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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5140644 No.5140644[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, massaged kale salad.
>massaged kale
>olive oil
>balsalmic vinegar
>other half of lemon
>a bit of sugar
>olive oil

Any more Kale recipes? And what can I do with the stalks?

>> No.5140660

>massaged kale

Let me tell you why you're a faggot...

>> No.5140668

don't cut yourself on that edge bruh

>> No.5140685

>le opion i don lik is sharp

>> No.5140692

My daily kale looks like

>unmassaged, steamed kale
>a few tablespoons of freshly-ground flaxseed
>balsamic vinegar

The flax absorbs the vinegar and clings to the kale. It's a healthy alternative to using an oil-based dressing. Some people like to soak and puree cashews with lemon juice to top their kale with too, but I haven't tried that myself

The stalks I just throw out. You could juice them or chew on them gorilla style, but they aren't that useful for anything

>> No.5140700

hmm ill try that... i like to sauté muh kale too

>> No.5140710

>>massaged kale

10 years ago wants it's bullshit raw food fad back

>> No.5140716

What does massaged kale mean?

>> No.5140832

i like keeping the stalks in the salad so i have something to stab

>> No.5141927


When did this Kale thing get so big?

In HS i worked in kitchen for a buffet restuarant, Kale was only ordered to garnish the hotel pans. We blew thru 20 boxes a week, all around the salad bar, all in the pans, under the platters with butter, forks etc.

Come back to the States after 6 years (working overseas) and now its like all the rage...

>> No.5142004

Kale is extremely healthy for you, so it's actually pretty nice to see it get popular.

>> No.5142063

You know, like lambasted hambeans or rectified nuisance stalks

>> No.5142071

All the "flavor of the month" food hipsters are now discovering it and actually using it.

I've been eating kale pretty much all my life. My mom used to use it once every week or two and we used to grow it in the garden every year.

I love kale and I usually get a bunch or two every week. I'll continue to do so, regardless of whether it's the new rage with the food hipsters or not because it's fucking delicious and good for you.

>> No.5142077

I've never seen the problem with food trends, if it's good and tasty who gives a shit?

>> No.5142085


But I liked it FIRST >:c


>> No.5142095

Exactly my point. I really don't understand all the people on this board that get all butthurt about people liking kale or sriracha or bacon.

They act like they lost their special snowflake status when other people like something that they like and then feel compelled to no longer like that food and start looking down on everyone that likes it.

>> No.5142103


>or sriracha or bacon.

These two are different. Has nothing to do with them being a fad food, it's just disgusting fatty cancer food people shouldn't be eating. There's no reason to be mad at someone eating Kale because that's food everyone should eat.

>> No.5142105
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>it's just disgusting fatty cancer food people shouldn't be eating.

found the vegan.

>> No.5142112

I prefer my kale cooked, preferably sauteed with olive oil and garlic. Good with white beans, too.

I'm not a huge fan of sweet shit, so I stay away from balsamic vinegar, honey and sugar in my dressings.

>> No.5142162

I am curious. What does massaged mean? Crushed, bruised, or what. I Like kale (trendy or not) and always have. I rough chop it (if others are going to eat I strip the stems, if just me, I cut it all up, same with collards I like the texture and the roughage likes my guts),parboil, drain, and into a skillet with a LITTLE bacon or fatback grease OR olive oil (and not "precious evoo"-if eating olive oil, I want to taste it). Add a bit of salt if not using bacon fat. Toss with some decent cooking grade balsamic (don't break the bank-we're dressing greens here-cider vinegar can be just as good). If you cooked bacon to render the fat now if the time to crumble it back in. If like me, you probably ate already. Seriously, I like greens, kale, kohl rabbi, turnip,collard,beet tops,cabbages...except - creasy greens. A very small plant found in harvested corn fields. Boiled, they smell like a long uncleaned aquarium tank.

>> No.5142172

Means you sprinkle some lemon juice on it and with your hands bunch and squeeze them so it softens up.

I like my kale raw so I don't know what all these faggots are going on about making fun of the OP

>> No.5142219


>not vegan

>> No.5142244

You beat me to it goddamit>>5142105

On the note of this thread, I normally just throw together a garden salad with kale and use a tablespoon of bacon grease as a dressing.

>> No.5142256


>and use a tablespoon of bacon grease as a dressing

It's like you purposely destroy your health just to make a point

>> No.5142286

I don't though it's pretty good. I normally just eat eggs, spinach, pasta, and tomatoes, but whne I do crave something meaty I'll do that kale salad bacon grease thing.

Also fat isn't bad for you. It's an efficient source of calories. A few sports team have put their athletes on a fat/bone marrow diet to either get into shape, have energy, or lose weight. Obviously they eat other essential staples like fiberous veggies and grass fed beef.

Their daily meal is something like
coffee with butter
bacon and bone marrow broth soup with kale/spinach/whatever
steak with cauliflower/kale/spinach whatever
bone marrow broth for snack

>> No.5142332


>Also fat isn't bad for you.

Depends on the source of the fat. Just like "carbs" aren't bad for you, but white bread and refined sugar is. I also don't believe that diet for a second, no athlete is going to eat a diet that high in fat and void of carbohydrate. You may think fat is a good source of energy because it's 9 calories per gram instead of 4, but the way your body uses it for energy is shit. We're meant to utilize glucose.

>> No.5142657

