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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 166 KB, 614x460, apple cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5391782 No.5391782 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, /pol/ here.

C-could you, um ... make us a Fuehrer cake? Pretty please?


>As far as his closest aides were aware, he kept to a strict healthy diet and drank only lukewarm water.

>But Adolf Hitler would regularly stave off attacks of midnight munchies by tucking into specially made ‘Fuhrer Cake’ and other gooey treats.

>A ‘Fuhrer Cake’ – an apple cake strewn with nuts and raisins – had to be baked each day and left out every night for him to raid like a naughty schoolboy as the rest of the household slept.

>He would raid the kitchen after staying up late talking to guests and rarely get up before 2pm, according to a maid who worked at his mountain retreat in Bavaria.

>> No.5391786

I was just about to make a thread on here.
also from this thread

>> No.5391787

Are they for big guys?

>> No.5391794

He had midnight munchies because his amphetamines were wearing off. We're not going to make you a Nazi cake, /pol/lock. Go back to your fucking containment board.

>> No.5391800


>> No.5391801

She broke a cup and lost vacation days? Her boss sounds like a real Nazi.

>> No.5391804

>two fuhrer cake threads

>> No.5391806
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also this http://southernfood.about.com/od/apples/r/bl30222p.htm

>> No.5391807

But I get hungry when my amphetamines wear off from plotting too


>> No.5391811
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We could've been friends /ck/.
We'll need your ovens one day.
We could've been friends...

>> No.5391813

>containment board

pls, moot loved /new/ so much he realized the error in his ways and created /pol/

also how close is this recipe:
>Its very simple to make a fuhrer cake, and it costs almost nothing. Go and buy a pound cake. Drizzle caramel on it, sprinkle sliced minced nuts and raisins, apply whipped cream to the top of the cake, sprinkle minced apples into the cream. Let sit for 1 hour in the fridge. Eat when ready. Serves 3 to 5 depending on size of pieces.

>> No.5391814

What are you, 12? However old you are, you seem like an insufferable faggot, even by /pol/'s standards.

>> No.5391816

This isn't people's special playground where you can say whatever you want and excuse it just because of the place you posted it. We're not in some secret parallel universe. We're on fucking 4chan. Anything you say here can be held against you, just like any other website.

>> No.5391819

Fuck off m8, I was joking.
Gsus lighten up ya big fagget.

>> No.5391827

Let me guess, you actually are 12? It's okay, that's when I started posting on 4chan, too. I was also really annoying, but at least I stayed on /b/, just like you need to stay on /pol/

>> No.5391830

Goddamn /ck/ can't even make one simple cake for the sake of history... it's just a food porn board, isn't it?

>> No.5391835
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>mfw politically incorrect food is now a thing.

>> No.5391836

/pol/ is raiding the kitchen (/ck/)

>> No.5391838
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Not quite.

>> No.5391842
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Exactly. We don't take kindly to Nazis round these here parts

>> No.5391849

fresh copypasta? stop.

>> No.5391850

Nuh uh ya big pansy boi.
Now in the kitchen and bake us our cake like the bitch you are.
>inb4 you refer to my age must be 12, again.
Keep it interesting you fagget.

>> No.5391856

Closed Sunday for Jesus.
Closed everyday for coloreds.

>> No.5391857
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Just ask Ronnie

>> No.5391859
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So they've replaced the hand with good goy's running around in a hamster wheel now have they?
Good goy.

>> No.5391861
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>be staying with the Hitlers
>wake up in the middle of the night
>step out of your room to use the restroom
>see Adolf
>"Mr. Hitler, what are you doi-?"
>He holds a finger to his lips with a smile
>"Come with me, we're launching a blitzkrieg on the fridge!"

>> No.5391863

When is it closed



>> No.5391864


not surprised

>> No.5391869
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Lel, looks like we know in what catagory these butthurt youths fall in.

>> No.5391871

You can believe that the corporations work with the government to make themselves richer and hoard as much money as possible without being as foolish as someone who thinks the Jews are solely responsible for it. Do we have overlords that actively hate us? Yes. But it's a lot of old white guys.

>> No.5391875
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Not Nazi?

>> No.5391877

>Old white guys
Oh god all my bells just went off.
How's your Tumblar going?
And no we don't think it's all Jews obviously.
At least I don't, we're not one person.

>> No.5391882

Who the fuck else would be running it? That's who owns shit. You're so fucking delusional it hurts. Are some of those old white guys Jewish? Absolutely. But the WASPs have been at this game for a lot longer.

>> No.5391884
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Who let you out of the oven?

>> No.5391886


>> No.5391889
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It's the Xenos you damn sheep

>> No.5391892
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>you will never be this much of a good goy

>> No.5391893

Are you going to call me a shitlord next?
I bet you can't even cook and eat Mc Do' every day.
So what would you propose? Give all wealth to POC's?
>Conviently forgets the industrial revolution conditions we had to work in.
We earned this with blood and sweat.
And now we should be able to enjoy the fruits.

>> No.5391894
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>> No.5391896

2% of the population
35% of CEOs
60-70% of media

It's. The. Jews.

>> No.5391895
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I don't know. I couldn't see his face; he was wearing a mask. He could tell that he was a big guy, though.

>> No.5391897

>Are some of those old white guys Jewish?

Nice try yid but everyone knows that the nose knows.

>> No.5391898

I would think it would me made in much the same way as a carrot cake, substituting apples for carrots.
Diced almonds or pecans would be nice, but walnuts are usually the default.

It sounds really tasty

>> No.5391899

What are you so angry about. Did he hurt your widdle feewings somehow?
>y-you're 12! :'(

>> No.5391900

I'm not totally convinced that everyone on /pol/ isn't a Colbert level troll. There's no way people actually believe this shit. Angry white people are the worst.

>> No.5391903

Right now, you're more annoying than the /pol/ people.

>> No.5391908

I would like to see your sources. You can't just post statistics without saying where they're from.

>> No.5391909
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>this guy

>> No.5391911

>protip It's Jewish Coffee Cake

>> No.5391912

You should really read our stickies image and try and refute any claims I make, but since this isn't /pol/ I'll stop because I don't want to shit up your board.
We just asked for a cake. Nothing more.

>> No.5391915

What is the problem with Jews running the world? If they actually do that is.
Like, what are they doing so different compared to a group of regular white folk in the same position of power?
I'm not trying to antagonize, I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.5391917

I think you should read the fucking image. I know of no credible source that says 35% of all CEOs are Jewish, because it's made up. The burden of proof is on you to provide a source, but you can't.

>> No.5391918

fuhrercakes, the final solution of snacktime treats.

>> No.5391920

>we just wanted a cake recipe
>no replies to any of the recipes posted

yeah, nah

>> No.5391922

nepotism + religious orthodoxy, a dangerous combination

>> No.5391923


>> No.5391924

It's a real holocaust of flavor!

>> No.5391925 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 760x797, 1353532708345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The Times of Israel: Jews DO control the media


>LA Times Columnist: "As a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood."


And to top it all off:

>Israels top Rabbi: Gentiles only exist to serve Jews

"Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said

"Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi (Master) and eat," he said to some laughter.



inb4 'GTFB2 POL'

you asked for it

>> No.5391926

I didn't say we didn't get it.
But this fat lard SJW who probably types with it's fat flaps takes one joke way too seriously.
And this kinda got out of hand.

>> No.5391929

Please cite your premise that it's all old white non-jews, friend.

>> No.5391931

Did I refute the media claim? No. Because that's an industry they control. That doesn't mean they control all of them. The world of the rich is made up of much more than movie executives. Show me a source that says Jews are a third of all CEOs

>> No.5391932
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>> No.5391933

You described an average leader of any country ever

>> No.5391935

Go away, /pol/.
We're not making your shitty apple cake.

>> No.5391937

For fuck's sake, I'll make it. Sounds pretty tasty. What kind of nuts? Just anything you'd want or is it something specific? I don't have any raisins right now and I might not have all the ingredients in my pantry.

>> No.5391938

When their greatest religious leaders (if they had a pope, it would be these guys) call non-jews subhuman animals created by god to serve jews, and that killing a goyim is like killing a snake

and when those people die, they get a state funeral in Israel with over 500,000 mourners

You start to worry when they make laws concerning you.

>> No.5391940


Jews - 2% of U.S. population, yet half of Forbes 400 Richest Americans


>> No.5391942

>a goyim

>> No.5391943

I think walnuts would be appropriate considering the region it was made in originally (bavaria)

>> No.5391944

I never said that. I said that it's old white guys, some of which are Jews, at least in America. The Koch brothers certainly aren't Jewish, despite their Jewish name.

>> No.5391945

perhaps I should clarify - normally, those who run a country belong to the same national identity of their citizenry. but the Jews do not 'belong' to america, England, Germany, Sweden, etc.

the civilization-within-a-civilization problem is one faced by all minorities, but particularly the jews, due to their codified ethnoreligious heritage. this is the essence of the Jewish Question.

personally, I have no problem with jews, I just don't want them running *our* countries.

>> No.5391947
File: 2 KB, 124x126, 1344046669128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Some quick stats: 139 of the richest 400 Americans are Jewish, including 20 of the richest 50. Those top 20 control some $211.8 billion in personal wealth."

>> No.5391949


Nice, I have some walnuts in my freezer. I'll make this later and if this thread is dead I'll just post another one since this is actually about cooking.

>> No.5391950

Guys, can we get back to talking about the fuhrercake? Take this back to >>>/pol/

>> No.5391951

Found that source, but I think you're going to wish I didn't.

It's actually 48%. :^)


>> No.5391952

That guy also said that the Holocaust was God's retribution towards Jewish sinners, and that a woman's role is sewing. Jews aren't any different from any other religion. They're all stupid and wrong.

>> No.5391954

Thanks, altough you are welcome to post it on out board.

>> No.5391955


please pot on /pol/ too.

>> No.5391956
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this thread is terrible, it only lasted 10 posts before becoming 'hurr durr jews' Get the fuck out.

>> No.5391958
File: 60 KB, 650x450, 1351547644750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>claim x isn't true
>ask for stats to prove it is
>receive stats


if you don't like it don't ask for it

>> No.5391959
File: 20 KB, 460x276, 345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did I refute the media claim?
>Who the fuck else would be running it?

Actually yes, you did.

>Thats an industry they control
>They don't control all of them
Why do you keep contradicting yourself?

>> No.5391961


I'm actually from /pol/. I got linked in the other thread. I browse this board sometimes since cooking is my hobby. I've been wanting to bake something for some time, so this is a good excuse.

>> No.5391962


calm down kid.


you are doing your people a great service

>> No.5391963

>They're all stupid and wrong
*tips fedora*
le magik sky daddy plebs ;)

>> No.5391964

>normally, those who run a country belong to the same national identity of their citizenry

Not really, look at Britiain. For most of its history the crown was held by frogs or krauts. The only time the monarchy matched the citizenry was when the barbarians overran the place.

>> No.5391965

One of the civil /pol/lacks here. Yes I agree there is an actual /ck/ topic buried in here somewhere. I'll look forward to your thread and to seeing how it turns out. imho I think you should chop the walnuts very finely. Sorry for my uncouth brethren.

>> No.5391967

Jesus fuck what a bunch of buttclenched faggets.
Huh, we'll I knew we had people from all over.
Cool. Is this board always this butthurt?

>> No.5391971
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>> No.5391972

Just when the americans are awake.
Come back in 12 -14 hours or so. It gets really chilled out

>> No.5391973

>One of the white knight /pol/acks here.

>> No.5391975
File: 1.32 MB, 3000x1964, Obama2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normally, those who run a country belong to the same national identity of their citizenry


>> No.5391979

Nice, I also like cooking but never been here.

>> No.5391980

>come to a board and shit it up with retarded jew conspiracies and blatant trolling
>call the board residents to not be so butthurt/buttclenched/buttfucked when they tell you to go away

Seriously, go away.

>> No.5391981


I don't actually have any raisins though, so they'll have to be omitted for this one.


Thanks, anon. Can't wait to make it since I've never made an apple cake before. I really like apples though, so I'm hoping it'll taste good. You don't have to apologise for the doings of others since it's not your fault, but I will accept it nonetheless. I understand why people don't like /pol/, and I find it fine.


Don't know, I just come here for the food and stay out of any potential drama or shitty threads about tipping or what-have-you.

>> No.5391982

But that source is wrong. Forbes Israel actually did a list of Jewish billionaires. 105 of the top 400 are Jewish, or about 24%. That's still a disproportionate amount, but that's still just a quarter. So, as I said, it's mostly old white dudes, but there are definitely Jews involved in running this sham of a country. Not everything has to be about race.

>> No.5391984

>comes from Hawaii

>> No.5391987

>Is this board always this butthurt?

Topics about negro food are pretty funny, until the tumblr-fags start spamming it with pics of morbidly obese white people, and then, just like in this thread, someone cites an actual source and everyone starts crying "g-g-go back to /pol/ ;_;"

>> No.5391989

That's in the world. It counts a bunch of european royalty and african warlords/dictators.

>> No.5391991

>is the board always this butthurt?
Yes and no
/pol/ has a less than shiny reputation and is usually unwelcome everywhere
But /pol/ has a presence on pretty much every board.
Mainly because everyone on /pol/ came from somewhere else.
/b/ /tg/ /v/ /k/ so on and so on

>> No.5391992

I bet this is the most active this board has been in years.
And one of you faggets started talking about

>> No.5391993



>> No.5391997
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Thanks, I might check it out. If only for to have a laugh.
No I won't post, before I get 9000 replies to get out and take my sexy uniform with me.

>> No.5391995

>my board is more popular than yours! nyah!

so fucking underage

>> No.5391998
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>> No.5392000


>controlling the flow of information
>not making you the most powerful people in the world

Your oven must have a gas leak or something because you can't possibly be this dumb

>> No.5392001

I'm from /pol/ and please /pol/ leave or stay on topic of hitler cake.

>> No.5392002

Here's the original interview segment where she describes the cake:


From her description it could be something like this


or this


But more neatly arranged with more apple and also raisins.

>> No.5392003

You forgot to specify the "12 years" my friend.

>> No.5392004

Ok, so counting all the billionaires in the world, not just america. Lets compare that number to the global percentage of jews.

Instead of 2% to 48%
it's .02% to 24%

So instead of having 24 times the amount of billionaires than normal, they have 1200 times.

Boy howdy, doing a good job there with that whole "Jews don't control everything" idea.

>> No.5392006

Just hide and ignore /pol/ threads.
/pol/ will run its natural course and leave if you ignore it.

>> No.5392008

>half jew half kenyan "born in Hawaii", schooled in Indonesia

Yeah, a real middle of the road guy.

>> No.5392009

I've got a theory that 4chan has had an influx of tumblr/reddit folk who've seeped into every board somehow.
They're still new and fresh to the internet, where Hitler is the worst thing in the universe, and they're trying in vain to make the board politically correct.

Thankfully /ck/ hasn't been 'too' messed up by these meme spewing shitlords.
You can still find an interesting thread now and then.

>> No.5392011

We wouldn't be having this discussion if you idiot actually read a book once in a while that isn't a cooking book and are trying to argue with people who spend their free time researching this kind of stuff.

>> No.5392012

So they're the propaganda branch of the conspiracy. I never said they weren't involved. But it takes a lot more than that to keep this shit running. The media operates for the sake of the rest of the rich dudes, keeping us distracted while they destroy our planet and take our money. They're still only a quarter of the whole thing. You're missing the forest for the trees, here. If you stopped shouting at the Jews and realized how much bigger it all is, you might get somewhere.

>> No.5392013

Conceal your powerlevel
Walter Slovotsky's Law #20something:
>thou shalt always cover thine own ass

>> No.5392015

I'm the dude who first told him to leave and I've been here since 2007. You can be a dedicated 4chan goer and still be a decent human being

>> No.5392020

No, they control a quarter of everything. That is not everything. How hard is that to understand? Having a disproportionate amount of power is not the same as having all of the power.

>> No.5392022

/co/ and /lit/ have been decimated by it.

Hell, /lit/ has a fucking TRANNY as a mod. Why not just give a retard a pistol and a badge
>wait how is that different than normal? ZING

>> No.5392023

Yeah well I've been here since 1939 when out immortal leader Moot created 4chan to help communications with our great push East.
Heil Moot!

>> No.5392024

Well, most boards have inter-bordal residents, I would think. As fun of a containment board as /mlp/ is, I like food too. /ck/ is preferable to watching Food Network.

>> No.5392025


Im not one of those people who thinks there is a jewish conspiracy but all of the points you are making to the other guy are terrible and im trying to help you see how naive you are being. The best way to win this argument is to not get in it because like someone else said, we spend our time researching this stuff.

Your argument boils down to

>Nu uh! You're 12 and it's so dumb to blame one ethnic group that doesn't make any sense

and then...

>It's rich white guys!!!1

>> No.5392028

So about that fuhrercake. I know nothing about cooking. How long do you guys think something like this should spend in the oven?

>> No.5392030
File: 136 KB, 600x375, 273_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry /pol/ I'll make your cake
just need an oven...

>> No.5392031

recipe is easy as

>> No.5392033

If I were lying, wouldn't I at least say 2005 or 2006 so I could make up shit about having been involved with Habbo Hotel? I didn't, because I started using it in 2007. Was I underage b& for basically all of the time I've been on here? yes. that doesn't mean I wasn't here

>> No.5392034


> Post actual recipes that match the primary source description
> Gets flooded in political metadiscussion

Welp, no wonder I avoid /pol/ like the plague.

>> No.5392038

They are the quarter that has the same goal. The rest are split up between their little fiefdoms and ventures and charity, but one whole quarter of the world's elite take their entire direction from ONE source... Guys like this >>5391925

Gentiles were created by God to serve Jews, and that is their only reason. Lower than a snake, dumb as a beast, and born to be a slave.

YOU. Born to be a slave.

>> No.5392039

According to mainstream sience or according to reality?
I'd think 180-200 for 30 minutes?

>> No.5392041

Oh yeah, I forgot about all of the women and blacks on the Forbes list and in Congress.

>> No.5392042

hey we just want our cake

>> No.5392043


>> No.5392044

No no, there some /pol/lacks in here that greatly appreciate you posting that. It's a shame that some others can't keeps their agendas on /pol/.

>> No.5392045

That's not what I was trying to imply.
I'm just saying being an oldfag doesn't mean shit.
Meritocracy m8.

>> No.5392047

obviously not, because everyone who's posted a recipe hasn't got a reply, and all you /pol/tards do is shitpost about jews

>> No.5392048


Im actually checking out all of the links and saving them for later but i dont speak german or cook so i have nothing to contribute

>> No.5392050

The irony is that /pol/tards have all of the same views as that guy, just without the Jewish overtones. It's the same backwards, sexist, xenophobic bullshit all ignorant people spout. The whole world is people throwing shit at each other and then justifying it by saying that the other people are shit throwers.

>> No.5392051


>missing the point this hard

come on, man.

>> No.5392052

I was responding to a post about newfags.

>> No.5392055


oh yes you are so enlightened. Believing that you are right and everyone else is wrong is truly a sign of maturity and a rejection of ignorance.

But are there any germans here who might be able to give some insight on which one of these cakes is probably the most similar to the Fuhrer cake?

>> No.5392057

You're missing the point, maaaaaan. /pol/tards would have so many more people on their side if they dropped the Jew shit, because they clearly are not the majority of the people running the country/world. However, white men are the clear majority, and I count Jews among them. It's simple data analysis.

>> No.5392059

Don't you have a bible to read?

>> No.5392060

And you're telling me this is normal 4chan behaviour?

>> No.5392061


You sound incredibly naive right now. The fact that you don't get that is almost funny. I agree that my fellow /pol/lacks need to drop the jew shit though.


I'm an atheist

>> No.5392062

>/pol/ is one person.

ya dun goofd. you're just so brainwashed by this leftist society that when people advocate the abolition of economy, that only whites can be racist, that people can and should live on handouts, or bad countries should be allowed to swarm good countries, no one bats an eye because it's all part of the plan.

But the second someone says racial groups should live separately, everybody loses their minds!

So you look at /pol/, you see fifty viewpoints; anarcho-capitalits, communists, libertarians, classical liberals, neo-cons, and nationalists, you just see "OMG EBUL NAZIS"

>> No.5392064

Most of 4chan are not actually racist, sexist, or homophobic. We just pretend to be because it's fun. /pol/ is the board for people who took the joke seriously

>> No.5392066

>white men are the clear majority, and I count Jews among them
>jews are white

[retardation intensifies]

>> No.5392069

>Implying I'm rascist
>Science and facts are rascist
Come on man. You can't deny the fact that most of these posts have a Tumblr like writing.

>> No.5392070

What's naive about my views? I admit there's a global conspiracy run by the richest members of our society, I admit Jews have a disproportionate amount of power. I just don't think the Jews are solely, or even mostly, responsible for it. That's where I differ.

>> No.5392072


ok fair enough, i misunderstood. Let's get back to Fuhrer cake

>> No.5392073


Jews thrive in parasitic industries that produce nothing of value.

Finance Media Retail Trade etc.

>> No.5392074

You can even fucking spell the word right. And yes, you're definitely a racist if you think you have facts and science that support your bigotry.

>> No.5392075

>you will never share a meal with der Führer

Why even live?

>> No.5392076

I was there for habbo
you know what we did
made swastikas
suck it newfag

>> No.5392078
File: 142 KB, 600x375, Apfel-Walnuss-Tarte2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This could also be it.


Just baked in a rectangular tray and with the apples more evenly arranged.

>> No.5392080
File: 130 KB, 612x792, Mein kampf, debating Jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very very small fraction of the population
>has a large percentage of control over the media and banking industries
>didn't believe it at first
>got sources
>now it's somehow irrelevant
>say old white men are the majority
>provide no sources for this
>say Jews are white despite the notion of antisemitism existing

It's exactly like he said in Mein Kampf.

>> No.5392081

We made swastikas because it's shocking, not because we were Nazi's. Again, /pol/ is the board for people who didn't get the joke.

>> No.5392083

>Old white men
>What are you like 12
All right, now I KNOW you're fucking with me.
Also not my native language and some of have work ya know plus a fuck ass long weekend doing charity.

>> No.5392085
File: 332 KB, 642x365, TYPICALpol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All we wanted was cake, :( we we're going to throw a hitler themed babby party. Everyones invited, even the joos :c

>> No.5392087

>no tangible value means no value

How's high school goin, bud?

>> No.5392088

Look at the Forbes 400. 1 is black. 10 are asian. 34 are women. the rest of white/jewish dudes

>> No.5392089

>implying your not the one who doesn't get the joke

>> No.5392093

>And yes, you're definitely a racist if you think you have facts and science that support your bigotry.
>facts are now racist
Pack it in, we've got a retard on our hands. Just let him tire himself out.

>> No.5392092

I assume everyone on /pol/ is trolling to the largest degree imaginable, or at least I hope they are. There's no way those people are that stupid.

>> No.5392096

inb4 IQ chart

/pol/ pls go

>> No.5392097

>I gradually came to hate them.

I know this feel, Uncle Adolph...

>> No.5392098


Nothing of value, but which is essentially the control seat. Popular media is the greatest source of propaganda.

>> No.5392103

>these facts hurt my feelings please stop :_:

Apply ointment directly to anus

>> No.5392104

they aren't facts

just leave

>> No.5392109

>Y-you better not post them... I'll cry and THEN you'll feel sorry...

Sorry the real world isn't the fucking Burger King Kids Klub rainbow coalition where everyone is equal.

>> No.5392112

Keep it coming. Keep showing everyone what a racist idiot you are.

>> No.5392113

>if you don't agree with me you're trolling!

Okay libtard

>> No.5392118

>/ck/ assblasted about a man who died sixty years ago
>meanwhile on /pol/ they are actually talking about cake
for shame. Very dishonorable display

>> No.5392120

Then, once again, you just didn't get the joke. 4chan is a place for people to say and shocking shit because it's funny, not because they feel it in their hearts.

>> No.5392121

I suppose you think you're in the majority then.

Yeah, no I actually agree with you. I am no better than the guy in Lesotho who rapes a child to cure my Aids, or the Myanmar Al Qaeda executing women for praying. Yup, exactly the same as, say, Switzerland.

>> No.5392123

meant to reply to

>> No.5392124

pretty sure it's just /ck/ or jidf posters trying to bait /pol/ posters

>> No.5392126

>implying white trash aren't the worst of them all
I'm from the Midwest. Most of the shit people(is there any other kind) I've met are white. I can understand being a misanthrope, but racism is just silly to me.

>> No.5392127

What happened to the cake?

>> No.5392131

>among the whites

Oh man. Please spend some time on /pol/.
As others have stated in this thread, you think you have it figured out (as we all once did), but you're trying to argue with people who research this on a very consistent daily basis, and have gone really far down the rabbit hole.

Trust me, years ago, I thought the same as you did. Things change once you start looking a lot harder though.

But back on topic, is anyone except that one cool anon attempting to make this cake?

>> No.5392132

Anon is baking, I would assume
Give it about an hour or so and check back.

>> No.5392134
File: 92 KB, 950x404, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Allies recovered it and hid it somewhere where no one would ever find it.

>> No.5392136

I have a recipe for these apple brownies that you could add raisins to I guess

>> No.5392137

Fuck of, back to >>>/b/
You are not a real /pol/ack.


>> No.5392138


>> No.5392140

Dude we're not ON /pol/

>> No.5392142

Just because I don't go on /pol/ doesn't mean I don't spend a lot of time getting into political arguments. I've spent most of the last decade researching political philosophy and theory, studying history, and keeping up with as much news as I can. Being well informed doesn't turn everyone into a Nazi.

>> No.5392144

to a degree thats true but 4chan is also a place to express your true inner thoughts without repercussions. i cant talk about my political ideals irl.

>> No.5392146

All we wanted was fuhrer cake. But then some people just had to say that we're racist and have no facts to back up any of our beliefs, all while spouting the same tired "old white men" line that MSNBC throws out hourly.

So we provide a couple sources and still we're not factual, just ignorant racists. What would it take for you to actually believe that there are differences between races, and that certain races are disproportionately powerful, while other races are disproportionately inclined to commit violent crime?


>49% of the murders

And hell, they even combine hispanics with whites. I wonder what what the stats would look like with more rigorously separation between races.

>> No.5392148

It could make a nice pre-cake

>> No.5392149


I'm actually a co/ck/, so kindly fuck off yourself.

>> No.5392152

>>implying white trash aren't the worst of them all
Let me get this straight.

Having a shitty front lawn and watching tv wrestling is literally worse than raping children to cure aids.

Just want you to confirm that.

>> No.5392153

Not a nazi.
Hell, most of /pol/ doesn't subscribe to Nazi ideology. Sure there's quite a few who do, but the others are generally joking around.
Most don't want to "GAS THE KIKES". They simply want them to have lesser influence and control on countries other than their own. You have to admit, even if you believe that jews are only 25% of the control of the US as you seem to, that is still insanely disproportionate and clearly a problem. Even if you believe their job is just the propaganda, that's the part which is keeping the people ignorant of whatever the 'real' problem is anyways. There's no way to not see that as being one of the biggest problems.

You don't have to become a nazi to recognize these things.

>> No.5392154

>Asians got the lowest scores


>> No.5392157

If you believe that there are differences between races, and some are superior to others, then wouldn't the Jews being more successful than you be along the exact same lines as you being more successful than blacks? Maybe, just maybe, we're all just human fucking beings, born to die, and we all have a miserable time of it? Maybe we should try to treat each other as well as possible because all we really have in our short times here is the happiness we feel? Any differences between races are cultural, and that's it. Now go back to /pol/ you fucking bigot

>> No.5392158

>I consume information that has been catered to making me as marxist as possible. I'm INFORMED!

>> No.5392159

If they didn't do it, someone else would. All people are terrible, and we deserve extinction.

>> No.5392162

>I consume information that has been catered to making me as xenophobic as possible. I'm INFORMED!

>> No.5392166

so would I make this like a pineapple upside down cake (my great grandmother was German and that's what she taught my mother) or should they be mixed with the batter?
I've had it both ways
I've also had it like a sort of Apple coffee cake with lots of cinnamon swirls and topping with brown sugar

>> No.5392167

>wouldn't the Jews being more successful than you be along the exact same lines as you being more successful than blacks?
A dictator having more money than a saint does not make them better.

>Any differences between races are cultural, and that's it. Now go back to /pol/ you fucking bigot
>being this brainwashed
Maybe you should go sit in front of MSNBC, let the man who shames you on your race lull you to sleep.

>> No.5392169
File: 78 KB, 400x581, Adolf-Hitler-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one - strewn with nuts, raisins and glaze.
Midnight snack time for Hitler

>> No.5392172

We'll then you're worse than us.
We don't want to exterminate anyone.
We'll except anyone who isn't white obviously.

>> No.5392173

>we deserve extinction
So start by offing yourself so the rest of us can get back to our thread about cake.

>> No.5392176

Mixed with the batter.

>> No.5392177

Because whites are so fucking ethical and saintly. How can you be this delusional? We literally committed genocide in America, killing far more Native Americans over the course of our country's history than Hitler ever could have hoped to have done with the Jews. We're just as bad as everyone else.

>> No.5392178

>tfw I unironically saw some jews refer to non jews as goyim

i thought it was all a joke...

>> No.5392181

Some people cannot be convinced, one way or the other.

Remember pmbeers from the LA Trayvon protest?
Angry violent black guy snatches her phone and throws it
She blames a white kid

We have delusional people on all sides of the spectrum, that believe or disbelieve all kinds of shit.

What was that phrase that was floating around /pol/ last year?
Something along the lines of;
>you can offer the redpill, but you cannot make them swallow it

>> No.5392182

Huh, don't know why I typed "we'll" instead of well.
>Oh we'll.

>> No.5392184

You honestly think white people are any less deserving of death than any other race?

>> No.5392185
File: 12 KB, 327x388, 1283392028726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get a load of this faggot. I can't even make fun of you for being a "stay on topic"fag because this is actually /ck/ related. Just stop posting.

>> No.5392188

Where did I say that one race was superior to others? In fact, I don't believe that. However, I do believe that blacks are more inclined to commit violent crime, and that maybe we shouldn't carelessly throw a whole bunch of different people together, call it diversity, and say it's great.

Why don't you address the facts that I present rather than putting words into my mouth and then attacking those words? And if the only differences between races are cultural, then why are blacks more likely to have problems with sickle cell anemia? Why can scientists identify different races based off of DNA? Why is it that two almost identical tigers different subspecies, but when there are two vastly different groups of people in terms of appearance the only differences are cultural and not genetic?

>> No.5392190

Okay our humor is obviously not recognized in these parts.
No I was joking.
Nobody does, at least not by their skincolor.

>> No.5392191

mmmmmmmmm disease killed those indians. Any conflict we had with them was mainly due to the fact that they A) killed settlers because they had stuff they wanted and B) sided with our enemies for pretty much every war until the civil war.

Face it. Whites have done the most good, the least evil, and still are the most powerful on earth. Hell, even today we are globally the least racist, violent, selfish, or abusive ethnic group.

>> No.5392193

American blacks are more inclined to commit violent crime, because it's a socio-economic problem, not a racial one. Humans are more closely related genetically than most mammalian species.

>> No.5392194

>Angry violent black guy snatches her phone and throws it
>She blames a white kid
Liberalism in a nutshell, this is the perfect example.

>> No.5392198

haha very funny 10/10 you got me. you are truly a master troll. my laptop's about to die, but this was a very engaging wall shouting session.

>> No.5392199

jidf detected

>> No.5392200

at one point there was a population bottleneck of only ~1200 individuals
personally this just screams protoindoeuropean but I don't know nearly enough about the subject

>> No.5392202
File: 82 KB, 700x714, 1360707277888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we please get an original recipe for Fuhrer Cake, /ck/? I think you guys are taking things WAY too seriously.

>> No.5392203

>American blacks are more inclined to commit violent crime, because it's a socio-economic problem, not a racial one.

1) correcting for "socio economic" variance doesn't help, the rate barely changes. ie. poor whites with absent/imprisoned families commit far FAR less crime than poor blacks with absent/imprisoned families. Hell, they commit less crime than even affluent blacks.

2) Africa.

>> No.5392204

Our genetic differences are basically just cosmetic changes to help us survive better in our specific environments.

>> No.5392207

End of the thread.

>> No.5392208

Poor white people are still white.
The first civilizations started in Africa. The desert doesn't have any civilizations because it's a fucking desert. Where are you going to put the city? You need water and soil for that.

>> No.5392210

This, everyone is pretending to be /pol/

>> No.5392212

actually it's generally accepted that civilization was born in desert oasis

>> No.5392215


There are ~10 million poor blacks and ~18.9 million poor whites in the United States. Why then do whites not dominate in the crime stats if it is purely socioeconomical?

>> No.5392227


So civilization in the Occident started in two places; the Fertile Crescent we are all aware of and the Aqualithic phase that extended the entire Sahara back when it was green

>> No.5392229
File: 327 KB, 578x462, 78978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just don't think the Jews are solely, or even mostly, responsible for it.
But they are. Name any problem on an organizational level and it will always be the jews. They wish to destroy society.

>> No.5392233

Because niggers, that have been controlled by the jews, are the problem. imagine the world where they would have become cultured. Instead we have them eating literal shit from Mac Donalds.

>> No.5392234



>> No.5392235

Partially because there are major biases in Arrests; most prisons are filled with petty drug users and even though white people across the board use more drugs on average than anyone else they are also the least likely to be arrested for it

>> No.5392236

no it started when the deserts started to expand in smaller oasis
water management nigga

>> No.5392240

Bruh that's just silly also what do expect when talk of hitler is mentioned?

>> No.5392243

Until you can read up on the Aqualithic phase and the pre-dynastic period of Egypt you really have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.5392249

chop up a bunch of apples and mix with brown sugar and cinnamon mix
spread on bottom of cake pan
mix up yellow cake recipe
pour over apples
make more cinnamon brown sugar mix, go heavier on the sugar
add chopped nuts
mix and pour on top of cake
swirl it in if you want
bake at whatever

>> No.5392251

I don't have any sources for arrest bias, I'm just working with the fact that (assuming it is, as the earlier poster said, purely socioeconomical) 10.9 million blacks (or ~27% of the black population) are committing 49% of the murders despite being only ~4% of the population (27% of 13%).

Now, you're more than welcome to introduce any statistics you can find showing massive arrest bias, and I'd be very interested in reading that data, but for now the only thing provable is that blacks are more likely to commit violent crime than whites even when accounting for socioeconomic factors.

>> No.5392253
File: 305 KB, 408x455, 768678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Anti-semitism" is on the rise. Intentional Jewery is being revealed to more and more every passing day.

>> No.5392261


This is just weed but its pretty much most crimes! just google


With poverty comes gangs; I would say the majority of murders commited in the black community are gang/money/drug related.

>> No.5392264
File: 642 KB, 1280x964, 1383105040461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expect the brainwashed morons to come out from the woodwork to claw and scratch at everything the truthful say as is the way you have all be programmed to react. Go a head and don't do any fact checking and continue on your way.

>> No.5392266
File: 1.71 MB, 300x167, sphincter_smashed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Oh shit more facts

SJW's gettin BTFO

>> No.5392267


>> No.5392268

>everyone is a criminal drug user th-they just don't get caught
Fuck off kike. If the overall crime rate doesn't please you then let's go to violent crimes. Blacks are 10x more likely to commit violent crimes than whites despite being a minority.

>inb4 but whites do violent crimes and get away with it!
Not going to work here. There is no arrest bias when it comes to domestic violence, at least when it comes to race.

>> No.5392273

Oh wow you're serious

Dude, I was into the various Atlantis theories when I was younger; I now about the "Nordic" aliens and all that other stuff but like seriously if you want to know the "truth" look at archaeological data and don't shut down when people show things that go against your worldview.

Its not healthy

>> No.5392275
File: 348 KB, 516x450, smuggermanface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the wire
Great source! I'm sure posting jewish websites will change the opinions of people here.

The reality of arrest bias is that if you look like a thug, no matter your race, you will be profiled. Strangely a disproportionate amount of blacks look like thugs because guess what, THEY ARE THUGS!

>> No.5392281

The violent crime rate is related to gangs; gangs are a reality in economically disadvantaged Urban areas that deal with a heavy flow of illegal substances.

>> No.5392284

>With poverty comes gangs
Yes we've been over the part that when whites are poor they suddenly don't cause all this crime. Nigs are always going to nig no matter if they are poor or rich. Get rekt kike.

>> No.5392286

Yet you still are annoying.
Please go back to the hole you crawled from, cretin.
You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.5392290

They source from the actual statistics.

Honestly if you are just going to be like "THA J00Z!!!!1" then there is no point talking.

You already made it up in your mind that every statistic no based on racist ideologies is a scam created by the liberal social Marxist Jewish elite.

Once you've gone down that rabbit hole there is not point furthering the conversation because you'll always just yell Jews!

The idea that only "thugs" get targeted is bullshit; wearing a hoodie does not mean you look like a thug.

>> No.5392296

No it's related to blacks. What do you not understand about this? It's clear as day. The statistics show this. And when statistics don't work you say
>bu-but muh discrimination!!!
No fuck off, it doesn't happen in your imaginary world. Cops profile thugs. Blacks and blacks alone only act this way, despite whites being in the same socioeconomic status.

>> No.5392298

Most poor whites don't live in urban area; most poor white live outside of under group economies that rake in billions.

Save for the emerald triangle where every local cop and politician know that they survive on it; most white poor just wallow in cowtowns and dust bowls in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.5392299

I mean no offense by this, and will acknowledge that racial bias could very well be a factor, but I have a couple problems with this:

1.) The only source is the ACLU, which is very much a biased organization.
2.) It doesn't account for other factors in the arrest, such as maybe more of the marijuana suppliers were black, or maybe blacks were more obvious and blatant about their use of weed.
3.) It has nothing to do with the murder statistics.
4.) If black crime is related to being poor and being in a gang, why aren't there more white poor/gang murders considering there are 9 million more poor white people than black people?

>> No.5392301
File: 105 KB, 404x584, 435654547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've made up your mind as well, despite being shown official sources with hard statistics you claim it's not race. What would I have to show you in order for you to realize that race is the factor?

>> No.5392303

It's like this guy has never looked at a chart connecting businesses to whom they answer to... a good example would be Verizon, or Viacom.

It's like this guy has no idea what compartmentalization means or what the goal of consolidating power is.

You need Jesus, breh.

Regardless... what other delicious German baked goods are there, /ck/? I apologize for the off-topic... we merely came to find out about delicious Fuhrer cake. ;_;

>> No.5392306

>Most poor whites don't live in urban area
And suddenly cities make the criminals. It's laughable really. The poor whites in urban areas do not commit the violent crimes that poor blacks in urban areas do.

>> No.5392307

Fuhrer cake when?

>> No.5392309



>> No.5392314

>Most poor whites don't live in urban area; most poor white live outside of under group economies that rake in billions.

Terribly sorry, but could you provide sources for this? I'd look for it myself, but I'm kinda tired from combing through the official fbi and census data for the sources that I provided for all of my statements.

>> No.5392316

>wearing a hoodie does not mean you look like a thug.
Wearing a hoodie like a thug means you look like a thug you retard. It reminds me of how they photoshopped trayvon martin's picture of being in a hoodie to make him look far more less thug.

>> No.5392320


In NYC right now we have the Russian Mafia taking over who are violent but also extremely powerful unlike mostly very low end dealers in say the Bronx.

In urban areas millions if not billions of dollars worth of narcotics and illegal goods from elsewhere creating a chain reaction of shippers, cutters, dealers, guards and organizers.

Its an entire economy in and of itself.

Honestly that does not occur in the rural areas who are at most producers with their own set of issues.

>> No.5392321
File: 367 KB, 576x432, 24234234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.5392324

You cannot wear a hoodie like a thug; you can wear a hoodie and be profiled as one.

>> No.5392326

Sure let me link you to this official nonbiased source


>> No.5392327


>> No.5392332
File: 71 KB, 500x333, attack-the-block-hoodies-500x333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you can wear a hoodie like a thug, as with all forms of clothing.

>> No.5392336

Again, a couple problems:

First off, there's no source provided. Second, the blame for crime has been shifted from socioeconomic status, to bias, and now to urban vs suburban living. In all of these shifts, only one thing has remained constant: 13% of the American population is committing 49% of the murders. Each and every shift has narrowed the percentage committing the murders (from 13% to 4% and now to an even smaller percent, considering that not all poor blacks live in urban environments). Why is it more believable to say that a percentage of 4% of the population commits 49% of the murders than to say that certain races are more violent than other races?

I'm not supporting white supremacy or black inferiority. I'm pretty moderate and soft-hearted by /pol/ standards. I'm just showing that there are differences between the races and that maybe living in harmony together isn't really as easy as people say.

>> No.5392339
File: 29 KB, 395x382, 1394562132807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ argues with hard statistics
>some random jew argues with popculture websites
Jeez I wonder who to believe.

>> No.5392340

not the same guy, but
"Most Poor People Do Not Live in High Poverty Neighborhoods. Half of all poor residents of the Washington metropolitan area lived in low-poverty neighborhoods (where less than 10 percent of the population was poor), and only 14.3 percent lived in high-poverty neighborhoods (where more than 30 percent of the population was poor)."

"3. African Americans Who Are Poor Are Geographically Concentrated. Poor African Americans are four times more likely than poor whites to live in the central city, and twenty five times more likely to live in high-poverty neighborhoods."


>> No.5392342

That does look admittedly tasty.

>> No.5392343

Wearing a hat with a hoodie make you look like a thug?

>> No.5392344
File: 211 KB, 956x1280, 1398294268024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anon who said they were going to bake it said that he was either going to post it ITT or make a new thread.

Patience, friend

>> No.5392346

And somehow the poor whites living in these urban areas, with these same socioeconomic issues don't cause the same crimes?!?!?!?! It's almost like socioeconomic issues isn't the cause of why blacks do crime.

>> No.5392347

You miss used the word now, I believe you meant 'know'. You seem dyslexic, maybe your grasp on the history of the world is of similar understanding?

>> No.5392350

You're missing the socio part of socioeconomic. It's not purely because of income levels.

>> No.5392353
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 43534534545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me kike, what does that white on the far left of my photo look like. He looks like a thug, just like the blacks in the photo. You can wear clothing to reflect being a thug. I'm amazed you can't grasp this.

>> No.5392357

Oh well I mean its super google searchable that's why I didn't source a link.


>> No.5392362

Except that poor whites have the same social problems, even worse in the majority of times. Can you imagine being poor and white in a neighborhood full of niggers?

>> No.5392363

I think they look like anarchists.

>> No.5392364


So covering your face is the same as walking around with a hat and hoodie?

Idk you kinda sound stupid saying that is a thug look when really that's what a lot of people do and yet they aren't called thugs.

>> No.5392365 [DELETED] 


Cooling now

>> No.5392371

Can you imagine being a nigger? No, you can't, because you aren't one. Also, can't any differences between white and black people in America be explained by the selective breeding slave owners did to produce strong, dumb workers?

>> No.5392373
File: 26 KB, 500x321, criminals-hoodie-proof-apple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look like thugs to me. I think you're retarded if you don't seem to see how they're up to no good (read thug behavior).

I'm sure in your world these men are outstanding citizens and can't be profiled.

>> No.5392380

I mean the kid covering his face outside of it snowing does seem out of place but wearing a hat and hoodie does not make you look like you're up to no good.

>> No.5392386

>can I imagine being a nigger
But you can. That's the point of the word "imagine" in the sentence.

>can't any differences between white and black people in America be explained by the selective breeding slave owners did to produce strong, dumb workers?

Again with the topic shift. I'll shift to a better topic, let's talk about how the slave trade was perpetrated by jews and the first slave owner in America was black.

>> No.5392387

You're either an angry old white guy or an angry white nerd. Either way you're the antithesis of cool.

>> No.5392392

that was my first post in this thread, so it's not really a topic shift

>> No.5392395

>but wearing a hat and hoodie does not make you look like you're up to no good.
I would say wearing a giant baseball cap and a huge hoodie makes you look like a thug. Normal people don't wear these, thugs wear them. It's like with the retarded giant chains. Is profiling really this new of a concept to you?

>> No.5392396

>wears a hoodie

Isn't that the thing toddlers wear? Wow, I feel sorry for you. You can probably find a youtube video on how to use buttons.

>> No.5392398


Actually the trans-Atlantic slave trade was started by King Alfonso kicking out the Jews to the colonies of Cape Verde and Canary Islands during the joint crown period.

He kicked them out and told paid for them to send slave to Sevilla and Lisbon.

The first slave owner was a white man who was award a black indentured servant over a decade before the Atlantic Creole made his case to the courts

>> No.5392400

Whatever, nerd.

>> No.5392404
File: 37 KB, 460x276, afineoutstandingyoungman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The topic was still changed regardless.

Get fucked kike.

>> No.5392407

Sorry I meant King Ferdinand

>> No.5392413

>implying I'm Jewish
I'm actually German-Irish, but nice try. So which is it, dried up old shitstain, or fresh socially awkward shitstain?

>> No.5392418
File: 433 KB, 500x275, SadInTheRain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Browse /ck/ for years
>Recently start browsing /pol/
>This thread

>> No.5392423

>The first slave owner was a white man
I said American slave owner. I also said perpetrated, not created. Good try though, work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.5392428 [DELETED] 

I called you a kike because it's obvious you are one. No get back in the oven, you are still raw.

>> No.5392429

not the same guy

What does the color of the first American slave owner have to do with anything? How is it relevant? Does it somehow excuse slavery, or make the people involved in it somehow less horrible?

>> No.5392433
File: 1012 KB, 1580x3433, Almost as white as Argentina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the source. So what this tells us is that poor blacks are more likely to live in central city Washington than poor whites. Now (and this is not a very smart thing to do) let's just apply that statistic across the board: let's say that poor blacks in general are 4 times more likely to live in the urban environment than poor whites in every single city in America. So that would mean that 80% of poor blacks live in the city (compared to 20%) of poor whites.

80% * 27.6% * 13% = ~3% of the population
20% * 12.8% * 75% = ~2% of the population

There it is. After several sweeping assumptions, incorrect application of data, and for the purposes of crime lumping all hispanics into the category of "white" we finally have a result that equalizes the crime committed between between blacks and whites. That was an incredible series of mental gymnastics, but to be honest, even with all the improper application of data (applying one city to the rest of the nation), the sweeping generalizations, and the out of date statistics (the study for D.C. being done in 1990), I honestly expected blacks to still end up committing more crime.

That was a fun exercise though, thanks for the discussion!

>> No.5392435 [DELETED] 


>> No.5392437

>What does the color of the first American slave owner have to do with anything?
I was just shifting the topic from the topic you shifted to, as you are doing again.

>> No.5392441


>> No.5392442
File: 88 KB, 594x412, 1334531011974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can smell the Fuehrer cake.

>> No.5392444

I didn't shift anything. I brought up an idea I had, and you decided to lump me in with every other poster.

>> No.5392446

Nice trips. You were shifting the topic from the original. I'm sorry you can't see that.

>> No.5392448


Shut up he was not the first, John Punch was and he was owned by Hugh Gwyn


The Atlantic Creole as I said came later; nice try though

>> No.5392451

The topic was blacks are different from whites. I said American blacks are dumber and more violent than whites because we bred them that way. I actually agreed that they are in fact different

>> No.5392453
File: 530 KB, 500x275, 1354679822082.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw browsing /pol/ after a month
You can't go back.

>> No.5392462

I agree with you then. Niggers are scum of the Earth. Very few of them are worth anything at all. They commit large amounts of crime no matter their circumstance. Nigs gonna nig, I wish there was something we could do about them.

>> No.5392465

>we bred them that way.
You owned slaves?

>> No.5392467

I like blacks from Africa. They're usually cool and intelligent. We have nobody to blame but ourselves for the genetic state of the African American community. We bred them to be this way.

>> No.5392476

>We have nobody to blame but ourselves
Nope. You can suck tyrone's cock all you want, but I never owned slaves nor did my ancestors, nor did your ancestors most likely.

>> No.5392478

By we I mean the white race, since you're into lumping races together as one.

>> No.5392480

Wrong person Mr. Kike.

>> No.5392482

usually the guys who make it out of africa are a little smarter I think

>> No.5392488
File: 17 KB, 256x334, sadf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like blacks from Africa. They're usually cool and intelligent.
They aren't. I'm sorry that the one black guy you met was really nice and cool, but exceptions do not make the rule as you would like for people in this topic to believe.

>> No.5392497

>since you're into lumping races together as one.
I'm not though. You're lumping the exceptions into the rule.

Let me help you.
>one white guy owns slaves
>one black guy is nice and cool

You're retarded. Also slave owners are in nearly all races and all cultures. It still goes on today in Africa.

>> No.5392499

they are the same no matter the geographical location


here is my brwnie recipe that needs rasins and nuts to make it hitlers delight

1 cup butter, melted
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons cinnamon
4 large apples (peel and slice into bowl)

Mix all ingredients except apples. When batter is mixed well, add in apples.

Place mix in a greased 13” x 9” baking pan

Bake at 350 degrees for about 40 minutes. Check after 30 minutes; it is done when knife comes out clean - but do not overcook.

>> No.5392506

Blacks have no one but themselves to blame.

>> No.5392513

Former slaves are the same no matter the geographical location, yes.

>> No.5392526
File: 32 KB, 412x350, 43534543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, negroids are the same no matter the area. It has nothing to do with your imaginary world of blacks being bred to be stupid. Niggers are niggers even in Africa. They couldn't even figure out how to domesticate a single animal.

>> No.5392531

Except for the ones who did.

>> No.5392535

Yes the exception is the rule once again.

>> No.5392541

Civilization started in Africa.

>> No.5392559
File: 13 KB, 244x200, 1333433564598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changing the topic again?
Pick one.

>still believing Out of Africa
The guy who came up with "Out of Africa" no longer believes it.

>> No.5392564

Okay, so you're obviously a troll. That's accepted fact and you fucking know it.

>> No.5392573

Eat shit. It's not a fact and never will be, it was a theory that has now been disproved. Repeatedly. There was no civilization in Africa. The theory you're meaning is Out of Africa which is that humans as we know it came Out of Africa. Which isn't the case either. After being peer reviewed the guy who came up with that no longer believes it.

The reality is that we came out of South East Asia.

>> No.5392581


>For the moment, the majority of anatomical, archaeological and genetic evidence gives credence to the view that fully modern humans are a relatively recent evolutionary phenomenon. The current best explanation for the beginning of modern humans is the Out of Africa Model that postulates a single, African origin for Homo sapiens. The major neurological and cultural innovations that characterized the appearance of fully modern humans has proven to be remarkably successful, culminating in our dominance of the planet at the expense of all earlier hominid populations.

You're fucking wrong.

>> No.5392596


Christopher Stringer is the person who came up with the Out of Africa theory, he changed his views after more research and being peer reviewed. He even talks about how sad it is that the Out of Africa theory became so hijacked.

>> No.5392613


/ck/ is like /v/ where it attracts alot of crossboarders due to the broad nature of it's appeal

/ck/ has shit tons of normalfags for some reason, probably due to how it's non threatening.
Since not only does everyone eat, it's only board where alcoholism is acceptable so it brings in that demographic not to mention stoners with munchies too, then you have the homemaker women types who lurk, you'll no doubt have noticed from the menstrual cramp, pregnancy, etc
Not to mention a lot of boring people, usually women who are devoid of anything to say fall back on talking about food, the poorfags who use /ck/ as food porn

As a result conflicts escelate quickly due to people not being able to handle some of 4chan's more controversial behaviors and opinions and throw a tantrum, usually it's the normalfags flipping their shit at something contrary to a liberal truism such as in this case
That said just the other week I saw a thread where some graphic design fag flipped his shit at at applying filters to photo's of shitty cooking and then it divulged into /g/ trolling about gimp and free software

>> No.5392680

Honestly it sounds like it'd be a delicious cake. Shame about /pol/ fucking up this thread.

>> No.5393123

>America's two largest racial demographics are "White American" and "African American", with more "White Americans"
>Obama has a white mom and an african father, and was raised by his white mother with very little contact to his father
Yep, seems right to me.

>> No.5393952

This, really.

I think you misunderstand.

Niggers in Africa are as bad as, or worse than, any other niggers on the planet.

The very few educated African blacks who manage to make it to first-world countries on their own merits are generally good people. I've worked with a few, and they were nothing like the degenerated American niggers.

This does not include refugees, BTW, who are generally the most ignorant savages of all of the available niggers, and who are being handed their first-world visas on a platter for being downtrodden and worthless.

>> No.5394377

It's obviously white racism. I'm sure it can't be that blacks are genetically predisposed to violence and poor impulse control.

>> No.5394491

and you're so fucking great. misanthropy is the only logical philosophy in the face of humanity

>> No.5394752

I think you mean Grumblecakes