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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 69 KB, 426x640, crying-chef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5520820 No.5520820[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw can't wear nail polish anymore because contaminationz and toxinz

>tfw can only cook for pleasure on the weekends because I'm in the city most of the time

>constantly smelling garlicky, or of some type of meat, have to shower twice a day to remove the smell

>can only wear cute clothes on weekends because i have the potential of staining them during work

>Considering a 4 hours/day sleep schedule pretty decent

coo/ck/s and chefs of /ck/, list your mundane or not so mundane struggles

>> No.5520823

>not working every weekend
do you even work in a restaurant

prob not since youre a grill and grills cant hang in a real kitchen

>> No.5520828

I do, actually.

I get weekends off because my grandpa's recovering from a stroke and so they're giving me some time off for a few months to drive him places and take care of him and stuff

>> No.5520842

Why even work in a restaurant if you are going to bitch about petty shit?

Oh, I can't wear cute clothes or paint my nails and I smell like food. Grow the fuck up or get a different job.

Some of us love every bit of our jobs and think every sacrifice is worth it. Of course who'd expect a woman not to bitch and moan about every little thing.

>> No.5520846

oh my god relax. I probably love my job more than anyone. I think it's fucking awesome that I get to do what I love.

Excuse me for complaining about mundane shit that I'm not even angry about so others can laugh about their various inconveniences with me.

>> No.5520856

>back to tumblr

>> No.5520858

>can only wear cute clothes on weekends because i have the potential of staining them during work

>she doesnt even wear chef whites

>> No.5520859

>implying bullshit
>derailing a potentially funny
shitposting doesn't look good on you, anon

>> No.5520860

I do, though.

Occasionally people will spill shit and it will, once in a while, stain my clothes because it leaks through the whites

doesn't happen often but it happens

>> No.5520863

You sound like a shit cook in a shit restaurant who thinks all her food is so good. Probably a 200lb "pastry chef"

>> No.5520866

>wearing nail polish
Just wear spacers or a nose piercing if you want attention.

>> No.5520867

Actually work in a 2014 zagat rated italian place in NYC but okay

Also being overweight is really detrimental in an intense kitchen environment, so I try to keep in shape so that I'd be able to keep up in our kitchen.

>> No.5520868

gross. no.

back in high school, it was one of those cathartic things I'd do whenever I was stressed about stuff. I'd either paint my nails or I'd cook

I just cook or bake now to ease any stress I might have, but I do miss the whole nail painting process every once in a while

>> No.5520872

>zagat rated
so is 5 guys

>> No.5520874

>5 guys

also it's not a chain.

>> No.5520876

You're the dumb cunt who acted like Zagat rating was like a michelin star or a fucking James Beard Award winner. Hell, you're probably not even Mobil rated.

>> No.5520880

Alright, well, this was fun, but I'm going to head out for a run and then I'm off to work.

if anyone wants to post stupid, funny shit related to little inconveniences that come with working in a restaurant, please go for it.

shitposting's cool too, though, whatever floats your boat!

I'll be lurking later tonight, but I hope you all have an awesome day, /ck/, make some yummy stuff.

>> No.5520885

Does this "Italian restaurant" serve breakfast?

>> No.5520903

coming back to post some cool things about working in a restaurant

>family meal time
>learning awesome tips from coworkers
>making great friends
>meating world famous chefs
>growing a backbone (i used to be a huge crybaby)

>not getting there at 5-6 AM to discuss any menu changes, help other people with prep, hang out with coworkers, etc.


I also like to get there as early as possible because i just really love being there.

Alright bye foreal friends.

have a good day!

>> No.5520918

>i used to be a huge crybaby
Yeah, you still are.

Though its become quite obvious from your posts that you don't actually work in a restaurant.

>> No.5520924

excuse me anon, please check your privilege

i'll have you know that its' incredibly insulting from everyone that you'd disregard all my work and experience because i am simply a grill

you're the reason misogyny is so prevelant in our workplace good fucking job

>> No.5520927

cunt is actually a really offensive word id rather you stop saying that

>> No.5520934

dont be a cunt and you wont be called a cunt. cunt.

>> No.5520937

sigh. misogynists these days. Learn to understand why you don't have the privilege to call me a cunt due to your massive amounts of privilege

>> No.5520986

>not recognizing such obvious bait

>> No.5521008

>implying all threads started by women are bait
>implying anything stated by a women is less important
>implying women are incompetent in the kitchen

sexism harder

>> No.5521049
File: 27 KB, 653x407, 1370612476771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> 80% of coworkers are on drugs/an alcohol
> work 12h a day + 2h getting there and back again
> burns/cuts on hands and forearms
> 65h per week, 1100€ per month

but theres good things:

> banging waitresses
> learning cool stuff to cook from coworkers
> overall asome job
> banging waitresses
> wearing badass chefs jacket
> dead animals, sharp blades and open fire
> everyone in gastronomy is weird but like a family member to you

would never do anything else.

>> No.5521059

>80% of coworkers are on drugs/an alcohol
That really is the hard part. So much of the chef culture is working hard and then drinking to excess when you have a day off.

I mean sure it's fun to get wasted, but then you're at work the next day hungover not the least bit well rested.

>> No.5521065
File: 6 KB, 180x191, tumblr_l96nvlMGg21qagg3yo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow what a shit thread but ok
>morning crew
>cuts and burns make me look like a meth head
>leave work smelling like grease
>morning crew
>"wow anon your a chef?!!! you must eat so well!"
>"last night for dinner I ate a boiled hot dog on a stale bun over a trashcan on the line"
>roommate asks for cooking advice, then gets mad when I tell him everything he's doing is wrong
>morning crew

>> No.5521070

>"last night for dinner I ate a boiled hot dog on a stale bun over a trashcan on the line"
So fucking true. I wonder if there's a blog just devoted to the shit cooks and chefs eat.

My low point was a pint of ice cream and half a bag of Oyster Crackers.

>> No.5521072


last night i had leftover fava beans from a buffet, cold bbq-sauce and hard bread.
but some luxury fruit tea i had simmering all day long, adding all spare fruits and leftovers.

>> No.5521083


i was raped last night

>> No.5521085

ARE YOU A GIRL????????????

>> No.5521086

Since when are polished nails banned from food service?

>> No.5521087

Since the food inspectors became really anal retentive.

>> No.5521088
File: 538 KB, 1296x972, bbqchickenhawiannoranchorhoneymustard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend all day getting plowed at work
>come home and my BF has got me THIS

>> No.5521094
File: 71 KB, 720x480, abortion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes she is, it explains a huge chunk of the faggotry that takes place on this board.

>> No.5521095

lmao, i remember that one

>> No.5521096


>> No.5521107
File: 349 KB, 496x445, franco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so I try to keep in shape
Bitch are you actually retarded?
Anyone doing cheffing properly has maybe coffee and smoke of some kind for breakfast, a quick little meal after lunch service and maybe some reheated shit after dinner service, or more often 6 beers/some bourbon.

>then gets mad when I tell him everything he's doing is wrong
Yeah i try to avoid giving out any tips to any home cook I know, better to show them or comment on the methods when eating with them.

>> No.5521114

>then gets mad when I tell him everything he's doing is wrong
>Yeah i try to avoid giving out any tips to any home cook I know, better to show them or comment on the methods when eating with them.

>> No.5521128

>Worked in Japan (6 years ago)

>15 seat restaurant, traditional cuisine
>Omakase only, meaning that the chef decides what the customers eat
>Go with taishou (head chef) to the market to pick out vegetables and fish
>Still come in 3 hours early so I can take my time prepping ingredients for maximum aesthetic appeal
>Customers come and go exactly at their allotted times
>Customers are all well behaved, respects the establishment

>After closing, wipe down the kitchen and polish my knife

>5 days a week

Sure I didn't make as much money then, but it was a very comfortable lifestyle. If you can
survive the "hazing" and verbal abuse for the first 10 years, you'll earn the respect of the kitchen.

>> No.5521171

Holy fuck my shitty troll threads gettin actual replies from actual chefs

This is a nice surprise

>> No.5521242

There are probably a dozen actual chefs that visit /ck/, the rest would most likely be cooks or kitchenhands.

>> No.5521269

That's actually pretty awesome (and insanely useful to know)

>> No.5521705
File: 120 KB, 765x990, 1395968092990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all that privilege

>> No.5521719

its funny at 3:30 you said you were about to go to work but at 7 & 8:30 you were still posting on here. good try but we all knew you werent a chef or a cook

>> No.5521728

could be a baker

>> No.5521733

most likely a bottom feeding waste of life

>> No.5521755

most likely

>> No.5521784


It was pretty obvious they were fucking with all of you

>> No.5521794

youre telling me to see the exact post i was replying to

>> No.5522051

thanks for using my OC i am glad to see somebody enjoying it :^)

>> No.5523283

I'm actually mad at OP for responding to trolls. How new are you to this website?