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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5317991 No.5317991 [Reply] [Original]

"Friendly" local pub:
>walk in
>paint peeling off the walls
>regulars glare at you
>loud-mouthed elderly drunks swearing and complaining about Pakis/Muslims/gays
>Food Hygiene Rating hidden behind the bar
>Iceland ready meals
>two lagers on tap
>sometimes Guinness/Tetley's or very rarely a local ale that tastes like piss
>likely controlled by a brewery anyway
>all expensive

Wetherspoons or other "evil" chain pubs:
>walk in
>everything is in perfect condition
>everyone minds their own business
>people of all ages and creeds engaging in pleasant conversation
>Food Hygiene Rating of 5/5
>decent, freshly-prepared food
>good selection of lagers and real ales
>supports local breweries and microbreweries around the world
>chain is independent so they can serve whatever they like
>cheap as shit

Remind me why "muh traditional pubs" are better again?

>> No.5318004


I cannot fault this argument, I go to a Wetherspoons every Tuesday for the £7 steak and a pint. Then again there is something about 'spoons that feels a little "synthetic" if you know what I mean.

I know exactly the kind of traditional pubs you're talking about and I agree they are grim. Seems to me, and don't take this the wrong way, but I think you might like more "hipster" type pubs which serve plenty of microbrews but also hire staff who care about the product, not just some kid trying to pay for his media degree.

>> No.5318014

>regulars glare at you
>loud-mouthed elderly drunks swearing and complaining about Pakis/Muslims/gays
Wots a matter can't handle the banter m8?

>> No.5318030

>asperger sufferer describes how they struggle to interact with everyday life during first 11 lines of post.

>> No.5318031

Taking a simplistic look at both extremes, anon. The "chain" whether independent or not (or that you think they may be) is not always true. What happens is some big corporate investor in the sky, whoever he is, is also cutting a paycheck, and so somewhere and somehow that is passed on to you. Where is that money coming from? From some short cut, like prepared food, lower wages, or at least shutting out some middle men. This middle man economy is what wal-mart killed. Those local folks who deliver paper to businesses, who clean bathrooms, butchers, farmers, all kinds of the marketplace are affected by chains. It's trading one kind of normal for a different kind. You may appreciate cleanliness, but that's not a chain thing, but rather local inspectors being corrupt.

It's a good thing to support the mom and pop business, and pay for doing so, a little bit more, because you can see before you people who can make a career out of knowing your name, sending their family to school, and giving the business to their grandchildren. Locals who might glare at you is your lack of etiquette and respect, and unless this is some mafia joint, that's all it is. Locals might like it because it's quiet enough to hear yourself think, something they want after busting their balls all day. They don't want to talk to tourists, or anyone they don't know. But, if you go long enough, you might be a regular too. And, then, it's just like hanging out at someone's house with your buddies.

Of course the free market takes care of itself. Shit businesses can and do close, but so do good ones. If you like good ones, put your money there, but don't assume what appears to be good on the surface is actually good for you.

>> No.5318037

Or you could go to a decent pub? There are plenty about.

>> No.5318050

"Friendly" local pub:
>walk in
>notice that the huge mural along one wall is in its usual impeccable condition
>regulars greet me with waves and good-natured jokes
>that one old guy is passed out in the back, like always
>all certificates proudly displayed on the walls
>food is all cooked fresh in the back by the owner himself
>I only really drink hard alcohol so I pay no real attention to the 8 or so beers on tap
>bar is owned by a cool, friendly guy who gives me free drinks on my birthday; sometimes I go bowling with him
>same prices as every other bar in the area

Of course, it'd be pants-on-head retarded to judge every local pub or bar in existence on the experiences of just a few, so I'd feel pretty stupid if I made a thread about it.

>> No.5318074

I find that drinking alcohol makes intimidating pubs friendlier.

>> No.5318086

>Where is that money coming from? From some short cut, like prepared food, lower wages, or at least shutting out some middle men.
OR it could be because large chains and corporations typically have more efficient shipping and get better purchase prices due to bulk orders, credibility and regular purchases. I can guarantee you a place like Wal-Mart pays less per product than most tiny specialty stores. Do they often also engage in cost-cutting practices? Yeah. Do all chains do so? No. Are these practices always inherently harmful? Nope. That said, I think you have (at best) a poor grasp on corporate structure and businesses.

>> No.5318091


This man knows what the fuck he's talking about.

>> No.5318118

>Live in American
>No chain bars
>Craft breweries at all time high
>Hipster neighborhoods carrying 10/10 obscure beers and 10/10 food every block
UK is truly suffering

>> No.5318126
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"Mom & Pop" local grocery store
>walk in
>sawdust all over the floor so people don't slip on the liquids spilled everywhere
>no baskets or carts
>I have to scrounge one up from the checkout area
>stock boy runs over your foot with a dolly
>the limited selection of vegetables mostly have mold or have gone soft
>apples are cottony and covered in wax
>expired milk on the shelves
>leaky dented cans
>they stopped selling the good hummus because it had a muslim-sounding name so all you can get is some crap that has canola oil and mayo mixed in
>the meats all look dangerous
>everything rings up with the wrong price because they can't into computerized inventory
>any given food item may or may not be spoiled when you get home

Whole Foods and other "evil" chain stores:
>walk in
>floor is clean and dry
>neat stack of shopping baskets by the door
>multiple varieties of hummus some with actual olive oil and tahini in the ingredients
>the meats aren't anything special but they don't smell bad or appear hazardous to eat
>good selection of vegetables in pristine condition
>apples are fresh and local and both waxed and unwaxed varieties are available
>prices are accurate
>a few items may cost more but there is no chance in hell they'll be rotten when you open them

Op, I've learned a long time ago that when you go out of your way to help "the little guys" the only "man" you're sticking it to is yourself.

>> No.5318128
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>An American thinking talking about pub culture.

>> No.5318130

Alternatively, go to a decent pub. Fucking hell.

>> No.5318132

You literally don't have pubs in America.

>> No.5318139

we literally do m8, we literally don't have chain mcdonalds style pubs though

>> No.5318142

You have places that sell beer, but not pubs.

>> No.5318143
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>>apples are cottony


>> No.5318148


There's a legit pub in my hometown. I know you won't believe me because you're a moron, so I won't go into describing it, but we do have pubs, just very few.

>> No.5318161

>Then again there is something about 'spoons that feels a little "synthetic" if you know what I mean.

I know what you mean. Like you'll touch the wood panelling and it turns out it's actually plastic.

>> No.5318165

This. The big companies can afford it. It's John the Landlord who's cutting costs on quality and hygiene, perhaps even making a few dodgy deals under the table.

>> No.5318178

beer from spoons tastes like shit.

>> No.5318182

Aren't pubs in America a gimmick thing?

Obviously it's an extreme example, but I went to the "pub" in Disney World Epcot. It was hilariously wrong. Had some good banter with the (English) waiter about how inaccurate everything was.

>> No.5318200

>Aren't pubs in America a gimmick thing?

Some of them, and obviously one in Disney World would be. The one in my small hometown is literally a bunch of middle-aged dudes sitting around and watching the few young people play darts. It's dirty, shitty, and cozy as fuck. As a joke there's a portrait of Mel Gibson as William Wallace sitting on a chair in the corner.

>> No.5318201

Depends what you buy. Lagers are lagers and cask ales are cask ales. Although I think Abbot Ale is a terrible choice for a permanent. Even as a "safe" beer, it tastes awful. I don't think I've ever had a Greene King beer I like, but I guess Spoons has some contract with them so they always sell at least two.
At least they're not locked in to it like a tied house.

>> No.5318205

That does sound cosy and fun.

What are Australian pubs like? I doubt Walkabout gives the most accurate impression.

>> No.5318206

A literal "mom and pop" business is unethical.

>> No.5318208

Why? Nepotism?

>> No.5318210

> small country texas bar
>only beer is dos equis shiner and bud in bottles
> no air conditioning
>drink till the beer runs out
Fuck you I love my redneck Cheers.

>> No.5318247

Goodluck finding one these days.
Most inner city ones have been converted to "gastropubs" with overpriced beer and gourmet food. Others have been changed to nightclub like bars.
Then you move out to the suburbs and all the pubs have been converted to electronic gaming machines venues, basically slots, so theyre fucked and full of desperate losers.
Only place close to a pub these days is a good bowling club.

>> No.5318275

The reason franchises are usually clean (and impersonal/cold/synthetic) is because they're backed by a corporation. They all have corporate-set standards and orders operations. That's why chains are always about the same, regardless if you're at an Applebee's/McDonald's/Olive Garden in New York, Chicago, Texas, Seattle etc.

In order for the franchise owner to keep his license to operate, he has to meet standards that a local mom-and-pop shop don't have to.

I found in my travels, though, food is great in a hole-in-the wall place, even if the establishment isn't super nice (so long as it's clean).

>> No.5318283
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>in my travels

I've found in my travels that the obscure little "hole in the wall" that no one goes to is the place where you get traveller's diarrhea. But hey, whatever it takes to discover your true self.

>> No.5318307
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>mfw nobody in this thread knows irish pubs

>> No.5318321

This. I saw some accounting student talking about how her course used spoon's records for practice and they buy older beer so it's cheaper. Can't say the same's for the ale though as they do actually clean the pipes regularly and I'll get the least disgusting looking ale if they haven't got my real cider

>> No.5318331

Hell yes. As much as I like my craft beer if I walk into a bar and my only options are Pabst, Lone Star, Shiner, and Modelo I know I'm probably in good company.

>> No.5318332

>walk into local bowling alley, complete with bar
>ears assaulted with screaming children and thundering pins
>almost dont hear the dub step through the speakers
>place has always been filled with loud kids and music I don't care for, so I didn'tmind
>shitty dub step song ends
>suddenly feel uneasy as a baseline starts playing
>oh god they're letting a 10 yr old pick the music
>oh well my burger just got done
>halfway through a really good burger with fries when I start to feel uneasy again
>remember that a retard is picking the music
>put my food down and leave before I get to finish my game
A note to any self respecting bowling alley owners; don't play stupid music.

>> No.5318344

My local bowling alley had a DDR machine and it was all you could hear.

Dat nostalgic eurodance music always got me pumped for some EXTREME BOWLING.

>> No.5318354
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>walk into a nice looking bar
>take off coat
>bar girl asks me what I'll have
>I'll have...
>scans bar
>nothing good in the liquors
>glance over at the tap beers, this is looking bad oh shit I fucked up
>calculate whether I've lingered too long to leave without looking like a dickbag
>it's been too long, can't leave now
>spaghetti starts to come out of my pockets
>try to muster up best local working class accent
>a bottle of heineken please!
>bar girl looks disgusted with me
>and I suppose you'd like a glass with that?
>y-yes please ;_;

>> No.5318358

Don't worry Spaghetti-kun, you can still ask for ice and a lemon with it and you'll look impulsive and cool!

>> No.5318367

I used to hate the idea of taking too long in a pub. Then I learned that I can ask about things. It's super useful in pubs that serve ales, because they generally know about each ale and can describe them ("We just got this in, it tastes like...").

Not sure if you can do this wherever you live without spaghetti overflowing, but it's worth a try. Good luck, Anon!

>> No.5318371


That only works when the indecision is caused by an overabundance of good choices.

>> No.5318386

>look about 12
>every second before I order my drink and they ask for my ID is awkward

The worst are the rare occasions when they don't ask for my ID at all. I can just tell the staff and patrons are all staring at me: 'Is he really 18 or older? He looks pretty nervous...'

>> No.5318389

You could always say you're still browsing, or ask, "What would you recommend?"

>> No.5318395
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Is it true that every pub with a flat roof is terrible?

>> No.5318398


Well, the idea was that if they're only pouring mid to bottom shelf liquor, guinness, and a few adjunct lagers, the options are to leave, or to suck it up and drink something awful.

If a place is crowded it's easy to slink back out when you've misjudged the place from the outside. If you're already making eye contact with the bar girl, it's too late for that.

>> No.5318409

>people of all ages and creeds engaging in pleasant conversation


>loud-mouthed elderly drunks swearing and complaining about Pakis/Muslims/gays

Yer god DAMNED roight, me hartie. Th'day o' ROPE will sort that lot out, them an' their KIKE puppet masters!

>> No.5318414

>everyone minds their own business
>people of all ages and creeds engaging in pleasant conversation

OP confirmed for tardo

>> No.5318423 [DELETED] 

>a UROSHIT thinks america doesn't have everything, the best of everything, up to and including anything that would blow the fuck out of their savage lifestyle

Don't you have a culture to watch DIE? Pakis are brits too, m8, always remember that ;)

>> No.5318425

If it's shit, you have no reason to ever return, so I fail to see any reason you should give a fuck if anyone sees you leaving.

>> No.5318427

>>a bottle of heineken please!
Heineken is literally the worst beer you can order from a bar.


>> No.5318446

>Valet and walk through a veritable PALACE
>Stroll past legit 10/10 hostess, giving a wink
>Exchange handshakes and bro hugs with the absolute best of the bartending profession.
>Put my order in the hands of whatever the head mixologist is currently experimenting with, be it Amaro based, home-made syrups/bitters/shrubs, frozen carbonated fruits, or sciency foams.
>Absolutely amazing, as always.
>sample some of the best whiskies, wines, and liquors on god's green earth with their accomplished and learned beverage manager
>the Exec chef hears I'm there, sends out a little something they've been working with, fresh ingredients flown daily halfway around the world
>Hang out with my good friends behind the bar, meet new ones in front of the bar, maybe bump into some of the local wheelers and dealers for a short chat
>"Oh, your money is no good here. Great seeing you, as always sir."
>Leave a little something for the guys anyways, they're too danged good to me

What hell it must be to be a small-town pleb. I truly would kill myself.

>> No.5318447

Honestly, wetherspoons vary by location, my local is fine, the one in the nice end of town is very nice and the one by the docks I've been in once and would never go near it again.

>> No.5318451

literally every single mid-sized suburb town has four pubs mate

where the fuck are you looking

'gastropub' beer prices aren't that bad either, i work inner city and stop off at a new one every week. you pay 4-5 a pot and 8-12 a pint, which is hardly worse than 3.50 a pot of carlton at your local RSL or 'bowles club' (?areu100?)

>> No.5318458


But what if the bargirl is cute? Maybe if I tip her well she'll sleep with me ;_;

>> No.5318470

> i work inner city and stop off at a new one every week

Wait, what? Do you go to pubs alone or something?

>> No.5318545

>you pay 4-5 a pot and 8-12 a pint

What is a "pot" and what are these numbers? Pounds? You pay 12 pounds for a pint of beer?

>> No.5318564

>not going to pubs alone

Where else do you meet girls? Serious question. Church and school aren't an option, and work is off limits for me.

>> No.5318570

The Wetherspoons near me doesn't do a half & a half. Thus, it's shite. I prefer local pubs.

>> No.5318571

depends if we carpool or not, maybe once a week i'd get a late lunch and a few beers before the train home (about an hour)

a pot is 285ml
a schooner is 425
an a pint is 570ml

i dont know why haha

>> No.5318576

Haha check out this nerd.

I-It's like I wish I was confident enough to go to pubs and talk to strangers alone or anything...

>> No.5318579


But still, 12 pounds for a pint of beer?

>> No.5318580

haha sorry forgot to mention its $AUD

we have very weird measuring per state, what i mentioned is for victoria

>> No.5318586


So you don't talk to strangers at pubs unless you have friends with you?

>> No.5318594

First time I've seen that pic outside of /trv/.

>> No.5318597

What a load of bullshit. You must live in a shitty area if the pubs are like that.

>> No.5318598


Still, even $12 for a pint is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.5318607

>hipster microbrews

Lel, what the fuck are you on about? Just go to a nice old pub that serves local ale and has normal friendly people. What kind of shithole town do you people live in?

>> No.5318615

where are u from and what do you pay ? i think a lot of things are more expensive in australia due to the higher minimum wage among a few other things

>> No.5318619

I don't really see much difference between Irish and British pubs, except for some clovers on the wall or something.

>> No.5318628 [DELETED] 

Or you could try going to pubs that cater to better clientele? Oh wait you're probably poor and working class scum.

>> No.5318655


At the pub in my hometown (in Florida) I would pay $4 for a pint of Guinness. If I were at a high-end hipsterish beer bar I would expect to pay $6, $7 at most.

>> No.5318660

>Oh wait you're probably poor and working class scum.

No one believes you're rich, anon.

>> No.5318689

Not being so poor I don't have to go to grotty council estate pubs or wetherspoons means I think I'm rich?

>> No.5318717


Please, anon, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.5318744

Also, why was my post deleted?

>> No.5318809

>Please, anon, you're embarrassing yourself.
Not the guy you responded to, but you're a pleb.

>> No.5318878


Probably because you were insulting people for not having large amounts of money. Do you really think that's an okay thing to do?

>> No.5318904
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>"Friendly" local pub:
>walk in
>regulars glare at you

Every time. I would ignore it if it wasn't so jarring and movie-esque.

I just drink at home because it's cheaper anyway.

>> No.5318924

pints in america are usually (hopefully) 16 ounces though. the Brits yammering about get a 20 ounce pour.

>> No.5318953

20 ounces of warm 4% abv piss

>> No.5318969

>Management chain

Wetherspoons succeeds because it's 'safe'. It caters to everyone. The food is bland and used to be cheap.

I would never take a girl to a wetherspoons. She'd be insulted.

The food is bulk-bought and stored for two weeks from the same suppliers who produce en-masse because they're serving seven other restaurants.

>> No.5319139
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>no one goes to

I didn't say that. On the contrary, these places are pretty packed with patrons.

>> No.5319576

ahh ok, from what ive heard thats a pretty reasonable price for america

australia prices suck haha it's like $40 a slab (24 bottles) for low-end beer and ~70 for high-end

>> No.5319645
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>mfw britbongs genuinely believe that America has no pubs

>> No.5320013

Is that guy ok

>> No.5320025

>Friends want to hangout at a pub after dinner
>We go
>Take up a few tables (8-10)
>Half order drinks
>Others dont drink or are to full but enjoy hanging out
Do people care if everyone doesn't drink or buy something (besides the owner)?

>> No.5320038

Pubs in Ireland can be great. "Irish pubs" are always fucking terrible.

>> No.5320040

I'd imagine so.

>> No.5320042
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>> No.5320065

i went to an "irish pub" that wasn't too bad. Nothing overtly tacky besides the stereotypical irish music playing. Bartender was irish, they served good food, had good drank, and it was full of regulars.

>> No.5320096

>chains are better than dives

>> No.5320163

Lawn bowls
Not bowling alleh

>> No.5320172

Once again leave it up to a faggot on 4chan to completely miss the point.
I dont even know what to say to "literally every mid sized suburb has like 4 pubs mate" that shit is so off the mark you may as well be called the non-funky bunch.
The point is that the spirit of the Australian pub is gone, its the vibe, the mabo, that is missing.
And if you think that paying $12 for a pint is OK then you are worse than wrong, you are the problem.
Oh yeh and I live IN THE city, cos that umm means somethings or whats have you?

>> No.5320185

The best local pubs are better than the best Wetherspoons, but most Wetherspoons are better than the most local pubs.

My local pub (although there's a lot near me in York) is an absolute embarrassment, has shit beer and isn't even cheap. It looks like it hasn't been decorated since about 1980 and the seating is uncomfortable. It's purposefully working class, it's shit.

That said, my old local pub was The Fat Cat in Norwich, which was camra pub of the year a few times, has about 30 odd ales on at any given time, great atmosphere and prices.

The Wetherspoons that I've been to have always been good, and the beer and burger meals are outstanding value. I tend to fine that the ales at Wetherspoons are never that great though, but considering they're often less than £2 I can't complain.

The reason why so many local pubs died is because they're fucking horrible, and deservedly so. It's no loss.

>> No.5320188

I don't exactly know what you are getting at, but we have plenty of historical pubs in New England that date back to colonial times.

>> No.5320189

>"Friendly" local pub
>I live in a suburban area in a large town or small city

>> No.5320211

"Friendly" local pub:
>independently run. => huge variance in quality

>adhere to a standard, so it's always good and never great

>> No.5320285

>friends decide to meet at löwen
>friendly german pub
>we're a bunch of youngesters going to an oldtimers place
>soft light
>nice people
>quiet even on the busy nights
>waitresses begin to recognize the gang
>they stop asking for ID
cause you find shit places op

>> No.5320336

Yeah, I just honked the horn, and he miraculously snapped out of it. Lel!

>> No.5320543

in aus, good pubs are hard to find in melbourne, sydney and brisbane. elsewhere, great pubs are still abundant.

>> No.5320557

I know this sort of feeling better than I'd like to, cute bargirls are the worst.

>> No.5320571

This guy sums it up. Chains deliver a consistent experience, but that experience is calculated to appeal to a specific segment of the general public. Being inoffensive trumps being interesting in these places, but they're great for folks who like the comfort of walking in knowing EXACTLY what they're going to get, and what they'll pay for it.

My father likes places like this. He's a very middle of the road guy.

With independent places all bets are off. Some of the best and worst experiences I've had in pubs (also bars and restaurants) have been in independent joints. But I still favor them, because I'll take interesting over the expected in most situations. I see going out as a form of entertainment, and an independent joint stands a better chance of being entertaining.

>> No.5321160

You need to stop trying to incorporate that word into every other sentence. Just cause it has over 2 syllables in it doesn't mean using it makes you sound more intelligent, fucking dumbfuck

>> No.5321190

As someone living in Melbourne, I'm wondering where and what the fuck you are drinking to be paying the exhorbitant price of $12 a pint. I get them for $7-8, and I've yet to top $10, even with some of the fancier beers on tap

>> No.5321452

Probably the belgian

>> No.5321477

>Do the Lambeth down to the local Rub-A-Dub
>Show me face to the gaffer
>Pubs full of proper geezers and a few tasty sorts
>Old Al's got a big pot of Loop on the go and a few cheeky cheese rolls behind the bar
>All sorts of booze on the go, but none of that poof stuff
>Guiness is on tap
>No one under the age of seventy drinks Tetleys
>Good rate to spend ya hard earned dosh

such is life in bongland m8

>> No.5321478

>No chain bars
What is Beef'o'bradys, Loco's, etc.
Yeah they're restaurants too but the main draw is that they are sportsbars first.>>5318118

>> No.5321492

>Yer god DAMNED roight, me hartie. Th'day o' ROPE will sort that lot out, them an' their KIKE puppet masters!

I have no idea what you're trying to be there

>> No.5321521

a redpilled scotsman?

>> No.5321523

Im in York too. Top York pubs? Not the obvious like trembling madness, bluebell etc. Usually spend my money in the shit-but-cheap uni bars but it is nearly payday...

>> No.5321524

what the hell bar is this?

>> No.5321528

>walk into a bar in America with friend
>dead set on getting dead drunk
>order beers
>order shots
>run out of cash
>still only buzzed, nowhere near dead drunk
>it is too late, have to go home

That feel when drinking at home is the only way I can get drunk. It is like bars are just there for the novelty to me and when I feel like being charitable to business owners.

>> No.5321530

>he thinks Wetherspoons are good

You must just not get out much I guess.

>> No.5321542

All of that then...

>Guiness is on tap

So close.

>> No.5321565

> local truck stop esque restaurant like from my youth
> lots of old people cars always parked out front (Buicks)
> people who eat there seem to have a routine of eating there
> go in, wood tables and chairs, older booths, horrid wallpaper, some cheesy decorations
> it's a Greek restaurant but also has your normal Midwestern comfort food that reminds me of the truck stop restaurant we ate at when I was a kid
> order a cup of the day's soup and a gyro
> we have a Greek restaurant downtown which is pretty good, gave me a love for gyros
> soup comes
> best damned chicken and dumpling soup ever
> fresh buttered bread to eat with it
> gyro comes with those really good restaurant pickles
> gigantic, delicious, fresh sauce and soft warm wrap
> cost me $7 plus tax

New favourite restaurant. There's a place that's also a bar down and out a ways and I always see tons of cars around there around lunch and dinner, and nice looking cars too. So either they've got really good food or I've just been living around poor alcoholics too long.

> TFW you can't just walk into bars like that because they're practically sekrit clubs where the same people go every night/week and they know you're a stranger the moment you step in.

>> No.5323119

you can find it in his imagination

>> No.5323207

>It's John the Landlord who's cutting costs on quality and hygiene

Not in the last few Wetherspoons I've been in. Fucking awful places, full of shit-eating chavs and students when they're not Pension City.

Tables are invariably sticky because despite the huge turnover they're understaffed, glasses standing around everywhere, used plates littering tables. Furniture dirty and stained because of the high turnover and refusal of chain to replace/renew it on 6-month basis. Staff polite but cold, all the atmosphere of a train station, vast open echoing caverns apparently preferred by the management.

Salt-block food prepped offsite and nuked onsite. "Huge" range of the same fucking beers made in the same three megabreweries with different names and marginally different alcohol content to distinguish their bland, piss-like taste. All overpriced, all terrible. Non-alcoholic options limited to sickly-sweet children's party drinks, bag tea, instant coffee, or water. In 2014.

Literally the only good thing about Wetherspoons is that they preserve old buildings instead of demolishing them to make way for a standard template pub and housing block, but even so, cunts.

>> No.5323261

>decent, freshly-prepared food
so thats why the first time i went to a wetherspoons i cut my tounge on a bit of microwave tray that had broken off?
you just need to look at the rice to see everything other than steaks and burgers is just microwaved ready meals

>> No.5323278

>Not in the last few Wetherspoons I've been in. Fucking awful places, full of shit-eating chavs and students when they're not Pension City.

It very much depends on the spoons you go to. Near me in MK there's 3 I think? One is pretty much just a nightclub, one has a pubby atmosphere and the other one is scabby as fuck. They vary just as regular pubs do.

>> No.5323284

Beer from spoons often tastes bad, and the food is prison grade. They have no charm or identity.

Unless you're on the dole, I have no idea why you would set food in there.

>> No.5323285


>> No.5323286

I've heard that spoons is cheap because they sell their booze close to expiry date

>> No.5324509

I don't know that many as I've not been there too long and don't know many people into ale. That said, there's a pub called The Black Swan which had a fair selection of beers, did good food and was nice inside. The York Tap by the train station is also pretty good.

If you've got any recommendations I'd love to hear them as have some mates coming up from my undergrad uni who are into beer.

>> No.5326275

>Not knowing that once you turn off your liberal butthurt,
a lot of those racist drunks are pretty darn entertaining , and occasionally have some decent stories

>> No.5328494

Last night I was at the Rook and Gaskill which is pretty good for 2.80/pint but an old man pub really. Could try the Lowther for weird underground-ness. Then the obvious evil eye and such. There is another one on Lawrence St which has just been refurbed and is now all right but fairly quiet. Or the eternal backup... Spoons!

>> No.5328732

You've never been to Ireland or England, right?

>> No.5328756


>trotting out this sad excuse for british thin skinned cuntiness

>> No.5328763

>I went to the "pub" in Disney World Epcot.
your opinions are less than worthless

>> No.5328767

I've run off minorities, gays and other undesirables out of our bar and I'll keep doing it until I die.
Come at me.

>> No.5328777

>people of all ages and creeds
I'm going to pass on this one

Sounds like you are either working class, kebab or both.

>> No.5328789


Keep trying lads

And we're not talking about those god awful Irish tourist pubs.
Proper pubs here are unbeatable

>> No.5328790

>"Mom & Pop" local grocery store
These still exist?

>> No.5328794

In Europe at least, but they're all pleasant.

>> No.5328809


goddamn i love being irish

>> No.5328818

Why are they talking in norwegian?

>> No.5328998

Seemed more like West Country to me. I could imagine it being followed by:

"An' you getchur dawg orf moy laaahnd, 'e be worr-ee-in moy shayp."

"And you get your dog off my land, he's worrying my sheep."

>> No.5329032


My local wetherspoons is where all the scumbags and drunks hang out. The local pubs are all in good condition and have interesting beers and good food for sale. Do you live in a city or something cause that's the only places where I have encountered shitty local pubs.

>> No.5329036

Hello Wetherspoons marketing team!

>> No.5329041

Yeah, it usually means they are council estate pubs, with violent clientele.

>> No.5329070

No one will ever know

>> No.5329082

>not knowing about American Bar and Grill culture


>> No.5329085

Except we do. Hell, some of the bars in Boston have been around since the mid 1700s and provide the exact same services as a British Pub.

We called them Taverns though.

>> No.5329090


>> No.5329092

Bar and grill and a cosy pub are different.

>> No.5329097

I'm Canadian and the only place where real pubs exist is Newfoundland. I haven't seen one in the states either. It's all just bars. A bar is not a pub.

>> No.5329098

Not always.

I've been to some pubs in Scotland as part of a family gathering, and it wasn't too different from the local western bar/grill type places at home, just with less country music.

both serve local "rustic" homey food, carry some favorite beers and a few local craft/micros on tap or bottle, and both try to have a friendly tavern like atmosphere.