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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 370 KB, 1002x768, Shabu Shabu in Nagoya 1997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5290753 No.5290753 [Reply] [Original]

Why "do it yourself" restaurants aren't popular outside Asia?

It's awesome idea for meeting friends, and the quality of the ingredients is superior than in regular restaurants because they have to serve them fresh to you

>> No.5290760

Cause you be paying to cook your own food which kinda defeats the purpose of going out to eat.

>> No.5290759

Most people don't like the idea of having to cook their own food. I kind of enjoy it but it seems a little pricey as well, though I never bothered to divide the total price by the number of people we managed to serve. My family is Asian so we would go out with 2 other Asian families and would usually need 2 large orders to get everyone full.

>> No.5290761

You can find good shabu and yakiniku in Cambridge and Boston.

I'm sure you can find them in any city with a decent Asian population.

>> No.5290763

Sushi is pretty popular everywhere.

People do look at me a little funny when I cook it over my lighter, but what the hell.

>> No.5290770

>cooking sushi

>> No.5290769

that kind of thinking is bullshit.

making food together is a superb social event as compared to just go out and eat.

Also, many places in Japan serve "all you can eat for 2 hours" kind of shabu shabu, so you can get full on that.

>> No.5290774

Sushi ain't actually a synonym for raw fish.

>> No.5290775

who would you tip though?

>> No.5290776
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mmmm... delicious shit.

Sadly, I don't live in burgerland but in Europoverty, so there's pretty hard to find such restaurants

>> No.5290777

>Japanese restaurant

Japanese waiter would feel offended if you offered him a tip

>> No.5290779


Yeah but you can do that at home and will only spend a fraction of the price plus you can ensure the ingredients will definitely be fresh and not have to worry about anyone kicking you out.

>> No.5290782

first of all, I don't have a table with warming plate in it, second of all, you don't get to buy premium wagyu beef cheaply anywhere, thirdly, at least in Japan, the ingredients are always fresh

>> No.5290788


First, you could use a portable stove, two, wagyu beef is nothing specail. I ground it up and feed it to my dog all the time. Third, the Japanese can suck my pikachu.

>> No.5290793

>I ground it up and feed it to my dog all the time

600 dollars per 1000g of wagyu beef

>> No.5290794


>i flush money down the toilet to feed something to my dog that's not even healthy for dogs

You don't need to lie on the internet.

>> No.5290800

You would need insane insurance because people are idiots. I believe there is a steakhouse in Michigan that does that, but it's more for rich people. A novelty to them.

>> No.5290802

I've seen them in Korean restaurants on college campuses but I've never tried it myself. I just want a korean friend to show me :(

>> No.5290809


It's pretty easy

Go with 2 or more people, order meat and other things like flavorings. Cook meat and add other things in hot water. At the end enjoy delicious meat soup you made from cooking meat in it.

The grill ones are pretty much exactly what they seem like.

Think of it like getting a bunch of appetizers you share and then you get to grill them yourself. It's something to be enjoyed with friends and family.

>> No.5290825

Why should my experience in a restaurant be limited by my own creativity.
My favourite restaurant experiences is when I've just ordered a three course meal with three glasses of wine. The less I chose the better.

Of course this is high end restaurants, I wouldn't do it in a fast food joint.

>> No.5290827


BBQ/hot pot restaurants aren't fast food or high end. You should probably get rid of that black and white mentality you have.

>> No.5290835

it's neither. it's more a way to spend a fun time with friends than anything else.

also, hot pot japanese cuisine relies on top quality ingredients, not fancy shmancy dishes

>> No.5290856

They crashed and burned in the US in the past. They don't pass health department inspections, eventually. Salad bars have all but gone by the wayside too. The reason? Assholes cross-contaminate, as do employees. There's good reason why you wash your hands after touching raw meat, and why you cook them to a certain temp before combining with vegetables. Just because you are in charge at the tables doesn't mean you know how to do it right. When an idiot gets sick the restaurant suffers the reputation equally, and then finally business dwindles and then closes. There will only ever be room for that many places that pull off this gimmick in any one town. It's just speedier for a family to get going and then home again. People have lives and not that much free time to waste.

You may think you know all kinds of exceptions, but I assure you that if you back up the clock one or two decades, there was a time this was far more popular and amenable for dining. Most quality buffets and salad bars are relegated to higher end hotels brunches now, with big price tags and has stations manned by personnel to prevent contamination.

>> No.5290861
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Have you never heard of fondue you faggot

>> No.5290863


Where do you live?

I'm >>5290761 and I could throw a rock and hit someone making delicious food.

>> No.5290866

and somehow average lifespan in Japan is way higher than in burgerland.

>> No.5290867


>japan and the USA are the only two places that exist

>> No.5290868

>dipping all kind of shits in fondue
I'm sorry if you live in a place where shitskins contaminate your food

>> No.5290883

but you know in hot pot places you are supposed to cook the meat and vegetables first before eating them?

>> No.5290916
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>> No.5290933


>> No.5290942

>I'm sorry if you live in a place where shitskins contaminate your food
Yeah, it's not like the US was almost 13% niggers or anything.

>> No.5290949

Assumptions much?

Why exactly would the quality of ingredients be better? Also sometimes I don't want to meet other people, if them there with others we're already there, we don't need weirdos around us.

Get over yourself.

>> No.5290951

i like it when the cute waitress does it for me

>> No.5290955

fucking nanny state

>> No.5290963

And we scare the fuck out of you because of that.
That's good and cheers!

And you're a eurofag that runs from everything including your own reflection in a mirror.

>> No.5290965


Epic shitpost friend

>> No.5290992

>Why exactly would the quality of ingredients be better?

because they are served raw to you, so they have to be 100% fresh otherwise you'd notice unless you're stupid.

>> No.5290999
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because we do it ourselves at home?
pic related
I love raklett and broth fondues (fuck off with cheese and chocolate ones)
but it's something you do maybe once or twice a year, with family or good friends.

>> No.5291010

breddy noice

>> No.5291011

I like The Melting Pot. It may not be super amazing or worth the price if you're just taking the food into account, but it's a fun thing to do with friends.

I would LOVE to try a Szechuan hotpot, but the closest place is in Atlanta, about 1.5 hours away.

>> No.5291250

Americans just don't know how to cook is all. They'd rather be confined by rules and regulations than enjoy delicious hot pots.

>> No.5291404

lol enjoy your food poisoning.

>> No.5291407
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>They'd rather be confined by rules and regulations than enjoy delicious hot pots.


I can taste your inferiority complex from here. Tastes...poor.

>> No.5291628


Fuck that overpriced garbage.

>> No.5291632

it's true. i do enjoy confinement

>> No.5291639

the only reason I don't go more often is because they're pretty expensive, I love hot pot though

>> No.5291660

no idea, i loved eating this way in korea.

>> No.5292346

Not quite teh same thing, but I went to a mongolian barbeque restaurant. I could set these ingredients and watch as a chef would fry it up like a boss.

It was pretty cool.

>> No.5292390

In America in 2014 i guarantee somebody would sue the restaurant for getting food poisoning after not being patient enough with their meat. In Utah you have to be 18 to get your beef cooked to order, so I don't think it would be legally advisable to open such an establishment.

>> No.5292432

this, it is litterally that america is too dumb to have nice things. did you know in asia people stand to one side of an escalator so people can walk up through if they want to?

>> No.5292447

Being an asian who is living temporarily in Canada, I have a feeling food places like restaurants or cafes want you to get in and get out ASAP because money. You are free to sit at a cafe in Asia to study for hours, but it is frowned upon in Canada.

Guess it is money over customer satisfaction.

>> No.5292459

only asians would BOIL meat for special occasions.

>> No.5292460

If you're in America, you should be living in Hawaii/California
They're all over the fucking place, shabu shabu, hotpot, yakiniku

>> No.5292469

Well, in America one person takes up the whole escalator, so that wouldn't work...

>> No.5292479

Regardless of what you might think, we're very polite in the USA too. You've been watching too much TV and hollywood BS.

>> No.5292492

Actually I've just been reading too much 4chan

>> No.5292493

you're supposed to do that here, too
problem is, those who do not have to ride escalators often while in a hurry don't understand that
in the big cities, you're probably used to dealing with thugs
in the malls you're probably used to dealing with people who are there for a leisurely afternoon
usually, politely asking people to let you by is more than enough, but a lot of people are too pussy to do that, and, I dunno, maybe Asians are too introverted to bother talking to one another

>> No.5292500

if I'm doing part of the work I'm paying only apart of the price. fuck you iwata

>> No.5292513

no, Asians are dicks, whites are dicks. america is dicks

>> No.5292515

>Paying the exact same price as you would for a restaurant visit to cook the food yourself.

No, fuck you.
If I want to cook as a social event I'll cook as a social event, without paying a premium.

>> No.5292534

Because going out to eat is about getting pampered. We don't all have tiny kitchens with limited equipment, and a lot of us can do what they do in restaurants at home, if we want. Back when I lived in a shitty apartment, I would've LOVED the option, instead of the cheap options I had.

>> No.5292540


because idiots like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liebeck_v._McDonald%27s_Restaurants

that will sue you because your grill was hot or your knife was too sharp

>> No.5292548
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Using this thread as an excuse to post samgyeopsal

>> No.5292550

people talking about insurance and law suits are dolts
if it was all about insurance, there would be no steak tartar, no house made mayo, no hollandaise, no sushi, no rare steaks
Seriously... you think that if you don't cook everything to a certain degree that it's a recipe for poisoning?

>> No.5292551
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>> No.5292555
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That was way bigger than I thought from my phone.
This place was my favorite.

>> No.5292591

>using grams for food
Filthy foreigner

>> No.5292610

yeah, FUCK precise measurements.

i prefer the english-speaking internet to my own language by a long shot but fuck, do i hate the fact that americans don't use the metric system and i have to somehow convert their arbitrary rollercoaster of no inherent logic plus measuring by volume every time i want to cook a recipe i found on the internet.

>> No.5292624

forgot to mention that everything in the us is apparently bigger. how the hell does a roasted chicken recipe call for a 1,800g whole chicken? i can get 1,300g here in germany. on what steroids are american chickens exactly?

>> No.5292628

a party of drunks will burn themselves on hot oil and file a lawsuit.

>> No.5292634


>> No.5292639


damn, now i really want some samgyeopsal

>> No.5292703

>nobody in this thread has ever heard of / been to a melting pot

>m-muh melting pot

>> No.5292720

What makes you say that? They're just not very popular. Sure, they exist, but apparently not on the same scale, except for maybe in the 70's and 80's.

>> No.5292738

The reason for going is for cooking high quality ingredients to your liking. You get loads of food to cook.

>> No.5292747


Not popular?

The two I've been to (Philly and Pittsburgh) are booked pretty much 24/7

>> No.5292749

plus, fondue places exist outside of the melting pot.

there's this really cozy one downtown here that's underground. i love it.

>> No.5292758

There are some good restaurants that do this in NYC. One is Japanese on the lower level of a nice hotel, The Kitano. There are also a lot Korean ones on 32nd street bet 5th ave and Broadway, those are open nice and late.

They pretty much let you cook the food for yourself, they bring it to the table and have the meats and everything cut properly but the actual cooking is left to the customer. That's fun and really good.

>> No.5293278

You're talking about the Kitano lounge? Near 38th street?

>> No.5293282


>make statement about people in the thread
>didn't even read the thread yourself


>> No.5293283

>do it yourself" restaurants

lel da fuck is that? if youre gonna do it yourself you can do it at your place. its called inviting friends over for dinner.

>> No.5293285

Do you mean you actually pull out your lighter in a restaurant and hold the flame to your sushi?

>> No.5293288

That delicious fatty looking meat in the pic is either being boiled or deep fried, both inappropriate techniques for some nice fatty meat.

>> No.5293292


Not really considering you drink the broth also.

>> No.5293293 [DELETED] 

you chinks just don't get it

>> No.5293295


Nice shitpost, Ann /pol/ter

>> No.5293304
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Going yakiniku tomorrow night.

I think the main reason it's popular here is because 90% of the population don't have a yard suitable to BBQ in.

>> No.5294143

that would be the main reason for me to go to hot pot restaurant in the first place.

I don't have a table that would have a heater on the middle, so everyone can sit and cook without moving from the table and enjoy the food and conversations.

>> No.5294201

If you're paying $600 for 1000g of Wagyu beef, you're getting ripped off badly. You can get genuine Kobe beef shipped in from Japan for less than that.

>> No.5294245

I used to live in Japan. God I miss yakiniku and shabu places.

And I miss those little side alley ramen places. every friday night me and another American i worked with went to this one near our resdiences. Ramen was good. but oh man the gyoza. Woman who owned the place made her gyoza fresh and it was heavenly.

2500 yen got us 12 pieces of gyoza, 2 chashu shoyu ramen. and a bottle of Sapporo big enough for two grown men to pour out and drink from glasses.

>> No.5294264

They are. There's one fucking 5 minutes from my house.

>> No.5294311

That sounds like a nice way to show old, snooty xenophobe jap "sushi chefs" how fish is supposed to be treated. Go to Jiro's, take your serving of tiny bits of raw fish slapped on bland ass white rice while the old fucker eyeballs you like you'd bombed his country or something, pull out a zippo and a bottle of sweet baby ray's, apply some heat and sauce to the shitty raw fish patty, and yell "this taste is exploding in your mouth like a nuke going off in the middle of FLAVORTOWN!" at the top of your lungs, before shoving it in your face, throwing a roll of dollar bills at the nip, and moonwalking out of the place.

>> No.5295184
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>> No.5295415

on the real, i think the popularity probably has a lot to do with attitudes towards eating

a good hot pot session takes like two hours of slowly cooking all these lil morsels. i dunno how many of my friends who aren't really into eating would be willing to go through such a process

whereas i think chinese people struggle to think of anything to do outside the house than go eat (for real)

>> No.5295439

>whereas i think chinese people struggle to think of anything to do outside the house than go eat (for real)

Get drunk
Get into fights with other Asians
Go shopping for electronics

>> No.5295442

Basically the average american is so stupid they would end up hurting themselves and sue the restaurant.

>> No.5295494

this is why we can't have nice things

>> No.5295572

Do you also build a campfire at the steakhouse to finish cooking your steak? Don't forget to bring ketchup.