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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 87 KB, 610x458, 20140122-nugget-grid-small2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5388897 No.5388897[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite brand of chicken nugget?

What condiments do you like with it?

Me I go for Tyson plus some Hidden Valley Ranch, or Brianna's honey mustard dressing.

>> No.5388903


>> No.5388913

>eating chicken nuggets with honey mustard

If you were a girl, I'd totally wanna shower with you.

>> No.5388918

Banquet always tricks me with their being so god damn cheap but it has no texture and weird after taste. Even the super generic read-e-serv whatever brand is better.
I usually go with Tyson. Anchor Farms made some really good ones but they never go on sale.

Real honey is still my favorite, or HP sauce.

>> No.5388920

i dont buy frozen chicken nuggets. the only person I know did was the parents for my friend in 1st grade

>> No.5388921


I don't think there would be a shower big enough for both of you to get in at the same time.

>> No.5388930

Nigga, I am a hungry skeleton.

>> No.5388931

weaver looks like the ones they gave us in elementary school
it was an entirely unacceptable meal.
4 nuggets, one scoop of corn, and a juice box
the same meal they fed to the kindergartners was the one they fed to the 6th graders. Nugget day was really just uncomfortable hunger day

>> No.5388936

You eat chicken nuggets with real honey?

>> No.5388939

oncor makes some pretty good nuggets and only take 5 minutes from frozen to cooked

they pair nice with a bag of those 5 minute fries and a toaster oven

>> No.5388950

is it better that the meat is light or dark?

>> No.5388979

Yeah as opposed to a honey 'sauce.' I used to have a friend that'd dip fucking everything in mcdonald's "honey"

>> No.5388990
File: 243 KB, 1600x740, honehy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mcdonald's "honey"

Waaaait a minute. I've seen you before. We had this "discussion" a while back where you pretended not to understand (1) the difference between honey mustard and honey, (2) the fact that mcdonald's offers pure honey (pic related), and (3) the fact that there are strict laws on what you can actually label as honey (pic also related).

You were an okay troll - pretending not to comprehend stuff is a solid enough platform for trolling - but I'd just like to nip your nonsense in the bud this time for the sake of the thread. Thanks!

>> No.5388998

well none of the stuff pictured is actually meat

the word nugget refers to the ground up chicken legs and beaks that are left over on factory floors

>> No.5389019
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>mfw this kind of faggot posts on the same board as me

>> No.5389039

sorry, did you not know that your precious 99 cent chicken nuggets are made from the mouths and legs of baby chicks? oops OOPS

>> No.5389052

lol are you kidding? legally, they can't be. say what you want about the gov't but the FDA actually has its ducks in a row when it comes to enforcing this kind of thing

>> No.5389059

thats honestly the realest shit ive read in a long time. Based anon

>> No.5389060

The fact is honey and HFCS are almost the exact same thing, so it doesn't really matter if they cut some in because you would need sophisticated analytical nutriments to tell the difference

>> No.5389065

>There are people who actually believe this bullshit that vegans spoonfeed them

>> No.5389067


>> No.5389070

>there are people this retarded on /ck/

>> No.5389073

>The fact is honey and HFCS are almost the exact same thing,

5 seconds of googling disproves you. Why would you even claim something so easily countered?

>> No.5389075
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Good one
You're guillable enough to actually believe the horseshit your retarded self just spouted?

>> No.5389077

>Any kind of school food
Especially fucking Pizza. I swear that's been so up and down for me where ever I went. Right now it's a disgusting leftover over dominoes that sits around for days left in heaters. And people pay $2.50 for a slice of that shit.

>> No.5389079

Even if what you said was true, who cares? Only fucking idiots cry about eating things that don't come from prime cuts.

>> No.5389081

you realise there is proof of this at several reliable sources, don't you. didn't mean to burst your bubble.

hey i'm sure there's at least a little bit of chicken breast in the nuggets. maybe a nipple.

>> No.5389086

chickens don't have nipples, you giant fucking retard

>> No.5389092

>hey i'm sure there's at least a little bit of chicken breast in the nuggets. maybe a nipple.
>chicken breast

>> No.5389094

>chicken beaks and legs
>not prime cut

Not exactly

>> No.5389103

i was being facetious you massive twat. the truth of the matter is, as long as the bag doesn't claim to be "100% chicken breast" then you are probably not getting even close to 100% chicken breast...maybe not even chicken.

>> No.5389106

>We don't know where that pink goop came from
So where did this mystery goop come from guys?

>> No.5389118

I can't stand chicken nuggets, even when I was young I disliked them I don't get how people like them so much.

>> No.5389130

Bell & Evans with shoestring fries and lots of ketchup while watching the Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy miniseries is something I enjoy very much.

>> No.5389131

some people like the taste of mashed up chicken eyeballs

>> No.5389147

>muh food company conspiracies
>they want to poison us!
>they don't even put real meat in their meats!

shove your dumbass tinfoil hat in your ass, you mouth-breathing moron

or just quit trolling, you can't seriously be this damn stupid

>> No.5389165

This isn't the the 1900's, big boi

>> No.5389170

wtf i didn't say that the product was poisonous.

i don't think manufacturers are trying to make people sick, but they sure as hell want to keep costs low as possible for themselves so they can maximize profits.

imagine the cost of disposing all the parts of the chicken they dont use. imagine how much money you'd save if you put that as filler into the nuggets...

>> No.5389176

Are there any chicken nuggets that aren't made out of that weird spongy shit?

>> No.5389181
File: 328 KB, 1057x1072, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: all of /ck/

>> No.5389197

Ugh, this. Balut is the most savage shit I've ever seen, yet I know people who will claim to think it's some delicacy simply because they're boring and actively try to seem interesting, meanwhile will bitch about how "grody" mcdonalds is. Like are you serious?

>> No.5389198

>muh food companies are always thinking of me!
>although it's been proven by numerous health sources I believe in the marketing they keep throwing at me
>im so impressionable and -edgy!-
>i'm from /k/
And you have the nerve to call others mouthbreater. Absolutely laughable

>> No.5389244

Whatever brand Chick-fil-A uses.
>eating chicken nuggets as an adult

>> No.5389251

I have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Honey sauce is totally a thing. It's like fruit cocktail. Who the fuck trolls /ck/?
That styrofoam pizza is kind of nostalgic. I grab elios a couple times a year to remember it, it's not the same though. Sysco pizzatangles are unique in their mediocrity.

>> No.5389273

ITT: asspain and superiority complexes unsheathed due to the mentioning of chicken nuggets

>> No.5389275

the swans delivery company had some p good popcorn chicken. nothing compares, but it is expensive

>> No.5389288

>ITT: underaged faggots and autistic manchildren getting btfo'd by people with actual good taste

>> No.5389304

wow this post took me by surprise literal gut wrenching laughter was had.

thank you

>> No.5389319

I like perdue with homemade spicy Dijon honey mustard.

>> No.5390927


I'm really getting to hate Swann's. Everything they have that I like they stop carrying.

In this food wasteland, their polish sausage was the best polish sausage I could find without at least a 70 mile drive each way. Sure enough, they quit carrying it.

And that's just one example.

And much of their stuff is just crap. For example, the last time I looked they have frozen cooked shrimp but no frozen raw shrimp. Who in their right mind would every buy frozen cooked shrimp for anything?

>> No.5391465

if you were a dude, i'd suck your dick while you eat fast fixin' chicken nuggets

>> No.5392319

oh man I used to eat Fast Fixin's all the time after college. Couple of strips between wonder bread with some miracle whip and you had a passable sandwich. No oven though so I had to nuke the strips, so they were mushy and soggy. Oh well. I made do.

During this period I also added alfredo sauce and hot dogs to drained ramen noodles, made ghetto 'pizza' with sandwich bread, sauce, and american cheese, and ate other horrible things

>> No.5392361

school food is seriously bullshit. no wonder all the kids are fucking weak faggots nowadays, they don't even get to eat right in school.

>> No.5392390


what are you talking about anon? children are getting all of the nutrients they need from their pizza.

>> No.5392757

I don't know if this is true or not, but I was hearing all my last year of high school last year that pizza was now considered a vegetable, so that they could still serve it in schools.

>> No.5392790

I get the Great Value brand. They're better than Tyson, and cheaper too.

>> No.5392793

Tyson but only if they're Dinosaur shaped. If you don't eat Dinonugs you're a pleb.

>> No.5392855

You're an idiot

>> No.5392871



>> No.5392905

>not calling them snack-o-saurs

>> No.5393417



>> No.5393469

Bell and Evans since it's actual chicken.

>> No.5393481

>No McD's
>No Wendies

Holy shit why would I care about any of these

Vegetarian Nuggets are godly tho

>> No.5393493

You're an idiot


>> No.5393503

I wasn't talking literally, obviously. I know it's not a real fucking vegetable. Come on, Anon, step it up.

>> No.5393515


US allows 'honey' to be up to 49% HFCS and sill be able to be called honey

this is probably what he meant

>> No.5393521

>imagine the cost of disposing all the parts of the chicken they dont use.
I hope you realize they only use very certain parts of vegetables, like onions and potatoes for example, and then throw away the rest. It's an extremely common practice. What would make you think they wouldn't do this for meats?

>> No.5393524


RIP Sweet Chili Sauce
RIP Hot Mustard

>> No.5393529

Whatever, dark meat tastes better and is better for you than chicken breast anyway. I love living in america where idiots drive down the price of all the good parts of the chicken.

>> No.5393538
File: 845 KB, 400x281, pink slime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's pic related it's from Teletubbies.

>> No.5393542

I like chicken muggers with French fried and sweer potato.

>> No.5393546

Brb chicken leg quarters for .69 a lb and thighs for .99 a lb

>> No.5393913

>RIP Hot Mustard


>> No.5393916

>you realise there is proof of this at several reliable sources
o yeah saying that will make the trick I swear xdddd

>> No.5394042

>walk out of whole foods with a chicken
>cunt on the street starts shouting at me about MURDERING THAT POOR CHICKEN AND MAKING HER BABIES STARVE!
>she actually said
>I start laughing like a maniac
>walk to my car laughing like a lunatic swinging a bag of chicken and vegetables around.
>I hate whole foods

>> No.5394111

This didn't happen.

>> No.5394162


I don't think you could afford a chicken at whole foods

>> No.5394517

brb vomiting

>> No.5394525

They all look processed except Bell Evans so I'll go with that. But I never buy nuggers from the store. Occasionally I'll get maccas nuggers with sweet and sour

>> No.5394550

I love you.

>> No.5394621


Restaurant-wise? Chick-fil-a.
Grocery store? Trader Joe's
At home? Mine.

>> No.5394626


You're not just stupid, but you're stupid stupid stupid. That's triple stupid.

>> No.5394641


I've heard theories from that it's actually bubble gum to it being the actual burgers themselves.

>> No.5394657
File: 29 KB, 250x224, 1396189523109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How dumb are you? Obviously it isn't possible to do with onions etc. The meat from the chicken is getting mashed so much that you can't tell what's in it.
If you saw an onion with it's peel on it still it would be pretty obvious, don't you think?

>> No.5394666


You can get carrot filled chicken nuggets. It's actually a very common way of making them in the phillipines.

>> No.5394678


Exactly the point.

>> No.5394687
File: 67 KB, 570x329, chicken-nugget-crunchers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5394697


>> No.5394701

You're an idiot. It isn't considered a vegetable and you back pedal.

>> No.5394776

>I like to make accusations based on things you don't mean so I can look smarter

>> No.5394780

>damage control

You were proven wrong. Get over it.

>> No.5394795

>I still like to feel like I've won an argument by calling damage control

>> No.5394851

>It is, instead, a fight about tomato paste. Specifically, it’s a fight about how much of the product counts as one serving of vegetables.
>Ketchup is a vegetable
>Orange juice is a fruit
>HFCS is a grain

Man you're fat lazy pieces of shit. You haven't eaten a single fucking tomato until you eat your share of seeds and skins.

>> No.5395022


Bio Chem here... they are not the same thing.

>> No.5395097

The seeds are bitter anon, just like you.

>> No.5395524

Back to tumblr!

I wouldn't eat it either but get the fuck over yourself cunt. It's a bird foetus woop de doo.

>> No.5395527

>not using the rest for your stock
Maximum pleb engaged

>> No.5395528

>The fact is honey and HFCS are almost the exact same thing

>> No.5395531

Tyson is the worst chicken I have ever had the misfortune of consuming.

Where the fuck is Foster Farms?

>> No.5396058
File: 51 KB, 501x377, 1398825681377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a huge fan of chicken nuggets on the texture part but i like the breaded chicken breasts. Either homeade or the frozen ones from tyson.

Tossed in wing sauce, served with bleu cheese dressing.

>> No.5396840

I make my own nuggets and I make my own ranch dressing to go with it because I don't like filling my body with gross ass chemicals and preservatives.

>> No.5399453

that barbecue sauce reminds me of the one mcdonalds has, same country. it was a sweet tangy flavor while we have that sweet hickory-like flavor

>> No.5399462


shutup, that wasnt him that was ME. and you're still wrong. cause even though there's clear labeling laws, you gotta always read the fine print and its not like you can ask them - Hey can i get real 100% honey and not honey sauce please?

this is my problem with kfc "honey" as well. i take KFC to go and i put real honey on my chicken.

>> No.5399465
File: 117 KB, 492x369, DSC05092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who Zaxby's here?

>> No.5399589

hahaahahahahahah no you are

>> No.5399609

zaxby's ain't shit go to huey magoo's

>> No.5401234

They're tiny, just swallow them.

>> No.5401240

Grocery store nuggets from a local chain. They look just like McDonalds, but have a slightly rancid-oil taste that covers up nicely with ranch.

>> No.5401525
File: 50 KB, 500x500, 0071785415209_500X500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Muh protein.

Actually, I prefer the chicken nuggets that come in a frozen package of these; pic related.

>> No.5401639

How did you manage to forget the original McDonalds chicken McNugget?

>> No.5401733

By pulling this image off of google. I saw it right away when I googled 'pink goo'. It linked me to the Ontario chicken nuggger plant. Turns out its chicken breast and skin. No floor bits.

>> No.5401924


>> No.5401931
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>> No.5402471



>> No.5402886

Best brand in the UK? Are chicken dippers better?

>> No.5402919


Look at all the fun they are having!

>> No.5403037

Supposedly they bread their chicken daily and fry it for the first time in the store "fresh" everyday. That doesn't mean the batter isn't still processed. Not sure how fresh the chicken would be for this.

I can't confirm, thats just what I've heard.

>> No.5403059

You're an idiot. Stop whining.

>> No.5403060

except McDonalds honey is NOT HONEY.

It's chinese bee juice.
Because it has NO POLLEN.
Chinese producers filter all the pollen out of their honey so they can smuggle it into america through places like India for cheap.

76% of store honey has no pollen, and isn't actually honey according to the FDA.

>> No.5403066

Honey isn't defined by the presence of pollen.

I'm not sure why you think this, or that filtering out pollen would magically allow Chinese producers to surreptitiously export their honey.

>> No.5403183

they cut it down in store , bread it and fry it in pressure fryers with sunflower oil, iirc. They used to use peanut exclusively but price jumped up or there were allergy concerns or something.

>> No.5403661

Well, you're kinda right, kinda not. You're right in saying that it's not all bones and beaks, they don't grind that shit into a powder and mix it with water. What happens is all the stuff that isn't leg, breast, wing and feather essentially gets tossed into a large bin and is pressed with a hydraulic press, and as it's getting squeezed, a mix of meat, offal, and marrow get squeezed out of little troughs in the press. The mixture looks like pink play-dough, and that's where the pink goo story comes from. It's all edible, it tastes good. I saw it being done when I visited my uncle at a processing plant in Ontario. I still eat nuggers to this day.

>> No.5403665

See >>5403661

>> No.5403671

I don't see the issue with pink goop, if, and this is a big if, it's actually stated clearly on the label that stuff has the shit in it.

I mean our ancestors have been making sausages from unwanted bits for years and sausage is delicious. Pink goo is just the modern industrialized logical conclusion to that.

>> No.5403673

>Bee juice
So... Honey?
Just because impurities are boiled out to turn it into a clear liquid abomination of what was once fresh honey it doesn't mean it's not honey.

>> No.5403688

Exactly. I figured I've been eating the hearts, livers, tripe, tongues of a myriad of animals before, I like to bite through cooked bones and eat the marrow sometimes, why would it matter if I got it mixed together in a delicious nugget. It tastes good, it's genuinely not that awful for you, I'm gonna eat it.

>> No.5404193

Dip we ever come up with an answer?