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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5336651 No.5336651[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Live in some shitty hick part of America
>Ask for a 'coke' at a diner
>Get given a Lemonade
>Turns out that 'coke' in weirdass parts of America just means generic softdrink
>Fucking Amerikkka

Seriously though, isn't that shit confusing, referring to any fizzy drink as 'coke?

>> No.5336659
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>get given

holy christ

>> No.5336664
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>gets lemonade after ordering coke
>refers to acutallly lemonade/the coke he requested a generic softdrink
>gets given

sorry man, you're story makes no fucking sense so i can't help you out. 2/10 for at least trying but fuck. what are you saying?

>> No.5336665
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>ask for coke
>"We only carry pepsi products"

>ask for pepsi
>"We only carry coke products"

Its an awkward fucking moment every time.
Why can't restaurants just carry both?

>> No.5336668
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oh, the irony in implying OP's a dumbass. don't get me wrong, he is but you're close kiddo

>> No.5336672
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>mfw my grandma drinks at least 3 12 oz. cans of coke a day
>mfw she puts ketchup an butter on cold bread for a ham sandwich
>mfw sneaks a can of coke into restaurants she knows only carres pepsi products

>> No.5336673

>Ask for Dr PEpper
>... Mr. Pibb?
>That awkward smile on the cashier

I always just say "good enough" or "that's fine" but it's the smile, like if they are expecting me to reach over and punch them

>> No.5336674 [DELETED] 
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Apparenty this guy likes to complain.
YAMMER YAMMER, his panties are too tight.

Seems like a moohamad cunt with a diaper on it's head.

>> No.5336676

>He doesn't know about genericized trademarks

>> No.5336680

You don't get the restaurant wars in America.

When Coke and Pepsi are 50/50 and they spend the same in advertising, any edge is a profit. The market for sugar water is over-saturated.

>> No.5336681
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>Take my granny out to see a movie
>While we get seated she opens her purse
>Takes out Carls Jr.
>"Do you want some anon?"

>> No.5336684

I ... I don't know what to say; I wish I could hug you right now and tell you it's going to be okay bro.

>> No.5336686


>> No.5336690
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im all for that tho. movie food is so ridiculously expensive

>a coke, a big bag of popcorn and a bag of sour patch kids? all rght, your total is 16 dollars

there's a dollar tree right next to the movie theater in town so we just hit it up and stuff our pockets before movies. you gotta be an idiot to buy anything at all foodwise at a theater...or your rich

>> No.5336692

I don't think they legally can.

>> No.5336699 [DELETED] 
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What wars? Go to a places that you like. The only wars are on TV you cunt.

Turn it off and learn about reality.

>> No.5336701

I buy popcorn at the theater. There's just something about that 'butter flavored' oil they pour on it that makes it taste so much better than any bag of popcorn I could sneak in.

Except fresh Kettle Corn. My town's annual festival is coming up, and I can't wait to get some fresh kettle corn instead of that stuff you have to microwave.

>> No.5336703 [DELETED] 

That's not the way it works and you know it. Are you shill for al sharpie sharp and his agenda, do remind him of tawanna brawley.

>> No.5336722

I like the popcorn, what can I say?

>> No.5336723

Believe it or not it used to be like this in the 80's during "the cola wars" but that isn't the case anymore. Both companies seem to be financially secure (That I see since they both own different drinks and restaurants.)

>> No.5336726 [DELETED] 
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Say Brasil!

>> No.5336729

>movie food is so ridiculously expensive
or just bad

>nachos or popcorn
>maybe hot dogs

I usually sneak in a sandwich or booze.
And I am just now realizing it's been over a full year since I have been to a theater.

>> No.5336740

>sugar water

HFCS is not real sugar. 'Corn water' is technically more acurate

>> No.5336745

Definitely. The microwave dries the fuck out of the kernals


>> No.5336751 [DELETED] 

It really doesn't. You just have to be careful with the popping corn just as you'd to do as if on a stove.

Don't be a lazy cunt,

>> No.5336753

where im from you ask for a coke and they ask you what kind.

never had them bring me a random drink though esp not one thats not even carbonated. usually if you dont get asked what kind you get a plain coke

>> No.5336808

What state do you hail from, if I may ask?

>> No.5336811

>implying the very design of microwave popcorn doesn't incur laziness

>> No.5336816

GA/TN/AL tristate area

>> No.5336832

Around here, coke can mean a soft drink in general, but if you order a coke at a restaurant it means a coke and not something else.

There are some that might give you a Pepsi instead of a coke or a Mr Pibb instead of a Dr Pepper (if they still make Mr Pibb), but those are places one should avoid anyway.

>> No.5336836

Lemonade is carbonated, you murriclap hick

>> No.5336841

What the fuck? No it's not. Lemonade is just water, lemon, and sugar. Where the fuck do you live that lemons or tap water is carbonated? Or are you dumb enough to buy premade?

>> No.5336842

I used to occasionally take bourbon into restaurants.

Even though they pretty much knew exactly what it was, it was always in a plastic cup and so they let it go. On the other hand, one time my younger brother had an empty beer can in his hand and they made him take that back out.

One night four of us went to a IHOP to order supper. Three of us ordered our meals but my younger brother wanted pizza. At one point, he got up and walked out the door and we didn't seem him again for a while.

After a while he showed back up carrying a pizza box from the pizza place next door. The waitresses wouldn't let him bring it in so he took it out to his pickup to eat.

After a bit I needed a refill for my coffee and there were no waitresses around. The only employee we could find was the cook. I looked outside and every waitress from the IHOP was sitting on the tailgate of his pickup eating pizza and drinking beer with him.

>> No.5336847

down here its lemon, sugar and water

ever hear or an arnie palmer? you dont make that shit with carbonated lemonade son

>> No.5336849

Enjoy your hick lemonade, hick.

>> No.5336859

Does anybody have that image of a map that shows what each region of America calls carbonated beverages?

In the south it's mostly "coke" and apparently I'm a fucking weirdo for living in Chicago and calling it "soda".

>> No.5336861

He's probably Eurotrash. America and Canada make real lemonade, not lemon soda.

Enjoy your canned soft drink. We've be squeezing fresh lemons over here.

>> No.5336866

better than pop or fizz

>> No.5336867

Is this the official redneck thread?

>> No.5336870

What are you, French?

Carbonated lemonade is called sparkling lemonade or lemon soda in America.

>> No.5336874

In Chicago, the standard is pop. I don't care if other people say it really, but I think it sounds kinda stupid.

>> No.5336885

why am i a redneck just for being from the south?

>> No.5336882

Pop sounds childish, but then again alcohol is called adult beverage for a reason. You're best off drinking water, and some alcohol.

>> No.5336897

Coke and Pepsi are far from 50/50, coke dominates the market.

>> No.5336939

Coke dominates restaurants, Pepsi tends to do better in retail sales.

>> No.5336958

In Norway, you often get served Pepsi when ordering a "cola". It's two major delivery companies of tjese types of drinks - which ironically come from the same brewery.

>> No.5337040

South Carolina here. We don't pull that kind of bullshit. You want a carbonated soft drink, that's soda. Coke is coke.

I went to Virginia and asked for a soda and they handed me a box of baking soda. After a good 30 seconds of staring at the person, they asked what kind of pop I wanted. "Corn."

>> No.5337064

Where were you just asking for random food items? Are you implying Virginia has some sort of fetch-based supermarket?

>> No.5337118
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Could be worse

>> No.5337179

Oh you

>> No.5337185

Rome? I'm from near Gadsden and northeast GA and southeast TN are all the same shit, still in Appalachia but very south. I feel like this area should have a name, it's all the same if you mix it up.

>> No.5337186


Of course they 'legally' can. They're not going to get put in jail for it.

The reason they don't is because coke or pepsi over them a great deal to exclusively sell their product.

>> No.5337194

*Northwest GA

>> No.5337198
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Carbonated lemonade is awful.

>> No.5337206

>ask for coke, receive soda
>ask for dope, receive soda

fuckin' south

>> No.5337210
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"lemonade" is pretty much what us Americans call sprite or any lemon/lime soda.

"lemon squash" is lemon soda to America

"lemonade" to America is lemon juice, sugar, water. Something refreshing on a hot day, what kids sell at a stand during the summer, what carnivals and theme parks sell, etc.

source: American living in Australia that was baffled when offered lemonade and received sprite

(realized too late the lemon was turned too far to the side but you get the point. Don't laugh at my Aldi brand stuff please)

>> No.5337244

Aldi is good

>> No.5337250

>"lemonade" is pretty much what us Americans call sprite or any lemon/lime soda.
>baffled when offered lemonade and received sprite

>"lemonade" to America is lemon juice, sugar, water.

im confused

>> No.5337253

>The market for sugar water is over-saturated.


>> No.5337260

If it was carbonated, it would be called "Lemon Soda." you weird frog.

>> No.5337268

First one anon meant lemonfizz.
His second description of lemonade is correct.

>> No.5337280

sorry I meant "lemonade in the rest of the world" is sprite to us and "lemonade in amerikkka" is lemon water sugar etc, sorry for confusion

>> No.5337286


are you just one guy who insults everybody in offbeat, SFW ways or are there more of you?

>> No.5337294

No, you inbred faggot. You ALWAYS ask what do they have to drink.

>> No.5337305

bahahaha brilliant

>> No.5337311

cause fuck you

>> No.5337947

Chattanooga area

>> No.5337952

good argument

>> No.5337963

I think he's implying the dude's french or somethin

>> No.5337964

>over a full year since I have been to a theater.
I got ya beat. I haven't been in a gen-yoo-wine movie theater in nine years and nine months.

>> No.5337969

>There are some that might give you a Pepsi instead of a coke
If you've ever listened to a server give a spiel about how "we carry Pepsi products", then you've encountered Coke and Pepsi's trademark-protection training. Both companies will threaten restaurants with legal hassles and will send training staff to teach waiters/waitresses about trademarks if one of their "secret shopper" team members catches a restaurant/server substituting one product for the other without blathering on about which version of carbonated flavored sugar water they sell.

>> No.5337970
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>"lemonade" is pretty much what us Americans call sprite or any lemon/lime soda.


Never heard anyone refer to sprite etc as lemonade.

>> No.5337971

ITT: things that never happened

>> No.5337972

The real question is why would you ever willingly order pepsi

>> No.5337979
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on what assbackwards planet do you people live on where you have these problems

>> No.5338004

fatass detected

>> No.5338033
File: 133 KB, 640x385, totalcounty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't believe this hasn't been posted yet

also this is neat

>> No.5338064
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mfw OP doesnt realize that coke is in reality classified as a lemonade.

>> No.5338074

I do not order soda at restaurants, ever, so I can avoid this problem.
It's not hard though, since I am trying to drink as little soda as possible. I work my way through a case of Coke over two months.

>> No.5338135

make it yourself with a pot, your stove and coconut oil.

>> No.5338142

afaik true mr. pibb is dead and gone, and replaced with the weirdly pungent pibbxtra... I actually miss the old milder one.

>> No.5338151

>ask for coke
>get lemonade

>implying this happened.

Nobody would think of lemonade as "coke".
Americans don't call ANY carbonated drink "lemonade". Anyone that says otherwise is a fucking limey faggot or just trolling.

>> No.5338158

We don't even carbonate lemonade so there's that too.

>> No.5338235

The most I snuck in was Five Guys a burger and fries.

>> No.5338274

holy shit do you live in IL?

>> No.5338378
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>> No.5340489

So the dumb hicks call all sugar water coke? fascinating.

>> No.5340494

everything in that place is common all throughout america

>> No.5340637
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Y'all know it's easy as fuck to make popcorn as good if not better at home without a microwave right? I just make a batch and then put it in a Ziploc bag and bring it with me to the theater.

>> No.5340660
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>Be a waitress in some shitty hick part of America
>Some neckbeard comes in and starts asking if we use high fructose corn syrup in our beverages
>Starts talking about some international conspiracy between coke, pepsi and somehow Jews.
>I walk away and bring the little shit back some piss water

>> No.5340661
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>cold popcorn

>> No.5340665
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>having pictures of a negro saved on your hard drive

>> No.5340682
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This seems like an appropriate thread to dump these.

>> No.5340685
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>> No.5340691
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>> No.5340693
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>> No.5340697
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>> No.5340700
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>> No.5340702
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>> No.5340705
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>> No.5340711
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>> No.5340712
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>> No.5340713

I was shocked to find out that Dr Pepper is classified as a 'fruit-flavoured' drink.


>> No.5340717

Yeah it's basically carbonated prune juice.

>> No.5340719
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Wow. I was going to guess tamarind, mostly because I am not familiar with the tamarind flavored sodas, through process of elimination. Wow. Prune. No way.

>> No.5340721

No one in the US just says 'Al - mond'?

>> No.5340731

>buy kombucha at grocery store the other day
>have to pay a fucking tax on it

>> No.5340753


No, Lemonade is what americans use to call lemon juice with water and sugar added

Lemon Lime soda is fucking lemon lime soda, not lemonade

>> No.5340765
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Neva Forget.

>> No.5340782

i don't remember indians doing the boston tea party

>> No.5340789


The murrikans dressed up like Indians to scapegoat them.

>> No.5340815

the first black friday

>> No.5340837

Not educated enough to know that. But needing to say something anyways.

>> No.5340875

This burger joint in my town was forced by Coke to remove their freestyle machine because they also served Boylan's.

>> No.5340883

pretty much everyone gets propositioned to be exclusive.
pepsi bought my old highschool a scoreboard marquee or something like that in agreement to only sell pepsi brands on schoolgrounds.

>> No.5340886

i've seen pibb in a coke machine at chipotle. confused as fuck.

>> No.5340890


wait, my bad, pibb is coke. what the actual fuck, i thought it and dr. pepper were competitors?

>> No.5340905

They are. Pibb is owned by coke, dr.pepper is its own company, and they often use either cocacola or Pepsi to distribute their products

>> No.5340912

>i thought it and dr. pepper were competitors?


>> No.5340945

dr pepper/7up are bottled by the same independent company. Coke makes Mr Pibb and sprite but lets dr pepper be put in the same fountain cause they understand the demand and it isnt in direct competition overall. Pepsi had no lemon lime or doctor pepper clone. So they used to use 7up. They make Seria Mist now (I dont much care for it) and allow dr pepper.

>> No.5340997

Heres how you drink as little soda as possible.

You ready?

Dont drink soda
thats it. Cut that shit out completley and eventually you wont even want it anymore

>> No.5341002

Buy a bottle of water at lunch today
pay tax
fucking California
the weird part was the tax was only 5% when the tax rate is 8.5%

>> No.5341022

Why do I find this so amusing

>> No.5341030

Why is there a French word in this German ad?

>> No.5341037

>go to yurop
>order bacon
>get raped by everyone in the restaurant because it's Ramadan

turns out ordering pork products in yurop is slang for getting a train run on you. by asshole is still sore. The fuck, yurop?

>> No.5341092


what the fuck

there's another 'a' there, you idiots

>> No.5341099

I never got why people drink so much of that shit anyway. Water is exponentially better for you and miles cheaper.

>> No.5341109


Who knows. Could be Alsacean, could be Swiss. It's not like you cross a border and suddenly people are strictly unilingual. Dialects and all that.

>> No.5341174
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>not real

>> No.5341193

>order bacon
>raped [...] because it's Ramadan

Bacon comes from pigs and you´ll be raped because of that, not because it´s Ramadan. During Ramadan Muslims don´t eat and drink as long as the sun shines. Pig is always Haram.

Worst thing is you´ll not even care about your stupidity.

>> No.5341267

I ask whether they have Coca-Cola or Pepsi (some have RC - lulz). If they have Coca-Cola Ill order that. If they have Pepsi Ill get unsweetened iced tea or water or something

>giving money to Pepsi

>> No.5341299

...these exist? Now that's some USA brand laziness.

>> No.5341318

You've never waited tables before, have you?

>> No.5341346

I second this; I have literally never heard anyone ever call anything but lemonade, lemonade.

>> No.5341354

Growing up in England, we called sevenup/ sprite lemonade.

>> No.5341592


I remember hearing about this and thinking it was a giant joke, no one could be that lazy. I was so wrong.

>that one tiny spot where Brew-thru exists

The ultimate lazy drunks

>> No.5341612

"pony keg"

>> No.5341712

It's illegal to sell soft drinks on school grounds where I live. Because they are too unhealthy.

>> No.5341886

>you're story
what are you saying