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5379451 No.5379451[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your favourite cocktail, /ck/?

>> No.5379454

Whiskey and coke

>> No.5379463

Tequila old fashioned using anejo tequila, agave syrup, Angostura bitters and orange peel

>> No.5379464


>> No.5379468

Can't say I have one. I mean, I admire cocktails, but I never really crave one. I always try interesting original recipes at restaurants. I like the ones that compliment the flavor of the liquor with notes, not the ones that just conceal the booze so that you can get drunk fast.

Straight whiskey, gin, tequila, vodka > all cocktails, for me.

>> No.5379471

Campari, grapefruit juice and club soda

True drink:
Rye whiskey, maraschino liqueur, carpano antica, orange bitters and a twist of blood orange

>> No.5379477

Oh, I agree, but it's the satisfaction of making one that doesn't taste half bad that does it for me.

>> No.5379479

Although let's be honest, I'll just take the glass of whiskey

>> No.5379490

Pimm's Cup! But,If I am not drinking mixed drinks, then I drink single malt scotch.

>> No.5380076


long island iced tea is good anytime fucked-up drink.

Vodka Tonic at clubs (it glows in the dark!).

Bloodymary for breakfast and with a steak.

Margarita if it's hot out.

Can't beat a nice beer though.

>> No.5380103

Long Island iced tea. Tastes better than any other drink that will get you fucked up so fast.

>> No.5380107
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>mfw a girl asked for a long island iced tea with diet tea

>> No.5380179
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>I never really crave one.
Actually, I don't have a favorite, but I do crave a handful in a little rotation. I live in S. Florida, so I'm allowed to want a frozen cocktail from time to time. I like a banana daquiri. I cheat. I take Minute Maid frozen limeade concentrate and a sweet banana right to the blender with crushed ice. Nothing more perfect when swimming at night, grilling on the BBQ...lightly sweet and sour both. When you want to up the sweetness, a real pina colada, cream of coconut and fresh pineapple juice (puree fresh pineapple chunks in the blender), crushed ice, squeeze of lime with the zest. Blend. Do not ever use fake coconut mixes. I use aged rum most of the time, Barbancourt or Flor de Cana is what I usually have for recipes onhand.

If you want something less sweet, I have a hemingway daiquiri, since I'm blessed to have a pink grapefruit tree. I use calamondins for lime. Even less sweet is a mojito, sugarcane juice, again aged rum, not white rum.

I also crave anything with tequila...like I can taste the cactus with my eyes closed. From a paloma to making sangrita when my tomatoes are ripe. Salty hot.

>> No.5380209

Start the night with a couple fine beverages, nice whiskeys, good craft beer, cocktails. Then when you've started your buzz, switch to the long islands and mickeys

>> No.5380254

If I'm having a mixed drink I like a fruit free old fashioned or a dark & stormy made with good, hot ginger beer.

>> No.5380257

You know who loved daiquiris?

Ernest Hemmingway.

No need to ever feel ashamed of liking them if they're made well.

>> No.5380258

Tropical Sunrise is probably my favorite cocktail thus far but I haven't had many. Tic-tacs are also good.

>> No.5380266

wasn't he an infamous boy diddler?

>> No.5380281

No. He wasn't.

He was a crazy drunk, but not a child rapist.

>> No.5380283

It was the times...rum was fun. Tropical was fun. Tiki came right after, I believe.

Us post-90s people are all about our low carbs and vodka. Now it's whiskey revival. Twenty years ago you'd be laughed at for liking flavored whisky like Southern Comfort, or even spiced rum. Now there's 15 new honey whiskeys with cherry flavor. Hauntingly similar to Soco. It's all a cycle.

I am indeed shocked though, that even though martinis made a comeback (albeit with vodka not gin), that daiquiris aren't more hot. I always loved them, because I love lime, and ice. :P I rarely order them out, because I hate sour mix.

>> No.5380290

Even when I was a kid and despite peer pressure, I drank bourbon. Evan Williams, Old Granddad, etc.

My so called friends all made fun of me for drinking "that shit". My tastes haven't changed that much but my circle of friends has.

I like what I like, anybody who has a problem with that isn't the sort of person I want to drink with anyway.

>> No.5382818

Whiskey sour

>> No.5382823

Pepsi and milk

>> No.5382853

>My so called friends all made fun of me for drinking "that shit". My tastes haven't changed that much but my circle of friends has.
>I like what I like, anybody who has a problem with that isn't the sort of person I want to drink with anyway.
Well said.

>> No.5383043

Soda water
Lime cordial

>> No.5383194
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I use to go to a hole in the wall bar that had a citrus juicer. They made a fantastic greyhound (fresh squeezed grapefruit juice and gin)

at home its just whisky and an ice cube. I let the ice melt a little so theres some water in my drink. I think it tastes better that way.

>> No.5383282

my go-to dive bar has a mix called the sandinista. it's tequila, worcestershire, sriracha and lime juice (not sure about the ratios but i'm pretty sure it's just a dash each of the last three). it's a pretty overpowering flavor so it's meant to be a shot; and a damn tasty one, at that.

also, vegas bomb!

>> No.5383304

big fan of negronis

>> No.5383459

old fashioned, martini, jameson and ginger ale, tom collins, long island

>> No.5383466

White Russian
Vodka and purple stuff is good too

>> No.5383577

Negronis and bourbon Perfect Manhattans

>> No.5383580
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hot chocolate and mint vodka

>> No.5383639

I haven't had that many cocktails, but Long Island Iced Tea was my second and current favorite. Can be very tasty and get you fucked up without having to drink as much liquid/calories.

The Incredible Hulk is a close second. Hpnotiq and Hennessy, boii.

>> No.5384478

I would skip the agave and use cain sugar or even piloncillo. agave is HORRIBLE for you.

>> No.5384487

Sazerac. Old Fashioned without fruid muddled into it. Martini (plenty of vermouth, thank you, this is a Martini, not cold gin). Pretty much anything that's just a basic cocktail, where the flavor of the spirit is the main focus, but with adjusted flavors. Complicated, too-sweet, overcrowded drinks are not for me.

>> No.5384546
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I like a properly made Old Fashioned. But I actually think my favorite is a bourbon margarita. I get it at this one bar in Seattle and it's the only bar that I've found that actually makes it. So fucking tasty.

Also, people ordering mocktails at my favorite bar are the worst people.

>> No.5384554

Mojitos for me.

Really? How?

>> No.5384598

love those as well as whiskey sours. sweet mixes are the best