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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 80 KB, 408x300, coke_vs_pepsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5434504 No.5434504[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5434514

pepsi because I'm not a poorfag

>> No.5434521
File: 20 KB, 292x255, dr-pepper[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Yoooooooou

>> No.5434549

I like pepsi more, it mixes better with vodka

> inb4 peasant tier drink

>> No.5434553

They're both equally bad.

>> No.5434556

they both suck, corn syrup and caramel color like crazy, caffeine and sugar etc.

why would anyone want to drink this crap

>be little
>hey anon try this
>what is it?
>OH you will Luve it try it
>No, what is it?
>Oh Cmon You Will Luuuve It...
>they grab me and shove the drink in my mouth
>taste of burning pain and sugary crap water fills my mouth
>grab their face and vomit straight into their mouth

>> No.5434561

>Still drinking liquid poison

>> No.5434562

In my country coke and pretty much all fizzy drinks are made with real sugar and not corn syrup. ;^)

>> No.5434564

It's just sugar and carbonated water. Hardly poisonous to someone without diabetes and self control.

>> No.5434657


>> No.5434659 [DELETED] 

>just sugar
>just carbonated water

i h8 to cre8 a feeling of b8 but u wot m8

>> No.5434680

American Coke has corn syrup?
Well, I'm glad I don't live there. I like Coke and sodas but I'm not sure I would drink something full of corn syrup.

>> No.5434682


>> No.5434744

Never mind Coke Vs. Pepsi -- The question is: Do you still tip if they don't have your preference?
e.g. Offered Pepsi when you prefer Coke?

>> No.5434746
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>> No.5434749

I tip 3% less (using debit) if they only have Pepsi, but I "accidentally" leave the difference in change on the table.

I don't want the serving staff to be upset with me and I know that they depend on my tips to meet makes' end, so I don't really tip less. It is more of a statement.

>> No.5434767

yes, because that carbohydrate is the most dangerous thing we digest

>> No.5434805

Why does America even use HFCS anymore? It's not like sugar is hard to get.

>> No.5434814

Because subsidies and protectionism are the hallmarks of free-wheeling capitalism.

>> No.5434822
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>> No.5434845


Tax laws dating back to the late 1970's. Historically the US used sugar just like everyone else. Then at that time the American sugar producers bitched to the Gov't about how cheaper foreign sugar was undercutting their business. The gov't responded by passing very high import taxes on foreign sugar, as well as import quotas. The price of sugar spiked nearly overnight and by the early 80's it all switched to HFCS because it doesn't have a silly tax on it.

There's nothing "free wheeling capitalism" about quotas and duties. In fact, it's the opposite. The LACK of a true free market is why we're stuck with HFCS.

>> No.5434851

the sugar companies begged for protectionism in the form of tarrifs to artificially inflate the price and then good ol american ingenuity was all like 'hey cant we just use the frutose in corn for way cheaper' and they did

>> No.5434862

did you just go full hue

>> No.5434866

>this is what the dirty communists actually think

>> No.5434867
File: 333 KB, 700x1162, IMG_1292_jarritos_cola[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck pepsi and coke, jarritos mexican cola.
This shit tastes like one of the bottle caps candy.

>> No.5434868

It's not the serving staff's fault that their establishment only sells Pepsi. I want to make a small protest, not hurt the feelings and financial security of someone who is not actually at fault.

>> No.5434871

this is so many kinds of weird with a small touch of mysterious cool. its like a friendlier way of being fedora without being edgy, yet kind of edgy, yet more gentle. this is some cool monk mode.

>> No.5434875

>tries to do something cool to express themselves and their personal preference
>doesn't act like a jerk or hurt anyone at all in the process
>might cause minimal confusion
>9/10 this is quite interesting.

>> No.5434878

oi vey, read a book

>> No.5434884

can you stop jerking yourself off to the weird shit you do?

>> No.5434895
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>> No.5434970

>implying that it isn't possible for someone to have genuinely appreciated what >>5434749

>> No.5435202

yeah if your tipping intensifies, fedora wearer.

>> No.5435217

I don't even eat at restaurants but this is such a big annoying issue that i want people to stop having wars over it.

i always feel like its unfair how waiters and other tippable-type jobs get paid, just because the boss thinks that these poor wait staff get enough and should earn the rest from people who just wanted to eat a sandwich, and are not expecting to give up even more money than the price of the food.

what a retarded paradoxical system.

waiters should get paid FULL wages, not a penny and "earn the rest if your so good" they are already working a job, they should get paid for it.

as for the people eating at a restaurant, they shouldn't have to worry about paying for anything other than the price of food, people go to restaurants to sit down and relax and pay the restaurant to prepare and cook the food and bring it to them, and they already pay much more than it would have costed them to buy all the ingredients and make it themselves at home, so for the pressure of needing to pay some poor kid tips to be there, it kind of screws everyone over, the waiter, the customer, etc.

imagine if you could just walk in, sit down, pay for your meal, eat it, go home.

imagine if you could go to work, get paid for working, and go home.

supposedly a study was done (I forget by who, you can probably find it on Google somewhere) which showed that if waiters and waitresses wages were changed to minimum wage that food prices at restaurants would go up by about ten cents at most. At restaurants the smallest expense which owners pay is the wages of their staff, and they are already so low that it won't make much difference. Additionally, there's this thing called balancing your budget and an owner could simply allocate a little money from one area and use it for wages, which would result in little or no change of food prices. continuing-

>> No.5435223


The whole "your food will become super expensive!" argument is perpetuated by the greedy chain-restaurants who want to get away with paying their staff next to nothing. They want customers to pay staff wages instead (which you do in the form of tips) and they have fixed the minimum wage for waiters and waitresses at a very low price.

"Former server here, you can get screwed. I would much rather work for tips than work for minimum wage and receive no tips" what if tips were not mandatory (as they seem to be) anymore, and optionally you could tip if you really felt a waiting employee did a really great job?


>> No.5435231

waiters make far more with tips than they ever would if they were paid hourly

>> No.5435284

>The whole "your food will become super expensive!" argument is perpetuated by the greedy chain-restaurants who want to get away with paying their staff next to nothing.

It's also from people who know how payroll taxes work. Under the US's current tax laws, it is cheaper for all involved to tip the waiter than it is to pay them a higher wage, assuming they take home identical pay after taxes are considered.

Is it as costly as some of the fast food companies seem to think? No. But simple mathematics makes it clear that tipping saves money as opposed to wages.

>> No.5435287

great reason to screw people over? no.

>> No.5435331


This theory, while mathematically right, would be terrible for the restaurant industry and the customer service experience in a restaurant in general. Being a waiter is an awful job, the reason most people do it is because they can make a decent wage while only having to work 18-30 hours a week. If they got paid the same as a McDonalds employee the turnover rate would be even bigger than it already is. Constantly having to train people + Time wasted interviewing people + Inefficiency of new employees = Lost money. Not to mention the fact that their sole motivation for not being a dickhead is based on how badly they want to keep their job you can expect Walmart levels of "fuck you and your problems dickhead" attitude.

And good luck getting a timely refill on your preferred beverage.

>> No.5435339

I lived in Montana for a short while, and EVERY place had both coke and pepsi products. Every new place I went to I asked which they had and they said both.

>> No.5435353

Also, all these people freaking out about HFCS are retarded. I drink both versions (HFCS vs. cane) occasionally. It's not enough of a difference to be this upset over the stuff. If throwback Pepsi is available I'll take it, if not regular Pepsi tastes close enough

>> No.5435393

Tips are not mandatory where I live and waiters still manage to do their job correctly, you know...

>> No.5435403


How does it screw anyone over? It puts more money in their pocket than the alternative.

>> No.5435482

first they take gmo corn, then they run it through some terrible things and process it with harsh chemicals and mess with the sugars, and there you go.

would you like hfcs, or plain sugar?

>> No.5435492
File: 602 KB, 1024x768, file_51[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less sugar
>electrolytes and good shit for during this heat

>> No.5435782
File: 205 KB, 288x436, Ironbeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better swerve out the way acere, the soda of the people has arrived

>> No.5435792

Coke. Pepsi is too sweet and loses carbonation incredibly fast.

>> No.5435802
File: 379 KB, 1000x1000, pecan_pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not sure I would drink something full of corn syrup.

On the other hand, pecan pie is great.

>> No.5435822


>> No.5435823
File: 55 KB, 640x427, labelout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ex soda addict here, I prefer Coca-cola. Pepsi tastes more bland to me with less fizz.

>> No.5435838

out of the two coke but wild cherry pepsi is better than cherry coke

>> No.5435852

is it beer or is it soda??

>> No.5435926

It's neither, it's the blood of Changó

>> No.5435944
File: 3.29 MB, 1228x4176, mezzo_mix_10l_mehrweg_pet_ohne_stoerer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out of my way superior beverage comming through

>> No.5436118
File: 25 KB, 244x433, 66283_437959301649_299883076649_5778350_1325792_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never had it but if I saw it I'd buy it, If you haven't had mexican cola you should try it, another good drink is this green apple mexican soda by Sidrel Mundet I keep seeing. But stay the fuck away from any pineapple cider you see in a mexican grocer, shit tastes terrible.

>> No.5436524
File: 27 KB, 215x203, call the cops i don't give a fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mix vanilla and cherry coke

>> No.5436575

Used to be a Pepsi fanboy, stopped after learning the company is anti-gun.

>> No.5436579

>I tip 3% less (using debit) if they only have Pepsi, but I "accidentally" leave the difference in change on the table.
>I don't want the serving staff to be upset with me and I know that they depend on my tips to meet makes' end, so I don't really tip less. It is more of a statement.

>> No.5436659

Inca Kola.
Prove me wrong

>> No.5437129

You sound like CNN. Can you please elaborate on the bullshit you just spewed?

>> No.5437140

That doesn't even make sense. A company can't have its own opinions? Are you one of the faggots who boycotted chick-fil-a because they didn't agree with gay marriage? Boo fucking hoo.

>> No.5437361


>> No.5439509
File: 675 KB, 303x282, 1399615519548.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this fear of corn syrup

Way to buy into the hearsay fear mongering. Let me guess, you don't eat gluten or inorganic food either? Hahaha, faggots.

>> No.5439536

Sugar and HFC are almost chemically identical.

Sugar is 50 Fructose/50 Glucose, HFC is 55/45.

>> No.5439541

>an owner could simply allocate a little money from one area and use it for wages
go to my favourite restaurant
need to take a shit
inmediately go to wash my hands
there is a sign that tells me i have to bring my own water to wash my hands

>> No.5439546

coke is more bitter
pepsi is sweeter and kind of sorth off tastes a little bit like vanilla.
I am a coke person but i drink pepsi once in a while

>> No.5439551

yeah its ridiculous what people dont realize is you can either have the option of tipping (most tipping 15-20%) or pay full wages and no tipping but guess what your food is ~30% more expensive

>> No.5439561


mah nigger. i grew up drinking this shit with my cuban parents

>> No.5439579

or the restaurant owners could pay it out of their own pockets. Thing is there are some restaurants that couldnt afford it so they would have to charge more and then when nobody wants to eat there anymore would close.
I hate people that say lol economy magic. Want the waiters to get full wage but you dont want to pay extra money or eat half a meal? let me pull some economy magic, its ok i know a guy that knows a guy that heard an e ted presentation about it

>> No.5439590

>mexican cola
I like my beverages free of amoebas, bacteria, and parasites, thanks.

/ck/ is hilarious, a Coke vs Pepsi thread turns into a who indulges in the most hipster drink-off.

>> No.5439596
File: 167 KB, 960x1280, Baikal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Diet Coke, not out of some health choice or whatever but because I like the taste more and I hate the sugary residue that regular Coke leaves. Pepsi seems worse, but I don't really care.

That said, pic related was the best soda I ever tasted and I've never found anything like it ever again.

>> No.5439600

It would be stupid to pay it out of your own pocket which is why no owner would.

The only way a restaurant makes money is by selling food so if cost goes up in any way you better believe the price for the customer is going to go up. Its not like restaurants have a high overall profit margin to begin with

>> No.5440144
File: 179 KB, 400x600, LAWL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not too distinct from each other for me.

>> No.5440168

I prefer diet Pepsi/Coke. At that point, there is no difference. Just the sweet sweet taste of cancer and tooth decay.

>> No.5440181

Fentimans for me.

>> No.5440218

Mountain Dew, close enough to Pepsi. meh

>> No.5440605

>I tip 3% less (using debit) if they only have Pepsi, but I "accidentally" leave the difference in change on the table.
>I don't want the serving staff to be upset with me and I know that they depend on my tips to meet makes' end, so I don't really tip less. It is more of a statement.
/ck/ beta ^ 200000

>> No.5441639

please read this again.

>> No.5441642

you are forgetting something

>> No.5441650


do you know how many chemicals are "almost" another chemical?

>> No.5441680

1. coke is 30% more expensive
2. RC is best cola

>> No.5441789

>paying for sugar water with chemical additives

>> No.5441819

Coke Zero

>> No.5441868

what do you think they put in that...?

>> No.5441884


then fucking complain that they don't have coke

what a fucking retarded way of going about making a 'small protest' and what a retarded thing to make a protest about in the first place

>> No.5441891


lol shut up

when he says chemically almost the same he doesn't mean 'missing a hydrogen atom here or there' he means that it has a very similar concentration of fructose, the substance everyone complains about for some reason

>> No.5441909

>for some reason

first of all you can't speak for someone else if you don't know what they are really intending to say. secondly, you don't seem to know very much on your own anyway. opinion and comment ignored.

>> No.5441916


but i do know what he's intending to say. the form of hfcs most commonly used for sodas is very similar in the levels of glucose/fructose to table sugar.

>> No.5441931

Coke is dadcola.

>> No.5442064

>but i do know what he's intending to say.

are you him?

>the form of hfcs most commonly used for sodas is very similar in the levels of glucose/fructose to table sugar.

[citation needed]


>> No.5442069

>hfcs most commonly used for sodas is very similar in the levels of glucose/fructose to table sugar.

very similar is not good enough. there are many things that are very similar to other things yet are not the same. you just proved yourself wrong.

>> No.5442078


Not sugar.

>> No.5442101


no i'm not him, but i am literate. 'start page' it yourself. it's on the fucking wikipedia page.


>you just proved yourself wrong.

no i didn't. do you know what 'proof' means? a 5 percent difference is hardly significant. if you want to say it is, you should explain how.

>> No.5442259
File: 40 KB, 621x623, 24353532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a nice mess of words you have there, too bad they don't mean anything in regards to the comment you are replying too.

remember kids, gibberish isn't a good thing to win an argument with. you can't just say random things that are lost in a completely different sense of context and expect anyone to follow. no, you aren't stupid, that post really doesn't make sense if you read it in order.

>> No.5442295
File: 17 KB, 192x262, coke is it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5442297

I like both.

>> No.5442344

coca-cola, anyone that says pepsi is retarded and/or wants to be edgy.

>> No.5442346


what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.5443008

>wah this doesn't align with my counter- consumerist opinion that I've been indoctrinated into believing by newagey hipsters selling me on their own bullshit so I need to in turn sell people against it, wah


>> No.5443298

Coke for ants.jpg

>> No.5443416
File: 1.68 MB, 400x212, 1383295877288.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5443460

Both are fucking shit.
Water, tea or wine.