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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 176 KB, 1156x2082, 1364189516764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5239355 No.5239355[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5239361

Popovers aren't really bread.

>> No.5239364

>how can you have any pudding when you don't eat your meat
uwot, m8?

>> No.5239386

I think they are a bread but we call them popovers here, we don't just call them "bread". They are great with heavily flavored meat stews.

>> No.5239387

Aren't they called Yorkshire puddings?

>> No.5239443

In the U.K. yeah. I mean I would know what you are talking about if you called them that but my family would call them popovers and so would the American recipe I use. When I think of Yorkshire pudding I think of the very specific process of baking popovers under a dripping roast so that the popovers absorb the meat juices. And popovers are a bitch to make because if you open the oven too much or even at all before they are done it can ruin them rising properly. I usually make popovers on a weekend for brunch and then stuff them with James Beard scrambled eggs (aka a shit-ton of butter and creamed warmed up and then slow cooked with the eggs).

>> No.5239447

>mfw yorkshire pudding is bread
No face because no pudding.

>> No.5239451

All that food looks so disgusting.

>> No.5239456

>british mincemeat
my sides

>> No.5239487

Believe it or not the original recipe involved minced beef, fruit and spices.

>> No.5239492
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where the pies are just lids

>> No.5239494

My guess is that british people actually left their island, had actual good food, came back and said "the fuck have we been doing"

>> No.5239509

I'm convinced the sausage is a double-sided dildo.

>> No.5239518

That is how pies started.

An inedible pastry coffyn was used to enclose and preserve meat and it evolved into the fully edible pie.

>> No.5239519

Pot pies and suet puddings really have very little in common....

>> No.5239539
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>> No.5239544

what the fuck is wrong with you brits?

>> No.5239548
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>> No.5239552
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>> No.5239592

my mouth feels so dry

>> No.5239600

>Amerifats saying "URBS" instead of "herbs"

This will never cease to make me chuckle

>> No.5239616


Tell the queen I said to go fuck herself...

>> No.5239630

what's the filling? mash potatoes or more bread

>> No.5239634

Tell Ronald McDonald he's a dozy cunt

>> No.5239643

Ronald Mcdonald is a fictional character you freedom hating UK waste.

>> No.5239647

You sound pretty mad bro, maybe you should take a break from the computer and have a few burgers or something

>> No.5239649

chicken (25%)

>> No.5239650


You sound like a mindlessly repeating teenage cunt.

Maybe you should go copy paste some more catch phrases like a fucking bobble headed child.

>> No.5239655

So your shitposting wasn't childish at all but mine was? OK.

>> No.5239730

>mincemeat is fruit

When I read that in British books I assumed they ate ground beef pies ^£^

>> No.5239757
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I'm American, but I'm of English descent.

Is my love for carbs on carbs on carbs a genetic thing?

Spaghetti stuffed into hollowed out bread is my favorite thing in the world.

>> No.5239764
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>> No.5239776


>> No.5239792
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>> No.5239809

Yorkshire Pudding, Black Pudding, Steak & Kidney Pudding / Suet Pudding, Christmas Pudding, Generic shit we don't have a name for, Mincemeat.

What's confusing about that, amerifats?

>> No.5239820

>black pudding
African American

>> No.5239822

wow looks amazing. Im northern too. Live in London now. Cant get descent pies in london

>> No.5239826
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>> No.5239828
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>> No.5239832
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>> No.5239834
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>> No.5239840
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>> No.5239853
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>trying this hard

>> No.5239861
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>> No.5239864

That's Aussie, not Brit.

>> No.5239878

what are these

>> No.5239885

It's deep fried, beyond that who cares.

>> No.5239894


>links shit to troll ck
>people ask what the fuck he is linking
>"lol who fucking cares dude"

>> No.5239899
File: 13 KB, 204x190, ktkstbu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 chips
>not even enough to scoop up all the mushy peas

>> No.5239904


meat pie with mushy green peas

>> No.5239988

First one is Bernard Matthews Turkey Twizzlers and McCain Smiles

>> No.5240018

No it's not.

>> No.5240021

Look closely, it's 9 chips.

>> No.5240090

well its not hard to say america beat the UK in food since pretty much everyone does even without trying

fuck off britbong you have zero taste you cant read a book about that taste and style 101

>> No.5240143

>Turkey Twizzlers
googled it. im honestly surprised this isnt american/sold here

>> No.5240362

>chips n' mushy peas
>advocating it


>> No.5240381
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>> No.5240403
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>> No.5240408


Looks a lot more like a pie floater than pie et mushy peas

>> No.5240409

>"where r da burger"
>said by people who eat fried potatoes on buns

>> No.5240440

I'm convinced that any british persons posting stuff like this lives in the North of England, is called "Callum" and constantly talks about the SAS and doctor who.

>> No.5240481

Keep up that obsession Riley. I'm sure it will help you lose your virginity.

>> No.5240527

nope. fruit meat and other concoctions mixed together like that, particularly in geleton, was pretty much a western european wide trend.

>> No.5240528

>>this dish
..I... where has this been all my life. its perfect.

>> No.5240632

>The modern usage of the word pudding to denote primarily desserts has evolved over time from the almost exclusive use of the term to describe savoury dishes, specifically those created using a process similar to sausages where meat and other ingredients in a mostly liquid form are encased and then steamed or boiled to set the contents. The most famous examples still surviving are blood sausage, which was a favourite of King Henry VIII, and haggis.

I know the concept of something being historical and evolving over time is a difficult concept for an American, but, oh well. Such is life in a babby country.

>> No.5240644

In Scotland, especially in the highlands, we used to make unsalted oat porridge which would be poured into a lined dresser drawer to set (without catching the dust or flies.) Later on it could be cut into wedges to take out or for a quick breakfast. The baby could even be put in the drawer above it and the rising heat would keep it warm.
Traditional Scottish food is simple but v. tasty. We have lots of game and seafood, breads & cakes, berries and roots etc.

>> No.5240666

We also have silly names for things:
clootie dumplins, tipsy laird, rumpledethump,
fatty cutty, crappit heid etc. "eyemouth pales" is an interesting one.

>> No.5240675

the image looked delicious enough to do some digging.


>> No.5240678

actually that originates from scandenavia.

>> No.5240736
File: 282 KB, 764x1708, britbongs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> No alignment
> Too much whitespace everywhere
> Different sizes

Your image is terrible.

>> No.5240745


You erased the grid, OP's is slightly better.

>> No.5240779

The alignment creates an implicit grid.

>> No.5241104

Don't call them out on it. They've got quite the inferiority complex about that and will throw a massive hissy fit.

>> No.5241108

Do you actually know the meaning of the term pudding?

>> No.5241109

No it doesn't you colossal faggot.

>> No.5241113

Now I know that you are Riley, because that only gets posted on /int/. Besides, they taste nice.

>> No.5241115

Why? Do you seriously need to smother everything in ketchup for it to be edible there?

>> No.5241117

It looks like a meat and potato pie. Imagine a beef and potato stew contained within a pie.

>> No.5241123
File: 26 KB, 400x300, chip butty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are pretty nice.

>> No.5241125

>Pouring gravy on a Cornish pasty
I hope your children develop aids.

>> No.5241128

Ah, the fish finger sandwich, so nice that even Gordon Ramsay still eats them. Only a pretentious dickhead who masturbates over their own sophistication would turn their noses up at one.

>> No.5241129

>Americans call gammon "ham"

>> No.5241132

Sain Jamie of Oliver will pay for ruining one of the best stoner foods ever made.

>> No.5241136

The top one is a turkey sausage served with croquettes. The fact that the turkey sausage was made like a twirl instead of a standard sausage and the fact that the croquettes were in the shape of a face mean that they were both child molesting baby rapists and Jamie Oliver led a campaign to have them banned.

>> No.5241137

Is this britain's idea of shitposting? Cute

>> No.5241138

I don't see the problem, oh it's not French therefore it isn't up to your standards? Kill yourself.

>> No.5241143

Americans are the most insecure people i have ever encountered. They shitpost about absolutely everything to try and show off their superiority. It's really sad.

>> No.5241146

seems to me there's a lot more accusations of americans being thrown around than what you describe.

>> No.5241149

No Riley, it is stating fact related to the thread and post I replied to, you know, being a good post. Something you know nothing about.

>> No.5241150

Not really Riley, you are in one big American shitposting obsession thread after all.

>> No.5241151
File: 498 KB, 255x235, 1388886677918.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans are the most insecure people
>lets talk about americans

>> No.5241158

>American claiming others are insecure after yet another American shitposting thread
Are you trolling or just autistic Riley?

>> No.5241194


And yet look who started the thread.

>> No.5241206
File: 241 KB, 1336x768, sheonlylovesyouwhenshesdrunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet, look who's keeping it alive.

>> No.5241434

okay homos
can we just agree we all hate each other and get back to original shitposting topic

>> No.5241481

I made spaghetti sandwiches whenever they served it in basic training, often enough that I got about a quarter of my platoon to try it and stick with it. Shits tasty, AND CONVENIENT FOR AN ON-THE-GO PERSON LIKE MYSELF!

>> No.5242076


Britbongs have devolved into babby speak.

>> No.5242186

I'm fine with this except for the fact that is obviously margarine. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.5242428
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>> No.5242455
File: 157 KB, 2048x1371, mincebeefandonionpie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're queen-damned right friend! We do and it's called a mince beef pie (always accompanied by gravy)

>> No.5242527

>Has a food culture

>Has burgers/hot dogs and bastardised versions of foreign food cultures

>> No.5242528

Listen to some American niggers sometime and you'll wonder why you're not wearing a decoder ring.

>> No.5242529

>Hamburg, Germany
>Hot Dog(roll with Frankfurter)
>Frankfurt, Germany

>> No.5242530

Britain's food culture has stockholm syndrome.

>> No.5242533

I really feel bad for cops that have to listen to American niggerbabble.

>> No.5242536

You're right :DDD

I guess they have BBQ though.

>> No.5242556
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>the english being in charge of speaking english

I'm going to England this spring, what's the tastiest British shit I should try? Here's what I'm planning on now.

Faggots (lol)
Steak & kidney pie
Fish & chips
Boiled eels
Bunch of cheeses
Scotch egg

>> No.5242568
File: 107 KB, 632x465, Toad_in_the_hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Giant yorkshire puddings are incredible.

They go perfect with a tradtional british roast. They're also amazing with chilli

Another variant is Toad in the Hole which are sausages baked in a yorkshire pudding.

>> No.5242585


Explanation of British pudding:

Traditionally most sponges and pastry made with suet (or things that resemble suet based foods) are called pudding.

As lots of the things you can make with suet are sweet sponges, dessert eventually became known as 'pudding' and lots of desserts became known as "xyz pudding" (rice pudding, semolina pudding)

Etymology of 'pudding' is something like 400 years old so it's evolved and spread a bit which is why you get a few weird examples.

Also, American ''pudding' is typically known by a brand name in the UK - Angel Delight or Instant Whip.

>> No.5242595

Pork pie
Mince and Dumplings
Lots of sausages
Black Pudding
Corned Beef Pie
Full English breakfast

Lots of traditional English stuff is really stodgy and heavy - it comes from the days of wars and miners, so the heavier and more filling, the better. But it's all really good stuff.

>> No.5242634


Nothing special, they're made out of the junk parts of pigs, you won't find them outside of a supermarket though, because of the name, there's pretty much only 1 company making them and no chain restaurants will carry them.

>steak and kidney pie

You can but you'll probably find it nothing special. Try steak and kidney pudding instead for something you won't have tried before.

>fish and chips

Yep, Fish shop chips shit over American chips ('fries'). Quality can vary wildly. Oddly I tend to find the better fish and chips are the chinese owned ones. Don't be afraid if the shop looks shady, some of the best quality shit is in the crappy places.

>boiled eels
Try jellied eels if you can stomach them. Cockels and Mussels (alive alive-o) are probably a better choice.

>bunch of cheeses

Get a good strong cheddar from a specialist shop. Try out some of the ones with port or ale mixed in. Expect to pay for quality.

>scotch egg

Absolutely, savoury eggs (same thing but with the egg mashed up) are also fine. Remember they're a snack food designed to be eaten cold. Try a melton Mowbray pork pie as well.

Worthy mention:

British roast carvary.

Simple food but Yorkshire puddings are god tier. Check out a Toby Carvary (be aware these are absolutely packed at weekends, especially sunday lunchtime).

Also, avoid general chain pubs. If it looks like the menu is something professionally produced for a chain, quality will probably be crap (pre-made shit). If it looks like something printed by the people running the pub, you're probably going to get something hand made.

>> No.5242640


Oh yeah forgot a full English breakfast.

British Sausages and back bacon are immense compared to what you get in America, especially if you go to a place that doesn't use cheap sausages.

>> No.5242650

I greatly prefer American streaky bacon v any British variety. I feel similar about American "breakfast sausage" v British. Most things, though, I prefer the Brit version v American, but Americans know their way around hogs far better than Brits do. Except crackling. They can't into crackling like at all.

>> No.5242657

>but Americans know their way around hogs
They grew better acquainted with their porcine brethren at family reunions, so of course they'd know hogs better. That's no great achievement.

>> No.5242659


Back bacon has a much stronger flavour but I guess it's subjective if that's a good or bad thing.

Completely disagree on the sausages though. American sausages aren't good. The thing, slightly sweet things I had in America were ok but can't compare to a plum pork and apple sausage.

>> No.5242664


Lots of Americans almost never eat lamb so try some sort of lamb dish.

I would say try a doner Kebab but everyone knows that's elephant leg, not lamb

>> No.5242670



dammit. A plum and apple sausage sausage would probably be terrible.

>> No.5242691

Yeah? To be fair, I'm not part of either culture, so I speak as an outsider to both, but I find Brit sausages horribly sweet! Funny, that. American breakfast sausages have a bit of sweetness to them, but I find Brit ones far sweeter.

>> No.5242707

Shepherd's pie/cottage pie
Bakewell tart
Banoffee pie
Apple crumble or any other fruit crumble (more of an autumn thing)
Garibaldi biscuits

>> No.5242892
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>implying this is a british thing

>> No.5242951

>chip barm
>chip muffin
>chip batch
Who the fuck uses these terms.

>> No.5242960

the top in entirely off center on yours

>> No.5243151

I don't CONSTANTLY talk about Doctor Who, and I don't give 2 flying fucks about the SAS.

3 out of 4 isn't bad I suppose

>> No.5243247

i know right?
its totally like immigrants came here and made their food with what was available/meat

>> No.5244356

Just because you Britbongs threw them out doesn't mean they're not related.

>> No.5244374

>implying your picture shows a fish finger sandwich

>> No.5244379

>all these pig disgusting euro food

so why exactly do americans get shit on about their food?
seems like its no different in other countries as well.

>> No.5244380

That's like calling Australia Asia.
>inb4 chink

>> No.5244396

>suddenly, Switzerland and Italy are Bongistani territories

On second inspection, it does more closely resemble pie and mushy peas than it does pie floater... could go either way on this one.

>> No.5244404

>not euro

ah, Brits. I especially love that its normal to refer to Europe as "the continent".

>making a generalised judgement based on a small selection of items from an industrial culture where high cuisine wasn't as important as cheap food to keep you alive
>forgetting the 'best' food cultures are yuropean - french, italian, german
Go back to your sketti and grits.

>> No.5244408

You call the USA America.
Each is a bit wrong.

>> No.5244434


so not like that picture at all.

>> No.5244438


chips and mushy peas are fucking fantastic

>> No.5244440




>> No.5244442


cream tea. gotta be cream tea. also sticky toffee pudding.

>> No.5244454

>text still of different sizes and misaligned
thanks buddy

>> No.5244464
File: 87 KB, 480x320, Cheesewhiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans think this is cheese

>> No.5244467

To be fair, I don't think many of them do. It's a disgusting product, I'll say that, but I don't think many USicans think it's cheese or even a cheese analog. Not being one myself and having spoken with any large number of them at length about it, I can't be sure, but some part of me would like to believe no one could be so awful as all that.

>> No.5244471
File: 8 KB, 355x142, chocolatetheythink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is chocolate apparently

>> No.5244475

Actually that's sugar some milk and a touch of cocoa.

>> No.5244478
File: 138 KB, 600x399, Breakfastperhaps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is what goes for breakfast

>> No.5244481

Why does first watch refuse to make crispy potatoes

>> No.5245569

>remembering back when i used to love this stuff as a kid

>> No.5246337

reporting in from the us to say that no one thinks that shit is cheese aside from morons. we don't consider your chavs real british people so don't think the same of our dullards.

>> No.5246371

I believe that may be considered a cheese analog, though my source doesn't specifically mention canned/aerosol cheese.

The funny thing is that even though I never buy cheap cheese/analogs and have been aging my own cheeses, my roommate offered me Cheese-its last weekend and I was blown away by the great flavor.

I hadn't had Cheese-its in years and the flavor was much more complex than my homemade Jack and yogurt cheeses. Amazing what a R&D dept. can do.

>> No.5247122
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>> No.5247131

lotus seeds.jpg

>> No.5247137


Staffordshire oatcakes are the best though. We're having a mix of oatcakes and pancakes for tea as oatcakes are god tier for savory.

>> No.5247138
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