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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 48 KB, 502x357, 55117b97-b087-4e05-9e8f-cc6f23574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5506881 No.5506881[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an executive decree banning the centuries old practice of aging cheese on wooden boards. One bureaucrat within the FDA, without surveying all of the scientific literature, and without public commentary, has rattled hundreds of small businesses across the United States. Consumers who eat any kind of aged cheese should prepare for a potentially catastrophic disruption in the market for artisan, non-processed cheese.

The FDA’s decision will not only harm American cheese makers, but may also bring a halt to the importation of artisan cheeses from abroad as Canadian and European Union regulators have not imposed such draconian measures and still allow for the use of wood boards to age cheese.


>> No.5506884

link to article


>> No.5506885

What the FUCK?

>> No.5506888

That seems so stupid.

How many people, daily, even hourly, in the US eat cheese like that and don't get sick and have never gotten sick from such a thing in their entire life?

Damn this is so dumb.

>> No.5506889

inb4 monsanto is behind this

>> No.5506890

wow, so objective.
>aging food on wooden boards
>not draconian

>> No.5506891

Thanks Obama.

>> No.5506896

Americans only eat Kraft Singles, Cheez Whiz and Velveeta anyway.

>> No.5506898

Next they'll ban cheese altogether, then all dairy in general

>> No.5506902

from /pol/

>Monica Metz, Branch Chief of the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition’s Dairy and Egg Branch (and a former employee of Leprino) wrote:
>The use of wooden shelves, rough or otherwise, for cheese ripening does not conform to [Current Good Manufacturing Practices], which require that “all plant equipment and utensils shall be so designed and of such material and workmanship as to be adequately cleanable, and shall be properly maintained.
>Leprino Foods is an American company with headquarters in Denver, Colorado that produces cheese
>the world's largest maker of mozzarella cheese

>> No.5506909

Meh. Guerrilla cheese making ftw

>> No.5506914

>nanny state telling me what I'm not allowed to eat
What else is new?

>> No.5506919

I can get behind this if it's for safety concerns, but not until they ban cigarettes and alcohol

>> No.5506921

is it really that easy/feasible to make artisan aged cheeses at home?

>> No.5506923


Why would you want any of that banned?

Don't get me wrong: I'm not saying that alcohol and cigarettes are a good thing. But a ban is the worst possible thing you could do. Didn't you learn about prohibition? Bans don't stop something. They create an illegal black market instead. Black market is worse than the alternative.

>> No.5506929

This is to assure that the only cheese available in the US is shit made by Kraft and their ilk.

Fuck the FDA.

So glad I stopped eating cheese years ago.

>> No.5506931

we're fucking doomed

>> No.5506954

more like faggots dicking asses amiright lololol

>> No.5506958

For some reason I feel like the food industry is the absolute worst in regards to worming their way into politics to achieve some agenda. I realize 99.9% of corporations do this but the food industry just stands out. US capitalism needs a huge overhaul

>> No.5506961
File: 4 KB, 100x100, 111_herb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food industry is worse than oil or cable?
gr8 b8 m8!

Food industry definitely has their own fucked agenda but the ramifications to our day-to-day life and future aren't nearly as damaging as tearing down net neutrality and persisting a crippling fossil fuel dependency.

>> No.5506973

>the ramifications to our day-to-day life and future aren't nearly as damaging as tearing down net neutrality and persisting a crippling fossil fuel dependency.
You say this as our obesity epidemic is turning into a healthcare crisis?

>> No.5506975


>They create an illegal black market instead. Black market is worse than the alternative.

This is drug addict logic. No, a black market makes things much harder for the average person to get a hold of, and we can arrest people who engage in the drugs. Notice how many more people smoke legal cigarettes than illegal methamphetamines.

>> No.5506976

>You say this as our obesity epidemic is turning into a healthcare crisis?
Awesome political rhetoric, goy

>> No.5506980

>prohibition worked, I tells you!

>> No.5506998

The politics are pretty simple: hungry people riot in the streets, fat people don't.

>> No.5507001

>health is less important than energy dependency

u wot m8?

>> No.5507003

You can still easily eat healthy by avoiding Kraft cheese and processed food. We can't currently avoid spewing out toxic greenhouse gases. One is definitely more important that the other.

>> No.5507008

I think if they banned all dairy in general a disturbingly large portion of /ck/ would be totally okay with that.

>> No.5507010

Considering that the only argument in favor of wood is "muh tradition" (with the implication that stagnant Europe knows best), I would ask what is supposed to be the problem here. Our beers have been consistently superior to Europe for a decade or more and our wines for longer. And being from Wisconsin I know a thing or two about cheese.

Fuck wood, fuck euros, and fuck people who can't accept innovation and modernity.

>> No.5507011

Well I think one reason people aren't doing meth and other harder drugs is because they realize how bad they are for you. I'm sure if they were legal somehow more people would try them, but a large majority would continue to stay away.

The problem comes when you have drugs like alcohol and tobacco legal but marijuana remains illegal. There's no defined boundary for what constitutes a drug's danger level and if it should be legal/illegal.

The government isn't our parents. The government was created by the people for the people and no one remembers that or they just don't care. Also a black market really doesn't make things that hard to get if you really want them and there are many many negatives associated with black markets.

>> No.5507012

cant you still make your own cheese?

>> No.5507013

>No, a black market makes things much harder for the average person to get a hold of

Lol, seriously? Marijuana has been highly illegal for decades. Schedule 1 drug--stricter penalties than cocaine, amphetamines, etc--yet it's the largest cash crop in the USA. These sorts of bans also create more hazardous alternatives. "synthetic cannabis" has resulted in many deaths and countless other serious health problems, but it never would have existed if the original were available, which has never killed anyone in all recorded history. Likewise during prohibition: when alcohol was banned people started making "moonshine" with all sorts of crap added to it because after all, there's no legal oversight for a black market. If you buy vodka at the liquor store you know what you're getting. When you buy it from billy bob down yonder how do you know he didn't spike it with paint thinner or methanol for that extra "kick"? And it doesn't stop the problem either. Thailand, for example, has incredibly strict penalties for dealing drugs, including liberal use of the death penalty. Yet it has a massive amphetamine problem.

>>we can arrest people who engage in the drugs

Why would you want to? Do you think the thousands of dollars that costs to arrest someone is a worthwhile expenditure? I don't know about you but I think it's pretty stupid to spend thousands of dollars to lock people up for smoking when we cannot even manage to pay our massive foreign debts.

Don't get me wrong. I think smoking is disgusting, not to mention the health problems is causes. But banning it--however good the intentions--will not solve anything, as history has shown us time and time again. Prohibition didn't stop drinking. "War on drugs" didn't stop people from getting high. What those things DID do, however, is cost us billions of dollars and make a lot of criminals very rich.

>> No.5507015

But that's not the only argument you fucking retard.

>> No.5507022

I hope this happens. I really hope it does. USA USA USA USA

>> No.5507024

It already happened. Go USA.

>> No.5507027

They are aged in humid conditions, and metal/plastic boards condense and get stagnant. Wood boards do not. A bloomy rind cheese on a plastic or metal board would be horrid.

>> No.5507044


>let's just let people destroy society with their degenerative vices

With that attitude, why make anything illegal? Murder is illegal but people still do it. Maybe we should just decriminalize it, right? Surely that would improve things.

>> No.5507053

>people harming themselves is the same as people harming others
Flawless logic there, buddy.

>> No.5507062

If you removed all laws there'd be no crime at all!

>> No.5507063

>I would ask what is supposed to be the problem here.
The problem is that this legislation pushes small manufacturers out of the business. They did the same thing with slaughterhouses - they made compliance with the rules so difficult that only the big players can be in the game. This won't have any effect on the shit tier stuff; you'll still be able to get green cans of garbage to put on your sketti.

But the little guys who make some of the best cheese in the country will be hurt by this. Places like Holland Family Cheese in Thorp, WI and Tonjes Farm Dairy in the Hudson Valley are the kind of businesses that could be hurt by this.

>> No.5507065


If you live in a society, you affect everyone else with everything you do.

>> No.5507069


>They did the same thing with slaughterhouses

Oh no, I guess I'll try to feel sorry for the people who made a career out of torturing and killing animals.

>> No.5507073

Maybe if you're a fucking Yankee. In KY we can get farmer's cheese from any Mennonite store.

>> No.5507075

lol What? If I want to get shit faced retarded drunk in the comfort of my own home who exactly am I harming, assuming I stay at home?

>> No.5507077

You are the stupidest person on 4chan. Congratulations.

>> No.5507078

If you exist, you affect the entire universe.

See? I can play this game too. Taking poor care of yourself is still a completely different thing from going out and murdering people.

>> No.5507082

>With that attitude, why make anything illegal?

It's a cost-benefit analysis. The cost of enforcing a ban on alcohol or smokes is massive. Yet we know from history that it doesn't work, to a very large degree. We also know the cost is very high. So why keep doing it when it's ineffective and the price is way out proportion to the supposed benefit.

Murder on the other hand is very rare. It's not the largest cash crop in the country. The cost-benefit ratio of keeping a murderer off the streets is a heck of a lot better than stopping grandpa from having his evening glass of whiskey.

>> No.5507086

You do realize that the people this makes things more difficult for is the small farmers who raise livestock in a far more humane way than the big guys.

>> No.5507095


>If you exist, you affect the entire universe.

Also true, which is why you should strive to not be a piece of shit and actually contribute positively to the world around you.

>Taking poor care of yourself is still a completely different thing from going out and murdering people.

If you don't take care of yourself, you're dragging society down, the same way someone on welfare does. You're just taking in resources and wasting them while giving nothing back.


>Murder on the other hand is very rare.

It's extremely common. What you're saying is that because criminals revolt immediately after you refuse to let them do bad things, we should instead give in and let them continue fucking the world up. Again, make murder legal then because serial killers are mad and continue to murder now that it's illegal. You're like that shitty parent who buckles and gives their kid ice cream and candy for dinner because they threw a fit.

>> No.5507099

>metal/plastic boards condense


>and get stagnant


>> No.5507102

>If you don't take care of yourself, you're dragging society down
I think that you drag society down by being a meddling shithead.

>> No.5507111

It's simpler to say that there's a fine balance between a degenerate society and a decent one, and everyone's worried about falling too far toward the former. So certain drugs can't be legal, even if other, similar drugs can be. It's not that the legal drugs are better, it's just that that's the balance that has been struck over time.

>> No.5507114

>It's extremely common

Not compared to smoking or drinking it's not, and that's what you seem to be implying.

>>What you're saying is that because criminals revolt immediately after you refuse to let them do bad things

Nope. I'm saying that when you tried enacting a ban and you find that a) it didn't work and b) it created a bunch of new problems worse than the original despite you sinking billions of dollars into it then you might rethink your strategy.

This isn't some philosophical question. It's empirical. We know the results. We've been there. We tried it. It doesn't work, so why keep doing it?

>>If you don't take care of yourself, you're dragging society down

So why not ban everything that's not productive? Sports should be illegal because all those people sitting on their asses at home (or in the stadium) watching the game and drinking beer aren't out there bettering themselves.

>> No.5507115

Man does not understand cheese production.

>> No.5507119

Okay so at this point I'm going to assume you're a touch slow, because that's nicer than thinking you're being deliberately dense, possibly trolling. I'll say it once more, though: Not helping others is very different from actively doing harm to them. You're not "dragging them down" to any measurable extent if you don't interact directly with them, any more than their hypothetical better lives will uplift your own.

You also seem to have trouble understanding the stance >>5507082 has on murder, but I'll leave that to him.

>> No.5507121

>>metal/plastic boards condense

The cheese is moist. The plastic or metal board cannot absorb this moisture, therefore it remains between the cheese and the board.

>>can be sanitized
Sure, you could do that between uses. Buy you cannot sanitize the board while a cheese is sitting on it. Do you even understand the cheesemaking process?

>> No.5507126
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FUCK THIS FUCKING FUCK FDA. It's all cronyism, nepotism, and unscrupulous business deals. FUCK.

>> No.5507131

So we're losing imported cheese... at least we gained italian cured meats? =\

>> No.5507144

>The plastic or metal board cannot absorb this moisture, therefore it remains between the cheese and the board

What is mesh? What are racks?

>> No.5507146

By God, we'll stop those dastardly cheese makers by any means necessary.


>> No.5507191
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How bad will this effect us? I'm completely pissed at the principal behind their decision but will any people but the most discerning cheese consumers even notice?

Somebody please post some examples of cheeses that we won't get anymore?

>> No.5507203

I love being Canadian

>> No.5507205

dick cheese ages on wood


>> No.5507232
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>Our beers have been consistently superior to Europe for a decade or more and our wines for longer.


>> No.5507233

that would make a soft cheese just sag and fall through?

>> No.5507234


Smaller holes, anon.

>> No.5507254


>> No.5507257


>Not compared to smoking or drinking it's not, and that's what you seem to be implying.

Because murder is illegal and smoking/drinking isn't. You just undid your own point.

>> No.5507263


Your reading comprehension sucks. Drinking refers to prohibition, which we discussed in the previous exchange of posts. Smoking refers to pot, which again was clearly mentioned in the same exchange of posts.

>> No.5507266

>>not compared to drinking
you are retarded, again, prohibition.

>> No.5507408


Seriously I'm too tired to reply coherently, but all you've said in this thread makes you the biggest fucking mongrel I've had the displeasure of reading today. You are one enormous, vain, ill-thinking piece of shit and you should never say anything ever again except for "sorry sir".

I can't fathom what a retard you are. Its almost impressive.

>> No.5507512

prohibition era cheeseshiners
who's with me?
has some weird cultural overlap, too
moon, made of cheese
can't just be coincidence

>> No.5507623


Sorry Europe. You might as well just stop making wine.

>> No.5507641

First wonderballs, now good cheese?!

>> No.5507664




people like you will be weeded out of existence in due time.

>> No.5507669

as a faggot who likes to suck dicks all day and get taken by strong men, I'm offended that you'd compare my sexual orientation to this miserable faggotry.

>> No.5507682
File: 101 KB, 750x500, Humble-Pie-(34)_Edited_Cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of the coming apocalypse I've decided to interrupt my cut and acquire cheese before all we have left is Kraft Singles.

I got Humble Pie from Vermont. This stuff is damm good. I'll probably do this a few more nights this week for dinner. The eating disorder can wait.

Eat the good stuff while you still can, my fellow Americans.

>> No.5507691

>implying this will stop people from eating the stuff that's banned
I could get unpasteurized milk easy as fuck if I wanted too, I'm sure I could get cheeses aged on wood.

>> No.5507699

>durrr I know a guy therefore ask cheeses are the same

Some people enjoy variety, but I'm sure you wouldn't understand that

>> No.5507703

confirmed for lacking kitchen experience or knowledge of foodsafe standards

>> No.5507734

>interrupting your cut
Enjoy being a landwhale brah. You should just stockpile all the goudas you can so that they last a while until your bulk

>> No.5507791

I hate being a landwhale. My waist has been 31" since my early 20s and it's humiliating, but with this cheese thing 30" is going to have to wait.

>> No.5507828


But prohibition was working extremely well up until The Great Depression, at which point they said "fuck it" out of desperation to stimulate the economy by allowing and taxing alcohol production. The drunk driving issue alone is enough to show you how bad it is to have alcohol legal and easily accessible. Go into areas where illegal drugs are commonly used, with meth heads and heroin and crack addicts, and tell me the world would be a better place if we made that the legal norm.

>> No.5507833


>> No.5507838

Sure, go ahead and ban the world's oldest beverage because you can't handle a few thousand easily preventable deaths a year. Pussy.

>> No.5507868


>muh tradition

How about we make human sacrifice, cannibalism, and slavery legal again?

>> No.5507898

Why not just acknowledge proper cheesemaking without resorting to hyperbole? That's generally how things have been done. What do we need extra bullshit for?

>> No.5507899

fuck yeah we should, the world would be a much more interesting and fun place.
>pretending you've never wanted to own slaves, eat human flesh, or drive a sacrificial dagger into the throat of a POW

>> No.5507921

>this is why non-plastic cheeses are now banned

>> No.5507938

fucking new england is chedder country rebel scum

>> No.5507950
File: 35 KB, 608x380, fo-ode-to-american-cheese-608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still legal
>Still called cheese

>> No.5507951

>trying this hard

>> No.5507958

Thanks man!
I wasn't even trying; i'm glad my effort showed.

I used to eat American cheese like crazy when i was a kid, it all comes from experience.

>> No.5507965

>you're dragging society down, the same way someone on welfare does. You're just taking in resources and wasting them while giving nothing back.
Oh, you mean the same way those bankers that we bail out as a reward for being thieves do? Funny, I don't see you crusading to have them held accountable. No, you'd rather be a white-knighting faggot imposing his sanctimonious and archaic dogmas on everyone else's lives. Who the fuck made you king of feels, anyway? Guess what, we don't don't give a shit about your bullshit hypocritical morals and values anymore. And murder is legal, your tax dollars are paying for it every fucking day.

back to >>>/pol/

>> No.5507972
File: 76 KB, 292x378, Horowitzmosesphoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


moe, larry, the cheese! moe, larry, the cheese!

Seriously, finally I don't have to take any chances as to what kinda cheese is on my pizza. Cause it's all gonna be shit.

>> No.5507983

Fuck me. Really?

Does anyone know exactly what kinds of cheese will be banned? I don't know what kinds of cheeses are aged this way but I'm damn sure most of the ones I eat are.

>> No.5507988


the cheese made from real dairy.

You would think there would be a strong enough lobbyist group to combat this but I guess you can't fight city hall.

>> No.5507991


>> No.5507993

Wait, hold on.

You can't be serious not ALL cheese is aged with wooden presses right?

>> No.5508009


>> No.5508019



>> No.5508021

If aged cheese wasn't a food consumed largely by the upper classes do you think its be so quickly dropped?

Not a /pol/tard just asking outloud

>> No.5508025

That is to say regularly by the upper middle class and above?

>> No.5508107

please my waist is 32" and I'm 5'10 and pretty slim. you're probably delusional

>> No.5508157

aboslutely ridiculous. at the very most just make them put a special label on it. Its probably better off on the wood anyway considering it has natural antimicrobial properties, much more so than what the recommend it being but on.


>> No.5508167

Man are you completely unaware how deep the corn lobby runs?
Corn is no joke. Hell they put corn in the gas just to double whammy everyone.

>> No.5508170
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I concur, just like this enterprising individual.

>> No.5508175

>not getting your truffles, seafoods and knives out of a astrovan backed up to the backdoor in the kitchen

>> No.5508227

How convenient, something you deem as degenerative and immoral is valid but what others may is a straw man. I guess any comparison you don't agree with is logical fallacy. Why don't you go study that sticky some more, though. Then try coming back when you have some original insight.

>> No.5508232


It's a strawman because you're inventing an unimplied, random argument to attribute to the guy so that you'll have something to argue against to take the heat off of what you're in favor of.

>> No.5508233


>Funny, I don't see you crusading to have them held accountable

How would you possibly know if he does?

>> No.5508273 [DELETED] 

If anyone is creating straw men, he is.
>This is drug addict logic
>because only drug addicts are for drug policy reform

>Notice how many more people smoke legal cigarettes than illegal methamphetamines
What the fuck kind of implication is that, anyway?
>hurr I wish I had some meth to smoke, too bad it's illegal. Guess this marlboro will have to do
You can take a guess on why more people smoke cigarettes than meth but I can show you which one kills more people.

So he's of the opinion that marijuana is a
>degenerative vice
and legalizing it will
>destroy society
and that prohibition is effective although, as other posters have pointed out, this has empirically been proven to be untrue. But he is free to have that opinion, even go straightedge, if he wish. Just as I am free to believe that wallstreet is destructive and immoral, and that people like him are the pieces of shit who actually contribute negatively to the world around them. These are called perspectives, and pointing out and comparing the two is not a logical fallacy. The same way, for example, if I compare how eating McDonalds is
>not taking care of yourself and dragging society down
perhaps we should criminalize that, as well.

I don't, but it's an assumption I'm willing to make.

>> No.5508278

Wrong. If anyone is creating straw men, he is.
>This is drug addict logic
>because only drug addicts are for drug policy reform

>Notice how many more people smoke legal cigarettes than illegal methamphetamines
What the fuck kind of implication is that, anyway?
>hurr I wish I had some meth to smoke, too bad it's illegal. Guess this marlboro will have to do
You can take a guess on why more people smoke cigarettes than meth but I can show you which one kills more people.

So he's of the opinion that marijuana is a
>degenerative vice
and legalizing it will
>destroy society
and that prohibition is effective although, as other posters have pointed out, this has empirically been proven to be untrue. But he is free to have that opinion, even go straightedge, if he wish. Just as I am free to believe that wallstreet is destructive and immoral, and that people like him are the pieces of shit who actually contribute negatively to the world around them. These are called perspectives, and pointing out and comparing the two is not a logical fallacy. The same way, for example, if I compare how eating McDonalds is
>not taking care of yourself and dragging society down
perhaps we should criminalize that, as well.

I don't, but it's an assumption I'm willing to make.

>> No.5508287

it's a Krafty Conspiracy

>> No.5508316

But making prescription drugs the legal norm is completely harmless, right? And last time I checked, stimulating the economy was a good thing. The only reason drunk driving wasn't an issue during prohibition era is that the few cars on the road went all of 40 mph. Ironically, the outlawing of alcohol is one of the things that actually led to cars going much faster.

>> No.5508390

Probably Kraft or one of the other big industrial cheesemakers lobbied for it to eliminate the competition.

But at least it's one less source of possible GMO contamination (in case they ever got a shelf made from GMO poplar wood).

>> No.5508392

Yo dawg, it looks like they are backing down:
The FDA is backing away from a policy statement that declared cheese makers would no longer be able to age their cheese on wooden boards. The statement caused outrage in the artisan cheese community and consumers quickly came to the aid of the industry signing onto a petition and expressing their outrage through social media. The American Cheese Society released a position statement, and it was clear that the industry was prepared to fight back if the FDA did not change its position.


Note however: as the article goes on to point out, the FDA DID issue such a policy, even though they then claimed it wasn't really a "policy", and they plan now to "study" it. Sort of like Obamacare -- pass the bill without reading it, ram it down the public's throats despite serious opposition, then "delay implementation" because they realize it will fucking ruin the reelection chances of the Dems in Congress.

>> No.5508424

>there are people that actually think like this
>these people vote and breed
We should have never let women vote, it was all downhill from there it seems.

There it is. This is why the average American thinks the "war on drugs" is a good thing.
>drugs are bad, goy! You dont want your kids on drugs, do you? Keep pumping billions of Dollars into the machine to stop it!
>meanwhile, the CIA allows trucks full of cocaine into the country

>next on Mr. Bones Wild Ride, we get semi automatic weapons banned
You dont want kids to kill each other do you, goy? Guns are dangerous! Only backwoods retards have guns, goy. You...don't have a small penis, do you??

Yeah man banning materials always works out great. Lets ban unhealthy food, tobacco, and force the auto industry to install governers in cars so they cant go over 40mph. That would be safer and would totally work fine.

>inb4 someone with no car, guns, or soul says thats actually a good idea.
We /pol/ now.

>> No.5508449

So. We replace the wooden shelves with plastic shelves? Metal shelves? Im missing the stink here.

>> No.5508453


tl;dr wood aged cheeses get their special flavor from bacteria, bacteria not all bad, bacteria particular to woods used, no more wood no more special flavor, plastic no work for some kinds of cheese due to no porous, no more bloomy rind cheeses as we know it unless wood, consumers no benefit from this, only one benefit is kraft cheese that no use wood

>> No.5508478

Still dont understand why they are hating on wood. Last i checked there havent been any cases of cheese born deaths

>> No.5508494


The FDA person who did this formerly worked for one of the largest cheese manufacturers in the US, one of those types that only uses plastic because they're making jailhouse and school lunch tier cheese.

Also read the thread

>> No.5508497

I hope they ban yogurt tomorrow for having bacteria in it.

>> No.5508594

America is hilariously corrupt. It's mindboggling how this not only happens but is public knowledge.

>> No.5508659

I'm reading some articles about this and what I find most telling about this whole thing is that in the USA cheese that is not mass produced factory shit is called "Artisan cheese" as if it were something fancy and snobby.

It's the opposite here in Europe, what you call "Artisan cheese" is considered normal cheese here and what you consider normal cheese is going to be qualified as factory produced garbage that shouldn't have the right to call itself cheese.

I don't understand why you call local breweries "micro" either, that just sounds so disparaging.

>> No.5508680

You forgot to complain about tipping and not using the metric system.

>> No.5508683

/pol/ is right again. just the jews continuing their scheme to get all of america buying from a few huge corporations. they already did it with media and banking. Now they are going to take over the food supply.

>> No.5508705

>in the USA cheese that is not mass produced factory shit is called "Artisan cheese" as if it were something fancy and snobby.
This is generally true of food in the US. We have some of the best food in the world, but most people neither eat it, nor know about it. They just buy whatever crap is for sale at the supermarket, and round things out with fast food or shit tier restaurants that use foodservice companies as their purveyors.

Another interesting fact: In the US all produce that's not corn or soy is called "specialty produce", and specialty produce accounts for less than 20% of agricultural output. Think about that.

>> No.5508741

>Now they are going to take over the food supply.
Newsflash: that happened a few decades ago, regardless of who's to blame.

This legislation amounts to an attempt to pull up some profitable weeds that had the gall to grow on what has been socialized and heavily regulated turf for a long time. Dairy in the US is a fucking cartel business.

>> No.5508773

Americans, what happened to your freedoms, capitalism and free market? I don't understand. It's just like your country doesn't work anymore: you pay taxes but have no free medicine, you are not allowed to eat chocolate eggs in your land of liberty, and now, you are not allowed to buy traditionally-made cheese. It is just so wrong.

>> No.5508779

>Here are some reasons you might want to order one of these pretty great posters:
>To hang up near your computer for when you are arguing with people on the internets.

The perfect gift for your favorite fedora.

>> No.5508783

>Wooden shelves or boards cannot be adequately cleaned and sanitized. The porous structure of wood enables it to absorb and retain bacteria, therefore bacteria generally colonize not only the surface but also the inside layers of wood. The shelves or boards used for aging make direct contact with finished products; hence they could be a potential source of pathogenic microorganisms in the finished products.

Ha ha ha, the FDA is literally staffed by /ck/ shitposters. I remember this asshole shilling his plastic boards here years ago.

>> No.5508784

Muh gunz happened
That and banning birth control and abortion are literally the only things anyone cares about

>> No.5508787

Dairy farmers have for a long time been living high off the government hog. Now this. Well, you reap what you sow.

>> No.5508793

>this one time in 1976....
Yeah. We sure showed the French once...almost 40 years ago.

>> No.5508801


yes because the anon you quoted is clearly a women

women's suffrage is TOTALLY RELATED to this discussion

mommy-issue retard

>> No.5508833

The cronyism is fucking palpable.

>> No.5508862
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so this whole argument is mute because the fda backed down.

>> No.5508883

>Americans, what happened to your freedoms, capitalism and free market? I don't understand.
Letting our capitalism run free led to cronyism, with the moneyed interests shaping the legislation. This is what happens when government and industry are the same fucking people.

>> No.5508937

>While this is clearly a victory for the cheese industry, nothing is stopping the FDA from promulgating new regulations, so cheese makers will need to stay pay attention to what the FDA does next. FDA spokesperson Lauren Sucher signaled as much when she stated the agency would “engage with the artisanal cheese-making community to determine whether certain types of cheeses can safely be made by aging them on wooden shelving.” That sounds like the FDA is planning to make some new regulation

Evil never sleeps.

>> No.5508938

People always say "muh free market", but they actually mean "muh crony capitalism", never knowing the difference. I'm glad you know the difference

>> No.5509024


>You can take a guess on why more people smoke cigarettes than meth but I can show you which one kills more people.

... cigarettes.

>and that prohibition is effective although, as other posters have pointed out, this has empirically been proven to be untrue

It hasn't though, prohibition was massively successful until The Great Depression, when it had to be ended for the sake of stimulating the economy.

>> No.5509068

it's never over because there are still cheese import/production restrictions already in place.

>> No.5509080
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>European law dictates that only those cheeses aged in the natural Combalou caves of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon may bear the name Roquefort, as it is a recognised geographical indication, or has a protected designation of origin.

Look at all them bacteria infested wooden cheese racks

>> No.5509089

Yeah, but now they are trying to find a way around it to do the same thing.

>> No.5509092

Has anyone told the FDA that cheese is made from microbes in the first place?

>> No.5509093

Warsteiner is absolutely disgusting.

>> No.5509131

Reminder: /pol/ is always right.

>> No.5509134

My cousin was killed by a rogue brie.

>> No.5509140

>all produce that's not corn or soy is called "specialty produce", and specialty produce accounts for less than 20% of agricultural output.
You understand why, don't you? Wait, i guess you don't. it's because the left-wing fruitcakes insisted that we use "alternative fuels" like ETHANOL and BIODIESEL, which are economically inefficient, so the government then SUBSIDIZED THE EVERLOVING FUCK out of growing corn and soybeans, so the megacorporations all started planting that shit like crazy.

You want to stop massive wastage, just end the "alternative fuels" scam.

>> No.5509142

Except for the several repeat tests over the course of 30 years, and general proliferation of double-blind testing and rigor in food standards across the board. Wine is a marketer's business. You think French wines taste better because that's the impression you were given from its legacy and prestige.

>> No.5509145

>that happened a few decades ago, regardless of who's to blame.
No, no, we know exactly who to blame: Franklin D. Roosevelt and his socialist agricultural products during the Depression.

The Supreme Court caved to him in Wickard v. Filburn, and it was all over from there.

>> No.5509146

You forgot gay marriage, you homophobic fuck.

>> No.5509147

Actually we've been saying it was not efficient for years and that is was taking food out of people's mouths.

>> No.5509148

obviously it's for their elite anti-chupacabra unit
bad shit happens out there man

>> No.5509149

>prohibition was massively successful
No, just no.

Prohibition ended because everyone was still drinking, gangsters were running around killing people, and we finally told the do-gooders to fuck off and die.

We're starting to do the same with marijuana now. I'm sure the government will find something else to fuck with, maybe the whole NSA/internet thing to crack down on free speech because it can be hateful. Or maybe they'll devote their careers to ruining healthcare.

>> No.5509152

So then why didn't you link to those tests instead of one single test from 1976? You fucking dip shit. I don't care which is better, you're just retarded.

>> No.5509154

The repeat tests are in the wiki article retard.

>> No.5509155

>we've been saying it was not efficient for years
Which "we"? The environmentalist lobby that forced it into place to begin with? Or the bigoted homophobic racist environment-hating Republitards who just want corporate interests to own the world?

'cause from where I sit, the Dems and environmentalists are the ones who rammed corn-ethanol down everyone's gas tanks, and forced us to subsidize it because it couldn't be profitable otherwise.

>> No.5509159

Oh man. Three other taste tastings. The most recent from the 80s. ITS DEFINITIVE.

>> No.5509161


Your view of history is warped and inaccurate, and serves only to delude yourself into thinking harmful drugs should be legal.

>> No.5509176

>People always say "muh free market", but they actually mean "muh crony capitalism", never knowing the difference.
There's a massive Jedi mind trick being put across here. The FDA's actions will be cast as government meddling in business, instead of big business dictating government policy. Because the heads of those regulatory agencies are former executives. Of course this only works in industries the government subsidizes: agriculture, healthcare and the wehrmacht. In industries like energy and banking a different strategy is used - big business runs "small government" candidates, who seek to deregulate their industries under the guise of more freedom.

Corporate interests will be served first. What will we be served? Stuffed crust fucking pizza. Eat up more shit quality cheese, America!

>> No.5509541 [DELETED] 
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>harmful drugs should be legal
But they already are, faggot.
>In 2010, of the 38,329 drug overdose deaths in the United States, 22,134 (60%) were related to pharmaceuticals

Your view of the present is warped and innacurate.

>> No.5509560

>harmful drugs should be legal
But they already are, faggot.
>In 2010, of the 38,329 drug overdose deaths in the United States, 22,134 (60%) were related to pharmaceuticals

Your view of the present is warped and inaccurate.

>> No.5509567

Your views are also skewed, but you are correct. Most doctors currently exist to push dangerous prescriptions, many of which should have never been approved in the first place.

Treating symptoms with chemical interactions does not fix the problem or remove the cause.

>> No.5509568




count me in man

>> No.5509575


Nobody has conducted a double-blind study on something recently, so even though the last times there were verifiable, replicable results, it must be invalid now because we're not wasting resources constantly testing everything all the time. Because that's the only way to gain general understanding, working from the ground up every single time for the rest of human civilization. Nope, definitely not beating a dead horse there, no sirree.

>> No.5509578

Likewise. The ban of alcohol, firearms, or cheese would surely drive me to spitefully produce underground.

Likely at great profit hehe.

>> No.5509607

FDA is backing down at the moment


>> No.5509608

>Your views
These aren't my views, you peevish faggot, they are facts. If you're going to try and have a debate or discussion, try not coming off as a full-on sperger.

>> No.5509617

Next they'll ban the sale of beef that is anything under well done.

>> No.5509658

black market cheese?

>> No.5509673
File: 49 KB, 620x350, hot_dog_pizza_crust_pizza_hut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Cheese: Now with even more plastic!

>> No.5509707

but that pizza isnt even available in america

>> No.5509821

Aren't most pharmaceutical overdoses from over the counter stuff like acetaminophen?

>> No.5509831

ban assault cheese

>> No.5509922


Not everything is about you, whiny gunfags.

>> No.5509928

But it is. President Blackenstein is trying to take away all their guns, and all their freedoms.

>> No.5509939

youre the asshole bringing up guns

also, let that motherfucker try

>> No.5509957

I'm actually mad.

>> No.5509960

who the fuck has the time to do that?

>> No.5509973
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pic related

>> No.5509985

>not eating cheeseshiner gold in the back of a dingy speakcheesy

>> No.5510000

it really doesnt take that long to make

>> No.5510003
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>> No.5510007

I stole that from a reddit comment don't make me feel guilty about it.

>> No.5510020

4chan is OVER

>> No.5510030
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>> No.5510074

but it's made by an american company

>> No.5510102

>not realizing they are both puppets whose strings are being pulled by the same people with similar interests

>> No.5510126

The US is not capitalist anymore. Fascist is the word you're looking for.

>> No.5510141

It's a completely new kind of -ist. Corporate Oligarchy(ist)?

>> No.5510142

I'd rather have Nazi fucking Germany meddling with my cheeses than the US Govt. to be honest

>> No.5510184

On one hand I see this as another case of the USDA and all their former big food employees destroying competition by passing more restrictions. But the bigger picture I see is that the government knows how important bacteria is, and is starting to clamp down on what bacteria the American public are ingesting.

If big food could find a way to deprive us of healthy bacteria, then shovel our gullets full of poison and sell those healthy bacteria right back to us, then I'm sure they would. The great culling is finally upon us.

>> No.5510193
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>US capitalism needs a huge overhaul

>> No.5510195

If you're a fucking Yankee you go to the fromagerie in Beekman.

>> No.5510791
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>> No.5510880

if by "our beers" he means American craft beer, then i'm with him.

if he means overall, though, then probably Belgium would win.

>> No.5511086

Even your hoppy craft beers are shit. Granted they are better than the sparkling water with a dash of piss you call Bud or Miller, but they still aren't all that.

>> No.5511154

I told you about voting Democrat. I told you, man.

>> No.5511165


God forbid somebody tells them about Yoghurt.

>> No.5511179
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I voted Democrat... once.

>> No.5511340

>Granted they are better than the sparkling water with a dash of piss you call Bud or Miller

No, they are worse. Budweiser and Miller require technology and expertise to brew; overhopped DIPA just requires bleach, a big ass jug, a beer kit from the internet, and too much spare time.

Also Bud and Miller are internetional brands so I'm not sure what "you call" is supposed to mean. Do you call them something else?

>> No.5511347

>cheap as possible rice-filler-beers aren't any worse than something made with a noticeable amount of real mash and hops because mah machinery
Yeah, sure.

>> No.5511349


There is nothing fundamentally wrong with rice. Given a choice between a half-assed DIPA made by someone who doesn't know what he's doing (99% of them), and a refreshing crisp adjunct lager, I'll take the latter in a heartbeat.

Expensive ingredients aren't the magic cheat code to a good end product.

>> No.5511351

You sound so fucking unfun to be around. Do you get ditched at parties a lot? What do you consider a good beer?

This is currently one of my favorites and its American. All my favorites are either brewed locally here in Texas or not so far away. Why the fuck would I want to drink imported beer? What could I possibly drink that has one thing over a domestic beer? Anything that you could name we probably have something just like it here except it didnt take a long hot skunky boat ride over here.

>> No.5511353


I wanted to agree with you but

>I'm from Texas
>linking to beer advocate

No, I'm going to side with the annoying tryhard. Sorry Tex, your previous behavior has discredited you, that and the fact that your state produces Shiner Bock and Blue Bell. Fuck Texas.

>> No.5511361

>Expensive ingredients aren't the magic cheat code to a good end product.
Cheap ingredients are frequently the death of a product though.

Just admit that the biggest producers of rice-cut lagers are doing it to keep the cost as low as possible for the druggies.

>> No.5511362

>are doing it to keep the cost as low

No shit sherlock.

>for the druggies

What do drugs have to do with any of this? Are you 12?

Just admit that you buy expensive stuff at the grocery store and then fuck it up because you never learned the fundamentals of cooking.

>> No.5511363

I dont understand what youre so upset about, elitist faggot. I just google searched Blood and Honey and that was the first link I saw. Im not even going to ask why youre getting flustered about some website.
What "previous" behavior are you refering to? Also, Shiner Bock isnt bad.
>not Texas waaa!
>Ive never left the country or even my home state, so Ill say fuck Texas waa!

Even if you have, thats what you sound like.

>> No.5511364


Oh wait I think I get it. You mean to imply that people who drink cheap adjunct lager are "druggies" as if to imply that people who drink more expensive beer drink it exclusively for the taste.

If you buy cheap stuff to get drunk and expensive stuff "for the taste" you are poor and have no business drinking at all.

>> No.5511367
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>> No.5511368


I've been to every state except Alaska and Maine, and I've been to more countries than you could ever dream, you dumb, ignorant, gun loving sister fucking textbook corrupting Texan. Why can people from every other state manage to make a sentence without mentioning what state they're in, except Texas?

But to bring this back to food, Shiner Bock isn't *bad* by the standards of cheap mass produced beer, but then, no one claims any other cheap mass produced beer is the best thing ever, except Texans with regard to Shiner Bock.

>> No.5511413

omie, Im 5'10 and my waist is slightly below 28"

>> No.5511576

>Why can people from every other state manage to make a sentence without mentioning what state they're in, except Texas?
Except of course for New York shitstains, who can't stop posting about their crappy pizza.

>> No.5511611

No, that's what city they're from, and in their case it's justified since NY is literally the capital of the world.

>> No.5511615


And Chicago and their deep-dish pizza.
Oh, and wisconsin cheeseheads
Then there's the Cajun crowd.
Oh, don't forget California.

>>no one claims any other cheap mass produced beer is the best thing ever, except Texans with regard to Shiner Bock.

When I was in Detroit a couple weeks go there was an awful lot of that shit with their "great lakes brewing co" or someshite. Another group of people were going all nutty about yuengling.

>> No.5511625

Texas is such a contradiction. They act like they love "freedom" so much but as a state Texas has a lot of restrictions. Alcohol restrictions, strict marijuana laws, very few abortion clinics. Texas has dry counties, what's the point of that in 2014? Separation of church and state right?

>> No.5511706

does the FDA not know that cheese is a bacteria colony?

>> No.5511751

Great Lakes is a well respected brewery in Ohio. Yuengling and Leinenkugels are examples of local but not good. Shiner falls into the latter category as well.

>> No.5511753
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>Banning things because you don't like them

>> No.5511760

Who cares its still rotten stinking cheese.

>> No.5511825

>very few abortion clinics
Oh my, how terrible if you might have to drive a few miles to murder your unborn child. What an inconvenience upon an inconvenience.

>> No.5511832

Racist pig