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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 140 KB, 550x393, schoollunch1-thumb-550x393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5164345 No.5164345[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you, /ck/?

>> No.5164351

All but that canned fruit abomination, unless I was starving to death.

>> No.5164356

Rectangle soft pizza. Fuuuuuuck yes.

>> No.5164360
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>> No.5164366
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You know you would....

>> No.5164375

Damn elementary school food was the shit.

Then it got ok around middle school.

High school was ass

>> No.5164379

where can you buy those prison tray plates, they seem fun to eat off.

>> No.5164382
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>> No.5164383

Hot damn I would...

>> No.5164387

Grew up in northern new mexico.
All the food was cooked from scratch by local grandmas.
Green Chile (pretty fucking hot)almost every day since 1st grade.
When hamburger day the buns are made from scratch.
Food was amazing. Kids always cleaned their plates.
Still horrible canned fruit though.

>> No.5164390


Get the rice outta here and we'll talk. And loose the iceberg, its water anyway.
Yes. I want a green apple though.


I get round plates from the camping section, they are tough and have sections for when you have picky company

>> No.5164391

I will never understand why schools choose to give shitty food on grounds that the kids refuse to eat real healthy food. Part of a school's responsibility is to teach discipline. You eat it, or you wear a giant sign at school for a week saying you're a horrible person for wasting good, healthy food so that other kids point and laugh at you.

>> No.5164430

.....yeah, let's make sociopaths.

>> No.5164434


would take the pretzel and milk, and throw out the rest


I guess, probably not any worse than if I made that shit at home


would rather starve

No wonder I got fat in school. I cannot believe I used to consider food like this acceptable.

>> No.5164438
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>> No.5164443
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Soup with potatoes, buckwheat, cutleta (sausage patty), and a pickle.

>> No.5164446





>> No.5164450
File: 49 KB, 400x300, japanschoollunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread filled with curry, chicken with a tomato sauce and pasta, omelette, potato salad, green beans, apple, tomato.

>> No.5164465
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>> No.5164468

our school always got pizza hut, papa john's and dominos (pizza day was three days a week). apparently everyone else got those rectangles?

we also had a snack bar (in middle school) with fresh soft pretzels and other horrible-for-you snack cake/chip whatever goodies.

in high school there was a salad bar which was pretty awesome.

and dat chocolate milk

>> No.5164469
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You can probably find your old school on this website.

>> No.5164474

Those burgers tho

>> No.5164475


>> No.5164479
File: 50 KB, 320x240, lunch12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Country: Czech Republic

Contents: Vegetable soup, potatoes and fried cheese with tartar sauce and parsley, and juice.

>> No.5164483
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>> No.5164510
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Some breakfast love

>> No.5164517

That looks just so sad

>> No.5164519

>three sticks
>no sausage
>no syrup
What kinda poor-ass school is this

>> No.5164540

Canada here are school lunches really a thing in the states? Up here we had to sign a form and pay the school for pizza days once a month and that money funded band trips etc. This all looks so unhealthy and wasteful.

>> No.5164681

I'll let you in on a little secret; the food never changed!

>> No.5164686

I'm Canada too. In elementary schools we would alternate hot dogs or pizza for Friday lunch but never had that weird shit I see these guys posting. Always thought that was something that only existed in cartoons.

>> No.5164689

would if cheese wasn't so disgusting or was removed

>> No.5164693

pretty small quantity(by non merifat standards)
looks good though, would

>> No.5164696

That looks good to me
But then again, I like 7-11 nachos, sooo....

>> No.5164699

Yeah. American public school food is typically garbage and heavily subsidized. Im certain many people wouldn't mind paying 4 bucks for decent, healthy food.

Most of the food ended up in the trash anyway.

>> No.5164713

I can understand why america is such a fat fucking nation just from looking at this.

I can't understand why you fucks are stupid enough to bring your kids up on this shit though.

I'm not even a health nut. I do eat unhealthily. But this everyday? Fuck me even I find that disgusting.

>> No.5164735


No wonder America is such shit.

>> No.5164768

all this genetically modified poison drenched monsanto prison food

>> No.5164796

I did for like grades k-12

actually I take that back, at some point in high school spicy chicken patties became an option and I'd dip those in a tray compartment filled with ketchup. And you could get 2 eggrolls for a buck. And I often sold the milk and bought a fruitopia.

>> No.5164802

several school districts are banning lunches from home, so not much option really unless the kids want to starve

>> No.5164810

Hot damn, sounds like either you are from Taos/Santa Fe and your school was loaded, or you lucked the fuck out.

/Las Cruces

>> No.5164830
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w-whats that in the middle

>> No.5164846


joining the guessing game... farmington? my mother grew up out there and it sounds like the stories she would tell.

>> No.5164849

No way! If that was served to prisoners it would be considered cruel and unusual treatment, it's apparently ok for kids though as school lunch.

>> No.5164855

I would, though I enjoyed my high school food more. We were a pretty privileged school, and had a pretty sizable food court. Nothing name brand, but you could get awesome fresh made carry out style pizza and fries at one place, another had some bad ass beef crispitos with cheese, and a few other items. Another with loaded baked potatoes with all the usual potato bar toppings, or you could be a faggot and go to the salad bar. My daily meal was 2 slices of pizza, 2 fries, then swing by the crispito line and grab a cup of cheese for my fries. Then I'd pick up a chocolate milk, zebra cake, and sometimes a snickers ice cream bar. I spent like $15 a day for school lunch, lol.

>> No.5164869

>All that fries with bread and maybe some rice on top and a bag of chips as vegetables
I'd go on a low carb diet too if this is how I was raised.

>> No.5164872

Are you kidding? I would've paid money for that as my lunch when I was at school.

Here in Australia most kids get packed lunches. For me that meant some shitty junkfood bar for recess and a sandwich with vegemite or peanut butter or something for lunch.
Every single fucking day for 10 years.

The days I got left overs or a lettuce + tomato + cheese sandwich or something for lunch where the best.

>> No.5164882

I'd have just a sandwich and some fruit too but school was over at 1 or 2 pm and I'd get dinner at home. I think that's a better idea than gobbling down most of the food poster here.

>> No.5164885
File: 474 KB, 180x108, tell me why.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO, you have no idea. I went to a secondary school over 3,000 kids. They got rid of gatorade vending machines, otis spunkmeyer muffins, and the "good" chocolate chip cookies (changed to a healthier recipe then switched back because they didn't sell). They turned off vending machines during school hours. The price of canned juice went from 75 cents to a dollar and water bottles from a dollar to 75 cents.

They realized no one was buying water since juice was cheaper imagine that? Plenty of working water fountains so I don't know why they were stressing over selling this water. Our school and the other secondary school in our area were the only schools that actually fried fries instead of baking them. Fries, pizza, salads and subs with strange looking meat were sold everyday. They allowed each class to alternate selling doughnuts on Friday's to fund raise and I don't remember when but they opened at some point they opened up a concession stand after school that was normally just used for indoor sporting events and selling yearbooks at the end of the year.

Story time.

>In chemistry class after lunch
>guy next to me eating one of those muffins before they got rid of them
>Teacher (who btw sold diet soda to students) how many calories are in that muffin? >For one serving or two?
>I don't understand two servings of what?
>t-two servings of muffin...
>there are two servings of muffin in one muffin?

My younger brother still goes there and he told me they bought back the gatorade machines. mfw pic related

>> No.5164887

I was more referring to the pic than the other ones, I fucking love lasagne. Though I'd happily eat the food in the other pics as well.

School here ended 1530 (primary) then 1545 (high school) and then I'd go home and not get dinner until like 1900.

Remembering my childhood is just remembering being hungry and having poor nutrition.

>> No.5164889

I have no fucking idea what you just said.

>> No.5164893


Fat and unhealthy but still the most important country in the world. I would be bitter too if I didn't live here.

>> No.5165026

shots fired

>> No.5165029

god no

maybe the soft pretzel and the pizza

>> No.5165033
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>tfw going to shitty innercity highschool
>we would all team up and bust open vendingmachines and tip them over for free snacks and drinks
>black kids always got in trouble

and statistically speaking, the majority of those black kids are either grown up and in jail/dead

>> No.5165041

when our one old lunch lady died my school hired a professional who could actually cook. he even roasted a bunch of turkeys on the last day of school before thanksgiving. everyone loved him and kids who normally brought their lunches started buying meal tickets. then the next year they got rid of him and replaced him with a mexican woman who just reheated frozen shit to save money.

>> No.5165050


It changed a LOT between the three schools for me. Highschool was the best, actually. Middle school was an improvement from elementary. Elementary, shit except for the baguette+marinara.

>> No.5165094


you are a terrible human being, also I lol'd

>> No.5165099

I'm wondering where the cheese goes...

>> No.5165101
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>> No.5165102

Is that prison food?

>> No.5165122

It's kinda funny that my work cafeteria food isn't even any better than my middle school cafeteria and people still gobble that vile shit up like there's nothing wrong.

When foget my lunch, I get the two things that I know are actually kinda made to-order, but everyone else just drops $4 on the same "special" they've been reheating for the past week. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.5165132
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>> No.5165141
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>> No.5165144

No, OP. My mother lovingly cooked my lunch every morning and I would bring it to school. It wasn't just sandwiches either. I'm asian so it was always rice with a side dish or two. Seriously, seeing these pics of horrible school lunches depresses me. They seem very impersonal. Kinda like prison food, even.

>> No.5165165
File: 458 KB, 450x450, 78lunch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5165169
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Gyro,milk, and pudding.

>> No.5165171

At my school lunch was served with a side of fries or tater tots every day

>> No.5165181
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>> No.5165191

I would eat all that shit

>> No.5165235
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>> No.5165238
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I found the pizza they served at my middle and high school. It came with a bag of sun chips, jalapeños, and a carton of juice.

>> No.5165242

When I was a kid, we used to say American kids eat fries every day at school, but in the end we dismissed it as a horrible generalization and a bad joke.

I was wrong.

I don't think we ever had pizza or fries at school. Or if we did, it was very, very rare.

>> No.5165243
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>> No.5165263


Oh man we had those same burgers I think. They taste so strange but in a delicious way. We also had these spicy chicken sandwiches that were pretty good.

Needless to say though by mid high-school everybody just skipped lunch, snacked on tater tots, or went off-campus

>> No.5165282

It doesn't help when you can get a big serving of fries for less than a $1.50 and a cup of fruit about the size of your fist is $4. Not to mention, if you're poor, the only thing you get is the daily lunch, which is the shit people have been posting.

>> No.5165374

what you look like anon?

>> No.5165387

yeah i noticed that shit too!
like a bottle of 1 person on-the-go juice saying "2 serves" the fuck is that?

>> No.5165397

i remember everyone was always jealous of the asian kid with the delicious smelling packed lunch

>> No.5165392

The people who are dissing this lunches don't understand that most schools that serve this stuff, the student's families are poor enough that they don't eat any better at home.

In any event, the predominance of french fries, burgers, institutional pizza, etc. is because of agricultural subsidies, and the persistent drumbeat of fast food culture.

The most inexplicable part to me is dessert. When did our society decide that dessert was to be changed from an occasional luxury to something that has to be included with every lunch and dinner (and given what people eat for breakfast nowadays, it's basically replaced the first meal).

I'm so glad I grew up in a family that didn't let me eat that shit all the time. As an adult I do not eat dessert-type foods except during holiday seasons. I'm still unhealthy but I think I managed to get myself under control before I became uncontrollably obese.

>> No.5165399



It's nice that it hits the food groups and the specific grams of each it needs, but can't American school systems be more healthy about it?

>> No.5165402

id eat this every day if i were an autist

>> No.5165407

As an adult, there is no way I'd eat that. Dry, flavorless rice? Iceberg lettuce with raw tomato "salad"? Neon-bright "cheese" nachos?
I must be the only person in the thread who actually doesn't dislike canned peaches though.

>> No.5165414


No. The reason other countries can do it is because they deal with a smaller mass. Even if the U.S. were no longer in debt, it would be nearly impossible to provide each school with nutritional lunches .

>> No.5165421

>The people who are dissing this lunches don't understand that most schools that serve this stuff, the student's families are poor enough that they don't eat any better at home.

That doesn't make any sense at all. Cooking proper food from scratch is cheaper than buying TV-dinner type food. I'll agree with your thought that "fast food culture" is part of the problem though. As is the lack of cooking knowledge, which goes right along with the fast-food culture.

A $5 meal from a fast-food restaurant is not much money on an absolute scale. But when you consider that you can get so much more by cooking from scratch for that same $5 it becomes a very bad deal.

>>The most inexplicable part to me is dessert

>> No.5165436

hint: its food subsidies

>> No.5165451

Just because cooking and eating healthy is cheaper than eating fast food doesn't mean that it's what poor people do.
Poor-people logic is that they want to spend the least time possible on things which are non-paying work, since they already work ridiculous hours to make do, and want to fill their non-work time with as much enjoyable mindless leisure as possible to make them forget that they are poor and life is short and ugly.
They also tend to be broken families with no cooking culture to speak of. Obtaining cooking culture is something that requires money and investment of years, something that the earnestly poor people can't provide easily.

>> No.5165471

>Just because cooking and eating healthy is cheaper than eating fast food doesn't mean that it's what poor people do.

That's true, but only to a certain extent. I would argue that someone who can afford to eat fast food for every meal is not truly poor.

> Obtaining cooking culture is something that requires money and investment of years,

Not necissarily. When I moved out to go to college I started down the usual American path--ate a lot of fast food because I didn't know any better. I had only the most basic cooking knowledge before I moved out--I could fry an egg and boil pasta and that's about it. But, when going over my budget one day and realizing how much money I was spending on bad food I simply decided to change. Instead of buying a hamburger at the local fast-food place I bought some ground beef and read in a cookbook how to make a hamburger. I then repeated that for various other meals I liked. Of course my first few attempts weren't anything noteworthy but the cost savings were immediate.

>> No.5165474

if poor people who only make 36k a year and can hardley afford 50 dollars in fast food a day were to say that poverty people must eat dick because they are so poor and must eat better food. those poor 36k a year people could get away with getting jobs created to force feed poor people DIRTY dicks cuz they are much healthier then clean dicks

>> No.5165481

>life is short and ugly
Phrases like this are funny. If life is so ugly as you claim, why are you sad that it is short?

>> No.5165484

Well, you'll notice most pessimists and melancholics of the world don't actually kill themselves.
If nothing else, the human instinct to survive is more powerful than ennui.

>> No.5165485

>several school districts are banning lunches from home


>> No.5165490

the poor people you described are the ones who make decent money but are always poor because they have to spend like a rich person.

>> No.5165496
File: 1.60 MB, 503x259, 1390429834641.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those fucking "nachos"

>> No.5165508

>why are you sad that it is short?

When did he say he was sad about it being short? It could have been a simple statement, not a complaint.

>> No.5165509

Do people generally consider $36k poor? It's definitely not "middle class" but that's probably more than a third of US households make.

>> No.5165513

schools is all "we need forced lunches parents pay for so your kidds can eat healthy food in school!"

haha sucker we just wanted a raise. tell your kid to enjoy that shitty food we are forcing you to pay for. and if you dont. well your kid will be shamed. wanna fuck with us government school board members? dont pull any poor poverty sob stories! my poor secritary only makes 50 dollars an hour and obviously is even more poverty stricken then you!

>> No.5165520

looks ten times better than stuff i had to eat at a hospital

>> No.5165533

they give you trays for food in school in America like in some fucking prison?

we europoors have plates (not plastic)

>> No.5165539

I stayed a whole month at a hospital once, and I would much prefer those foods to majority of what is presented here, or what I ate at school when I was a kid.
Hospital food is institutional food, but at least they have some idea of healthiness, and can make vegetables that don't taste abominable. Also I could get multiple choices, which is much better than the single choice that school food provided.

>> No.5165545

What's wrong with trays? The main issue I see is the increase in solid waste, but school cafeterias here could not nearly afford to have a full dishwashing complement just for that sake.

>> No.5165546
File: 40 KB, 640x480, dzisiejszy-obiad-szpitalny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must have been in some good hospital

>> No.5165550

it feels like prison

>> No.5165554

it is if you are a secritary government worker that clicks up with other government workers to get more money i mean "to look out for you". you know forced school lunches claiming its healthier for growing kids. and then providing even shittier quality food while creating more jobs and causing the group of people who masterminded the idea to get another raise.

>> No.5165565

those are called cafeteria trays. stop trying to start a comity to raise taxes because you know what prison is like.

how about. hey are you seem like the type of person who if you have a problem you will go to the extreme to prove your right even if its obvious your just being retarded

>> No.5165573

lower class brown forced slave labor poor people work and do a good job.

poor people who make 5 times more then forced slave pay laborers are the ones who spend as much time as possible doing mindless things spending money to keep themselves happy making money from the labor of poverty stricken people. obviously poverty stricken people. considering 30 an hour is considered poor people wages or some shit

>> No.5165579
File: 28 KB, 503x307, 1391534351595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on Finland's level

>> No.5165580

There is no stigma in the USA about trays, so you can stop being so alarmist.
If nothing else, they've gotten used to eating from trays due to TV dinners.

>> No.5165582

>they've gotten used to eating from trays

like my dog

>> No.5165587

Seems like a bunch of ill educated euro trash here does not even know that pizza is a vegetable.

>> No.5165585

sauce looks like shit

>> No.5165589
File: 54 KB, 550x447, kouluruoka_HRU_ru[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit costs about 30 euro cents on average to produce

get the fuck on Finland's level

>> No.5165593

Stupid amerifat not knowing the pleasure of eating newspaper and beet salads for every meal

>> No.5165594

I couldn't find my old high school on the list. No matter, as the food essentially looked like any of the others on this list.

If I recall correctly, the food was still pretty good when I was in elementary school. One of the cooks actually took the time to season the food, so we would up getting pretty good chicken patties and mozzarella sticks.

In junior high, the quality of the food dropped a little bit, but they made up for it by adding an a-la-carte line and an enormous condiment cart (seriously, they had anything you could imagine. Horseradish, wasabi, "boom boom" sauce...which was odd, considering it was a ghetto junior high school filled with picky eaters).

High school was a disappointment, though. No more condiment cart, and the hamburgers were terrifying. At least they had a salad bar (and a freezer full of ice cream sandwiches). Not to mention the homemade hummus.

>> No.5165595

looks decent and is served on a plate, not some tray like dog food

>> No.5165598

>2 carbs
>no protein

>> No.5165603

there's milk! chocolate, so more carbs for you

>> No.5165604

>tfw private school
>tfw god tier pasta dishes and stews erry day

>> No.5165606

>pasta dishes every day
>god tier

top kek captcha: homeless agoipan

>> No.5165607

but anon! that looks more complicated then putting food in a steamer for a few hours. and mexicans are not allowed to cook childrens school lunches

>> No.5165608
File: 29 KB, 466x288, 1391534964697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's very decent for a free meal

ever since I was a kid I would frown upon plebs complaining about the meals we were served

>> No.5165610

I envy you. All I had to eat at school was some soup and sweet buns

>> No.5165612

but anon! that looks more complicated then putting food in a steamer for a few hours. who will do the labor? mexicans from mexico are not allowed to cook childrens school lunches

>> No.5165613

I'd like to ask a question:
Why do you have milk or chocolate milk instead of water? Water is cheaper, hasn't got any fat, and it's the most natural thing you can drink.
So why in every cartoon or film or whatever do we see men going to drink milk?
(I am Italian, so I sincerely don't fathom it)

>> No.5165616

> 0.30 euro per tray to produce
Yeah, I seriously don't believe that.
> free meal
There is no such thing as a free meal. The money was taken from elsewhere.

Don't take what I said as an indictment, this is clearly vastly better than what he get in the USA. But if you passed the full cost to the student like they do here, this would not be cheaper than the $1.90 I paid for school lunch back in the day.
And most school cafeterias don't have glassware or silverware or plates or anything because they do not have the facilities or workers to do dishwashing on that level. To add that in, if it is possible given space constraints, would raise prices quite a bit. And you'd worry about kids breaking them as well...
>>5165595 needs to extricate his culturally-ignorant head from his ass and face the pragmatic benefits of plastic/paper trays.

>> No.5165615

Pasta/Stew/Jacket Potato every day if you wanted it, and then they served a centrepiece meal for the day too, usually a roast meat or Casserole.

Days when they made fresh pizza was pretty cool too. Only problem is the headmaster had this obsession with not serving chips/fries, so we had chips once in about 4 years. I remember we went to another school after a rugby game and they served us Grouse once.

>> No.5165617

Get that corn out of the picture and I'll go to town on that lunch.

>> No.5165619

because vitamins

>> No.5165620

for you m8

>> No.5165622

I never understood why other societies think that milk is somehow unmanly.
But clearly it's because dairy production is huge in the USA and institutional milk is ingrained in the culture.
Americans love milk, we were told that it was the best way to build calcium and vitamin D for kids, so it became just common sense to use it in place of sugary fruit juice, or even worse, soda.

>> No.5165625

>pragmatic benefits of plastic/paper trays.

yeah, my dog can eat from them

>> No.5165628

but chocolate milk is usually loaded with sugar

>> No.5165641

I do not say that it isn't healthy, I just wonder why all of the photo whom I see here haven't any water bottle in it. Is it water free in the USA? Can you drink it from the tap in school?

>> No.5165642

If it is, we collectively fail to notice it being as sweet as juices or sodas.
I for one never was a fan of chocolate milk and did not drink it much if at all.

>> No.5165646

I wouldn't say unmanly, childish if anything. Back in elementary school we'd get milk (chocolate or vanilla) delivered to the class room every day, but that wasn't for dinner. But since I was 10 no one ever offered milk in school anymore. It does seem very stupid to have teenagers drink milk with their fries, pizza, chips and cheese potatoes.

>> No.5165648

maybe schools order sugarfree chocolate milk, I don't know. but the ones that are here in stores are filled with sugar

>> No.5165652

I went to school in two states and both had chocolate milk with HFCS in.

>> No.5165650

it's only pretending. Like those fat fuckers who ask for diet coke to their double supreme whatevers in fast foods.

>well, it's fries and burgers, but at least there are some vitamins in this milk, so that's ok!

>> No.5165651

It's very probable that you can get something other than milk in all schools nowadays, since there are people with lactose intolerance. But they don't serve tap water with lunch at any of the schools I went to.
We're operating under a bit of delusion that milk in the lunch makes the lunch healthy. If we took the final step and replaced milk, we'd notice that school diets don't significantly differ from fast food restaurants, which have never been a prime mover of milk.

>> No.5165657


it's even worse than sugar

>> No.5165659


>> No.5165660

HFCS is primary cause for diabetis B in modern societies

>> No.5165661

only 5% worse

unless you count the trace mercury

>> No.5165664

I mean diabetis II

also, it's one of the main causes for obesity.

>> No.5165671

it's added sweeteners in general. the only thing that's really worse about HFCS is that it's significantly cheaper so we use more of it

>> No.5165675

its glycemic index is horrible. And it's added pretty much to everything.

one of primary things that makes your kids fat

>> No.5165678

Who vegetable now?

>> No.5165679

>one of the main causes for obesity
do you realize how stupid that sounds

>> No.5165683

water is one dollar for maybe 16 ounce bottle. you are not supposed to drink tap water because that means your poor. and only poor people work for minimum wage. if your white and rich/with no money instead of working minimum wage paying jobs you get on white people foodstamps for as long as it takes you to make over 20 an hour. white people food stamps last forever with no reductions or anything even if you are physically fit. if your not white food stamps only last 3 months if your not seriously injured. but no. your not supposed to drink tap water unless you spend money

>> No.5165687

It's only really used widely in America or Canada though. Plenty of obese diabetics here in Europe too.

>> No.5165690



>> No.5165694

>It's only really used widely in America or Canada though

nope. at least here pretty much everything has it. pretty much every juice, sweet milk, even ketchup replaced sugar with it, becuase it's much cheaper

>> No.5165697

>White and rich with no money :(
That is so depressing.

>> No.5165720

the cause of obesity in america is mexicans and immigrants! how many mexicans working a field are fat? how many americans who make over 3 times minimum wage sitting at a desk are fat? alot. damn mexicans are the cause of all problems in america!!!!!

>> No.5165727
File: 25 KB, 265x400, 3216513651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that glass of milk
get on Americas level

>> No.5165730

Isn't a shit diet the cause for obesity?

>> No.5165733

A diet high in HFCS is a shit diet.

>> No.5165734

no single food causes obesity, until someone discovers a food with like 500,000 kcal per serving

>> No.5165741

yeah if your handicapped or physically unable to move around much or if your just a lazy fuck. yeah shit diets make people fat.

america should make two seperate diets. one for fattys who want everybody to eat like if they are lethargic like them. and then a second diet for people who have to do all the actual physical labor. you know. actual real life skill and physical activity. i know i know. "but i get all my exercise curling fried doughnuts to my fat face all day

>> No.5165744

A diet high in sugar is a shit diet as well

>> No.5165748

I never implied otherwise.

>> No.5165757

So then what's the difference between HFCS and sugar?

>> No.5165765

It's all motivated by money and fueled by ignorance/apathy. Your average lunch-lady doesn't know dick about nutrition or cooking - and the ones who do and try to change things for the better either get ignored or can't find the funding.

In schools where they try to institute healthier lunch programs, the kids just refuse to eat the stuff. They've been trained to want junk food, and so it's no surprise that they become adults and continue eating junk food. Eventually they have kids of their own who go to school and eat junk food and nobody cares because it's always been that way.

Go ahead - start a movement to put a salad bar in your local highschool with fresh veggies. Watch 500 kids ignore it and line up for nachos.

>> No.5165776

My school had a salad bar. It was visited quite frequently.

>> No.5165777
File: 38 KB, 450x450, 1391538874453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Apparently this is what my old highschool is serving these days. It actually used to be a lot worse.

>> No.5165780


bravo school

>> No.5165784

carbs carbs fatty cheese and sugar. seems legit and healthier then lunch meat sandwich and a fresh apple.

no i dont want to pay some one 5 bucks to slice my apple and leave it out until it turns brown and then serve it to me

>> No.5165785


Seriously man. I can just hear whatever board-meeting determined that that is a healthy lunch.

>Do we have at least one serving of fruits and vegetables?
>Absolutely! We've got grapes, orange juice, AND tater tots!
>Wow, they'll be getting so much vitamin C, we're fantastic at our jobs.

I won't even speak about the corn dog and the pudding. That speaks for itself. Just look at that fucking pudding.

>> No.5165787

i've cared about how I ate against my family and school's ways since early-mid high school. if they had had a salad bar there instead of a canteen serving up pies, sausage rolls and lollies I might have actually eaten their shit instead of bringing fruit and a sandwich every day from home.
Every kid being brought up to crave shitty food is a Murricah thing.

>> No.5165788

Dear god. My old high school went all natural. They even have locally grown, fresh vegetables now. Public school btw. I'm genuinely impressed.

>> No.5165794


>Every kid being brought up to crave shitty food is a Murricah thing.

Oh, yeah I agree. I only meant American schools, should've been more clear.

>> No.5165831

>elementary school
>served us half-frozen pizza once
>rest of time it was merely room temperature

>high school
>you do not get the burger if you want to live
>fat and gristle and grease, I don't even know if it was actual cow or if they put rats in a blender
>tiny fruit cup in thick syrup
>most kids got second fries
>most kids got chips and a cookie
>canned mush vegetables that tasted like diarrhea ass
>rotten fruit
>white dinner roll
>chicken patty which was like mashed up tendons and joints and idk chicken assholes, came frozen, they just had to reheat it
>still either burned or cold
>on a white roll with nothing else

Thank god I'm out of school. If you made me a kid again and put me back in grade school I'd have to go hungry every day. Never again.

Fucking murrka.

>> No.5165834

that it's being added to pretty much everything because it makes you like the product more and it's so cheap that i's even used in products that shouldn't even be sweet.

>> No.5165857

the meeting was more like. well now that we got extra tax dollars for better food for the kids i now realize none of use are getting paid to be nutritionists. fuck it! tax payers fault. lets give everybody raises so the government dont take back its tax money haha

>> No.5165859

shitty unhealthy forced school lunches that always got me sick made me ditch school and become a delinquint

>> No.5165871

school give me more money so your kids can "eat healthy!" haha here eat these grease and salt ladden tater tots 3 days a week while we tell you how unhealthy mcdonalds is for you. dont like it? take us to court and see how far you get. my buddy is the supervisor wink wink we will make your life hell

>> No.5165892

look at all the sweets and fried food.

is it really that hard to put meat on bread with some veggies and whole fruit on the side without going over board with veggies so you can say. oh look kids dont eat all ten pounds of fucking lettuce we gave per sandwich. kids dnt like healthy food! ah i just found an excuse to get out of working in an assembly line like a dirty mexican putting sandwichs together.

>> No.5165899

my school had a salad bar. it was cheaper to ditch school and go to a burger joint

>> No.5165901

Private school master race reporting in.

I remember the prison slop that was public school lunches when I went there briefly in elementary.

Moving on from that to a decent private school was like getting paroled early and having a personal chef cook for you in your halfway house

>> No.5165904

if HFCS didn't exist, people would just add sugar to everything instead.

>> No.5165906


Yes I would...

burn it with gasoline.

>> No.5165934

>2014 cant be bothered to put effort into making decent forced public school lunches unless its to make a untoasted plain bread and cheese sandwich and a bill for a dollar just to shame the kid and parent for not forcing the kid to eat school food

>> No.5165957


Fuck you, my parents are dirt poor, not my fault.

Now I'm a starving uni kid, but still manage to eat well shopping and cooking for myself.

It isn't even money, just stupidity and laziness, that causes school lunches to be such shit. You can make oatmeal, chili, rice and beans, eggs, potatoes, all manner of soup and stew, for pennies a serving. And the schools act like they serve frozen prepackaged shit because they're oh so broke muh budget gib monies please. While the lazy incompetent asshole administrators drive BMWs. Learn to fucking cook. Just thinking about it gets me all sorts of mad.

>> No.5165970

>It isn't even money, just stupidity and laziness, that causes school lunches to be such shit. You can make oatmeal, chili, rice and beans, eggs, potatoes, all manner of soup and stew, for pennies a serving. And the schools act like they serve frozen prepackaged shit because they're oh so broke muh budget gib monies please. While the lazy incompetent asshole administrators drive BMWs. Learn to fucking cook. Just thinking about it gets me all sorts of mad.

I totally agree man. But the issue really starts at the home. Most of these kids are fest McD's on a weekly basis, eat pizza and fried chicken at home, and drink sugar-laden drinks instead of water.

If they grow up with that kind of diet they aren't going to want the healthier stuff at school.

tl;dr: unhealthy lazy parents are the source

>> No.5165980

i prefer sandwiches over school lunches. if forced to eat school lunch. i would prefer to go hungry or sneak candy while being lied to about how healthy that forced school slop is

>> No.5166000

rich enough not to have to work but poor enough to qualify for 200 a month in food stamps without a doctors note saying you are unable to work. brown people have to have a doctors note. whites do not. interesting huh. mexicans are expected to do hard labor. master race watches. interesting huh

>> No.5165999


I'm the anon who posted that lunch. The school is Stony Point Highschool in Texas, and when I graduated several years back we had 5,000 students attending between grades 9-12.

Needless to say, that's a lotta kids. I was never surprised that the lunch was shitty, it just always depressed me. You described it perfectly - sweets and fried food. Most kids would eat a bag of chips and a chocolate chip cookie and nothing else, maybe wash it down with a soda or some lemonade. The only thing semi-palatable were the chicken sandwiches and on occasion our mexican lunch-ladies would make these amazing enchiladas. Why they weren't a permanent thing on the menu I'll never understand - probably money.

We had whole fruit, if you count apples. I recall nobody ever touching them and just going back for second helpings of french fries.

>> No.5166002

God knows I would

>> No.5166008

[citation needed]

>> No.5166016

check it out. if you know some physically fit white person who gets all their bills paid by someone else. have them apply for foodstamps and say your looking for work. they will never have to prove they applyed for any jobs and can et benifits for as long as they reapply. have a mexican looking american go apply and they will get turned down. unless they have a doctors note. ten they are good for three months until the threats from government workers start coming. and you better have anther doctors note within three months or else your fucked and have to repay your ebt. lol

>> No.5166024

the food stamp office wont admit it. you have to associate with multiple races for a long time to figure it out. i think thats why they ask you what race you are that way the government knows how to properly treat you

>> No.5166027

Oh yeah in america if anyone even thinks you're different/worse than the others you make a sociopath.
God knows how kids these days even have the balls to get out of bed.

>> No.5166028

Spaghetti was my favorite, they gave huge carlic rolls with it.

>> No.5166039

Also being the most represented county in media isn't an achievement when the media is controlled by the kikes in your country.

>> No.5166053


You're giving China a little too much credit, although they are booming lately. The USA remains more important on a global scale both politically and militarily. American culture is also far more pervasive. Your speculation about the Jews is irrelevant, because the end result is the same.

However times are changing and in 10 years you may be correct, though it's more likely for India, Brazil, and a few others to fill the gap.

China a shit. Let me know when they can into force projection.

>> No.5166062

Aren't they building a super carrier or somesuch though.

>mfw it's probably shit

>> No.5166063
File: 69 KB, 480x640, p24dDl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just to keep things /ck/ here's a school lunch from China.

>> No.5166068

>dat GOAT GFS pizza

Where da Ranch at nigga?

>> No.5166071


>> No.5166072
File: 226 KB, 600x343, kouluruoka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're trying a bit too hard, bub. You sound like an American right wing nutjob who's trying too hard to make the embarrassing, sad tray OP posted disappear by yelling loudly enough at people posting images of better school lunch systems.

You know it's a problem, you know it could be fixed easily by a little less political zero sum thinking and less subsidy corruption on your end, and you know it's harming the children. But you can't admit or address the issue like an adult - like the Scandinavian do - because you can't stomach the idea of letting "dems" succeed at something.

>> No.5166073


Last I heard they're building one or two, but the technology is pretty outdated. Compared to the US fleet it's really nothing. There's a whole debate about whether or not carriers will even be relevant in a few decades but that's for another board.

>> No.5166075


Who cares? These days there are exactly two kinds of ships in the navy: Submarines, and targets. Surface ships days have been numbered since WW2, and in case anyone still hadn't learned by then we had the Falklands conflict. An aircraft carrier is just a really big really expensive target.

>> No.5166081

lol the more physically fit non mexican americans that get approved means more bitching about the mexicans who abuse the system and result in mexican americans benifits being cut ahahahahahahahahahhhahaa. but its ok. white power aint talking about themselves ahahhaha

>> No.5166082

Yeah but they'll probably use them on countries that can't defend themselves so it's still kind of relevant.

>> No.5166087

>tl;dr: unhealthy lazy parents are the source

Yes, that's the other half of the pie. Kids are spoiled shits because the parents give them mcDicks all the time until they refuse to eat anything that isn't brown and salted.

>> No.5166094


You know why whites have the privilege of money and white collar jobs? Because we act like civilized people, don't rape infants to cure aids, don't hang out on porches screaming "das raciss" every three minutes while scheming how to get more welfare by popping kids for the tax cut, and we can speak whole and proper English.

Our president is a nigger, what more do you want.

>> No.5166096

its kind of like when government closes of areas of wilderness saying that all these plants and animals only grow in that area. and then 10 years later sell all the property for land development and accidentally kill off the endangered species

>> No.5166098


Would eat, but what the fuck is that brown thing, looks like a glazed shit log.

>> No.5166102


Yeah I'm gonna be honest I have no clue what that brown thing is. Still would eat it though.

It looks like...fish, maybe? It's potentially fish.

>> No.5166112

>its kind of like when government closes of areas of wilderness saying that all these plants and animals only grow in that area. and then 10 years later sell all the property for land development and accidentally kill off the endangered species
[citation needed]

Considering I work in real estate I know how much of a bitch it is to work with the local environmental agencies.

>> No.5166121

lol at acting victimized when called racist by the people you consider beneith you because they were forced to be slaves at one point in time until whites were forced to change slavery up a bit

>> No.5166135

lol and you wonder why people call you racist and will slit your throat after you disrespect their mom because obviously she is not as good as your white dna

>> No.5166140 [DELETED] 
File: 273 KB, 896x486, food1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soaking dry beans. What the fuck.

I just switched from canned beans to dry beans to save money. I brought a pot of black beans to a boil, then moved them to the fridge to soak for 24 hours. Result: NOT TENDER AT ALL BEANS. They didn't expand in size, either. What gives?

What am I doing wrong? I found several online guides that told me to do what I did, but I'm at 48 hours now and the beans are still pretty tough. Am I supposed to cook them again after soaking? Because I was under the impression that they'd be about as tender as the ones in the can after soaking. Serious question, please help.

>> No.5166145
File: 42 KB, 450x450, what even is this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help but feel we've gotten slightly off-topic.

>> No.5166146
File: 124 KB, 746x961, 1366815119052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he's wrong

>> No.5166154

>implying whites were the only slave owners
>implying people of color were the only slaves

sure is Naivety 101 in here

>> No.5166158

Facts are racist in the public school indoctrinated bizarro world we've found ourselves in today.

>> No.5166167

your one of those people that think. oh look its a mexican. work that fucker hard as fuck he is used to it and treat him like shit.

3 weeks later when the mexican quits cuz your a dick
"fuckin lazy uneducated mexican! its not like if i was taking advantage of him or classifying him by race because of the lazy fuck bandwagon i jumped on"

>> No.5166169


Indians are surprisingly fucked up.

>> No.5166176


Kinda looks like a whole cooked banana

>> No.5166180


Samefag. Learn to write, you illiterate monkey.

I won't turn this into /pol/. Just shut up and stop being so buttravaged that your skin is the color of shit.

>> No.5166184


It is the size and shape of a banana, but how the hell do you cook a banana to make it look like that?

>> No.5166189


Could be. A little google-fu makes me think it might be a glazed Plantain. This shit is going to bother me all day, is there a Chinese student in the building?

>> No.5166198

>would you
I do, every wed
they hook me up because im the delivery fag

>> No.5166200

It's a whole fish. Look at the top right of it, you can see a mouth and eye sockets

>> No.5166201

that chart dose not show how whites can get 10 or more driving while drunk charges and still not lose their licence. it dose not show that for every white that gets let off the hook they make up the loss by holding a non white in jail for a bit longer. "its your civil duty to stick up for whites i guess". it does not show all the whites that get off the hook for rape because the said the victim was intoxicated and not in her right mind. it does not show all the charges that got cleaned off the whites records because they had enough money and were white enough to do so. but yeah blacks and indians are treated like shit and. well lets just say i can afford to live in a all white neighborhood but if i did i will go to jail for being treated like shit cuz im not white and some how the white that attacks me and gets injured will somehow be the victim. yeah fuck that chart

>> No.5166209
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>pulling the "i didn' do nuffin!" card

Next thing you're gonna tell me most of the shooting deaths are made-up conspiracies

>> No.5166211

but im trying to become the brown version of white people

>> No.5166219

Dat you, Missa Reverend Jackson?

>> No.5166227

>It's a whole fish.

Holy shit I see it now. Jelly is intensifying, I want a goddamned fried fish for lunch.

>> No.5166232


Aaaaah, so it is. Thank you kind anon.

I could really go for some fish right now, god damn.

>> No.5166234

The fuck?!

>> No.5166239


"Does." The word is does, not dose. Maybe if you didn't drop out of eighth grade to sling crack and knock up Shaniqua, you'd be able to spell a four letter word. Go fucking educate yourself before griping how you deserve a good paying job. Who the hell would hire someone who can't spell on the level of a ten year old?

>> No.5166253

nope. blacks are some violent nigger ass mofos. are you really surprised of how they act considering all the years of keeping them poor and treating them like shit even if they try to better their lives? i dont hate whites. i hate white culture and racist whites. this is true

>> No.5166264

huh can make a couple hundred dollars every day without writing a single word. its called not relying on slave labor to create your high paying desk job

>> No.5166278

normal people logic. "hey judge tim raped marry"
your response. "your honor he didnt capitalize the word Marry" obviously he is an idiot and the rapist should be let go and appologized to"

>> No.5166279
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Oh, please.

Do go on.

>> No.5166284

>all the years of keeping them poor and treating them like shit even if they try to better their lives?
Like affirmative action and hiring and school quotas? Special treatment in the media and in PC circles that don't offend their fragile feelings? Federal monies that attempt to turn their war zones into livable habitats?
Primates would have adapted by now given the special treatments blacks have.
Oh yeah, all of that has been given by that evil white culture you dislike so much.

>> No.5166306
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/pol/ please go

At least Hawaiian kids get some decent stuff.

>> No.5166310


He raped an abstract legal concept? That's impressive.

>> No.5166325

>>the past = creating war zones
>>the future = well we painted the government building and gave them a basket ball. and its illegal to drag them behind trucks now because we lost the rights to have slaves because we lost the war and not because we voluntarilly decided to treat them as equals. what more do they want?

>> No.5166331


I really hope English isn't your first language.

>> No.5166332
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>because we were treated like shit in the past that gives us a blank check to act like animals forever

lol ok brother

>> No.5166341
File: 32 KB, 400x300, chicken nugget day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hot lunch thread
>niggas haven't even brought up chicken nugget day
>implying that neon-yellow gravy didn't have cocaine in it

>> No.5166345


We had the exact same nuggets, same rolls, same everything.

...I liked them.

>> No.5166360

its sort of like being an american but looking like a mexican. say hello to opening your own buisness or else being worked like a dog because its socially acceptable to treat mexicans this way. but yeah what ever we are talking about blacks and not mexicans or i forgot to put a punctuation someplace and my argument is thus invalid. kill off the blacks or make them integrate with the rest of society

>> No.5166386


Monochrome brown lunch, fuck yeah. 2.5 kinds of carbs like it's a perogie.

>> No.5166391

>being taught in school that sauces are high in salt and not healthy.

>school forces manditory school lunches

>school serves high fat high salt sauce every day

>> No.5166405
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Catholic school kid here, I enjoyed Fish Sandwich Fridays.

>> No.5166409

sounds like you a beaner day-laborer who is bitter about digging ditches for a career.

how far off am i

>> No.5166416

The problem with school food runs deeper than you'd ever imagine. A shocking amount of people in charge of deciding what kids eat couldn't even tell you clearly what a calorie is.

From personal experience, there are few agencies of soulless bureaucracy that give less of a shit than school food programs. If it was possible to give negative fucks, they'd have invented it.

>> No.5166435

digging ditches to provide food for the people and even ungreatful gringos is kids work. good guess thar mate.

>> No.5166446

You should go back to Mexico. I've been hearing good things about that paragon of human civilization.

>> No.5166473

see ditch digging crew of 18 people. see 15 non mexicans stand around the truck all day getting paid 20 while 3 mexicans dig for 12 hours. every day and get paid 5 with zero benifits. maexicans are awesome right? each one does the work of 8 men. sounds legit huh

>> No.5166477

see ditch digging crew of 18 people. see 15 non mexicans stand around the truck all day getting paid 20 while 3 mexicans dig for 12 hours. every day and get paid 5 with zero benifits. mexicans are awesome right? each one does the work of 8 men. nothing racist going on at all

>> No.5166479

it's only like that because the entire country was mind-raped by white gringos. They were the epitome of culture and progress before us whiteys came along and ruined everything

>> No.5166484

you know, no one forced you to sneak into our country and work here illegally. If it's so bad you can always go home

>> No.5166487

so because im a beaner your choice is either stay in america and be treated like i need to be worked like a dog or im a piece of trash if i have money and not say anything or just go to mexico. yup not racist things going on at all. nope

>> No.5166493

You guys are getting worked so hard.

>> No.5166495

thats the thing. i was here before the whites and im not from a former slave state. we also get along with feather head indians. what ever white culture inspired by former slave owners.

>> No.5166503

>guy with firsthand knowledge of what schools really serve kids for lunch reports in
>nobody asks him anything
stay retarded /ck/

>> No.5166561

And those products would be bad for you, yes, but not AS bad and they wouldn't leave you feeling like you always want more and more and more.

>> No.5166700

It is wonderful, my friend.

>> No.5166727

Oh, I almost forgot:
Cafeteria, in Italy, is used mainly for elementary schools(there are some cafeterias in some Universities, but they are similar to yours): every kid has his own seat, which it is chosen by the kids themselves at the beginning of the scholastic year. You have your own glass, there is a basket full of slices of bread in every table, and there are some rules: you have to eat both the pasta and the meat, but if you want to have another portion, you take your plate to the "cooking-woman" and she will give you other food.
It is way better than taking your tray and have your food served in some shitty plastic boxes, isn't it?

>> No.5166729


Do you live in Hawaii? If so, I hate you and want to be you. I want to sail a boat between the islands and be a victim of extreme racism because I wasn't born there.

>> No.5166748

I would think that was canada. is it not?

>> No.5166759


Half-Chinese here, it's fish in black bean sauce.

>> No.5166763

I'd eat the pizza, corn, and milk, then throw out all the other slop

Who could seriously delude themselves into thinking that orange shit is fruit

>> No.5166765
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>lunch was so shit at my high school there was an epidemic of people sneaking out to eat in town (which was a ten minute walk away)
>so bad they eventually caved and let everyone but freshman leave during their lunch period

>> No.5166779

Australian here. This freaks me out. Here, parents just send their kids to school with a sandwich for lunch and a apple/small bag of chips for recess.

Buying food at the canteen is a treat and it's usually a sandwich or soup or pie. Maybe an ice block on a hot day. Maybe once a week or fortnight.

>> No.5166815

i think enchiladas

>> No.5166877
File: 44 KB, 720x479, Leek Salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a surprisingly intense culinary program at my high school
>final every year is to create a multicourse meal and then sell tickets in which we cater
>have numerous fights with cafeteria because we are violating contract with school
>basically "no competition" with lunch room is allowed
>selling our final dinner is competition
>creating food based fundraisers for FCCLA (family career community leaders of america) is competition
>cooking food for school events is competition
>inviting principals and higher ups to dine in our kitchen is competition
>putting up flyers for after school cook offs is competition
>we made brownies to sell in the school store
>you guessed it

My fucking cafeteria people were the biggest fucking assholes I've ever met.
They were so mad that a few high schoolers could literally wipe the floor with them culinary-wise
We just did whatever we wanted and claimed it was for FCCLA (contractually they couldn't interfere with organizations like that).
I miss my chef so much but he moved to Amsterdam with his hot wife.
If you're on here Mogridge, thank you for teaching me how to feed myself in style.

Pic related, this was my creation for my groups Culinary 2 Final Dinner. Leek boiled and split, with Cream, Goat, and Feta cheese, bacon, and egg yolks. Cast in a terrine mold with a raspberry walnut vinaigrette on some greens.
I forgot to say that the Culinary 2 (last course in program) was a competitive one. 2 groups, our scores were based on our reviews of the final dinner. LONG LIVE TEAM RAMROD. We won.

>> No.5166884
File: 36 KB, 720x479, Motz Bubble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was our Roulade Lasagna with a Mozzarella bubble. These pictures were part of our grading over the year. We had to show a concept and then execute said concept numerously and do plating.
Literally the hardest I've ever worked in a class.
But so worth it.

>> No.5166894

They don't have Pepperoni anymore? Weak.

>> No.5166900
File: 49 KB, 720x479, PB and J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deconstructed PB&J made using a maltodextrin to powderize the peanut butter and agar agar to form jelly spheres. Plated, shaken, and then seared with a brulee torch.
This was one of our palette cleansers. The other used a similar process to create a pineapple bubble which we laid on an egg-white coconut patty.
Picture soon.

>> No.5166908

And here is the pineapple coconut cleanser.
Our idea was to use a few simple practices in molecular gastronomy to "reinvent" classic foods.
Our dinner was titled 19FIFTY and we played Boards of Canada in the background.

>> No.5166911
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>> No.5166917
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Chicken Pot Pie with Carrot Air.
Not sure what happened in this one. I was Sous Chef but I didn't help our fry team at all because they were idiots.

>> No.5166968





>> No.5166976


Hey, this is pretty good for high school kids. You probably couldn't even make ramen when you were seventeen.

>> No.5166990

I'd eat this stuff

>> No.5167002

>The people who are dissing this lunches don't understand that most schools that serve this stuff, the student's families are poor enough that they don't eat any better at home.

This is total fucking bullshit

>> No.5167008


>carrot air

so literally a foam of carrot?

>> No.5167022 [DELETED] 
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neutral observer here

Daily reminder that there has been a conspiracy to oppress black people. This conspiracy is now extending to average americans regardless of skin tone in an attempt to take over the american government that has been going on for centuries before you were born since the founding of this country and. Let us begin with:

>“I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years. [Touting his underlying intentions for the "Great Society" programs, LBJ confided with two like-minded governors on Air Force One]”

― President Lyndon B. Johnson


In the context of the war on communism expanding socialist policies doesnt make sense. Unless you know that it was deliberate knowing that poor people would be affected the most and oppressed by such policies.

The oppression wasnt limited to the government though. Ever heard of the Black Wall Street? No? Theres a reason why



It was a deliberate attempt by white people to destroy the most successful black community. Tulsa had the potential of setting off a chain reaction of black liberation and forward movement. Thats why it was burned down like MLK was shot down.


>> No.5167029
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>The Tulsa Race Riot was a large-scale, racially motivated conflict on May 31 and June 1, 1921, in which whites attacked the black community of Tulsa, Oklahoma. It resulted in the Greenwood District, also known as 'the Black Wall Street'[1] and the wealthiest black community in the United States, being burned to the ground. During the 16 hours of the assault, more than 800 Blacks were admitted to local white hospitals with injuries (the black hospital was burned down), and police arrested and detained more than 6,000 black Greenwood residents at three local facilities, in part for their protection.[2] An estimated 10,000 blacks were left homeless, and 35 city blocks composed of 1,256 residences were destroyed by fire. The official count of the dead by the Oklahoma Department of Vital Statistics was 39, but other estimates of black fatalities have been up to about 300.[2]

Planned parenthood btw was a deliberate attempt to cull the black poulation from expanding and gaining more power. You see numbers are key in this world, whites outnumbered other people to conquer them and take their land and were 30%+ of the world population in the 1800 and early 1900s. Having more blacks was a threat to a white society like Tusla was.


This coupled with things like the KKK (cant have those blacks voting to make their lives better ideology), Segregation/ Jim crowe laws etc were clear forms of oppression and deliberate attempts against the black community.

>"b-but that happened years ago!! racism has been made illegal and we're equal today!"

Not really, Things like having a black name but equal qualifications equate to leltrashman.jpg for your resume.



>> No.5167038 [DELETED] 
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The plague of socialistic programs have taken their tole on the black community too by now. They were more successful before socialism, and the government at the time knew this would happen.

Theres also the matter of the CIA shipping drugs into inner city black communities in the 80's in order to fund illegal operations in foreign countries. They possibly even created crack cocaine which is more addictive and cheaper than cocaine.




If you do any research on the War on Drugs btw you will more than likely come to the conclusion that it was a scheme to boost the prison system, kicking back tax payer dollars to private prison corporations by imprisoning people for victimless drug crimes as the CIA and government conencted drug running operations ran the drugs thrirselves to make profit of them but also to surpress natural drugs while allowing the pharmaceutical industry to flourish. The bulk of the imprisoned people came from poor nonwhite communities despite whites having a higher amount of drug user both by total number and percentage of population.


Middle class and higher white communities wouldnt stand for a war on drugs in their neighborhoods, but poor ethnic communities come to expect it like they expected police brutality wich was underscored and came to light with the sensationalized rodney king beating as camera video technology advanced. Today this encroaching police brutality is less targeted directly at blacks and more at americans in general as you see in the thomas kelly beating.


>> No.5167040
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A reason for the war on drugs in mostly ethnic communities is violence. This doesnt account however for the lack unhanded focus on ethnic communites in general even when less violent or if violent. Or with the racial profiling of blacks in new york city with constituionally illegal stop and frisk practices, where the police can search anybody they want under their own suspicion.


On the topic of violence, it is often said that ethnic people commit more crimes than whites. That said I believe this is a bit of mishading of the statistics. It could be more accurately said that poorer, younger, less integrated into society groups of people commit more crime. Taking into account the average white american age is ~40 and considerably less for ethnic people


Seeing that young people are more criminal than other people, and the justice system has been notoriously racist in the past with all white juries in lynching trials voting not guilty despite overwhelming evidence.



(more on lynching in general)

and perhaps the present too.





>> No.5167043
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Seeing that, It would seem more understandable why the crime statistics are much higher. Coupled with integration into society and reduce poverty levels with higher equality and smaller disparity levels being key for lower crime. There is also information about the earliest immigrants from germany and italy and other places on their high crime rates that underscore this view but I cant find the link right now. If i'm not mistaken the crime rate was higher too than today for those people. Some might counter and say it doesnt count though because the nation was poorer, to which I would say thats the point.

We must also not forget that the liberal policies in the most dangerous and violent places today perhaps created the violence through strict control of guns and a near removal of the right to bear arms by civilians. Many of the high crime rate metropolitan cities like New York and Chicago have the most liberal policies that include strict gun laws that embrazzen criminals and drive up crime rates to which the black community sees more of not having the financial resources to diminish crime or even the tools to deter crime becoming victims to the thugs.

All this is just the tip of the iceberg other things like

>blacks being experimented on biologically


predominately black schools receive less money per capita than compared to predominately white schools. not just in the decades/ century prior but modern day.

>Mortgage discrimination

are examples of unfair practices the black community has been forced to deal with.


>> No.5167048 [DELETED] 
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Thats just the known stuff so far, theres other non fully founded theories that wouldnt surpise me if they were right. Gangster rap being used for psyops



AIDS being created as a form of population control



IQ was mentioned several times in this thread without any credence towards what causes disparity.

>Poverty and all its related concerns require so much mental energy that the poor have less remaining brainpower to devote to other areas of life

spamfilter wont let me post google /2013/09/poverty-lowers-iq.html and go to the blog url

>Consistent with Jared Diamond's (1997) hypothesis, the paper shows how the differences in the timing of agriculture transition and the histories of States, not population IQ differences, predict international development differences before the colonial era. The average IQ of populations appears to be endogenous, related to the diverse stages of nations’ modernization, rather than being an exogenous cause of economic development.


>IQ increases based on education and other factors


Theres those points and also what I think is just common sense, smarter general populace can be a result from selected breeding such as in dogs. Living in communities with abundance and stability allows for the breeding of smarter people to become more advantageous.


>> No.5167055
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This advantage was not seen in most african populations due to environment. Crops didnt grow naturally in abundance in subsahara africa, small spiders and snakes could kill you with one bite, the desserts and jungles were harsher environments than woodlands flocked with open fields, most of africa was geographically isolated from interaction and transition of ideas and goods far longer than other people. Then came the wars with already developed nations and africans who had a headstart, mass continued slavery and finally oppression which is still being seen today. Theres no reason that IQ disparity has to stay the same due to potential of the person to evolve and the nature of evololution; iq can and will grow with time and the right factors and social development like it did with everyone else. Perhaps the south east asians are one of the smartest groups in the world due to long living stable civilizations.

The other charges of violence, rape, etc is false attribution to solely blacks. Rape has been prevalent in every society, white on non white rape has probably been the most intense in the world in prior ages with white rape on native americans during expansionism, rape of native southern americans, russian rape of germans post ww2, etc. The colonial period and both world wars are attribute to white capacity for violence btw; I believe this capacity is a human attribute though, not based on skin color but a myriad of factors and the nature of man. Beastiality, pedophilia, homosexuality, rape, violence were practiced in ancient times and are practiced modern times by nonblacks. Such attempts at demonization and false total attribution to 1 race is thinly veiled.

>> No.5167058
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The whole point though is that people who claim blacks have equality with one side of their mouth and slew racial slurs in the other side are probably the ones oppressing them in a job interview, in the court jury box, mortgage application or putting them down on the street. The blatant and persistent racism found in this thread is an example of how black people still have it hard. You, you're the one talking out of of both sides of the mouth making life more complicated and fostering general disunity, plaguing societies and ostracizing and limiting people, youre the problems. The dead weight tied onto our society as we're trying to move forward as a whole as you attempt to anchor us in the past. Youre the one playing off of the illuminattyglobalelitereprtilianjewshapeshiftingknightsofmaltainterdimensionalsatanists or whatever the fuck you want to call it plans at using basic ancient tactics of divide and conquer. The rest of america has grown up though, we realized long ago equality or rights and fair and equal treatment was something inherit to every human; as a whole we have decided that this is what is true and right and the rest who havent are left with the option of adapt or die.


>> No.5167200

This whole meal is just a clusterfuck.

>> No.5167224

>are probably the ones oppressing them

Well then, how do you explain why blacks are often (and rightfully) complaining about skin-color discrimination, but the moment the discussion turns to sexual orientation, they're the first to scream about the fags burning in hell. Why is it that the mainstream black community seems to be rightfully upset with racial equality concerns but not with gender or sexual orientation equality?

>> No.5167226

And here we have an example of the same insanity and forced psychoticness just on the other side of the coin. Thank you for politically correcting the FUCKING FOOD BOARD.

>> No.5167971

>It isn't even money, just stupidity and laziness, that causes school lunches to be such shit. You can make oatmeal, chili, rice and beans, eggs, potatoes, all manner of soup and stew, for pennies a serving. And the schools act like they serve frozen prepackaged shit because they're oh so broke muh budget gib monies please. While the lazy incompetent asshole administrators drive BMWs. Learn to fucking cook. Just thinking about it gets me all sorts of mad.

Holy shit, this. You practically just pay for shipping and handling when you buy rice and (dried) beans they're so cheap. I don't know why I never saw it as a public school meal. The "but muh budget" argument never made sense to me.

>> No.5167993


>moving goalposts

Also what the flying fuck does any of this have to do with food?

>> No.5167999
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>stereotypes everywhere

>> No.5168023


>Brulee torch

Fucks sake they didn't even let us use an oven in Home Ec, you lucky shit.

>> No.5168051

is that a bowl of ground hamburger with some kind of cheese flavored paste and salsa on it? that sounds fucking amazing holy shit.

>> No.5168059

its cheap as fuck. 2.50 for these meals. at my school anyways, it was a cheese burger, or a pizza, milk or juice, and pudding and an apple. sometimes it came with tater tots or fries etc. basically a decently sized lunch, for two bucks fifty. cant beat that.

>> No.5168085
File: 107 KB, 800x600, Rote_Grütze_mit_Vanillesoße.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just finished looking through all the food and I am somewhat shocked. Most of the things look nice if they would be served ocassionally but eating so much fat almost every day simply cannot be healthy. Why can't America and GB into balance? Also what's up with America serving pudding with every meal?

I went to an evangelic private school in Germany and the food wasn't always good, but it was tolerable. Sometimes we had really good self made food like Ćevapčići (the cooks were from Eastern Europe) but sometimes just baked fish. And the desert sometimes had a shitload of sugar but we also got fruit. Pic related was my favourite desert.

>> No.5168089

what desert is that?

>> No.5168094

Its just yoghurt with a variety of red berries. In German it's called Rote Grütze. The original name is Rodgrod

>> No.5168107

it changed too. there were of course salads, and pastas, and there were wraps, but it changed. tacos, chicken pattys, rib e q (mcrib) chicken fajita, chicken dinner, chop suey (fucking spelling) etc etc. quality was always pretty bad though. i mean, they tasted good, im sure they were pumped full of msg and things, but greasey as all fuck among other shit.

>> No.5168201

Sorry, I'm late in the thread.
While your punishment is amazingly good at having more school shooting, you are right for the food.
It's not about respect thought, it's about eating healthy. Kids don't even know what a meal with starters and a main with vegetable side is. And served on a dish, not in a plastic wrapping.
Nowadays, parents are niggers and it's the role of the school to teach not only maths, but also parent about not to accept candies from /b/astards, to wear a condom, and to eat actual healthy food. Oh, and that milk comes from cows...
Also, the guy from supersize me (or was it Michael Moore?) said that some nigger schools have advertisement from MacDonald... (And that's something one should put in a Yurop vs. USA troll thread.)
I like canned fruits too!
I know 5$ McDonald menu is a terrible quality*quantity/money ratio. I learned that by going to 15$ places on a regular basis, and to 150$ Michelin places on birthday...
You learned by "reading books". Some people don't even know this word. And some can't boil pasta nor cook an egg.
Indeed. I went to a boarding school that banned phones and CD player, "because we pay for our payphone, and you have to learn to socialise." Rolled cigarettes were also banned since they couldn't recognise them from pot joint. I still smoked pot everyday. (I stopped 10 years ago)
see >>5165546'); It was "healthy", but overcooked and tasteless, "salt before tasting" grade.
Yuropoor too here, I have a stigma with plastic too. Dishwasher are cheap, simple, and fast.

I am the only one thinking that drinking sweet drinks (chocolate milk) with a salty meal is a terrible lack of taste? I'd rather have a glass of piss.


>> No.5168238

I had that for 2€ (3US$). With a jewish margin, but it was more than 0.30€ to produce.
And hint, it wasn't "home made", it was microwaved frozen food. The "chef" just used a spoon to put it in a plate. I eat decent food in a plate when I have TV dinners.

Oh, the drink conversation started just after where I stopped. I only had tap water.
I also only had 1 "fry day" or "pizza day" once a week btw. And it was like "OK today no boring lesson, we watch a film." day.
What? That's a troll right? You don't get drinks from a bag, right?

About HFCS, I just checked my yerop coke can, it has regular cane sugar. That chemical may even be banned by my nanny state.
And when I talk about corn syrup to my friends, they are all "no, sugar comes from cane or beetroot, you can't make sugar out of corn." (They are uneducated europoor, I agree, but still.)

Oh look, a metal tray. They must have, idk, a dish washer maybe.
Also, 1 carb, 2 vegs, 1 meat. That's a correct meal.
That's pure /pol/ shit, but it's the idea of the difference between a nigger, whatever his race, and a human, see your president.

Also, richfag here. I did look at taxes, cost of life and quality of life in different countries, and USA are not this good compared to my socialist country.
Maybe you should tax the 0.1% more (the 1% are taxed enough actually). I mean, you could tax them 75% (the law didn't pass in France if you have heard of it) and they would still be trillionaires.

>> No.5168362
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>> No.5168391

there is no yoghurt in Rote Grütze

>> No.5168469

>"OK today no boring lesson, we watch a film." day.

Its attitudes like this that lead to people not valuing education. Also a sign of a shitty teacher.