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File: 85 KB, 610x458, Chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5428990 No.5428990[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whenever I eat chili without beans in it, I feel like I'm just eating spicy spaghetti sauce.

>> No.5428993

great shitpost fagget

>> No.5428996

Whenever I eat chili with beans in it I feel like I'm eating chili with beans in it.

>> No.5428997

i've always treated it like a chunky sauce.

you need some starch to go with it: spaghetti, corn bread, tortilla chips, saltine crackers, etc.

or add beans to make it a stew.

>> No.5429008
File: 1.25 MB, 2560x1920, 20140110_003503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I eat chili I eat chili, minus giving a fuck about what other people think it should be called.

>> No.5429012

What's wrong with that?

>> No.5429015

I always put beans in my chili, that is a quarter of the chili. Don't give a shit what people think about it

>> No.5429019

just how I like it. i'm not against beans, but I prefer chili without it

>> No.5429022

What's funny to me is that here in Texas, lots of people say adding beans is a sin; however, when it comes to actually eating the stuff, no one cares.

>> No.5429029

I've literally never eaten beanless chili, but if I do I will always think this now. This can never be unseen.

>> No.5429037
File: 164 KB, 1308x397, every chili thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chili without beans is called coney sauce.
Chili with beans is just called chili.

>> No.5429038


One of the stupidest arguments regarding beans in chili is that the cans of chili that have beans are marked "chili with beans" and therefore chili doesn't have beans in it since they have to clarify when it does have beans.

But by that argument, the official name of chili is chili con carne, or chili with meat. If you take their argument to the logical conclusion, then chili has no meat in it.

>> No.5429048

moar beans = moar farts = good times!

>> No.5429053

Whenever I eat chili I feel like I'm eating pure acid.

Chili is the worst possible food for acid reflux. Curse my genetics.

>> No.5429058

>beanless chili
>being this autistic

>> No.5429063

Chili should have beans. Beans should be cooked thoroughly. That's all.

>> No.5429114

>I feel like I'm just eating spicy spaghetti sauce.

reminds me of the time I went down on this dirty mexican chick on her period

>> No.5429117


Wow that was fucking vile

>> No.5429122


Woah ew man. That came out of nowhere.

>> No.5429245

>inb4 a real opinion WHOAA!!!!!!!!!

I have to agree with OP, chunky soup sauce with meat bits is kinda meh, wheres the heavy beans bro?!

>> No.5429250


>> No.5429255
File: 15 KB, 400x403, 4325354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes this is just better really.

sometimes I actually make a chilli with just beans and no meat in it.

the beans make it easier for me in that aspect.

think before posting please....

>> No.5429261

I rarely eat chili, perhaps once every 3 years.
Somoene post a recipe, I can't even remember the taste or how it's made.

>> No.5429262

i also add corn

>> No.5429264

This whole thread is like a crash course in shitposting. All you need is a couple FOR YOUs and something about halal to make it complete.

>> No.5429265


>> No.5429266

Was putting beans in chili part of your plan?

>> No.5429268
File: 38 KB, 456x596, chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to make Pedernales River Chili, Lyndon Johnson's personal favorite. Pic related, it's the recipe for the best non-traditional (as in not Texas Red) chili.

>> No.5429270 [DELETED] 


>> No.5429272

Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would open a can of beans before throwing them into some chili.

>> No.5429274

No one cared who I was until I put beans in the chili.

>> No.5429275

for Texas Red, I use Tolbert's recipe.

3 pounds lean beef
1/8 pound rendered beef kidney suet (if you want to go for it)
1 teaspoon each oregano, cumin powder, salt, cayenne pepper, and Tabasco
3 tablespoons chile powder (optional)
4 hot chile peppers
At least two chopped cloves of garlic
2 teaspoons masa harina, cornmeal, or flour (optional)*

* The masa adds a subtle, tamale-like taste, but it also thickens the chili.

Sear beef in a large soup pot or cast-iron Dutch oven. You may need a little oil to prevent the meat from sticking. When the meat is all gray, add suet and chile peppers and about two inches of liquid (you can use water, I use beer). Simmer for 30 minutes.

Add spices and garlic, bring just to boil; lower heat and simmer for 45 minutes. NOTE: Add more liquid only to keep the mix from burning. Skim off as much grease as you can, and add masa harina. Simmer for another 30 minutes. Taste and adjust spices if necessary.

>> No.5429278

this actually sounds delicious.

remember people, your chili isn't in danger. other people will add what they want to their own chili, they don't touch yours so don't freak out.

>> No.5429279

If I take the beans out, will you die?
It would be very painful.
You're a bean guy.
For you.

>> No.5429280

i laughed

>> No.5429287

Thanks for the recipes. Gonna enjoy making some chili. Been forever since i've eaten it.

>> No.5429297

>It would be very painful.

Study your baneposting, anon.

>> No.5429302

Besides seasoning, chili should have two ingredients. Chiles and meat. Anything else isn't chili.

>> No.5429308

I much prefer the first to the second. I find that the sweetness of the tomatoes cuts through the richness of the chili.

>> No.5429314

The only thing worse than adding beans to chili is adding tomatoes. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.5429322

Sounds kind of dry.

>> No.5429323

I was planning on making the first one. I do enjoy some tomato flavor.

>> No.5429332

You won't be disappointed. Go for as course of a grind as you can find; you want it closer to chopped than minced.

>> No.5429411


>> No.5429418

>taking the name of a food literally

Such autism.

Anyway, I love kidney beans, they're my favourite beans, whenever me mum made chili when I was young she'd put extra kidney beans in for me. I was pretty much eating chili con beans and I fucking loved it.

>> No.5429431

>me mum
Britbongs don't know the first thing about chili.

>> No.5429448

>The only thing worse than adding beans to chili is adding tomatoes.

What do you use for liquid? Water?

>> No.5429450

Beer or beef stock

>> No.5429474

Then why do you have to specify that chilli has meat? lli con carne

>> No.5429475

Who cares, it's probably better than eating minced beef mixed with some chili peppers, how fucking bland.

>> No.5429477


you mean chili?

if it has beans it ain't chili bro

>> No.5429478
File: 62 KB, 604x453, notsureiftrolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chilis with meat.
Chilis con carne.

>> No.5429481

Why is it that things like chili, bolognese or hamburgers gets people all riled up, saying "NO THAT'S THE WRONG WAY TO DO IT"?

>> No.5429493

>he thinks chili meat should be minced

Confirmed for knowing nothing about chili.

>> No.5429500

>then chili has no meat in it.
yes, because chili is a fucking vegetable

>> No.5429506

Who knew LBJ's wife was such a pleb?

>> No.5429507
File: 44 KB, 500x375, 20111108-beef-texas-chili-con-carne-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make better chili then. If it has the consistency and taste of spaghetti sauce then you're doing it wrong anyway, regardless of whether or not you put beans in.

>> No.5429510

bike shedding

>> No.5429514

Am I allowed to say "because these items are so popular that inevitably lots of people who cook them don't know what the fuck they are doing"? I know you wanted an answer like "autism lol" but this really is the main factor.

>> No.5429518


I was looking for a legitimate answer, not "XD autosims".

But what do you mean by "don't know what the fuck they are doing"? Are you saying that there is one definite recipe for each of those popular dishes and everything else is wrong?

>> No.5429524

No, but there are certainly ways to make dishes more (or less) subjectively tasty in the opinion of the majority of people. Of course there isn't one definite recipe, no, you know full well that's not what I was saying.

>> No.5429528

Yes. Traditional chili has no tomatoes nor beans. Less traditional chili has tomatoes, but still no beans. Non-traditional chili has tomatoes and beans. I've never seen chili with beans but no tomatoes.

>> No.5429530


Just wanted to clear that up.

It just, you know, that people on here say that when somebody makes chili with beans that it's wrong. Or when you use minced beef for bolognese sauce. It's kind of frustrating when you have a neato recipe and people jump you because "it's not right you don't put that in there!!", you know?

>> No.5429533

Or perhaps it's more lots of people cook it and everyone likes to add their own flair, if for some people adding beans in does it, let them do it.

Do you go to chili cook-offs and complain that they don't all taste the same and follow the exact recipe you use to a T?

>> No.5429534

Sure, but it's equally irritating when someone tries to say the complete opposite, that you can and should put whatever into anything, call it what you like, and everyone else can shut up because it's not their dish.

I mean, sure you COULD do that, but what's the fucking point? The only reason to have names for dishes is so that people can immediately understand what you mean without having to explain the whole cooking process, if you're going to use a name that's totally unrelated to what you've cooked then why even bother?

It seems it's only chili that makes people say this. No other threads have anyone claiming that all food tastes equally good, there are no better or worse ways to prepare dishes, that you can apply any name to any food and that's absolutely fine, and so on.

>> No.5429538

>Or when you use minced beef for bolognese sauce

What? Who complains about using minced beef in bolognese? And what are you suppose to use then? If it's not minced beef it's still usually some kind of beef that's finely chopped.

>> No.5429539


Yeah, but beans in chili really isn't unheard of. As is corn. Or beer. Or tomatoes.


Some say that "traditionally", chunks of beef were used.

>> No.5429540

And "some" are right.

>> No.5429541

So if someone makes a dish and they add in something extra, like beans in chili they should create a completely different title for it, because of one ingredient difference?

>> No.5429542


I'm pretty sure that other things were used, too.

>> No.5429544

If someone put clams in a shrimp cocktail it would cease to be a shrimp cocktail.

>> No.5429546



>> No.5429549

I don't care at all whether people put beans in their chili, but it's not a difficult concept that the more people that try to do something, the more that will do it badly.

Also to >>5429530, I don't think there needs to be as much shitposting and anger around this. If someone suggests a different way to prepare chili, then maybe they might be trying to help? I don't think anyone really goes around here with deliberately bad recipes trying to trick people into making shitty food. Some people might get a bit overzealous about their own preferences, but that doesn't mean their advice can't be good. My chili has improved tenfold, for example, since I took the advice of some Americans here and sought out actual dried chilies to use, and replaced the mince with cubed beef. You might try it and disagree, that's fine, I don't care in the slightest. However clinging desperately onto the recipe you have at the moment, and shunning any suggestions of what you could do to improve it, seems pretty dumb to me.

>> No.5429550

And I guess putting marmite in a cottage pie ceases it to be a cottage pie too.

There's a difference between changing the main ingredience and adding something extra.

>> No.5429554

Putting beans in a cottage pie would make it something retarded. You're retarded.

>> No.5429555


I'm really open for trying out new things in recipes to see what it changes. It's only, you know, you post your own recipe and get replies like
>pick one (^:
where you think "Why the fuck should I even bother anymore, man" you know? Can you feel me on that one? I'm sure you can, you seem like a gnarly dude, man

>> No.5429562

>spaghetti sauce

What the fuck is that. Spaghetti is just the type of pasta. It makes no fucking sense at all...

>> No.5429563


It's pureed spaghetti that you pour over baked potatoes

>> No.5429564

Try being less insecure. 4chan is obviously not the place for you if you can't take some good natured ribbing.

>> No.5429568

I know what you mean, you just need to learn not to give a fuck.

>> No.5429569



>> No.5429574


>Can you feel me on that one? I'm sure you can, you seem like a gnarly dude, man

lmao i love you

>> No.5429578
File: 1.77 MB, 2392x1782, ManifestDestinyPersonified_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where i live everyone thinks chili is SUPPOSED to have beans
in fact if you have to specify 'beanless chili'
this what you fuck heads dont understand. You fucking beaners have turned the original real chili into a specialty item for me. People look at me bewildered, 'you want chili without beans? Isnt that a bit much?' Like its some american disaster of excess 'theres no VEGETABLES OH GOD WHAT IS THIS DISGUSTING OBESE WORLD COMING TOO?!'
and it makes me sick, youve turned an ancient recipe used since before cortez (in fact he was supposed to become conquistador chili but he lold MUH GUNS america #1 stay buttmad europoors) into a substitute item like lactose intolerant pizza and you know who i fucking blame? THE GOD DAMN VEGETARIANS you scheming lil communists got poopy diaper all over being denied beautiful chili and instead of manning up and just eating this incredible piece of americana you twisted it into this twisted altar of compromise LETS PUT BEANS IN THE CHILI INSTEAD OF MEAT VEGETARIAN CHILI IS STILL CHILI DAD WHOSE THE FAGGOT NOW and then in the eighties those mincing idiots all started getting aids and dropping like flys and crying about da gubbermint trying to kill them (hey maybe the colon of a vegan eating rat shit chili everyday in the village while getting pounded by a parade of immagrints and drug addicts is just a breeding ground for STDs wear a condom mark ruffalo) and we had to feel bad for them cuz the cold war was over and we didnt have a great enemy to focus on so we threw you a bone i mean if the 90 pound dying hipster wants to call his spicy bean soup chili let him and thats why we hate you so much
fuck you

>> No.5429582

>Some say that "traditionally", chunks of beef were used.

Or antelope or venison or goat. Probably some other meats as well.

>> No.5429585


If you don't want beans in your chili, instead of bitching about it man up and make your own chili.

>> No.5429591

By the way, over the years I have asked a number of old-timers in Texas about chili and beans and the overwhelming consensus was that they liked beans in it.

When I would ask them about it, the most common reaction was one of confusion about why I would even ask such a stupid question -- how could anyone possibly think that if it has beans, it isn't chili.

>> No.5429596

That would be completely incorrect though and be people thinking that it sounds more traditional purely because they've never had it like that. Like "oh this is weird so this must be what it was really like".

>> No.5429604

i do make my own chili but if i go out to eat and order chili it invariably has beens and probably fucking celery too

>> No.5429608

Chili is not spicy spaghetti sauce with beans in it.

>> No.5429617


I have news for you -- in frontier days Texas, people used whatever meat they could get.

According to you, that wasn't traditional.

>> No.5429631

It's not unusual for people to bring up San Antonio's Chili Queens to argue that there are no beans in chili.

From http://whatscookingamerica.net/History/Chili/ChiliHistory.htm:

>"The chili stand and chili queens are peculiarities, or unique institutions, of the Alamo City. They started away back there when the Spanish army camped on the plaza. They were started to feed the soldiers. Every class of people in every station of life patronized them in the old days. Some were attracted by the novelty of it, some by the cheapness. A big plate of chili and beans, with a tortilla on the side, cost a dime. A Mexican bootblack and a silk-hatted tourist would line up and eat side by side, [each] unconscious or oblivious of the other."

Did you see that? "a bit plate of chili and beans, with a tortilla on the side"

>> No.5429635

If only you had the attention span to read further back and realise we were talking about meats in bolognese sauce, an Italian dish that has nothing to do with Texas and chili.

It certainly wasn't hard to come across beef in those days in Italy with the whole you know agriculture and shit.

Personally I'd say changing the meat in a bolognese from beef is even more heresy towards tradition than putting beans in a chili con carne.

>> No.5429639

Because when a girl asks you to eat chocolate off of her and then complains when you use cheese, you can't call her autistic when a clearly defined parameter was given. If you're in a situation where there isn't one and she just says eat some goopy tasty thing off of me and then she complains, fine you can call it autism.
Things have parameters which define what they are, when you've crossed that then you can no longer claim it to be that.

>> No.5429642

You can put beans in chili, but then it'll simply no longer be chili and you shouldn't ever (fucking never you cunt) call it chili. You'd have made a delicious meat and beans soup.

>> No.5429643

And anyone who uses 6 eggs in a cake instead of the 4 a recipe determines doesn't deserve to call their cake a cake.

>> No.5429645

>names of food should be indictive of their ingredients

Man I love me a slice of a baked mixture of flour, water and yeast.

>> No.5429646

If you have a very particular recipe with a particular name for that cake, then no, you would no longer be able to call it that particular cake. You will have made something new and eggier.

>> No.5429647

This is a good base to experiment with and modify to taste. It's damn good as it, however:

Texas Jail Chili (Circa 1950)
1/2 pound beef suet -- ground
2 pounds coarse ground beef
3 garlic cloves -- minced
1 1/2 tablespoons paprika
3 tablespoons chili powder
1 tablespoon cumin seeds
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon white pepper
1 1/2 teaspoons ground dried sweet chile pods
3 cups water

Dallas County Chili:
Fry suet in a heavy kettle. Add meat, finely diced garlic and seasonings; cover. Cook slowly for four hours, stirring occasionally. Add the water and continue cooking until the chili has thickened slightly, about one hour. Serve plain or mixed with equal portion of cooked pink or red beans.

>> No.5429649

As a native Texan, I put whatever the fuck I feel like in chili. All you chili hipsters are a bunch of tryhard faggots.

>> No.5429651

>I made you banana creme pie, but I substituted shit and cum for the bananas!

>> No.5429653

My family has lived in Texas since the 1800s and I've been conditioned by 2 generations of them to know what constitutes real chili you faux-native faggot.

>> No.5429661

>spaghetti sauce with meat

You americans constantly amaze me with your stupidity.

>> No.5429664

>cold tomato soup
You yuropoors constantly amaze me with your stupidity.

>> No.5429667

>1 tablespoon cumin seeds

Uh, I'm sorry to break this to you but cumin seeds are traditionally a India seasoning, no a Texan one so you're going to have to call your chili something else? Perhaps chili, cumin con carne?

>> No.5429670

It's a goddamn Texas recipe. I think Texans are qualified to know that is Texan and what isn't.

>> No.5429672


I see the problem. Your referred directly to chili but then responded to an entirely different post about bolognese.

>> No.5429674


So San Antonio's fabled Chili Queens were really making a meat and beans soup?

>> No.5429679

no they were serving chili with a side of beans
thats even what your quote says

>> No.5429684

>Uh, I'm sorry to break this to you but cumin seeds are traditionally a India seasoning, no a Texan one

So if India uses a seasoning that was originally cultivated around the Mediterranean, then nobody else in the world can consider it to be a traditional seasoning for them even though they grow their own?

>> No.5429687


The only thing on the side was a tortilla.

>> No.5429689


>> No.5429691

Quiet faggot.
If it has beans, then it's not chili.

>> No.5429693

TIL Olives are not traditionally pitted and thus pitted olives need to be called something else.

>> No.5429706

They're called pitted olives.

>> No.5429710

I've rarely come across them being called pitted olives, especially in restaurants. So next time I order some olives and they come pitted when the menu just stated "olives" what should I do? Send it back to the kitchen and tell them to bring me some real olives? Complain to the manager and educate him on what olive are? File a law suit for false advertising?

>> No.5429711

They were making chili and beans. Exactly as the quoted text here says:
>chili and beans
Chili and beans is not chili, it's chili and beans. It's like saying gin and tonic is the same thing as gin.

>> No.5429714

That's not correct. Chili really means that it's a thick stew, could be made with skinned and diced cacti as the base for all it matters with the inclusion of chile peppers, salt, and whatever else might be on hand such as Mexican oregano, onions, garlic, and maybe some masa harina to finish it. It's not complicated but regardless of the inclusion of [insert meat or meats here] or beans it's still chili.

Texas has no patent on the word chili nor was it invented in Texas in the first place.

>> No.5429718

What kind of olives are you even referencing?
Black? Generally pitted.
Green? Generally pitted.
Kalamata? Fine, those generally aren't pitted in my experience.
If a particular dish calls for olives with the pit, then go ahead and complain because whether or not the olive has the pit does make a difference in taste. If olive is a big factor of that particular dish and you feel that there has been an injustice, just don't order it again. If you had invested a great deal of money in that dish, then complain and request your money back.
Things have names and they won't change just because you're autistic.

>> No.5429721

>Chili and beans is not chili, it's chili and beans. It's like saying gin and tonic is the same thing as gin.

So proper chili contains no meat since if it contains meat, it is "chili can carne"?

>> No.5429724

>It's like saying gin and tonic is the same thing as gin.

If I order a gin and tonic, I expect a single drink, not two separate drinks.

>> No.5429726

chili is the abbreviated name of chili con carne, stop being a damned autist.

>> No.5429727

Pretty much everything in your post is wrong by the commonly held understanding of the food called chili. UnIess you can back up your assertions with authoritative sources you're just full of shit.

>> No.5429733

>Generally pitted
Irrelevant. What matters is if it's traditional. Chili con carne generally comes with beans now and you have to request it without that doesn't make it right because it's not the average.

>> No.5429734

>being THIS autistic

>> No.5429735

>chili con carne con carne con carne con carne con carne chili con carne con carne con carne con carne con carne con carne...
That sounds pretty tasty.

>> No.5429737

>Autism: The Post
Traditional is that chili doesn't have beans. I'd tell the proprietors they are making meat and bean soup.

>> No.5429739

>chili is the abbreviated name of chili con carne

Does that mean that chili = chili con carne = chili con carne con carne = chili con carne con carne con carne = chili con carne con carne con carne con carne = chili con carne con carne con carne con carne con carne = ... ?

>> No.5429742

Whenever I eat chili with beans in it I'm not actually eating chili since it's bean stew.

>> No.5429743


I once made some chili with some left over Italian sausage. It wasn't bad at all but it did have a slightly non-traditional flavor profile.

>> No.5429748
File: 913 KB, 400x300, 1388070065776.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to make this and then add beans to it.

>> No.5429796

And you'll have a nice serving of chili with beans.

>> No.5429798

But there'll still be meat in it so it'll be chili con carne with beans

>> No.5429821

chili con carne con frijoles* you unauthentic faggot

>> No.5429834

Correct. The original dish is chili con carne, because it was made with chilies and meat. Adding beans to it makes it a new dish. Also, you should cook the beans separately and combine in the bowl.

>> No.5430044

I'd rather eat this instead of chili:

1 large onion, coarsely chopped
2 medium tomatoes, coarsely chopped
4 serrano peppers, finely chopped (w/seeds)
1 cup cilantro, finely chopped
2 cups "Clamato" juice
2 27 oz cans of Bush's pinto beans
6 strips of bacon
1 Tbs oil (or lard)

Cook the chopped onion in hot oil (lard) until it begins to soften.
Add the bacon.
When the bacon starts to brown, add the beans and stir in the remaining ingredients.
Simmer for 45 minutes.

I've fixed this many times. The funny thing is how much the heat varies from one time to the next.

>> No.5430053


If you want more heat, use smaller cans.

>> No.5430077

>The funny thing is how much the heat varies from one time to the next.

Nothing funny about that at all. Peppers vary in taste, so when you put the same amount in without taste-testing them first you should expect the heat level to vary. Taste the peppers and adjust the amount you use accordingly. If they're very hot then use fewer. If they're milder then add more.

>> No.5430095


But that takes all the fun out of it.

>> No.5430217

>The original dish is chili con carne, because it was made with chilies and meat

Just like a sandwich is made with sand and witches.

>> No.5430230

But that really is why it's called that, anon. Because chili peppers and meat are the principal ingredients.

>> No.5430305

Summer has arrived.

>> No.5430606

You know what? Fuck y'all and your semantic bullshit. When I make chili, not only do i put beans and tomatoes in it, but onion and bell pepper too, the ground beef is chunky, and I throw in a few non-traditional seasonings like cocoa along with the usual suspects. And I'll call it whatever the fuck i want because it's my God-given freedom to do so. Is it "traditional" Texas style chili? Fuck no. Am I gonna call it chili anyway? You bet. Don't like it? Suck my dick and make your own chili then.

>> No.5430637
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>140 responses

>> No.5430716

>i put beans and tomatoes in it, but onion and bell pepper too

Huh, I do the exact same thing as well, though sometimes I also throw in a few sliced mushrooms.

What does the cocoa add though? And how much do you use?

>> No.5431253

How about I call it "autists delight" in honour of you

>> No.5431285

Sorry mom

>> No.5431628

Anyone else put chili on noodles like elbow macaroni or shells?

>> No.5431635

Ohio pls leave.

>> No.5431676

Don't knock it 'til you try it

>> No.5431777
File: 478 KB, 499x281, 1381614700478.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What? At first I thought you were taking about putting chili on noodles, then you say "like macaroni" but I don't know any macaroni noodles, is macaroni an asian thing there you are? Because here it's a type of pasta which are completely different from noodles.

>> No.5431781

macaroni is a type of noodle you muh authentic autismal afterbirth

>> No.5431797

That can't be right, noodles are things like soba, udon and somen. Macaroni is a pasta like spaghetti and conchiglioni. I don't see how being confused as to why someone would call macaroni noodles makes me autistic though. Maybe they think that because noodles tend to be long strips like spaghetti and spaghetti is a pasta like macaroni so they are calling pastas noodles?

Even wikipedia doesn't have macaroni or any other pastas on the noodle list.

>> No.5431801

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not to be confused with Macaron.
For other uses, see Macaroni (disambiguation).
Macaroni closeup.jpg
Place of origin
Main ingredients
Durum wheat
Cookbook:Macaroni Macaroni

Homemade macaroni and cheese, with dried herbs and ground pepper

Elbow macaroni die, rear view
Macaroni is a variety of dry pasta made with durum wheat. Macaroni noodles usually do not contain eggs and are normally cut in short, hollow shapes; however, the term refers not to the shape of the pasta, but to the kind of dough from which the noodle is made.[citation needed] It may be straight or curved in which case it is frequently called elbow macaroni.

kill yourself

>> No.5431808

>Macaroni is a variety of dry pasta

How can they say they're pasta and then refer to them as noodles? That makes no sense. They're either noodles or they're pasta you can't go calling them both, they're different categories. I guess being written by several people means the terminology gets all fucky.

>> No.5431811




Syllabification: noo·dle
Pronunciation: /ˈno͞odl  /

(usually noodles)

A strip, ring, or tube of pasta or a similar dough, typically made with egg and usually eaten with a sauce or in a soup.

>> No.5431813

Noodles have to contain eggs to be noodles. Wiki got the terms wrong.

>> No.5431816

noodle (ˈnuːdəl)
1. US and Canadian a slang word for head1
2. a simpleton

>> No.5431817

And yet Wikipedia says macaroni contains no egg.

>> No.5431819




Line breaks: noo¦dle
Pronunciation: /ˈnuːd(ə)l  /


A very thin, long strip of pasta or a similar flour paste, eaten with a sauce or in a soup:
‘cook the noodles in a large pan of boiling water’ ‘spicy Sichuan noodles

>> No.5431825

>And yet Wikipedia says macaroni contains no egg.

There are so many things on Wikipedia that are just plain wrong or misleading that I have no faith in it being accurate. It is, at best, a starting point giving a hint of what to look for in more definitive places. If I was teaching classes and a student used Wikipedia as a reference on a paper, their grade on the paper would be be reduced by a letter grade.

>> No.5431921


Pasta is just the Italian word for dough, jeepers, man, don't try to be all pretentious up in here

>> No.5431944

Here's how the FDA defines noodle and macaroni


>> No.5431962

>typically made with egg

typically in this context meaning "usually" or "normally", not "always"

>> No.5431969


No one cares about American definitions. :D

>> No.5433230
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>Not cutting your beef in 1 in. squares.

>> No.5433245

That would make it a chili beef cassarole.

>> No.5433252

Britfag pls go

>> No.5433256

What? How did you know? Like seriously, I don't know what British colloquialism I used there.

>> No.5433265


Plus being ignorant about American dishes in general, thinking chili has to be made with ground - sorry, minced - beef, else it must be something else. Presumably also unable to picture chili without kidney beans, thinking that would just make it bolognaise?

There's lots of food that Brits are great at, but chili isn't one of them.

>> No.5433270

What do you call a casserole then?

>> No.5433285

The word stew is more commonly used in America, but it's more the fact that you wanted to immediately rename the dish once some little thing had changed in it. I've noticed Britbongs seem to be a bit more anal with their food naming, everything has to be precisely the way they understand it or else it needs a new name. Americans don't seem to be this way as much, they're more willing to change ingredients around, and have a better understanding of cuts of meat, that ground beef is just tough beef (e.g. chuck) that has been ground, not some separate magical entity, like Brits seem to think of mince as being.

You guys do some pretty great cheeses though. And beer.

>> No.5433287


>> No.5433340

stews and casseroles are two different things atleast here in the south

>> No.5433363
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Don't mind me, just superior Cincinnati chili coming through...

>> No.5433367


I view casseroles as being cooked in an oven and stews on a stovetop.

>> No.5433464

I usually go with how I feel, so I can't really come up with perfect sizes, but in mine I put :

-2 Cans of tomato sauce
-1 Pound of ground beef
-1Onion, 1 carrot and 1 bell pepper (green and/or red)
-1 Beer (to add to the meat and onion initially)
-Red kidney beans
-Black turtle beans
-Chili powder, cumin, salt, pepper.

I might forget other stuff, but that's usually how I start things off, or leave it with just those.

>> No.5433468



>> No.5434451


So I take it that it's served ice cold?

>> No.5434468

For the mercifully unacquainted, "Cincinnati chili," the worst regional foodstuff in America or anywhere else, is a horrifying diarrhea sludge (most commonly encountered in the guise of the "Skyline" brand) that Ohioans slop across plain spaghetti noodles and hot dogs as a way to make the rest of us feel grateful that our own shit-eating is (mostly) figurative. The only thing "chili" about it is the shiver that goes down your spine when you watch Ohio sports fans shoveling it into their maws on television and are forced to reckon with the cold reality that, for as desperately as you might cling to faltering notions of community and universality, ultimately your fellow human beings are as foreign and unknowable to you as the surface of Pluto, and you are alone and always have been and will die alone, a world unto yourself unmarked and unmapped and totally, hopelessly isolated.

But wait! This abominable garbage-gravy isn't just sensorily and spiritually disgusting—it's culturally grotesque, too! What began as an ethnic curio born of immigrant make-do—a Greek-owned chili parlor that took its "Skyline" name from its view of the city of Cincinnati—is now a hulking private-equity-owned corporate monolith that gins up interest in its unmistakably abhorrent product by engineering phony groups of "chili fanatics" to camp out in advance of the opening of new chains, in locations whose residents would otherwise see this shit-broth for what it is and take up torches and truncheons to drive it back into the wilderness.

>> No.5434469

Whatever virtue this bad-tasting Z-grade atrocity once contained derived from its exemplification of a set of certain cherished American fables—immigrant ingenuity, the cultural melting pot, old things combining into new things—and has now been totally swamped and consumed by different and infinitely uglier American realities: the commodification of culture; the transmutation of authentic artifacts of human life into hollow corporate brand divisions; the willingness of Americans to slop any horrible goddamn thing into their fucking mouths if it claims to contain some byproduct of a cow and comes buried beneath a pyramid of shredded, waxy, safety-cone-orange "cheese."

Cincinnati chili is the worst, saddest, most depressing goddamn thing in the world. If it came out of the end of your digestive system, you would turn the color of chalk and call an ambulance, but at least it'd make some sense. The people of Ohio see nothing wrong with inserting it into their mouths, which perhaps tells you everything you need to know about the Buckeye State. Don't eat it. Don't let your loved ones eat it. Turn away from the darkness, and towards Jesus.

>> No.5434473

So it IS spicy spaghetti sauce.

>> No.5434581
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The trick is to put in both.

>> No.5434583

Dried anchos are hard to get here. Could I substitute them for dried habaneros in a recipe for chili?

>> No.5434589

I think it tastes okay.

>> No.5434593

No. You could use dried habaneros as your hot chili, but you need a mild one, too. California/New Mexico chilies are a good bet.

>> No.5434594


I don't know why but these posts in combination with this >>5434473 one made me laugh like an idiot

>> No.5434704

Could I use jalapeno for that? We really have fuck all selection in the UK due to there being no beaners here

>> No.5434762

You want a dried chili.

>> No.5434783

yeah you want dried chili. Then you can just crush them up with your fingers and drop them in. Be sure to wash your hands after. Fucking deadly if you touch your eye or dick even hours after.

>> No.5434796

Fellow britfag here, there are a ton of places that do them thanks to the whole "hot chillies RAAARGH" thing taking off here in the last few years. If you're in a good sized city there is almost certainly a chilli shop somewhere. If not, there's a bunch of online shops you can order from.

>> No.5434870


First time I've actually lol'd here for years.

Thank you, anon.

>> No.5436425
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