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File: 83 KB, 335x335, spam5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5140418 No.5140418 [Reply] [Original]

So my parents like to give me joke presents every year, and this time they "spammed" the tree with pic related.

The problem is that I've still got 7 cans of the stuff lying around, and no clue what to do with it. I've browsed Google for recipes, but pretty much everything I find is some disgusting concoction only popular in Hawaii.So I come now to you guys hoping that someone might know a recipe or two involving spam that doesn't leave me dehydrated or at risk for a heart attack.

>> No.5140433

Fry two slices so they are crispy on the outside but still flexible. These will be your 'bread'. Use them to make a sandwich with kraft cheese, bacon, another slice of spam(this time very crispy), and plenty of mayo.

>> No.5140439

My mom used to pan fry it, like you would fry ham. Some days I put it on a sandwich with fried eggs and mustard.

>> No.5140440

You can make fancy ramen, add an egg, etc. There's good recipes online to jump off from.

>> No.5140446

Spam fried rice
Grilled spam and cheese sandwich
Red beans rice and spam
Skillet fried potatoes with onion and spam

>> No.5140447

Slice FRONT TO BACK (not top to bottom like some retards)

Fry in bacon grease with tabasco n' black pepper, then put between two slices of lightly toasted bread with american cheese.

Or you know, fried rice or potatoes or ramen or something.

>> No.5140459
File: 8 KB, 264x191, myside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw used to bring two spam musubi to school every day for ten years
>eat (and drink) far more unhealthy these days
>pushing 30 and doing just fine

>> No.5140468

make/buy kimchi, and stirfry some kimchi fried rice.

>> No.5140475

>The problem is that I've still got 7 cans of the stuff lying around, and no clue what to do with it.
It's been only a month since the holidays.....those cans will be edible about 4 years from now. Just shelve them until you're in the mood again. It's good ice storm/hurricane/emergency power outage/in bed with the flu/drunk late night pantry food. Just calm down. You're right, it's not that healthy, so space it out. Wait until you get invited to a potluck and share the wealth.

Cubans make bocaditos at parties in Miami. It's basically a deviled ham, pimento, cream cheese, pickle kind of spread. You take a tray of King Hawaiian bread rolls, or those soft little slider rolls, or potato rolls, whatever you find at your grocery. Halve the whole slab of rolls, put the spread inside in a thin layer, Cut into bitesize portions with a breadknife, and voila, finger sandwiches. Delicious if chilled and made a couple hours ahead.

I wouldn't use Spam for much more than dips or spreads. It's such a high fat content. You can buy an entire ham roast on sale for like $8 several times a year. This stuff was only for value for island dwellers and emergencies, since it's invention.

>> No.5140480

I've tried pan frying a couple cans. Turned out ok, but I'm thinking of experimenting with spices or something. I've heard that oregano rubbed into the slabs before frying tastes good, same with thyme.

>> No.5140482

Panfry cracker crumbs coated croquettes, which are a mixture of crumbs and ham, formed into a little roll. You can fry them, and then freeze the whole batch to recrisp later by oven or panfrying.

>> No.5140508

the problem with storing it is that I'm in a shithole of a campus apartment with two vegetarians (who luckily don't get on my ass about meat). Our kitchen is tiny, so I'd like to go through them at a steady pace so I don't hog the cupboard.

>> No.5140515

jjust put em in the closet wtf

>> No.5140518


>I'm thinking of experimenting with spices or something

In Hawaii we usually pan fry it, then hit it with soy sauce and sugar.

>inb4 extra sodium - we also eat it with two scoops of rice doused in soy sauce

>> No.5140519

What closet? It's a very shitty apartment.

>> No.5140522

Then on the floor you fucking retard.

>> No.5141351

cut into slices, rub with garlic, dip in batter, deep fry.

>> No.5141373

cut into fat pieces, try to cut bone shapes into the slices

pan fry

add sweet BBQ sauce

toast bun

add to bun with pickles and raw white onion

you have just mcribbed

>> No.5143395

search for hawaiian recipes. motherfuckers love the stuff...

>> No.5143407

dice a tomato or two, some spam, and mince some garlic.

get t hat pan raging hot, and throw in the meat and get a good sear on it, throw in the garlic and turn down to medium. add the diced tomoato and let that breakdown for a few minutes, stirring frequently.

serve on top of eggs.

best thign ive ever learned from a filipino

>> No.5143429

just take it out of the can and cut slices as is between bread.

>> No.5143691

fry em on the stove with some oil, toast some breat make em into sandwiches, shit is delicous for breakfast with some hash browns and eggs

>> No.5143713

Take it out and lay it down and cut it that way. Also, use a cheese slicer, it'll get you even slices, because this shit is a bitch to get right. Then you can pan fry it or bake it. If you're like me, you like it a bit browned.

>> No.5143725


Eat it right out the can, slightly chilled, in one sitting, with a tea spoon.

Drizzle each layer with some dark soy sauce for extra sodium goodness.

>tfw i've actually done this

>> No.5143733


I love spam. One of my faves is:

>Cut spam into c. 1cm thick slices
>Carefully cut right though the slice halfway through it's thickness, but without cutting to the ends, so you've got a kind of envelope.
>Carefully insert a thinly sliced piece of your cheese of choice into said tasty little envelope
>Breadcrumb whole using flour, whisked egg and breadcrumbs
>either bake, fry or if really feeling fat, deepfry

>> No.5143749

Donate them to the local food bank.