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File: 191 KB, 1000x1362, wine-pouring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5426396 No.5426396 [Reply] [Original]

Today, I celebrated my 21st birthday, though it is actually on the 12th. I celebrated with most of my family at a trendy Indian restaurant. I have been getting wine at restaurants since 17 with no problem, but today, when I ordered wine, the waiter asked for my ID, and said that since I would not actually be 21 for two more days, he would not serve me alcohol. Does this have to do with the fact that it's an Indian restaurant (even though it was filled with only young, nicely dressed people) or was the waiter a fucking dick? Is the chance of legal repercussion for serving wine to a person two days away from being 21 really that high?

>> No.5426399

Did you shoot him with your assault rifle?

>> No.5426400

Yes, you idiot. Depending on where you live, that's a $2,000 fine just for serving you one drink.

>> No.5426404

more like a revocation of their license (assuming america)

>> No.5426406


Last year, for my 20th, I was in Chicago, and they served me wine without a second thought. I'm still in Chicago this year, and now they won't serve it even though I'm two days from 21. There was even a cousin there who is only one year older than me, and they didn't even ID him.

>> No.5426407
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Serving alcohol to anyone under the 'exact' age of 21 is punishable by fines, jail time, job loss, and the restaurant losing its license to sell alcohol anymore.
Even if its just a couple days.
He wasn't being a dick, he just didn't want to lose his job and get buttfucked in jail.

>> No.5426420


Maybe it's because New Orleans just doesn't care, but I lived there when I turned 18 (the age at which they admit you to bars). They let me in a full week before my birthday. I have been to a lot of other restaurants even in Chicago that just didn't care. Why this restaurant? The cosmic overlord trying to make me truly appreciate the exact day I turn 21? Fuck that, it's a Monday.

>> No.5426426

You are a little entitled kid, grow up.

>> No.5426431

no shit, i mean its the law, yeah some places dont adhere to it but you should never go into a place and expect them to risk their business just to serve you a beverage

>> No.5426437

This. The US doesn't fuck around with serving underage alcohol. Sure, there are the notorious places that won't ID for obviously underage kids, but most respectable places will ID if you look anywhere under 30. The only times I've gotten away with no ID's is when I'm a regular or it's expensive(underage kids almost never go to nice places.) Either that, or it's in a ghetto neighborhood.

Considering how much liquor licenses can cost and how important they usually are to a restaurant's profit margin(often 300-400% markup), they can't really fuck around with serving underage people. Especially when you're talking about the staff, who are probably barely making ends meet.

I live in Philly currently, and as tight as the laws are about alcohol, the fact that so many BYOBS exist make it pretty easy for those type of underage celebrations, though.