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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 263 KB, 1598x1200, 1a065be9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5228891 No.5228891[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

midnight ramen!(家系ラーメン)

plz come to tokyo (^^)

>> No.5228915
File: 60 KB, 448x336, 122596210952016426736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


come on US Navy!!

>> No.5228918

>plz come to tokyo (^^)
No plz come to America

>> No.5228931
File: 212 KB, 1280x768, areaimg5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is \650

With trade someone,I Provide ramen, I want Tex-mex!!!!!!! japan not have good texmex....

>> No.5228937


USA!! I love!!!
I can not forget is tex-mex which I ate in Miami!

>> No.5228997
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>> No.5229016
File: 49 KB, 449x642, free shrugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm allergic to gluten, and ramen is never made with rice noodles
>tfw I'm allergic to pork, and lots of Japanese dishes have pork in them, especially ramen

Sorry Japan-chan

>> No.5229033

Can you just order more and more rice or something?

>> No.5229045

you pretentious cunt

>> No.5229069
File: 10 KB, 259x194, imageszzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

egg special

>> No.5229090

There is also a ramen and vegetables harusame!
(春雨 plz check wiki)

>> No.5229099

YES!!! raice, cya-han, gyoza!

>> No.5229106

I most love tex-mex and USA ^^

>> No.5229110


eat shit and die

>> No.5229127

nice comement

>> No.5229136

I wish I hadn't moved. There's no ramen where I live now, and there was a great place run by a 1st generation family in my old town. This thread is making me sad and hungry

>> No.5229143

Are there even non-religious vegetarians in Japan? They never mention it in any of my animes.

>> No.5229146

You haven't watched Evangelion?

>> No.5229154

I have but I don't remember any vegetarians.

>> No.5229156


>> No.5229170

Is she obnoxious?

>> No.5229175

Even Buddhists in Japan are not vegetarians.

>> No.5229176

About being a vegetarian? She just says she doesn't like the taste of meat in an episode where Misato takes the pilots out to get ramen.

>> No.5229181

>I can not forget is tex-mex which I ate in Miami!


>> No.5229185
File: 24 KB, 220x246, logofinal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tokyo,Osaka,nagoya,kyoto,big city have Vegetarian restaurant and
There is also a halal.

>> No.5229187

>There is also a halal,
I bet there is, Japan loves torturing animals.

>> No.5229189

I watch only japanese voice.
I can not see english sub....(T_T)

>> No.5229193
File: 23 KB, 400x241, hernerokka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3:47 AM green pea soup. Finland.

Please do not come here. This place will make you an alcoholic, and eventually, you will commit suicide.

>> No.5229196

why what???
I stay Maiami 30days and eat tex-mex
sooooo yumyyyyyy I cant forget it

>> No.5229201

haha yeah!
come to japanm and BEER! Raneb and Gyoza
midnight ^^

>> No.5229202

I'm saying what you probably ate was Cuban food.

>> No.5229208

oh, i see
I wrote tex-mex and American cuisine to Miami travel book of Japan(sorry, google translate)

>> No.5229209
File: 69 KB, 640x480, golden_curry_hot_s7b_081013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Japanese curry so weak? I tried the hottest one and felt sad. I cried that night because your package lied to me.

>> No.5229210

the only thing I don't get about Asian people, is why they think it's polite to slurp noodles and make loud sounds when eating?

why would you want to hear people slurping and smacking their lips?

>> No.5229212

It also tastes disgusting.

>> No.5229214

Indian curry master race

>> No.5229219

It's compliments to the chef

>> No.5229220

I just had siggapore me fun for the first time in like 10 years and I think it has curry but not sure

it actually tasted good and made me enjoy curry instead of being overpowering and disgusting like indian food

>> No.5229221

Japanese curry is mild taste.
if u want hot spasy curry = Ginza curry max hot or koko-itibann 10power spasy!! try it

>> No.5229222

see: cultural relativism

>> No.5229226

it would just be easier and more pleasant to everyone if people just said thank you to the chef

>> No.5229229

Says you. Your opinions aren't fact.

>> No.5229230

It is delicious mixed with air scientifically has been proven. But It is bad manners outside of Japan(T_T)

>> No.5229232

It would be easier of everyone if you just left but you're not going to do that, are you?

>> No.5229235

>expecting cuisines that aren't traditionally spicy to cater to your raped western tastebuds

>> No.5229236

You can ignore that guy. Most of /ck/ doesn't like him.

>> No.5229252

Shut up stupid weeaboo.

>> No.5229253

they slurp and smack lips in Korea too


you are the only person who hates me

>> No.5229261


>> No.5229262

>two or three people on /ck/ indiscriminately hate anyone with a trip

You mad?

>> No.5229267

I wasn't before but now I am.

>> No.5229282

thx! I can not be distinguished English is a poor

>> No.5229287

英語 OK.

>> No.5229295

ohhhhh y spell = spasy

is this SPICY!!! I study now hehe....

>> No.5229309
File: 32 KB, 380x285, cha-han_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are very kind people(*´∀`*)

>> No.5229317
File: 66 KB, 380x287, 10073184763.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fried rice is too soggy.

>> No.5229324

that person is a lier, doesn't tell the truth, no truth, deceitful

>> No.5229337

How did you find /ck/, friend? Also, what do you like to put in your rice? ^^

>> No.5229343

yes,thx it is 4chan!!

>> No.5229358

I first time in 4chan, don know ck

>> No.5229364

You're in the part of 4chan that is for food and recipes, called /ck/. There are other boards for other topics. Welcome!

>> No.5229369

Here for English practice? There's futaba for Japanese people.

>> No.5229372

oh ck is cooking? ok I going !

>> No.5229377
File: 68 KB, 480x360, nakkikastike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finland here again.

Commit suicide pls?

>> No.5229381

yes, I study english.
and voice chat, but I have poor english....
I know futaba, but I biggner anime...

>> No.5229395

I'm Japanese, and that shit looks like hot diarrhea and roundworms.

But then again I have been looking at a lot of scat porn lately. So maybe that's just where my mind is at. My point is, there's gotta be like, zero fiber there. Not that thats a bad thing. A little constipation now and then keeps your muscles working. You don't wanna be one of those guys when you grow up who have lazy sphincters that cant push or cut properly. That's how you end up spending most of your golden years on the toilet trying to stack up on high fiber foods in order to push those logs through.

Seriously guys, switch it up every now and then. There is such a thing as being TOO regular. I mean once or twice a week at the most just cut down on your water intake and have a bowl of mac and cheese. Your anus is a muscle too and it needs exercise just as much as the rest of your body.

>> No.5229402

that looks a lot like tasty
in Colombia the ramen is greasy and some restaurants add cheese
expect to go tokio at least 1 time and know a bit of culture and their food

>> No.5229407
File: 8 KB, 235x214, what banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5229413
File: 63 KB, 480x320, tenzaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finland !!!
cross-country race,Snowboard and Ice hockey for Medals!!! congraz!!!

>> No.5229414

Do not learn English here. Too much slang and bad grammar. It is ok for basic conversation.

>> No.5229415

>looking at a lot of scat porn lately
>entire post about shitting
Yeah, I could tell. You got an obvious pooper fixation there, dude.

>> No.5229421

sorry easy english plzzzzzz

>> No.5229431

Tex-mex places are everywhere.
It's not like regional influences negate national trends.

>> No.5229434

ignore it it just a bad joke

>> No.5229440

If you want to see the 4chan board for anime, it's /a/. For hentai, it's /h/. And there's strange hentai on /d/. There are more, they are on the bottom and top of the page. I hope this was helpful. ^^

>> No.5229457

>not typing english like a third grader
nice try

>> No.5229460


>> No.5229464

thx! First I will watch the Kill la kill !
(and Hentai...hehhehe)

>> No.5229529

I watch NCIS:LA season3(TV Tokyo)

see u !

and "/ck/ - Food & Cooking" is ↑ I stupid...

>> No.5229538

Japanese usually have high vocabulary with 1st grade grammar skills

>> No.5229540

You're not allergic to anything you lying attention seeking cuntling. I have your medical file right here.

>> No.5229546

Is it with Japanese audio? Or English with Japanese subtitles?

>Implying I don't shit so violently I nearly pass out no more than 15 minutes after eating such food
Lamb too, Anon.
I don't think you can even begin to understand what suffering is.

>> No.5229559

>I don't think you can even begin to understand what suffering is.
I'm forced to listen to music like this

>> No.5229579

there's a large difference between an allergy and an intolerance
yours is an intolerance

>> No.5229588

I suppose that's true. I'm not swelling up and suffocating. But a lot of people will understand what you mean and use them interchangeably, so you'll forgive me for doing so.

>> No.5229591

you're an intolerance

>> No.5229612

no u

>> No.5229651
File: 8 KB, 304x166, nel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese voice ver(Official)
today season3 EP10 !
She soooo cute !!!

USA drama will be broadcast with a delay of 1-2 years in Japan.....super suck

>> No.5229665
File: 12 KB, 214x314, George_Takei[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, you know how bad us Japs are at articulating the English language.

>> No.5229684
File: 516 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20130822_203043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Japan, I loved your food when I visited Tokyo. Please tell Sukiya to open a location in Canada.

>> No.5229685

Not all of you have the advantage of being a buttery-voiced homosexual.

>> No.5229705

sukiya, matuya,yosinoya not in canada?

>> No.5229709

No. In Japan, I see them on every street like 7-eleven. Here we only have shitty McDonalds and Subway. Japan wins at fast food.

>> No.5229721
File: 409 KB, 1528x1083, katuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do u know kauiya?(かつや)
¥690(¥724) for tonkatu-teisyoku or katudon!

>> No.5229737
File: 234 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20130828_095923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not been to Katsuya, but the prices look good. For the same price in Canada we can get half a soggy sandwich made by a grumpy teenager, and they want a tip ( 心付け) too. I don't mean to be a huge weeaboo, but I want to go back to Japan to eat more food.

>> No.5229739

There are Yoshinoyas in the US, but they are different and really bad.

>> No.5229742

they are probably staffed by chinese with beef sourced from the garbage disposal of a slaughter house.

>> No.5229743

Yoshinoya isn't good in Japan either. If you want a cheap meal you go to Matsuya, if you want a good meal you go to Chikara Meshi. Sukiya and Yoshinoya operate in this crap area in between.

>> No.5229764

Yeah, true, I didn't eat at Yoshinoya in Japan, but there's no way it could compare to the awfulness of American Yoshinoya. I did go to a Japanese one but there was an insane number of people there, and I didn't want to get in a fight with the guy on the opposite side of the U-shaped table.

>> No.5229920

tip(心付け) is Difficult culture....
10% average,A good waitress for +more pay? ok?
I stay 30days Miami, fuckn taxi driver is the requested +25% tip.....

>> No.5229938

Yoshinoya America is the very nice for Japanese!
Menu such as fried rice and noodles dishes rich!

but...USA yosinoya .beef bowl is hyper suck....
it is fake gyuudon!(牛丼)

>> No.5229945


>> No.5229947
File: 25 KB, 240x170, 1265995781776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually 15% for a good waitress, 15% for a good taxi driver. It is difficult, this board (/ck/) has many arguments about tip culture. I wish workers were paid properly and we did not need to tip. Taxi drivers always try to scam me.

>> No.5229952

normal 10%, good sservice is 15% oh i see
Taxi driver did not let me get off until you leave a tip of 25%.....
English skills I am pathetic(T_T)

>> No.5229957

Taxi drivers are even worse than servers, with many servers simply being addicted/indebted beggars/cons.

I usually tip taxies and servers 15%, and bartenders 20% if they can keep my glass full. Free drinks, topping me off, fixing spillage on my fault, letting me try product (alcohol or food, either of which I often buy), or keeping a conversation going when I'm bored and waiting on someone earns quite a bit more though, and I've been known to tip up to 30%.

>> No.5229962

He was probably taking advantage of your English weakness, what an asshole.

it was very nice for me to not have to tip in Japan, people did their jobs properly and with good service even without the promise of extra money.

>> No.5229974

wow....u at USA?
tip so hard....

>> No.5229980

yes,japan is no tip
I have Miami guide book,It is to write tip 10% in the book.
Taxi driver was a dildo, but other ppl is very nice (^^)

>> No.5229983

I want japanese corn dogs again

>> No.5229990

I wish Japan was poor like China so Japanese would move here and open thousands of street food restaurants.
Instead, we have chicken balls and greasy rice.

>> No.5230008
File: 9 KB, 268x188, corndiog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cron dog = American dog(Japanese name)
Let's go to convenience stores in Japan right now

>> No.5230018

Do it, post pictures.
It's a nice experience.

>> No.5230029
File: 8 KB, 260x194, cornface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the service area limited edition highway

>> No.5230040

Would almost be worth buying a corndog for that.

>> No.5230042
File: 72 KB, 640x480, e0114246_20145083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this nice?

>> No.5230043

maybe a little

>> No.5230044

Until this thread, I didn't know tipping the taxi was a thing. Maybe it's because I see them going the long way into increase the fare. Hell no, I ain't giving them extra after that.

>> No.5230048

>no condiments on face
-the one and only flaw in Japanese cuteness

>> No.5230051

>Maybe it's because I see them going the long way into increase the fare
Make sure to tell them "take the most direct route" and know what it is.
Call them on it. If it gets to that point for me I just get out at my destination without paying. Taxu drivers are such scum sometimes.

>> No.5230052

Texas guy here. I lived in Okinawa for three years. I went to Mainland, too. Mostly around Fuji.

I love Japan so much. I almost married an Okinawan girl, but things fell apart when I moved back to Texas.

Yakiniku and oyakodon are my two favorite things there.

>> No.5230056

Did you ever visit the ice caves around fuji?
Touristy but neato.

>> No.5230063


No, but I did visit the castles during cherry blossom season. You know those movies where pink flowers are falling all over the place? That shit is real.

>> No.5230066

I'll have to visit again when they are in bloom.

>> No.5230071
File: 71 KB, 600x468, 1393400498484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except they glued the blossoms on individually for this movie, since it was the wrong season during filming

>> No.5230072
File: 7 KB, 244x207, ramenbuger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English proficiency of my problem was.
cuz ramen burger, Are you than that?

>> No.5230075


That is not the only movie where cherry blossoms are a thing, dude. Hell, I even see it in videogames and paintings.

>> No.5230083

texas! Japanese love TX!!!!!!
Cowboy, alcohol, steak, guns!!!

my favourite bnad = Fenix TX !!

>> No.5230089
File: 62 KB, 610x458, 20130802-ramen-burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't tried that yet.

>> No.5230094

Oh ffs. Blossoming cherry trees aren't specific to Japan. There's a ton along the bible belt, there's even more where I used to live in Virginia, and there are varieties planted here in MN too even outside cheap apartments.

>> No.5230096

is this the equivalent of a murricaboo?

who honestly likes texas

>> No.5230099
File: 1.66 MB, 1959x1469, Egyptian Maadi AKM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm drunk, my steaks are being marinated right now, and this is my newest gun.

I'm not a cowboy, though. lol

>> No.5230104

Yeah, I know what you meant. That just popped into my head as an exception, and I think it's neat that they did it, in wanting the imagery that you brought up.

>> No.5230105

murrica is BEST !!!!! (j/k) hehe
but 90's speed punk music is awesome

>> No.5230107


>> No.5230109
File: 16 KB, 480x360, AKS101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh that's sexy.

Got an AKS-101 like this, but with a nice illuminate POSP scope instead.

>> No.5230111


Is that an Arsenal/KVar?

>> No.5230113

Not sure about the photo, but mine is.

>> No.5230117


Consider getting this. It's pretty cool.


I don't have anything in 5.56x45, but I have a couple of AKs in 5.45x39 and 7.62x39, and mags for those are easy enough to find.

>> No.5230124

Japan Air Gun(BB gun) shop Osaka!


>> No.5230134


lol, I've shot about 90% of the guns they pulled off the shelves.

>> No.5230135

Watching as I type. Stanag conversion for my AK has been my wet dream for a while, but I already have 6 (30) round AK mags in 5.56x45. If they can not only do that, but also allow me to put a birdcage flash-hider on the end of my rifle, I'd be a happy clam.

I hate to de-fang a /ck/ thread though. We were discussing steaks marinading? A little acidity, onion, garlic, and herbs of choice are the way to go.

>> No.5230137
File: 89 KB, 640x480, img_1136885_36149376_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow nice!!
hey, come on akihabara!
this ramen shop tonkotu ramen ¥500 and kaedama(替え玉) x2 is free price!

kaedama = more noodle one

>> No.5230144

hehe,Shooting trial shop is here

>> No.5230145


Sorry, /k/ is my main board. I even trip there (and have for years), because I'm a huge faggot.

Also, my steaks are marinating in salt, pepper, garlic, a little bit of shredded ginger, and some sriracha mixed in with some worchestershire.

Methinks they will turn out well.

>> No.5230146


>> No.5230148


>> No.5230152

old 2chan mame hahaha

>> No.5230153
File: 118 KB, 1200x900, DSC00638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead and keep gunning up the thread. Occasionally, it's how I provide food for myself. And it's far more environmentally friendly than factory farms or vegan mass-grainery.

Pic related. Not a hunting arm, but something to keep with you when you live on the edge of bear-country.

>> No.5230158

Shouldn't you be marinating them in gunpowder and freedom?

>> No.5230161
File: 1.29 MB, 1959x1469, Colt 1911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That looks like a Dan Wesson, am I right?.

This is my 1911.


If only I could, friend.

>> No.5230166

hey! Food and Gun photo plz!!!
I want to see a picture that is reflected together

>> No.5230168

Dan Wessson Razorback
10mm Auto

My favorite, maybe second favorite, but certainly most effective handgun. I feel I can aim and fire with it much more easily than most other models, and most 10mm rounds are more pretty damned destructive. I really love my great-grandfather's S&W, but .38 special is a horrible round.

Been prodding my grandfather to take several notes in his will that I get his model 29. It feels near as comfortable as my pre-model-10 revolver, but packs much more wallop.

>> No.5230169
File: 2.93 MB, 3264x2448, ATF, no T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, this is the closest thing I have.


HNNNNNG, I hunger for a 10mm 1911. I'll probably get a custom 10mm Ed Brown in the next year or so. Fuck yeah, man.

>> No.5230175
File: 504 KB, 1000x750, Chinese Dutch Tomato Soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HNNNNNG, I hunger for a 10mm 1911. I'll probably get a custom 10mm Ed Brown in the next year or so. Fuck yeah, man.
Do it. It's a great weapon to ward off large or stubborn animals.

>> No.5230177

I'm so sorry.

>> No.5230180
File: 2.34 MB, 2448x3264, 2014-02-12 11.26.27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I need to teach myself to enjoy onions and tomatoes and shit. My omelets would turn out better.

>> No.5230182

It's impossible in Japan!
thx nice photo ^^

>> No.5230205

hey friend ! Please ask the Japanese! But it will lose the French.



>> No.5230217

They're called Westaboos, man.

>> No.5230220


That first video features a ... not very good omelet. It's ok, not my favorite style.

The second video makes me HUNGRY. I want to eat that right now.

>> No.5230224

oh sorry (T_T)

>> No.5230229


Sorry, I like French or American omelets the most. Japanese make eggs very strangely. I was always confused when eating eggs in Japan.

>> No.5230240

yeah, i see
Favorite style but it is different.
I lake 2nd video = melty egg

>> No.5230254

PM6:30 dinner time!



instant Yakiyoba....cheap but yummy!

>> No.5230260

it is ¥130 woohoooooo.....(T_T)

>> No.5230279

this is an adorable thread

Japanese OP!
Make a trip! I want to see more of you :3

>> No.5230292
File: 116 KB, 500x360, tosanikki-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz come to tokyo! ^^
Let's eat Japanese food together!(or midnight raen and BEER!)
and Please teach us the English(*´∀`*)

>> No.5230364
File: 11 KB, 259x194, bubuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

abura-soba(油そば) bubuka(ぶぶか、吉祥寺)
it is No-Soup-Ramen,not yakisoba

instant ver

>> No.5230425

Ramen is friend but UDON is HOMELAND

>> No.5230439

So do many people only visit Tokyo?

>> No.5230448
File: 166 KB, 300x419, news17_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi UDON friend !!

hanamaru udon
S 300yen, M 400yen, L 500yen
this is udon+kakiage+croquetteonigiri = 900yen

800yen~1300yen is this Rich

>> No.5230455

Tokyo,Osaka and Kyoto. Popular i think
Tokyo = Shoping and foods
Osaka = foods and Friendly ppl
Kyoto = Tourism in the historic(Kyoto is WW2 not on Bomb,There are a lot of temples of several hundred years ago)

and Hot springs all over Japan(onsen 温泉)

>> No.5230619
File: 62 KB, 650x433, rössypottu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love pea soup, though, and I'm a fellow Finn. Few things make me happier on a cold winter day than pea soup, a piece of black rye bread with a fatty rasher on top and a glass of milk.

Pic related: It's a regional dish that turns off a lot of people, but anyone who likes blood sausage/blood cake ought to happily eat it.

>> No.5230831

Tokyo is well known for it's shopping, business and technology, Kyoto is best known for it's fashion.

Osaka is better known for it's food and hospitality, traditionally being a center for trade and thus (due to Japanese cultural restrictions back in tha day) associated with lavish partying and eating, and the concept of Kuidaore, or "to ruin onesself with excess of eating"

"Dress (in kimonos) till you drop in Kyoto, eat till you drop in Osaka"

>> No.5230836

PS: I would like to visit Japan one day (along with many other places) but my biggest fear is being an ignorant tourist who causes trouble for others, especially since I don't speak a lick of Japanese

>> No.5230942
File: 86 KB, 350x253, cuisine coréenne kimbap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /ck/, what is better?

Sushi or Kimbap?

>> No.5231419

Very detailed!Convincing than my Japanese ^^
I want to improve my English more....

Tokyo one day?
I think that it becomes pretty hard schedule.
Akihabara....Time is not enough(T_T)

PS:Japanese people are shy, but English can understand in its own way. Please in peace^^

>> No.5231475
File: 109 KB, 650x463, img58539999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning ramen^^
It is the sonmple syouyu ramen(soy sauce ramen)

>> No.5231479

I type "Simple".....(T_T)

>> No.5231495

japan poster, why do you sound so cute?

>> No.5231516

They each have their merits.

Kimbap is more obscure though.

>> No.5231520

So is everyone in 日本 this damned cheery or what


>> No.5231545
File: 18 KB, 450x338, takonokawarini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think our English is because it is prety bad(*´∀`*)

We also love the foreigners who speak a little Japanese. very very cute ^^

and Moring Takoyaki ^^

>> No.5231585

ok, I try write recipes!

(1) torigara soup(Chicken stock)

(2) put an appropriate amount chicken stock, salt, soy sauce in hot water

(3) boil the noodles in the soup

(4) toppngs! Can u buy green onions, pork(Cyasyuu:焼き豚), bamboo shoots(menma:メンマ) in the Asian market?

(5) If there is no Asian market = Ok if topping with fried bacon and vegetables!

poor English sorry (T_T)

>> No.5231600

oh, sorry
and boiled eggs! I love harf boiled eggs^^ (半熟煮卵!)

>> No.5231603
File: 66 KB, 480x360, Lentils-Barley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Japs like barley and lentils?

>> No.5231623

Soy sauce is made from soy( Natto, too)
I dont eat barley and lentils.
I believe food of Northern Europe and the UK in my image.....I'm sorry if I mistake.

u say Jap(T_T)

>> No.5231631

They were the food that built the Roman empire. They're also very low in calories and have enough fiber to give you incredible stomach pain for weeks.

Try it out sometime. I know you have barley, but lentils might be harder to find.

>> No.5231667
File: 107 KB, 480x335, blog_import_52a2ef35392e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx! I check google, Dishes that use the barley is so in the japan, Food arranged the cuisine of the EU is oftenbut. but Lentil was not found.

This photo It is a set meal of barley rice(大麦ご飯と出汁豆腐の定食)

>> No.5231693
File: 17 KB, 380x285, onigiribento.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JST 7:40AM、This is my breakfast.
Onigiri Bento 320yen

>> No.5231699


are you role playing some beta weeaboo or are you japanese?

Can't really tell, sorry.

>> No.5231717

>does not into grammar.
Google translate can be a bitch sometimes, ya know?

>> No.5231721

In the OP of this thread, I am Japanese^^
Response of poor English is me(T_T)

>> No.5231725

yes I know(T_T)
Grammar of the long sentence is difficult.

>> No.5231733

Jap anon are you NEET

I noticed you post a lot

>> No.5231766
File: 121 KB, 420x315, 1360160396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a detective!
hehe, I work is weekend only(T_T) 3days...
poor poor poor

>> No.5231915

How do you learn and study English, Japanese friend?

>> No.5231926


>> No.5231929
File: 71 KB, 533x354, yakitoriramenset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yakitori and Ramen set !

>> No.5231940

MMO RPG and voice chat,and home school(1day 1hour)

>> No.5231969

Affairs of the shipping company. The input of the deposit slip Friday. The management of the delivery on Saturday. The physical labor on Sunday.

Playing games is a holiday, a few hours to study English.
And go to the sihinto shrine in the neighborhood,and Futsal with friends.

Go even cat cafe^^

金~日曜は運送会社の雑用。休日はネトゲとskypeでマイアミの友達と話す。それと、1日だけ英語の家庭教師に教わっています。あとは神社が好きなのでよく行くのと、友人とフットサルしたり。猫カフェは毎月22日は90% offなので行きますw(22=nyan nyan)

>> No.5231990

あ、説明不足かな。このスレッドでマイアミに30日いたことがある、と書いています。そのときに知り合った友人で、白人と黒人の二人です。二人ともすごいイイやつで、黒人は日本がかなり話せます。私が英語を喋ると、大笑いされますがw 白人はアニメファンなのですが、私がアニメよりもUS and UK Dramaが大好きなことに悲しんでいますw NCISとか日本人には超エキサイティングなんですけどねー。隣の芝は青い、というやつでしょうかw

>> No.5232019

btw, CSI:Miami
Actually I was shocked to know that it has not been shot in Miami....

(`●ω●´) ← Horatio Caine

>> No.5232028

Keep posting Japanese friend! We do not have a lot of Asian ingredients here (east Canada). I wish we did so I could cook more of them. Why are you on 4chan instead of 2ch/2channel?

>> No.5232033

how far east?

Halifax has a fair number of asian immigrants, and there's asian grocers dotted all over it.

>> No.5232040

Quebec. There might be some in Montreal, but that'd be far to fetch ingredients, plus I believe most of them aren't really aimed at non-Asians so it would be difficult to identify anything.

>> No.5232047
File: 17 KB, 354x243, 1393463135472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx! I try English text talk ^^

ウィスラーカフェ (Canadian dining WHISTLER Cafe) at tokyo, I Love it ,I want to know Canadians or satisfactory....plz come to tokyo jinboucyou!

>> No.5232076

Immigrants wealthy(Rich?) Chinese?
Japanese is it few?

>> No.5232100
File: 8 KB, 170x170, large_mega_putin-thumb-350x349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokyo Ikebukuro(池袋) and hatagaya(幡ヶ谷), SAKURA CAFE.
Quebec Putin!! is this nice?(or japanese arrange
d ver?)


>> No.5232102




>> No.5232121
File: 58 KB, 800x532, poutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poutine originally looks more like this. But I'm sure your arranged versions tastes good too, there's lots of different versions now here too to diversify!

>> No.5232129
File: 55 KB, 328x475, 4152020792.09._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

私もシャイなので、笑われると、言葉がでなくなってしまいます。その点、Skypeは多少は気が楽でいいですね。ネット越しですからw 私は工業系の中学←高校問と進学して、特殊技術系の大学に入ったもののDrop outしてしまったので、中学~高校でほとんど英語を習っていないんです(T_T) 溶接などはプロ級で免許もありますが、就職難でアルバイトしながら貧乏生活です。

アニメやゲームで日本語に興味も持ってくれるのは日本人としてとても嬉しいものです! 私はDiablo2のstoryを理解したくて英語を学び始めましたから、似たような動機ですねw あと小説のハイペリオン~エンディミオンですね! ダン・シモンズは私の神です!

>> No.5232142

ohhhh nice photo!!
I can not stop drool ( >д<) u killl me!?

>> No.5232159


>> No.5232176
File: 85 KB, 566x800, 6808779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MOS BURGER ! nice price!

>> No.5232240

is vegetarian or vegan ramen a thing? i'd love for som recipes

>> No.5232277




>> No.5232287
File: 77 KB, 480x360, 28_juillet_2008_cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vegetarian or vegan ramen It is difficult to find.
use meat or fish soup basically.
This link is vegetarian and vegan Restaurant 15 selection^^


if u vegan, hard to find ramen.
Egg white is used in noodles basically.
In that case, I recommend the Harusame(vermicelli :春雨)

This photo is Harusame noodle^^
It does not use meat, milk, eggs.
Harusame, Mushrooms,and garlic.
Soup is potato starch and soy sauce.

>> No.5232300



>> No.5232310

MOS burger is the best!
They are very small compared to western burgers though.

>> No.5232315

MOS burgers aren't that good. I don't like the weird ultra-ground texture. They can toss as many spices or toppings in it as they want, but it doesn't change the fact it is a subpar patty.

>> No.5232319

yes yes I know.
It is the appropriate amount to the Japanese.
western order Burger x2~3 Franch Fly and Onion Rongs! It requires 2days to eat in I

>> No.5232321

Preference but it is each person.
I ate a hamburger in Miami.
I have forgotten the name of the shop,yummy and biggest burger ^^ my stomach is dead hehe

>> No.5232326
File: 226 KB, 1024x1181, 1293893191385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a nickname for you Japanese friend, you're so cute with your English!

>> No.5232327

>MOS burgers aren't that good
For a large fast-food burger chain they are exemplary. Better than mcdonalds, no contest.

>> No.5232329

interesting. thank you1

>> No.5232330
File: 194 KB, 1531x1029, japan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all are.

>> No.5232337

I am OP, but shy(T_T)
nickname? Do not hated by 4ch When calling itself? I first time in 4ch.
my English so bad ! cute!? ヽ(*´∀`)ノ

>> No.5232341


I live in the US and there's not really any Japanese ingredients where I live, which sucks because I love Japanese cuisine. I have Facebook friends who live in different parts of the US and Canada and they can easily get ingredients from different countries because they have better stores.

>> No.5232342

>Do not hated by 4ch When calling itself?
yes, but only if you are obnoxious about it. If you only use a name for one thread it is fine.

>> No.5232345

is this Natouyo? stupid keyboardfighter
Im sorry....(T_T) Please ignore them

>> No.5232353

my bad English sorry!!

>> No.5232374
File: 68 KB, 320x240, 561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reply of poor English is me
So please judge ^^
photo is image hehe

>> No.5232378

wow nice !
In the USA, I've heard it is difficult to buy mirin(みりん)

u can get?

>> No.5232382

日本人さん, where do all the cool guys eat in Akiba? I only at a kebab when I went.

>> No.5232387
File: 54 KB, 657x389, im not new here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5232399
File: 567 KB, 1296x968, manse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kebab of Akihabara It is best!
My recommendation is niku no manse(秋葉原、肉の万世)
cool guy? hmmm (^_^;)

>> No.5232401

I've never seen mirin in any of the grocery stores near me, yeah it is pretty difficult.

>> No.5232404

but I do not know her

>> No.5232411
File: 99 KB, 480x640, nnnnnnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be okay if you made a name on here. You're not cocky and obnoxious like most people who have names. You're nice and cute!

>> No.5232414

Oh, I see
Anyone can make a lot of Japanese food by mirin
katudon(カツ丼) oyakodon(親子丼) nimono(煮物) etc..This linl all use mirin ! and so easy


>> No.5232418

It is scary because it is still a beginner(T_T)
People in this thread I am friendly ^^

>> No.5232426
File: 68 KB, 333x475, 1393474674713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.5232439

Do you like maid or butler cafes?
I wish we had them in the USA.

>> No.5232441
File: 885 KB, 250x144, 1368283353286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You used to have one in Detroit.

>> No.5232451

the pleasure of being cummed inside

>> No.5232456
File: 204 KB, 640x467, arise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

荷電粒子は「イオンを帯びた素粒子」で、レールガン的なガジェットですね。英語でなんと言うかわかりませんが(T_T)。日本の作品では強力なビーム兵器=荷電粒子という感じですね。遊離酸素はfree oxygen? 私もわかりませんw
フィリップ・K・ディックなら「アンドロイドは電気羊の夢を見るか?」、「高い城の男 The Man in the High Castle」、「流れよ我が涙、と警官は言った Flow my Tears, the Policeman Said」が大好きです!
近年ではテッド・チャンやグレッグ・イーガンはどうでしょうか? 日本人の私が英語圏の人にSF小説を進めるのも不思議ですねw 本来はアニメや漫画を紹介するべきかな?w
「攻殻機動隊」は大好きですよ! 映画版とstand alone complex、2nd GIG、SSS、どれも見ました!
今は新作の「ARISE」が話題ですね! 私はアニメ初心者ですが、SF系は結構見るんです。「萌え」は見ないので、Skype Friendには毎週怒られますw

>> No.5232461

Soon, handed out flyers of maid is prohibited by law.
Maid will disappear from the streets of Akihabara.
hey friend,time has come! right now!

>> No.5232476


>> No.5232484
File: 279 KB, 620x415, IMG_5661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Army cafe !
u can play World of Tnak, this cafe

>> No.5232485


>> No.5232503

That's an interesting twist.

>> No.5232504

Do not feel sad. Some people do not know that saying "Jap" is rude. I do not think they were trying to be rude.

>> No.5232506

That is horrible, the maids were a really big tourist attraction for foreigners!
What is the japanese government doing?

>> No.5232510


Jesus Christ. He shouldn't have said jap but grow a pair. You're full aware how often your people throw around 外人.

God damn i can't wait to get out of Japan.

>> No.5232514

Jap is as rude as aussie, yank or brit, it's half of a word for fucks sake.
Unless used in a racist or other negative context it's fine.

>> No.5232523

It can not be determined whether there is malicious
y english skill = Native Speaker 7 age (T_T)

>> No.5232525

The term is hateful in origin. It is a slur.

>> No.5232530


So is yank.

>> No.5232531

Barker(Pimp? Pusher?) on the street,The government thinks so (T_T)
I also think that's maid a valuable tourism resources!

>> No.5232532

Yes. There can be people on this website we call "trolls." It means they are trying to upset you, and they are usually rude.

You will become a better English speaker. Soon you will be very good at it! I believe you can do it!

>> No.5232533

外人(Gaijin) is not Racism words.....

>> No.5232541

It's all well and good if you can understand the context, but it is difficult for me

↑ 50% google translate (T_T)

>> No.5232551

Thx Kind friend !
Context really hard (T_T) and Troll

>> No.5232557

Troll is like 釣り (tsuri) or 荒らし (arashi) on the Internet.

I hope that helps you. I used google to find those terms.

>> No.5232558

Hi Ken-sama

>> No.5232573
File: 763 KB, 1188x1149, ojigi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you again! I am grateful!

>> No.5232603

Quebec!! Simple Plan(Band)

>> No.5232618
File: 40 KB, 500x375, P1000350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SPICY Ramen ! @ hokkaidou

>> No.5232645


The fact that you don't even think it's racist, rude, or xenophobic exemplifies what's wrong with a lot of Japanese people.

>> No.5232648

I want to try takoyaki.

Don't start with this, take it to Tumblr SJW

>> No.5232651
File: 87 KB, 500x331, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picture

>> No.5232670

You are ignorant.
Japanese say "Gaijn-san"
san = title of honor,polite language
Do you put a title of honor on racism words?


"baka gaijin" "kuso gaijin" is bad ward, but "gaijin" is not racism words.

>> No.5232673


>> No.5232676

oh, sorry
its troll?

>> No.5232694
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 4983771568619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takoyaki machine!!

>> No.5232698

Foreigner, hey me foreigner. Hello, takeda San? I have a foreigner over here I need help with. Foreigners don't know how to use chopstick let alone wipe their own ass.

You're right. The word alone is not a bad word. They wanton use of it is.

>> No.5232709

Hi ! Some people used in the malicious context Gaijin.
Can not be explained by my English skills. How sad.

>Foreigners don't know how to use chopstick let alone wipe their own ass.

(^_^;) Advice : Watch out for the "hole"

>> No.5232715
File: 70 KB, 500x334, klk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know they exist.

>> No.5232717

外人/外国人 literally just means "foreign person" it's not racist at all

>> No.5232718

I expected takoyaki to be disgusting but they were surprisingly nice. Osaka knows how to get things done.

>> No.5232719
File: 185 KB, 1024x768, japanese-bbq-tokyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also want to visit those barbecue restaurants where you just sit and grill meat with your friends.

>> No.5232721

Gaikokujin is generally a more polite way to say it. Still, not a big deal. Most of the times I was referred to as a Gaijin it was not meant in a bad way.

>> No.5232722


If you could read my poorly written previous post, I admitted that it's not a racist word in an off itself; the way people use it most of the time is.

>> No.5232727
File: 57 KB, 1024x768, PICT0645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy 1000yen~2500yen
Recipes in youtube!
It is ok if wheat flour, eggs, and cabbage.
if u cant buy Octopus,Ok! It is delicious even if I put the cheese, dice size beef steak.

The attention to that electricpower is different outside of Japan!

>> No.5232729

I would like to thank you for your help(^o^)

>> No.5232731

I'll hate the octopus in the English-speaking world?(Devil fish?)

Did you need the courage? First time eat Takoyaki

>> No.5232734
File: 35 KB, 500x377, Vampire Squid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Voltage transformers go for 30 USD and up. Finding octopus isn't hard at all in the US though, but squid is more common.

>> No.5232735

I would like to thank you for your help again! (^o^)

>> No.5232739


that's cheap!

>> No.5232742

oh i see!
Difficult to find a squid?
I learned for the first time! (*^_^*)

>> No.5232744

yes! It is most suitable for a souvenir!

>> No.5232747
File: 915 KB, 1000x3400, 1389156102501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5232748

It is grilled meat restaurant.(Yakiniku)
Meat baked in charcoal fire is the best! ^^

btw,I think "BBQ" that's best America!

>> No.5232750

No. Not difficult to find squid. Octopus is a little more scarce. America is a continent-sized country.

The grasslands in the middle have more furry animals than aquatic life. But you can find both.

>> No.5232752

After eating the nankotsu (chicken cartilage) I was ready for anything. Takoyaki smelled really good.

>> No.5232758

u love maruchan? or Nissin?

>> No.5232761

True BBQ in America is slowly cooked with a lot of smoke.

We enjoy meat and vegetables made bitter with very high heat from gas or charcoal as well.

You should visit the midwest. Living is inexpensive and very different. Even land and homes cost less. I've been looking for a secluding place that's not too far from work but has a nice place to burn wood, which can be surprisingly expensive, because I enjoy the scent and natural warmth.

>> No.5232764

I will be learning so much!
Since Japan is surrounded by sea, there is no experience to be struggling with seafood.

USA so Biggest....(*´ω`*)

>> No.5232765

I prefer maruchan

>> No.5232770

Person who does not like a nankotu are many in Japanese. (コリコリした食感が…)

>> No.5232777

yes sir !
I gong next time for midwest !
True BBQ....woooooohooooohohooヽ(*´∀`)ノ

>> No.5232782
File: 1.45 MB, 1600x1200, 18fb6b01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maruchan yakisoba is also delicious too!
Do you sell in the neighborhood?

>> No.5232785
File: 40 KB, 282x370, 00005963_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly no, they only sell soba cups from Nissin.

>> No.5232791
File: 124 KB, 721x480, St Paul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the word troll mean anything to you? I don't intend to be rude, I just feel like a fish on a hook right now.

If you are from across the Pacific though, I can tell you more. Writing/typing is relaxing to me. And I'm both sore and ill.

I live with a ton of people from China, Korea, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Laos, etc. We have stores that sell fish fresh but on ice, and frozen. We even have some bugs/insects for sale. Once you leave the store, it is very different depending on what direction you walk or drive.

America is whatever you want it to be. If you do not like your America, you can move to another part of America. There is a place for everyone.

>> No.5232792

>Voltage transformers

I studied ^^ thx! (I wrote erectricpower....haha)

>> No.5232794

oh nice! I love soba! u too?

>> No.5232797

I'm sorry, your English is difficult.
I apologize if I was uncomfortable you.....

>> No.5232799

Yes, I tried it in restaurant once and it was very tasty.

>> No.5232803

I know very little about electricity personally. I just know there are differences, and how dangerous a lot can be because we use 220 or 240 at work for big equipment. Things that can cook several men.

Always look into electricity. It can be dangerous, and completely invisible.

>> No.5232807
File: 31 KB, 300x225, 300px-ZaruSoba2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow ! I seem to drink good wine with you ^^
btw, u try zarusoba?

>> No.5232811

I haven't.
Where I live there is only one type of soba, unfortunately.

>> No.5232812

I am sorry. I am trying to keep my language basic.

This webpage is famous for people seeking attention. Acting like they belong to other countries, or cultures, is frequent.

Do not apologize for my sake though, I often speak to people from Ethiopia and Sudan who are very smart and use English the same. America uses a confusing language, and I can understand you clearly.

>> No.5232813

I failed in Miami !
Old small audio I bought was required valtage transformer (T_T)
It was a high-class item in Japan, and rare....

>> No.5232815

Ooops, meant to reply to this one

>> No.5232816


>> No.5232820
File: 376 KB, 622x4939, 1393489555661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5232824

Thank you so much.
Thanks to me in response to my immature English

>> No.5232827

At least you are still alive.

Sorry for the loss.

You should have picked up an affordable record-player, and very cheap discs while here. It would have been a great souvenir.

>> No.5232830

I will require two months to finish eating(((( ;゚Д゚)))

>> No.5232834
File: 59 KB, 600x450, imagecea64ee29a3573e0e2046418c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat big to get big, japanbro

>> No.5232838

Do not thank or apologize. Many Americans just want to help. You speak/type English well.

Ask any questions you want.

That is food for consuming a lot of alcohol, after consuming alcohol. In America, Europe, and Russa; alcohol is cheaper than food.

>> No.5233059



>> No.5233526

好きな食べ物は、蕎麦です。それと平均的な和食の朝食です。白米、納豆、焼き魚、海苔、味噌汁、漬物。海外の人ですと、日本の旅館の朝食で食べることができますね^^ 私は自分で作れます^^

飲み物は、Mountain Dewが大好きです(*´ω`*)

>> No.5233540

now JST 3AM....
Because it is a work weekends, sleep soon.
Thanks to me go out to my poor English ^^
I will see you again(^o^)/

>> No.5233544

Please come back whenever you like, it was a good thread.