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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5288363 No.5288363 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to lose weight since I'm a morbidly fat fuck. Is there any foods or meals I can eat that's 3-500 calories that"ll also make me feel full/satisfied?

>> No.5288365

Eat a handful of baby carrots and an apple while drinking iced tea or water. Works for me when I'm at work.

>> No.5288371

Eat a pile of cocaine, fatty

>> No.5288373

big mac

>> No.5288375

No, you're going to feel hungry until your body is used to a better diet. Your body is used to it's current intake.

Eating gluten free will help you feel less weighed down. I would suggest trying to cut out most bread and pasta while you're losing weight, consider replacing those with rice and sweet potato.

I'm not really advocating that you go gluten free forever or become paranoid about gluten, but it's a relatively easy swap out gets you thinking about making dietary choices.

>> No.5288384

Alright. It's just that I'm a fat fuck who's used to eating fat food (carbs+meat) to feel full. I like veggies, but I usually eat it with something else unless it's a salad. Which I don't eat very often.

I'm trying protein shakes as meal replacements, but I still end up thinking about food. I know I'm shitty but I want to break these 10+ year long habits in spite of living with people who'd be fine enabling me.


How long could that take? Until I lose the weight?

>> No.5288398


It'll get easier if you stick with it. If you're used to shoving pasta in your face to feel full then you kind of need to retrain you body into knowing what feeling full is.

I'd consider learning to cook Japanese food. Small portions, mostly vegetarian. Not that meat is bad but cutting back on red meat is a good idea.

>> No.5288408


Go to /fit/ bud.

But Cabbage. Cabbage is super low cal and really high in fiber. When I'm on a cut I live for Chicken and Cabbage stir fry.

>> No.5288417

A girl at my work is trying to lose weight, and she told me she only likes hamburgers, pizza, and whatever Mexican food she makes at home, but she started bringing carrots and oranges and stuff and ate them until she liked them. I'm not trying to push the fruit and veggie snack thing too hard, just saying you can get used to eating healthier stuff like that rather than resorting to fattier stuff. Salads can be really good, just don't overload them with cheese and overly rich dressings. Oil and vinegar with spinach, blueberries, sunflower seeds, and a little feta is a favorite of mine.

Just think before you eat.

>> No.5288418

How many calories do you normally eat?

If it's more than 2000 and you aren't working out or doing much exercise, eat at or less than 2000 calories a day.

You can't just cut down to like 1500 calories a day without a lot of willpower. You want to lose gradually, not really fast. You're making a change in lifestyle, not just "dieting".

>> No.5288419


This is just broscience btw, although maybe I shouldn't have called him out on it because not eating gluten can help fatties lose weight because it forces them away from most processed food.

Just eat your meat with veggies and stop snacking or drinking anything that has calories. You can still have some carbs with your meat, just don't have a ton of it. That's it, you'll lose weight.

You don't need to have these mini 300 meals if you're fat, that's for girls or bodybuilders who are prepping for a competition. I don't know if you just read online somewhere that you're supposed to eat 1500 calories a day to lose weight, but if you're fat you can eat a whole hell of a lot more than that.

>> No.5288426

you don't need to eat 1200-1500 calories a day to lose weight unless you're a tiny girl, I'm female and 5'9 140 and losing about 1lb a week by eating 2000. Granted I do heaping fuckloads of cardio and otherwise would probably eat more in the realm of 1600, but if you're morbidly obese you could probably eat like 3000 calories a day and lose weight. For the time being you probably don't even need to count calories, just make some fundamental changes to the way you eat and you will lose. This is often a better suggestion for people who are very fat because micromanaging their intake can lead to them feeling like they're being compulsive or too restrictive and then bingeing.

>> No.5288431

What's your height/weight/age/gender.
Use em to calculate your TDEE, then subtract 500.

>> No.5288432


Go to /fit/


Don't post, don't read the threads, just read the sticky. It's all you'll ever need.

>> No.5288436

Guess what fatty, to be thin you have to be willing to feel hunger sometimes.
It's not the end of the world you weakling. It's not like water boarding.

>> No.5288437

>3500 kcal daily
>Still hungry

Try 1200 kcal/day you piece of shit. Be a man.

>> No.5288443


I wasn't advocating he stay with a gluten free diet forever. I was saying he should try one while losing weight and to help his body get used to not having pasta and bread shoved in it all day long.

Did you just entirely ignore the last line on purpose?

>> No.5288450

First off, cut sugar out as much as you possibly can. Plenty of folks who eat an otherwise reasonable diet get fat simply because they mindlessly consume large amounts of sugar.

Eat much more vegetable fiber. It fills you up. Most fat folks I know consume large amounts of calorie dense foods - they tend to favor things like meat, cheese, butter and cream. These are delicious things, but without fiber. That means you can consume large amounts of them without feeling full. It's pretty easy to eat a quarter pound of cheese without even realizing it. Half a plate of kale will do more to fill you up with fewer calories.

Eat slowly. Your body's biofeedback system takes about 15 min to realize it's full. If you eat quickly you'll always clean your plate. If you eat slowly you may notice you're full before your plate is finished. Stop eating then.

Realize you fat will fight to preserve itself. It does this by making you feel hungry when you are losing weight. You will pine for calorie dense foods. This is when you fill up on vegetable fiber, even if it doesn't seem as appealing as the foods you're craving.

Favor complex carbs over refined, and you get extra vegetable fiber as part of the deal.

Don't miss meals. You want to avoid snacking, so better to have meals when you get hungry.

>> No.5288457

About 3300.

Yeah. Last night my willpower broke and I ended up making mixed veggies & mincemeat with soy & teriyaki sauce. And it was a lot. At least I now regret it when I eat like a slob.

21, male, 385ish. At one point I hit 390.


I"ll try to be a man!

So stock up on sweet potatoes, eggplants, beans, chick peas and broccoli.

>> No.5288458
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>there are people who lead such shitty lives that they have to ridicule people on the internet that are attempting to improve themselves in order to feel better bout their own situation


>> No.5288460


Sweet potatoes are fucking awesome. You can put them in or with almost anything and they're still good.

>> No.5288464
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Similar to this. Easy to make and fills you up. Add a grill chicken breast (sliced). Some noodles (but not too much. A good stock (low sodium is good), it fills you up nicely. A soft boiled egg (my favorite in whole dish). Some vegetables; thinly sliced cabbage. Some stir-fry carrots, capsicum, or anything you like.

>> No.5288468

OP, I recently dropped down from 190 to 160 in the space of a few months. I suggest you shift many of your meals to what I call "Meat 'n a mound."

Basically, make any reasonable portion of meat. I tend to make large batches of food and eat them throughout the week, so I'd bake a bunch of chicken thighs or drumsticks. So one of those.

Then, just make a fuckload of veggies. I've taken to steaming a huge amount of broccoli and carrots, but really just any veggie that isn't super starchy or calorically dense. Broccoli is about 150 calories PER POUND so it's a good one. So yeah, steam that shit up, serve your meat atop your mound, and gorge yourself on that if you really need to feel full.

Also helps to have about 1L of water with you throughout the meal and make yourself finish it at the end.

>> No.5288475

Eat cottage cheese. A 500g tub of cottage cheese is just around 550 calories and this shit will make you full long before you reach that point even if you're a fat fuck because it's got a full 15g of protein per half cup (125g).

>> No.5288477


Roasted broccoli is really easy too. All you really do is toss it with a little olive oil and bake at 425/220

You can toss it with a little bit of parmesan but you don't really need to. I like to add a little lemon juice after it's out of the oven.

>> No.5288478


need the height too.

>> No.5288480

>Calculate your TDEE (-> Google)
>Count your kcals DO IT FAGGOT
>Stay below 100~500kcal below TDEE

That's basically all to losing weight. Bonus:
>Sports (especially lifting) helps in two ways: keeping muscle that would have atrophied, use up more kcals
>Obviously, no soda and no junk food. They don't really satiate you for long anyway
>Eat more veggies, they will make you feel full
>Adapting keto or a keto-influenced (you don't have to go overboard here buddy) diet helps to keep you full too

I was 100kg/220lbs, am 75kg/165lbs and still cutting. You're gonna make it, brah.


>> No.5288495


BuHi egg is the name?

>> No.5288504

Figured, 3852 Cals a day to maintain.
Eat around 3300 for now. You'll need to keep dropping that over time.
Based on your weight, you may be able to drop 1000 a day, but be careful past that. Work out so you don't get flaps.

>> No.5288528

so good. you can roast most any veggie and it becomes instantly 3x more delicious

>> No.5288530

find a hobby and eat enough healthy bullshit to have the energy to do it.

that's it.

>> No.5288538

Fill up on water. When you're hungry and it's not time to eat, drink water until you don't want to eat anymore.

Also do cardio. For now, walking. Three+ times a week, go for progressively longer walks. Start with 15-30 minutes, and work your way to an hour.

Think of this not as a diet or a new fitness regime, but as an entirely new lifestyle you will adapt to and stay with for the rest of your life. You shower and brush your teeth and get dressed every day, so now you will eat well and exercise regularly as well.

>> No.5288543

Go on the JUDDD diet. A girl I know lost 120 pounds in a year on it. Google it, it's really efficient and a lot easier to do than cutting down to a straight 1,500 cal per day.

>> No.5288556
File: 188 KB, 500x305, Pat_Real_Life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smoke crack, lose weight

>> No.5288564

The average man needs about 2500 to maintain

The sticky is full of broscience and was written by a skinnyfat manlet

>> No.5288567

Hey OP, I tipped the scales at 365lb last year. I weigh about 265 now. My ideal weight is 180 so I'm at the half way mark but really I'd be happy with 230lb.

Here are my tips

1. Don't keep sweets/packaged/shit food around. Temptation will overcome you, that's why you're fat. Even to this day, I fall prey. Example, if my mom or I buy a cake/brownie mix, I will gorge on it.

2. Don't drink your calories with the exception of skim milk (even then probably not a good idea; opt for an unsweetened almond milk 30cal/cup). People will rage at me for this, but if you can't kick a soda habit then just stick to diet soda. If you need to sweeten something, use Splenda or Stevia (don't use Stevia myself). Use sugar substitutes whenever possible and don't stock sugar in the house.

3. Stay away from starches, rice, most breads and other simple carbs. Controversial, but the fact is all of these stuff is filler food and when you're cutting, every calorie counts. To expand on this point, 1 cup of cooked rice is about 200 calories, for that much calories, you could've had 3-4 cups of vegetables. Which will fill you up more and provide more nutrients? I rest my case. Furthermore, most data shows that low to moderate carb diets are the way to go for optimal weight loss.

4. Stay away from fatty foods. This should be the most obvious one. Fat has the most calories per gram. It's true that fat fills you up, but you can get satiety through your fibrous vegetables, proteins, and complex carbs.

>> No.5288580

I prefered to replace starches, I was never a conventional eater when it came to meals but just cutting around the edges like using spinach and some vinegeratte instead of iceburg lettuce and caesar, almonds instead of potato chips, 12 grain bread instead of dyed wheat/white, hard liquor instead of beer.

>> No.5288583

5. Keep adequate protein intake to fill you up and prevent muscle wasting. I keep greek yogurt stocked at all times and will also buy whey protein every once in a while. Whey or the greek yogurt are perfect for throwing in a smoothie or an oatmeal breakfast. Eat only lean meats, again refer to point 4. I only eat white meat chicken and turkey. Most data shows that red meat consumption at the rate of the American diet is bad for you. I'm not saying go to an extreme like me, but definitely cut back on beef, and look for the lean/extra lean cuts if you must eat it.

6. Have vegetables with at least 2 out of your 3 meals. A typical meal for me is a grilled 6 oz chicken breast, maybe 3 cups of vegs, and a fruit or yogurt for dessert. Recently, I got into the green smoothie thing. A nutriblast is a great way to liquidify your vegs and chug them down quickly.

I'm trying to think of more things to add.

>> No.5288585

and? I said this before he said he was 385. I was 250 when I started changing my diet and I would have described myself as fairly fat. 2000 was a great number for me to cut on.

If I had known his level of fatness, I would have recommended ~2500-2600 calories for cutting.

>> No.5288596

My final point on diet advice is to just eat as much natural stuff as possible. If you can only take away one thing then let it be that. Cutting or no cutting, processed foods are bad for you by any measure. Also, don't become monotonous and eat a wrap or a grilled breast and vegs every day. I fell into a routine like that. Learn some recipes. Change it up so you're eating something different, even slightly so, every day.

>> No.5288600

Here's what you do, my brother fatass. The 5/2 diet; fast 2 days of the week (not right after each other) and eat small amounts the other 5. Weigh yourself every morning and write down the number on a sheet of paper along with the date, it works for motivation and to know if you need to increase your workout/decrease your food intake.
I've lost 10kg in two months like this, 7kg last month, and I started out at about 91kg. Plenty of water to feel full. Every 10 days you can go crazy and eat dickloads of chips and fast food. It's something to look forward to, and it won't destroy your diet long term.

Losing weight is easy as fucking shit. If you're fat, you'll quickly see results with the above method, and it doesn't take massive will power to simply stop huge food intake.

>> No.5288603

i ate one chipotle burrito per day for 3 years and lost 190 lbs. thats more than jared lost on the subway diet

>> No.5288606

>gluten free
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.5288607

By the way, a lot of people will tell you to not diet but instead change your life style. That's fine and all, but there's no reason why you can't change your life style after squeezing off the extra fat. After losing the weight, you can monitor your weight closely to see when you hit your normal, daily food intake that'll work for you long term.

>> No.5288609


Why? The fat clogging your brain?

>> No.5288615

Honestly, going for gluten free seems like waaay too much of a hassle. I don't count calories, and I'm losing maybe 1kg a week by fasting, biking about 30m-1h a day and eating sparingly.

Some people might need to be incredibly strict in their diet, but simply limiting your food intake a lot will work perfectly fine.

>> No.5288619

The only people that need to be eating gluten free are the people with Celiac disease. OP can get along just fine while eating gluten.

>> No.5288620

At 385, the weight will just fall off initially. The first 20 or so lbs will probably be water weight. Don't let it go to your head. Remember that you're playing the long game here. Every day will be a struggle. Weight loss isn't about going on a diet one day, one week, and then going off of it the the next. That is called yo-yo dieting and you will fail if you fall into that mindset. Don't deprive yourself completely of things that you enjoy. Miss ice cream? Have a sweet craving? Get yourself a frozen yogurt or low fat ice cream. You miss french fries? Make some baked fries. Miss a burger? Make it at home with a clean meat and fresh vegs.

If you really miss fast foods/processed foods then budget in the calories. Just don't go over and lose the progress you've made.

Finally get into get an exercise routine. At your weight, you're probably too big for a gym and or exercise equipment. I didn't use exercise equipment until I was 300lb. I suggest you go on brisk walks until you reach low 300s. Your knees probably can't too much strain and obviously your endurance is non-existent. Afterwards, the elliptical is your friend. I recommend it. I've lost almost 100 lbs using an elliptical 40 mins a day about 5-6 times a week.

So every day is a struggle. Keep at it. Keep your eye on the prize. There's no one but yourself stopping you from becoming fit/slim/whatever. Stay grounded and think about the here and now.

Good luck.

>> No.5288623

I don't find every day to be a struggle at all, but then again, I "only" started on 210 lbs/95kg.

Also, every 10 days you can pig out and eat pizza and shit. Then fast maybe a day extra the following week, and it'll be fine.

>> No.5288669

>tfw same height and way under half your weight
That's crazy.

But anyway I was a bit fattier before myself, and my simple advice to you my fat friend is this:

a) Drink water, and lots of it. Drink a glass first thing in the morning, always have a glass near you at all times, drink a whole glass before meals. Abandon juice, milk, soda. This will already cut lots of calories if you drink lots of shit, but will also make you feel fuller. Sometimes when we feel hungry we're actually thirsty, and other beverages don't cut it when it's about satisfying thirst.

b) Move. I don't care how you do it, just don't sit on your ass all day. Try to get an average of 30 mins of exercise per day at least, of course it can be more. You can also do 3 times 70 minutes per week if you prefer that. Do whatever you want, just burn calories. Go for some brisk walking, jog, do some biking, lift weights, go swimming, whatever. This will help increase the number of calories you burn, will help your metabolism burn more in general also and will just make you feel better altogether. Plus you won't look like a sack of shit when you're done losing all the weight.

c) Watch what you eat and eat regularly. Drop all fast food, processed foods, desserts and junk in general. If possible try to eat the equivalent of 300 calories every 3 waking hours or so, that way you'll never feel hungry and at the end of the day you'll have consumed only 1500 calories which is way under most males' needs. If you can't do this then try to limit it to a meal of 500 calories every 6 hours, same total. Eat healthy, lean protein such as chicken or turkey, vegetables, whole wheat. Those are super easy to come by and cook too. If you feel lazy you don't even have to be fancy about it; whole wheat bread, chicken/turkey meat, tomatoes and salad and you're done, got yourself a meal. Oh and read the calorie content on everything you buy, that will help keep your intake in check also.

Good luck with the weight loss!

>> No.5288681

Just read some posts I missed. Concerning the number you of course have to adjust this to your own weight. Your BMR is around 3200 doing nothing all day. So try to consume 500 to 700 calories under that per day and adjust as your weight goes down.


>> No.5288692


You should stop gun jumping and read the whole post next time.

>> No.5288707

Not OP, but is there any advice for better preserving fruits/vegetables and so forth besides just drying them out? I dislike having to go to the store multiple times per week to restock on these because some go bad so fast.

>> No.5288708


>I dislike having to go to the store multiple times per week

Too bad, buy fresh. Pretend you live in Italy or France

>> No.5288711

Freezing is easy. Or canning depending on what it is.

Its probably a matter of time/schedule, not to mention gas money. Not everyone can easily travel.

>> No.5288720

>muh fresh

It barely makes a difference when it comes to fruits and vegetables. You're one of those people who blabber about seafood caught in an ocean town hours ago tastes better than ones that were shipped frozen, when it reality its like 1% better at best. Its just their area pride talking.

>> No.5288726

Like many people already said, go to the gym.
But don't just go there, go there and talk to the coaches, and let them give you an exercise plan.
It'll be much easier for you to follow a plan than to work out without a goal.
Lost 20kg in the last year.

>> No.5288734


Yes, not having to get into canning as a hobby because you don't want to buy bananas more than once a month means you're a snobbish localvore.

>> No.5288736

He clearly said weekly.

>> No.5288738


Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know >>5288720 is the only person allowed to be hyperbolic.

>> No.5288750

But its the truth backed up by science.

>> No.5288752

Also, don't fast. Never fast.

>> No.5288753


Sometimes fast

>> No.5288756

That's too fast.

>> No.5288759


"Sometimes" is the exactly sufficient amount of fast

>> No.5288789

Look up fitness frog TDEE calculator. Put in your stats. Eat less than that. So hard.

>> No.5288797
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This reads much like an Oriental beware of overall heath not halfwit fads western science is touted and treated as bulletproof fact is western science is in a bad place in terms of health ... if western science were so knowledgeable you would see a chart like a multiplication/periodic table from NASA thing is you will not find one. That is a reason why westerners are so easily confused about health.





Shit is crazy and the answers are not clear every study has a counter study. Eat beans and brown rice expect to feel sick with these meals in the following weeks. You may ask why would I feel sick eating beans and rice because the body is healing itself much like a bruise it will hurt for a while depending how sick that is how long reminder a bruise may no longer hurt while it is still visible is something to not forget once you start feeling well because just like a bruise the pain main be gone but the body has not yet fully recovered ... you ask me I'll say its funny how the body works. Eating leafy greens and always chewing you food well is IMPORTANT the saliva is what starts the nourishing process. Imagine you chew Jello until its liquefied that is what you want full infused saliva in your chewed food. This is the reason Juicing is fail (no first process of ingestion) the fiber in the food you would juice would actually make you feel full instead of just pissing out the juice in a few hours well chewed food will sit in the stomach and keep you from getting hungry and you will not eliminate that nourishing meal for at least a day.

>> No.5288802
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Bottom line no matter how wrong or how right I may be you need to look after yourself its your job and your main asset. For me i'll stick to oriental thinking because they have no skin in the game and the food is good and its fine to eat whatever it the amounts and regularity are whats important. Should you keep meat/animal products for the 31st day of the month only you would be doing great. That is 7 times a year you can enjoy Christmas dinner, Thanksgiving feast, 4th of July bbq, or whatever celebrations weddings or personal special events.

>> No.5288820

I've been losing weight very very slowly for the past 9 or 10 months now. I'd love to speed things up cause I'm tired of it all now. I have a stationary bike at home and ride it 4-5 days a week for an hour. Then I cut down on eating anything that's actually delicious to 1ce a week. I usually only eat fruits before dinner, don't really feel hungry at work anyways. Then for dinner it's usually a bowl of some vegetables and some sort of a protein like yogurt or an egg.

The thing is, after doing it for so long I only dropped from 197 to 160. I just want to get it down to 140 but I seriously can't drop more than like 1 pound a week. And of course there are the weeks where I don't drop any or gain a little, like Christmas or when I'm on vacation. So really, I only managed to drop about 37lbs in maybe 46 weeks.

I live a very sedentary lifestyle because of an office job. I was traveling a few months ago and would walk 14-20km a day, or even more a few times, basically on my feet for at least 5 hours and constantly on the move. I didn't really look into eating healthy, when I travel I always want to sample a lot of the local cuisine so I ate quite a lot and snacked on junk food when I couldn't eat a proper meal. After 4 weeks of traveling I lost almost 5 pounds. I have a feeling that my job is really slowing down my weight loss progress here. Also, no matter how healthy I eat and how much I watch my portions, I still really crave high carb/fat foods, and on the days I do eat something less restrictive I sometimes eat too much without feeling full. Would have thought that by now my stomach would have shrunk.

>> No.5288849

>Doctor Oz

>> No.5288876

Even he stumbles on something worth a damn sometimes.

>> No.5288923

dat some bullshit. I lose tons of weight by fasting twice a week. Lost 7kg last month alone.
>bitch doesn't know about 5/2 diet

>> No.5288927

Cut your cheat day back to once every ten days. If you can hold it for a week, you can hold it a bit longer. Once a week really is excessive. 10 days hits the sweet spot, in my opinion.
I guess you could do it once a week if you fast a fair bit, but I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.5288928

Fasting as in not eating anything at all or eating like 300-500 calories?

>> No.5288941

Fasting is nothing but water for 14+ hours.

It is awesome for the body to not have new shit to digest. Can you last 3 days I almost did it was not fun.

>> No.5288945

a village idiot crossing sign needed

>> No.5288956

Have you considered Soylent?

>> No.5288959


>It is awesome for the body to not have new shit to digest

Yeah, I bet your body loves getting no nutrition

>> No.5288966


>i can have ice cream because for lunch I had wheat bread at subway instead of white bread go me

>> No.5288992


The body loves hanging onto its addiction just the same.

>> No.5289064


I'm not OP, I'm a skinny guy who eats a lot. Starvation is not an ideal form of weight loss; your body still requires nutrients

>> No.5289078


Fasting isn't starvation, you should probably actually read something other than the inside of your own ass once and a while.

>> No.5289080

Are you a snacker?
Unshelled peanuts
Make shakes frozen banana + almond slivers.
Learn to like tea without sugar drink shakes to feel fuller.
Wasabi seaweed snacks wasabi peas the heat keeps you from eating to much to fast.

>> No.5289083

eat ~1500 calories a day of 'filling' things like brown bread, rice, cereals

its not necessarily all that healthy, but its only temporary and will help you lose a good few lbs without going on some insanely healthy diet thats sure to fail for someone used to eating crap all the time

and do a lot of walking, as much as you can fit into your schedule. run/jpg if you want, but it gets old fast

>> No.5289100

This is a good idea, instead of sauce and meat on a pile of rice like indian food use veggies find veggies that you like and use the microwave.

>> No.5289118


>Fasting isn't starvation,

You can give it another name, but that doesn't change what it is

>> No.5289147

its not so much about weight loss its about giving the body a chance to eliminate stored up garbage which allows for a better starting point for a decent diet. Its not meant for a twice a month sort of thing either.


>> No.5289185


>its about giving the body a chance to eliminate stored up garbage

Isn't that what fiber's for?

>> No.5289188

only partially

>> No.5289312

Vegan whole foods.

Mostly greens. Limit the grains, no refined sugar.

You can eat as much as you want, it's healthy, and you'll lose weight.

>> No.5289314



You guys took a while getting to this thread

>> No.5289318

Grains and legumes are the best stuff to eat even better than veggies and better than fruits.

>> No.5289320

Eat cabbage, broccoli, spinach, leafy greens, complex carbs like beans, lentils... protein too.

High fiber, low calorie foods.

At first I was meh on cabbage, but it's the most delicious vegetable ever

>> No.5289329


You shouldn't eat that many grains

>> No.5289351
File: 497 KB, 2000x1455, healing_foods_pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iwould disagree just look at that chart and the percentage of the dailies colored in blue.

it goes
healthy fats

>> No.5289360

They should use that exact design for a vertical farm. With a microbrewery and bar at the top.

>> No.5289372
File: 100 KB, 342x245, 1394175121500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american food pyramid

>> No.5289377

How about you be bold enough to show a better one.

>> No.5289451


I think if you ate soy multiple times a day every day it wouldn't be very good for you.

The food pyramid idea seems kind of silly to me in general.

>> No.5289465

I completely agree soy, dairy and nut butters are not good for regular consumption along with tropical fruits if you do not live in a tropical climate.
That may be personal preference.

>> No.5289470


You pretty obviously don't know what you're talking about, that pyramid is clearly different than the one the US government has been pushing for years. Take a second and understand that it's published by an actual medical institution.

>> No.5290436
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>> No.5290444
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The Manufacture of Madness
Thomas Szasz

Read it sometime and enrich your life.

>> No.5290446

piss off eurocunt

>> No.5290473

There's tons of documentaries.
And books.
It's all just theories.
Nothing has been "proven".
I've lost 30 pounds since January 14. Keto diet.
Changed my metabolism from glucose burning to fat burning. I eat cheese. I eat heavy cream. I eat macadamia nuts, nigger toes, and almonds. I eat 24 month aged Beemster gouda, Saint Agur, etc.
I eat a calorie deficiency of 700-1000, maintaining light exercise (bike ride to work, moving about at work).
A typical dinner for me is an 8 ounce steak with a fistfull of asparagus, steamed. I'll put a pat of butter on the steak AND the asparagus.
For dessert 2 ounces of said cheese and salumi.
Do yourself a favor and fucking /r/keto.
I wouldn't suggest it if it weren't true.
Do yourself a favor.

>> No.5290493

/r/keto what are you a faget

>> No.5290494

Go to the sidebar, it's got faqs and shit. Don't let your ire brew, shane.

>> No.5290495

keto is for idiots that don't lift, you can't lift on keto.

>> No.5290497

People tell me keto doesn't work, I giggle like an idiot.
You know Ketostix? They're used to detect diabetes, because untreated diabetics go into ketosis when their pancreas stops producing insulin and they become unable to process carbohydrates. If left unchecked their blood PH gets screwed up, they go into ketoacidosis, and they die.
But by all means, keep telling me that ketosis is a myth and broscience..

>> No.5290502

don't you think that if keto worked for diabetics than every fucking doctor would recommend eating low carb to diabetics and what..the rest of the world? If people would just work out this wouldn't be a fucking problem. Enjoy your bacon keto guy.

>> No.5290505
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why did i read that as "eat a handful of baby dicks"

>> No.5290507
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OK. You're obviously trolling.
Try to be more subtle.
This diet works for the right people.
Check it out.

>> No.5290508


I'm not even against keto but your logic makes no sense as far as supporting it

>> No.5290509

I don't think you understand what I was trying to say at all.
I don't know what you THINK I was trying to say, but what I'm saying is ketosis is a side-effect of uncontrolled diabetes. It exists and it causes rapid weight loss.
There is a HUGE difference between controlled ketosis induced by diet, and ketosis as a symptom of uncontrolled diabetes.

>> No.5290512

>I don't know what you THINK I was trying to say, but what I'm saying is ketosis is a side-effect of uncontrolled diabetes
THAT is true! I'm >>5290473

>> No.5290522

...and no reply from the guy who is talking out of his ass. Good job!

>> No.5290525


I am saying: why aren't doctors prescribing ketosis to patients who need "rapid weight loss" and the fact is that it is unsustainable in the current socioeconomic climate of heavy carbohydrate intake. Get over yourself sean.

>> No.5290533

I'm not a doctor. I can't explain why a Phd gives out any advice whatsoever.
A good question would be "Why are doctors the people who give out diet prescriptions?"
They are not nutritionists.
"Rapid weight loss" is presumed to be unhealthy. Not that it stops people who are overweight (present company included).
You are attacking (seemingly) the current food pyramid that U.S. America follows.
Do you care to describe the keto diet or do you think that you're just talking to a single individual?

>> No.5290575

I don't think that I'm talking to a single individual, but I also don't think that I'm talking to a broad spectrum.
I don't think that I have the qualifications or knowledge to speak about the diet. Also I believe that there are a lot of takes on the diet, so I can't really speak about it except my personal experience (cheating, drinking alcohol) and what that entails.

>> No.5290581

derp.... I'm consistently losing .5 pounds a day.
I eat fat. I eat cheese (expensive cheese). I eat artisan salumi.
I eat cream of cauliflower soup.
I eat steak with a side of asparagus and pats of butter.
Sure I'm eating at a deficiency, but I eat like a god.

>> No.5290584

I lost 65 pounds last year eating whatever the fuck I wanted to eat. I just ate half sized portions of it. Diet plans are good and all, but it really comes down to how much you eat, you can get fat on cabbage and hummus if you have too much. Enjoy pizza and burgers and steaks, just not too much. Portion control nigger.

>> No.5290611


You can't get fat if all you eat is cabbage, it's literally impossible.

>> No.5290655

>65 pounds last year
Did 30 in 2 months. Get on my level.
Keto. Eat like a God.
No, not cabbage and "half sized portions".
Full blown "OMG I can't believe I can eat that!"
Like I said, .5 pounds a day.
There are a lot of diet plans, but I've lost 30 fucking pounds in 60 days. 30 pounds in 60 days. No exercise (besides my bike ride to work, etc). 1/2 pound a day.
Think about it.

>> No.5290938

Look, pa, an idiot!

>> No.5291000

Losing weight that fast (and the ketone diet in general) isn't healthy or effective in the longrun. At best you'll get stretchmarks, at worst you'll make yourself actively sick.

I'm a type one diabetic, in the months leading up to my diagnosis (which was November last year) my body wasn't producing insulin and thus couldn't absorb any carbs so it resorted to burning fat for fuel, which is exactly what the ketone diet goes for. So I was losing tons of weight at an unhealthily rapid rate, with the ketone-levels in my body rising higher and higher and bringing me closer to ketoacidosis until I got diagnosed and put on insulin.

And then as soon as I did get put on insulin, I packed on weight like crazy, because my eating-patterns hadn't changed. I've since managed to learn more about my condition and treat it better and am now back to losing weight at a healthier rate, but it was still far from desirable. You don't have diabetes (probably, you'll know if you do) but that doesn't protect you from the numerous negative effects that you can get from eating like this.

The ketone diet might be the best thing for super-rapid weight-loss, but it's bad for your health in the long term. Not to mention that plenty of people who go on it end up putting weight back on as soon as they stop, because they haven't learned the best ways to include healthy servings of carbs (which are essential for a humans dietary needs) in their meals.

>> No.5291005

that sir or miss is called 'noob gains'. it's incredibly easy to lose weight at first, simply because you are shedding excess water weight.

keto is quite good and if you continue, you'll still shed poundage - and congrats for that - but the beginning is pretty easy.

>> No.5291008

Elihu, will you come loofah my stretch marks?

>> No.5291009

>Losing weight that fast (and the ketone diet in general) isn't healthy

Agreed that the ketosis method is unhealthy, but weight loss in general is a good thing (assuming one is overweight to begin with). Losing weight quickly may not be the healthiest thing in the world but it sure beats being obese.

>I packed on weight like crazy, because my eating-patterns hadn't changed

And that's the key issue right there. There is no such thing as a magic diet where you can do something for a little while and then switch back to old habits. No diet or weight loss method works unless you make changes to your lifestyle.

>> No.5291020



Dammit UofM, you are supposed to be one of the top 10 medical groups in the nation. What the hell.

>> No.5291022

Oh yeah, definitely. Saying 'You should lose weight slower, be careful' definitely isn't saying that obesity is ok - that'll fuck up your joints, clog your arteries, increase your risk for type 2 diabetes (thankfully not the kind I have, type 2 makes weight-loss really hard) etc. Believe me, people at the clinic make it pretty clear that being overweight or obese isn't ok.

Still, in regards with my eating-patterns it wasn't a surprise they were fucked-up, since I'd spent months essentially starving to death because I couldn't get any nutrition from food, so my body was making me constantly hungry out of desperation. And of course because I had all those excess sugars in my blood I had to piss them out, which meant constant drinking and pissing too. Not fun stuff. The weight-gain after I got put on insulin was a little of that, and also a little of me being inexperienced and just using too much of the stuff. Since I've learned more it's gotten a lot easier, there's worse chronic illnesses to have than type 1.

Nah, for me it was considerable fat-loss along with water loss too, since it took months before I was diagnosed. But you're right, there was plenty of water-loss too - after one day on insulin I'd put on 11 pounds, not because of what I'd eaten but because I'd been unable to retain any water. Pretty alarming stuff.

>> No.5291024

400g chicken breast
400g cauliflower/broccoli

That's 500 calories. I haven't read the thread but I assume it is made up of dipshits who don't have a large appetite (which I do and it seems you do too). When cutting my diet is centered around maximizing grams per calorie. I want to eat as much as possible.

Stick to lean meat and vegetables - that is your best bet. Fruit can be good as well. For flavoring use spicy/sour sauces (usually lower calorie) and spices instead of anything fat based (higher calorie).

Hope that helps.

>> No.5291028


Mustard. Mustard is your friend. It is negligible calorie-wise, and tastes great. Pair it with spices, citrus, and herbs for different flavor combos. And since chicken/turkey and pork are both lean, and mustard pairs with them amazingly, you are set if you do this.

>> No.5291035

I agree completely - also white vinegar is great as well. Also negligible in terms of calories and you can, say, use it in combination with spices to make a decent enough salad dressing.

>> No.5291039

You probably won't see this but it seems like you aren't counting calories.

You NEED to be counting calories to make optimal progress, and it also allows you to maximize what you can eat and still lose weight at.

>> No.5291043

Absolutely terrible advice, fucking retarded. Bread/rice/cereal is just about the least filling kind of food. It is easy to eat 1500 calories of cereal. It is difficult to eat 1500 calories of lean meat. It is impossible to eat 1500 calories of vegetables.

>> No.5291048

TYPE I Diabetic
Maybe you are not fit for this world. Nice knowing you anon.

>> No.5291054

Eh, the clinic says my bloodwork is fine and my immune-system should be back to normal by now because of it. Thanks for the concern though.

And at least I'm not a type 2, because if I die of type 1 then at least no-one can say I brought the disease upon myself.

>> No.5291098

you know I was kidding

I know of stuff like stem cells that is helpful but that is anything but kosher advice ... since the stem cells(pituitary gland maybe is what it was) are implanted into the arm from baby piglets thing is you can no long eat pork or pork products(since it would be something akin to cannibalism) you may want to look into it (sometimes it works for as long as ten years last I heard) result have been from something like a miracle when the body accepts and nothing when the body rejects the treatment.

>> No.5291128

searching " IMPLANT OF PITUITARY GLANDS FROM AN INFANT PIG " will be a winner as it was precisely what I came to understand about it.

Honestly its crazy shit but its real.

>> No.5291133

Oooh, that is interesting! Haven't heard anything about it over here though - possible it isn't available in 'Straya. Interesting, though. I've heard that stuff like that and pancreas-transplants tend to work for a while, before the overactive immune-system takes note of and attacks the new beta-cells again. Ah well, worth a look, thanks.

As for the cannibalism thing, I can assure you that continuing to eat pork would be doing my newfound porcine ancestry proud. I love pigs, but they're the worst animals ever when it comes to cannibalism, holy shit.

>> No.5291138

How do I into vegetables without turning them unhealthy, but at the same time not make me want to die from only eating plain vegetables? Are stir fries still okay?

>> No.5291158

Here's a meal I like to do.
1 pound of boneless, skinless chicken thigh
1 pound of broccoli/cauliflower/any vegetable really
2 tbsp of oil

Cook the meat in 1tbsp of oil and the veggies in the other. Once the meat is cooked transfer the juices from the meat to the veggies and flash fry the veggies in the juices.

This is a good way I've found to flavor veggies in a healthy way. The meal runs around 900-1000 calories and you can scale it up or down.

>> No.5291264

>university of michigan
>comic sans

>> No.5291282


>meat and oil

He said without turning them unhealthy

>> No.5291292


As a rule of them: If it's green, add balsamic vinegar to it. If you want to make something like a solid, grind flax seeds and then mix the vinegar into the ground flax to make a dressing, then throw in some walnuts and raisins and whatnot for more flavor and texture

Brown rice and broccoli with soy sauce and ginger is also a simple, easy meal to get some vegetables in

>> No.5291295


>rule of them

"Rule of thumb"

>> No.5291299


>something like a solid

"something like a salad"

Man, I need to get back to bed.

>> No.5291309

>thinking meat is bad for you
>thinking small amounts of fat are bad for you
>not know that protein + fiber is probably the best way to fill up and take in as few calories as possible

that's real retarded sir.

>> No.5291315

>You NEED to be counting calories

This. Only way you'll make it is if you keep track of what you are putting in. Plus it allows you leeway to eat different foods as long as you stay under.

>> No.5291355


Meat is certainly badly and the leading contributor to cancer and heart disease. Oil, likewise, is bad for your heart, as it's just pure fiberless fat with no nutrition.

>protein + fiber for low calories!

You just recommended him a 1000 calorie meal, and if you want protein + fiber you'd have recommended something healthy like beans or lentils

>> No.5291361


cocaine with a massive jug of coffe and aspirine.

Best breakfest ever.

>> No.5291368


My fucking sides are bursting!!!! bursting like a motherfucker!

You stupid little fucking shits do you have any idea what a roman soldiers daily calorie count was ... neither did they. It makes me mad that people are willingly this blind when it comes to personal health and well-being. Just look at the big picture guys wake up.

>> No.5291369

The only time you need to count calories is when you're eating shitty food.

>> No.5291371

oh boy, where to begin.

>implying I'm the original guy
His meal was 1 POUND of chicken thighs and 1 POUND of veg. Most people could eat 1/3 of that. That takes it down to about 333 calories.

>Meat is certainly badly and the leading contributor to cancer and heart disease.
[citation needed]

no where does it show moderate lean meat consumption is bad

>Oil, likewise, is bad for your heart
[citation needed]

studies have shown that moderate consumption of fats are actually good for your heart and body, but please keep trolling you're reeling me in.

>pure fiberless fat with no nutrition.
How is eating a bunch of veg cooked in a small amount of oil fiberless fat?

Honestly can't tell if troll or genuinely an idiot.

I'm guessing vegan so both.

>> No.5291383

>You stupid little fucking shits do you have any idea what a roman soldiers daily calorie count was

Are you seriously comparing yourself to a roman soldier? Wow, what delusion.

Pro-tip faggot: Most people on this board sit in a chair for 8 hours a day, then go home and sit on a couch for another 6 before going to bed and laying down for another 8 hours.

Roman soldiers didn't have McDonalds. They didn't have calorie-dense food available at the corner store that costs less than $2 for a full meal's worth of calories. They didn't have sugary soft drinks. etc. etc. etc.

Ask any fat person how many calories they think they eat in a day. I guaran-fuckin-tee you 10/10 will grossly underestimate that amount.

OP is a morbidly fat fuck. He wants to lose weight. The easiest and fastest place to start is to estimate his TDEE and eat slightly below that.

Eating healthier comes in time, but first you have to wake up fat fucks to their 3,000-4,000 calorie diets. You put them on a salad and bean diet that's 1,500 a day and of course they aren't going to make it, they are starving themselves. That's why so many don't stick with it. They think "oh I need to eat nothing but health food in order to lose weight" which is false. You need to eat less than your body needs. Which if you are a fat fuck isn't too difficult.

>> No.5291389


>no where does it show moderate lean meat consumption is bad

Read The China Study, animal protein itself is carcinogenic, nevermind the other cancer-promoting aspects of meat like neu5gc and HCAs (especially phIP in chicken)

>studies have shown that moderate consumption of fats are actually good for your heart and body

"Fats" is not the same as oil. Nuts have been shown to be good for you. Oil has not (the closest oil gets is "olive oil is better than butter"). Likewise, fruit is good for you, refined sugar is not.

Whole plant foods make up a healthy diet, not chicken legs cooked in oil.

>> No.5291401

>In a written debate with Campbell in 2008, Loren Cordain, a professor in the Department of Health and Exercise Science at Colorado State University, argued that "the fundamental logic underlying Colin's hypothesis (that low [animal] protein diets improve human health) is untenable and inconsistent with the evolution of our own species", and that "a large body of experimental evidence now demonstrates a higher intake of lean animal protein reduces the risk for gout, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia, obesity, insulin resistance, and osteoporosis while not impairing kidney function."

The problem isn't with just eating meat. It's with eating lots of it. Processed meat as well.

But who I am I kidding, neither one of us is going to listen to the other. I'll go on eating my moderate amounts of meat, and you go do whatever it is you do.

>> No.5291412
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>Loren Cordain

The obese creator of the paleo diet, the most laughed at, broscientific fad diet since the Atkins craze.

>We weren't meant to eat whole grains and legumes, so ignore the mountain of evidence confirming that these are some of the most consistently healthy foods on the planet!

>> No.5291416

Also notice that the China Study recommends a low animal protein diet, not a non-existent one.

Shit, maybe we should just everything in moderation? Crazy, right?

>> No.5291417


>It's not bad for you, just eat as absolutely little of it as you possibly can

>> No.5291419


It's more like how food pyramids still have a food group for candy, and say "eat sparingly" rather than not at all. Not at all is still better.

>> No.5291421

You really sound like a miserable cunt. You must be a joy at parties.

What is your typical diet in a day?

>> No.5291422


>Shit, maybe we should just everything in moderation?

What is this ? Common sense ??

Fuck this shit, I'm done

>> No.5291426

>even though we've evolved for millions of years on a certain type of diet, this study says we should cut out a major portion of that! Makes total sense!

>> No.5291432


I just don't put up with people misleading others about health. If you're just trading recipes that's one thing, but to claim "this food is healthy" opens you up to criticism

>What is your typical diet in a day?

Oats, lots of sweet potatoes, citrus fruits and bananas, whatever berries are cheapest at the store, lentils/chickpeas/black beans for dinner, sometimes barley, broccoli if I have it, otherwise kale or spinach, walnuts, sunflower seeds, whole wheat bread, black rice, etc


Unfortunately we didn't "evolve for millions of years" to make that the ideal diet

>> No.5291437

>"this food is healthy" opens you up to criticism

Point me in the direction where I said it's healthy?

OP wanted to lose weight. I gave him one of the easiest ways to do so. Are you suggesting someone who is 350 pounds and eating your diet is healthier than someone who is 150 pounds eating mine? That was my point. We can talk about eating healthy once OP gets out of the redzone for a massive MI or stroke.

All those foods you listed are great, I eat them all the time. But for fat fucks that sounds terrible. You need to ease them into it by giving them healthier versions of food they already eat, not trying to turn them into a vegetarian overnight. That is a recipe for failure, which is way so many fat people stay fat.

>> No.5291438

>Unfortunately we didn't "evolve for millions of years" to make that the ideal diet

Doesn't change the fact you are trying to force people to think outside of what their brain is hardwired to think.

Slightly less than ideal =/= unhealthy.

>> No.5291448
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>"This is a good way I've found to flavor veggies in a healthy way"

But alright, I can agree that it'd be extreme to switch him right over to that kind of diet. I'm sure it'd be better to just focus on low-calorie meals rather than trying to form the perfect long-term diet, I'm just concerned when I see certain health advice given on this board because while a meal of chicken and vegetables is better than a meal of donuts and soda, everyone saying "eat chicken" when giving health tips gives the impression that chicken is the penultimate health food and it obscures demonstrably beneficial foods like lentils and sweet potatoes that most people in the west wouldn't think to make a meal out of or even include in their diet

>> No.5291458

Are you a been counter for them 8 hours at work.

from wiki == In spite of its non-official status, the large calorie is still widely used as a unit of food energy in the US, UK and some other Western countries.

You are kidding yourself. So do not kid me. I offer you some advice stop kidding yourself and eat well.

>> No.5291463
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it's not that chicken is the health superfood, it's that it's one of the best low-calorie sources of protein (which is also very filling). For most people here, their first priority is to lose weight. Eating your diet would surely do that, but for someone who is used to take out and fast food that is next to impossible (unfortunately).

I always recommend filling veggies to be at least half of whatever meal you are making. I usually boil/steam mine and simply season them with a bit of salt and pepper.

Pic related, broccoli and 93% lean ground beef (lots of beef only because that was my main protein meal for the day). Is it the healthiest in terms of nutrition? no. Will you lose weight over time and still feel full as fuck? yes.

And for most obese people, that is the first important step.

Which also includes counting calories. Regardless of what people think, it is a fool proof system that works.

>> No.5291468

what does this post even mean i don't even

>> No.5291469

Meat are salty foods that are fine 3 times in 60 days. In case of meats and health less is more.

>> No.5291470
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The way you type is strange

>> No.5291472

*In the case

>> No.5291475

>Meat are salty foods that are fine 3 times in 60 days. In case of meats and health less is more.

I don't salt my meat at all. That dish has practically no sodium in it all except for the pinch I sprinkled over the broccoli. Hell a full pound of that ground beef only has 300mg of sodium in it.

You were saying?

>> No.5291483
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> broccoli

my nigga

pic related

>> No.5291485

my nigga.

god-tier veg? god-tier veg. I alternate between broccoli and brussel sprouts when they are on sale.

>> No.5291492
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how do you understand life this well?

but do you also chicken (leg quarters for days)?

>> No.5291493


Let me spell it out for your ignorant ass. Animals like humans need salt for their muscles that need water because that is what they are mostly made out of and if you do not have enough salt in your body you begin to dehydrate or cramp same with every piece of meat on the meal plate.

>> No.5291496

I have yet to elevate to that status sensei. I do buy bulk chicken breast and freeze them for weeks worth of chicken

>> No.5291498
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just for you anon. lean hamburger with garlic and onion, topped with melted gruyere cheese, and an over-easy fried egg.

w-would you like me to cut the egg anon? would you?

>> No.5291500

So what are you really trying to say? I'm not getting enough salt? I'm getting too much? Because neither is the case. I regulate my sodium intake.

Please explain

>> No.5291512


I know you and can offer decent advice about anything for you as if I would even care to.

>> No.5291514


absolutely going to need it cut

>> No.5291516
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Is English your first language?

>> No.5291523
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here you go anon. I hope you don't mind extra burger juice...I was too impatient to let it rest before cutting it for you

>> No.5291525

Is it yours and is it the one of several you know and do you think its a good language?

>> No.5291593

not really. It's a bit of a mutt language with inconsistent rules and pronunciation. but it is the language of the 1st world so I embrace it.

>> No.5291637

>corn, potatoes, pumpkins
I get what they are trying to say, but they don't have to be so retarded about it

>> No.5291651

>I always recommend filling veggies to be at least half of whatever meal you are making.

This is probably the best general advice. I've lost so much weight just doing this.

>> No.5291657

my meatatarian diet plus lack of chemicals or added salt gives me 8 hour erections.

>> No.5291664

i want to go into the food industry and start a union and decide that the general public should spend half their income on food. more if you want the cheaper healthier food and slightly less if you eat unhealthy as fuck. plus i want the income i determine how much you should spend to be based on my income i receive from raping you

>> No.5291668

Funny you should say ask vegans about their erections and then ask them if the need prostate pill or if they have erectile dysfunction [protip they wont].

>> No.5291896

lake of chemicals = better health

>> No.5291932

Funny you should say ask your average 4chan browser about their errections and then ask them if the need prostate pill or if they have erectile dysfunction [protip they wont].

>> No.5291964


>> No.5292093

lack of chemicals that interfere with biological processes = better health

>> No.5292106

>tfw no meals over 3-400 cal are satisfying
>tfw eating at 1200+ calorie deficits in the name of tasty ingredients i.e. vegetation

>> No.5292110

i roasted tomatoes on a charcoal/wood barbque grill and they tasted fantastic in sandwiches!

>> No.5292113

Find out how many calories you really honestly need. I'm a girl 5'6" and only eat 1500 on days I don't work out and half of whatever I exercise back. I lost 30 lbs to my goal weight and have been doing this to maintain ever since.

What do I eat? Whatever the fuck I want. Beer chips chocolate steak, all in moderation. So I break my meals down into 3 500 calorie servings. Instead of getting soda (hard to give up I know) I drink unsweetened green tea or just water. Otherwise I'd be drinking my calories and would never feel full.

When I cook I use a kitchen scale to portion everything out. Say 100g banana and 50g banana, plus a cup of almond milk. You've got your self a 200 calorie delicious shake. Find an online calculator you like. Seems time consuming but gets much easier with time. Keep a food journal. Write everything down.

When you want fast food keep the nutrition printouts healthy. What I did was make a journal listing all the places I wanted to go with my favorite combinations that reached 500 calories. I could have a bigmac with water or a kids meal with more options. If you can give up an item like mayo/cheese you can really save calories. Keep in mind you realize how tasteless and dry fast food is without cheese.

>> No.5292185

was 316 lbs
now im 270
This right here.
You need to get used to the hunger
the pain will eventually subside and your will power will increase 10 fold.
I can now pick up a potato chip look at it and put it back.
eat at least 1500 calories a day and proportion your macros to contain lots of protein and start liftnig weights so you don't look like a grandpa once your done

>> No.5293124

S-someone motivate me, I'm 185lb at 5'7 trying to lose 30lb to reach ideal weight, but it's just fucking difficult man, especially when I'm jobless right now & always tired as fuck, what do? It's killing me.

I think I have a eating disorder or something, right after a meal I'd always go for some snacks, chocolates & shit, how do you guys control it? Fuck I'm pathetic :(

>> No.5293128

1. Go to /fit/
2.Read the sticky, don't bother the board
3. Follow directions

>> No.5293136

Just do keto with rice/sweet potatos once a week, after ~3 days without carbs you won't feel hungry. Don't cut fat, that's the dumbest thing you can do while loosing weight. Don't eat fruit or root veggies like carrots, they're full of carbs. Stick to meat and green veg like cabbage, broccoli spinach, kale, cauliflower (atleast blanch green stuff, don't eat it raw)

>> No.5293140

>tfw can't do keto because fats you aren't allergic to are too expensive
Coconut oil is too pricy for the amounts of fats I need to make up in my diet to balance out the proteins I'd consume
shit sux dawg

>> No.5293146

first time I hear someone being alergic to fats

>> No.5293148


>> No.5293150

He didn't say he's a homosexual so what good would /fit/ be?

>> No.5293151

The ketogenic diet is the most ridiculously unhealthy diet you can go on...

Made me the sickest I've been in my life.

Just eat fucking vegetables.

>> No.5293156

Eat healthy food for the meal. For your chocolate craving try dark chocolate on a frozen banana. Or mash up some banana with peanut butter and oatmeal, and add some dark or semi-sweet chocolate chips, maybe some raisins, and bake in the oven at 350 for 6-9 minutes for some pretty healthy cookies.

Just switch the kind of snacks you eat. Nothing wrong with snacking if it's not garbage. Popcorn is a good snacking food, just leave the butter off and try different spices on it.

>> No.5293160

>at all
>pop corn at all

>> No.5293164

Celery. Also when you're hungry just drink a glass of water.

>> No.5293171

>implying you even got beyond keto flu

>> No.5293172

fuck off. crash diets are the worst path you can possibly take.

>> No.5293173

you don't gain permanent results with shitty diets that cut your calorie intake way too fast, you'll only bounce back eventually and before that you will feel like shit

>> No.5293177

it's not crash dieting. give yourself a calorie limit, if you reach it and you're still hungry drink water or eat celery.

>> No.5293189

no, definitely don't. nobody should need to starve to cut at all. if you're going over your TDEE minus 500 or so, or whatever deficit you desire within the realms of what is healthy, then rethink how you're eating and how much exercise you're doing and make lifestyle changes you can stick to. don't be a fucking retard and think that weight loss is a result of sedate 24/7 negative calorie snacking.
water is for hydration. don't use it as a replacement for food.

>> No.5293190

if you're going over your TDEE and still actually feel hungry*
also do something with your life. don't spend 100% of your time focusing on your sense of hunger..

>> No.5293195

>What can I snack on that'll make me feel full?
>"Celery, or water"
Holy shit you are a fucking MORON.
I know you. I mean I know YOU, you eat because you're fucking bored and get "hungry" because you can't think of anything else to do.

>> No.5293197

>and make lifestyle changes you can sti
you need to eat less to lose wait, that's going to make you hungry at some point.

>> No.5293202

> get "hungry" because you can't think of anything else to do.

this. its like smoking you fucking hate smoking but you need something to do with your hands when you're being sedentary like playing video games, or watching tv. the truth is you could eat the exact same shit you do now and go for a walk once a day and lose weight. but you'll likely make up a reason why that's an awful idea too.

google cognitive dissonance fatty.

>> No.5293204

>everything thats good for you or makes you independant is gay
>modern society

>> No.5293212


... what? are you roided up right now or something? /fit/ is just homo as fuck

>> No.5293214

No I don't. Stop assuming shit based on lack of empathy for lives other than your own.
I eat, I go about my business and then when i'm hungry and/or need nutrition I eat again. I don't spend my entire day staring into a fridge desperately trying to restrain boredom binging, lol.

>> No.5293217

For me it hasn't. I mean sure, I get hungry, but then I eat.
I never have to deny satiety. No, i'm not fat. I'm not even deliberately cutting any more, it's just kind of a given when you're tall, male, walk a lot and run..
But yeah I don't need to exercise much purely to eat a notable caloric deficit, I just do it because it makes me(and you, I promise) happier than focusing my life around eating.

>> No.5293233

>and you, I promise
not really a concern of mine i'm 5'8 and 135. i stay there because i eat good food and excersise.

>> No.5293242

So? Is that really all you care about?
Because if so; you're either incredibly vain and live a very easy life, or are unaware just how happy exercise can make you.

>> No.5294151
File: 528 KB, 1920x1080, bad calorie is bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5294154


>> No.5294397

chicken, and greens.

>> No.5294439

frozen veggies.
frozen peas
boiled cabbage

>> No.5294505

just eat 500 calories of iceberg lettuce

you'll feel full.