steak house.everysold was good. asw a line cook you wold look at the tickets rare, med r, r med, r med ,mw pardon my language but fuck. usually sent out medium, then returned (under done bs, aND NO you did not give them a new one cooked a bit more, returned, too dry and tough.well no shit sherlock. it got to the point where if someone ordered well, we called it b&c burn and comp Most places around here now have statements on the menu " not responsible for any steak ordered past medium" burgers are different. by law, not allowed to cook a rare burger (mad cow or b.e), only medium. unless you know a cook, or get steak tartare( raw, minced, with a raw egg yolk no less. sushi or sashimi ok. duck breast or
tuna steak red as stop sign?Sure. dry cured cured pig. call it prosciutto, wrap a slice around melon at 16 bucks it's ok. bay scallops or baby shrimp harvested right next to sewer pipes? add a bit of lime, tomato and cilantro. ceviche. you can even get fried brain sandwiches or pickled pigs feet (actually not too bad, until I found a nail between the toes. indicated probably was not cleaned so good. hey I'm not bitching. I love my country. all this and more, but you cannot get a medium rare burger unless you make it at home.most but most places are clean( <95 = doom)nothing to complain a bout

>> No.5558608

This just furthers my point that medium is the best