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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5401039 No.5401039[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck, I am a single mother of 2 children and I work every day. When I get back from work at 6 I need to cook dinner. I dont earn much, so my budget's pretty small.

I need tasty, healthy foods that are not too expensive and can be made quickly.

>> No.5401047

Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.

If your kids have any objections they aren't children.

>> No.5401063

btw im a girl

>> No.5401076

sent ;)

>> No.5401079 [DELETED] 

post pics of your tits

>> No.5401080

>gets knocked up twice
>this is a good idea

i bet you're on all kinds of welfare too, you piece of shit. i hope you get cancer

>> No.5401098

>I am a single mother

how could you post this on /ck/...do you have any idea what this does to the neckbeards.

>> No.5401120

This is a troll thread, because the information provided is in no way needed or required.

I'll be back to read my post when this hits 200+ replies.

>> No.5401149
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Looks like school let out.

OP, Stews are good because stewed meat can be eaten like a soup, turned into pasta sauce, put in a sandwich...

You can make stews pretty easily by browning the meat, adding onion and carrot, cooking those off a little bit, adding canned chicken stock, maybe some flavorings like garlic and herbs, simmering for hours, then serving.

If you wanted to turn this simple beef stew into a pasta sauce, you could add canned tomatoes and simmer that. Boil the pasta. Once it starts to go limp, begin routinely tasting it. As soon as it's done, pull it and drain it.

You can fortify your stew by throwing in a handful of greens like spinach, kale, chard, etc at the last moment.

Potatoes are always good, cheap, and versatile for your starch. Simmer them until they're tender, drain them, and roast them or mash them.

Roasted chicken is a key thing for any home cook. Buy a whole chicken, coat it with oil in a bowl along with salt, pepper. Be sure to remove the guts from the inside. You can put in a head of garlic horizontally split, a split lemon, a bushel of herbs, whatever.

Two techniques for roasting: One is to put the chicken in a roasting tray/casserole covered with tin foil (add a little liquid like chicken broth or white wine), put it in a 400 degF oven for thirty minutes, then remove the foil for the last 30 so the skin crisps.

Another technique might appeal for you. Cook the chicken at a low heat, 220 degF for 5 hours, uncovered. No juice is lost and the chicken is cooked. When it's time for dinner, all you have to do is crank the oven up to its highest setting (500 degF probably), coat the chicken with oil, then put it in for the skin to really crisp up and for the meat to rewarm. Works like a charm and you can do the actual lowheat cook the day before.

Blanching vegetables like broccoli and asparagus: boiling water, veggies in, pull them when they're bright. Run cool water to stop them cooking. Rewarm with butter and lemon.

>> No.5401160

Stuff like baked fish with roasted Mediterranean vegetables is moderately cheap, fast, delicious and healthy - but I can't guess how well it would go down with a child.

>> No.5401212


Yeah, mac n' cheese and hot-dog night was honestly some of my favorite stuff.

>> No.5401218

Depends on how you present it.

Kids will eat anything, as long as you know how to actually make them want to. Work on presentation, have them help you make it, work with colourful ingredients. Cook varied stuff and be adventurous.

That's the best way to help a child learn about food, cooking, what things taste like and what actually do or don't like.

The worst way to go is to straight up force them to eat stuff. I was put off squid forever due to that kind of behavior, and even know I can't eat most squid dishes because it just disgusts me for some reason.

>> No.5401225

I can agree with having the kids help out once they're old enough. Giving them an alternative they can work up rather than only knowing fast food, you know? And it's kind of nice for the family, but that is a whole other discussion for later.

>> No.5401247

They can start "helping out" real young, too. Case in point is Rino.

Of course it'd be a whole lot faster without her. On the other hand, it's basically the best way to teach a kid about food, as well as making them want to try new stuff!

>> No.5401270 [DELETED] 

tits or gtfo

>> No.5401439

That onion part, that's adorable. I wonder how many parents engage their kids like that though. It can't be helped.

>> No.5401458

It can. Just have to educate people. Parents themselves, kids at school etc.

Why wouldn't it be possible?

>> No.5401495 [DELETED] 

Become my personal onahole and ill get you free food

>> No.5401501

I'm a stew lover and it's great because it can be stretched for days and utilized in many different ways. Some kids just won't eat a vegetable though. I'd stick to chicken or turkey dishes most of the time.

>> No.5401521

Poor community and poor conscience. Too lazy to care about improving the world, too scared to try to do anything about it.

>> No.5401623
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Just adjust the quantities if you need to with these recipes.

>> No.5401644


>> No.5401648


>> No.5401651


>> No.5401658
File: 31 KB, 738x433, Yay fish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5401684

I hated kraft mac'n'cheese as a child.

>> No.5401692 [DELETED] 

tits or gtfo

>> No.5401700

Have you checked out budgetbytes?

She gives the price of each of the ingredients and the total for meals

>> No.5401785

You do realise similar posts have been made, and deleted by the mods?

D'you want a ban, son?

Those are pretty cool recipes for low-budget cooking.

Although >>5401658 recomends cooking the Salmon for way too long. Overcooked fish is dry and unsatifying.

>> No.5401801

not him but not they haven't. ever.

welcome to 4chan

>> No.5401835


Seriously, check out this blog. Tons of delicious and healthy recipes, all good for families, with costs calculated.

>> No.5401840


I made the recipes, I guess 7-8 minutes works on my grill for perfectly moist fish, just adjust to your appliance/tastes. I hate raw fish, but that's just like, my opinion, man.

>> No.5401884

make cooking and nutrition a compulsory part of education from kindergarten to grade 10

problem solved within a generation

>> No.5401894

Actually they have, I reported one in this very thread earlier.

>> No.5403332

-Can of tuna
-Can of white beans
-Fresh basil leaves, torn to pieces
-Chopped red onion
-A squeeze of lemon, olive oil salt and pepper

Preparation method: remove the juice from the tuna and bean cans, mix everything, serve with toast.

-Clove of garlic, chopped
-Fresh chili pepper to taste
-Deepfrozen mussels (12 per adult)
-Dried basil
-Salt and pepper

Preparation method: Boil spaghetti, meanwhile simmer garlic and chili. Add the mussels (can do that straight from the freezer, just don't add any ice or else the oil will splatter about). When the mussels are done, sprinkle with basil & immediately add the spaghetti. Stir in the pan a little, serve.

>> No.5403419

Spaghetti, meatballs(frozen, fully cooked), sauce from a jar.

Chicken breasts, rice, vegetable (fresh frozen is easiest)

Chicken helper, tuna helper, hamburger helper

Chicken a la king:
Lipton sides "Creamy Rice"
Chicken breast 1-2 cut up into bite size pieces
1 can peas&carrots

>> No.5403441
File: 255 KB, 354x367, 1371234437544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks like school let out.
>actually believing in "summerfags"

>> No.5403470

Two words: slow cooker

You can put stuff in on a low setting (stews, soups, casseroles) before going to work and it'll be done by the time you're back.

>> No.5403479

>Some kids just won't eat a vegetable though.
then starve that fucking kid until it caves, or stop giving it such ridiculously fake flavors that warp its expectations of how things should taste

>> No.5405369


Dude why would these posts be banned?

>> No.5405371

Sorry wrong post man.

>> No.5405379

OP, the most economical thing you can do is buy whole roasts/primal cuts, and bulk meat, and either plan leftovers, or section it up at home. Consider making double batches of everything. Cook a whole turkey breast on Sunday, and make 3-4 meals out of it, or even lunches. Buy 12 packs of breasts. Section the 3lb hamburger meat into 2 bags in the freezer, and dinner tonight. Over time, this smart planned leftovers and savings will add up to give you more money for the more expensive fresh ingredients. For times savings, you should be using your crock pot once a week, to give yourself a restful night (vs fast food night). Think about having sloppy joes ready to dish out onto toasted buns you made in the oven with some yukon gold fries. Freeze the leftover joe meat and turn it into taco night a week later. Eventually, you have stews, lasagna and various things right from your own pantry and freezer. Think about using fresh ingredients twice, like when you buy cilantro, you morph it into a mexican night and a chinese/thai night both. Spinach goes two ways with a quiche you can freeze for later, and a salad or dip now.

On the food network, Melissa D'Arabian does a lot of addition for time and money savings on her meals.

>> No.5405385

>I am a single mother of 2 children

What happened to the father?
Is it the same for both children?

>> No.5405485

real mexican food is cheap, filling, nutritious and easy to make.
beans and corn gives almost all the aminoacids in a balanced form

>> No.5405617

holy crap man this is not her blog and that is none of your business

>> No.5406465

Fuck you, we can find out if she still puts out. Jeez, she's already got two trophies.