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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5335426 No.5335426[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

should i get a case of busch, pbr, miller, or coors

inb4 buy a 4 pack of some obscure microbrew instead

>> No.5335429

Case or 4 pack? Is this really a real question?

>> No.5335430

PBR is obviously the best of those options

>> No.5335431


just saying i'd rather spend $20 on a lot of beer to get drunk rather than buying $20 of "tasty" beer for the experience

>> No.5335432

I prefer the experience of being drunk myself

>> No.5335434


same, like i'd rather get drunk off a jug of wine than going to a napa valley wine tasting. i've been all over europe and belgium had some of the best beer i've ever had but i can appreciate both macros and micro

>> No.5335442

From those, PBR.

But from all cheap macrobrews, Miller High Life.

>> No.5335443

>drinking beer for getting drunk
Is there anything more idiotic? Just down vodka as fast you can you fucking pleb

>> No.5335447

not everyone is as fat as you

do they sell those in 24 pint packs
both pbr and busch have flats of pints

>> No.5335449


Check out the kid who's never been invited to a party before lol.

>> No.5335450

You won't have to do that anymore when you move away from mom's house and you don't have to worry about her catching you.

>> No.5335452

coors but not that coors lite shit

>> No.5335455

Never seen them in 24 packs, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did.

>> No.5335456


A bottle of vodka will last me two nights of drinking tops and a case of beer will get me drunk for three or four. It's much easier to pace myself with beer.

>> No.5335457

Are you legitimately 16 years old? Only fucking retards attend parties where you get fucking drunk on solely fucking beer. And you have the nerve to imply I'm the one never invited to a party? How much of a fucking teenager dudebro are you? Remove yourself from this board, pleb and preferably, from parties where normal people attend to.

>as fat as you
Considering beer is the one that makes you fat, and vodka doesn't, uh, and you're the one wanting to get fat out of beer, you're the only fat one here, buddy

>> No.5335458

cancer pls go

>> No.5335461
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it's more of a tray of beer rather than a box, but they come in 16 ounce american pints. only ever seen PBR and busch come like that but this is a new liquor store that i haven't tried

>> No.5335463


>vodka doesn't make you fat
>one standard shot of vodka has more calories in it than a cup of light beer
try again and lol keep projecting fatty mcassmad

>> No.5335467

>lol keep projecting fatty mcassmad
You shouldn't be drinking if you're underaged. Or if you're actually an adult, ingesting alcohol and being an autistic man child wouldn't be a good idea

>> No.5335469


so what's your excuse chuckles

>> No.5335473

Are you unironically this retarded? Are you pretending? I don't understand how can someone that is supposedly more than 18, at least, could be this fucking idiotic. Legit dude, do you have autism?

>> No.5335478


all of this keyboard warrior rage makes me suspect that you're on the spectrum. i'm sorry that other people drinking beer to feel intoxicated makes you feel so inadequate

>> No.5335483 [DELETED] 

Get whatever has the highest ABV vs what you can afford. Then get loaded!

>> No.5335484

>keyboard warrior
You rationalize common sense and proper usage of language as "keyboard warrior"? Never before has there been a more retarded outlook into anything.

You shouldn't drink beer to getting drunk you underaged dudebro. Not even fucking women do that. You should drink beer because the taste is enjoyable, unless you are buying shit beer targeted at people with the mentality of fucking chimps. Just like yourself buddy. So give yourself a medal for that.

>> No.5335491


11/10 bringing grammar into the argument
>implying cheap beer tastes anything other than a yeasty carbonated water making it objectively "bad"
>implying an ice cold cheap beer doesn't taste delicious
>underaged dudebro
lol u trol me
>not even women do that
nope try again

stop being so fat, hooper humperdink.

>> No.5335495

I prefer Coors when it comes to cheap domestic brew

>> No.5335497

>implying cheap beer tastes anything other than a yeasty carbonated water making it objectively "bad"
That's exactly what makes it objectively bad you moron.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you. Are you from somewhere where people are unable to have nice things?

>>not even women do that
>nope try again
Except it's completely true. Maybe if you ever drank in company of a woman, you'd know. Last reply for either the autistic man child or the underaged faggot that lives in fucking cambodia.

>> No.5335503 [DELETED] 

>Not even fucking women do that.

Some do, they like to get stupid for the sake of getting stupid. Those are the ones that are stupid and where any responsibiliy will be taken right out of their hands.

>> No.5335506

explain to me how something that's cheap, easy to drink, and easy to get loaded off of is bad? are you that fat that you need 12% New Glarus Tripel Bumfuck Gluten Citrus ale and a bottle of vodka to get drunk?
so fat

>except it's completely true
confirmed for never having been in the company of another woman that wasn't your immediate family
leave your dorm room, hooper humperdink.

>> No.5335510

Most of those get drunk off tequila shots, buccanas, rum with coke, or fruity shitty drinks. The only times I've seen non-manly women drink shitty beer for the sake of getting drunk is at BBQs, concerts, or really poor parties where there's nothing else

>> No.5335520

maybe this is just me, but a six pack of a micro brew will get me more drunk than 12 shitty beers

>> No.5335524


What decade do you fags live in where women don't drink beer? You must be hanging around all the wrong kinds of people. I bet you all think of a woman who drinks as a blonde whore looking for her Chad. Go back to /r9k/, you sad virgins.

>> No.5335530

nice placebo effect
>shitty beer
when will people understand there's no such thing has shitty beer? just because something is different or made a differen't way doesn't mean it's bad. it has alcohol in it so what's the complain about? same goes for drinking a bottle of Belvedere and a bottle of turpentine-quality vodka. if it gets you drunk, it's not shitty.
god you people are like 23 discovering their first hole in the wall bar. l2alcoholism, plebs.

>> No.5335532

>What decade do you fags live in where women don't drink beer?
No one implied that you psycho white-knight. Overlook your ADHD, take your meds, and attain some reading comprehension then feel free to pretend you're "burning" anyone with missplaced redirectss.

>> No.5335533

>when will people understand there's no such thing has shitty beer?
what the absolute fuck are you even doing on this board. do u even have fucking taste buds? have u ever tasted good beer? just gtfo faggot

>> No.5335534

microbrew abv tends to be higher.

>> No.5335538


refer to

someone's mad that they can't drink both a delirium and a schlitz and find them to both be good

>> No.5335543


the sperg who's so anti-beer and pro-vodka did. why don't you learn some reading comprehension you fagrocket

>> No.5335546

None of those quotes said anything about women not drinking beer you faggot. Read again.

>someone's mad they can't both drink shit beer and find them to be good

>> No.5335550

Ugh. How can you misinterpret completely explicit statements you fucking retard? Stay in fucking 9gag or in your basement

>> No.5335554


2/10 for making me respond, tard. learn to read.

>i'm 16 and my mom caught me drinking once so i hate everyone else that does it!
stop doing this^

pleb to the max spotted

>> No.5335565

>learn to read
You can't surely be serious.

>stop doing this^
No you fucking newfaggot, how about you stop using your retarded fucking 9gag/reddit mannerisms here you underaged retard. And you're fucking crazy to think your fantasy is anywhere near relevant. Maybe that happened to you and assume every with good taste was catched by their mother drinking, for some reason? Either you're a fucking lunatic, a pathetic insecure teenager, or just that abysmally retarded.

>pleb to the max spotted
Says the guy that thinks schlitz or a fucking delirium are even good. Am I arguing with some inbred redneck from Tennessee? Is that why you're this fucking idiotic?

Regardless, you should consider killing yourself for being this retarded and for not understanding clear as fucking day english. I never implied women don't drink beer you maggot. Read this until it pierces your dense neanderthal skull.

>> No.5335573


why so angry fatty? does your misogyny stem from never being invited to parties? is that why you don't think women drink beer? stay mad and fat

>> No.5335579 [DELETED] 

Where are you gonna bury that bone you've got in your mouth. Once buried maybe you'll make some sense.

>> No.5335580


Are you autistic lmao

>> No.5335583
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If you're not pretending to be retarded, I truly pity you. If this is a bait, it's believable enough that someone, somewhere, has this shit taste on top of having no clue of what he's actually talking out. Beer, women, parties, good taste, you name it.

Seriously, go away.

>> No.5335592

>says women don't drink beer
>says cheap beer isn't tasty
>has never been invited to a party
>still thinks he's the expert on all of them
is Warcraft not a big enough fantasy world for you? maybe you hate everything fun because your mom refuses to buy anything but diet mountain dew for your fat ass to drink

>> No.5335605

obviously get rolling rocks, they're the best cheap beer

>> No.5335606
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>says women don't drink beer
Quote where I said this you autistic moron.
>says cheap beer isn't tasty
Because it isn't. Do you think McDonalds and frozen dinners are tasty, too?
>has never been invited to a party
You can repeat this as much as you can, but it doesn't make it true. You're clearly the one that doesn't have a clue as to how parties work. Look dudebro, if you're underaged or if you hang out with low life scum and you think all women are like that, just come out straight. But don't think that's normal.
>still uses the ign 13 yr old retorts
You're getting old now. Anything else or are you going to keep embarrassing yourself?

As always, I urge you to make a favor to this world and kill your pathetic self.

>> No.5335620


i already linked you the post where it said it, turdbucket.
>implying mcdonald's isn't tasty
fast food chains are set to a national standard so that it will taste equally good in one place as it will on the opposite side of the country. now your argument is really just sad lol.
>doesn't think girls drinking beer at a party is normal
once again, confirmed for never having been to a party.
you're in no position to call anyone underaged

go back to /r9k/ and cry about "normies" with the rest of the chestne-ridden greaseballs

>> No.5335644

> already linked you the post where it said it, turdbucket.
No, faggot, you can't understand english, you can't find where I supposedly said it, and just think I said that.

>implying mcdonald's isn't tasty
>fast food chains are set to a national standard so that it will taste equally good in one place as it will on the opposite side of the country. now your argument is really just sad lol.

>doesn't recognize the term dudebro that is meant for retards
>thinks he's anywhere near normal despite thinking McDonalds is "national standard"

I never either that women don't drink beer at parties you faggot lmfao. Read again you autistic nigger. You're just too hilarious to be for real. God, I was arguing with a legitimate autist, some junkie that consumes weed all day, or white thrash all of this time. Oh boy, you're too precious for me right now. Sorry, but you just lost all little credibility you had. Thanks for the laugh

>> No.5335661

I think that you are autistic, but I can't be sure

>> No.5336189

If you don't think Corona is shitty beer then you're retarded. Corona is absolute filth, beaners don't even drink it.

>> No.5336254

buy beer.