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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5146753 No.5146753[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Words used by food faggots that give you stomach ulcers


>> No.5146761

>sandwich artist
>wuster sauce
>spazzing out and pronouncing Italian food names when the rest of your dialect is American i.e. MOHT-ZA-RAY-LAH

>> No.5146781

>>spazzing out and pronouncing Italian food names when the rest of your dialect is American i.e. MOHT-ZA-RAY-LAH

You mean "MOOZ-UH-RELL"

"GAL-UH-MAH" (Calamari)

"REE-GUT-UH" (Ricotta)

I fucking hate New Jersey

>> No.5146784

Artisan. Used in 90% of food advertising despite literally meaning nothing. Whatever advertising exec came up with it needs to die.

>> No.5146791


I'm an Italian American from up north and I say REH GOT instead of ricotta just because that's how my parents say it

>> No.5146807

This shit. Although New Jersey ain't that bad.

My girlfriend also says "gah-nool" (canoli).

>> No.5146821

That Giatta De Laurentis chick on Food Network annoys the shit out of me.

>> No.5146830

Hoagie is a certain kind of sandwich on a certain kind of roll. What else would you call a hoagie?

>> No.5146831

A sub

>> No.5146833

>hero sandwich, grinder, submarine sandwich, etc

>> No.5146851

As a kid, it blew my mind when I found out hoagie wasn't the universal term for a sub. It's pretty much just regional dialect, kind of stupid to hate that.

>> No.5146855

>Not eating delicious gobbaghoul

>> No.5146863

>regional dialect

except for the fact that only faggots from philly use the term

>> No.5146864


Do you also get pissed when people don't pronounce them Juhleppuhnoes?

>> No.5146872

I thought people from Philly said grinder? I'm from Western PA and we use the term here.

>> No.5146943

>calling olive oil "E-V-O-O"
Seriously makes me furious

>> No.5148880

Why would someone do this? Aren't the two distinctly different?

>> No.5148905


Grinder is a hot sandwich, hoagie is a sub/hero/whatever.

I moved from New Jersey, where everyone calls it a sub, to Philly, and now everyone calls it a hoagie.

I don't understand why this would legitimately bother anyone.

>> No.5148906


I don't care if they aren't "food faggots" it's fucking annoying

>> No.5148922


Because I know a pastie is going to destroy my insides

>> No.5148941

Why are autists so easily upset?

>> No.5148960

This is like using emoticons.
Don't fucking do it unless you're 13.

>> No.5148971
File: 80 KB, 456x386, 1303999851086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my mom says "yum-o"

Mom you're not Rachael Ray.

>> No.5148977

>getting annoyed at things means you're autistic!

Can we please make using the words autism, autist, etc., a bannable offense?

>> No.5148987

wow don't get your assburgers too ruffled there

>> No.5149000


Sperg's like this poster really ruin the board.

>> No.5149009

But "Wuh-stir-sure" is the correct pronunciation. Saying "War-chest-er-shy-er" is ignorant.

>> No.5149028


you're enabling the speech impediments of british peasants.

i bet you say focksel instead of forecastle.

>> No.5149042

Hoagie is legitimate, nom can be cute, the rest are shit. OP however, is still a fag.

>> No.5149044

>The British way of pronouncing a part of Britain is wrong.
I bet you say "Jala-pen-oh" with an English "J"

>> No.5149048

describing yourself as a "foodie"

>> No.5149149

the stupid assholes think they're saying it all authentic like

my brothers ex-gf would say "mooz-uh-rell"

i wanted to strangle that cunt

>> No.5149164

fine, but what happens when you want a hoagie?

>> No.5149511

'Apps' for appetizers. FUCK.

>> No.5149542

nothing because i actually try to not anger myself for silly reasons

>> No.5149551


you posted this in another thread yesterday but i lost it and didn't get a chance to ask you...


it's an acronym...

>> No.5149591
File: 15 KB, 413x310, 1391055905880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuuuucking italian americans

>> No.5149887


>> No.5149890

abbreviated words like that are always annoying

>> No.5149908

fucking kill yourself

>> No.5149913

>everyone and their mother just using the word "flavorful" to describe something

>> No.5149916

Food designer
Dish decorator
That kind of shit

>> No.5149922

Just wait until you work for a real company, there are dictionaries of acronyms and abbreviations that idiots are expected to memorize. I just say fuck it, I'm not there for your bullshit, I'm there to do a job and go home, and that's what I do. They can stuff the corporate dictionary.

>> No.5149924

The word Delicious bothers me, grates my ears.

Artisan is the most over-used an misused food word of all.

A product is not artisan, the creator is the artisan, meant to imply someone that's on higher level of quality and skill than most.

>Tonight we have artisan made ice cream from artisan cows, but we also have a whipped cream topping made exclusively with organic, artisan air.

>> No.5149978

Sandwich Artist

>> No.5149993

How the fuck else are you supposed to describe "a drizzle of ____?"

>> No.5149995

a teaspoon

>> No.5150007

>>5149995? Do you just dump it on, or do you drizzle it?

>> No.5150033

you add it on

>> No.5150084

Do I mix my flour and salt? Or add it on?
Do I sprinkle it with pepper? Or add it on?
Do I combine my egg and milk? Or add it on?
Do I fold vanilla into my egg whites or add it on?

Sometimes you need to be specific, dumbass.

>> No.5150095

You add flour to salt
Pepper can be added on
You add eggs to milk
You add vanilla to egg whites
>implying thats not specific

>> No.5150100

I don't think you understand the term "specific."

>> No.5150106

>Do I mix my flour and salt?
no, you drizzle it

>> No.5150110

My faggot brother asks me to 'whip up a besshy' when wants me to make a bechamel for something.

>> No.5150146

>My faggot brother asks me to whip
stopped reading right there

>> No.5150203

My aunt pronounced parmesan "par-mee-zee-an"

shit drove me CRAZY

>> No.5150211

"Drizzle" isn't a measurement, though.

>> No.5150219


>> No.5150223

I see it a lot. On /ck/ even.

>> No.5150234

I'm OP, and I currently live in New Jersey but commute to NYC for work.All the yuppies I see here use the term "hoagie" over hero over here, I suppose just to be contrarian assholes.

>> No.5150241

That's because a lot of women and normies use this board.

It's common for them to use old internet slang thinking it is hip.

It's also the nature of internet culture to look back at itself in disgust.

>> No.5150302

It is wrong, sorry. Errors in English happen and spread all of the time. Accents are always changing and evolving based a lot of the time on misspellings or pronunciation errors. It is not typical of the English dialect to leave out the end portion of the word from being pronounced.

>> No.5150323

"Can I get a sub? Thanks."

>> No.5150329


I'm personally convinced in 100 years every word in the english language is going to devolve into different sounding grunts as people are apparently too lazy to utter something over a single syllable.

>> No.5150336

Given that's what Chinese is... And the language is a few thousand years older than English, this is possible.

>> No.5150358

Nom's been around on /ck/ longer than you fags.

>> No.5150365

Congratulations, it is a shit meme.

>> No.5150481

were shester

or werh for short

wuster is some faggy retard shit

>> No.5150488


(actually, neither of these annoy me)

>> No.5151726

Pretty much any shortening of food terms (guac, mozz, apps) generally makes my blood boil.

>> No.5151800


>> No.5151844

hoagie is a regional thing.

>> No.5153497

It's also a gay thing.

>> No.5153503

>yum, especially when it's said "yu-uhm"

Those are the only things I consistently hear that bother me. Who the hell says "mozz?" Are you shitting me, /ck/?

>> No.5153637

i say cranbo juice when referring to cranberry juice.

get at me.

>> No.5153644

Greasy wop dago people from the northeastish US starting as far south as Baltimore. The ones who think they're Italian but know about as much about Italy and Italian culture as someone who's seen Angela's Ashes knows about Ireland. They say "mots" (rhymes with 'cots'). They also say "moots" (rhymes with the 'toots' part of 'tootsie') and "mootsrell."

>> No.5153659


Just fucking say texture, I don't know when or where some retard came up with the word, "mouthfeel" but it probably happened when his dumbass couldn't recall the word, "texture."

>> No.5153679

Anytime I look up a recipe there's some mom just spouting the word repeatedly.

>> No.5153684

Mouthfeel and texture aren't the same thing.

>> No.5153695

Not that poster, but mouthfeel is related to texture the same way taste is related to smell: closely linked, but not identical.
Something can have a dry mouthfeel though having a wet texture. Example? Chianti. It's texturally wet, but has a very dry mouthfeel. Something can also be moist and solid but have a dry mouthfeel, such as underripe fruit.
"Filmy" is another mouthfeel term, regarding the sensation that they're might be a film left behind in the mouth after eating something. You might not be familiar with wine, so the above example might have been lost on you, but if you're a junk-eating person, think of how Munchos and Funyons leave that film on your tongue after eating them. Their texture? Crispy. The mouthfeel? Filmy.
Get it?
It's a perfectly apt term to use, unlike that umami bullshit.

>> No.5153698

>wine snob
>defending complicated words that mean the same thing as normal ones

pick two

Penn n teller already proved that wine is a scam. enjoy your mouth feels though.

>> No.5153702

>complicated words versus normal words
>Penn n teller
>wine is a scam

I think your fedora just popped off your head.

>> No.5153705

Not a wine snob at all. Don't even remember the last time I bought a bottle of wine. It's just common knowledge that chianti is a dry wine rather than a sweet one. And mouthfeel doesn't mean the same as texture. Texture is solely the physical aspect of a food. Mouthfeel is the chemical/residual aspect of the food. Two different things. And it's not complicated.

>> No.5153707

Texture denotes the quality of the actual material. Mouthfeel includes texture but also denotes how the material itself interacts with your mouth.

You seem to think words are "complicated" or "normal" though, so I wouldn't expect any meaningful discourse coming from your end.

>> No.5153708

Sounds like pretentious bullshit to me. If we were talking in person, I would've punched you in the throat by now.

If there really is a difference perhaps they could've come up with a term that didn't sound like it was made up by a six year old.

>> No.5153712

You wouldn't punch anyone. Ever.

>> No.5153714

I've lived in Philly for 18 of my 28 years, and I've only ever heard anyone call it a hoagie. The only time people use something like "sub", is if there is a Subway or something like that, where they specifically call them that.

>> No.5153715

>If we were talking in person, I would've punched you in the throat by now.
I bet you wouldn't even be able to maintain prolonged eye contact if we were talking in person, let alone initiate any physical altercation with me.

>> No.5153719

Just curious, how old are you?

>> No.5153721

Clearly I've never have, and never will punch someone because you know me so well.

>> No.5153722

Shut up, Jay.

>> No.5153723

Who the fuck is Jay?

>> No.5153726


>> No.5153730

>If there really is a difference perhaps they could've come up with a term that didn't sound like it was made up by a six year old.
Who is, "they"? Why would the phonetics of the word itself have an impact on its connotation?

The word mouthfeel has been around for at least 150 years. It isn't new, you just heard about it recently and are, for some reason, defensive and upset about it.

You are like an unsocialized puppy who is afraid of new things.

>> No.5153733


>> No.5153787
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>fresh muzz and gabbagol

>> No.5153837

guidos mispronouncing everything



people who pronounce habanero with the H and pronouncing the N as if it had a tilde like in jalapeno.

What's wrong with using the acronym? I don't feel like spelling out "extra virgin olive oil" every single time.

>> No.5153838


How are these more legitimate than hoagie?

>> No.5153844

i hate this word
so much

>> No.5153848

You sound like a manchild.

>> No.5153850
File: 52 KB, 536x400, bill cosby laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a perfectly apt term to use, unlike that umami bullshit.

10/10, perfect troll finish.

>> No.5153851


>> No.5153856

I've only seen females and fags use the word. I always say frozen yogurt.

>> No.5153858

>give you stomach ulcers
>Whatever advertising exec came up with it needs to die.
>Seriously makes me furious
>i wanted to strangle that cunt
>fucking kill yourself
>shit drove me CRAZY
>makes my blood boil.
>I would've punched you in the throat by now.

You all sound like very high-stress individuals. This shit legitimately bothers you? Do yourself a favor and fucking relax.

>> No.5153861 [DELETED] 

the day I hear this outside of the internet is the day I move to antarctica

>> No.5153870

That is indeed an impressive compilation of ragefilled comments.

However 98% of those individuals, when confronted with their "hated" terms in real life, will just awkwardly mumble incoherent stuff or even let out a fake chuckle to confirm their conversation partners dominance.

>> No.5153875

do yourself a favor and stop being new on the internet.
on related news: people greatly exaggerate their feelings on the internet.

>> No.5153892

>bleu cheese

Jamie Oliver

>snipers (plura forl sniper rifle)
Not food related but I need to get that off my chest because it's fucking annoying.

>> No.5154707
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>be me
>bake fresh bread
>bring to dinner party
>here everyone, have fresh bread.

>hot blonde, "is it artisan anon?"

Artisan. Fuck that shit hard.

People that use the word umami as if its a real thing. What utter bullshit.

>> No.5154757


Broo sket ah



Fuck anyone who uses any of these words.

>> No.5154769

I use Crudités and compote all the time. Then again I speak French all the time and they are legitimate words in the language.

>> No.5154770
File: 656 KB, 1024x576, 1391207048352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, Mike.

>> No.5154775

>burnt bread with shit on it
Would that be better than bruschetta? Or are you saying that 'broo-sket-tah' is incorrect? Cuz it ain't.

>> No.5154840

If pronouncing words how they're supposed to be pronounced is "faggy retard shit", then I'm proud to be a faggy retard.

>> No.5154847

I think I'll have the scrambled eygz

>> No.5154865
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>comfort food


>> No.5154916

>ex would literally say "sammich" when she wanted a sandwich
Why would anyone do that to themselves? To what degree are you being cute by mispronouncing a word? I am glad I broke up with her. She and her whole family were assholes.
>people who write recipes in their shit language and urge people to take them
I want to stop going to college and listening to the foodies talk.

>> No.5154921

I'm also a supertaster.

>> No.5154925

we used to say, "chikken sandich" for Wendy's chicken sandwiches.

>> No.5154965

If you see anyone describing their self as a foodie, piss directly in their face.

Fuck you.



Made by mexicans

>> No.5154974
File: 182 KB, 750x600, violentpurge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive never heard anyone say "za" but god damn it if I did...

>> No.5154978

>their self
Are you black? Or white American southerner? These are the only two groups I know to say "their self," ever.

>> No.5154984



>> No.5154986
File: 81 KB, 580x657, rustled-jimmies-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people need to chill

>> No.5154988

Sometimes I purposefully mispronounce things to infuriate these kinds of faggots.


>> No.5154999

>all of these people getting buttmad about "umami"

I don't understand, it's the correct term.

>inb4 "just say savory"

This is as legitimate as "just say umami."

>> No.5155001


apply yourself

>> No.5155005

...Fuck. I studied Spanish for five years, and I never noticed that wasn't an ñ. I'll work on correcting that.
Though I will defend the H since you pronounce it in Havana, and that's where the word comes from.

>> No.5155010


>implying I was trolling

I'm sorry you don't have any actual argument.

>> No.5155139

When extremely white people use muy delicioso to describe food

>> No.5155221

You know how you eat Capt'n Crunch, and it just tears up the roof of your mouth? That's it's mouthfeel. The texture of it is crispy and crunchy, but it's mouthfeel is sandpaper.

>> No.5155233

What's the deal with all this /tv/-/ck/ cross-boarding all of a sudden?

Are you guys trying to kill our board too?

>> No.5155436

>The word mouthfeel has been around for at least 150 years.
Nope, started around the 1980's. Way to be wrong, faggot.

>> No.5156820

what does this thread have anything to do with /tv/? That's like saying /v/ crossboards with /tv/ because Costanza is a popular reaction image over there.

>> No.5156841

You're both wrong. The first use in print was in an article describing wine. The article was published in 1951.

>> No.5156891

>I fucking hate New Jersey
Hey now, don't blame the state. I'm from South Jersey, I hate this shit too.

You're also leaving off gabagool. And spahget.

>> No.5156900

>Penn n teller already proved that wine is a scam

>> No.5156918

Where in Jersey? I'm in south jersey and I never hear anyone call it a sub.

>> No.5156921

>I don't understand, it's the correct term.
No, it's not.

>> No.5156922

> It's just common knowledge that chianti is a dry wine rather than a sweet one

All wine is sweet though