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5356163 No.5356163[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Coffee Shop Thread.

What were some of your best and worst experiences as a customer or a barista?

How much do you tip/make in tips?

How do you decide how much in tips and how much do you expect in tips?

>> No.5356169

The guy who tipped $20 for no reason every day. He was some kind of sleazy real estate guy.
The bitch who would always come in during morning rush, order some ridiculously complicated caffeine free drink, and then complain when she accidentally got a large instead of a small
>how much did you decide
It wasn't up to me
>how much do you expect
My share was about $60 on morning shift during the week. Weeknights were closer to $5-10.

This was during the clinton administration, I'm sure you can multiply that by 2 for a typical case today.

>> No.5358444


>> No.5358454
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This little mom & pop coffee shop down in Florida that looked like a lighthouse, and was only open 11am - 2pm. They served apple fritters as big as your fucking head, and these mocha.. frappe.. cream.. whatever the fuck they were that was basically half coffee and half milkshake.
Also the entire place was comfy as fuck. No hipsters, no one wearing a fucking scarf, no one on a laptop.
Just coffee.

Hanging out with a friend at a Starbucks.
I just ordered a plain black coffee, and the girl behind the counter looked at me like i'd just asked her what color her nipples were.
I heard a couple chuckles behind me.
God fucking forbid you should order coffee at a goddamn coffee shop.
It even tasted like shit, too.

>> No.5358460

Where do you live? I worked on the east coast at Starbucks and a good 50% of our orders are plain black coffee.

>> No.5358472
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It was near a college, I want to say IU or Ball State or something.
Its been quite a few years back.
I've just never been a fan of Starbucks. Not even jumping on the usual 'hate' bandwagon here.
I've yet to get a decent cup of black coffee from there anywhere in the state of Indiana without it tasting like burnt grounds

>> No.5358483 [DELETED] 

Indiana trash

>> No.5359371


Became bros with the roaster and got free five pound bags of just roasted beans. also people who order black coffee, no room.

working near a college during the summer and having to make endless amounts of frappes and blended drinks, for people who are never going to tip. baristas hate blenders. messy, loud, time consuming, most annoying customers.

Depends. Morning shifts get around 40-50, mid day sometimes up to 30, night shifts, if i'm lucky, 5-10.

>> No.5359553

fucked up my order and gave me a new one plus a free one for a future date

tipping isn't a thing here

>tip 2.0
again, no tipping here, but back home it was a standard set 17-20% unless service was exceptional or garbage