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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5186760 No.5186760[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>work at restaurant
>your boss tells you to pick out the plastic utensils out of the trash and rinse them in the sink

Would you like hepatitis with that?

>> No.5186772

after working at a couple restaurants, one I guess which would be considered kind of high-end or high-mid (it has a few $50 entrees), people are definitely taking their lives into their own hands when going out to eat

>> No.5186777

i hope you refused. nigga should just get metal forks

>> No.5186779

Why would I refuse if he's paying me?

>> No.5186799

because it's a fuck awful thing to do

>> No.5186862

>bring in a go pro
>catch boss on video/audio telling you to do this
>blackmail him with health code violation threats

>> No.5186864

>>work at restaurant
>>your boss tells you to pick out the plastic utensils out of the trash and rinse them in the sink
Reported to authorities or not?

>> No.5186870

>Why would I refuse if he's paying me?
Becuase they are designed to single use, can't be sanitized to the nature that the public should eat off of them. It's the equivalent of a hospital asking you to rinse syringes to reuse them. It's criminal behavior and illegal, for a good reason.

>> No.5186873

op's a fag

>> No.5186874

I hope this isn't real.

>> No.5186890

ITT: child-like ignorance as to what really happens in restaurants

>> No.5186898

This guy is right. Name that dirty fucker so the DemiGod Anonymous can out his shitty practices.

>> No.5186899

>plastic utensils

I don't think anyone should be eating there anyways

>> No.5186902

>It's the equivalent of a hospital asking you to rinse syringes to reuse them

Watch puncture and you'll regret saying that

>> No.5187079

I wouldn't do it and laugh at him. why op? too busy being an asshole to care?

>> No.5187394

Sounds like a great place to work OP, I'm sure your boss will be beaming when he offers you a 25 cent/hour raise for once you hit 3 years of loyal service.

>> No.5187421

what if he just wants to recycle them and doesn't want them to stink up the place?

>> No.5187427

Well considering you're paid $9-$10/hr, washing a shitty plastic fork worth a few cents isnt worth it.

If there's that much lull, the real jew would give you less hours.

>> No.5187435

He reuses them.

Itsreal, goy.

>> No.5187442

It's worth it when I'm being paid under the table.

I hope you know that when you're eating out, your food and soiled plastic utensils are being handled by laborers working for less than minimum wage.

>> No.5187465

report him to the health inspector.

>> No.5187468

Why would I do that? So I could lose my job?

>> No.5187479


So he gets his shit together.

>> No.5187481

i used to work at a place(Hawaiian Ice Cream) like this for only $6/hr, we rinsed out all plastic cups and straws to reuse for smoothies and other drinks. cockroaches were everywhere and i even have killed some out of the ice cream freezers right before customers walked in.

anyways it was owned by some French dick and was located on a Pier with prices starting at $4 for a scoop

>> No.5187498


being paid less than minimum wage isn't an excuse to be ok with giving people dirty food... it's fucked up and wrong... this is why i only eat homemade food... people are too disgusting/fucked up to be trusted

>> No.5187505

Fucking old italian dude at the local place..

I went to a highly rated popular gelato place and they had tons of stacks of cups. He dropped a cup on the floor which was prob filthy, picked it up, and put it back on top of a stack. I dont go there anymore.

>> No.5187507

It's not like I'm doing it on purpose to spite anyone; I'm doing what I am told. Just because you have a problem with the way my boss does business doesn't mean I'm going to throw away my job.

>> No.5187516


it doesn't matter why you're doing it... people like you are just as much of a problem as people like your boss... you're not a better person than him cuz you're just following his orders...

>> No.5187528

So OP should just get fired and go live on the street for your ideals?

>> No.5187549


op should grow a spine and realize there more important shit than money...

>> No.5187553

tell that to poor people people struggling to get by

>> No.5187556


there's* my bad... if someone told mne to do something i knew was fucked up and wrong i wouldn't...

at the very least op should acknowledge that they aren't any better... their boss should be reported, the place shouldn't be run like that... and people doing fucked up shit to keep getting money and insisting they have no choice/it's ok aren't better than their bosses...

>> No.5187557

Maybe OP should find a new job.

>> No.5187561


so cuz people need money shit like that should just go on? really? you would knowingly feed peopke like that?


>> No.5187578


people* fucking tablet...

shit like that shouldn't just go unchecked and unnoticed just cuz people need money... turning a blind eye to fucked up shit like that and allowing it to go on/participating in it isn't ok...

if more people had spines about shit like that things of that nature wouldn't happen... people like ops boss only get away with that shit cuz there's people like op who willingly do that for them...

>> No.5187613

Easy to say when you're not the one who would end up on the street.

>> No.5187629
File: 56 KB, 179x256, OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about boss
>doesn't do shit about it
I think >>>/r9k/ is more your speed, OP.

>> No.5187632


so you think it's fine then?

>> No.5187633


You'll learn it one day, anon.

>> No.5187636

>Watch puncture and you'll regret saying that
huh?Want to explain what I would regret about saying that?

>> No.5187639

No, but it's hardly realistic to expect someone living on minimum wage to make a stand like that and sacrifice themselves for the benefit of strangers.

>> No.5187640


not to everyone...

>> No.5187644


i wouldn't do that to other people for money...

>> No.5187652

You're acting like this is about greed. It's not about that, it's about being able to have a goddamn roof over your head and not starve. Get that through your skull.

>> No.5187657

believe it or not most of us wouldn't chance doing something to directly kill some kid (who is most likely to use plastic forks anyway people, think about this) to keep our jobs. yes a hitman needs to keep a roof over his head, and the guy who takes a dump on the flat top needs to eat food. theyre both complete assholes though according to most people. don't act surprise when you get backlash for being a dipshit.

>> No.5187658

>He dropped a cup on the floor which was prob filthy, picked it up, and put it back on top of a stack. I dont go there anymore.
I pretty much do the same thing. I walk out when I see that kind of behavior. And, 9 times out of 10, it's the owner, not a young kid who may not have any training.

I saw the owner of a sandwich shop taking the plates of lemon wedges, setting them just about 2 minutes underneath the counter, as if he was throwing them out. Then, in a suitable amount of time, he would move them down the counter, underneath, scoop them back into the container of lemon wedges, stir it, then reach in with his hands, take a couple out, put it on the plate, and place it under the counter again. Then, very discreetly set them down as the next diner arrived. Seriously disgusting. The point is if he needs to save that 15 cents of lemon wedges that other people have touched? No telling what monkey business is going on in the kitchen.

I've seen chinese buffets pour tear back into containers from diners tables.
Of course, bread baskets are often reloaded from touched, but uneaten baskets from tables. I see too many buffet things to even mention. One thing is for sure, if it's not a hotel brunch with chefs parked around the buffet, carving, making omelets, handing out plates, then you have zero personnel that actually stop people from refilling a plate that they had eaten from. A quality buffet will remove anything that could taint their food immediately, if they see an infraction.

>> No.5187660

>Easy to say when you're not the one who would end up on the street.
All you have to do is call the local authority, health department, and say you dined such and such, and everyone at your table was given greasy previously used plastic cutlery, spots on the glasses, and they physically saw an employee going into to the trash. And, that furthermore, they experienced diarrhea that night.

Bam, inspection. Trust me when an inspector will know if cutlery is clean.

>> No.5187662

There's a difference between saying something is right, and not demanding that a minimum wage slave take the fall for their boss. If anyone is fucked in the head here, it's you.

>> No.5187714


honestly even if op wanted to be a pussy about it there's always this option >>5187660

i know myself well enough to know i would've immediately without even thinking about my job said something when that happened... and if i got fired it'd just be even more of a reason to not only tell health inspectors, but anyone who would listen... you think that shit wouldn't get positive attention? bullshit... the news eats stories like that up and so do people...

caring more about a shitty job than other people isn't ok...

>> No.5187725


+ that waittress who said she got stiffed for a tip for being gay got donations and attention... and she didn't even get fired... bitch still had a job... you really think someone getting fired for other people's health wouldn't get shit if they were loud enough about it?

>> No.5187757

Sounds like your boss is an Iranian kike.

>> No.5187795

I worked in a 7-Eleven. Boss told me not to sell phone credit to immigrants and "homeless" looking people. He kept food way beyond what is't supposed to. And sold broken stuff like empty lighters.

I felt really uncomfortable, and quit, fuck him.

>> No.5187843

of course he doesn't, he'll take any excuse to do horrible shit to people under the guise of not getting fired.

>> No.5187875

>It's the equivalent of a hospital asking you to rinse syringes to reuse them

No it's not, it's the equivalent of a hospital asking you to rinse something you put in patients mouths.

>> No.5187881
File: 8 KB, 162x276, 1389315702408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh libertarianism muh free market fuck minimum wage workers lol :DD


>> No.5187891

>guy who takes a dump on the flat top

>> No.5187902
File: 1022 KB, 303x194, 1383166842820.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work at a deli for middle eastern guy
>cake expires
>ready to toss it out
>"what are you doing, anon?"
>ends up having me cut it up into slices and sell at a discount

Stupid non-muslim faggots I hope you think of me the next time you're having projectile diarrhea.

>> No.5187927

What's the expiration date on a cake based on? Is it defined by a law or the bakery that sells it to you? Is it moldy or rancid or just stale?

>> No.5187966

He doesn't know because he made the story up.

>> No.5188031

>everyone at your table was given greasy previously used plastic cutlery, spots on the glasses, and they physically saw an employee going into to the trash

"Hello, health department? Yes, please inspect this restaurant -- here's all of the things I did that were against code. Please ask my boss to fire me."

How did you not see that?

>> No.5188037

You don't have to tell them you work there or who you are.

>> No.5188051


Let me lay it out for you:

>boss asks you to do something against code
>you do it
>you anonymously call health department and report it
>health inspector comes in and tells owner about complaints
>instead of saying "Oh I'm sorry Mr. Health Inspector, that was shitty of me," owner says "Sorry sir, it was that fuckup I've employed (you). He'll be fired today."

>> No.5188060

Then you contact the health department and the dept. of labor and tell them your boss told you to go against the code and laid the blame on you.

Then you make a big stink and get a cash settlement. The American Way.

>> No.5188075


Most people don't want to do this for a variety of reasons:

>it can take forever
>if you lose you're fucked with legal fees
>if a lawyer says you have no case you just lost your job for nothing
>if you bankrupt your employer all of your coworkers are now unemployed and they'll blame you for it

For some reason people on the internet are always like "they can't do that it's illegal!" while ignoring the fact that the legal system is a huge crock of shit and its generally impractical to get anything done.

>> No.5188084


Yeah, except its not your boss thats doing it - its you

>> No.5188092


I seriously hope I never learn that, well done for turning the planet into a hellhole anon.

>> No.5188108

money is more or less essential, you may as well be arguing food and water is less important than morality and ethics

your dream world is only possible if everyone's food and shelter were subsidized, and that will never ever happen for a variety of good and bad reasons

>> No.5188173

Didn't make it up.

The cakes we got were delivered with an expiry date printed on the package.

>> No.5188327

>OP states that he is working under the table
I don't understand what complaining to the Department of Labor is going to do for him.

>> No.5188334

>Not starving to death for your ideals

You are weak

>> No.5188432


> what are soup kitchens, food pantries, donations?