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5210549 No.5210549[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/

I was wondering if anyone of you is interested in beer. (not those cheap export and import pilsners or lagers).

So i've got a few questions for you.
1. What country do you live in
2. What the best type of beer in your opinion.
3. What is the best beer you've ever had.
4. What is the last beer you've had

>> No.5210554
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OP here.

1. The Netherlands
2. IPA
3. Difficult one. but the best one i've ever had was in the Brewdog cafe in london. They had a hoppinator filled with Tongue Tied and extra amarillo hops
4. Last beer i had was a "cuvee van de keizer (blue/blauw) from the year 2000 (pic related)
Still have 2 bottles of this beer laying around. saving them for a special occasion.

>> No.5210582

1. america
2. stouts
3. bcbcs
4. pseudo sue

>> No.5210598


1.I live in Brazil, HUE HUE
2.I like them weissbier, the most.
3.Hmm, despite not being weiss, I really really love Fueller's Honey Dew. Paulaner and Guinness are usually my first pick when I drink.
4. Honey Dew

>> No.5210601

1. USA
2. I can't really pick one style, but can't go wrong with a great stout. I'm also personally very fond of hopped-up rye beers
3. Can't pick just one. Zombie Dust, St. Bernadus, Chocolate oak aged Yeti, pretty much anything by Founders or Great lakes... So many great beers out there, hard to compare them all, especially comparing different styles.
4. Centennial IPA by Founders

>> No.5210603

If you like paulaner. try any beer from weihenstephaner, it's god tier!

>> No.5210606

>Imperial Biscotti Break Natale/Cantillon Fou Foune
>Stone Matt's Burning Rosids

>> No.5210626

Sure it is, I really like it. Paulaner has more flavor than Weihenstephaner imo, that's why I usually rather drink Paulaner instead. Oettinger is delicious as well, you should try it if you like weiss.

>> No.5210631

I love all beer.

Two Brothers Sidekick
Uinta Labyrinth

>> No.5210633


If its not handcrafted and costs over $3 a bottle is not beer and you should die horribly.

If the beer isn't regional its made by a heartless US corporation and they don't care about quality, thus you are drinking piss and should die horribly.

You people drink shite water, and know nothing of fine brews.

>> No.5210634

>1. What country do you live in
>2. What the best type of beer in your opinion.
>3. What is the best beer you've ever had.
Fullers London Porter
>4. What is the last beer you've had
Rolling Rock

>> No.5210637

I like pale ales
Sierra Nevada IPA
Sierra Nevada IPA

My experience with beer is limited due to location.

>> No.5210844

>1. What country do you live in
>2. What the best type of beer in your opinion.
There is no best, i like them all.
From refreshing lager to tastefull stout.
>3. What is the best beer you've ever had.
Theres no way to answer this i just like them all.
Krombacher weizen.
Paulaner weizen and doppelbock.
Minerva imperial stout.
becks lager.
>4. What is the last beer you've had
Mexican Imperial stout from calavera brewery

>> No.5210859

Lol. Look at this fag. Hurr, much elite. I'm drinking mickeys and not giving a fuck what you think. You must be fun at parties.

>> No.5210861

1. Canada
2. Belgian White
3. Blanche de Chambly
4. Chimay Red

>> No.5210878

>taking 0/10 bait

>> No.5210929

1. Germany
2. Can't really decide between lager and IPA
3. Apocalypse Cow (fancy shit)
4. Augustiner

Wow, Paulaner is not considered a good beer here and it surprises me that you like it better than Weihenstephaner. Oettinger is the cheapest you can get, famous for tasting like piss after five minutes and only consumed by dirty punks and homeless in the streets.
Get your shit together.
Try to get some Augustiner or Tegernseer, you'll like it.

>> No.5210952

1. England
2. Stouts / Porters
3. Brewdog Lumberjack Breakfast Stout
4. Anchor Liberty

>> No.5210983

1. Texas
2. IPA
3. Ballast Point Sculpin IPA
4. Left Hand 400 pound monkey IPA. Actually drinking it right now.

>> No.5211173

1. Norway
2. Red stripe
3. Red stripe
4. Freeze by Mack or a carlsberg

>> No.5211182

>2. lager
>implying lager is a style of beer
This kind of stupidity is expected out of someone who thinks IPA is the best style. But out of a German? For shame bro.

>> No.5211194

1. Sweden
2. Can't choose, right now I'm all about Oud Bruin though.
3. Can't choose, I really enjoyed the Rodenbach 2008 I had recently though.
4. Uerige Doppelsticke. Fucking fantastic.

>> No.5211227


>shit taste


>good/decent taste

>> No.5211237

ipa's currently
couldn't tell you. i forget the name. my best experience drinking beer was at this place that had an authentic german pilsner. i loved it. second time i had it, wasn't as good.
yeungling. it tasted bad. just got over a bad sickness too.

>> No.5211269

Russian Imperial Stout
Old Rasputin I guess
Bud Light Lime (kek)

>> No.5211274

>Hefeweizen or Amber Ale
>Hamm's, it was free.

>> No.5211290

>craft beer hurrrrrr
>i knew about this micro brew before it went nationwide
>$4 a bottle is fine to pay for something that tastes like ink

>> No.5211299

What is a wild. I've never heard of that style.
>Belgian Ales, Dubbels, Trippels, Quads (because fuck hops)
>One of the Belgians, maybe Gulden Drake
>Belhaven Scottish Ale

>> No.5211302

yeah the fucking hipsters ruin all alcohol threads.
without fail. you post booze, they'll show up and tell you to buy something 4 times the price just because its got a cool label and a clever name.

>> No.5211309

Not that guy, but how is Lager not a style?

>> No.5211412

The only thing that defines a lager is the type of yeast you use dummy. Doppelbock is a style for example which is a lager. Same way that IPA is a style wich is an ale.

>> No.5211451 [DELETED] 

Ale means you use top fermentation, lager means you use bottom fermentation. A stout is an ale but so is an amber ale, a doppelbock is a lager but so is a pilsner. It's idiotic to refer to answer "Lager" to a question regarding your favourite style. That's be the same as saying that your favourite style of beer is beer.

>> No.5211457

Ale means you use top fermentation, lager means you use bottom fermentation. A stout is an ale but so is an amber ale, a doppelbock is a lager but so is a pilsner. It's idiotic to answer "Lager" to a question regarding your favourite style. That's be the same as saying that your favourite style of beer is beer.

>> No.5211592


But pilsners and lagers are delicious, you're just going through what most neckbeards go through when they first discover IPA. You'll grow out of it.

>1. What country do you live in
>2. What the best type of beer in your opinion.
Whatever I'm in the mood for
>3. What is the best beer you've ever had.
"Best" by hivemind standards was Pliny the Elder
The one I'm drinking the most these days is Sixpoint Resin
>4. What is the last beer you've had
Brooklyn Chocolate Stout

>> No.5211609


Some styles are sort of a hybrid. For instance, you can make a porter with an ale yeast (at higher temps), or a lager yeast (at lower fermentation temperatures).

>> No.5211869

Of course, if you ever get into homebrewing you realize you can do whatever the fuck you want. But that would make things too complicated.

>> No.5211993

explain why would it be shit taste?

>> No.5212013

1. What country do you live in
2. What the best type of beer in your opinion.
All sorts. I learned to like craft beer on IPAs but enjoy stouts, belgians, hef's you name it
3. What is the best beer you've ever had.
hard to say, the top-tier IPAs/IIPAs are my favorites... Stone Enjoy By is probably my number one
4. What is the last beer you've had
had an Allagash black ale last night... they call it a "belgian style stout." was really nice

>> No.5212195

>1. What country do you live in
>2. What the best type of beer in your opinion.
Belgian quads.
>3. What is the best beer you've ever had.
Westvleteren 12, St Bernardus abt 12 and Rochefort 10 are the best depending on what mood im in.
>4. What is the last beer you've had
Fullers London Porter

>> No.5212254

Heady Topper
Jack's Abby Barrel aged Framinghammer (coffee and vanilla bean variants)

>> No.5212327

1. USA
2. Stout
3. Kirin Hyouketsu Strong Lemon
4. Samuel Smith Organic Chocolate Stout

>> No.5212334

1. USA! USA!
2. A tie between stouts and quads.
3. That is an impossible question. It used to be Weyerbacher's blasphemy (A barrel aged quad) but that was in my earlier beer drinking days. Now I just have favorites of each type of beer.
4. Evil Twin's Freudian Slip.

>> No.5212360

1.) PNW, USA
2.)A tie between a nice spicy red and a decent Czech Pilsner.
3.)Widmer Bro's 25th anniversary
4.) 10 barrel Project Failed Red.

>> No.5213363

1. The Netherlands
2. Stouts
3. Left hand wake up dead stout
4. Twin sister IPA by left hand

>> No.5214014


you get Left Hand in the Netherlands? The fuck? What other American craft do you get?

>> No.5214448

I must say this beer was impressive. I don't usually get behind beer circle jerks but this was good.

>> No.5214458

Just drink the fucking beer and don't whine about it dumbass.

>> No.5214466

1. UK
2. Real ale
3. No idea
4. "Trooper" Iron Maiden beer on tap. Not bad actually, Nothing to write home about.

>> No.5214474

1. UK
2. Porter, stout, real ale, craft beer that isn't obsessed with hops.
3. If you have one favourite you don't drink enough.
4. Went to a beer festival last night and used up my tokens before leaving on a 14% Porter. It was grotesque. Tasted like a terrible port. When your beer tastes like fortified wine it's doing it wrong. Can't remember what it was called.

>> No.5214482

Jesus fuck as a not native speaker I tried to translate the German word for "Helles". You might know it since you seem to be a beer snob, asshole.
And I like IPAs. Different people, different taste.

>> No.5214492

>1. What country do you live in
>2. What the best type of beer in your opinion.
Weizenbier is my favorite but not the best, all beer is great
>3. What is the best beer you've ever had.
A variety:
Franziskaner Weissbier
St Peters Cream Stout
Baltika 6
They are in my top, but if i want a "not-so-special" lighter drink a Wells Bombardier without a doubt
>4. What is the last beer you've had
Minerva Imperial Stout and before that a Victoria haha hell yeah good times son.

>> No.5214534


Quite a lot actually. My girlfriend works in a bar that is specialized in beers and has over 400 different ones. The owner is also a pretty close friend of mine and whenever he has new brews he invites me and some friends over to taste them

And i've been to the brew dog bar in camden (London) a few times. They also serve lefthand from time to time.

>> No.5214605

>1. What country do you live in
>2. What the best type of beer in your opinion.
>3. What is the best beer you've ever had.
It was Brooklyn Brewery Black Ops (2009 or 2010)
>4. What is the last beer you've had
Sierra Nevada Torpedo

>> No.5214613

1. Netherlands
2. There is no 'best', but I really like tripels and porters
3. St. Bernardus Abt 12
4. La Goudale, 8/10 bretty gud

>> No.5214757

It's not my fucking fault that you fucking suck at English. It's not my first language either. Also the fact that you like Helles makes me hate you even further.

>> No.5214764

Netherlands is AMAZING for american craft beer. You can get literally everything in Amsterdam. You'll find loads of super rare shit over there. For example I've had Cascade and Kuhnhenn in Amsterdam, there's also Bierkoning which is arguably one of the best bottle shops in the world.

>> No.5214804

>Muh American hop water.

>> No.5214821

1. US of A mother fucker
2. Porter
3. Hard to say. Probably some local IPA in Texas after driving for 18 hours, simply because of the situation.
4. Summit EPA

>> No.5214827

1. england, uk, though i recently moved from scotland
2. oatmeal stout
3. innis & gunn rum cask
4. legitimately carling, i will drink whatever lager is offered first in a pub- and it was a wetherspoons so i didnt want an ale.

>> No.5214841

Carling? seriously? That's the literal worst. Nothing wrong with a lager on a hot summers day, but there's got to be better than that. I'm sure Wetherspoons do Stella at least.

>> No.5214866

America excels at nearly every style these days

>> No.5214917

America is far too confident in its abilities, as usual. It has merely caught up to Europe with making actual good beer. Even so it suffers from a ridiculous fondness for hops and too many novelty beers. Beer is good on its own, it doesn't need to be flavoured with shit all the time.

>> No.5214921

It doesn't. But that wasn't the point. The overhopping the beer is getting silly.

>> No.5214924


It may have finally figured out the technical elements but it's basically going through its infancy from a beer culture perspective. Hence the hops and novelty issues you described, and the embarrassing phrase "craft beer" that they so love. It's like saying "specialty cheese"

>> No.5214928

No amount of novelty American beer will ever make up for the Banana beer I had in England once. Fucking disgusting. I couldn't get the aftertaste away the entire day.

>> No.5214930

England has some of the best beers in the world. You chose to drink banana beer. That's on you, not England.

>> No.5214950


So what does that say about people choosing to moan about American novelty beers?

>> No.5214959

Not a lot? It's a massive thing in America. It's not in England/Europe. It exists, but it's not remotely popular.

>> No.5214965


It really isn't a "massive" thing in America. Perhaps more so than in Europe, but the idea that shelves in American liquor stores are just packed with novelty beers is woefully ignorant.

>> No.5214980

Nobody is suggesting that. We're talking about premium beer. No country has generic stores stocking huge amounts of any good beer.

>> No.5214983


Again though, even among premium beers, that statement is far off the mark.

>> No.5214986

>go to grocery store
>every last goddamm beer on an entire wall is dragons and elves and monsters and shit

I don't know which America you live in, but in the United States of America this is reality.

>> No.5214988

Gotta agree with you.

>> No.5214991


What a terribly superficial judgement. We wouldn't want to actually talk about the beer, would we?

>> No.5215091

In my fridge

Great Lakes Nosferatu
North Coast Old Rasputin
Founder's Imperial Stout
Dogfish Head Piercing Pils
Founder's Backwood Bastard
Dogfish Head 90 minute IPA
Goose Island 25th Anniversary ESB

What should I go with tonight

>> No.5215102

I'm a fan of stouts and porters
Alaskan smoked porter cellared for 2 years
Bobo's Porter

>> No.5215119
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>1. USA
>2. IPA
>3. Hopslam 10/10 I'm addicted
>4. Hopslam Drinking one right now

>> No.5215278

Backwood Bastard obviously.

>> No.5215313

My favorite beer is the lager beer
it won't knock your socks off or anything, but it's just a really clean, pleasant lager and isn't much more expensive even in the US than a six pack of a lesser beer.

>> No.5215348

1. Australia
2. Lager
3. Some beer my mate had from a local micro-brewery, sorry, I couldn't tell you what it was. Other than that, Matilda Bay's Minimum Chips Lager or Little Creatures Pale Ale.
4. Coopers Dry

>> No.5215409
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1. Finland
2. I couldn't pick a single favourite, but I'm really fond of IPAs, the spectrum of different stouts and porters and Trappist tripels. I gravitate towards heavier, higher ABV and EBU brews for some reason.
3. Well, I couldn't say what was the best beer I've ever had... but the most intense experience was my first bottle of craft beer, which was Trappistes Rochefort 8.
4. Double Oat Malt Stout by Stadin Panimo

Pic related: The craft beer I buy most often. It's a Baltic porter.

>> No.5215410
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Hey /ck/

I was wondering if anyone of you is interested in beer. (not those cheap export and import pilsners or lagers).

So i've got a few questions for you.
1. America
2. Changes on my tastes. Used to like wheat beers, then Lagers, now I like IPAs.
3. Chimay blue... but that's only because I don't tend to spend more than $10 on a single bottle...
4. Drinking pic related

>> No.5215432

1. Germany
2. Hefeweizen
3. Can't decide. Heller Bock, Czech Budweiser or Hacker-Pschorr Sternweisse maybe.
4. Herforder Pils

>> No.5215435
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3.Cantillon St Lamvinus
4.Green Flash Palate Wrecker

>> No.5215438

Oettinger und Paderborner sind immer noch um Längen besser als Becks, Krombacher, Bitburger und der ganze Mist.

>> No.5215444

Weihenstephan does not brew Lager

>> No.5215446

They have a Pilsner, Festbier, etc. Did you even check the brewery's website?

>> No.5215657

But saying calling it "craft beer" is pretty necessary over here. Otherwise, if I said "I like beer." people would just assume I mean that I like the fucking frat boy, Superbowl dad swill that most people are aware of, and I can't have people thinking I'm a pleb.

>> No.5215662

1. US, California
2. At the moment? Into sours.
3. Dechutes' The Abyss
4. Ale Industry's Cherry Kush

it's kind of hard to say a beer is the "best". A lot of those highly ranked beers are usually hard-to-get or majorly overhyped. Recently finally had Pliny the Younger during SF Beerweek, and while it's delicious and surprisingly balanced hoppy IPA, it isn't worth all the crazy hype.

>> No.5215667

Would it be alright if I start assuming things about European beers, even if I don't live or know much European culture/history/context?

>> No.5215669

>England has some of the best beers in the world
I am curious to wanting to try your amazing claim.
Please list the beers you think top over all others in the world.

I am asking in part to make you look ignorant, but also curious in wanting to try those fabled beers.

>> No.5215674

1. United States
2. Porters/Stouts
3. Founder's Porter (that had been aged roughly 12 months)
4. Southern Tier's 'Choklat' stout

>> No.5215686

Not that poster, but Keystone is pretty good. It's in Wiltshire, right on Salisbury Plain, a stone's throw from Stonehenge.
To be honest, though, I don't think the UK or Ireland have a great variety or brewing tradition. They taste very much like typical American beers, so any argument on either side of the pond about which is better is just silly.

>> No.5216955


>> No.5217055

Lambic isn't a style you fuckwit.

>> No.5217065


>2. What is the best type of beer in your opinion.

>Lambic is a type of beer...


>> No.5217067

1. England
2. Belgian Dark
3. Orval Trappist
4. Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout

>> No.5217149

1. Dominican Republic
2. Everything but Lager, I really can't decide.
3. Honey Dew and the national breed "Presidente"
4. A Corona Extra. Didn't liked it.

>> No.5217488

You're fucking stupid

>> No.5217509


le patriction tastmaster

>> No.5217674

The problem with proclaiming your own nation's beer as the best is that there's only really handfuls of people who have actually tasted beers from the world over, which is expensive and at times, hard to accomplish.
Hell, even in the US, if you live in one region, 100% chance you're not going to get any beers from another region due to the size of the brewery and the goddamn distribution system that favors the big breweries.
I live on the West Coast, we can't get much of anything from the East Coast or Mid-West except for a very few. Same applies the other way around. Not to mention 3-4 nano/micro-breweries that just opened up in and around my city, with one of them producing pretty legit beers (Almanac in San Francisco) that most likely doesn't reach beyond the state.

>> No.5217708

Craft beer is a term describing the size of the brewery based on number of barrels produced, fucknut. Micro-brewery and nano-brewery are among the other well defined terms to describe things that apparently are just window dressing to you.

>> No.5217714

Almanac's pretty good, they did a pumpkin barleywine in the fall that was surprisingly very good. I just got back from a trip down to Lagunitas and Sierra Nevada because, as you said, even in Washington it's hard to get ahold of beer from that nearby sometimes.

>> No.5217929

I like beer in general but enjoy brown ales, oatmeal stouts and Russian Imperial Stouts best.

The only things I can say I dislike are Pale Ales and Lambics.

>> No.5217970

American here.
I like stouts and geueze the most.
Best stout is Gigantic Most Premium IRS. Best geueze is Drie Fonteinen.
Last had a homebrew ginger porter. Last commercial beer was Gigantic The End of Reason. I aged it a year and it was fantastic.

>> No.5218434

1. Sweden
2. Lambic
3. Cantillon Rosé De Gambrinus
4. Shitty 3.5% Carlsberg

>> No.5218598

2. Tripel Westmalle Style
3. Westvleteren 12 , 8, but St. bernardus is 95% the same and 1/6 the price, many wouldn't taste the difference when tasting blind. I also enjoy Karmeliet, Carolus,...
4. Carolus Hopsinjoor

I pay around €1.20 a bottle

>> No.5218602

>1. What country do you live in


>2. What the best type of beer in your opinion.

Traditional dark ales, can't get enough of the things.

>3. What is the best beer you've ever had.

Personal favourite is Theakston's Old Peculiar

>4. What is the last beer you've had

St Peter's Golden Ale. It was alright but a bit bland.

>> No.5218675

1. Sweden
2. I like DIPA.
3. BrewDog Tokyo*
4. BrewDog Punk IPA

>> No.5219659

>1. What country do you live in
America, specifically, Michigan
>2. What the best type of beer in your opinion.
Oh man, i'm torn between my love of IPAs and Stouts on that one...I'm going to edge closer to Stouts because I love bourbon barrel aged beers so much and Stouts are pretty common for the aging process.
>3. What is the best beer you've ever had.
2011 vintage bottle of Kentucky Breakfast Stout from Founders OR The Blue Sunday Sour Ale from New Holland.
4. What is the last beer you've had
Founders Breakfast Stout

>> No.5221074
File: 1011 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm obsessed with breweries. They are like wineries but they specialise in beer!

Here is me at a brewery a month ago.

Please excuse my face, I know this isn't /soc/

>> No.5221206
File: 963 KB, 1692x952, 20140218_191150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a picture of their chalkboard or something dude. A picture that's more you than beer with nothing about what the beer is or even what brewery it is is only worth showing to your family.

>> No.5221235

>1. What country do you live in
>2. What the best type of beer in your opinion.
belgian tripel
>3. What is the best beer you've ever had.
too hard to choose
>4. What is the last beer you've had
punk ipa (brewdog)

>> No.5221245
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I think UK has a pretty strong and varied brewing tradition: pale ale, stouts, porter, mild, strong ale, barley wine etc, all come from england originally. I'd say it's equally as interesting and varied as Germany for instance, Belgium is probably another level though.

Nowadays there's a lot of interesting new things going on in British beer too, mostly because of influence from newer American breweries. Lots of microbreweries doing all sorts of wild and wonderful stuff, that exist next to thousands of small traditional brewers.

I'd say America probably makes better beer (I'd say it's the best in the world overall frankly) but the UK has a stronger beer culture. Every pub will have at least 3 ales on tap as well as better lager than what you'd find in the average American bar.

As for recommendations, you can't go far wrong with fullers for traditional styles of beer. For more modern stuff, check out the Kernel brewery.

>> No.5221266

The Kernel


>> No.5221418

Yesterday I went on a bit of a pub crawl around London, I drank

Pint of Thornbridge Lord Marples (English bitter)
Pint of five points Hook Island Red (American red)
Pint of Paulaner Heffe-weisse Dunkel (Dark wheat beer)
Pint of Lagunitas IPA
Pint of Siren Soundwave IPA
Bottle of Karmeliet Tripel
Bottle of Meantime IPA
Bottle of Negra Modelo

Went to some great pubs.

>> No.5223419


>>>England has some of the best beers in the world.
>Please list the beers you think top over all others in the world.
>I am asking in part to make you look ignorant

He said some of the best beers in the world. Which it does. No need to be a massive cunt and take him out of context; or an ignorant fuckwit and assume, without knowledge, that Britain hasn't got anything going for it.

>> No.5224272
File: 148 KB, 500x373, que.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sierra Nevada recently opened a tasting room in Berkeley. Pretty awesome, and I had a couple bourbon-barrel aged beers for the first time. 13% or so and a really distinct taste.

I'm assuming you went to Chico though where I'm sure they have a hell of a lot more.

>> No.5224369


>I'd say America probably makes better beer (I'd say it's the best in the world overall frankly)

That's a bit parochial, don't you think? The US might make a lot of great beer, by volume, or by number of breweries (not sure about per capita) but as soon as you start saying shit like that you get into that pre-craft time of one's life when you defended one awful beer against another. Really, what makes a brewery at the top level better than another? If the beer is as good, it's only emotion that carries it over the other.

1. Australia
2. Right now I could murder an IPA or a Cooper's Sparkling Ale. It depends, maybe Black IPA is a cheap compromise on styles I like?
3.Another tough call. Had a beer tasting night once, I "curated it", after the main tasting, around and after dinner had a few Rauchbiers. Shlenkerla, Haandbryggeriet, De Molen's smoked beers. Shit was great, but if the beer's all good it's as much about the company.
4.White Rabbit Dark Ale. If it wasn't for that I could have done some boasting about my previous session. Oh well.

>> No.5224564


I just had a Brooklyn EIPA.
I still have no moneys, but christ I needed that.
I wish my student allowance would hurry up and come through so I could by some more nice beer and homebrewing kit

>> No.5224593

1 The Netherlands
2 Trappist
3 Aventinus Schneider Weizen
4 Palm

>> No.5224619

1. USA
2. Sours
3. Duchesse de Bourgogne
4. Landshark Lager

>> No.5224627

1. USA
2. Our style IPAs/ also Sours
3. My brewpub's Imperial IPA (Alpha King)/Cascade's (Portland, OR, USA) kriek
4. Saison
IPAfag here. But I fucking LOVE sours.
So expensive, though.

>> No.5224630
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Old Thumper (it's a beast of a beer)
Old Thumper

>> No.5225372

1. Norway
2. Dunkel
3. Paulaner Dunkel
4. Newcastle Brown Ale

>> No.5225394

Ein abgehackter Finger ist noch um Längen besser als ein abgehackter Arm.
Aber du hast recht.

>> No.5225410


3.Hercule Stout
4.Karland fumée à la tourbe

>> No.5225424

>$4 a bottle is fine to pay for something that tastes like ink

hahaha try upwards of $80 faggot hahaha



>> No.5225461


Perhaps APA, but a well balanced trippel IPA is also very good (and I also love sour beer, saison, hefeweisen...) I can't really land on one style.

Hmmmm, perhaps Ægir IPA, or Kinn Slåtteol, or some other beer I can't remember right now, can't really land one on beer in particular.

Currently drinking Betty Brown from Lervig.

>> No.5225540

1. Canada (American citizen though)
2. I can give a current top 3, although this always changes. Saison, American Sour, Double IPA.
3. The Bruery Melange 3
4. Dieu du Ciel Aphrodisiaque

>> No.5227004

>American Sour
>implying there's such a thing

>> No.5227053

Pale ales
Fin du Monde golden ale
Fucking budweiser

>> No.5228873

1. What country do you live in

2. What the best type of beer in your opinion.
Tough choice, I would say stouts or IPAs or quadrupels.

3. What is the best beer you've ever had.
Maybe St. Bernardus ABT 12, definitely one of my favorites at least or maybe Founders KBS.

4. What is the last beer you've had
hah Coors Light I think. That or some Sierra Nevada Rye IPA.

>> No.5229894

>What are Russian River, The Bruery, New Belgium, Cascade, Funky Buddha, Jester King, New Glarus, etc.

American Sour is even a recognized category by the Brewers Association. It's categorized by the complexity of the acids and tartness and less so by the barrel aging process. Fruity esters and hop character from dry hopping are also much more common.

>> No.5229905

Duchesse de Bourgogne
Carolina Blonde

>> No.5230035

So i've got a few questions for you.
1. What country do you live in
2. What the best type of beer in your opinion.
I tend to like ales and stouts with a modern twist the best. But I enjoy all kinds.

3. What is the best beer you've ever had.
I'm not really sure. I like Guinness a lot especially the stronger versions with more taste. But Punk IPA and Rip Tide stout are also 5/5 candidates. Ridgeway Imperial Porter is one of the best too. Hofbräu Oktoberfestbier is maybe the best lager I've had. Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA is maybe the best IPA I've had.

4. What is the last beer you've had
Libertine Black Ale (Brewdog.)

>> No.5231878
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1. What country do you live in
2. What the best type of beer in your opinion.
Lone Star
3. What is the best beer you've ever had.
Lone Star
4. What is the last beer you've had
Lone Star

>> No.5231902
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1. What country do you live in
(whale noise)

2. What the best type of beer in your opinion.
(whale noise)

3. What is the best beer you've ever had.
(whale noise)

4. What is the last beer you've had
(whale noise)

>> No.5232031

2. stouts
3. pike extra stout
4. steel reserve

>> No.5232220

Oh please, the only good american sour maker is by far and away Cascade. Putting Cascade into the same category of Jester King, New Belgium, The Bruery and New Glarus as if the shit they make is of the same standard just to try to prove a point is laughable.

>> No.5232232

1. What country do you live in
USA-R, Commiefornia to be exact
2. What the best type of beer in your opinion.
I'm a big fan of various ciders, but I like Heffe's
3. What is the best beer you've ever had.
St, Fuline Blonde is fucking tasty, but I've had some god tier Belgian Homebrew.
4. What is the last beer you've had
My girlfriend picked me up a Smoked Beer from my German Delicatessen, wasn't a fan. Last beer I had was a homebrew Honey Kolsch with light hop signature.

>> No.5232241

Oh wait, shit, I'll have to say the Vanilla Bean Smoked Porter I just had was amazing, I think it was from The Auburn Ale house, I only got one glass before they ran out though sadly.

>> No.5232268

10/10 at first I was like wat then I kek

>> No.5232338
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1. USA
2. IPA
3. heady topper (I have 12 more cans in the fridge- you're peanut butter and jealous)
4. dogfish hellhound

>> No.5232448

>implying I'd be jelly of overhyped east coast DIPA
And the fact that they're sitting in your fridge losing its hoppy goodness by the second is quite funny to me.

>> No.5232455

1. NJ, America but originally Indian
2. Bitter or Porter
3. Weihenstesphaner Vitus or Arrogant Bastard
4. Oskar Blues Pilsner

>> No.5232458

1. Michigan, USA
2. Toss up between brown and amber ales.
3. Had some of Right Brain's Northern Hawk Owl a few weeks ago. Absolutely fantastic. There was a hazelnut brown that I tried that night, but I was getting pretty drunk and forgot the brewery.
4. Just had some of New Holland's Monkey King earlier with a buddy.

>> No.5232459

I hate the fact that he asked for an Old Milwaukee or Lone Start and they got him Lone Star. OM is so much better and probably my favourite cheap beer. Would've liked it to get some promotion.

>> No.5232600

My favourite cheap beer is Budvar. The only cheap beer with off flavours that I'm OK with.

>> No.5235209

>implying there's any regional difference between american craft anymore

>> No.5235229

1. Canada
2. Don't care
3. Trois pistoles
4. Labatt 50

>> No.5235231

They are right next to Texas, thats probably why

>> No.5235238


Reds (Dubbel) or Sours
Chimay Red
See above

>> No.5235246


Hey! What'd you think of the Chimay Red?

Also, Billy Miners?

>> No.5235276

1. Guatemala
2. Hefeweizen/pale ales/weiss,
3. probably the La Trappe Blonde or Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
4. Oetinger hefewissbeir

>> No.5235285

>What country do you live in
>What the best type of beer in your opinion.
Brown ales & red ales
>What is the best beer you've ever had.
Jamieson Brown Ale
>What is the last beer you've had
Innes & Gunn oak aged Scottish

>> No.5235306

>1. What country do you live in
>2. What the best type of beer in your opinion.
>3. What is the best beer you've ever had.
I've had plenty of better beers since, but Sierra Nevada's Celebration Ale was my gateway beer into the world beyond fizzy-water macros

As stouts go I would actually put Stoudt's Fat Dog on the same level as Breakfast Stout (still never had KBS), very plebby looking name and bottle label but a really underrated oatmeal stout
>4. What is the last beer you've had
Clown Shoes Chocolate Sombrero

>> No.5235848

1. Israel
2. German wheat and stouts
3. A local brew, wheat beer with pomegranate. sounds weird but it's amazing. i can add more details if anyone is interested.
4. Lindemans Kriek

also got this yesterday
anyone tried it? gonna have it today for dessert after dinner

>> No.5235852

1. USA
2. German if you're asking about that, Hefeweizen in general
3.Griefenklau Hefe, small brewery in the smallish city of Bamberg Germany. It's a smallish city, but they're known, even in germany for their breweries, I think they had like 15 breweries in city limits, they were all good, but Griefenklau was my favorite.
4. Golden Chaos, i quite like it, but it comes with a CORK in it which is quite difficult to remove.

My favorite local beers are Golden Road Hefeweizen and Pomona Queen (Dale Bros.)

>> No.5235894
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1. Belgium
2. Dubbel / Double
3. Broeder Jacob Dubbel Port, a strong dark beer mixed with some port wine.
4. Grimbergen Dubbel

>> No.5237213


OP here, i prefer blue

>> No.5237238

>1. What country do you live in
Michigan, USA
>2. What the best type of beer in your opinion.
>3. What is the best beer you've ever had.
Founder's Kentucky Breakfast Stout
>4. What is the last beer you've had
Bell's Hopslam