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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 475x356, img_8564-475x356[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5208526 No.5208526 [Reply] [Original]

>People place fruits and veggies directly in the shopping cart/basket
>Don't even use bags
Saving plastic is cool but it's pretty disgusting since baskets, carts, and conveyor belts hardly get cleaned and are handled daily by tons of strangers. I see poopy babies sitting in the cart all the time and that's often where people put their loose fruit.

I hope you use bags /ck/.

>> No.5208529


>> No.5208533

you do understand that you should wash fruit and vegetables before using them right?

>> No.5208536

Yeah, I recycle my plastic bags, but I'll never go without using them for produce. I tried just putting my produce all in a cloth (reusable) bag, but that seemed to really confuse the cashiers and I think they thought I was trying to steal or something. I mean, I still use cloth bags for my groceries, but I ALWAYS put my produce in plastic bags, those carts are gnarly.

>> No.5208546

I do.

Which would you rather have? Produce with more or less shit on it prior to washing?

>> No.5208577

I always use wipes by the door on the handles because of this.

>> No.5208607

>go to supermarket
>womans 3 kids start unloading the cart
>all loose fruit
>puts plums and other stuff on the belt not hard but not soft
>see one ooze slightly
>bacteria prob getting into thatone
>mom looks too tired to notice or care
>weighed and rolled to the end
>put back into cart

>> No.5208615

I understand for certain fruits and vegetables people don't use plastic bags, but WHY wouldn't you use them for fresh parlsey or cilantro? That's just asking for it to fall apart and lose integrity. That thin plastic bag makes a difference.

>> No.5208625 [DELETED] 


>> No.5208632

It's also annoying when they have like a hundred tomatoes and I have to load every single one onto the scale.
Also sometimes my scale is malfunctioning and (it's kinda complicated but basically it'll weigh stuff as soon as I put it on there and for some reason I won't be able to put everything on there and then type in the code for tomatoes or whatever) and I have to weigh like a hundred tomatoes one by one.

>> No.5208654

depends if it has a skin, I am going to peel, or I am going to cook

In all of those cases, no I dont.

>> No.5208660

>conveyer belts hardly get cleaned

Wrong as fuck nigger. They got cleaned once an hour when i worked at a grocery.

>> No.5208666

There's a reason that conveyor belts are black. And unless you clean underneath (no I don't mean letting it run and then cleaning that side, I mean physically cleaning out all the shit that accumulates on the area where the belt goes underneath by physically taking the whole thing apart) then it's still rancid even if you just cleaned the whole belt.

>> No.5208672


tfw no more wipes and nobody around to ask for more

>> No.5208677

even when you peel stuff the peeler drags crap under and contaminates your produce

>> No.5208679

also a little dirt isnt a bad thing

its the rare cases of slamonella and the like
in which case(chicken leakage) they will immediately disinfect

>> No.5208681 [DELETED] 

>They got cleaned once an hour when i worked at a grocery.
lol no.

>> No.5208687

I wash my produce obviously as should everyone, bag or not

>> No.5208694

I wipe down the whole cart upon entry, and completely decon my hands upon departing.

Bag everything in the produce, and meat department. unwrap and discard the bags when you get home.

Never open up the seat, and use that for setting groceries... A shitty baby sat there.

>> No.5208701

People do this?

>> No.5208703

>wipe down the whole cart

>> No.5208708

Awwwww is poor OP scared of a couple germs?

Man up you faggot. Not everything can be drenched in hand sanitizer

>> No.5208720

Enjoy eating other peoples shit crumbs. Grocery carts are only cleaned when it rains.

>> No.5208733

>Bag everything in the produce, and meat department. unwrap and discard the bags when you get home.

*doublebag all meat and produce, and discard the outer bag before entry of your fridge

>> No.5208734

enjoy being scared of the world. feces is everywhere

>> No.5208743

Not if I can help it shiteater, enjoy your shit you filthy animal.

>> No.5208750

fine. name-calling. Youre just a pussy

>> No.5208756

>Why I do what I do

It's there, free for your convenience. Are you to lazy to prevent what can get you sick?

Meh, probably have aids anywaysss...

>> No.5208759
File: 194 KB, 816x320, ShoppingCart[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not lining your shopping carts

>> No.5208776
File: 14 KB, 240x200, 1392771828513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What are you going to do about it? Report me?

I'm just making a public health suggestion for the best of everyone's interest.

It's a given fact... I don't know where you live, but I live 6 months of the year in winter, and I cannot afford to be sick at the moment.

>> No.5208781

no im going to call you a pussy.
Because you are a pussy

>> No.5208789

Don't reusable bags host a lot of bacteria if they aren't constantly cleaned?

>> No.5208807
File: 858 KB, 240x228, Your retarded idea.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon would gladly eat feces in his food
You. Are. Fucking. Disgusting.

>> No.5208811

I want to go shopping with you

>> No.5208814

>no im going to call you a pussy. Because you are a pussy
>im going to call you a pussy. Because you are a pussy.
>Going to call you a pussy. Because you are a pussy.
>to call you a pussy. Because you are a pussy.
>call you a pussy. Because you are a pussy.
>you a pussy. Because you are a pussy.
>a pussy. Because you are a pussy.
>pussy. Because you are a pussy.
>Because you are a pussy.
>you are a pussy.
>are a pussy.
>a pussy.

>> No.5208818

Lol! Have a few hours to spend Opiate? Lol!

>> No.5208821

it takes me forever to shop too

>> No.5208837

Do you take things, and put them back later as you plan your meals while shopping like I do too?

I like to think of myself as a man of dignity, so I don't just drop off what I want wherever I'm at the moment like the darkies do.

>What is this meat doing in the paper aisle?

A man has to have some basic principles ad standards in life.

>> No.5208861

if I don't like something, I put it back in the exact location that I found it

>> No.5208876

Me too! Are you me Pate?

for your entertainment...


>> No.5208907
File: 6 KB, 251x247, 1310411782978s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the people who freak out about laying their 'new' clothes on the conveyor, like they're gonna get any dirtier than the sweaty, multi-rolled landwhale that tried to squeeze into those pants just a few hours earlier.

I really.. REALLY hope people wash their clothing when they get home instead of just hanging it in the closet.
You never know what sort of fat, nasty fuck has tried to squeeze thier oily tits into that shirt

>> No.5208939

OCD Stephen above you. I completely agree with you.

I had my awakening at a high-end clothing store a few years ago when I was young and stupid.

The hard sell, high pressured salesperson rationalized my reason of not purchasing a very expensive shirt because it was wrinkled; by exclaiming that, "Usually our regular clients usually CLEAN and PRESS their shirts before wearing them..."

>> No.5208945

*Only one, "usually".

> "Usually our regular clients usually CLEAN and PRESS their shirts before wearing them..."

>> No.5209095

>host a lot of bacteria
A lot of people dont use bags like what OP is talking about. Those will host a lot of bacteria.

>> No.5209255

i don't work at a grocery store, but am in retail atm. if you are putting things back where they belong then dog bless you sirs

>> No.5209263

you do seem like a puss, but thats ok

>> No.5209294

>A man has to have some basic principles ad standards in life.

>A man has to have some basic principles ad standards in life.

but they are empty if they're based in ego.

>> No.5209300
File: 84 KB, 500x500, 1327872566209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm unhygenic as fuck and therefore don't wash the fruits and vegetables i buy
>i also have the immune system of a new-born

>> No.5209302

I worked at Target for one summer 10 years ago, and today when I go to a store I'll find myself absentmindedly lining the items on the shelf up at the front.

>> No.5209309

because you forcefully lift the conveyor belt and throw all your shit under it, right?

>> No.5209311 [DELETED] 

>but they are empty if they're based in ego.
Not sure why you think this

>> No.5209315

a lot of people say this as if living daily life and having clean habits = some kinda sterile bubble environment you'd find in a virus lab

such extremes

>> No.5209328


because deeds are practiced not because the doer is passionate about the cause, but because he feels that it validates himself. it's not genuine... it's narcissism. it indicates that given the opportunity, the doer will pass on the "valued" deed to instead do something that makes him look good in the eyes of others. ego is a shaky foundation.

>> No.5209342


>do instead do something that makes him look good in the eyes of others

i should correct this; depending on the person, something that makes him look good in the eyes of others OR preserves his carefully constructed perception of himself.

>> No.5209353
File: 8 KB, 320x180, A_10[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in line at checkout
>conveyor rolls forward giving you room to put down your produce
>the conveyor has a long wet streak

>> No.5209358 [DELETED] 

I am a little bit of a germaphobe as a result of having pneumonia several years ago. I am not afraid of environmental microbes (I am an avid gardener and am not afraid of soil), but I am concerned about human pathogens.

I got pretty bad. It escalated from compulsive hand washing and hand sanitizer application to wearing my "indoor gloves" (cheap cotton gloves to hide my nitrile gloves underneath with a layer of hand sanitizer in between).

I was very very close to wearing a mask during flu season, but I still had some concern for social conventions. But I was washing anything that came into my home from the grocery store, including things in packages.

I had an old 90 gallon aquarium and an extra UV water sterilizer from a previous setup. I removed the coating from the UV-sterilizer so that the UV would be emitted externally. I spray-painted the aquarium with black paint, put on a hood with the UV-sterilizer, and used that to decontaminate groceries, books, clothes, etc.

I would leave things in there for 30 minutes and then rotate and leave for another 30 minutes. The smell of ozone and ethanol was comforting.

I was thinking about using it this flu season but decided against that slippery slope. Although my hands are cracked and raw from washing them so much and using so much hand sanitizer. I put a small dab of neosporin ointment in my nostrils and clean my ears out when I get home using hydrogen peroxide. I also take large doses of prophylactic vitamins including 6000 IU vitamin D3, 8000 mg vitamin C, 150 mg zinc, 50 mg lycopene, 800 IU vitamin E, and a multivitamin. I have not been sick yet (knock on wood), so things are going well in my life in that respect.

I'm just careful these days really, I think it is perfectly healthy to want to be healthy.

>> No.5209364 [DELETED] 

All good deeds relate to the ego. If not, they are done without thought, which is highly unlikely.

>> No.5209375

>breathing ozone
>have lungs damaged by pneumonia
oh anon

>> No.5209376

Good thing I have a working immune system.

>> No.5209377

>Based on ego

Integrity is doing the right thing whether anyone is watching.

Would you steal if you won't get caught? I don't.

>> No.5209379 [DELETED] 

I was careful not to be around the UV tank or inhale it, but I did smell trace amounts of it when I turned the light on/off.

>> No.5209387 [DELETED] 

>be told stealing is bad whole life
>think you are a man of integrity for not stealing
You are simply following what you were taught. There is nothing inherently moral about this. It is the same as religious people following the religion of their parents and wholeheartedly *knowing* it is the True Path.

>> No.5209389

Never use fucking bags. I don't want more garbage to throw away. I just wash that shit before I cook it and be done.

>> No.5209392


lmao m8, what the actual fuck.

>purposefully solarizing everything that comes into your house

It's like you want everything you own to fall apart after 1 year.

>taking multivitamins


>> No.5209399

>not using them for garbage liners or condoms

>> No.5209400 [DELETED] 

I use old Doritos bags for condoms

>> No.5209406

I compost, and rarely cook animal products at home. My garbage is one grocery bag's worth a week.

>> No.5209409

Uh no. It's completely immoral to take what you haven't earned, nor what doesn't belong to you.

You get caught stealing from me, you die..

>> No.5209414

I can't place items on the conveyor belt. I know there is no reason not too, I'm not afraid of germs; I'm a pretty care free guy to the point that I once had flesh eating bacteria eat a hole through the callous of my foot.

It's just that growing up, my mother had a crazy fear that I would loose a finger to the belt because I liked moving my finger across it as it moved. To me she would say, "Don't touch that black part Anon, you'll get aids and die." Over and over again she told me this. I know it isn't true, but I still can't help but think of those fucking belts as taboo. I won't put my stuff on them; I can't bring myself to.

>> No.5209416

If you eat mass produced bread you sir have had mouse poo in your mouth. Fda allows a acceptible amount of mouse droppings in grain. A forgivible amount of insect in tomatoes ect. You can't handle the truth.

>> No.5209422

I used to use old chip bags for condoms, but then I stopped because all the crinkling noise woke up my mom.

>> No.5209423

>Uh no. It's completely immoral to take what you haven't earned, nor what doesn't belong to you.
I dunno. If you lived someplace where your people were at war it would be ethical to steal from the enemy.

>> No.5209431 [DELETED] 

>It's completely immoral to take what you haven't earned, nor what doesn't belong to you
Says the heterotroph. It's cute when people think morals are objective and somehow inherent.

>You get caught stealing from me, you die..
You carry quite the edge.

>> No.5209432 [DELETED] 

I tried using a Pringles can once, but it was like sticking my cock in a doorway and it kept making a popping noise.

>> No.5209438

>>You carry quite the edge.

>Says the heterotroph. It's cute when people think morals are objective and somehow inherent.

Look who's talking...

It's not an edge, it's the outcome you'll face if indeed you think it's ethical to steal.

>> No.5209439

>thinking morals are objective
>stealing and hurting others isn't objectively wrong

Well yeah, maybe if you're a retard who is into redefinition or extreme rationalization.

>> No.5209448

>Says the heterotroph. It's cute when people think morals are objective and somehow inherent.
They are a little. You generally don't do things that would come back and make your environment bad if everyone emulated you.

>> No.5209449

And so would be killing the enemy who's trying to kill you.

>> No.5209454

ok, you sold me on using plastic bags, even when I'm just buying one pepper or apple--I buy and orange, I might not bag it.
Now can I hear something about pre-washed salad greens? I've been buying the dollar bags of it because I'll actually use it that way---but where does that water come from? they're using tens of thousands of water a day. it all must be recycled over and over again for years

>> No.5209455 [DELETED] 

Are you concerned with native american land rights? How about consuming products that involve the exploitation and theft from people in other countries?

No, you mean "hurrr don't steal a chocolate bar because it is bad".

Anyone with a basic understanding of ecology and evolution realizes placing such emotional attributes to the notion of theft is simply western anthropocentric jibberish.

The fact that you cannot separate your beliefs and emotions from the "cold hard reality" is indicative of your education and intelligence.

I bet polarizing entertainment news outlets are your thing. You must love getting outraged by trivial matters presented in juvenile, dualistic manners because it gives you a semblance of feelings and critical thinking.

>> No.5209459 [DELETED] 

>stealing and hurting others isn't objectively wrong
Reflect on human history and how your current status has been, and is still being, built on stealing and hurting other people. Just because you don't have the guts or ability to play a direct hand in it does not mean you are not an active player.

Or are you going to move the goalposts and start insisting stealing and hurting other white Americans is objectively wrong?

>> No.5209465

You do realize those same vegetables came out of the ground that was fertilized with cow shit and the workers who picked them probably hadn't washed their hands prior either, right? From the time it's picked to when it ends up in your basket there's probably 10 people who have touched it, all the while it has been unwrapped and collecting bacteria. Putting it in a plastic bag for the ride home isn't going to stop that.

I always wash my food with soap and water if I can (like the bell peppers), I thought this was obvious, unless it's a carrot or something that I just peel away the outer filthy layer.

>> No.5209466

>this neckbeard trying desperately to rationalize stealing

This is the tippest toppest of keks.

>> No.5209477

And you know what your precious produce has been touched by potentallyat least 6 hands of unknown clean before you. Harvest, packaging, stock, many pokeing costomers, a cashier.hts whybhumans have a immune system.

>> No.5209480

First off, I always use bags for anything not packaged. Don't be stupid.

Second, I worked at Kroger a few months ago (thankfully since moved on to a much better job) and we definitely cleaned the conveyor belts every few hours when it wasn't busy. It just takes a quick spray and wipe, and you can keep the belt moving so it makes it even easier.

Baskets and carts, though? No way. Those never get cleaned. EVER. I asked a manager this once and she porked out of her mouth "The rain does a got job of that huerheuyrehueurheuhr." cunt

>> No.5209484

>not getting the gist through my drunken wording

Replace the word are with aren't.

>> No.5209487

I have some cloth bags I sometimes use. I've gotten compliments on them by the cashier asking where to buy them.

>> No.5209488


i pick trash up off the ground because i am disgusted by a polluted environment. i console others because i have a natural inclination to do so, and i offer advice because i like to see others solve their problems. i am honest because lying poisons human relationships and prevents closeness, which all humans need.

these are generally considered "good" deeds. that's not to say all of my deeds are "good," because i generally do what makes me feel good (even if that process involves me feeling bad, as in wanting to lie but choosing to be honest). i find in both myself and in others that morals for the SAKE of morals are not genuine enough to persist.


hmm, depends. i don't steal from friends because i want to be close to them, so i'm unable to betray them. i have stolen from chain stores because i have no inclination not to. "do not steal" is not a statement that i value without context.

>> No.5209539

If I wanted people to call me a fag in public I'd just let my dad tag along and save myself some money.

>> No.5209547

>not washing pre-washed greens
salmonella outbreaks happen all the time like once every year or two with those

>> No.5209645

>I always wash my food with soap and water

>> No.5209960

Even with bags, you are supposed to clean your vegs and fruits to wash herbicides/pesticides, ya know...

>> No.5209980


You know veg is grown is shit right?

>> No.5210106 [DELETED] 

>soil and compost = shit

>> No.5210107 [DELETED] 

>I am a little bit of a germaphobe as a result of having pneumonia several years ago. I am not afraid of environmental microbes (I am an avid gardener and am not afraid of soil), but I am concerned about human pathogens.
>I got pretty bad. It escalated from compulsive hand washing and hand sanitizer application to wearing my "indoor gloves" (cheap cotton gloves to hide my nitrile gloves underneath with a layer of hand sanitizer in between).
>I was very very close to wearing a mask during flu season, but I still had some concern for social conventions. But I was washing anything that came into my home from the grocery store, including things in packages.
>I had an old 90 gallon aquarium and an extra UV water sterilizer from a previous setup. I removed the coating from the UV-sterilizer so that the UV would be emitted externally. I spray-painted the aquarium with black paint, put on a hood with the UV-sterilizer, and used that to decontaminate groceries, books, clothes, etc.
>I would leave things in there for 30 minutes and then rotate and leave for another 30 minutes. The smell of ozone and ethanol was comforting.
>I was thinking about using it this flu season but decided against that slippery slope. Although my hands are cracked and raw from washing them so much and using so much hand sanitizer. I put a small dab of neosporin ointment in my nostrils and clean my ears out when I get home using hydrogen peroxide. I also take large doses of prophylactic vitamins including 6000 IU vitamin D3, 8000 mg vitamin C, 150 mg zinc, 50 mg lycopene, 800 IU vitamin E, and a multivitamin. I have not been sick yet (knock on wood), so things are going well in my life in that respect.
>I'm just careful these days really, I think it is perfectly healthy to want to be healthy.
Yeah youre just being careful

fucking nut

>> No.5210344


>put vegetables and fruit in cart directly
>then put them in my reused grocery bags that I never wash
>eat them without washing
>never get sick, ever, not even the common cold

M-muh germs! Sanitize everything!

You know they grow food in dirt using shit as fertilizer? And meat is sliced dead animal carcass?

>> No.5211562

That's your fault for buying clothes from a place that uses a fucking conveyer belt to check out. Time to start dressing in big boy clothes.

>> No.5211572

Stop regurgitating buzz facts, you fucking degenerate. That sounds like something a grandma would talk about.

>> No.5211588

i dont put things with peels in bags. bananas, an onion (multiple onions and ill get a bag), avocado, a mango, garlic, etc. theyre getting peeled anyways so whatever.

who the fuck cares, the mexicans handing the product are dirty too.

>> No.5212472

Now, THAT's fucking handy.
You can just put that in the trunk of your car, no plastic baggies to fiddle with, no need to fuck around.
Just put them on the conveyor belt, and load them back into the cart when the cashier is done checking them off. It's a two man operation, though. But it saves incredible time.

This is an insanely handy thing. No need to manually bag shit anymore.
You just load it up in your car, and unload it onto the kitchen floor when you're home. No need to fuck around with a ton of baggies, and have to walk to the car six god damn times. And you
Where would I buy such a great invention?

If I get called a faggot for saving at least 20 minutes of time per week? Call me a faggot, son. I don't care. (spoiler: 20 minutes per week is 17.3 hours per year)

>> No.5212564

I liek the way everyone is concerned about shit getting on their fruit but not about the cancer givign chemicals that are already on the skin of their fruit and veg and which are not easily removed.

>> No.5212570

Actually people are concerned given all the Organic tags and sections I see.

>> No.5212578


The people who are afraid of wiping things down and that they'll be in some sort of space age germ-free bubble if they do, probably don't even wash their hands after using the bathroom.

They're those people.

>> No.5212585
File: 53 KB, 564x514, 1392049382947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's threads like this that make me want to start wearing gloves everywhere.

>> No.5212593
File: 15 KB, 380x380, 0074766344895_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems to be a custom thing.
Anyway, my issue is that a full-cart bag like that might get pretty hard to lift.

Sam's Club has these reusable shopping bags that are fucking ENORMOUS, one easily has the length and width of 6-8 regular bags put together, plus they're a little bit taller and have sturdy sides. I keep two in my trunk and I haven't had to use shopping bags for three years now/

>> No.5212599

I keep a cardboard box in the trunk. Works great and if it gets dirty / worn, I just dump it and get a new one from the pile.

>> No.5212662

this post gave me cancer


>> No.5212666

>you do understand that you should wash fruit and vegetables before using them right?
once the flesh is infected no amount of water will clean the germs.

>> No.5212669

>implying people of 4chan live with enough people to warrant the use of a cart at all, an not just a bag for their weekly intake of ramen.
that said, around there bags are mantaroty for most fresh vegetables and fruits, since it's up to the customer to bag them, weight them and put the price on it. So at least all the fragile shit isn't spilling everywhere.

>> No.5212674

most bacteria are harmless. "fecal mater" too is harmless, and so is piss and most body fluids. It's definitely gross for many reasons but it's not especially dangerous.

>> No.5212685

My mom bags her produce BUT she takes the fruit out of the bag when they weigh it.

>I dont want to pay for the weight of the bag
>It's like a penny.
>I don't care.

>> No.5212703

We almost never clean the belts, unless there has been a spill.

>> No.5212706

Whatever you say satan

>> No.5212708

The scale is not sensitive enough to even get the weight of the bag. Unless you don't have a Weights and Measures department in your city.

>> No.5212725

My family is illogical and drives me insane.

>> No.5212740

That's stupid. They don't charge you for the penny. It's called "tare". Same goes for grape bags, coffee bags, etc.

>> No.5212753

>The lead researcher, professor Charles Gerba, also recommends that shoppers keep a close-eye on those reusable shopping bags because they can become what he calls a “bacterial swamp.”

>> No.5212771

I can assure you no supermarket automatically or manually subtracts the weight of a plastic bag from your two pounds of apples. So no, it's not tare.

>> No.5212775

They don't the scales are zeroed by weights and measures.

>> No.5212820

I want you to take a moment to think about how every inch of your mouth is coated in bacteria right now. About 2lbs of your body weight is bacteria. Think about how much 2lb of bacteria is. There are more bacterial cells inside and on your body than there are human cells inside of your entire body.

>> No.5212828

but the bag is free and you get it in the end. And it weight maybe a few grams, way under the machine's sensitivity. You can test it, just put the bag on top of the fruit, the price isn't gonna change.

>> No.5212831

>About 2lbs of your body weight is bacteria. Think about how much 2lb of bacteria is. There are more bacterial cells inside and on your body than there are human cells inside of your entire body.
But this is wrong.

>> No.5212836

It's much more then that. The mass of microorganisms are estimated to account for 1-3%.

>> No.5212850

you don't know how to use water and soap do you? fucking idiot.

you should always wash all produce and meat. you don't know what pesticides, waxes, preservatives have been sprayed on your food.


>> No.5212929

Do you know how much dust, dirt particles, and bacteria your fruit has already touched after leaving the farm or boxing plant and before reaching your local supermarket? Not even counting how many dirty hands has already touched the bare fruit or vegetable stacking, squeezing, and picking through them like a chick sexer.
Quit acting like any treatment they get from people putting it on the scale and conveyor belt without a bag is any different than when they were in transport.

>> No.5213777

>Those people who put their bananas in a plastic bag