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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5198417 No.5198417[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ever have hand-rolled pasta? This was $12.50

>> No.5198418

how was it?

>> No.5198419

Oh man. Look at where the sauce meets the pasta - looks deliciously fatty.

>> No.5198425

that is an absurd amount of sauce and what looks like a miserly amount of meatballs

>> No.5198426

this is army noodles with ketchup

>> No.5198436

But you'd want more sauce for thicker pasta.

>> No.5198442

It was actually $15 because they make you do the manager's jorb.

>> No.5198450


If those meatballs were broken up into pieces and spread throughout the dish, it would be plenty of meat.

>> No.5198455

Do you mean egg pasta because if so, several times, yes. If you mean semolina/durum pasta, then only twice: fresh orecchiette in Salerno and tlitli in Algiers. Orecchiette might not be exactly what you mean by "fresh rolled" but it's a dough of semolina and water rolled into a snake, then cut with a serrated knife and the knife's serration scrape along the small cut-off dough piece, rolling it against the cutting board. As the knife is quickly flicked off, it creates a circular, convex and thick pasta with a ridged appearance.
Tlitli is basically semolina spätzle: semolina is mixed with a little water to make a dough, then the dough is rubbed between the hands to make small pieces of it fall into boiling, salted water.

>> No.5198477

Why bother making handmade pasta when you can't later bother makign a decent sauce for it, that's what I'd say.

>> No.5198479


he just means hand-made, i love it when people sperg out like this though

>> No.5198483

Oh. Yes. Several times.

>> No.5198531


What exactly looks bad about that sauce? It looks nice and fatty, if you look at how the oil from it is touching the pasta

>> No.5198561

>just dumping the sauce directly onto the plate over the pasta

looks like the kind of garbage that tourists eat in little italy while an insistent swarthy man plays accordion in their face

>> No.5198579

.... I fail to see the issue with deploying sauce in this manner. Why don't you explain it for us?

>> No.5198585


combining the sauce and the pasta in the pan allows the pasta to absorb some sauce, so you get better flavor, more appealing presentation, and no wasteful lakes of sauce swimming in the plate splashing all over the place and making a goddamm mess.

>> No.5198590

>better flavor

Well that's subjective isn't it? I for one like to taste the pure pasta freshly combined with pure sauce. I don't want it absorbed into the pasta beforehand, then I'll never taste what just the pasta is like.

>more appealing presentation
Who gives two fucking shits what it looks like? This isn't like sushi or beef wellington where you're graded on appearance.

>no wasteful lakes of sauce swimming in the plate splashing all over the place and making a goddamm mess.
Hahahahaha. First of all, the dish in OP's pic looks deep enough to hold sufficient pasta so the sauce won't go to waste. Second, if it's "splashing all over the place and making a goddamn mess" then that's really your fault for being careless and not knowing how to mix up your pasta without being messy.

>> No.5198591

>shit sauce dumped all over
0/10 pasta

>> No.5198592

>presentation doesn't matter
>fuck you it takes good to me
>I enjoy playing with my food

looks like I'm on /ck/ alright

>> No.5198594

>globular hamburgers swimming in ketchup

>> No.5198599
File: 29 KB, 300x433, 4e0eac92de823.preview-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love it. You should write a description of how to use different noodles for different dishes for /ck/

>> No.5198601


>> No.5198603

wtf is wrong with your noodles? if you want spaghetti noodles keep the dough thicker when you roll it and just cut strips with a pizza cutter, it's 100x easier.

>> No.5198607

>Bitching about the sauce
>Bitching about the meatballs
>No one mentions how your pasta looks worse than what kids make with playdoh.

Also, 12.50 for flour, water, and tomato juice? I need to open an italian restaurant.

>> No.5198621

I was gonna say that but that sauce looks awful.

>> No.5198622

This is why I don't eat Italian food out at restaurants. It's eye-gougingly 'spensive. Something that costs literally pennies to prepare and little-to-no skill to cook gets a four-digit percentage mark-up.
Pizza, for example, seems like a cheap food but a 12in crust weighs about 8oz. It's about 100g of bread flour, which costs roughly 14¢ plus about 5¢ for a bit of oil, salt and yeast. The cost of the tomato sauce (about 2oz, also around 14¢) and cheese (also about 2oz, about 50¢). That's under a dollar. And the mark up? Well, in my area, such a pizza costs $10. That's a mark up of 1104%. Huge. Fucking. Profit margin. That's why chains can sell $5 pizzas and still turn a profit.

>> No.5198627


How much do you think it costs to pay employees, keep the ovens running, pay for insurance, and pay rent?

Oh I forgot those don't matter because you can make it yourself at home.

>> No.5198628

Aint nobody got time for overhead

>> No.5198632

I agree. Not only that, aside from making pasta, there's nothing difficult about making italian food so you can make it at home using better quality ingredients and it works out much cheaper. Another reason to not go to your local overpriced underwhelming slice of italoamerican stereotypical eatery.

>> No.5198665

Ugh, there is no pleasing you people! When I include overhead and time-and-labour-costs in my calculations, people piss and moan that home cooks don't have to pay for it so the costs are irrelevent. When I don't post them, I get chided for their omission! Yeesh!
Overhead: rent for my area is about $2k monthly for a space. Insurance is roughly $1k5 annually. Utilities in total run about $600 monthly. Labour... let's say it's independent and has only two workers, the owners, so we'll not include labour costs just yet, but I'll get to it.
Let's assume the pizzeria is opened from 11am to 11pm daily. That's 4368 hours annually, so if we go rent per hour, it'd be about $5.50. Insurance per hour would be about $4.13.
Utilities are about $1.65 per hour.
In one hour, I can personally make 14 completed and completely cooked 12in pizzas assuming dough was already made. More on the dough later. And that number isn't some super fast expert pizza maker thing, either. That's about average speed, actually.
So, in 1 hour, about $11.62 in materials plus the other costs equals a total cost of $1.64 per pizza, which means I and my business partner, as the owners, make a profit of 509%.
As for making the dough: if you use the slow-ferment/no-knead method, which I can guarantee you many (if not most) pizza places actually use, that's only about 15 minutes of work per batch of dough, a negligible additional labour cost.
It's still a fuck-huge profit margin, brah.

>> No.5198671

Yes, but what of the 35% tip we have to give servers these days so that they don't beat us up in the car park?

>> No.5198675

Oh, and 509% profit means we're paying ourselves about $20 per hour each, a near six figure income considering the long hours. Were we to hire a worker and pay him minimum wage, $7.25 per hour, that'd be still over $16 per hour for each of the business partners and just under $70k each annually.
Of course, most places don't higher documented kitchen help, so there's that.

>> No.5198676

It is irrational to pay for a pizza instead of making it yourself if you are earning less than $30/hour.

>> No.5198678

> $2k monthly for a space

Is that per square foot?

>> No.5198679

>implying these figures aren't for take-away pizza only
I'm not going to even fuck with the whole tipping culture. Tipping for take-away is fucktardedly stupid.

>> No.5198680

No, but for an average-sized pizzeria in a decent neighbourhood in my area of the northeastern United States. Per sqft, just under $3.50.

>> No.5198682


those are pretty good margins then. you need it to make up for the fact that a car drives past your pizzeria about once every 6 hours in those areas. and there are no pedestrians.

>> No.5198685

>Ever have hand-rolled pasta? This was $12.50

I make it. It probably costs about 50 cents per plate.

>> No.5198687

>no pedestrians
>in one of the most walkable cities in the entire united states

>> No.5198690

Were pizza not profitable, pizzerias wouldn't outnumber every other sort of take-out in the US. It's easy to earn a lot of money with pizza. Very easy. How many non-corporate pizzerias have you known to go out of business? Certainly very, very few, right? Even the shitty ones stay around forever, don't they? There's a reason.

>> No.5198691
File: 59 KB, 448x473, buttbotblue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer pasta only touched by machines. Organic life is disgusting.

>> No.5198697

either you've found the holy grail of real estate or you're lying. i'm inclined to believe the latter

>> No.5198708

I don't see a problem with paying 12.50 for that, if you enjoyed it and bought some for the rest of your party, then fine. The person buying it knew what the prices were going in, other people making shit should stop complaining like vegan nigger homosexuals.

The point is, did you enjoy it or not. It's not about some vegan bean sprout cum fucking shit that you could could get in your aids. One of these days, you'll learn that you can make money too, and not be a fucking cunt that has to live on beans, rice, and sprouts!


>> No.5198711

Not at all.
Checking CL, I find the following pizza places for rent:

$4500 for 3000sqft, good area, lots of car traffic, but little pedestrian traffic, just outside the city.

$1250 for 980sqft, so-so area, lots of car traffic, lots of pedestrian traffic, in a PR/black mixed neighbourhood

$2100 for 550sqft in fantastic area in the city, lots of car traffic, metric fucktonnes of pedestrian traffic, safe, hipster neighbourhood (and around the corner from me), two blocks from one of Gourmet Magazines top ten coffee shops in the US, two blocks away from an organic, grange grocer and around the corner from one hospital and three blocks from another one.

So... yeah. I do know what I'm talking about.

>> No.5198712

Haven't we got sidetracked here? Shouldn't we be going back to how much we hate OP's sauce and how lame the pasta looks?

>> No.5198718

Get the fuck out. What city are you talking about? Some shit in nigeria? hahaha have fun!

hahah: lhigiti money

>> No.5198721
File: 23 KB, 400x350, 1392482488543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Machine-pressed and cut pasta is superior to lumpy shitty hand-rolled.
You're paying extra for some dirty Stealth Mexican to touch your food; pic related.

>> No.5198724

yo that is some ugly-ass pasta

>> No.5198726

>northeast US is suddenly in Nigeria because this faggot overpaid for his 100sqft williamsburg studio

>> No.5198729

That's silly. Who is "they?"

Generally speaking and contractually, I get paid more than my managers. Usually I report to directors or higher so if there's any conflict, fuck it, I'm outta there, no problem. Fact is though, I don't fuck up.

>> No.5198731

>$70k/year to stand around smelling like pizza for 70 hours a week

no thanks, I think I'll keep my job where I type emails and talk on the phone for the same money and half the work.

>> No.5198736

Agreed, but it's not a bad income for someone with zero skills. That's why so many immigrants to the US regardless of their ethnic/racial background open up pizza places, you know. $15k down to start is not a whole lot of money when the entire village of West Jabip and all their relatives put it together to send Mahmoud to America to make money to send back home. Most of the pizza places around here are owned by Arabs, Greeks and Persians.

>> No.5198742

>increase minimum wage
>pizza robots now cost effective
>enact basic income
>ejaculate-up economics + increased productivity resulting from massive decrease of food-born illness = economic prosperity

>> No.5198740

70k usd is pretty shit, just saying that folk know that you're full of shit

>> No.5198751

But only scumbags would go to a pizza place run by arabs and persions, well not greeks either, though the latter are our allies. I still wouldn't buy pizza from them!

>> No.5198760

>understand devaluation of currency
>unsterstand infation
>understand bullshiit others put on us

>> No.5198768

>mfw the gold standard crazies have arrived



>> No.5198769

In this area, it's either those groups or the few Italian American HEY-YO JOEYYYYYYYYYYYYY places. Dems the breaks.

>> No.5198772


>> No.5198778

I'd still buy a pizza from Italians, because that's the best... Sometimes I will get one from a local place and add my own toppings. Fuck all, that's best... improvisation!

>> No.5198792

Around here, only one pizza place is actually owned by an Italian and you know what? It's the second worst one. Over-sugared sauce and awful crust and low-quality cheese.
The Italian American owned places are each (save two) of lower quality than the Arab ones except for the Palestinian place which is the absolute bottom-of-the-barrel. Fucking terrible.
The Arab and Greek places tend to be both cheaper and better than the Italian American ones.

>> No.5198804

What kind of shithole do you live in?
And where? As I wrote, the best ones here are Italian owned and American ones. Fuck the muslims and indians, they make shit. Seriosuly.

I will NOT buy into their crap. To each our own.

>> No.5198860

There are a number of Italian-owned pizza places throughout the city, just not in this neighbourhood. In my immediate area, which used to be very heavily Italian before the hipsters came in, the Italian owners have either died off or gotten too old to want to do it anymore, so they sell the business off to Mohammedans and Greeks. That's why there's so many of them.
Consequentially, that's also how the hipsterification of the area began: cheap rent from old Italians who didn't know how much to charge or children of dead Italians who just sold the houses for a quick buck.
The lone Italian pizza standout just spends all day at the greaseball café around the corner from his pizzeria and lets this 5/10 Albanian chick and a fleet of Mexicans handle the shop. Tastes like total crap.
The Italian American places, for whatever reason, aren't all that great. While they tend to have the best base/crust and cheese, they also have a far-too-sugared tomato sauce, though not as bad as the Italian guy's. Around here, Italian American pizza places are good mostly for ricotta or bechamel pizza, which the Arab and Greek places just don't carry. And one of them does breakfast pizza (carbonara, shredded colby and cheddar, breakfast sausage crumbles and bacon crumbles).
I've never seen an Indian-owned pizza place around here. Indians tend to run cold cut sandwich shops, either independent or a Subway franchise, in my area.
The best in the immediate area, though, is run by a Mexican man and his Honduran wife and two sons. They have typical pizza toppings, but also do like... Mexican flare stuff, like with chorizo crumbles and green onions, for example. Good stuff.

>> No.5199168


That looks fantastic to me, OP. A couple more meatballs would have been welcome, and maybe some cheese, but otherwise great.

>> No.5199649

what are you, ethiopian?

that is a miserly amount of fucking meat, particularly for 12.50

>> No.5199660

you're paying for the hand rolled pasta not the meat DUMBASS

>> No.5199681
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>muh munny's worth

Maybe you'd be better off making something at home. If you make everything from scratch it even lets you spout off about "processed garbage"

>> No.5199686
File: 212 KB, 1440x960, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go, fag lord

>> No.5199690

That looks pretty gross.

There is not enough meat.

The pasta is too thick.

It probably still tastes like sloppy tomatoey thick pasta with only two meatballs.


>> No.5199703

It looks like pure tomato sauce with two meat balls thrown into it. Reminds me of that "real Italian tomato sauce" video. Probably doesn't even have olive oil in it either.

>> No.5199710

I bet it does and you're just a fucking idiot

>> No.5200294
File: 31 KB, 250x340, Fainting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when he added cheese to a seafood dish. Looks like can parm too. Swoon!

>> No.5200375

>Eye-tallian America cuisine

As for pepperoni, it doesn't even exist. It's a made-up American topping. The word "pepperoni" means peppers in Italian, so if you go to Italy and order a pepperoni pizza, they'll bring you a pizza with peppers on it

>> No.5200426

1) It exists. Just because it doesn't exist in Italy doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
2) Bell pepper is 'peperone' (peh-peh-roh-neh) in Italian (plural peperoni). Pepperoni (with two Ps) is Itanglish owing to the peppery (as in black pepper) taste of the sausage.
3) Nobody was even talking about pepperoni before your post, so why did you even mention it?

Being from Italy myself, I can say I've never actually seen anyone get a pizza with peppers on it, but don't doubt that someone does somewhere in Italy. Shit, where I'm from, mixed pickle is a common topping for pizza and that sounds completely repulsive to foreigners.
The wonder of pizza is that it's an instantly likable food. It's bread (who doesn't like bread) and cheese (nearly everyone likes cheese) and tomato sauce (the world's most used condiment in some form or other). What's not to like? I like the idea that it can be easily manipulated to suit local tastes. I like the idea that Americans invented a sausage to use exclusively on pizza and pizza-like food to suit their tastes. Stop being such a twat.

>> No.5201260

Regardless, pepperoni is god tier pizza topping. None of the cured meats in Italy could compare when I lived there, not even chorizo is better on a pizza. On the reverse side pepperoni is pretty meh for anything else. Nevertheless, it's designed for pizza toppage just like a sex robot is designed to be a receptacle for fat ugly smelly losers who spend too much time arguing about nothing on childish internet message boards.

>> No.5201267

No, it looks like they followed this here to the point:


>> No.5201277

mfw this pasta is disgusting as fuck
mfw u never had selfmade pasta

>> No.5202945
File: 489 KB, 600x418, 1392599055790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your tapeworm looking noodles soaked in ketchup OP, i'll be eating something delicious like this

>> No.5203880

everything in that video is wrong. As a italian descendant i feel insulted.

>> No.5203915


how's it feel to be the loser of the genetic lottery

>> No.5203928



That's literally how much I spent on m =y pasta roller.

Unless your Italian grandma forced you to make hand rolled pasta from age 7, I'd go for homemade dough rolled out in a cheap, yet solid, contraption any day over your troll pic.

>> No.5203960

I've seen drunken idiots cook better than that.
She treated that head of garlic like she was segmenting a orange with a butterknife.

>> No.5205900

>troll pic


>> No.5206876

What's the deal with italians and their hate-boner for cheese with fish? It doesn't taste bad at all but they act like you're Hitler for doing it.

>> No.5207054


Just curious, does anyone make pasta here on /ck/?

I do every now and then, its pretty cool cuz when you do it yourself you can get crazy with all sorts of flour instead of just having to eat regular white pasta
Dem flavors

>> No.5207064

Chinese make the best noodles in the world.


>> No.5207096

Why do people serve pasta and sauce like that? It's fucking terible, you're meant to mix it prior to serving.

America I assume.

>> No.5207109


>white pasta
flyover state detected

>> No.5207115

I stopped at the "olive oil will get a very different taste" like it's taste like shit, duh amerika

>> No.5207120

>pretentious faggotron confirmed

>> No.5207123

How did you made that, I cook for 4 at that price (I live in France btw)

>> No.5207127


>bottom 10% of his public high school class confirmed

>> No.5207133

Try to combine pasta and sauce with 500-1000gr of spaghetti;

>> No.5207158

>acquire big pot, mix
>separate into smaller portions, mix

There is no excuse for serving pasta/sauce like in the OP.

>> No.5207171

I'm Italian, my mother is Italian, my grandmother is Italian, one part of my whole family is Italian and for tomato sauce we always serve pasta on one side with a bit of sauce in it (so it doesn't stick) and sauce on the other.
But it might depends on the regions...

>> No.5207243


Confirmed for amerifat

>> No.5207278

I'm also Italian, my mother is also Italian, my grandmother is also Italian, most of my whole family is also Italian and for tomato sauce we always undercook the pasta and finish it in a bit of the sauce (so it doesn't stick) and serve it on a plate with a bit more sauce on the top.
But it doesn't depend on the region because I've never seen pasta served any other way in Italy and all our cooking programmes prepare and serve it this way.

>> No.5207316

Meh you're starting to make me hesitate, it seems like the right way but I don't recall them doing like it.
I will look closer next time I visit them, and will try your shit. So how much undercooked are your pasta before cooking them with sauce ?

>> No.5207358

Just barely al dente.
La pasta si cuoce soltanto che è quasi quasi aldente, poi si fa saltare in padella con pochissimo salsa, diciamo 80ml per ogni 75g di pastasciutta cruda (certo, sto parlando del peso prima che si mette nell'acqua bollente). Quando s'arrivato al punto giusto proprio la-la che la pasta ha diventato aldente, si toglie dalla padella e si mette sul piatto. Poi s'aggiungie un bel mestolo di salsa da sopra e si serve con un pò di formaggio grattugiato a chi piace.

>> No.5207376

Ok thanks mate, I won't respond in Italian since I can only read it. And will try that next time, might even make a thread if I make everything myself again

>> No.5207380

>I'm italian
>I can barely read italian

cool story

>> No.5207384

Try to have a depressed mother who almost never spoke Italian in the house to learn it, passive-agressive fuck

>> No.5207605

so you never leave the house and talk to other italians? does your depressed mom do all the shopping?

>> No.5207641

I'm the guy who posted >>5207358. The other poster mentioned that "part of his family is Italian," so I assume he's a half-breed. He likely grew up outside of Italy so therefore didn't have the opportunity to interact with many who speak Italian.

>> No.5207665


my theory is that it has roots in the religious practice of avoiding meat and dairy on the sabbath. this is the root of many traditional fish recipes.

>> No.5207680

You aren't Italian, are you?
80 ml for 75g is a shitty and too much liquid bowl of pasta. If you make it "saltare"(God forbid it), you mustn't put sauce anymore, since it has been already cooked in the pan.
You obviously aren't Italian.

>> No.5207690

Amico, senti, sono il postatore di prima: se mi cuoci una pasta nella salsa, non ha più senso che tu ce ne metta sopra di ulteriore; questo è il metodo di cottura della pasta al forno.
Se invece vuoi farti un piatto di spaghetti, la salsa si cuoce SEMPRE a parte e se ne mette una mestolata, tutto qua. E una pasta la riconosci quando è al dente.

>> No.5207703 [DELETED] 

>You aren't Italian, are you?
>You obviously aren't Italian.
Wait, is he Italian?

>> No.5207707

The previous guy talking about the pasta "aldente"(which in Italian are two different words) claimed to be Italian.
I am >>5207680

>> No.5207709


>> No.5207710 [DELETED] 

I can use Google Translate too.

Alternatively, who gives a fuck if you are Italian? What makes you think Italians know the most about pasta?

>> No.5207721

Vedendo come hai scritto "al dente", vedendo il po' con l'accento e vedendo il "la-la"(che sarebbe là là, ma è una forma totalmente dialettale), posso tranquillamente confermarti che sono Italiano, vai tranquillo. Se vuoi, ti posso dare anche il mio indirizzo, abito in una piccola e ridente cittadina di circa 45mila abitanti.
Traducimi 'sto papiro su Google Translate e vediamo, dai.
Prova 2 del fatto che io sia italiano:

What makes me think that Italians know most about pasta?
Have a look in your cupboard: every box of pasta you have has a fucking Italian name on it, therefore I think that they know.

>> No.5207767

Per dire la verità, sono cittadino italiano, ma sto fuori italia per 20 anni, cresciuto invece a Singapore. Non ho fatto mai le scuole in Italia neppure classe di italiano. Scrivo solo come sento la gente parlare. Dammi un po di clemenza che conosco abbastanza per scriverlo almeno un poco-poco! Purtroppo, passo solo tre mesi ogni anno in Italia (nell'estate).
Tutti che conosco lo fanno così:
Si mette la pasta a bollire.
Quando la pasta è quasi cotta, si toglie e si mette in padella con un pò di salsa.
Si salta per qualche secondo, poi si mette sul piatto con un mestolo di salsa in più.

>come hai scritto
Tante scuse, ma non sono >>5207710. Ma si: ho scritto 'aldente,' hai ragione, ma ti ho spiegato come mai, vero o no?

>> No.5208261

That looks like absolute shit. The noodles don't even look cooked. My grandpa made homemade pasta all the time and it didn't have that raw doughy look to it. And holy fuck that sauce looks like watered down ketchup just dumped on top.

>> No.5210086

You don't know what you're talking about. You're also a liar.

>> No.5210099
File: 23 KB, 463x200, ebrosia_a003843_Artikel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plastic sauce