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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5368121 No.5368121 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that some people get so obsessed about "muh authenticity", to the point where they act like someone making a variation on the original recipe is equivalent to deadly insult upon their culture and people? Things change over time, and very few people are going to religiously stick to using the EXACT SAME ingredients, tools, and methods that your ancestors have used since the beginning of time itself, so why get upset over it?
This question is primarily directed at:
-All Mexicans
-Some Italians (you know who you are)
-That one buttblasted Spaniard who thinks that the only true Paella is his local backwater's special recipe made with ingredients from his grandma's backyard

because they are the worst offenders.

>> No.5368133

Just like people like to remix and change, so too do people want things to remain the same. The trick is preserving the old ways while letting new takes flourish alongside.

>> No.5368171

Authenticity ensures that distinct, unique flavours remain unique. For instance, Americanised Chinese food tastes good but it's changed to suit an American palette, and if many cuisines alter to suit a certain palette, it makes them taste similar. This can be the case with just one person changing different cuisines; recipes to their own taste, or a whole culture.

>> No.5368172

>-All Mexicans
The way me and my family have always seen authenticity isn't so much about being a Luddite, it's seeing your culture being watered down and to some extent bastardized.

My greatest annoyance, in terms of clinging to muh authenticity, is tortillas.

Yes, freshly made corn tortillas from a tortillaria in some bumfuck village in the Yucatan are always going to be better than nearly anything else made here in the states. I don't even really care, I'm not that guy that goes around saying "BLEH these tortillas suck".

What gets me is that when people refer to tortillas, they refer to flour tortillas. Which apart from being largely inauthentic - they fucking suck.

The only food usually associated with Mexico that uses flour tortillas is the burrito - which for the longest time was only prevalent in the north part of Mexico. It's largely considered Mexican-American in origin.

Anyway apart from just flour tortillas being the norm when referring to tortillas now, there's the continuing bastardization of the tortilla with shit like whole wheat and gluten free and all this bullshit.

Suddenly I'm strange for getting corn tortillas. Even though flour tortillas are objectively worse.

>-Some Italians (you know who you are)
Italians are the fucking worst about it. I lump them in with New Yorkers because they're nearly the same nationality.

>> No.5368180

I hear you, OP. Most authentic dishes would do well with a few adjustments.

Conversely, how many changes can be made to a recipe before it becomes a different dish entirely?

>e.g.: chili

>> No.5368188

There are two groups. One group is interested in appearing cultured. They only want cuisine native to other parts of the world, rather than their country's take on that cuisine since they want to appear worldly. One of my favorite restaurants advertizes itself as serving modernized Puerto Rican cuisine. I know someone who went to it and said "it's not actually authentic and I'm never going back". The kicker? They couldn't find a single thing bad to say about the restaurant beyond a lack of authenticity.

The more reasonable group are people who just prefer the authentic style to the various interpretations. A lot of people in this group are perfectly normal and don't give a shit if you like inauthentic foods, hell they would probably even join you for some Texmex or whatever. But some of them are assholes with a stop liking what I don't like mentality and don't really see the reinterpretations as being anything but cheap knockoffs of the original, the culture that reinterpreted them as being supposedly devoid of its own traditions.

There's nothing wrong with having a preference for authentic food, sometimes you'll be in the mood for the real thing. It's when it starts turning into elitism that it becomes childish.

>> No.5368238

because muh cultural appropriation, goddamn white devils.

>> No.5368274

A neophyte tends to fuck with things under the guise of "being creative". There is nothing wrong with being creative in your cooking, but realize that when most folks do it they're no longer really cooking; they're just playing in the kitchen. It is OK to play. Play is good. But subjecting others to the results of your play at mealtime is often not a good idea. Because your chance of improving upon a recipe that many generations before you have perfected by just playing around in your kitchen are only slightly better than a monkey typing Hamlet.

This is one reason why we don't encourage children to cook for us.

If you spend time learning classic recipes, understanding how they work and what it is about them people love, then maybe you can come up with an inspired take on them. But the fact is most people will not. For most cooks inspiration means ruined food.

Very often good food is simple. Great food is simple food elevated, not overcomplicated. It's very often based on tradition, even when that isn't obvious. You can't fuck with tradition successfully if you don't understand and respect it in the first place.

Some cultures have such a refined cuisine that they become rigid about it, true. But rigidity comes with any highly refined art. A symphony orchestra is a rigid environment, but without that rigidity they could not perform Beethoven's 5th or le Sacre du Printemps. Good cooking can be like that.

>> No.5368282

When you have only one decent legacy in your whole shitty culture you hold on to it until your knuckles bleed.

>> No.5368288

the worst i've seen are viets.

white people aren't allowed to eat, and especially not allowed to make, pho.

if a white person eats at a viet restaurant, it's the my lai massacre all over again.

>> No.5368297

>if a white person eats at a viet restaurant, it's the my lai massacre all over again.
brb, vietnamese restaurant

>> No.5368299


>corn tortillas

Maybe the ones I get just suck. But those things taste like cardboard. Flour 4 lyfe.

>> No.5368306

Well the viet restaurant in my neighborhood must have a giant fart attack every day then, because everyone who works there is damn straight off the boat, but pretty much everyone who eats there is white, because it's in a predominately white neighborhood.

>> No.5368309


Really? I'm Viet and I know quite a few restaurant owners that like it when other people outside of the Vietnamese come to try their food. They think it's pretty cool.

>> No.5368318

Flour tortillas > corn tortillas

stay mad

>> No.5368326


it's not the owners, but the viet patrons.


>the other consequence of this is that vietnamese restaurants cater to white people’s tastes. and things are blander and aren’t as spicy, or have random shit in it - carrot in bun bo hue!? and everyone eats beansprouts in pho now (perhaps some viet families have a tradition of having it, but historically for nguoi bac it wasn’t really done).

>> No.5368335
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>But rigidity comes with any highly refined art.
I don't think there's a single word on earth that is less strictly defined than "art". Anyone trying to enforce a single definition of the word will find that the entire community of "artists" will come after them with an easel meant for their arse, because artists ALWAYS want to do new stuff.

>> No.5368341

>things are blander and aren’t as spicy

Fuck I hate this so much. I have an Indian friend like this too. It's like these people think if something isn't burning your mouth off it's bland and has no flavor.

In my opinion, their taste buds have been fucked by the spices if they think non-spicy automatically = flavorless.

>> No.5368350

I just want to get it out of the way that photography is NOT fucking art.
Carry on.

>> No.5368363



Anon, what the fuck are you doing on a webpage like this?

>> No.5368370

Op, are those pineapple strawberries worth buying?

>> No.5368371

I actually attended a folk high school that had a photography course, once. The people taking it were probably the most hardworking people in the school, next to the jazz students. Not that that says much, of course, considering half the courses were various types of social studies (for the record, I was taking the UN course).

>> No.5368384

some people like getting pissed off at words on the internet. I know I do.

>> No.5368392

Are you mentally deficient? Yes, photography is art. But, there's a difference between casual smartphone photos and actual photography. Although, I've seen some beautiful pictures taken with smartphones, too.

>> No.5368400

>Yes, photography is art.
No. Pointing a camera at something beautiful and pushing a button is not art. Don't even come back at me with all the made up idiosyncrasy bullshit that all the photographers I know like to drone on and on about. You're clicking a button, friendo.

>> No.5368429

Sounds like the same kind of person who would complain about how you are appropriating a culture by eating a fucking taco or sushi. They always come off as some sort of entitled 'enlightened' conservative who wants to protect their white women and the American way even though more times than not it's a college girl who is a minority.

That tumblr link in particular though, the author needs to get the fuck over herself. Any restaurant is going to cater to the tastes of the customers so that they can make more money. Jesus Christ.

>> No.5368450

You have no idea what photography is. You are a simpleton. Photographers have to do much more than push a button. You shouldn't speak out against things you don't even understand. I can't even remotely take you seriously at all. Go be stupid somewhere else.

>> No.5368456

I'm a simpleton and your photography 'degree' will serve you well when stocking shelves at Kmart in the future.

>> No.5368462

>implying I have a degree in photography

You are really making yourself sound ridiculous. Most photographers have degrees in other subjects (maybe with a minor in photography, but usually not even that.)

>> No.5368608

>artists ALWAYS want to do new stuff.
This is true. But people don't always appreciate "new stuff". Van Gogh never sold even one fucking painting in his life. Nobody gave a fuck, and he was actually a genius.

My comparison to a symphony orchestra stands. Many symphonies would love to play works by new composers. But they can't, because people won't pay to see that. People will pay to see Mozart or Beethoven, so that's what they play.

Many cuisines have Mozart or Beethoven level dishes. Fucking with them just seems criminal. If you want to try new things go get a Crunchwrap at Taco Bell.

(That's total fucking hyperbole, I know, but you can see my point...)

>> No.5368615

Corn tortillas are hip now, they're like microbrew dark beer to flour tortillas' macro brew light lager

>> No.5368625

Flour tortillas is a norteno thing. My Sonoran friend would always tell me that his mother would make flour over corn tortillas, and you always see it in local carne asada and pollo asado joints.

>> No.5368634

>all mexicans

I'm assuming you've never been to Mexico, because modern mexican is pretty common, especially in the capital and baja. And even in traditional dishes, such as mole and chiles en nogada, every family has a different recipe. Not sure where you're getting this nonsense from

>> No.5368645

Thats ridiculous, traditional cooking is usually constrained by local produce, but today, atleast in better restaurants, you can get almost any ingredient you want. That means that we can create new exciting dishes that werent possible to make before.

PS. I agree that tradtion should be valued, but not stand in the way of progress.

>> No.5368682

Culture does not mean shit. You had absolutely no part in creating Mexican food so you have no right to bitch about it.

>> No.5368684

>I agree that tradtion should be valued, but not stand in the way of progress.
I'm in complete agreement with you. But tradition involved the time to weed out the terrible dishes. That does not happen on the cutting edge of progress. You get it all, the misfires, the bad concepts, the overwrought executions and the downright mediocre along with those flashes of brilliance.

I don't have patience for that - I just want a good meal. Which is why I lean toward being a traditionalist.

>> No.5368686

This reminds me of the Marco Pierre White Racist Chicken scandal from some woman at the Guardian:


>muh jerk chicken
>muh cultural appropriation

Best thing is the comments, to be honest.

>> No.5368695

>culture does not mean shit
Not to an american, no.
>You had absolutely no part in creating Mexican food so you have no right to bitch about it.
>implying flour tortillas are characteristic mexican culture
Good one

>> No.5368705

>Flour tortillas aren't Mexican
Except they were originated in Mexico by european immigrants, just like the pastes in pachuca and kibis in yucatan.

>> No.5368706

WEll then eat your traditional meal and don't bitch at others for not.

>> No.5368721

Yeah, when I cook most often I'll go with a traditional authentic recipe.

>> No.5368723

Usually in my experience, "who cares about authenticity?" is just used as an excuse for shitty food. It's said by people who can't be bothered to make a dish properly, so they throw together some garbage and then say it's their take on it or whatever. There's nothing wrong with doing your own take on something, but if it tastes worse than the original, then it's not a very good take on it, and pretending that anyone who doesn't like it is just being autistic about their muh authenticity is really dishonest.

As well as that there's a different line of argument, that if you're not going to make something at least somewhat authentic then there's no point in calling it that name. You could make some kind of chicken and leek stew with a sprinkle of paprika, and you could call it chili if you really wanted to, but what's the point, if it's nothing like what the people you're serving it to understand the word 'chili' to mean? Yeah you can cook whatever you like, but names aren't just meaningless syllables, they do actually refer to particular things, and disregarding that only makes it more and more difficult to tell what you'll be getting when you order a named dish.

>> No.5368745


>> No.5368754


Just shit up already

>> No.5368773


>> No.5368810

Never milked an almond before?
Kinda feels like milking a prostate.

>> No.5368825

I'll get my shaftmilk all up on your prostate m8. Ever milked a shaft before?

>> No.5368828

>come from a shitty no account country
>only thing you have to brag about is your "food culture"
>eventually Anglosphere chefs get ahold of your peasant shit and elevate the fuck out of it
>your tookus is permanently troubled from then on
Not really that complicated

>> No.5368846

Milked and stroked it brah.
I bet you forget to cup the balls.

>> No.5368892

>This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs.

lel the first 2 comments say that

>> No.5368923

>Bragging about the accomplishments of others

>> No.5368927


>> No.5368930

I hate when people make substitutions and leave things out.

>> No.5368932

As a creole yes, I find it insulting what people call gumbo or "creole style"

Bit what's more frustrating are the idiots who took our culture and made it "Cajun"

(which really was never even an ethnicity; it literally was an insult for all poor French speakers of mostly or all European ancestry; people weren't even calling each other that as a group term until the 1980's and it was tourist driven)

>> No.5368952

Mexican food has chili in a vast majority of foods for flavor not heat(something non-mexicans have yet to get used to) as such never has the popularization been so disgusting by places like tacobell and imitators of tacobell ... its proud of traditions as it should be ask Japanese and Italians ... as weeboos and other liberal shitters you would not understand

>> No.5368999

>WEll then eat your traditional meal and don't bitch at others for not.
I would never bitch at others for not eating trad food. I live in the US. Most of what my compatriots eat didn't exist before the invention of the food science lab.

Cribbing from generations of grandmothers is a damned good way to make sure your cooking is good. Because they worked out the bugs for you, and often handed down bullet proof stuff.

>Usually in my experience, "who cares about authenticity?" is just used as an excuse for shitty food. It's said by people who can't be bothered to make a dish properly, so they throw together some garbage and then say it's their take on it or whatever.
Right. It's someone trying to pass off their lazy, ignorant cooking as "creative". Lazy, ignorant people should not be allowed to be creative, and there are plenty of systems in place to discourage them. Unfortunately they can do whatever they want in their own kitchens. And as long as I don't have to eat it, fine.

>> No.5369027

>Right. It's someone trying to pass off their lazy, ignorant cooking as "creative".

Actually in my experience, it's people being thoroughly uncreative, and making something with the absolute bare minimum of ingredients, and the cheapest ones at that. Then they'll throw in some hot sauce or worcestershire or whatever else to try to make up for the lack of flavor. It will end up tasting like pretty much everything else they cook, nothing like what the dish is really like at all, and this will be defended with "pfft who cares about authenticity".

Being creative with your cooking isn't difficult. You don't have to invent new ingredients or techniques, it's just about knowing what flavors work together, and what each cooking method does. I think more of a problem is the other way round - when people only understand food in terms of a few set dishes, not what the underlying ingredients of those dishes taste like or how they work together. It's from here that people make shitty takes on dishes, because to their mind the important thing isn't what it tastes like, but whether it 'is' a lasagne or a shepherd's pie or whatever. I've never really found a problem with people being too creative, except maybe people who are just starting to cook and don't really know what the fuck they're doing.

>> No.5369033

Example of said cuisines

>> No.5369037
File: 99 KB, 500x609, hold on buddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is what you get when you try your own shit.

>> No.5369043
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>> No.5369076

This thread reminds me of this:


Someone else posted it in another thread here on /ck/ but i think it's long since dead.

>> No.5369107

>it's just about knowing what flavors work together
Which often comes from understanding tradition.
>I've never really found a problem with people being too creative, except maybe people who are just starting to cook and don't really know what the fuck they're doing.
An experienced cook is (hopefully) steeped in tradition, so the know the classics before they decide to fuck with them. That can turn out alright, but usually lightning has to strike if you're going to beat the shit grandmothers worked out.

>> No.5369126

Maybe we're talking about different things when we say 'the classics'. Do you mean classic flavor combinations, ingredient pairings, and such? Or do you mean Spaghetti Bolognese and Thai Green Curry? If the former - then yeah, I agree. But in my experience, most people cook through the latter - with a set of preconceived dishes from varying cultures, which ought to require totally different ingredients, cooking methods, and equipment to make, but which actually end up getting made with the same handful of ingredients and the same inadequate pans and stovetops. And then of course they turn out like crap and the justification is that muh authenticity is unnecessary, etc etc. A better approach, I think, is to learn what each ingredient actually tastes like, what each cooking method actually does, learn the (classic and traditional) flavor pairings, techniques, etc., and apply them to make dishes which may or may not fall under a Named Title.

>> No.5369156

>Do you mean classic flavor combinations, ingredient pairings, and such? Or do you mean Spaghetti Bolognese and Thai Green Curry?
It's both. You learn the classic flavor pairings from the classic dishes. But classic dishes get debased every time someone makes them without an understanding of what made them classic in the first place. The trick is learning from what the classics have to offer, and hoping that understanding betters your cooking. Being capricious rarely does.

>> No.5369167

>muh hamburgers
>muh chili dont have no beans
>muh barbeque
>muh Manhattan Tentflap vs. Windy City Cheesebucket

>> No.5369168

I think we're largely agreeing, then.

>> No.5369174

Food is a great part of a person's identity, especially if you live in a non-consumerist culture with hundreds of years of tradition tied to what you eat.

The worst part is, although people in consumer countries are well-meaning, there's no gradual blending of cultures. In America when we start to incorporate another cultures food it always happens with zero respect given. Compound that with social media, where people from the original culture can witness all of our horrible debased creations of their most precious meals.

Then again, should we flip out when people in Mexico try their hand at making southern fried chicken and end up with something that is closer to soggy fried chicken. Or when rich Brazilian hipsters try their hand at southern bbq done in an oven with no smoke ring?

>> No.5369196

>The worst part is, although people in consumer countries are well-meaning, there's no gradual blending of cultures. In America when we start to incorporate another cultures food it always happens with zero respect given.
I don't care about respect. I care about not sucking at cooking. That's a matter of understanding what works. And what works is usually the shit people before you have worked out. If you're very clever you can improve upon it, but most folks aren't that clever.

Usually when people try to be clever cooks their cooking sucks.

>> No.5369198


at least viets don't shit up every recipe video on youtube like them mexicunts amirite

>> No.5369211

American here.
>there is no such thing as an unauthentic hamburger.
Just as a car is a car, a burger is a burger, just quality costs more.

>who the fuck cooks chili without beans
That's just wrong.

Same as burgers

>never heard of either of those
Seriously, what the fuck?

>> No.5369228

I'm American and I've never eaten chili without beans. Why would someone eat a chili without beans?

>> No.5369234
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to pretend being a cowboy

>> No.5369280

I usually make chili verde without beans
probably make red chili without beans at least 1/2 the time
It is richer and nicer with accoutrements without the beans, cheaper and more varied with. I can't remember my mom ever making red without beans. I like both.

>> No.5369347
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not going to say anything about tacos and tacos seasonings cmon


>> No.5369349

I for one never ever ever cook with shit orange carrots, only original purples.
I also hate modern vegetable varieties, sweet corn, fuck it, japanese rice fuck it, fat white pigs fuck them too.
I only buy the original races of my produce, they are far helthier and natural to eat.

>> No.5369384

But you see, the classic dishes came from eating what was had on hand. They evolved and (like it or not) are continuing to evolve.
I got my ass chewed pretty hard by a chef I worked for for making crab bisque and not using rice to thicken it. And I used to get hung up on putting beans in chili.
After years of writing menus and trying to use descriptors that the people reading the menu will be able to understand (pesto, chimichurri, bisque, confit, etc) I've kind of gotten over it.
Was looking for a chimichurri recipe and found this butthurt Argentinian: http://www.asadoargentina.com/chimichurri-debunking-the-myths/
pesto: herb, garlic, oil
chimichurri: herb, garlic, oil
Yes, they ARE similar.

>> No.5369387

>fat white pigs
I appreciate your sarcasm, but the heirloom breeds actually taste better. The pink pigs are bread to be lean.

>> No.5369393

some heirlooms taste better, some don't
for example simple roma tomatoes are breeded primarily for their resistance to transportation and long turnover times but when well cultivated and ripe they'll put up a good sauce.
And yeah I prefer fatter pigs, I just like the taste of rendered fat inside the now traditionally lean cuts like butt or loin.

>> No.5369411

I was speaking specifically about heirloom breeds of swine. But, honestly I haven't sampled them all. Duroc is pretty easy to get, but Red Waddle, Berkshire, blah blah, aren't as easy to find (for me).
But I get your gist.

>> No.5369566
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The ones you get probably suck and you've probably become accustomed to the mushy, bland consistency of flour tortillas

lolk, enjoy being wrong forever.

That's a terrifying notion, but I can see the similarities.

I guess. The Mexican side of my family from the DF and farther down. Any and all times I've ever been given tortillas either as a side or as part of the meal, they've been made from some form of corn.

Well no shit I didn't help create it, I was born in 1990 - but I am responsible for perpetuating it.

Get fucked if you don't care if your own culture gets slammed into the ground and ruined by white hipsters.

Pic related.
Also, to those above, I've been enjoying rye whiskey so don't expect another reply, unless the thread is still alive in 8 hours.

>> No.5369568
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As long as Americans call pic related a "pizza", I will definitely get obsessed about authenticity.

>> No.5369625

oh god, we're waiting with baited breath for you to come back and show us the way, faggot.

>> No.5369646

Food is a big part of our culture and it's a bit annoying that people are going to base their opinion about our culture on a bad version of our food.

>> No.5369818

>Get fucked if you don't care if your own culture gets slammed into the ground and ruined by white hipsters.

For one, white hipsters are more likely to use corn tortillas outside of Mexico than pretty much any other group of any race (aside from mestizos).

But second of all, but far more importantly, you're a massive little bitch for caring so much what white and black people think of your dying culture that you no part in creating in the first place after having some shitty (but delicious) Tex-mex.

Get your own achievements to be proud of. Authentic Mexican food is delicious and will always be around if only in some niche form, but really m8

>> No.5369821
File: 53 KB, 720x404, legit guanatos-tortas-ahogadas-tacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lost me somewhere want to try that again.

>> No.5369849

Yawn. Are you made because the gypsies stole your moped again while you smoked cigarettes and looked pouty?

>> No.5369850
File: 60 KB, 600x450, meanwhile-in-america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that gastronomically deprived people from flyover land get so ass ravaged that they can't participate in legitimate discussions about different interpretations of common foods because they have no fucking idea about what the authentic flavors even are?

Op isn't mad because he changed one ingredient. He's mad because the only rice he can get is uncle ben's, the closest thing to olive oil he can get is some rancid bertolli, he was raised to believe sushi was for hipsters, and he considers it an attack on white "culture" when someone speaks a language that isn't English around him.

>> No.5369854

Since when have corn tortillas been considered trendy or hip? To me, in fucking central Illinois, corn has always been standard.

>> No.5369874

>>never heard of either of those
>Seriously, what the fuck?

New York vs Chicago Deep Dish

>> No.5369907

This post was so hipster my fedora turned 360 degrees and walked away from my head

>> No.5369912

But most people only cook a tiny fraction of what has been tried and true and works. And those dishes that work only do because the underlying flavors and textures work together, there's no magic to it. If you understand those flavors then you can cook something tasty and often end up making some kind of 'classic' dish in some form or another just accidentally, from the fact that most everything has been tried many times before.

I'd rather encourage people to understand the ingredients and flavors they're using, even within a more limited selection, than encourage them to make a selection of dishes with wildly different flavors but which they can only cook by recipe/kit and don't understand how it all actually goes together. The first one is learning to cook, the second is learning to follow recipes.

>> No.5369979

>slammed into the ground and ruined by white hipsters
There's the stupid part of your worldview. They're not doing anything to your culture. They're not forcing you or anyone in Mexico to change their tortillas. The fact that shitty American Mexican restaurants give you flour by default is hardly "slamming it into the ground".

>> No.5370020

>If you understand those flavors then you can cook something tasty and often end up making some kind of 'classic' dish in some form or another just accidentally
Agreed. But that understanding is a huge thing. Every good cook I know takes it for granted. but I know many home cooks who simply do not have it.

I know a woman who cooks every day, but has no understanding of flavor whatsoever. She's obsessed with "eating healthy" and "superfoods". (Of course she is obese). She knows I'm into food, so she shares her creations with me. Her latest is oatmeal loaded with turmeric (because turmeric is a superfood). To me this is as disturbing as if she told me she has a scat fetish.

I really don't care what people so in their kitchens, but I don't want to have to eat it, and much of the time I'd rather not know about it.

>> No.5370029

Corn tortillas are god like when fresh made, the instant they cool they become shitty, and no method of reheating them will bring them back to good.
Flour tortillas have thier advantages and thier applications, but for certain thing there is no substitute for either.

>> No.5370044


>> No.5370777
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yan can tell you

>> No.5371983

Frankly, it's a hell of a lot better than Chinese Chinese food, which seems to be mostly made of cardboard, melamine, recycled sewer oil, and whatever semi-rotten vegetables the vendor was able to find in the garbage behind the street market that morning.

>5000 years of glorious Chinese culture
>followed by ~80 years of communism
>followed by ~20 years of kleptocracy

>> No.5371985

Proof once again that liberalism is a mental disorder.

>> No.5372001

> What gets me is that when people refer to tortillas, they refer to flour tortillas.

That's odd. Where do you live? It certainly is not the case in my part of Texas. When someone says tortillas without indicating whether they are flour or corn, we either start looking at the context to determine which they mean or we ask them.

>> No.5372003


I'm not vietnamese, but I grew up in the largest and oldest vietnamese community in the united states and I agree with her

I want to scratch my ears out every time I hear some 20 year old white kid talking about how she had "the best pho she's ever had in my life" (the only pho she's ever had in her life) and instagramming shitty banh mi sandwiches made by a chinese guy wearing a kimono.

Fuck the popularization of shitty viet food and fuck everyone who thinks he knows what it tastes like. Especially people in Toronto and New York.

>> No.5372012

>A neophyte tends to fuck with things under the guise of "being creative".

Truer words were never spoken.

The best example I have run across was a so-called restaurant in South Texas that had shrimp po-boys on the menu but which with their creativity turned them into crap. After eating there once, I never went back again.

The restaurant is no longer there, but then that shouldn't surprise anyone. The particular location for that restaurant was always a place for unsuccessful restaurants even when they were actually quite good. I think it's a bicycle shop now.

>> No.5372072

>cultural appropriation

I understand her frustration, but there's really nothing she can do about this except make impotent rants on tumblr. To me, he entire angle is weird as fuck anyway.

>her blog obviously pushes liberalism and thus
>pushes for multiculturalism
>native people now surrounded by other cultures they can't keep out
>but you can't appropriate other cultures

lol stop making up arbitrary rules because you're butt hurt. She should go marry Eddie Huang and make butt-hurt babies together.

>> No.5372079


I find it weird when white people who have never dealt with any kind of discrimination (except fake discrimination like "I'm oppressed because can't I say nigger like in the good old days") post impotent rants on the internet, but hey. Maybe it's just me.

>> No.5372085

Nice, try I'm Chinese bro.

>he disagrees with my multicultural agenda! MUST BE WHITE

Holy shit your Jew is showing. I'm sorry I don't fit into your world view.

>> No.5372091


No, I'm filipino actually. And you chinese are basically the jews of SEA so I'd think you wouldn't consider jew to be an insult.

>> No.5372097

No we're Jews to YOUR people because you lot couldn't make a peso unless the Spanish told you how to. How does it feel that poor Chinese immigrated into your country and became rich due to ample opportunities the natives were too inept to exploit? And then continued to do so after you passed laws specifically targeting Chinese from owning specific businesses?

>> No.5372110


Pretty good actually, because my family back home is part of the evil upper class in large part part due to the circumstances you described.

And I didn't pass any laws, all that shit happened before either of us was born. Funny you were just talking about butt hurt a few posts ago, and now who's butthurt?

>> No.5372112

Well the laws didn't matter much all you had to do was marry a filipino. Also how many chinks do you see pushing multiculturalism outside of the US?

>> No.5372114

I like you

>> No.5372267 [DELETED] 

>Culture does not mean shit.

Kikes keep pushing this shit at the same time they bitch about "cultural appropriation". Makes me wonder how their fucking heads don't explode from the cognitive dissonance.

>> No.5372300

>Culture does not mean shit.
>Kikes keep pushing this shit


>> No.5373217 [DELETED] 

The evil jew bastards keep hammering it in to white people that they have no culture, that culture is meaningless, and that nothing their ancestors did matters, while at the same time glorifying every other culture, bitching about "appropriation", and screaming that every white person ever is directly responsible for slavery.

>> No.5373233

>while at the same time glorifying every other culture

Unless they are trying to move into cultures' country then they're just anti-semites.

>> No.5373250

Also unless any non-jew wants into what they laughingly call Israel. Their immigration laws pretty much just say "no goyim".

>> No.5373293

I dislike Jews as much as the next informed person, but I'm not sure which Jews (or what outlet) is behind this message you speak of.

>> No.5373303 [DELETED] 

Why do you care about their immigration laws? I wish the laws were as strict here in the USA. Nobody fucks with an Isreali airplane because they know that they'll get fucked up the ass hard.

I know, this isn't /pol

>> No.5373350

Mostly because of the way they push and push for, say, muslims to overrun the UK, yet don't allow any non-jew into what should rightfully still be Palestine.
And partially because calling them out on their bullshit annoys them and makes them defensive.

>> No.5373370

and they also call you an anti-semite even though you've probably never thought of or encountered a Jew until he demanded entry into your country or demanded that the native culture change to accommodate his needs.

>> No.5373373 [DELETED] 

If it wasn't for the French, you gooks would be eating your precious sandwiches on your flat asian faces, faggot.


>> No.5373427

is you mad anon is you huh

>> No.5373445 [DELETED] 

Fuck the french, the only helped the USA because they were at war with the English at the time. They figured that helping us would help them. They weren't being mr helpful and shit.

The french are hippocritical cunts with annoying accents.

>> No.5373510

>receive massive amounts of aid that allow your country to become independent
>waaah! They helped us for the wrong reasons!
Kill yourself.

>> No.5373545

Pretty sure he was talking about banh mi

>> No.5373547 [DELETED] 

It was right for them at the time, and it did deflect the English from utterly destroying the French. They still sound like gutteral weirdos when they speak, with that French accent it really sounds like they're throwing up all the time.

>> No.5373955

>Compound that with social media, where people from the original culture can witness all of our horrible debased creations of their most precious meals.

Food rape was happening well before social media.

I don't understand why /ck/ blames everything that they don't like on tumbeler the tweeter. Are you all twelve years old and that's the only way you learned about the world? Go outside ffs

>> No.5373963
File: 2.97 MB, 200x180, 1396989593899.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand why /ck/ blames everything that they don't like on tumbeler the tweeter. Are you all twelve years old and that's the only way you learned about the world

Maybe its because they have never traveled a multitude of thousands of km without a being part of a school group or with parents.

>> No.5374143

>Then again, should we flip out when people in Mexico try their hand at making southern fried chicken and end up with something that is closer to soggy fried chicken. Or when rich Brazilian hipsters try their hand at southern bbq done in an oven with no smoke ring?
Would not upset me in the slightest. I might laugh at them a bit, maybe suggest ways to improve it, but I wouldn't start crying about how they are "running my culture into the ground", because their actions have no effect on what I can make at my house or what I can buy in my country.

>> No.5374149

As far as I know, USAn's are the worst offender there, Just try to make a chili or pizza thread and you will see them literally send death threats about recipy for hteir precious junk food. Also champions of telling other countries how the real recipe is the american bastardisation of the stuff because "It taste better" which usually translate by "we added fat and salt to it". I just have to roll my eyes out whenever I read a /ck/ thread about some French cuisine.

>> No.5374166

Banh mi, ban me. It arr rook same.

>> No.5374219

It's just like music: If I want to listen to bluegrass I want something that sounds like Flatt and Scruggs or the Osbourne Boys. Give me Bela Fleck and I won't be satisfied. He's good, but most of his stuff is not bluegrass, though it is influenced by bluegrass.

When great stuff comes from a tradition people will celebrate it for generations, and rightly so. Put enough time and distance from the origin of that great stuff, and you'll find a divide between traditionalists and those just riffing on tradition.

Neither is "right" or "wrong", but someone who is a fan of tradition is unlikely to be satisfied by another just riffing on it. They may even dislike it, because it's so similar to something they love, but missing some of the elements that make them love it.

Same goes for food.

>> No.5374304


Sue Lyon was 10/10, bro.

>> No.5375513

Corn tortillas are nice.... if you enjoy the consistency of a rubber mat. They even make that flabby noise when you wiggle them. I personally prefer flour. The taste may not be as great, but the consistency feels like actual food and thats the game winner for me.
The only way I can use a corn tortilla for my taco is if I lightly fry it on the skillet first. Which is something you don't have to do with flour.

Corn tortilla CHIPS, on the other hand.... I'll take those over flour all day, any day.

>> No.5375577

>It's just like music

Perfect analogy, anon. You have your traditional strict classic genres and styles of music which are timeless and classic. Instead of adhering to the original style some musicians change it up to suit their tastes, negating the authenticity but making something different. And some musicians from an entirely different genre may take influences from said traditional style and make something new. And just like music, some of the variations and fusions are great, some of them are terrible and in poor taste.

I just judge food and music for what it is. The staples and classics are great and respected, but you've got to branch out. If nobody tried anything new or learned from each other we'd still be banging rocks together for music while eating grass and roaches.