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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 206 KB, 1600x1066, choco coconut milk ice cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5471268 No.5471268[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of buying an ice cream maker and making my own ice cream. I'm new to the whole process and am planning to use coconut milk, stevia, vanilla extract, and egg yolks.

Does anyone know if that recipe's alright or have any tips to share?

>> No.5471275
File: 490 KB, 449x401, laughingwhores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol fatty misses his ice cream? are the weight watchers portions not enough for you?

>> No.5471280

Fat kid making fun of someone for trying to eat a little bit healthier.

>> No.5471310

>implying the egg yolks aren't way more caloric than using sugar would be anyway

>> No.5471316

nah dude, sugars pretty caloric, moreso than egg yolks, which contains approximately 50 calories

But I definitely think OP should use actual sugar over stevia, I find that stevia's usually a bit too sweet for me

Also, heavy cream is necessary, otherwise the ice creams going to be really grainy with ice

>> No.5471343


>nah dude, sugars pretty caloric, moreso than egg yolks, which contains approximately 50 calories


>> No.5471346

If we're talking gram-for-gram, egg yolks and sugar are actually just about the same.

>> No.5471357

>But I definitely think OP should use actual sugar over stevia
I'm trying to make an ice cream low on sugar and carbs.

>Also, heavy cream is necessary, otherwise the ice creams going to be really grainy with ice
That's why I'm using the egg yolks to maintain a creamy consistency less prone to icing up. This whole business is new to me though so any help's appreciated.

>> No.5471366

>This whole business is new to me
Then stop fucking around with the recipe and get it right the first time. Give it to your family or coworkers if it's too rich.

Don't swap ingredients until you know what you're doing

>> No.5471371

Maybe OP want's his calories to not be empty? Egg yolks are a nutritious calorie, sugar has more health hazards than benefits.

>> No.5471373

this this this

Always make the original recipe before you adapt it and call it your own

>> No.5471375

>doesn't even know the delicious alien sweetness of stevia

>> No.5471378


nigga stop being dumb, ice cream is a dessert you don't get a low carb dessert it just doesn't happen.

you can make a fairly lean ice cream if you want but sugar's fairly important if you do that. try xanthan gum.

>> No.5471379

hey OP this is a really interesting thing I do.

>some bananas
>some organic soymilk
>little tiny splash of balsamic and apple cider vinegars
>poof of cinnamon
>blend like crazy until really liquidy smoothie
>pour into ziplock back
>seal it
>put sealed ziplock into another ziplock
>seal it
>freezer for a day or two (LET it freezer burn for more ice crystals)
>thaw just enough to eat with spoon

best banana icecream EVER

>> No.5471380
File: 367 KB, 500x380, 3doge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little vanilla extract too, my bad, forgot.

also BAG* ahhaha not back? I am so confused.

>> No.5471381
File: 117 KB, 590x400, coconut-ice-cream-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is why I'm wondering if anyone's made any with a recipe similar to what I've listed. That's partially why I created this thread. If you'd rather not have a discussion on the topic, why post?

>> No.5471384

just google it and see for yourself

>> No.5471389

>just google it and see for yourself
/ck/ in a nutshell.

>> No.5471391


Right, instead of all of the shitposting I'll venture some useful information:

Firstly. Get an ice-cream maker with a built in compressor. The bowl-in-freezer ones leave you with a sludge that's frankly too warm. If you want it smooth you need to churn to a lower temperature.

Secondly. Your recipe has no proportions. I don't know how stevia behaves compared to sugar - does it dissolve nicely, can you incorporate it into egg yolks? I suggest you make a simple custard with it and see if it turns out fine - if it does there shouldn't be any issue.

I suggest you use vanilla pods instead of extract - it's advisable to infuse the milk with the pod shells, and mix the beans (and sugar) into the egg yolks.

Why are you using coconut milk instead of normal milk? Milk quality greatly effects the outcome of ice cream, and you want a fatty and fresh milk.

Secondly you need cream - usually you make a custard of milk, egg yolks, sugar and flavour elements, and then once that has been cooked add cream. It is possible to make milk-only icecreams, but they have a rigid texture and rapidly dissipate on the tongue.

For a basic recipe. I haven't specifically used it, but it's similar to my own recipes and the process is correct.

I, personally, would use less sugar, put 40% in the milk and 60% in the eggs, beat the eggs until they have a firm 'ribbon' texture - ie. the yolks retain their shape for several seconds, and use a probe to make sure the custard gets up to 83.

>> No.5471400

Not really helping, but in the same boat. Have done plenty of ice cream in the past, would like to get into it again, but the lactose intolerance makes full dairy ice cream too intense for a weekday.
I was wondering about using almond milk and clarified butter, whipped to shit with a gelatin emulsifier, might create a tolerable balance of richness and creaminess, without sacrificing delicious animal fats?

Intolerance or not, I'm gonna get my milkshake fix, even if I have to plan it around a long weekend.

>> No.5471408

>Why are you using coconut milk instead of normal milk? Milk quality greatly effects the outcome of ice cream, and you want a fatty and fresh milk.
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001HTJ2BQ?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creativeASIN=B001HTJ2BQ&linkCode=xm2&tag=dtx04-20 Was planning on using this or the Thai Kitchen brand which both seem pretty fatty. Trying to cut back on the dairy hence the lack of cream.

>then once that has been cooked add cream
Is it recommended to cook the custard first? Should I then freeze it for a few hours before churning it? What effects do both of these steps have on the end-product? Thanks for the feedback.

>> No.5471409


The shit is this? Does your anus froth and steam your shit when you defecate?

I mean, it all sounds good and all, but you're like the first coach in a down and out, rag tag team player movie. You're the douche that gets ousted by the younger, cooler, more salt of the earth coach.
It's not me. But I'm watching the thread now.

>> No.5471416

Just blend bananas with cocao powder, add in some walnuts and chopped strawberries, and freeze it

Healthy, creamy banana ice cream

>> No.5471418

>Is it recommended to cook the custard first?
I'm pretty sure that's how custard is made, yes

>> No.5471420

>one of the fruits highest in sugar
Banana Ice Cream Man, pls go.

>> No.5471421


try lecithin

>> No.5471423


What's wrong with unrefined sugar in a natural form?

>> No.5471427

If you're on a low carb diet, why not just use normal heavy cream instead of coconut milk? It'd then just be a normal ice cream recipe minus the sugar.

This is assuming you're on a low carb high fat diet, doing low carb and low fat is just plain retarded.

>> No.5471430


>This is assuming you're on a low carb high fat diet, doing low carb and low fat is just plain retarded.

Doing low carb at all is plain retarded.

>> No.5471432

I honestly have no idea. Never tried to use coconut milk.

Yes, you need to cook the custard. At 65°C the yolks begin to coagulate, at 85°C you get scrambled eggs. Temperature and time effect the end consistency and it's pretty analogue - you can overthicken, you can underthicken. In general I always find that the custard seems a tad thin.

Bring it up to around 83°C over 4-5 minutes and you should have something that's okay.

Generally it's best to add the cream after the custard has cooked. Adding it beforehand causes further thickening; what you really want to do is churn the cream as is whilst cooling it - either you add the cream right before churning, or directly after cooking the custard (off the heat), makes no difference.

Cool the custard to fridge temperature before churning, it makes life easier. Do not freeze it before churning though.

It's a rigid beginners guide to how not to fuck up icecream. Fucking up icecream is really easy early on.

Banana-cinnamon icecream is pretty nice actually. Although I wouldn't call blending fruits icrecream, might make a nice drink though.

>> No.5471435

Trying to cut back on sugar as a whole, hence the stevia substitute.

Also not interested in the frozen banana dessert that's been paraded on the board the past week as a suitable ice cream replacement. Although I do enjoy the flavor, they don't taste alike at all.

>> No.5471436

Oh Fuck! I'm stupid. I have a big sack of xanthan gum and was trying to figure how to use that unruly shit. Haven't had lecithin in years.
Great idea. Thanks!

>> No.5471440
File: 15 KB, 400x266, banana-ice-cream[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> I wouldn't call blending fruits icrecream, might make a nice drink though.

No, it's not a smoothie, you freeze the bananas afterwards, and due to the chemical make-up of a banana it comes out very creamy and similar to ice cream. It's very popular among raw foodists especially

>> No.5471443


Why you cutting back on sugar? Refined sugar sure, but what harm could fruit possibly cause?

>> No.5471444

It doesn't involve cream. It's not ice-cream.

It's a frozen smoothie.

>> No.5471445

I disagree on the fucking up ice cream thing. Was the first thing they taught me in kindergarten, second was making my own butter. Damn I miss kindergarten.

Ice cream is like pizza, and sex. There is some pretty bad ice cream, sex, and pizza, but it's all still pretty good ice cream, sex, and pizza.

>> No.5471446

Anti-candida diet, so choices are lacking atm.

>> No.5471448

Also true.

>> No.5471450

I suppose if you're competent and making custard it's fine. Generally when I've tried to teach friends they get impatient and scramble it. That and not whipping their eggs - they have some grainy thin gloop.

>> No.5471452
File: 27 KB, 325x324, shittilydrawnsadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if you have insulin resistance.

>> No.5471454


It's even stupider if you have insulin resistance. You need to eat more carbohydrates to promote insulin sensitivity, going on a low carb diet just ignores the underlying problem while fucking your health up in other ways due to all the fat you have to eat in its place.

>> No.5471457

Dumb it down for them then. Use a no cook method. Cooked methods usually are best when left to chill for 24 hours. Impatient people absolutely shine with an ice milk recipe, with a heavy cream substituted for the milk.

But I also come from a country without the whole raw egg paranoia.

Iced cream, can be just that. Iced cream.

KISS for the impatient. But still, keep it good. IF they wanna learn more, they will.

Gods know I'm trying to. I miss cheesecakes and maple walnut milkshakes.

>> No.5471461

>you need to eat more carbohydrates
>implying fat is bad for you
>implying eating shit loads of needless breads and sugars is better than wholesome meats and natural fats

I'll take my low carb diet that's dropped my insulin levels within a month over the high carb low fat shit I was on for half a year that did diddly squat. Ty based anon doctor with more authority than an endocrinologist apparently. :^)

>> No.5471465

Good point actually. I rarely make that myself as, for a reason unknown to me, milk causes issues if not boiled (and only milk, not cream, not butter, incidentally not completely fresh milk, worst with skimmed).

>> No.5471472


"Carbohydrate" doesn't exclusively mean cookies and wonderbread. Whole grains, legumes, and even sugary fruit are in no way connected to diabetes, and are known for decreasing risk of its development. Fat is a major contributor to diabetes risk, which is why asia, infamous for their consumption of refined white rice, is only now seeing an diabetes epidemic with the increase of cooking oils and fatty meats in their daily diets.

>the high carb low fat shit I was on for half a year that did diddly squat

Your likely fake anecdote doesn't overrule cold hard science


>my low carb diet that's dropped my insulin levels

Great, you lowered your insulin levels while crippling your arteries. Enjoy losing 20 years off your lifespan


>> No.5471480

Odd to say the least. As a genetic inferior, my guts hate all kinds, so I go for the heaviest most intense dairy if I'm gonna do it. A shot of skimmed hurts as bad as a shot of heavy.

Go hard or go home, and keep the pepto, and triple ply at the ready.

>> No.5471482

Certain dairies just cause me to vomit. Couldn't drink breast milk for example. However I could drink the powder stuff.

>> No.5471488

The 80's called they want their science back.

>> No.5471494


Those are recent studies. Even putting them aside, what's this "that's old data" bullshit I always read from paleo type dieters? Every health organization in the world still says greasy diets are bad and fiber-rich carbohydrate diets are good because that's what virtually all relevant, well-designed research leads to. The people who argue against that fact just sound like young earth creationists, making up their own version of the truth that nobody agrees with.