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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5357046 No.5357046 [Reply] [Original]

How sloppy/disgusting are you when you cook?

I only cook for myself, so my kitchen etiquette is pretty awful. I barely wash my hands before handling food, re-use unwashed knives and containers. I don't even remember the last time I've properly washed my cutting board. Strangely enough, I've never gotten sick from anything I've made and eaten.

Does /ck/ have

>> No.5357053
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Clean and clean.

Get your shit together.

>> No.5357051

I hope she learns to handle a knife before it slips out of her hand, makes a terrible cut in the steak, get meat juice all over the counter, breaks one of her nails, and then embeds itself into her cranial cavity

>> No.5357060

Yeah I only cook for me too, I'll drop shit on the floor and just dunk it back in coz the heat ought to get rid of most the germs anyway
I wash my cups n bowls out with just water too

>> No.5357122

I have shit kitchen hygiene. I'm better if I'm cooking for others (I'll wash my hands between raw meat and something else, and not cook food that fell on the floor).

I've never gotten sick. If I do, I'm glad to blame myself. But seriously, I'm touching raw chicken and then my face and the floor and shit and it just doesn't matter. I figure if there is some contaminant that isn't destroyed by the cooking processes, there probably isn't much I could do to reduce it's probability of making me ill. I've only got a biology bachelor's though, maybe they instill fear in real school.

>> No.5357127

Look, I can understand not cleaning your stove right after you've made a meal. It's all hot and shit and you don't want to hurt yourself and then later you are too tired/distracted to do it so you put it off.

I can understand leaving dishes for a night (JUST for a night).

But not washing your hands? Using dirty knives and containers? Not washing your cutting board?

You are a disgusting slob and I hope you die of some contamination or other.

>> No.5357140
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>Look, I can understand not cleaning your stove right after you've made a meal.
Wait, you clean your stove every time you use it? What the fuck?

>> No.5357185

If I spill shit on it or shit gets on it, yes. If not, no. Why wouldn't you?

I'll bet you're the sort of human trash that has grease stains all over his stove and walls surrounding the stove.

>> No.5357220

It's pretty poor while I'm cooking, but I wash up like a beast

i'm improving though :3

>> No.5357263

I honestly cook as if a health inspector is watching my every move. I clean everything as I go, I keep a sink full of bleach water for anything that comes in contact with raw meat, I wash my hands constantly etc.

It's just habit for me, I used to cook for a living

I told my roommate how to make chicken parmesan and watched him start preparing it. I had to take over for him because he was getting chicken juice on every cabinet handle and every ingredient in the pantry. It terrified me to watch him cook.

>> No.5357266

I was cutting up some chicken thighs today (with bones) and I was a fucking mess. Fat and bone and muscle everywhere.

But I cleaned up the dorm kitchen really nicely, unlike the fucking Korean foreign exchange students who leave the kitchen looking like a shithole.

>> No.5357267


> I keep a sink full of bleach water for anything that comes in contact with raw meat,

I guarantee you the bleach residue on the counter that you fed people is worse for you then raw meat juice...

>> No.5357268


Aww I love cleaning the stove when its still hot, I just bunch up a wet rag and it kind steam cleans it with the residual heat

>> No.5357269

ITT: Delicate china dolls
So fragile
So precious.
I don't have fag AIDS so I have a functional immune system.

>> No.5357279

There is no bleach water on the counter while I'm cooking
If I use a knife or cutting board for chicken it gets thrown in the bleach water

>> No.5357374

Same here, bro. I'm the worst when it comes to preparing/cooking. But washing dishes I'm a boss, I swear I'm the only one who

>> No.5357380

cleans up after they've cooked in this house of three room mates, I don't mind though. I'm NEET so I'll do whatever I can to make sure I'm not annoying them.

>> No.5357382

The proper term is "GAIDS".

>> No.5357553

I can deal with all of this but
> not washing the cutting board
Nigga what
That's fucking disgusting
you handle meat on that

>> No.5357560

I'm exceptionally clean while cooking, but I'm a messy cook. I cook in my own kitchen like I'm still in a restaurant kitchen, which leads to some messiness that most home cooks would be horrified by. But, I clean as I go and am a total hardass about keeping things sanitary. I just always have scraps and peelings and crap I have to sweep up or scrub down afterwards. I wish my home kitchen had a fucking drain in the floor and a separate wash station (in my dreams).

>> No.5357561

I keep everything super clean. I'm a neat and organised person by nature, but mostly I just like to keep bench and sink space clear so that I can put pots down and move things around if I need to. Besides, cleaning up as I go makes cleaning up at the end a lot more efficient.

>> No.5357611

I'm pretty clean. I always wash my board, knife etc... between meats and veggies and stuff. If something falls on the floor I put it under the tap and in the pot but if I'm cooking for someone else I'll bin it.

The bad habit I have is to taste a lot using the same spoon without cleaning between tastings. I also use my t-shirt as a kitchen towel.

>> No.5357695

I am pretty good at cleaning while cooking. generally if something is cooking, I'll use the free time to clean up the things that don't need to be used again. Luckily I don't have a porous cutting board so it's easily cleaned. I can sometimes be bad and cut vegetables and meat at the same time, but only if they're being cooked together. Oil tends to splatter on the stove and the backsplash, but I always clean them once the stove cools down. I leave dishes on the side of the sink a maximum of 16 ish hours, never a full day. I like having a clean kitchen.

>> No.5357696

Dude, I don't even use the same glass when I get a different drink. Not even if I was only drinking water and I'm getting a drink of water. Reusing containers, utensils, a cutting board????? You may not make yourself sick, but you make me sick.

>> No.5357698

clean in prep, messy in cooking, clean up as dishes soak

>> No.5357794

I wash my hands frequently. I do drop a number of onion pieces on the floor when chopping them though, and usually I'll just pick it up and use it.

>> No.5357803

I always clean up after I cook, I have roommates and we all clean our own messes. Though sometimes I've leave something to soak or a mug in the sink.
But while I'm cooking it gets messy, stuff will splatter on the stove top and counter, but I'll wipe it up. Also, I'll lick the utensisl and still use it while cooking.

>> No.5357811
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Messy kitchen, messy mind. I clean, wipe down and organize/consolidate everything as I go along.

Even just giving everything a wipe down with a damp cloth soaked in disinfectant/degreasing solution every ten minutes or so greatly decreases the amount of cleaning you have to do at the end.

>> No.5357818

Im generally pretty clean:
>clean my knife after cutting anything
>wash cutting board after every item I cut
>wash hands before cooking/prep and immediately after I handle any raw meat
>once i'm done I was all pots and pans by hand
>put plates and silverware in dishwasher
>any left overs go in bowls or tupperware with a saran wrap wrapping

>> No.5357822

obsessive compulsive, had formal Catering Kitchen training

that bad, that pedantic, that un-necessary

i set a spoon down on the counter instead of a plate and i put it in the sink and get a new one kinda un-necessary

i think the grossest thing i do is use the same coffee cup all day (flatmate and i work at our computers, we drink a lot of tea/coffee)

>> No.5357827

>messy *blank* messy mind

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.5357835

> need carrots for soup/dinner
> hate cutting raw carrots because I have little counter space and they fly everywhere
> bite off properly sized chunks and let them drop into the pot.

>> No.5358107

>I only cook for myself, so my kitchen etiquette is pretty awful
you're fucked, I only cook for myself but I'm extremely clean about it. Because it's for me. Do you have self-respect?

>> No.5358124
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For some reason cooking really bring out the autist in me.
I'm anal about everything, from hygiene to the shape and size of the meat/veggies, everything needs to be symmetrical and proportional.
It makes the cooking process longer, but everybody loves my cooking.
I also rarely make the same food twice, and if I do, I make it with a new ingredient.

>> No.5358121

>I keep a sink full of bleach water for anything that comes in contact with raw meat
pfff idiot detected. there is this thing called soap. it's cheap too

>> No.5358158

Piss poor. I'm a dirty savage in the kitchen but I don't have time to be a neat nancy.
And what doesnt kill you will only make you stronger.

>> No.5358164

>doesn't have time to tend to messes
>has time for 4chan


>> No.5358171

imply breaking my balls dusting, wiping and scrubbing is more fun than lounging around and browsing the internet.

>> No.5358225

>For some reason cooking really bring out the autist in me.
>I'm anal about everything, from hygiene to the shape and size of the meat/veggies, everything needs to be symmetrical and proportional.
>It makes the cooking process longer, but everybody loves my cooking.
>I also rarely make the same food twice, and if I do, I make it with a new ingredient.

This, except I repeat my dishes a lot.

>> No.5358232

Do you like Irish stew?

>> No.5358506

I cook cleanly but rather chaotic. While all of my equipment is very clean and sharp, I leave all ingredient out as I cook to use them. So it does look rather strew about but the actually a system

>> No.5358645

>re-use unwashed knives and containers
I only wash utensils with chicken and similar on it, that's what's really in danger of making you sick./

>> No.5358674

>I wish my home kitchen had a fucking drain in the floor and a separate wash station (in my dreams).
this so much.

>> No.5358874

>Strangely enough, I've never gotten sick from anything I've made and eaten.
That's probably because you already had a good immune system/constitution, which allowed you to continue to be sloppy about hygiene.

People can be right autists about home hygiene standards and frankly a lot of the advice is overkill if you're not cooking for young children, the eldery or infirm.

I'm a bit like you but I am still careful about cross-contamination with raw meat and cooked when handling chicken and pork in particular.

>I don't even remember the last time I've properly washed my cutting board.
I usually just give it a quick brushdown under a running tap with the dish brush, then put it in the rack to dry.

One of the advantages of a wooden board is that you can get away with this as it's naturally anti-bacterial as long as it's not sealed too well. Mine is bare wood, with no coating of any kind for maximum effectiveness.

>> No.5358971

> reuse coffe cup

I think I read somewhere that you're actually supposed to 'condition'(?) coffee cups the way you'd prep a new skillet or pan. Something about how it tastes better if flavor remnants are still clinging to the thing.

>> No.5358996

that's fucking nasty op

>> No.5359015

I keep utensils, plates, cookware, containers and that stuff clean. I rarely clean anything else like the stove.
If I drop something like a little piece of meat on the stove or floor I just rinse it a bit and cook it.

There's nothing bad about basic hygiene but jesus christ when you go overboard and clean everything with bleach
right after use and keep everything else superclean as well you are harming your immune system by not keeping
it active. It's worse for kids and they develop all kinds of allergies in retardedly clean environments as their immune
systems are absolute shit. Little shits can't even handle a bit of pollen every year or other micro particles.

>> No.5359021

Same, I don't really care unless it's visibly bad, smells bad et.c..
I've eaten for the same plate for several days in a row without washing it between. I've eaten meat from my fridge that was a month behind best before date. It was just grey but didn't smell bad and I didn't have any problems.
Trust your senses, if you are healthy you'll most likely be fine.

>> No.5359055

What is she doing wrong?

>> No.5359072

Nah, I'm relatively clean, but I do mix all sorts of things with my hands that I wouldn't if people were around

>> No.5359183
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My kitchen is spotless and well-organized.

Probably because I only eat once a day, and usually it's something like tonight's dinner (pic related).

>> No.5359190

What the hell? Is that sliced deli meat with cheese?

>> No.5359207
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It's pepperoni from walmart with pre-shredded yellow cheese from walmart in a dish from walmart microwaved in a microwave that I got from walmart.

Just made second course, braunschweiger from winco with mustard from walmart on a dish from walmart with olives from winco.

>> No.5359216

Sounds like your proud your kitchen.You will make somebody a good bitch.

>> No.5359220
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When I'm extra hungry I usually bake a chicken hindquarter and make some bread.

>> No.5359226

Wash hands before and after touching/handling most foods. Wash dishes as I go, will re-use cutting boards for things like vegetables but will scrub thoroughly after. Anything that touches meat is washed thoroughly, including my hands if I touch meat/meat packaging. Always wipe down counters/stove, knives, and load dishwasher with plates/forks/cups when I'm done. I can barely enjoy a meal knowing the kitchen is a mess.

>> No.5359260

Same here. Rarely wash my cutting board unless it get's super gross, don't bother washing my hands or my knife. Half the time I'll just grab a plate I used the day before and use it. I don't even give a fuck, never gotten sick from any of it.

>> No.5359310

Jesus Christ.

>> No.5359348

I clean my stove like twice a year. But I don't have OCD either.

>> No.5359349

I cut vegetables and then cut the meat, but I basically only wash my hands if I handle chicken.

People always wonder why I never get sick and Im scared to tell them that I've built up my immune system by being so poor with my hand hygiene

>> No.5359351

>Does /ck/ have
Oh god, OP died of food poisoning mid-post but somehow had time to hit "Submit"

>> No.5359358

I keep pretty clean, but I'm not super compulsive unless I'm working with poultry. I almost never make chicken because I get so paranoid about contaminating something with the raw meat.

>> No.5359365
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>preparing food for in laws
>dont really like them
>digging in my ass and balls while making food, noone notices
>serve it up
>they all love it
yeah enjoy eating my shitty fingers that rolled all of those meatballs you old fuckers

>> No.5359420

Live alone and cook for myself, so I'll lick, eat off of or directly out of, and reuse a majority of the things in my kitchen. Drinking straight out of an OJ container right now. However, my hand washing skills are impeccable and I'm very clean with my counters/surfaces and conscious of what I put things down on. I generally can't disease myself, but other things can still disease me.

Yet I am very aware of how I handle other people's food... but my laziness has slipped in more and more lately (I can reuse this tasting spoon, etc.). I try not to, but fuck, I hate doing dishes and only if they can't see. No floor food or grossness, though, just a little shared utensils, which is usually how it is when I go out to eat with friends and family anyways.

>> No.5359768

this is me. im probably the worst with food hygeine and all of my friends who are religious about it are always getting food poisoning and colds and im just like.

when did i drop that piece of meat? whatever once i mix it in i won't know which one it is.

i usually try to keep my ready to eat foods away from meat but sometimes it doesnt happen

>> No.5360290

Pretty much this, except I loathe using the dishwasher.

Also, every piece of meat or fat that can go rotten go in a plastic bag, sealed, before putting it in the bin. Same goes for smelly foods like onions.

>> No.5360291

You might have problems, man.

>> No.5360297

I always wash my hands and utensils but I am pretty messy and disorganised. Doesn't help having a tiny kitchen workspace to work in

>> No.5360304

I'm probably fairly middle of the road. Things that hit the floor get rinsed and tossed back in the pan. Knives that only cut vegetables just get a quick rinse. Sometimes I just wipe out yesterdays pan with a paper towel instead of bothering to wash it. I'll occasionally reuse a cutting board without washing it, depending on what was cut on it.

On the flip side, I fastidiously wash my hands, wash all my produce, and am fairly careful about cross contamination.

If I'm cooking in front of others I'm a little more straight laced.

>> No.5360435

I do all of those things.

I only cook for my and gf, so I don't give a fuck and she doesn't know :^)

>> No.5360499

My SO is pregnant so I have to be careful around raw meat and some kinds of fish. But besides that, I'm fken lazy. I do eventually clean the dishes I used at the end of the day, but it's another chore in itself altogether (we have no dishwasher and tight work schedule).

>> No.5360510

The spoon thing is a habit I had to get rid of. Totall ruined more than one sauce with too much salt/spices because of it.

>> No.5362232

I'm hygienic when I cook, even just for myself, washing hands and utensils constantly and shit like that, but I leave a lot of stuff to be cleaned up afterwards and have a lot of clutter around my cooking area.

>> No.5362248

I think that the dirtiest thing I do is reusing the same cutting board and knife to cut different stuff if they don't get too dirty. So vegetables then cheese or meat is ok but if it's the other way around then I do switch knife and board.

>> No.5362333

I cook for myself most of the time (some times friends or rarely dates). I have little plastic cutting boards I put over my wood board when cutting meat, then I clean that off after I'm done. Veggies and everything else get cut on the wood board.

Cutting board proper gets cleaned once during summer and once during winter (and a handful of times between that because shit get's spilled on it).

Knives get rinsed between meat and other stuff.

Dishes get washed every couple days. Rinsed out when put in the sink first of course.

>> No.5362394

I think I speak for all of us slobs when I say that we WOULD stop if it was hurting us.
But it has yet to come back and bite.

I live with people, but if they want my food, they need to accept the fact that I taste test with the same spoon and drop it straight on the counter when not in use. The concept of a seasoned pan was startling to them; almost as horrifying as my refusal to wash hands before cooking unless necessary. I wash em pretty frequently already.

>> No.5362613

choke up on handle, so index finger and thumb are holding blade
curl fingers of other hand in, rest blade against knuckles, using knuckles to guide the blade

>> No.5362973

>had to take over for him because he was getting chicken juice on every cabinet handle and every ingredient in the pantry
my biggest turn off when seeing someone cooking. Don't they know how dangerous raw chicken is?

>> No.5363000

>raw chicken is a deadly biohazard


>> No.5363019

i live with flatmates and i eat in my room. Since i'm a lazy bum i accumulate dirty dishes in my bedroom. Lots of 'em. Sometimes my mates ask "where the fuck is (something)?" and i go all like "dunno" and then the next day like four plates, glasses and cutlery appear clean on the dryer.
top lel

>> No.5363020
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Incorrect grip on knife.

Pic related is correct.

>> No.5363030

I make it a point to rest my nuts for a good 10 seconds on anything I serve. Luckily I mostly cook for myself

>> No.5363035

but salmonella exists

>> No.5363044


Yes. But it's not as dangerous as many people seem to believe..

>> No.5363053

I'm good with cleanliness and find that when I wash hands, prep veg, prep meat, put the cutting board and knife into the sink then wash my hands and get cooking, well, there is little room for cross contamination.

But I use one spoon to taste even though I cook for two. And I don't have a problem rinsing/eating/cooking something that I've dropped on the floor. It's my house and know what's on my floor. It isn't anything that's gonna kill me or make me violently ill.

I also don't see a problem reheating something that's been left out over night. Willful waste makes woeful want, and all that.