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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5465906 No.5465906[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How often do you poop?

>> No.5465918
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Loke erry day nigga cause that's how I rolls

>> No.5465923

two to three times a day

>> No.5465928
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> how your teeth got exponents
haha funny nigga

>> No.5465931
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Once a week.

>> No.5465934

1-2 times a week

>> No.5465935

2-3 times on a normal day, first one is almost always 10-15 minutes after I wake up

less if I'm traveling or busy/around people all day

I don't really get those people who shit like once a week. And those people who take half an hour to shit.

>> No.5465949

Is not that easy for everyone.

>> No.5465957

Eat more fiber

>> No.5465959

Maybe shitting is hard for people who don't eat any fiber.

>> No.5465967
File: 5 KB, 182x277, HowdieHoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can fix all of your poops.

i used to poop 4 times a day. now i poop once a day. i also had a phase where i pooped once every 3 days and it would take me forever.

You should choose your own schedule and see what works. Some people enjoy having a more "constipated" feeling. It means your shit is more compacted, and your digestion system works a little slower. A lot of big guys are like this. They'll have a very stable mood and anxiety level... and they'll take a rock-hard shit once every 1.5 days or so.

That's kind of where i like to stay at. I like to take a shit every 1.5 days, and have the shit be fairy solid. I want it to be like a big log that blocks the toilet hole.

When my hsit is all runny and i poop 3 times a day, im always restless, anxious, and my leg is shaking.... metabolism is naturally tweeaking. Thats not good. Thats like being on meth without the high.

So. If you poop too fast or your poop is runny, you need to add FIBER to your diet. Fiber is contained in fruits and veggies. You can also get metamusil or some shit, but that stuff will clog you up too fast. I suggest starting to add a full salad to your dinner. Then you will take a huge shit when you wake up in the morning and stat the day fresh.

If your poop is solid and it takes 3 days to come out... you have too much fiber, not enough water... (coca cola is NOT water) ... so you need to actually start eating either more carbs and protein, or just drinking a shitload more water. Like a gallon a day.

Okay? Any questions, shit masters?

>> No.5466265

I have crohn's disease, I dream of shitting once a week, instead its anywhere between 1-5 times a day :(

>> No.5466276

it's not just fiber...

take me as an example

For the past 4 or so weeks, I was pooping so well... 2 times or so a day every day, with no problem.

All of a sudden, I can't poop properly anymore, and my diet is the same (3 liters or so of water per day, 30 g of fiber).

It's very annoying... I'm currently trying different things to see what I can do to make it better.

>> No.5466280

shitting once/twice a week isn't funny, you feel like a knife is coming down your anus...

shit's horrible

>> No.5466300

1-2 times per day I suppose.

>> No.5466301

try eating hemp seeds, and then eat less food each meal.
about 2 spoonfuls of ground hemp seeds each day.
mix em up in yogurt and eat that shit.

Got morbus chrons myself, but i get the remicade treatment every 6 months.
You getting treatment or not? got a few tips to minimize pain

>> No.5466312

Every two to three days. I eat plenty of veggies, leafy greens, whole grains, etc. I don't drink soda, I drink at least two liters of water a day, I don't eat fast food (except for teriyaki once a week).

Been this way for a long time. Only time I was pooping every day was when I was eating oatmeal for breakfast everyday.

>> No.5466314

2 to 3 times a day, sometimes four.

>> No.5466317

I eat 114% the daily recommended amount of dietary fiber for breakfast every single morning, plus a high fiber diet throughout the day. I have taken shits you couldn't possibly imagine. I've been to whole new worlds of shit.

>> No.5466375

I just don't eat much in general.
other than simple scrambled eggs in the morning I graze on whatever I have at hand.

lately that has been white chocolate chips or some chunk chocolate I use in baking

>> No.5466376

I don't have crohns disease or any kind of diagnosed bowel disorder and yet I still poop around 4-5 times a day.

It's really annoying, my partner only has to go like once in the morning and that's it while I'm going like every two hours or so.

>> No.5466402

I poop once a day.

>> No.5466410
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2-3 times a day

But it's usually like type 5 or 6

>> No.5466435

The real question is "What's your bowel transit time?"

>> No.5466439

I went on a bus trip and I was doing #6 the entire time. Then I got to my friend's house and kept doing them. All day. My girlfriend at the time was worried.

>> No.5466471

As long as I go twice a day and they aren't brick shits I'm happy

>> No.5466497

I only poop in the morning be it once or thrice.

>> No.5466508

Since I started eating a cup of greek yogurt for breakfast, I always go twice a day, at 10 am and right after whenever I eat lunch. My bowels have never been cleaner.

>> No.5466531
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Shit fag

>> No.5466533

Same here. Although I do have to go a lot more if I eat something fiber rich such as beans.

>> No.5466538
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Usually once in the morning, but if I'm hungover, it can sometimes be 3~5 attempted shits of flatulance and constipation, or like 5 shits of terrible burning McDonald's softserve.

Also, I'll get the kind of shit where I won't poop out everything a night before drinking, and then when I wake up to poop the following morning, it's like a cluster of black turds cemented into a snake of fresh light brown poo. It's like a mahogany version of Captain Keyes from Halo: CE.

>> No.5466545

Every morning and often a second time in the afternoon.

You guise need chia seeds.

>> No.5466556

I have to poop right now.

>> No.5466614

I always poop.

>> No.5466619



>> No.5466635

I'm pooping right now dude :D

>> No.5466663

I've been using fibre supplements (who /fit/ here?). Are chia seeds less destructive to the colon?

>> No.5466665

Ugh, Americans.

>> No.5466683
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Normally it is 1-2 times a week.
Almost exclusively on the weekends--no idea why.
Never painful, but always on the bigger side.

>> No.5466692

Once a day, usually an hour or so after I wake up.

>> No.5466781
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>> No.5466816

Typically once a day, sometimes twice. Usually type 3 or 4, but it's always so huge that the water in the toilet won't cover it. It's normally in one piece that wraps around the toilet bowl. I've always wondered why it's so big even though I don't eat much.

>> No.5466825

eat more, please anon. I was like that until I was 18, at least get it to every other day

Eat your damn veggies and cut down the dairy/meat

>> No.5467508

You should not change your diet to make better poops.
That is hippie bullshit.
Your goal as a human should not be poop production.

>> No.5467535

once a day

>> No.5467550



>> No.5467564
File: 4 KB, 126x121, tom hanks staring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I clog toilets, /ck/.

I don't know why. Maybe it's my uninhibited, carefree and hedonistic way of shitting. Shitting to feel good and get that sweet release. Maybe its my high-in-oats diet. Maybe my butthole is just naturally wideset.

But I clog toilets.

I clog my toilets in my own house all the time. We keep a plunger both up and downstairs so I don't have to do that walk of shame.

But the shame is eternal.

I hope you never have to know that feel of asking your host for a plunger because you just clogged their toilet. That look in their eyes. Don't they know that this happens to people? Haven't they ever clogged a toilet? Of course they have. But it doesn't matter. They're totally disgusted by you, the man who just clogged their toilet. You're the most unattractive person in the world right in that moment because not only are you openly acknowledging that you just shit, but that you shit so much that the machine built to handle shit couldn't handle YOUR shit.


>> No.5467585

Do you eat MREs regularly?

>> No.5467586

Once a day, soon after I wake up in the morning. Very rarely I may have to poop again in the afternoon. Feels good being regular.

>> No.5467588


No, my diet is pretty healthy. Oats for breakfast, lots of whole-grain bread, protein and fats from chicken thighs/drums, lots of veggies.

>> No.5467590

>That look in their eyes

You have shamed them Anon, made them feel less of a man because their weak butthole cannot compare to the power lurking in your own anus. Their toilet does not measure up, their ass does not have the strength, and that look in their eyes comes from knowing that their shits will never be as glorious as yours.

>> No.5467595

Oh fuck, I LOL'd.

Yeah, I have a family member who clogs toilets all the time, and we keep plungers in every bathroom when he visits. I couple of times, even that wasn't enough and the toilets overflowed.

>> No.5467596

Once a day, after my morning coffee. Pretty smooth since I force myself to eat fiber after getting forced to get an operation for bleeding hemoroids last year. Not shitting blood really changed my life.

>> No.5467597

How much water do you drink?

>> No.5467598

3 times a week. I was on a vitamin and mineral supplement two years ago for 3 months, it had me shiting 3 times a day but it ended up giving me a hemorrhoids

>> No.5467600

2-3 time a day. I love it.

>> No.5467611


A fuckload, especially in the summer. I keep my apartment pretty warm so I'll knock out 5-6 1L nalgene bottles every day.

>> No.5467628

I saw a print out of that chart glued to a pubic toilet

>> No.5467629
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Sicko city but what can u expect with low life trash on here.

>> No.5467641

far too often
think i might have coeliac disease

>> No.5467661

once every 1-3 days, I didn't know people had to poop more than twice a day, and even with weird circumstances like you ate something weird.

>> No.5467686
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Typical Chan regular.

>> No.5467780
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I don't plan on changing my diet.
I eat very little meat and I am lactose intolerant. Most of my diet consists of veggies and grains.

>> No.5467790
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>Used to pooping once a day
>Start bulking
>3 times a day
>My angus when

>> No.5467803

>people actually count how many times they poop

>> No.5467814

Not always but this thread made me notice that I double deuced today.
Once when I got up and once after breakfast.
Never after 10 am

>> No.5467821

Once a day, usually in the morning around 9:30-10. Pretty regular.

>> No.5467843

Every two or three days. I eat plenty of fiber, too.

>> No.5467845


if you're shitting so much per day that recalling the amount of shits is no longer a trivial task, seek help

>> No.5467852

Why not organise your eating into sensible meals?

>> No.5468967

same here.
If you're shitting liquid three times a day then that doesn't sound healthy at all, that sounds like diarrhoea.

>> No.5468975

For 3 years I shit
>5mins after I wake up (9am)
>After dinner (6pm)
>Before bed (usually 1-2am)

Its clockwork

>> No.5468989
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Once before work, once during work at lunch, and once before bed at night.
Even if i'm off work, my body still stays on that poop schedule every day, and i'm just fine with it.

I hate when I have a stomach bug that makes me shit off schedule, because then my body will still go through the motions of 'feeling like' i've gotta shit, even after i've spent an hour on the toilet shitting out half my small intestine.

>> No.5468995
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>> No.5469017

wet wipes save lives

>> No.5469070

I poop once every 5-9 days

the past few days I have been pooping out pieces from the same poop for about 3 days now. does anyone else experience this? It's the same poop because the first day of it, I pooped, but I could still feel the rest but I couldn't force it out. Later that day I pooped again, but I could still feel it. Same for yesterday, and today I finally got the rest out. Is it the same poop or is it the same poop and a new one formed behind it? Is my intestine a poop train station?

anyway, I posted a thread about my poop issues a few days ago and got a load of responses. I'm doing a food journal, but nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. I eat plenty of fiber, drink more than the daily recommendation of water, and don't eat fast food or soda. I even started drinking a hot cup of black coffee in the morning to try and get my body to poop more, but alas.

>> No.5469079

>the unsolved crime

so when I was younger, I saw this happen to a guy. It was maybe 5th grade or something and we were at the zoo.

We were in a petting zoo section and all of a sudden this kid just shit EVERYWHERE It exploded out of his pants onto his shirt and everywhere else, it even was on somebody near him. He had to get rid of EVERYTHING he was wearing. They school bought him a tshirt, flipflops and some new pants and charged his parents.

it was by far the funnies thing I've ever seen but I have absolutely no idea how he managed it

>> No.5469121

that's sad, not funny

>> No.5469130

Poop train station.

>> No.5469131

lol hows that sad... are you a vegetarian?

>> No.5469142

It is sad. But 4chan doesn't have an ounce of empathy so they'll just laugh at someone's misfortune.