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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 870 KB, 1057x508, Screen Shot 2014-04-30 at 8.10.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5396829 No.5396829 [Reply] [Original]

Cut two of my fingers and burnt another finger while making Parmesan Garlic Fries drizzled in Olive Oil.

No regrets, though. They tasted fucking magical.

What sort of fries do you enjoy making, /ck/??

>> No.5396925

I command you to post pics of the proces and the full recepie.

>> No.5396932

>eating fries at 8 in the morning

Are you fat OP?

>> No.5396945
File: 238 KB, 480x640, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should mention I made these last night, along with some milkshakes made with home made ice cream.

Shit was cash as fuck.

if you don't mind obscene language and tumblr, I post all my recipes, including this one, right here: recipesforweebs.tumblr.com

it's a recipe blog where I post all my recipes, most of them being recipes and meals based on various foods shown in anime.

here's a like to the french fry recipe!: recipesforweebs.tumblr.com/post/84293793525/

>pic related
>had to hand feed my fatass cat like 6 fries

>> No.5396946


>> No.5396957

though the wiki article response was super clever, anon was accurate in stating that it was about 8 AM when I posted the pic.

I made them last night, though!

>> No.5396979

>if you don't mind obscene language and tumblr
Nigger its seems like you dont know where the fuck you are.

And i thought your fries had something special about it.

>> No.5396990

haha, I was wondering if I should mention the language thing but apparently some people get really offended when recipes aren't all proper sounding and shit

>> No.5398269

OP you've made two threads now linking recipes from your tumblr. It's cool if you want to post OC but please don't spam.

ur a grill btw

>> No.5398278
File: 346 KB, 1332x1000, 1386796050051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shameless promotion viral samefag. Not going to report because I can't confirm, but I hope a mod or a janitor sees this and bans the shit out of you for trying to market on /ck/. Ronnie pls go

>> No.5398287

The fries look great, but I can't believe you went out of your way to do a whole batch.... like... with teh cone cup, too? You should go grab a beer from the dridge and leave $7 in there, then your State Fair experience will be complete. Lol.

gayyyy dude. what does anime have to do with cooking?

also, do you EVER cook real food?
> fries
> some milkshakes
> home made ice cream

>> No.5398294

Fuck you.


Not this weabo tumblr faggot

And his fries werent even that cool

So check yo facts nigger.

>> No.5398299

Next level viral marketing

>> No.5398310

Good to know you've been refreshing /ck/ every 5 minutes waiting for any reply to your thread.

There's no point lying. Your IP between posts would be the same and as soon as a mod checks the report and sees that you'll be banned.

>> No.5398313



What are you a kid?
Or a real old fag?

>> No.5398329
File: 2.00 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_2540[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect so let me give you one more
And let me give you my nice brown finger, you huge faggot.
Check the ip on that faggot.

>> No.5398341


Want a time stamp with that you faggot?

>> No.5398353


so 4chan
such /ck/

>> No.5398363


WOW you learned a "meme"?

Shit im awed by your superior intellect.

>> No.5398367

What do you test run these on reddit first?

>> No.5398407


>> No.5398427
File: 254 KB, 600x590, himmlerburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon I somehow deleted those pictures.

But I do have this one.

>> No.5398443

dat file name.

Fuck you internet detective.
Go get the internet police you fag.

>> No.5398445

>omg fried potatoes soooo unhealthy lol
And what do you eat?

>> No.5399046

Alright, let me address all these because this is fucking ridiculous. Excuse any weird typos, the bandaids are making it really hard to type things correctly.

1) I'm not promoting myself. I only posted the recipe because someone asked me to. I'm also not samefagging because I'm one of those paranoid assholes who's terrified of getting caught if they ever do samefag.

2) I made a whole batch not just for myself, but for a family of 4 other people (including a little sibling who can eat like they have a black hole in their stomach.

And yes. I make a lot of real food. I cook meals for my family everyday because my grandma's busy as fuck doing other stuff and I really love cooking, so it's not a chore for me.

I can make almost any sort of dish if I have the necessary equipment for it, and I'm going to be attending a culinary institute in a month to work more on plating and all that jazz.

If you name a dish, there's a chance i've made it at least once or twice!

And the whole point of the blog is that there are dishes in various animes that I wanted to make, and so instead of just posting them for myself, I made a blog dedicated to that shit so other people could request me to make stuff from their favorite shows as well.


>implying i'm a dude

also my fries were delicious as fuck, and yeah, I'll admit I'm into anime, but about 80% of my recipes are requests from other people. I don't exactly let my life revolve around japanese cartoons.

Holy shit. I posted it on here first because I thought you guys would appreciate a thread that isn't dedicated to which fucking skittle flavor you liked best.

I then posted it on reddit because they actually seem to give a shit and I was kind of proud of these fries. They tasted really good and they made my family really happy, so I wanted to share that feeling with other people.

Holy shit. you people are fucking ridiculous.

>> No.5399056
File: 12 KB, 625x479, 1398530269435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wah wah wah pay attention to my smelly vagina

get fucked, cunt. cooking is for men.

>> No.5399075

I'm betting on my fucking life that I can cook food that'll make yours look like watered down shit.

Who honestly gives a shit if I'm a dude or not, anyway? Who gives a shit if I wrote a sentence that confirmed what my gender was?

I don't want people to pay attention to a vagina, I want them to critique/appreciate/inquire about the food that I post.

Shit, and I thought /ck/ would be a decent place void of shitposting, the people on /b/ are 5x more knowledgable about food compared to you assholes.

>> No.5399079

Then don't post pictures of yourself all over your "cooking" blog. Typical tumblr attention whore. We have no use for your kind here.

>> No.5399087

Right, right. You guys prefer talking about your favorite frozen chicken nugget brand and what sort of cookie/candy combinations go well together. My fucking bad.

I posted one picture of myself because I was requested to do it about 10 times.

I posted a video of myself making ice cream because someone requested a video.

It's like you're disregarding anything potentially positive about my blog because of the type of website I'm using to store my recipes.

>> No.5399091

That's exactly what I'm doing. Now go ahead and fuck off back to tumblr. You have to know that nobody on 4chan approves of that place.

>> No.5399096


And the only thing i have to add is
Bitch chill.
Dont take this shit serious.
Unless you are arguing with some vegan fuck.
Fucking vegans man, when will they learn?

>> No.5399099

This isn't people's special playground where you can say whatever you want and excuse it just because of the place you posted it. We're not in some secret parallel universe. We're on fucking 4chan. Anything you say here can be held against you, just like any other website.

>> No.5399106

I've been lurking /b/ and /a/ for a much longer time than I've been on tumblr, dude. Yes, I know the people there aren't too fond of this place, but just because I use a specific website to host my stuff doesn't mean I'm part of their bullshit hivemind.

Now, if you have any questions about the recipe, or if you have any suggestions or critiques, I'd be happy to receive them, because that's what /ck/ is supposed to be about.

I'm sick of all your bullshit threads that consist of pictures of food you think looks pretty, or what sort of frozen pizzas you prefer. Use this place the way it was intended before you tell me to go fucking anywhere.

>> No.5399116

Fuckin vegans is right, dude.

I have a few vegan friends and the ingredients I have to substitute with give me war flashbacks.

Also nah, I'm a little pissed. I came onto /ck/ after years of just lurking a few of the more popular chans because I thought it was cool that you guys had a chan dedicated to cooking, and then all I see is threads about shitty mars bars candies and various 'food hacks' involving premade doughs.

Like, not to sound like a pretentious fuck, but doesn't that sort of make this place look a lot lamer than it should be? Because this place has a lot of potential.

>> No.5399120

keep posting this fgt, I'm back to call you on it

>> No.5399126

I want people to know it's copypasta so they post it, too.

>> No.5399131

>/b/ and /a/

That explains a lot. You know what I've been lurking and posting on for fucking years? /ck/. It is what it is, and self promotion has no place here.

>> No.5399145

oh my god, for the last time, I only posted a picture of my fries because I wanted to know what types of fries everyone was else was into cooking, and what sort of condiments and spices they used.

I said so in the first fucking post.

I only posted my recipe because someone asked for it in the beginning and I really like sharing these things with people.

I hate self promoting just as much as the next person, but I'm not going to fucking deny someone a chance to learn about a recipe because it comes from my own blog.

>> No.5399180

Bitch i already told you.
Dont get this shit serious.

Look at this fag
He took his shit too serious and then it got told.

>> No.5399182

ah man. alright dude. you have a point.

>> No.5399225

This is pretty simple if you want to contribute to /ck/ then go ahead, just don't use it as an excuse to keep linking your tumblr. On the off-chance that the first replies requesting the recipe in every thread so far weren't you, just paste it here instead of advertising. Or better yet why not include it in your OP? You're just being another tumblr attention whore otherwise.

Your attempts to 'help' /ck/ would look less disingenuous if you contributed to existing threads instead of repeatedly making your own.

>> No.5399247

I do, I've been contributing to these threads constantly. I could link you to all the posts I've made but that'd be a huge waste of time.

also, it's just easier for me to post a link to the recipe, because I don't have to worry about the format of it getting fucked up when I copy and paste it onto here.

I think I've only made about 5 threads on here, and only two of them involved something that I made.

>> No.5399339

I just ate a whole play of fries which I oven cooked and were soggy as hell

THOSE THO! Would nom.