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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5527414 No.5527414[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I drink about half a gallon of water a day. My diet is mostly vegetable based (lots of sweet potatoes), with some oats, seeds/nuts, and fish in there too. I eat really healthy overall and get a lot of hydration.

But aside from my morning piss, I have to urinate maybe once or twice a day. My pee is always clear so I know I'm properly hydrated but I always bloat up over the day because I'm retaining water and not peeing enough. I stop drinking water 2-3 hours before bed and I still get woken up with a huge bloated stomach and a big urge to piss after maybe 4-5 hours of sleep. Every single fucking night. It's like water doesn't go through me unless I'm asleep.

Is there any food that could be causing such bad water retention aside from really salty stuff? Too many carbs?

>> No.5527437

Drinking booze makes you feel bloated when you start sobering up. Also, sodium.

Just drink cranberry juice and maybe some water pills or something and stay hydrated.

>> No.5527455

Maybe your laying down and relaxing is what is causing the frequent urination? I'd say try maybe laying down for an hour or two each day to see if that helps or what this guy said. >>5527437

>> No.5527685

Not op here, is there such a thing as to much water?

>> No.5527692

Yeah. I think some girl died from drinking too much water, while doing a water drinking competition to win a Nintendo

>> No.5527722

Well yeah, I could imagine whether it's water or heroin if you a use it will kill you, I should of been more specific I meant weight wise.

>> No.5527750


Hold you Wee for a Wii? Sad thing is she got second place too.

>> No.5527760

Isn't too much water poisonous?

>> No.5527769

Can't everybody pee or poop whenever they want? I can always choose when I want to evacuate. Of course there are those times where you really NEED to go. Aside from that I usually pee before going out in order to avoid having the need later.

Can't you just decide to pee it all out?

>> No.5527875

you have a blood circulation problem. It's easier for your body to move blood around when you're laying down because it doesn't have to work against gravity. Are you sedentary?

>> No.5527934

im in the exact opposite op. i drink prolly 4liters a day and i have to pee every 2 hours or so.

>> No.5527945
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Id fuck her

>> No.5527962

we'd have us a pork spit bro

>> No.5528057 [DELETED] 
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~~high test alpha males unite~~

>> No.5528065

Aw gross..
Is that... Is that a bare mattress?
Use a cover

>> No.5528067

Same here, although I probably pee slightly more often.

>> No.5528088

That's one lucky bastard.

>> No.5528097

>tfw i started learning to cook so i could make all my gf's fat.

>> No.5528119

Yes you can "overdose" on water and get poisoning.

I think it takes several gallons in a short period of time, though.

>> No.5528239

I used to enjoy pissing

Until I got a kidney stone

>> No.5528287

Get your prostate checked OP. inb4 men are too scared to go to the doctor and have a little finger up their ass.

>> No.5528296


>> No.5528481

Lack. Of. Protein. You. Hippy.

>> No.5528551

I second this, definitely sounds like a heart issue. Go to a doctor, OP.

>> No.5528582

>I stop drinking water 2-3 hours before bed
There's your problem. Stop drinking water 4 hours before bed. also stop drinking caffeinated drinks like coffee and soda and tea. Caffeine makes you thirsty.

>> No.5528721

I would go to a doctor as well.
Get a piss test that checks for protein in the urine as well.

>> No.5528729

>There's your problem

Clearly not. Caffeine doesn't make you thirsty, it's a diuretic. It makes you pee. If anything, the caffeine is helping, not part of the problem.


>> No.5528987

Absolutely disgusting. That wallpaper is the worst I've seen in awhile

>> No.5529454

M-my eyes...

>> No.5529462

Retaining water can be an indication something is wrong, can increase blood pressure, and a host of stuff. I would talk to your physician about it, for sure.

But, have you monitored salt and caffeine properly? Make a food journal, and could sodium.

>> No.5529482


For you, OP ^^ Hope it helps

>> No.5529485

Drink cranberry juice and ask a doctor for advice.

>> No.5529486

pissing in the morning + 1-2 times per day is normal.

your water intake and description of diet also sounds fine.

>> No.5532223


Yeah it's called drowning.

>> No.5533624

overworking them kidneys

for what reason

>> No.5533658

gotta keep em on their toes to prevent kidney failure

I'm constantly drinking water so my kidnes will become stronger

>> No.5533764

you can drink so much that osmosis in your body makes the water travel up into your brain, the brain absorbs it like a sponge and swells and you die, very very very painful, also you could drown

>> No.5533766

use it or lose it

>> No.5533786

my piss almost glows in the dark
what should i do

>> No.5533791

Drink more glowsticks until it does.

>> No.5533885

do you drink a lot of energy drinks

>> No.5533930

go to doctor. it could be any number of things, diabetes, thyroid issues, heart/circulation trouble, or just absolutely nothing. Only a professional can tell you for sure. Go to doctor.

>> No.5533962


This. When I was 16 I had this random problem where I wouldn't pee as much during the day and as soon I would lay my head down to sleep, I'd have a crazy urge to pee, so I'd get up and go, but not a drop. I would do this every 30 minutes or so until I got a few squirts out. Every night for like 3 months.

I figured I was just masturbating too much, but I couldnt stop lol. When I finally got it checked I had a unrinary tract infection/prostate infection. I got some antibiotics and it went away.

tl; dr: it's not your healthy diet (props btw), your sick OP, go to the doc.

>> No.5534032

Laying down puts pressure on your bladder
Just have a couple cups of green or black tea and it will come on out.

>> No.5534187

my guess is beetus
no joke thats how it started for me, drink lost of water and piss all of it at night and be thirsty all day
get your sugar tested op.

>> No.5534940

Hey OP, I have exactly the same problem.

Some medstudent on /b/ told me it is because of my low blood pressure. Apparently the kidneys require a certain amount of pressure just to function, and if your BP is too low (mine is), your kidneys just won't push water through.

So, how is your BP normally? 110/70? 100/60?

>> No.5535933

>>5534940 again
BTW, one thing I've found helps, weirdly enough, is Coke Zero. Either the acidity or the artificial sweetener in it seems to force my kidneys to work.

>> No.5537248

>Stop drinking water 4 hours before bed
Doesn't matter. I (not OP here) can stop 8 hours before going to bed, won't be able to pee a drop in that whole time, but two hours after going to sleep (not just laying down), my bladder is so full that it hurts to move.

I'm not sure what normal capacity is for a human bladder. Mine was stretched out enough to hold half a gallon (a little under 2L for metricfags). Actually, probably more than that (maybe a full 2L) because when it was fully distended like that, I'd have to pee, then wait a few minutes for it to de-stress, then pee a little more.

>> No.5537322

Jesus fucking christ, TWO LITERS???? I am a 6'3'' guy, 270lbs and even if I have to hold it in until it becomes almost unbearable it is barely one liter, and even that is unusually much by medical standards I think.

>> No.5537382

This. I had the exact same problem. It eventually got so bad I didn't pee for 2 days.

If this happens to anyone get checked. Rather you get a prostate exam or have your dick endangered?

>> No.5537403

dude no way wtf
a normal human bladder holds 0.5 L of fluid
you're either full of shit or you have a severe medical condition

>> No.5538050

Really, only 0.5L is normal?

I'm serious, I was ending up with 2L of urine distending my bladder overnight.

Keep in mind, I had been asking my grandparents and parents why I always woke up with a painfully full bladder since I was around ten years old (the problem had been happening long before that, of course), and all I ever got was "pee before you go to bed, dear". Since I used to sleep like a rock, never waking up for eight solid hours no matter what, my bladder just gradually stretched out.

I asked some fucking asshole of a doctor when I was 30 and he did the smug "I'm a real doctor and I treat real problems, now fuck off" thing. I've still never gotten an answer, but now at least I wake up constantly at night and can relieve myself before it gets too bad.

>> No.5538056

>>5538050 again
BTW, right now it's typically 0.9L on my first wake-up every night (which usually happens at about five hours). Note that I'm using a juice bottle by my bed (so I can pee and go back to sleep, instead of going downstairs, leaking, trudging back upstairs, and not being able to fall asleep), and it has measuring marks on the side, so I know perfectly well it's 900ml.

>> No.5538072

I drink 4liters a day
every day and sometimes wake up to pee
I only sleep 6 hours tho

>> No.5538076
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ITT: way too many people measuring their urine.

>> No.5538318
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>> No.5538327

Lets think about this logically (Not being condescending)
- When you retain water 2 things may be happening: 1. You consume too much salt, thus your body needs more water to dilute, lower concentration of salts. 2. You are dehydrated.

A. Your pee is clear, meaning that option 2 is ok, because if you were dehydrated, your body would want to get rid of the salts in the most efficient way possible.

How much protein do you take in? Do you have a lot of gas, are you sure you dont need to lose weight?

Your body would only hold unto water if it thiinks it will need in. Are you regularly drinking a good amount of water?

>> No.5538535

how appropriate for a reaction image

>> No.5538581

>instead of going to a doctor, I'll ask random neckbeards on a chinese cartoon website

>> No.5539455

Well, that's what the thread is about, so it's not much wonder that people with problems post in it.

>> No.5539476

What the fuck. I always drink a cup of water right before bed. Otherwise I wake up feeling thirsty as shit. Never had to wake up to piss.

Should I be drinking more liquids or something?

>> No.5539516

There's a lot more to hydration than straight up drinking ridiculous amounts of water.

>> No.5539548


>> No.5539714

>relates to this way too much

>> No.5539739


>> No.5539745

No. There is such a thing as unbalancing your salt/water ratio though. As long as you've got salt and bananas you can drink as much water as you want

my record is just shy of 5 gallons in an 18 hour period thanks to 95+ degree day and 75% humidity + a criminal boss

>> No.5539798
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